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Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162

A comparison between Monte Carlo and FORMs in calculating

the reliability of a composite structure
M. Di Sciuva *, D. Lomario
Department of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy

In this paper a brief presentation of five reliability methods taken from literature is given. The methods are successively applied to
two examples, a beam made of isotropic material and a laminated composite plate. Loads, geometries and material properties of
both examples are defined as normal, uncorrelated stochastic variables. The aim of the paper is to compare and discuss the per-
formances of the methods. Furthermore, the utility of the so-called ‘‘Directional Cosines’’ is put in evidence, and its utility in Robust
design is suggested.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reliability; FORMs; Monte Carlo; Robust design

1. Introduction In this paper some of the most common methods are

applied to two simple examples, in order to compare
The need to incorporate uncertainties in an en- their performances. The algorithms employed are the
gineering design has long been recognized. The tradi- fast probability integration method (FPIM), the hyper-
tional approach, the so-called ‘‘deterministic design’’ [1], sphere method (HSM), the successive approach method
makes use of safety coefficients in order to prevent un- (SAM), the directional cosines method (DCM) and the
predicted failures due to the variability of the data. As a Monte Carlo method (MCM). The first four belong to
consequence, it is not possible to quantify the reliability the first order reliability methods family (FORMs, [2]),
of the structure, defined as the probability that the and consist of minimum-distance search procedures.
structure does not experience a failure. On the other The latter is a well-known technique, employed in var-
side, a relatively new trend, named ‘‘probabilistic de- ious fields of science and engineering. FPIM has been
sign’’, allowing the estimation of the reliability of the found in Ref. [3], the next three in Refs. [2,4], while
design, considers the stochastic variability of the data. MCM is introduced in Ref. [5].
The performance is generally evaluated by means of a
variable such as the displacement of a point, the maxi-
mum stress, etc. . . Due to many reasons (e.g., unpre-
dictability of future loading conditions, inability to 2. Algorithms used in this work
express the material properties accurately, simplifica-
tions in the modelling of the behaviour of the structure, The starting point for all the methods is a perfor-
limitations in the numerical methods, human errors or mance function, which gives the relation between the
omissions, etc. . .), the 100% reliability cannot be guar- chosen performance and the inputs of the model, i.e.,
anteed. However, the design can be conducted in order g ¼ gðx; x
Þ ¼ y  yðx; x
Þ ð1Þ
to raise the reliability up to a chosen level.
where x is the deterministic variables vector, x  the sto-
chastic variable vector, y the performance variable and y
the corresponding limit level. If even only one element of
*  varies stochastically, the performance variable y will
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-0115-646826; fax: +39-0115-
646899. vary in the same fashion, and g can be given as a
E-mail addresses: (M. Di Sciuva), lomario@ probability distribution function (PDF). Eq. (1) can (D. Lomario). be expressed analytically only for simple problems;
0263-8223/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 3 - 8 2 2 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 7 0 - 8
156 M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162


FORMs first order reliability methods x deterministic variables vector

FPIM fast probability integration method 
x stochastic variables vector
HSM hypersphere method y performance variable
SAM successive approach method y limit level on the performance variable
DCM directional cosines method uðxÞ joint probability density function of the sto-
MCM Monte Carlo method chastic variables
LSF limit state function R reliability
PF performance function li , ri mean and standard deviation of the i-th sto-
MPFP most probable failure point chastic variable

generally it is given numerically, as it happens for in- xi  li

ui ¼ ð3Þ
dustrial applications, where the finite element method is ri
largely employed in the analysis of structures. The per-
formance function gives the state (failed/not-failed) of where xi is the generic non-standard normal variable, li
the structure, hence the reliability can be defined as the and ri the corresponding mean and standard deviation,
area of the PDF of y that lays below the y level, as and ui the resulting standard variable. Following Eq. (3),
shown in Fig. 2a. Let us define the function /ð xÞ as the the origin of the transformed coordinate system repre-
joint probability density function of the stochastic sents the design that has all the stochastic variables set
variables. Therefore, the reliability is mathematically to their mean values (i.e., a product having all the
defined as follows: characteristics exactly equal to the nominal values given
in the design); any other point is a deviation from the
Z nominal design configuration. The more the generic
R¼ xÞ  dx1 . . . dxm
/ð ð2Þ point is near the origin, the higher the probability for the
corresponding product to exist is. From now on all the
stochastic variables transformed by means of equation
The integration is performed over the sub-domain on
(3) are grouped in the vector u. The performance func-
which the performance function is positive.
tion is now written as
Due to the difficulties in solving this integral, a
number of approximate solution methods have been g ¼ gðx; uÞ ð4Þ
devised, such as those used in this paper. The simplest FORMs are based on the concepts of limit state func-
and most intuitive one is the MCM [5], that consists in tion (LSF), most probable failure point (MPFP) and
calculating Eq. (1) for a great number of combinations reliability index (RI). The first is the surface, in the u
of x. The combinations, called ‘‘trials’’, are randomly space, given by the intersection between the perfor-
sampled from the probability distribution of each xi Õs, mance function and the plane gðuÞ ¼ 0. The resulting
by means of the standard random-generator functions surface separates the subdomains on which g is positive
implemented on any modern computer. The reliability is from the remainder. The MPFP is the point belonging
given by the ratio among the number of trials resulted in to the LSF nearer to the origin of the u coordinate
a positive performance function and the total number of system and, as the name suggests, it corresponds to the
trials. The method is valuable because of its ease of most probable design configuration that can encounter a
implementation, and because its accuracy depends failure. This statement can be motivated by the above
mainly on the number of trials that one can afford, re- mentioned consideration that the nearer a point to the
sulting from time-consume considerations. origin, the more probable it is to exist.
The FORMs [4] can be geometrically represented The RI is a quantity that directly gives a measure of
on a multidimensional cartesian coordinate system as the reliability of the structure under study. There are
minimum-distance search procedures. The coordinate different definitions for this index in literature, see Ref.
system is composed by all the stochastic variables x. In [4], and that adopted in this paper is the most common
all the FORMs it is assumed that each stochastic vari- encountered, i.e., the Hasofer–LindÕs RI:
able is described by a Normal PDF, and that it is sta- lg
tistically uncorrelated from all the others. Under such bHL ¼ ð5Þ
hypotheses it becomes useful to transform all the sto-
chastic variables into Standard Normal Distributions, where lg and rg are, respectively, the mean and standard
by means of the following well-known relation: deviation of the performance function.
M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162 157

The relation between bHL and R is:

R¼ N0;1 ðtÞ dt ¼ UðbHL Þ ð6Þ

where N0;1 is the Standard Normal Probability Density

Function, and U is the Cumulative Standard Normal β
Distribution Function. From this equation it becomes
Fig. 2. (a) Meaning of the limit level on the performance variable; (b)
clear what FORMs methods do: they transform the
use of the RI.
multidimensional integral of Eq. (2) into a monodi-
mensional one, of Eq. (6), see also Fig. 2b. Such a
transformation is possible thanks to the choice of the In this method a first-order Taylor series expansion of
Normal distribution for the description of the variables. the performance function around the means of the de-
In all the FORMs a linearization of the LSF around sign variables and parameters is performed, then the
the MPFP is made, approximating the LSF by a hy- definitions of mean and standard deviation are applied,
perplane in the u space; bHL is equal to the distance of considering all the variables as statistically uncorrelated,
the hyperplane from the origin. The four FORMs differ and the corresponding analytical expression are drawn.
for the different geometrical approach used in calculat- Therefore, at least in the first case it becomes possible to
ing bHL . understand some points of the behaviour of the
The DCM provides also a very useful tool, i.e., the FORMs.
directional cosines (DC), that allow the designer to es- Though both the GSMM and the FORMs start from
teem the proportions of ‘‘responsibility’’ of each sto- a Taylor series expansion of the performance function,
chastic variable in determining the value of R. Such a in the first case the expansion is made about the mean
tool becomes useful in the Robust design approach. values of the stochastic variables (origin of the u coor-
dinate system), while in the second it is around the
3. Examples studied
3.1. Example 1
The two examples studied herein presented refer to a
beam made of isotropic material, and a laminated A cantilever beam made of isotropic material is loa-
composite flat plate (Fig. 1). In both cases, a single ded by a distributed transverse load (Fig. 1). The
output quantity of the model is chosen as a performance quantity that defines the performance function is the
variable, while many of the input variables are stoch- displacement of the free tip, and the stochastic variables
astically defined. It is assumed that the PDFs of the are the length of the beam (l), the moment of area of the
inputs are Normal, uncorrelated functions, hence also cross-section (J), the Young modulus of the material (E)
the performance variable is a Normal PDF [6]. A limit and the value of the constant distributed transverse load
level is set on the maximum or minimum value that the acting on the beam (q). The performance function is:
performance variable can take, hence the reliability will
be the area of the PDF of the performance variable that gðJ ; E; L; qÞ ¼ Dl  ð7Þ
lies on the ‘‘safe’’ side of the limit value (see Fig. 2a). 8EJ
Thanks to its analytical simplicity, the first study Dl represents the maximum displacement allowed to the
example allows to compare the numerical results ob- free edge of the beam, and the second term is taken from
tained by MCM and FORMs with those of an analytical the Euler–BernoulliÕs theory. The limit value for the tip
method, well-known in statistics, named generation of displacement is increased stepwise, and for each step the
system moments, or also error propagation method [6]. reliability by means of the MCM, the four FORMs and

Fig. 1. Structures examined in examples 1 and 2.

158 M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162

Table 1 considered safe when this ratio is higher than 1, i.e., the
Data for example 1 buckling load is higher than the applied one.
Stochastic variable Mean, l Standard deviation, r
J (mm) 1:067  10 100,000 3.3. Convergence criteria in the FORMs
E (N/mm2 ) 73,000 1000
L (mm) 5000 2
Q (N) 10 3 In all the FORMs the convergence criteria adopted is
the following:
ðkÞ ðk1Þ
the GSMM is calculated. Data for this example are gi- jbHL j  jbHL j
<e ð10Þ
ven in Table 1. jbHL j
i.e., the algorithm stops when the difference between the
3.2. Example 2
last bHL and the previous is smaller than a given e, which
in these calculations has been set to 105 .
A laminated composite rectangular plate, simply
supported on the four sides is loaded by compressive
distributed forces acting in its mid-plane (Fig. 1). The 3.4. Incomplete MCMs
quantity to be checked for defining the performance
function is the buckling load. The stochastic variables Along with the MCM above explained, a series of
are the material properties of the ply (E1 , E2 , G12 ), the ‘‘incomplete’’ MCMs have been launched. These in-
thicknesses and the fibre orientation angles of the plies, complete MCMs are runs during which only one (or a
the value of the loads and the plateÕs dimensions. The few) stochastic variable is sampled, while the others are
data defining this case are listed in Table 2. kept fixed at their mean values. The purpose of this was
The PoissonÕs coefficient is the only deterministic to verify the statement that the DC are indexes of the
variable, and its value is m12 ¼ 0:28. The mean value of degree of participation of the variables in determining
P x is allowed to range from 10,000 to 100,000 N/m, in the reliability level.
order to calculate pointwise the relation R ¼ RðP x Þ. The
performance function is written using the expression of
the buckling load given for the special orthotropic 4. Results and discussion
laminate [7]; though the laminates produced in this work
are not special orthotropic, they satisfy the relations Tables 3 and 4 report the results of MCMs and
D16 D26 FORMs for both the examples, and the corresponding
c¼p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi < 0:2 d¼p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi < 0:2 ð8Þ plots are represented in Figs. 3 and 4. Along with the
D311 D22 4
D322 D11
results of the FORMS the number of steps needed to
As a consequence, the buckling load (as well as the achieve convergence are also given. Figs. 5a and 6a
fundamental frequency and the displacement of the represent the DC for the two examples, calculated for
centre of the plate) can be calculated with great accuracy each of the considered displacement and loading con-
by means of the same expression used for orthotropic ditions, and Figs. 5b and 6b give the plots of the results
laminates. The PF is therefore [7]: of the incomplete MCMs. As one can observe, the

( )
p2 ðD11 ðm=aÞ4 þ 2ðD12 þ 2D66 Þðm=aÞ2 ðn=bÞ2 þ D22 ðn=bÞ4 Þ
gðs; h; Nx ; Ny Þ ¼ min 2 2
1 ð9Þ
m;n Px ðm=aÞ þ Py ðn=bÞ

The fraction represents the ratio between the buckling higher the absolute value of the directional cosine of a
load and the external load Px , i.e., Nx;cr =Px . The plate is variable, the nearer the partial MCMÕs result of that

Table 2
Data for example 2
Dimensions of the plate Mechanical properties of a lamina Loads Thickness of
a (m) b (m) E1 (N/m )2 2
E2 (N/m ) G12 (N/m ) 2
Nx (N/m) Ny (N/m) a lamina (m)

Mean, l 1.3 1.5 181eþ9 10.30eþ9 7.17eþ9 Variable 20,000 0.125e)3

Standad 0.1 0.1 1eþ6 1eþ6 1eþ6 8000 8000 0.02e)3
deviation, r
M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162 159

Table 3
Results for example 1
Dl (mm) MCM FORMs
Val. N° it. Val. N° it. Val. N° it. Val. N° it.
4 2.2528 2.2531 4 2.2531 3 2.2362 3 2.2531 5
5 4.7248 4.7288 4 4.7288 3 4.7111 4 4.7288 6
8 24.9862 24.9828 5 24.9828 3 24.979 3 24.9828 6
9 36.5750 36.5814 4 36.5814 3 36.5808 3 36.5814 6
10.01 49.6913 49.6931 5 49.6931 3 49.6931 3 49.6931 6
10.03 49.9573 49.9579 5 49.9579 3 49.9579 3 49.9579 6
12 74.2922 74.2946 5 74.2946 3 74.2946 3 74.2946 6
14 90.5783 90.5778 4 90.5776 3 90.5776 4 90.5776 6
20 99.9522 99.9512 6 99.9510 4 99.951 5 99.951 8

Table 4
Results for example 2
P x (N/m) MCM FORMs
Val. N° it. Val. N° it. Val. N° it. Val. N° it.
10,000 92.2833 100 15 100 6 99.896 2 100 10
20,000 99.3218 100 14 100 6 99.9996 4 100 11
30,000 99.7363 99.9999 12 99.9998 6 100 6 99.9998 11
40,000 99.5865 99.9809 13 99.975 5 99.991 5 99.9749 11
50,000 97.2109 99.2243 14 99.112 4 99.3352 5 99.1113 12
60,000 84.8663 90.1703 14 89.7035 4 90.1531 4 89.6945 14
70,000 55.355 56.5843 13 56.4686 3 56.466 4 – –
80,000 22.3649 16.9513 15 17.4802 4 17.7539 4 17.4754 9
90,000 4.9225 1.9026 18 2.1242 5 2.3529 4 2.1222 11
100,000 0.546 0 60 0.0911 5 0.1225 4 0.0909 11

Fig. 3. Reliability for example 1 calculated by MCM and FORMs.

variable to that of the complete MCM, for a given Dl or reliabilities that in the first example are almost coinci-
Px (dotted lines). A practical consequence of this infor- dent, and in the second are very near to one another.
mation is that the MCMs can be performed by sampling Typically, the variables with greater DC were the
only the most important variables, with a considerable external loads q and P x , in the two cases; this is also due
shortening of the computing time. All the MCMs, both to the fact that the loadÕs standard deviations (Tables 1
complete and incomplete, used 106 trials for each point. and 2) were taken much greater than those of the other
A glance to Tables 3 and 4 reveals that the quickest variables, therefore the importance of the load dis-
FORMs are DCM and HSM, because they took an persion in determining the reliability was considerable.
inferior number of iterations to reach convergence, with In example 2 the best incomplete MCM, i.e., that
160 M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162

Fig. 4. Reliability for example 2 calculated by MCM and FORMs.

Fig. 5. (a) DC; (b) incomplete MCM for example 1.

Fig. 6. (a) DC; (b) incomplete MCM for example 2.

M. Di Sciuva, D. Lomario / Composite Structures 59 (2003) 155–162 161

Table 5
Results of the application of the GSMM to example 1
Calc. numb. Dl (mm) lZ bHL RGSM (%)
1 4 )6.035 )2.003 2.2593
2 5 )5.035 )1.671 4.7357
3 8 )2.035 )0.675 24.9711
4 9 )1.035 )0.344 36.5604
5 10.01 )0.025 )0.0083 49.6681
6 10.03 )0.005 )0.0017 49.9329
7 12 1.965 0.652 74.2839
8 14 3.965 1.316 90.5893
9 20 9.965 3.307 99.9529
For all the points rz ¼ 3:013.

incomplete MCM that followed with the best accuracy 5. Conclusions

the complete MCMÕs results, has been that in which the
stochastic variables were P x , P a , a and b. In Fig. 6b it A comparison between the performances of a number
is indicated with MCM_NxNyab. The SAM applied to of reliability methods has been performed. MCM turns
the example 2 showed an oscillatory behaviour when out to be the simplest one to implement, and the most
P x ¼ 70,000 N/m: the bHL oscillated between the values intuitive to understand, and the precision of the results
10.106 and 11.9471, both of which correspond to depends mainly on the number of trials that the designer
R ¼ 100%. Such a behaviour was observed only for that can afford himself.
value of the load, and in its proximity. The role of DC in Beside the MCM, a group of approximated methods
the DCM is analogous to that of the contribution ratios are considered, thanks to their low cost and accuracy of
calculated during the statistical analysis of a set of ex- the approximation. In particular, most interesting of all
perimental results [8]. is the DCM, which was demonstrated to have the
quickest performance, and which provides sensitivity
4.1. Application of GSMM to example 1 information on the stochastic variability of the input
variables. For this reason it can find applications in the
The application of GSMM produces the mean and Robust design, where it is important to distinguish
standard deviation of the output variable, which in this among variables the variability of which is influent on
case is the tip displacement D. These statistics are the the performances of the structure, from those for which
same as those regarding the performance function g, the variability can be neglected. The utility of the DC
because they are calculated by differentiating g, and Dl is reveals also when one is interested in estimating the re-
a constant value. The values of the statistics are: liability by MCM: by looking at the DC of each sto-
chastic variable it is possible to reduce the number of
lD ¼ lg
  stochastic variables to be sampled in the calculation,
þ 1 l4L lq 2 l4L lq 2 3l2L lq 2 neglecting those the DC of which is too small. This
¼D r þ r þ r
2 4l3J lE J 4lJ l3E E 2lJ lE L strategy leads to a considerable saving of CPU time,
¼ 11:91 mm ð11Þ with small influence on the accuracy of the results.

 4 2  4 2  2 2  4 2
lL lq 2
lL lq 2
lL lq 2
rD ¼ rg ¼ 2
rJ þ 2
rE þ rL þ r2q ¼ 3:01 mm ð12Þ
8lJ lE 8lJ lE 2lJ lE 8lJ lE

The ‘‘deterministic’’ displacement of the tip of the beam, Among the four FORMs tested, the faster have been
calculated by setting the four variables to the corre- the DCM and the HSM.
sponding mean values, is

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D ¼ 10:03 mm ð13Þ
8lE lJ
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