Assignment 1 (10 Questions)

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NAME: Erlinda Tri Kusumawati


Test your self-understanding of the material in this concept of technology, Education technology,
and Instructional media by answering the following questions briefly!

1. How would you explain the concept of technology?

Technology is the application of a set of knowledge and skills with a clear goal: to
achieve solutions that enable humans to solve problems found in a particular field.
2. What pictures are appropriate to explain the development of technology past and present?
Give your analysis of the image at {a} and {b} below!


 

In years ago, humans used horses or camels as the first means of transportation until they
developed using machines with the second generation of steam-powered cars and developed
to the current generation of cars, namely gasoline/gas/electric engines.

 

 

Answer :
a) In years ago, humans used trained pigeon mail to send their messages. The messages
were typically small rolls of paper, stored in a small glass or metal tube. Until they
developed a post box where the messages were sent and filled in by the post man. And
now with the advanced technology, humans can send messages via smartphones that can
be delivered immediately by using various messaging applications such as email,
whatsapp, line, etc.
b) In years ago, humans used rotary dial telephone as the first mean of communication
media until they developed portable mobile phone that just only made a phone call. Now
they developed the current generations of smart phones, with many different brands. Also
using androids or IOS.

3. How would you explain the difference between the concepts of technology, educational
technology, and instructional technology?
Concept of technology is including all skills, knowledge and procedures required for
making, using and doing useful things. In general, the concept of technology implies a
subtle mix of know-how, techniques and tools.
Concept of Educational technology is an application of scientific knowledge about
learning to practical learning situation”
Concept of instructional technology is network of techniques or devices employed to
accomplish a set of learning objectives.

4. What is the main urgency for using this technology, especially in the field of education?
Technology has a very important role to improve the quality of education. Technology
also helps to solve the problems of human learning, include of design, development,
management, utilization, and educational assessment.

5. Explain in your own language the hierarchy of concepts of technology, educational

technology, and instructional technology?

 Technology is a tool to help humans live better and to solve the problem we face
every day.
 When a technology is used and the technology provides solutions to problems in
education, it is called educational technology.
 Instructional technology is part of educational technology. The instructional
technology involves the strategies and tactics which can be used outside and
inside the class room teaching.
 The main technology products used for the development of educational and
instructional technology purposes are media.

6. What do you understand about the concept of media and learning media?
The concept of media is the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver
information or data.

The concept of learning media is media education in general, as a teaching and learning
tool. Everything that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns and abilities or
skills of learners so as to facilitate the process of learning.

7. Mention 5 types of media along with examples?

1) Printed
Examples: book, magazine, journal
2) Audio
Examples: audio tape, CD.
3) Visual
Examples: pictures, charts, maps
4) Audio-visual
Examples: video and movie
5) Online computer
Examples: software applications

8. Why was in the 1920-1930s the creation and use of audio media grew so rapidly?
The biggest use of audio media in 1920-1930s is radio. Radio developed into the first
electronic mass medium. Radio broadcasting was the cheapest form of entertainment, and
it provided the public with far better entertainment than most people were accustomed to.
Those who have only known the music, news, and talk radio of recent decades can have
no conception of the big budget days of the thirties when radio was king of the electronic
hill. Like reading, radio demanded the use of imagination. Through image-inspiring
sound effects, which reached a high degree of sophistication in the thirties, radio replaced
vision with visualization.

9. Analysis of the following cases:

In Indonesia, the use of learning media has become a hot issue given the low
infrastructure such as the internet network, and even adequate books. How could this
happen? Who is wrong?

Answer :
Although the use of learning via the internet has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic,
the educational technology sector in Indonesia faces obstacles. For examples:
 Low willingness to pay from school and parents
 Lack of digital literacy, especially on the education provider side
 Poor digital infrastructure, which limits connectivity in remote areas and download
speeds throughout Indonesia.
Complicating the above barriers is the overlapping responsibilities between local and central
government in terms of new educational instruments, followed by limited capacity of the
general education system and little incentive to appreciate the potential of educational
technology products. In addition, Indonesia's underdeveloped consumer protection
regulations, particularly those related to data security and privacy, can jeopardize student
and school data.
The implementation of educational technology in Indonesia still encounters several
obstacles, especially in terms of infrastructure and the readiness of teachers and students.

10. What strategies can you do to overcome the problem if you teach in remote areas with
limited learning media?
 Governments can continue to invest in improving infrastructure and digital
connectivity, particularly in less developed areas and disadvantaged communities.
 Public education systems can partner with educational technology companies to
improve teachers’ ability to deliver technology-focused content. These
partnerships can also support student learning in times of other crises that limit
students’ ability to access schools, thereby increasing the resilience of the
education system as a whole.


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