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Name: Kenneth John P.

San Miguel
Section: 2.1F


Assignment No. 3 (100 pts.)

1. Provide your own perception about the Philippine-American War of 1899.

(40 pts.)
2. Identify and discuss two (2) incidents that touched you after reading The
First Vietnam: The U.S.-Philippine War of 1899 by Luzviminda Francisco. (30
3. Why should every GEC 105 student must read the said work of Luzviminda
Francisco? (30 pts.)


1) The Philippine American War was a war between the United States and
Filipino revolutionaries from 1899 to 1902 shortly after the USA and the
Philippines drove out the spanish from the philippines ending the 300-year
long spanish occupation. The philippines found themselves in a conflict
with the new American occupiers conflict broke out because the USA did
not recognize Filipino independence and wanted to occupy the philippines
because they think the Filipinos were not yet suitable for self-rule and
worried that other countries such as China Germany or Japan might
colonize the philippines. Fighting began in February 1899 between Filipino
troops led by Aguinaldo against American soldiers in the battle the
Americans devastated the Filipinos there were two phases to the
Philippine American war the first phase from February to November of
1899 was dominated by Aguinaldo’s incompetent attempts to fight a
conventional and open war against the better trained and equipped.
American troops and military equipment the second phase of the
Philippine American war was marked by the Filipino’s shift to guerilla-style
warfare it began in November of 1899 lasted through the and into the
spring of 1902 by which time most organized Filipino resistance had
dissipated president Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed a general amnesty
and declared the conflict over on July 1902.

However minor fighting still occurred between Filipinos and Americans for
the next 10 years the Philippine American war was a hug disaster to the
Filipinos thousands of deaths not even Filipino civilians who had nothing to
do with the war were not spared from the wrath of the conflict because
suspected rebels were often tortured one infamous and brutal massacre
took place Samar where U.S troops led by general Jacob smith in
response to the ambush of American soldiers in Samar killed all men on
the island above the age of 10 or any child old enough to hold war.
2.) The huge heroism created in the imaginations of Americans in the early
twentieth century came at the cost of the lives of Filipinos. When the US
seized the Philippines, a little known chapter of history was tampered with
until it was forgotten: the Filipino holocaust at the hands of the Americans,
The first incident is the revenge, massacre, and genocide in town of
Balangiga, Samar. And it’s the most disgusting they do in our country
killing everywhere, no gender, definitely they didn’t respect the age of
among they been killed, the children the older people and even the
ordinary must be the worst day of their life, and I felt sorry for that.
Americans are so hypocrite they hated so much Adolf Hilter for the
genocide on Jews, but the genocide and massacre action they taken on
Balangiga is forgotten to the society.

The second incident that I caught in my eye when reading the work of
Luzviminda , when the American Governor of Abra Province described the
"depopulation campaign" in the following terms: "Whole villages had been
burned, storehouses and crops had been destroyed and the entire
province was as devoid of food products as was the valley of Shenandoah
after Sheridan's raid during the Civil War. This is kind of inhumane way
always foreseen on the this kind of war. They are targeting to the people’s
food and infrastructure. And this is just a dirty American terror tactics to
attack every people who supported and express sympathy to our own
guerilla to fight the injustice way of how American treat us.

3.) It’s so important to read and understand history, specially to the work of
Luzviminda Francisco. Not only to the GEC 105 students but also to the
people who forgot the yesterday of how our guerilla forces wants to free
our country, and also to people who suffer to the hands of American forces
who are also controlled by corrupt government. And to Luzviminda
rebellion received no outside assistance because there was no War to
attract intervention by her works, and the main powers of the time were
more obsessed with their own colonial conflict than any possible
advantage in the Philippines.

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