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f 2.1m Crane Wheel

b 2.1m
c End Girder
e 2.1m
d 21m Trolley

2.1 m End Girder

Main Girder Gantry Girder


Figure : Rough Sketch of Crane

End girder is located at the end of the main girder and perpendicular to it. Two end girders are
located on each side and also support the crane wheel.
Design Calculation

2.1m 2.1m 2.1m

e f

a b c d

From previous calculation,

side = 566.01 kg.
main = 11100kg.
pt = wt. of horizontal truss
= 350.82 kg. = BHT (i.e. Bottom Horizontal Truss)
l 1719.9 kg.
cb = 370 kg.
rail = 210 kg.
oc = 1250 kg.
TM = 1400 kg.
There will be moving load and dead load acting on the end girder.
Dead load: Acting at a, b, c, and d.

P = ½ × side truss wt. + th [Horizontal truss wt. +cross bracing truss]
=> P = + + + +
= 981 kg.

main rail pt l cb BHT

P = + + [ + + + ]
= 6353 kg
1 ×( − )
P =
+ 2
2 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ oc
[ TM × ] [ will act at a distance =0.1L form end girder]
= 7265.5 kg.
1 ×( − ) 1
P =
2 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
+ oc
+ [ TM × ]
= 1894 kg.

2.1m 2.1m 2.1m

e f

a b c d

+ 1894 SFD
_ _

Taking moments, we get
= 7334 kg.
= 9159.5 kg.

Maximum Bending Moment will act from b to c (i.e. remain same in

(B. M) = 7334× 1.05 – 981×2.1
(B. M) = 1894 × = 1988 Kg-m
So, (B. M) = 5640.6 Kg-m.

Moving Load:
Trolley is put at minimum approach distance from L.H.S
f = Minimum approach distance
= Distance at C.G of trolley from the axis at end girder for left most position of trolley
= 0.1 L = 2.1 m
′ ′

e f

a b c d

′ ′

No moving Load will act at a and d.

Q = Capacity of crane
= 6500 Kg.
0 = wt. of trolley structure
= 14748 Kg.

= = ×
= ×
= 35887 Kg-m

35887 35887
2.1m 2.1m 2.1m
e f

a b c d

′ = 35887 kg ′= 35887 kg

_ _
′ = ′ =35887 kg
(B. M) = ′ × 1.05 = 37681.35 Kg-m
So, Moving Load = 37681.35 Kg-m

= ø× + ×
= 1.2 × 5640.5 + 1.25 × 37681.35
= 53870.3 Kg-m
= 538703 N-m
= 1575 kg/ 2 = 1575 × 10 / Y

Z= = 3 = 3420.4 3
Let the section selected be X X
Two joints of same size laced or battened I-section.
ISHB 450 [Ref. Steel table]
= 3485.4 †
Wt./m = 174.4 Kg/m Y

Sectional Area = 222.28 2


= 78421.6 4

= 18.78
S = 70 mm
Now crane wheel diameter, D = 710 mm (given). D
Width at wheel = D/4 = 177.5 mm
Taking clearance at 1 cm on both sides,
Gap between two – I-section
= 177.5 +20 =197.5 mm 4
(Crane Wheel)
But maximum space available with this section is 70 mm. Hence we can’t take this section.
Now Selecting: Two joints at same size with flanges butting and welded, ISHB 450 [Ref. Steel
500 Y

h X
450 X



From Steel table, = 3586.6 3

= 1724.6 3

Area, a = 235.78 2

Wt/mt = 92.5 kg/mt

h = 450 mm
b = 500 mm
. ×
= = = 1052 kg/ 2

Inertia Load:
B.M due to inertia force = = 10 % of = 53870.3 N-m
When trolley brake is applied, Inertia force will act on end girder at b and c in horizontal
direction and so B.M will act in horizontal direction.
ℎ = = 3123.64 / 2
Total stress = + ℎ = 1052 + 312.36 = 1364.36 kg/ 2 < 1575 kg/
Hence, SAFE
Wt. of each end girder = 6.3 m × 92.5 / = 583 Kg.

Final section:
So, the section chosen for end girder is - ISHB450
(Two joints of same size with flanges butting and welded)
h = 450 mm, b = 500 mm
The crane wheel is inserted by cutting the lower flanges in between as shown.

Gantry Girder
Gantry girder is supported by the columns and the crane wheels travel over it. There are two
gantry girders at each end of the crane. Rough sketch has been shown earlier in end girder
Gantry girder is subjected to
(1) Dead Load
(2) Moving Load
(3) Longitudinal force
(4) Lateral forces
Length of gantry girder = Length of the shop.

Design Calculation:
Span of Gantry girder = 10 mm
1. Dead Load - Dead load = Self Weight
= 270 kg/mt.
270 ×102
(B. M) ,
= 8 = 8
= 3375 −
2. Moving Load –
G= wt. of crane without trolley
= 2[ + + ℎ+ + + + ]+ + +2×
= 33151.1 Kg
0 = wt. of trolley = 14748 kg.
Q = 65000 kg.
Let the wheel of crane be at minimum approach distance i.e. f = 2.1 m
f=2.1m Crane wt. = G/L

21 m
1 2
P b́ P

1 = 2+ ( + 0) × Gantry Girder
= 88349 Kg.

Now, Load per wheel of the crane, 10m

P = 21 = 44175 kg. 1́ 2́

Side Truss

b́ b

End Girder

b́ = b+ b/2+b/2 = 2b= 2× 2.1 = 4.2 m

Maximum moving B.M = = ( − )
= 87848.12 Kg-m
Design B.M = = 1.15 × + 1.2 ×
= 109299 Kg-m

Bending Stress, = 1000 kg/

Z= = 10929.9 3

So selecting,
Single joint with channel and plates on the flange. (Ref. Steel Table)
Joint = ISWB 600, Top flange = ISMC400 (channel section) Y
Wt/mt = 145.1 kg/m , wt/m = 49.4 kg/m
= 11022.5 3 , = 10941.4 3
Weight per meter = 194.5 kg/m
Bottom plate = 320 × 20
Area = 439.79 2

Mean thickness of flange,

Top = 39.4 mm
Bottom = 58.4 mm
= 33.31cm X X
= 33.55 cm
= 20.00 cm
Maximum allowable shear = 66.9 × 10 .
[Section is shown on right side]
Actual bending moment, 20
= = 901.6 / 2
Shear Force: 320
1. Dead Load: Y
( ) = 2 = 1350 .
(This is due to self wt.) P P
2. Moving Load :
∑ =0 4.2 cm
=> " × 10 = × 10 + × 5.8
=> " = 1.58 = 55103 . A B

( ) = 1.58 P – P = 0.58 P 10 m
= 25621.5 Kg. 1" 2"
( ) = 1.15 × ( ) + 1.2 × ( . )
= 32298.3 kg. < 66.9 × 10 kg.
Hence, SAFE.

Lateral Force:
Lateral B.M = 10% of moving bending moment
= 8784.8 kg-m.

( . ) 2
Stress, = = 80.29 kg/
Total Stress = +
= 981.89 < 1000 kg/ 2

Hence Design is safe.

Final Dimensions:
Gantry girder section is:
Single joint with channel and plates on the flanges
Joint: ISWB600, Chanel: ISMC400

Height of the column = Lifting height
= 10m
Total compressive load = maximum shear force on the Gantry girder+ wt. of gantry girder
= 69128 kg.
Let compressive stress = 1000 kg/
Bulking Area = 69.128 2

Selecting Section: ISHB 200

(Two joints of same size with flanges butting and welded column)
Area = 95.08 2

h = 200mm, b=400mm
wt/m = 74.6 kg/m
= 10.97cm, = 8.71 cm
= 91.16
For = 91.16 , = 891.63 kg/
Maximum Bulking load = × = 84775.8 > .
Hence Design is safe.

Final Dimension:
Section: ISHB 200
(Two joints of same size with flanges butting and welded)
h = 200mm, b= 400mm



In this project to design a heavy duty E.O.T crane, we have made some assumptions.
This are like, we have assumed that the forces act at the joints only. The beams and trusses
are assumed to be simply supported. Also we have assumed that inertia loads acts on the
horizontal truss. The horizontal B.M due to braking of trolley and crane are assumed to be
10% of the design B.M due to dead load and moving load. The sections were chosen so as to
give less weight and maximum rigidity.
For main girder we don’t have any standard section. So, it is taken as
built- up section made up of plates of required thickness. The stresses in bending are chosen
according to ratio. Also to increase the strength of main girder several stiffness’s are taken.
Here we have checked the rigidity of main girder only by checking its
deflection due to different loads ( = ). But we have not checked the rigidity of
other trusses and girder. This is because trolley will travel over the main girder. So if there
will be more deflection on the main girder, then the trolley may derail. But for other trusses
and girder have no such problem.
Hence, after designing of the crane, its stability is checked. Otherwise the whole structure
will collapse. But in our project we have not checked it.

Design of the Mechanical Components

1) Design of the rope:

Assuming 6× 9,

S= , n – No. of rope parts = 6,
= 67.1 KN Q = Crane Capacity
S = Rope tension

F= ΄ , E΄ = 0.37× = 0.37 × 210

. √
e΄ = No. of wires = 6 × 9 = 114
= 4.86 × 10 D/d = 24
= Breaking Stress
K = Factor of safety
D = Diameter of Drum
d = diameter of rope
F΄ = F/6.37 = 1.3× 10
d = 4.1 cm
D = 24 × 4.1 = 98.4
× ΄ . × 10−3 ×77.9
= = = 0.283 GPa
΄× . × 10−2

2) Drum Design : 1.15 to1.25d

Figure :

n=( + 12) , n = No. of drums

≅ 25 H = Lifting height = 10m, i = 2

= + , s = Rope pitch = 1.2×

= 1.3 m 1 = 100mm
= = = 40 N/ 2 , w = wall thickness = 34mm
× × . × .

Pulley diameter = 70% of drum diameter = 68.88 mm


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