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K. N.

Toosi University of Technology

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Coastal, Ports and Offshore Structures Engineering
Course title: Basics of Design of (Ordinary) Marine structures
Teaching assistant: Dr. Soheil Radfar
HW03 | Deadline: December 03, 2021

1. Prior to the commencement of a beach nourishment project near Ocean City, Maryland, on the Atlantic
coast of the contiguous United States, offshore operations at several borrow sites are terminated at sea
states above certain values. Borrow sites are large sand bars that are the sand resources. For this
particular operation, the maximum possible sea states at the offshore sites are based on a 2-hour storm
having a nominal wind speed of 15 m/s (WA = 15 m/s). The borrow sites are located 10 km and 20 km east
of the Ocean City shoreline. Assume all sites are in deep water. For winds out of the west, the JONSWAP
equations are to be used. calculate the significant height and peak period using the SPM-JONSWAP
procedure for both sites.

2. A wave forecast yields Hs = 2.5 m and Ts = 6.5 s. In one hour, how many waves will exceed 3.2 m in
height? What will the maximum wave height be?

3. A wave gage is operated offshore of a potential project site for a period of one year. Owing to gage
problems only 50 weeks of data are collected. The gage is run for a 30-min period each day and the highest
significant height measured each week is tabulated below (wave heights are in meters):

1.05 1.92 3.72 2.04 2.54 1.47 3.50 0.96 2.54 1.36 1.15 3.05 1.80 1.70 2.05 2.07 2.27 1.39 2.39 2.51 0.82
1.86 2.07 3.07 1.66 3.10 2.94 3.00 1.39 3.11 1.39 1.53 2.37 1.16 2.56 2.84 4.53 3.31 1.58 1.46 2.37 2.26
4.48 1.33 2.53 1.37 3.35 2.23 1.98 3.04

4. A tsunami wave has a 0.6 m height in water 2000 m deep. If refraction causes orthogonal spacing to
decrease by a factor of two at a depth of 20 m,

a) what is the wave energy per foot of crest width at the 20 m depth?
b) assuming that this tsunami has a period of 30 min, determine its celerity, length, and height in a
nearshore depth of 10 m assuming no diffraction, or reflection effects.

If you think some information is missing, you can assume it based on clear justifications.

Good Luck!

Soheil Radfar

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