Collaborative 4D/nD Construction Simulation: What Is It?

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Collaborative 4D/nD Construction Simulation:

What Is It?

Conrad Boton1,2, Sylvain Kubicki1, and Gilles Halin2

Public Research Centre Henri Tudor. 29, Avenue JF Kennedy,
1855, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg
CRAI - Research Centre in Architecture and Engineering,
2, rue Bastien Lepage. 54001 Nancy, France

Abstract. Planning is crucial in the success of construction projects and 4D/nD

simulation is an innovative approach to improve it. Because construction
planning is mainly a collaborative activity, the collaborative use of 4D/nD
simulation is growing in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC),
following the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
workprocesses. Multiple scientific research works have been devoted to
collaborative 4D/nD simulation. Major software editors in the industry are also
proposing solutions to develop it. But many challenges remain such as adapting
visualization or optimizing collaboration processes. To be able to address these
challenges, it is important firstly to conceptualize the notion of collaborative
4D/nD construction simulation. This article is based on an understanding of
collective activity in the AEC industry, and theoretical elements from
Simulation and CSCW scientific fields. It provides a generic definition and
identifies the key components to consider in the improvement of collaborative
4D/nD simulation tools.

Keywords: CSCW, 4D simulation, nD simulation, collaborative simulation,

Architecture, Engineering and Construction.

1 Introduction

4D simulations link tasks from the construction schedules to objects of 3D models.

The aim is to simulate the construction process over time [1]. In nD simulations, other
parameters (costs, resources, etc.) to simulate can be added to the 4D model. 4D/nD
modelling is part of the Virtual Design and Construction approach [2]. Many research
works addressed the interest of such simulation to improve communication, site
coordination, and collaborative scheduling. It is shown that 4D/nD simulations are
useful to support collaborative construction planning. Indeed if 4D/nD tools of the
first generation are not necessarily collaborative, the next generation is more
interactive and collaborative.

Y. Luo (Ed.): CDVE 2013, LNCS 8091, pp. 161–168, 2013.

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
162 C. Boton, S. Kubicki, and G. Halin

The use of collaborative 4D/nD construction simulations is increasing and become

a commercial argument for CAD tools and BIM platforms editors in the industry.
Many scientific research works have focused on different aspect of such tools. But so
far, the concept remains vague and no exact definition is provided.
This paper presents a research that aims to propose a better understanding of the
notion of collaborative 4D/nD construction simulation. It firstly introduces the
collaborative simulation. It then explores the collective activity in the construction
industry and finally proposes a definition and the main components of the concept.

2 Collaborative Simulation

According to Maria [3], a simulation of a system consists in developing a “model of

the system”. The model is similar, but simpler than the system it represents. It can
then be more easily experimented and reconfigured in order to assess the performance
of an existing or a proposed system “in different configurations of interest over long
periods of real time”. Computer simulation consists therefore to design a model of a
system, to execute the model on a computer, and to analyse the execution’s result [4].
Eleven steps are distinguished in a simulation [3] and these steps contribute to the
three main phases of the simulation : realization of the model, execution of the model,
and analysis of the model [4].
Collaborative simulation modelling, following Taylor et Robinson, includes “the
study of the human-to-human interaction, computer-to-computer interaction, and the
synergies between these interactions, to support practices for modelling simulation”
[5]. Taylor and Robinson identified five main roles played in a collaborative
simulation activity. These roles are: the doer (the one who performs the simulation),
the done for (the one for which the simulation is performed), the done with (members
of the simulation team), the done to (those who provide the necessary information for
the simulation), and the done without (those who do not participate in the simulation,
but are nevertheless directly interested in the results).
One important aspect about simulation is related to visualization. Indeed
visualization is essential in simulation process [6] and it is therefore important in a
collaborative simulation, to use the most adapted visual representations related to the
needs of each participant. According to Kuljis and Paul [6] if inadapted representations
are used, it could be very difficult for user to make the mapping between the
simulation content and the reality it is supposed to represent; the concepts used can
have no direct and natural association with the simulated problem; and the tasks to be
performed during the modelling process could be not appropriate for the problem.

3 Collective Activity in Construction Industry

To understand the collaborative 4D/nD construction simulation, it is important to

understand the collective activity in the field of architecture, engineering and
construction. A peculiarity of the sector lies in the heterogeneity of work structures
Collaborative 4D/nD Construction Simulation: What Is It? 163

that are fragmented and legally independent, with very different interests [7, 8]. The
different actors involved in a construction project (architects, engineers, owners,
contractors, suppliers, etc.) come from various organizations and have to work
together on a temporary basis, in order to achieve a common goal. Needs to manage
are then both inter-organizational and intra-organizational because if the participants
come from different organizations, the project itself implements its own organization
[8]. This organization is conditioned by the legal context, the contracting
arrangements and the complexity of the project.
A building life cycle is generally divided into many phases. Several sets of phases
with different scopes have been described in the literature [9, 10]. From these divisions,
it appears four main phases: the pre-project phase (assembly, feasibility, research of
funding), the pre-construction phase (design, allotment, tenders, site preparation), the
construction phase (realization of the construction works) and the post-construction
phase (acceptance of the works, commissioning, demolition or rehabilitation as
appropriate). 4D simulation can be useful throughout these phases, including for
communicating ideas [11–13], logistics and site planning [14–16], constructability
analysis and conflicts identification [17, 18], and site monitoring [19, 20].
Throughout the project phases, different needs of collaboration can be identified,
involving specific coordination mechanisms. The information needs of stakeholders
vary according to the role they have on the project. It is important to remember that
the same people do not always have the same roles in construction projects and each
project implements a different context of collective activity. The main coordination
mechanisms used are the following ones: hierarchical configuration, adhocratic
configuration and transverse configuration [8]. Conceptual models have been
proposed to describe the context of collaboration in a construction project. Sunke [21]
proposed a model to describe the basic configuration of a typical production chain in
the sector, focusing on the different actors involved, project milestones, activities
performed, and flows between these activities. This model is extremely simplified and
does not take sufficient account of the complexity of this type of collaboration. And
the metamodel proposed by Kubicki [8] shows that such a model must take into
account not only the collective dimension activity, but also the technological
dimension, the technical dimension, and the ergonomic and cognitive dimensions
related to the tools that actors use.
Understanding this context is very important in the framework of a conceptualization
of the notion of collaborative 4D/nD construction simulation.

4 Main Components of Collaborative 4D/nD Construction


Collaborative 4D/nD construction simulation consists to develop a 4D/nD virtual

model of a building, in a collaborative way or to assist collaboration among
construction project stakeholders. Collier and Fischer [1] illustrated notably the use of
164 C. Boton, S. Kubicki, and G. Halin

a 4D model to assist collaboration among the actors of a construction project.

The collaborative model realization can be done by the different actors co-located or
in a networked environment, synchronously or not. Each involved actor works on a
particular aspect or part of the model. On the basis of the literature review presented
above, it is important to focus on a certain number of components:

- The types of roles involved: aside the roles that traditionally exist in a
construction project (architect, owner, engineer, contractor, etc.), it is useful in
the context of collaborative simulation 4D/nD to identify a second level of
roles. These new roles are related to what the actor is really doing in the
framework of the simulation (doer, done for, done with, done to, done
- The 4D/nD development approach: in general, the 4D/nD model is the result
of the collective activity of simulation. Three main approaches have been
identified [22] : manual linking, automation, and manual assembly. In manual
linking, the elements of the 3D model are manually linked to the construction
schedule, using third party software. Automation approach automates the
connection between the 3D model elements and the schedule activities. A
predefined schedule and an existing 3D model are used, but their connection is
automated. Manual assembly approach proposes to use 4D simulation as an
initial planning tool, and not just for an existing schedule review. The main
interest is to interactively build a schedule from a 3D model.
- The device used and the interface: this is an important component to consider.
Indeed, knowing its properties is crucial to ensure an optimal display and use
of the 4D/nD model. The main types of devices are computer, laptop,
smartphone, touch pad, etc.. The interface proposed to each participant must
take into account the device he uses, his information needs, and also his
physical context.
- The physical context: it is location in which the user interacts with the
simulation. This can be at office, on construction site, in mobility, etc. The
device used is strongly linked to this context. The space-time matrix taken
from Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) theories [23–25] is
used to study the participants’ arrangement in the time and space. The aim
is to know if they are in the same location or dispersed, at the same time
or not.
- The context of the collective activity: this context must be clearly defined in
order to identify the actors involved, their roles, and their needs. A major
difficulty lies in the fact that each construction project implements a different
collaborative context. It is then very challenging (if not impossible) to define a
collaboration process-type, using traditional CSCW approaches. Some authors
have proposed description approaches that are dedicated to construction
industry [8, 26].
These various components are for the most summarized on the Figure 1.
Collaborative 4D/nD Construction Simulation: What Is It? 165

Fig. 1. Main components in a collaborative construction 4D/nD simulation

5 BIM, Collaborative 4D/nD Simulation and Scientific

Research Works

4D/nD modeling generally relies on the Building Information Modeling (BIM)

approach to allow the use of a global 3D model integrating building information used
by most project stakeholders, in an interoperable manner. But the greatest benefit of
BIM for 4D/nD simulation lies in the support of collaboration. Indeed, the use of BIM
is very useful for 4D/nD software to support collaborative simulation. It must be said
that the integration of BIM (in various ways) by major software sector allows users
(stakeholders in a construction project) using a single 3D model for multidisciplinary
collaboration throughout the project life cycle [27]. Zhou et al. [28] cite for example
the integration of worksets in Revit by Autodesk to allow many people to work
simultaneously on different parts of the same project; the use by Bentley of i-models
as containers for an open information exchange; the application of master/working
models by Tekla Structures to control the model in its client/server applications; and
the adoption by Gehry Technologies of a system for version control called
Subversion, to allow participants to independently control their read/write operation
on the project models.
More generally, Zhang et al. [29] have identified five potential benefits of the
contribution of BIM in the sharing and exchange of information in virtual
construction systems such as 4D/nD simulation: 1) the possibility to adopt a 3D
model derived from the work of architects and engineers for the simulation; 2) the
possibility to share information about scheduling and costs generated in planning and
166 C. Boton, S. Kubicki, and G. Halin

cost estimation systems, by importing them via neutral IFC files; 3) the possibility to
use realistic information of IFC interfaces from CAD applications, in order to perform
a better rendering in 4D/nD simulation applications, 4) the possibility to dramatically
improve the interoperability of different virtual construction systems, and 5) the
possibility to integrate the 4D/nD model in a complete BIM as part of the project
information once the project is completed, which increases the interest of BIM for the
post-construction phase. So, the growth of BIM has technically contributed to the
development of the collaborative 4D/nD construction simulation.
Several scientific studies have (before and after the advent of BIM) investigated
various aspects of collaborative 4D/nD simulation. The Center for Integrated Facility
Engineering (CIFE) from Stanford University developed the iRoom, presented as an
integrated system to support collaboration between different construction practitioners
[30]. In its original version, the iRoom consists of a server and three PCs connected to
projectors and large screens. The screens can be viewed simultaneously and the
system includes several applications (MS Project, Excel, 4D Modeling, etc.) and
viewers, so that users can view at the same time different aspects of a 4D scenario on
different screens. Collaboration between the actors involved in the planning happens
at the same place synchronously. The views proposed in the applications are
synchronized and by clicking on an activity, the user can highlight the same
information or related information in other applications.
Waly and Thabet [31] have proposed a virtual construction environment (VCE) for
pre-construction planning. To this end, they introduce an Interactive Virtual Interface
(IVI) defined as a dynamic virtual disposition allowing project team to simulate and
to repeat the construction process, in a quite realistic way. With a manual simulation
approach, this repetition is based on the virtual manipulation and editing of a
predefined 3D model. Users can graphically "drag and drop" assemblages from
the 3D model and rebuild the building by putting side by side the components
in the perceived order for the actual construction. Users can also check for spatial
Recently, Zhou et al. (2009) have proposed a method for defining a 4D model, in a
collaborative way. The method is based on the principle of distributed and interactive
collaboration between the actors involved in the 4D simulation. A 3D model is used
as a starting point for collaboration and the opportunity is given to multidisciplinary
practitioners to focus on this model, in order to analyze the design, to discuss the
planning strategies, and to examine possible solutions. Each of them, depending on
his role, focuses on a particular aspect of planning. The proposed method is based on
a workflow that defines the interactive collaborative sessions.
More recently, Boton et al. [32, 33] proposed a method and metamodels to address
the issue of adaptation of visualization in collaborative 4D/nD construction
simulation. The aim is to consider 4D/nD simulation as coordinated multiple views
system, and to design adapted views to each actor involved in a collaborative 4D/nD
construction simulation, basing on his role and his visualization needs.
Collaborative 4D/nD Construction Simulation: What Is It? 167

6 Conclusion

The collaborative use of 4D/nD simulations is growing in the architecture,

engineering and construction sector. In this article, elements are proposed to
rigorously understand it. Main components to consider are presented, on the basis on
theories from different scientific fields. Scientific research works on collaborative
4D/nD simulation in construction are studied as well as the link with the Building
Information Modeling (BIM) is explored. Such a work can be considered as a basis
for future works aiming to improve 4D/nD tools, especially the visualization issue.
Indeed, because visualization is very important in a simulation activity, the challenge
of visualization adaptation will be one of the next crucial ones to solve in order to
propose tools adapted to the real practitioners needs.

Acknowledgment. This article was supported by an AFR PhD Grant funded by the
National Research Fund (FNR), Luxembourg.

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