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20 Agustus 2021, 15.30-17.30WIB

Minutes Time Description Remark
Pre Event
0:10 14:30 - 15:10 Technical check, Room's opened for speakers Host and technical committee are standby
0:05 15:10 - 15:15 Final presentation & technical check All speakers & moderator join webinar room
0:05 15:15 - 15:20 Open webinar room for attendees All attendees join webinar room
0:05 15:20 - 15:25 Bumper loop JG Company All speaker, moderator and technical committee are standby
0:05 15:20 - 15:25 Lagu Indonesia Raya All speaker, moderator and technical committee are standby
0:05 15:25 - 15:30 Mars IGI
On Event Bumper loop & backsound are started
0:05 15:30 - 15:35 Pembukaan MC: Srieheny Kania (backup: Salwa Hanum)
0:05 15:35 - 15:40 Video Profil IGI Host
Sambutan sekaligus membuka Kegiatan Pembekalan Pengurus IGI se-Indonesia oleh Ketua
0:05 15:40 - 15:45
Umum Ikatan Guru Indonesia (IGI) Danang Hidayatullah
0:05 15:45 15:50 Sambutan Chairman PFI Global Manpower Dubes Nadjib Riphat Kesoema
0:05 15:50 15:55 Video Profil Jimmy Gani Host
0:05 15:50 15:55 Moderator Sekjen IGI, Hibatun Wafiroh (backup: Rika Sri Derma)
0:55 15:55 - 16:50 Sesi "Organizational Commitment" Pak Jimmy Gani
0:35 16:50 - 17:25 Q&A Moderator
0:05 17:25 - 17:30 Do'a Anwar Sanusi, Ketwil IGI Jabar
0:05 17:30 - 17:35 Penutup + Sesi Foto Bersama MC

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