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Journal of Clinical Periodontology 19S3: 10: 364-369

Key words: Humans - iniiiof gin^ivilis.

Accepted for publicaiion August 31, I9S2

Histopathology of initial gingivitis

in humans
A pilot study


Departments of 'Periodontology and ^Pedodontics, School of Dentistry, Malmo, Sweden, and ^Department
of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Aarhus, Denmark

Abstract. The present study concerns the inflammatory alterations in the gingival margin during initial
gingivitis in l ] - i 3 year old human subjects.
At day 0 of the experiment, all participants had clean teelh and healthy gingiva. Ali active oral hygiene
measures were excluded for 4 days. From upper and lower premolars, which were extracted for
orthodontic reasons, contralateral gingival biopsies, including the tooth and the adjacent gingiva, were
obtained on days 0 and 4. The presence of inflammatory cells in the junctional epithelium and the
adjacent connective tissue was determined quantitatively in semi-thin sections. The collagen content of
the gingival margin was also determined.
From day 0 to day 4 there was only a slight increase in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the
junctional epithelium and adjacent connective tissue, while a more pronounced increase was found in
the number of mononuclear leukocytes. A loss of collagen was noticed in 4 of the subjects, while 2 did
not show any changes in collagen content.
The inflammatory reaction seen in the present study differs somewhat from that observed in adult
humans and adult dogs. The results correspond more to the reaction seen in juventJe dogs.

Research in recent decades has shown that Lindhe & Rylander 1975, Matsson & Attstrom
gingivitis and periodontitis are caused primarily 1979), When such gingiva is re-subjected to
by bacterial substances released from bacteria accumulation of dental plaque, an acute exuda-
colonizing the tooth at or below the gingival tive inflammatory process will be initiated.
margin (Loe et al. 1965, Lindhe et al. 1973, Clinically an increased flow of gingival fluid
Lindhe & Rylander 1975, Payne et al. 1975; for and an enhanced migration of dento-gingival
review see Page & Schroeder 1976). leukocytes are noted, Histopathologically,
In dogs, strictly normal gingiva can be dense accumulations of neutrophilic granulo-
achieved by careful, prolonged mechanical cytes and mononuclear leukocytes are observed
cleaning of the teeth. The gingival tissues of the in the coronal part of the junctional epithelium
adult dog are characterized histologically by a and adjacent connective tissue. Exudation and
smooth junctional epithelium without rete pegs, deposition of fibrin can also be seen in the
and by a gingival connective tissue with dense affected connective tissue area. The reaction
collagen fiber bundles. Single inflammatory involved a 5-10% portion of the gingival con-
cells can be observed in the junctional epithe- nective tissue and there is in this portion a loss
lium and the connective tissue, but these cells do of up to 70% of the collagen fibers (Lindhe &
not form an infiltrate (Attstrom et al. 1975, Rylander 1975, Matsson & Attstrom 1979). The

mechanisms behind the coHagen loss are not Holm-Pedersen 1965). Before the start of the
known, but they probably include enzymatic experiment the gingival index score was 0 and
breakdown (Schroeder et al. 1975). In the on two consecutive occasions only minor
animal studies referred to, methods were used amounts of gingival fluid were present.
which allowed preservation of the entire dento- On day 0 of the experiment 1 tooth in each
gingival region and the changes in the gingival contralateral pair was randomly selected for
tissues were determined on the light micro- extraction. Following extraction of this tooth
scopic level, utilizing morphometric methods. the experimental subjects were told to abstain
Payne et al. (1975) studied the initial gingiva! from all oral hygiene procedures and after 4
alterations during developing gingivitis in adult days the contralateral tooth was extracted. At
humans. The inflammatory changes during the extraction, the buccal gingiva was removed
first 4 days were similar to the initial changes along with the tooth as described by Schroeder
seen in adult dogs, i.e. edema, collagen break- (1970). After fixation (Karnowsky 1965), the
down and a large increase in the number of tooth was demineralized according to War-
neutrophils in the junctional epithelium and shawsky & Moore (1967). Following demin-
adjacent connective tissue. However, the biopsy eralization the blocks were divided bucco-
technique used in that study limited the pos- linguaily into slices 1-2 mm thick, postfixed in
sibilities of a thorough analysis of the gingival OsO4 and embedded in Epon. Sections 1 //m
changes, due to disruption of the gingivai thick were cut and double stained with me-
tissues. thylene blue and basic fuchsin (Sato & Shamoto
The aim of the present study was lo determine 1973).
the presence of inflammatory cells in the junc- From each block, I section was randomly
tional epithelium and adjacent connective tissue selected for light microscopic morphologic
during initial gingivitis in 11-13 year old chil- analysis of the gingival tissues.
dren, starting from strictly normal gingiva and All analyses were performed at a magnifica-
employing a biopsy technique which preserves tion of XIOOO (objective XIOO, ocular XIO)
the dento-gingival junction intact. Aiso, the using a grid in the ocular of the microscope
collagen content in the infiltrated portion was (Matsson & Attstrom 1979). The grid covered
determined. an area of 0.1X0.1 mm and comprised 100
squares and 121 cross-points, the latter formed
by the intersections between the lines and the
Material and Methods grid.
6 humans, aged 11-13, who, for orthodontic
reasons, needed extraction of 2 fully erupted Junctional epithelium. Based on the mean length
contralateral upper or lower premolars were of the junctionai epithelium of all sections, the
selected. Prior to the experiment the subjects junctional epithelium was divided into 3 por-
were instructed in meticulous oral hygiene tions of equal length (Fig. 1). Within each
procedures, using toothbrush and floss. The portion, the numbers of neutrophilic granulo-
individual tooth cleaning was supplemented by cytes and mononuclear cells were determined.
professional cleaning every second to third day As the width of the junctional epithelium varies
for a period of 2 months. from portion to portion and from specimen to
The condition of the buccal gingiva of the specimen, the number of inflammatory cells
experimental teeth was assessed once weekly was expressed as the number per unit area
during the second pre-experimental month by (0.1X0.1 mm).
determining the gingival index {GI, Loe &
Silness 1963) and the gingival fluid flow (Loe & Connective tissue. By means of the grid, 3 areas

Counts were madeof ail cells residing within the

3 grid areas, and the data were expressed as the
number of cells per unit area (0.1X0.1 mm).
Intravascular neutrophilic granulocyles and
endothelial cells were excluded. The percentage
number of intersections between collagen
bundles and grid cross-points was also calcu-
lated. The relative positions between the grid
areas are shown in Fig. 1. The distance between
the areas was 0.1 mm.
In addition, a connective tissue area opposite
the cemento-enamel junction, and adjacent to
the oral epithelium, was analysed (Fig. 1). This
area was defined as non-infiltrated connective
tissue (NCT).
Counts of cells were performed according to
the light microscopic cell morphology described
Fig. 1. Schematic ilJustration of the various tissue
compartments subjected to quantitative analysis of by Leeson & Leeson (1970). The following
the presence of inflammatory cells and collagen classification of the ceils was used: N = neutro-
contetit. philic granutocytes, M / M — monocytes/macro-
Schematische Wiedergabe der verschiedenen Gewebs- phages, L —lymphocytes, P = plasma cells,
abschnitte, in denen Entziindungszellen sowie der Kol-
M—mast cells, F — fibroblasts,U~unidentified
lagengehah quantitativ analysieri worden ist (JE: Epi-
ihelansaiz: ICT infUtriertes und NCTnichi infiltriertes cells. Cells which did not show any defined
Bindegewebe). nucleus were classified as unidentified cells.
Schema des divers comparttmenis tissulaires soumis a Statistical comparisons were performed using
I'analyse quantitative de la presence de cellules inflam- the t-test for paired observations. Differences at
matoires et de la teneur en collagene (JE: epithelium
de jonction: tissu conjonciif infihre ICT el non infillre the 5% level of probability were considered
NCT). statistically significant.

(each area comprising 0.1X0.1 mm) in the

connective tissue adjacent to the junctional Results
epithehum (ICT 1-3) were analysed (Fig. 1). The average numbers of neutrophilic granulo-

Table L Average number of neutrophils (N) and mononuelear leukocytes (M) in different portions of the
junctionat epithelium. Expressed as the number/unit area (O.IXO.I mm)
Mitilere Anzahl Neutrophiler (N) und mononuklearer Leukozyten (M) in den verschiedenen Abschnitlen des
Epithelansaizes. Die Angaben werden in Anzahl pro Niveau-Abschnitt (OJXO.I mm) ausgedriicki
Nombre moyen de neulrophiles (N) et de leucocytes mononucleaires (M) dans differentes portions de repithelium
de jonciion. Exprime en nombre par unite de surface (0.1X0,1 mm)
Level 1 Leve! 2 Level 3
Day N M N M N M


0 1.1 1 .2 2.2 2.3 2.4 4.5 3.5 1 .5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.4
4 1A 2 .1 5.7 2.0 2.4 2.5 5.7 3 .8 0 0 5.2 3.3
t -0.24 -2.70 -0.01 -1.26 1.80 -0.35
P N.S. P<Q.O5 N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S.

cytes and motionuciear leukocytes in different Table 3. Density of collagen (expressed as the per-
portions of the junctional epithelium are given centage part of the surface superimposed by lattice
points) in iCT and NCT at days 0 and 4 of the
in Table 1. At day 0 low numbers of these cells
were observed in all regions of the junctional
Kollagendichle (amgedriickt in prozentualem Anteil
epithelium. At day4 during initial gingivitis, the der Oberflache zwischen kollagenen Bundeln und den
number of neutrophilic granulocytes was still Kretizungspunktei! des MessgiUers) in den Ahschnitien
low, whereas mononuclear leukocytes had in- JCT=infiltrierter Bindegewebsabschniii und NCT—
nichl-infiUrienes Bindegewebe (siehe Fig. I), an den
creased around twofold in the junctional epithe- Versuchsiagen 0 und 4
lium. At level 1 the increase in the number of
Denxiie du collagene (exprimee en pourcenlage de
mononuclear leukocytes was statistically sig- surface recouverie par des points de croisemenij dans
nificant. le lissu conjonctif infiltre (ICT) el non infilire (NCT)
aux jours 0 et 4 de /'experience
The average numbers of inflammatory cells
in the connective tissue adjacent to the junc- NCT ICT
tional epithelium are presented in Table 2. Subject Day 0 Day 4 Day 0 Day 4
These figures represent the average number of
i 46.7 48.3 33.0 17.8
cells found per unil area in ICT 1-3. There was a 2 56.7 63.3 33.4 14.6
slight increase in netitrophilic granulocytes from 3 65.0 62.5 36.8 24. S
day 0 to day 4. The increase in the number of 4 58.3 62.5 33.2 36.5
monocytes/macrophages was more pronoun- 5 60.0 55.8 28.5 30.7
6 56.7 61.2 32.7 21.2
ced than that of the neutrophils. Lymphocytes
and plastna ceUs and the number of unidentified X 57.2 58.9 32.9 24.3
SD 6.0 5,9 2.6 8.2
cells also increased. However, for all cell types t -0.9! 2.30
only numerical differences between days 0 and 4 P N.S. N.S.
were seen, and the increments were not statisti-
Subject (Proband. sujel).
cally significant. The collagen content in ICT
1-3 and in the non-infiltrated connective tissue
(NCT) adjacent to the oral epithelium and
opposite to the cemento-enamel junction is NCT was about the same on day 4 as on day 0
shown in Table 3. The density of collagen in the and did not vary significantly from subject to

Table 2. Average number of neutrophils (N), monocytes/macrophages ( M / M ) , lymphocytes (L), plasma cells
(P), mast cells (M), fibroblasts (F), and unidentified cells (U), in ICT (ICT I, 2 and 3) at days 0 and 4
of the experiment
Mittlere Anzahi Neutrophiler (N). der Monozylen/Makrophagen (M/M), Lymphozyten (L). PlasmazeUen (P).
Mastzellen (M), Fibroblasten (Fj und nicht-idenlifizierter Zellen (U). Die Angaben werden in ICT= mfiltrierier
Bindegewebsabschnill (ICT 1, 2 und 3 - siehe Fig. }). am Versuchstage 0 und 4 angegeben
Nombre moyen de neutrophiles (N), monocytes/macrophages (M/M). lymphocytes (L). plasmocytcs (P),
mastocytes (M). fihroblastes (F) el cellules non idenlifiees (I!) dans le tissu conjonctif infiUre (ICT I. 2 et 3)
aux jours 0 el 4 de /'experience
Day N M/M M
X + SD X + SD X + SD [±SD 1
0 1.2 2.2 9.5 1.7 2.1 1. 5 0 .9 1.4 0 .5 0.6 29.4 5. 9 2.4 0.6
4 2.2 1.5 17.7 10 4.7 4. 6 2 .3 1.9 0 .6 0.5 32.2 8. 0 4.9 3.4
t -0.76 -2.16 -I.I4 -1.29 -0.09 -0.82 -1.86
P N.S. N.S. • N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S.
Day (Tag. jour).

subject. In ICT 1-3 the density of collagen region of the gingiva! connective tissue during
dropped from day 0 to day 4 in 4 subjects. In the initial 4 days of developing gingivitis. The
these subjects the collagen loss varied between lower degree of co!!agen loss found in the
35-55%. In 2 subjects no decrease was found in present study corresponds more to that in
the coitagen content from day 0 to day 4. juvenile dogs, where only a slight decrease was
seen from day 0 to day 4 of developing gingivitis
(Matsson & Attstrom 1979).
In general the gingival reaction to the devel-
Discussion opment of dental plaque in young humans
In the present experiment the infiatnmatory seems to correspond more to the type of
reaction in the gingival margin during an initial reaction reported for juvenile dogs than to that
period of developing gingivitis was studied in occurring in adult dogs. Clinical studies in
young humans. At the start of the experiment humans have shovi'n that gingivitis develops
the gingiva was in excellent health and a biopsy more slowly in pre-school children than in
technique was employed which preserves the adults (Matsson 1978). A similar difference
dento-gingival region intact. The gingival in- exists between juvenile and adult dogs (Matsson
flammatory process was characterized by an & Attstrom 1979). Therefore, it may be that
increase of mononuclear leukocytes in the junc- 11-13 year old children have a gingivitis devel-
tional epithelium. In the adjacent connective opment pattern which corresponds more to that
tissue there was only a slight increase in neu- of pre-school children than to that of adults.
trophils while a more pronounced increase in The reason for this might be differences in the
monocytes/macrophages, lymphocytes and bacterial flora between young and mature indi-
plasma cells was seen. The intensity of the viduals, or that young individuals have a dif-
reaction and the type of cellular response ferent inflammatory and immune reaction.
observed in the present study differed in part Studies using bacteriological analysis of the
from that known from studies on experimental dento-gingival plaque, combined with simul-
gingivitis in adult dogs (Lindhe & Rylander taneous determinations of the inflammatory
1975, Schroeder et al. 1975, Matsson & Att- reaction in the adjacent gingiva, could give
strom 1979) and adult humans (Payne et al. further insight into the mechanisms involved in
1975). In those studies the initial stage of the tissue destruction occurring during initial
developing gingivitis was characterized by an gingivitis.
extensive connective tissue reaction and a heavy
neutrophilic response. The limited increase in
the number of neutrophilic granuiocytes ob- Zusammenfassung
served in the present study agrees more with
Die Hisiopathologie beginnender Gingivitis beim Men-
findings in studies of the initial stage of devel- schen
oping gingivitis in juvenile dogs (Matsson & Eine orientierende Siudie
Attstrom 1979). Diese Studie befasst sich mit entziindlichen Veran-
deruiigen des Zahnfleischsaumes wiihrend beginnen-
The collagen content in ICT 1-3 dropped der Gingivitis, bei 11-13 jahrigen menschiichen Pro-
from day 0 to day 4 in 4 of the subjects. The band en.
Am Versuchstage 0 hatten alle Probanden saiibere
remaining 2 subjects showed no loss of collagen. Zahne und eine gesunde Gingiva. Dann wsirde jeg-
In the former 4 subjects, the decrease was lower liche aktive Mundhygiene 4 Tage tang abgesetzl. Am
than that observed in adult dogs (Lindhe & Versuchstage 0 und 4 wurden an oberen und unteren
Rylander 1975, Schroeder et al. 1975, Matsson Pramolaren, die aus orthodontischen Grtinden ex-
trahiert wurden, kontraiaterale Biopsien entnommen,
& Attstrom 1979). In the latter studies a col- die den Zahn und die ihn umgebende Gingiva um-
lagen loss of 60-70% was found in the corona! fassten. Das Vorhandensein von Entziindungszellen

im Epiihelansatz und in den umgebenden Binde- Karnowsky, M. J. (!965) A formaldehyde-glutaral-

geweben wurde mit Hilfe halbdiinner Schniite quan- dehyde fixative of high osmoiarity for use in
titativ erfassl. Ausserdem wurde dcr Kollagengehall electron microscopy. Journal of Cell Biology 11,
des Zahnfleischsaumes ermitteit. 137A-138A.
Vom Tage 0 bis zuni Tage 4 wurde nur eine ieichte Leeson, T. S. & Leeson, C. R. (1970) Histology.
Zunahme neutrophiler Granulozyten im Epithelan- 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders.
salz und in dem umgebenden Bindegewebe gesehen, Lindhe, J., Hamp, S.-E. & Loe, H. (1973) Experimen-
wahrenddessen eine deutliche Zunahme der Anzahl tal periodontitis in the Beagle dog. Journal of
mononukJearer Leukozyten gefunden wurde. Bei 4 Periodonial Research 8, 1-10.
Probanden wurde Kollagenverlust beobachtet, wiih- Lindhe, J. & Rylander, H. (1975) Experimental
rend bei 2 Probanden der Kollagengehalt unverandert gingivitis in young dogs. A morphometric study.
verblieb. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 83, 314-
Die in dieser Studie gefundene entziindliclie Reak- 326.
tion unterschcidet sich etwas von denen, die bei Loe, H. & Hoim-Pedcrsen, P. (1965) Absenee and
erwachsenen Menschen und bei erwachsenen Hunden presence of fluid from normal and inflamed gin-
bcobaehtet wurden. Die Resuitate entsprechen denen, giva. Periodontics 3, 171-177.
die bei juvenilen Hunden beschrieben woiden sind. Loe, H. & Silness, J. (1963) Periodontal disease in
pregnancy, i. Prevalence and severity. Acta Odon-
lologica Scandinavica 21, 533-551.
Loe, H., Theilade, E. & Jensen, S. B. (1965) Ex-
perimental gingivitis in man. Journal of Periodon-
Hiatopaihologie de la gingiviie inhialc chez I'homme tology36, 177-187.
Etude piloie Matsson, L. (1978) Development of gingivitis in pre-
La presente etude porte sur Ics modifications inter- school children and young adults. A comparative
venant an niveau de la gencive marginale durant la experimental study. Journal of Clinical Periodoii-
gingivite initialc chez les enfants de II a !3 ans. tohgy 5, 24-34.
Au jour 0 de I'experience, les 6 sujets avaient les Matsson, L. & Attstrom R. (1979) Histologic charac-
dents propres et la gencive saine. Toute mesure teristics of experimental gingivitis in the juvenile
d'hygiene buccale a ete suspendue pendant 4 jours. and adult beagle dog. Journal of Clinical Peri-
Aux jours 0 et 4, des biopsies contralaierales com- odoniology 6, 334-350.
prenant !a dent et la gencive adjacente ont ete Page, R. & Schroeder, H. E. (1976) Pathogenesis of
preleveessurdespremolairessuperieuresctinferieures inflammatory periodontal disease. Laboratory In-
extraites pour des raisons orthodontiques. La pre- vestigation 33,235-249.
sence de cellules inflammatoires dans repithelium de Payne, W. A., Page, R. C , Ogiivie, A. L. & Hall,
jonction et dans le lissu conjonctif adjacent a ete W. B. (1975) Hisiopathologic features of the initial
detcrminec quantitativement dans des coupes semi- and early stages of experimental gingivitis in man.
fines. La tcneur en collagene dc la gencive marginale a Journal of Periodontal Research 10, 51-64.
egalement ete determinee. Sato, T. & Shamoto, M. (1973) A simple rapid
Du jour 0 au jour 4 on n'observait qu'un ieger polychrome stain for epoxy-embedded tissue.
accroissement du nombre de granuiocytes neutro- Slain Technology 48, 223-227.
phiies dans I'epithelium dc jonction et le tissu con- Schroeder, H. E. (1970) Quantitative parameters of
jonctif adjacent, mais une plus forte augmentation du early human gingivai infiammation. Archives of
nombre de leucocytes mononucleaires. Une perte de Oral Biology \S,2%3-Am,
coilagene etait enregistree chez 4 sujets, tandis qu'au- Schroeder, H. E., Graf de Beer, M. & Attstrom, R.
cune modification de la leneiir en collagene n'ap- (1975) Initial gingivitis in dogi. Journal of Peri-
paraissait chez les 2 autres sujets. odontal Research 10, 128-142.
La reaction infiammatoire decrite dans la presente Warshawsky, H. & Moore, G. (1967) A technique for
etude diflere quelque peu de ceiie observee che?, the fixation and decalcifieation of rat incisors for
I'homme adulte et le chien aduhc. Les resultats cor- electron microscopy. Journal of Histochemistry and
respondent plus a la reaction observee chez le jeune Cytochemistry 15, 542-549.

References Bjorn Klinge

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(1975) Clinical and histologic characteristics of Car! Gustafs vag 34
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