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Teacher: Fouzia Waleed SUBJECT: Social Study

Date:12_12_21 CLASS: 7th A

Population of the Muslim World

Q1: Describe the main characteristics of population in the Muslim World?
Ans: The areas with pleasant climate, fertile soil and plenty of natural resources are
densely populated areas. Easy means of transport, factories and development
economy are also the factors contributing to increase in population.
The Muslim countries are spread over a vast area of the globe. The total population
living in the Muslim world is about one billion. Most of the Muslims live in in free
and independent sovereign states. Muslims, wherever they live, have their own
social pattern which is deeply influenced by the teaching of Islam. That is why
Muslims living in common traits of culture and civilization. Their way of thinking,
social behavior, traditions, food, and occupations differentiate them from other
nations of the world.
Q2: Name the three largest Muslim countries based on populations. What
are the reasons for their being densely populated?
Ans: Indonesia is the largest Muslims state in the world. According to the latest
estimate its population is about 190 million.
Pakistan is the second largest Muslim state. According to the census held in 1998,
Pakistan has population of 130.58 million.
The Third largest Muslim country is Bangladesh with its population of about 123.4
Thinly Populated Muslim countries include Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, the
Sudan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Algeria etc.
Q3: What is the main occupation of the people of the Muslim countries?
Ans: The division of occupations in the Muslim World depends on the local climate,
products, and natural resources. The main occupations popular in the Muslim
World are Agriculture, Fishery, Mining, Herding, labor, Service, Handicrafts etc.
Prepared by Teacher Fouzia Waleed
Q6: Write a short but comprehensive note on the mode of life in the Muslim
countries of different region?
Ans: Muslim countries remained the influence of foreign rule, yet the cultural and
social values of Muslims. One census uniformity in their prayers, religious rites,
festivals, funerals ceremonies and traditions of the Muslim all over the world.
However, as the geographical conditions vary from country to country, the mode of
life in one country also differ from that of another country. For example, people of
Equatorial and Tropical regions like to wear light and loose clothes whereas those
living in temperate and relatively cold regions wear warm and woolen clothes.
Similarly, the Muslims of cold regions are for of eating meat and drinking tea, and
they like less chilies.
Most of the hot regions, on the other hand like to have cold drinks and milk and
they take chilies in more quantity.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are the neighboring Muslim countries. There is almost no
difference between the dresses of the two countries. Men and women of both the
countries wear long shirt and Shalwar.
The climate condition in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia are almost alike. The
people of these countries wear similar types of dress.
The people of Turkey are also under the rule of western countries. Their favorite
food consists of dates, olive and milk.

1. The total Muslim population of the world is about One Billion.

2. It is the coast area of North Africa and West Africa where most of the
population lives.
3. The valley of Nile is the most densely populated area in Egypt.
4. On the basis of population Indonesia is the largest Muslim state in the
5. Pakistan is the second largest state on the basis of population.
6. In south Asia, the Muslim population exceeds 200 million.

Prepared by Teacher Fouzia Waleed

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