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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation Laboratory Worksheet

College of Medical Laboratory Science Anatomy and Physiology

Instructor: Omar E. Atendido, PTRP

Module 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

A. Multiple choice:
1. An anatomist cuts a cadaver with a large saw in a way that divides the
cadaver into equal left and right halves. The cut is along a ____ plane?
a) Sagittal d) horizontal
b) Midsagittal e) a and b
c) Frontal

2. In many study skulls, the top of the skull can be removed so that inner
features can be seen. Along which plane should one cut to open the top of a
human study skull?
a) Sagittal d) horizontal
b) Midsagittal e) a and b
c) Frontal

3. Which of these regions contains the spleen?

a) Epigastric d) right hypochondriac
b) Hypogastric e) right lumbar
c) Left hypochondriac

4. Soccer players often wear shin protectors, which shield the ____ region
of each leg.
a) Femoral d) calf
b) Tibial e) gluteal
c) Popliteal

5. Control and regulation of other body systems are primary functions of

a) Nervous system d) urinary system
b) Cardiovascular system e) a and c
c) Endocrine system

B. Provide the correct anatomical term.

1. The head is _________ to the feet.
2. The liver is part of the _____ system.
3. A leg amputation is likely to involve a (an) ____ cut, or section, through
4. My lower back or, ______, is sore.
5. The first finger is _______ to the hand, no matter which position it is in.
6. The popliteal vein is found in the ______.
7. The heart is ______ to the right lung,
8. The shoulder is ______ to the elbow, no matter how one’s arm is held.
9. The skin is _____ relative to the skeleton.
10. Adipose tissue is often just ______ to the skin.
11. An occipital scar is on the back of the ______.
12. The wrist is _____ to the hand.
13. The trachea (windpipe) is ______ to the spine.
Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation Laboratory Worksheet
College of Medical Laboratory Science Anatomy and Physiology
Instructor: Omar E. Atendido, PTRP

Module 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

14. The brain is _______ to the spinal cord.

15. The nose is _______ to the cheekbone.

C. Identify the body systems that match the following descriptions:

1. Rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes.
2. Is affected by the removal of the adrenal gland.
3. Protects and supports body organs; provides a framework for muscular
4. Includes arteries and veins.
5. Controls the body by means of chemicals called hormones.
6. External body covering.
7. Houses cells involved in the body’s immune response.
8. Breaks down ingested food into its absorbable units.
9. Leads oxygen into the blood.
10. Generates body heat and provides for movement of the body as a
11. Uses blood as a transport vehicle.
12. Regulates water and acid-base balance.
13. Necessary for the continuation of the human species.
14. Is damaged when you fall and damage your knees.
15. Regulates and controls the function of other body systems by
propagating electrical stimulus

D. Sketch. Make a rough sketch of a human figure in anatomical position.

Then label/ identify the anatomical planes.
Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation Laboratory Worksheet
College of Medical Laboratory Science Anatomy and Physiology
Instructor: Omar E. Atendido, PTRP

Module 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

E. Body Orientation, Direction, Planes, and Sections

Direction: Several incomplete statements are listed below. Correctly
complete each statement by choosing the appropriate anatomical term from
the key. Record the key terms on the correspondingly numbered blanks
anterior distal frontal
Inferior lateral medial
posterior proximal sagittal
superior transverse

In the anatomical position, the umbilicus and knees are on the 1____ body
surface; the buttocks and shoulder blades are on the 2______ body surface;
and the soles of the feet are the most 3 ____ part of the body. The ears are
4_____ and 5______ to the shoulders and 6 _______ to the nose. The
breastbone is 7_____ to the vertebral column (spine) and 8_____ to the
shoulders. The elbow is 9_____ to the shoulder but 10______ to the fingers.
The thoracic cavity is 11______ to the abdominopelvic cavity and
12_______ to the spinal cavity. In humans, the ventral surface can also be
called the 13_______ surface; however, in quadruped animals, the ventral
surface is the 14_______ surface. If an incision cuts the brain into superior
and inferior parts, the section is a 15 section; but if the brain is cut so that
anterior and posterior portions result, the section is a 16______ section. You
are told to cut a dissection animal along two planes so that the lungs are
observable in both sections. The two sections that meet this requirement are
the 17_______  and 18________ sections.

1 10 .
2. 11
3. 12
4. 13
5. 14
6. 15
7. 16
8. 17
9. 18

F. SKETCH and LABEL: Draw a compound microscope and label the basic
parts identified below.

Microscopic slide Nosepiece Lamp

Objectives Mechanical Stage Diaphragm
Eyepiece Condenser Arm
Coarse Adjustment Base Illuminator

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