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Actual Causes of Death

in the United States, 2000
Ali H. Mokdad, PhD Context Modifiable behavioral risk factors are leading causes of mortality in the United
James S. Marks, MD, MPH States. Quantifying these will provide insight into the effects of recent trends and the
implications of missed prevention opportunities.
Donna F. Stroup, PhD, MSc
Objectives To identify and quantify the leading causes of mortality in the United
Julie L. Gerberding, MD, MPH States.

N A SEMINAL 1993 A R T I C L E , Design Comprehensive MEDLINE search of English-language articles that identified
McGinnis and Foege1 described the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory studies linking risk behaviors and mortality.
major external (nongenetic) modi- The search was initially restricted to articles published during or after 1990, but we
later included relevant articles published in 1980 to December 31, 2002. Prevalence
fiable factors that contributed to
and relative risk were identified during the literature search. We used 2000 mortality
death in the United States and labeled data reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to identify the causes
them the “actual causes of death.” Dur- and number of deaths. The estimates of cause of death were computed by multiply-
ing the 1990s, substantial lifestyle pat- ing estimates of the cause-attributable fraction of preventable deaths with the total
tern changes may have led to variations mortality data.
in actual causes of death. Mortality rates Main Outcome Measures Actual causes of death.
from heart disease, stroke, and cancer
Results The leading causes of death in 2000 were tobacco (435000 deaths; 18.1%
have declined.2 At the same time, behav- of total US deaths), poor diet and physical inactivity (400000 deaths; 16.6%), and
ioral changes have led to an increased alcohol consumption (85000 deaths; 3.5%). Other actual causes of death were mi-
prevalence of obesity and diabetes.3 crobial agents (75000), toxic agents (55000), motor vehicle crashes (43000), inci-
Most diseases and injuries have mul- dents involving firearms (29000), sexual behaviors (20000), and illicit use of drugs
tiple potential causes and several fac- (17000).
tors and conditions may contribute to Conclusions These analyses show that smoking remains the leading cause of mor-
a single death. Therefore, it is a chal- tality. However, poor diet and physical inactivity may soon overtake tobacco as the
lenge to estimate the contribution of leading cause of death. These findings, along with escalating health care costs and
each factor to mortality. In this ar- aging population, argue persuasively that the need to establish a more preventive ori-
ticle, we used published causes of death entation in the US health care and public health systems has become more urgent.
reported to the Centers for Disease Con- JAMA. 2004;291:1238-1245
trol and Prevention (CDC) for 2000,
relative risks (RRs), and prevalence es- ticles including the following key deaths, we used mortality data re-
timates from published literature and words: mortality, smoking, physical ac- ported in 2000 to the CDC.4 We used
governmental reports to update actual tivity, diet, obesity, alcohol, microbial no unpublished information or data.
causes of death in the United States—a agents, toxic agents, motor vehicle, fire- We used the following formula to cal-
method similar to that used by arms, sexual behavior, illicit drug use. culate attributable fractions for each dis-
McGinnis and Foege. Our search allowed for words with simi- ease: [(P 0 + ⌺P i (RR i )) − 1]/[P 0 + ⌺P i
lar meaning to be included (ie, exer- (RRi)], in which P0 is the percentage of
METHODS cise as well as physical activity). The individuals in the United States not en-
Our literature review used a MEDLINE search was initially restricted to ar- gaging in the risk behavior, Pi is the per-
database search of English-language ar- ticles published during or after 1990,
but we later included relevant articles Author Affiliations: Division of Adult and Commu-
ticles that identified epidemiological, nity Health (Dr Mokdad), Office of the Director (Drs
clinical, and laboratory studies link- published in 1980 to December 31, Marks and Stroup), National Center for Chronic Dis-
2002 (search strategies are available ease Prevention and Health Promotion and Office of
ing risk behaviors and mortality. Our the Director (Dr Gerberding), Centers for Disease Con-
search criteria were to include all ar- from the authors on request). For each trol and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga.
risk factor, we used the prevalence and Corresponding Author: Ali H. Mokdad, PhD, Divi-
sion of Adult and Community Health, 4770 Buford
RR identified by the literature search. Hwy, NE, Mailstop K66, Atlanta, GA 30341
For editorial comment see p 1263.
To identify the causes and number of (

1238 JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

centage engaging in separate catego-

Table 1. Leading Causes of Death in the United States in 2000*
ries of the risk behavior, and RRi is
Death Rate per
the RR of death for each separate cat- Cause of Death No. of Deaths 100 000 Population
egory relative to none. For instance, in Heart disease 710 760 258.2
the case of smoking, P0 is the percent- Malignant neoplasm 553 091 200.9
age of persons who never smoked, P1 Cerebrovascular disease 167 661 60.9
is the percentage of former smokers, Chronic lower respiratory tract disease 122 009 44.3
P2 is the percentage of current smok- Unintentional injuries 97 900 35.6
ers, RR1 is the RR of a certain type of Diabetes mellitus 69 301 25.2
death for former smokers compared Influenza and pneumonia 65 313 23.7
with those who never smoked, and Alzheimer disease 49 558 18
RR 2 is the RR of death for current Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 37 251 13.5
smokers compared with those who Septicemia 31 224 11.3
never smoked. We then multiplied Other 499 283 181.4
estimates of the cause-attributable Total 2 403 351 873.1
fraction of preventable deaths by *Data are from Minino et al.4
total mortality data. Whenever pos-
sible, we used RRs of death and mor- Prevention Study II7 and included deaths weight.9 Recent articles have reported
tality data by other variables such as due to secondhand smoking. that overweight increased in all seg-
age, sex, and race. We used data from the Behavioral Risk ments of the US population.10,11 To de-
We estimated ranges for our esti- Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a rive the attributable number of deaths
mated number of deaths by using the cross-sectional telephone survey con- due to overweight, we used estimates
smallest and highest RRs and their ducted by state health departments with from the CDC’s 1999 and 2000 Na-
boundaries when available. When data the CDC’s assistance, to determine tional Health and Nutrition Examina-
were available, we used specific under- changes in US smoking prevalence from tion Surveys.12 We used the same pro-
lying causes of death in deriving some 1995-1999 to 2000. A detailed descrip- cedure reported by Allison et al13 to
of our estimates (ie, firearms, motor ve- tion of survey methods is available else- estimate annual overweight-attribut-
hicles, and illicit drug use). Further de- where.8 A slight decline in smoking was able deaths. We used the body mass in-
tails of these methods may vary due to observed from 1995-1999 to 2000. The dex (BMI) range of 23 to 25 as our ref-
availability of data and are presented in prevalence of smoking in 1995-1999 was erence category to match the method
each section below. We used SAS (ver- 22.8% for current smokers (males: used by Allison et al. Body mass index
sion 8.2, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) 25.1%; females: 20.6%), 24.1% for former is calculated as weight in kilograms di-
and SUDAAN (version 8.0, Research smokers (males: 28.3%; females: 20.3%), vided by the square of the height in me-
Triangle Institute, Research Triangle and 53.1% for never-smokers (males: ters. Using data from the 1999 and 2000
Park, NC) statistical software. 46.5%; females: 59.2%). In 2000, these National Health and Nutrition Exami-
estimates were 22.2% for current smok- nation Surveys, the percentages for BMI
RESULTS ers (males: 24.1%; females: 20.5%), cut points were less than 23 (22.3%), 23
The number of deaths in the United 24.4% for former smokers (males: 28.3%; to less than 25 (15.09%), 25 to less than
States in 2000 was 2.4 million, which females: 20.7%), and 53.4% for never- 26 (7.49%), 26 to less than 27 (7.36%),
is an increase of more than 250 000 smokers (males: 47.6%; females: 58.8%). 27 to less than 28 (6.23%), 28 to less
deaths in comparison with the 1990 We estimate that approximately than 29 (6.30%), 29 to less than 30
total, due largely to population growth 435 000 deaths were attributable to (5.94%), 30 to 35 (16.95%), and more
and increasing age.2,4 Leading causes smoking in 2000, which is an increase than 35 (12.62%).
of death were diseases of the heart of 35 000 deaths from 1990 (TABLE 2). We used hazard ratios reported pre-
(710 760), malignant neoplasms This increase is due to the inclusion of viously13 to recompute annual deaths
(553 091), and cerebrovascular dis- 35000 deaths due to secondhand smok- for 6 major population-based studies.
eases (167661) (TABLE 1). ing and 1000 infant deaths due to ma- The mean estimate of the total num-
ternal smoking, which were not in- ber of overweight-attributable deaths in
Tobacco cluded in the article by McGinnis and 2000 was 494 921. For the Alameda
We used methods and software used in Foege.1 County Health Study, the estimated
previous CDC reports to compute the number of overweight-attributable
annual smoking-attributable mortality Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity deaths in 2000 was 567683; Framing-
for 2000.5,6 As in previous reports, we To assess the impact of poor diet and ham Heart Study, 543981; Tecumseh
used RRs for each cause of death from physical inactivity on mortality, we com- Community Health Study, 462,005;
the American Cancer Society’s Cancer puted annual deaths due to over- American Cancer Society Cancer Pre-
©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 1239

consumption. The National Health In-

Table 2. Actual Causes of Death in the United States in 1990 and 2000
terview Survey, a household survey that
Actual Cause No. (%) in 1990* No. (%) in 2000
measured alcohol intake in 1999 and
Tobacco 400 000 (19) 435 000 (18.1)
2000, and the BRFSS, a telephone sur-
Poor diet and physical inactivity 300 000 (14) 400 000 (16.6)
vey that measured alcohol intake in
Alcohol consumption 100 000 (5) 85 000 (3.5)
Microbial agents 90 000 (4) 75 000 (3.1)
Toxic agents 60 000 (3) 55 000 (2.3)
We used RRs from the Australian Na-
Motor vehicle 25 000 (1) 43 000 (1.8)
tional Drug and Safety Report that were
Firearms 35 000 (2) 29 000 (1.2)
based on mortality rates derived from
Sexual behavior 30 000 (1) 20 000 (0.8)
pooled data of several studies.27,28 The
Illicit drug use 20 000 (⬍1) 17 000 (0.7)
RR values were 1.33 for hazardous
Total 1 060 000 (50) 1 159 000 (48.2) drinking (4.01-6.00 drinks/d for males
*Data are from McGinnis and Foege.1 The percentages are for all deaths. and 2.01-4.00 for females) and 1.47 for
harmful drinking (ⱖ6.01 drinks/d for
vention Study I, 451708; Nurses Health ber of deaths from the 1999-2000 data males and ⱖ4.01 for females) in con-
Study, 504602; and the National Health may well be the expected number of trast to low levels of drinking (0.26-
and Nutrition Examination Survey I deaths in the next few years. Thus, we 4.00 drinks/d for males and 0.26-2.00
Epidemiologic Follow-up Study, believe a more accurate and conserva- for females) and abstinence (0-0.25
439548.14-19 tive estimate for overweight mortality in drinks/d for both males and females).
As in the study by Allison et al, the 2000 such as 385 000, which is the We used BRFSS data to compute the
estimate for the attributable number of rounded average of 2000 and 1991 es- number of alcohol-attributable deaths
deaths for nonsmokers or never- timates (494921 and 280184). for the US population aged 18 years or
smokers was higher than the estimate Overweight would account for the older. The BRFSS also asked ques-
for the total because smoking is asso- major impact of poor diet and physi- tions about binge drinking (ie, ⱖ5
ciated with both lower body weight and cal inactivity on mortality.20 Diet may drinks per occasion). To account for the
higher mortality. Also in 2000, the have a minor additional effect on mor- effect that respondents appeared not to
mean estimate of the total number of tality mainly from lack of certain es- include binge drinking in their re-
overweight-attributable deaths among sential nutrients.21,22 Consumption of ported regular drinking, we reran our
nonsmokers or never-smokers was fruits and vegetables increased in the analyses, adding 5 drinks per binge oc-
543 797. For the Alameda County 1990s,23 and fat intake as a percentage casion to average drinks per day. The
Health Study, the estimate of over- of calories declined.24 Physical activ- total number of deaths attributable to
weight-attributable deaths among non- ity has increased slightly.25 We esti- alcohol was 103350.
smokers or never-smokers was 639026; mate that poor diet and physical inac- We also used 3 other recent studies
Framingham Heart Study, 583913; Te- tivity will cause an additional 15 000 to estimate alcohol-attributable mor-
cumseh Community Health Study, deaths a year, although this too may be tality. Two studies were based on the
457460; American Cancer Society Can- conservative. Nutritional deficiencies National Health Interview Survey29,30
cer Prevention Study I, 466729; Nurses alone (International Classification of Dis- and the National Alcohol Survey.31 Us-
Health Study, 570 855; and the Na- eases, 10th Revision [ICD-10] codes E40- ing all-cause mortality and RRs from
tional Health and Nutrition Examina- E64) were reported as the causes of these studies, we estimated approxi-
tion Survey I Epidemiologic Fol- 4242 deaths in 2000. mately 60000 deaths per year. This dif-
low-up Study, 544 798. Our estimates We estimate that 400000 deaths were ference in number of deaths is mainly
indicate an increase of 76.6% over the attributable to poor diet and physical due to the fact that BRFSS respon-
1991 estimate of overweight-attribut- inactivity, an increase of one third from dents report a higher percentage of
able deaths, with more than 80% of ex- 300000 deaths estimated by McGinnis heavy drinking than do respondents in
cess deaths occurring among individu- and Foege,1 and the largest increase a household survey such as the Na-
als with class 2 and 3 obesity. among all actual causes of death. How- tional Health Interview Survey.
The prevalence of overweight used in ever, poor diet and physical inactivity In another approach, we aggregated
this study is based on data from 1999- could account for even more deaths alcohol-related deaths from specified
2000. Because the effects of overweight (⬎500000) when the 1999-2000 preva- ICD codes that were summed to pro-
on mortality may not appear until some lence estimates of overweight have their vide an overall estimate of deaths. In
years after a person becomes over- full effect. 2000, 18539 deaths were reported as al-
weight, it is likely that the increase in cohol-induced (ICD-10 codes F10,
prevalence of overweight in the 1990s Alcohol Consumption G31.2, G62.1, I42.6, K29.2, K70, R78.0,
overestimates the current actual num- We used 2 large nationally representa- X45, X65). In addition, 16653 persons
ber of deaths. However, the total num- tive surveys to determine US alcohol were killed in alcohol-related crashes.32
1240 JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

We estimate another 34797 deaths in 776.4 In general, mortality from infec- daily average of PM10 concentration in
2000 using BRFSS alcohol consump- tious and parasitic diseases has de- 2000,45 which results in an estimate of
tion data and disease-specific RRs from clined since 1990.33 Because pneumo- 24000 deaths per year (range, 22000-
the Australian study for oropharyn- nia and septicemia occur at higher rates 52000 deaths) from air pollution alone.
geal, esophageal, liver, laryngeal, and fe- among patients with cancer, heart dis- The National Institute for Occupa-
male breast cancers; stroke; hyperten- ease, lung disease, or liver disease, some tional Safety and Health (NIOSH) esti-
sive heart disease; and other chronic liver of these deaths really are attributable mates that about 113000 deaths are due
disease and cirrhosis (ICD-10 code to smoking, poor diet, and alcohol con- to occupational exposure from 1968 to
K73-74). This totals to 69989 deaths in sumption.39-43 We estimate that ap- 1996.53 The number of deaths caused by
2000 from these factors alone. In the proximately 75000 deaths were attrib- occupational exposure has declined dur-
Australian study, all-cause mortality was utable to microbial agents in 2000 from ing that period. In 1996, NIOSH esti-
also higher than the summation of cause- all ICD-10 codes for infectious and para- mated 3119 deaths from pneumoconio-
specific mortality. sitic mortality. The major cause of the sis and 1176 from asbestosis. Although,
Total alcohol-attributable deaths decline was a decrease in deaths from particulate air pollution accounts for the
would reach about 140 000 if mortal- influenza and pneumonia probably re- majority (about 60%) of mortality re-
ity among previous alcohol drinkers flecting at least in part an increase in lated to toxic agents,54 indoor air pollu-
were included. It is unclear whether ex- immunization in older adults against tion, environmental tobacco smoke, ra-
cess mortality among former alcohol vaccine-preventable diseases. This con- don, lead in drinking water, and food
drinkers is due to damage or illness trasts with 90000 deaths attributed to contamination are associated with in-
from past alcohol consumption. microbial agents in 1990 estimates. creased mortality.55,56 We estimate that
Taking these various numbers into ac- toxic agents (excluding environmental
count, our best estimate for total alcohol- Toxic Agents tobacco exposure) were associated with
attributable deaths in 2000 is approxi- Estimating the number of deaths due to 2% to 3.5% of total mortality in 2000. We
mately 85000, based on the conservative toxic agents is more challenging than any estimate approximately 55000 deaths at-
estimate from cause-specific deaths and of the other risk factors due to limited tributable to toxic agents in 2000. This
the high estimate using all-cause mor- published research and the challenges estimate is our least certain of the vari-
tality. This is a reduction of 15 000 of measuring exposure and outcome. In ous causes.
deaths from the 1990 estimates. the 1990s, many improvements were
made in controlling and monitoring pol- Motor Vehicles
Microbial Agents lutants.44 There is more systematic moni- Motor-vehicle crashes involving pas-
We excluded human immunodefi- toring of pollutants at state and county sengers and pedestrians resulted in
ciency virus (HIV) from this category levels, and exposure to asbestos, ben- 43 354 deaths in 2000.4 This decline
and included it with sexual behaviors zene, and lead have declined.44 In fact, from 47000 deaths in 1990 represents
to be consistent with the analysis by the US Environmental Protection successful public health efforts in motor-
McGinnis and Foege.1 In the past, in- Agency reported a decline of 25% from vehicle safety.57,58 Deaths from alcohol-
fectious agents were the leading cause 1970 to 2001 in 6 principal air pollut- related crashes declined from 22084 in
of mortality.33 These agents still pre- ants: carbon monoxide, lead, ozone, ni- 1990 to 16653 in 2000.32 Major con-
sent a major threat to the nation’s health trogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and par- tributing factors include the use of child
and are associated with high mor- ticulate matter.45 safety seats and safety belts,59,60 de-
bidity.34 Several improvements in the Toxic agents are associated with in- creases in alcohol-impaired driving,61
health system have led to a decline in creased mortality from cancer, respira- changes in vehicle and highway de-
mortality from infectious diseases. The tory, and cardiovascular diseases.46-49 We sign,62,63 and national goals to reduce mo-
increase in US immunization rates led used the National Morbidity, Mortal- tor-vehicle–related mortality and in-
to a decline in mortality from many vac- ity, and Air Pollution Study to estimate jury.64 We estimate that approximately
cine-preventable diseases.35-37 Several mortality due to air pollution.50 The 26 500 deaths in 2000 were attribut-
laws ensure this high immunization rate study assessed the association between able to motor-vehicle crashes in which
for children by requiring vaccination for air pollution and mortality and morbid- alcohol was not a factor. This is an in-
school and day-care enrollment.38 There ity in 90 cities in the United States. Only crease of 1500 from the 1990 report be-
also have been substantial improve- particulate matter (PM) was associated cause both estimates were not adjusted
ments in sanitation and hygiene, anti- with a significant increase in mortal- for the number of registered vehicles,
biotics and other antimicrobial medi- ity—an approximate 0.5% increase in number of crashes, nor miles of travel.
cines, and hospital-infection control.35 total mortality for each 10-µ/m3 in- We included alcohol-related deaths to
In 2000, influenza and pneumonia crease in PM10. Previous studies re- stress that efforts to educate the public
accounted for 65 313 deaths, septice- ported a range of 0.4% to 1% for that as- and enforce laws against driving while
mia for 31 224, and tuberculosis for sociation.51,52 We used 23.8 µ/m3 as the intoxicated have accounted for most of
©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 1241

the decline in deaths related to motor- HIV infection, pneumonia, violence, relatively minor changes from 1990 to
vehicle crashes. mental illness, and hepatitis.27,28,72-77 An 2000 in the estimated number of deaths
estimated 3 million individuals in the due to actual causes. Our findings in-
Firearms United States have serious drug prob- dicate that interventions to prevent and
Firearm-related incidents resulted in lems. 78,79 Several studies have re- increase cessation of smoking, im-
28663 deaths among individuals in the ported an undercount of the number of prove diet, and increase physical activ-
United States in 2000.4 This is a de- deaths attributed to drugs by vital sta- ity must become much higher priori-
cline from approximately 36000 deaths tistics80; however, improved medical ties in the public health and health care
in 1990. The largest declines were in treatments have reduced mortality from systems.
deaths from homicides and uninten- many diseases associated with illicit The most striking finding was the
tional discharge of firearms. In 2000, drug use. In keeping with the report by substantial increase in the number of
16586 deaths were due to intentional McGinnis and Foege,1 we included estimated deaths attributable to poor
self-harm (suicide) by discharge of fire- deaths caused indirectly by illicit drug diet and physical inactivity. We esti-
arms (ICD-10 codes X72-X74). Assault use in this category. We used attribut- mate that roughly 400000 deaths now
(homicide) by discharge of firearms able fractions to compute the number occur annually due to poor diet and
(ICD-10 codes X93-X95) resulted in of deaths due to illicit drug use.27,28,81 physical inactivity. The gap between
10 801 deaths. Unintentional dis- Overall, we estimate that illicit drug use deaths due to poor diet and physical in-
charge of firearms (ICD-10 codes W32- resulted in approximately 17000 deaths activity and those due to smoking has
W34) resulted in 776 deaths, while dis- in 2000, a reduction of 3000 deaths narrowed substantially. Because rates
charge of firearms, undetermined intent from the 1990 report. of overweight increased rapidly dur-
(ICD-10 codes Y22-Y24), resulted in 230 ing the 1990s, we used a conservative
deaths. The remaining 270 deaths were Other Factors approach to make our estimates, ac-
due to legal intervention (ICD-10 code Several other factors contribute to an counting for the delayed effects of over-
Y35). These numbers were ascertained increased rate of death. There are fac- weight on mortality. In addition, over-
from death certificate reports. tors that we do not know of such as un- weight lessens life expectancy. 87,88
known pollutants or perhaps expo- However, it is clear that if the increas-
Sexual Behavior sures that may cause a considerable ing trend of overweight is not re-
Sexual behavior is associated with an in- number of deaths. Poverty and low edu- versed over the next few years, poor diet
creased risk of preventable disease and cation levels are associated with in- and physical inactivity will likely over-
disability.65 An estimated 20 million per- creased mortality from many causes,82,83 take tobacco as the leading prevent-
sons are newly infected with sexually partly due to differential exposure to the able cause of mortality.
transmitted diseases each year in the risks described above. However, con- The most disappointing finding may
United States.66,67 Mortality from sexu- trolling for differential exposure to risk be the slow progress in reducing to-
ally transmitted diseases is declining due factors is unlikely to explain the en- bacco-related mortality. A few states,
to the availability of earlier and better tire impact on mortality. Lack of ac- notably California, have had major suc-
treatment, especially for HIV.67,68 In cess to proper medical care or preven- cess in programs that led to reducing
2000, HIV disease (ICD-10 codes B20- tive services is associated with increased deaths from heart disease and can-
B24) resulted in 14578 deaths. In 1990, mortality.84 Biological characteristics cer.89 However, efforts in most other
HIV was the cause of 27695 deaths for and genetic factors also greatly affect states are too recent or short-term to
persons older than 13 years, indicating risk of death.85 In most studies we re- have a similar effect. In response to the
about a 48% decline in HIV mortality viewed, low education levels and in- increase in tobacco use among youth
during the decade. Based on the sexual come were associated with increased in the early 1990s, state and national
behavior–attributable fraction from the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, tobacco-control efforts increased their
literature,69-71 we estimate that 20000 diabetes, and injury. The Healthy focus on prevention of initiation and
deaths (range, 18000-25000 deaths) in People 2010 initiative has made the recognized the importance of cessa-
2000 were due to sexual behavior— elimination of health disparities, espe- tion on reducing smoking-related
mainly HIV; other contributors were cially racial and ethnic disparities, a pri- deaths. Thus, most national and state
hepatitis B and C viruses and cervical mary goal.86 efforts now address comprehensive pro-
cancer. The decline of 10 000 deaths gram strategies.90 Current tobacco-
from the 1990 estimates1 was due to the COMMENT control efforts will also need strong ces-
decline in HIV mortality. We found that about half of all deaths sation components to show a decline
that occurred in the United States in in tobacco deaths in a future assess-
Illicit Use of Drugs 2000 could be attributed to a limited ment. Recent reports on the effects of
Illicit drug use is associated with sui- number of largely preventable behav- telephone quit lines for smokers are en-
cide, homicide, motor-vehicle injury, iors and exposures. Overall, we found couraging.91 On the other hand, large
1242 JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 (Reprinted) ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

state budget shortfalls are leading to fers great potential for treating and ame- findings in this study argue persua-
large cuts in public health, with a cor- liorating risk. Identifying individuals at sively for the need to establish a more
responding diversion of resources from higher risk for a disease through ge- preventive orientation in health care
tobacco taxes and settlement dollars to netic testing may promote lifestyle and public health systems in the United
cover deficits instead of tobacco- changes that can help prevent the on- States.
control programs. set of that disease.93
Author Contributions: Dr Mokdad had full access to
Despite the call to action on these risk In this study we also did not exam- the data in this study and takes full responsibility for
factors a decade ago, there has been little ine the effects of high blood pressure the scientific integrity of the data and the accuracy of
progress in reducing the total number and cholesterol or lipid profile on mor- the analysis and content of the manuscript.
Study concept and design: Mokdad, Marks, Stroup,
of deaths from these causes. The tality, although some of the effects of Gerberding.
progress that has occurred primarily in- these factors are meditated through Acquisition of data: Mokdad, Stroup, Gerberding.
Analysis and interpretation of data: Mokdad, Marks,
volves actual causes of death that are poor diet and physical inactivity. These Stroup, Gerberding.
less prominent. With the shift in the age risk factors are common among adults Drafting of the manuscript: Mokdad, Marks, Stroup,
distribution of the population, more in the United States. More than 30% of Critical revision of the manuscript for important
adults now are in the age group at high- US adults have high blood pressure or intellectual content: Mokdad, Marks, Stroup,
est risk because of the cumulative ef- high cholesterol.94,95 Monitoring and Gerberding.
Statistical expertise: Mokdad, Stroup.
fects of their behavior. The net effect controlling blood pressure and choles- Obtained funding: Marks, Gerberding.
is that both total deaths and total terol is crucial to preventing prema- Administrative, technical, or material support:
Mokdad, Marks, Stroup, Gerberding.
burden due to the actual causes have ture mortality and morbidity. Study supervision: Marks, Gerberding.
increased. One of the most difficult aspects of Funding/Support: There was no external funding for
this work.
Our analyses have several limita- this analysis is that the attribution of Acknowledgment: We acknowledge the valuable con-
tions. Our study reported actual causes the actual cause that led to death var- tributions of Barbara A. Bowman, PhD, Robert D.
Brewer, MD, MSPH, Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH, Wayne
of mortality in the United States. How- ies depending on perspective. We used H. Giles, MD, James M. Mendlein, PhD, Cheryl Pel-
ever, these causes are also associated similar methods to those used by lerin, Susan Y. Chu, PhD, and Eduardo J. Simoes, MD,
with a large morbidity burden. In ad- McGinnis and Foege1 to allow com- MPH.
Role of the Sponsor: The Centers for Disease Con-
dition to premature death, years of lost parisons. We tried when possible to use trol and Prevention reviewed and approved this re-
life, diminished productivity, and high RRs that are fully adjusted for other risk port before submission.
rates of disability, decreased quality of factors in our analyses, but possibly not
life is also strongly associated with these eliminating duplicate attribution of REFERENCES
actual causes. A recent World Health causes. We also explicitly included 1. McGinnis JM, Foege WH. Actual causes of death
in the United States. JAMA. 1993;270:2207-2212.
Organization report finds these actual some deaths in more than 1 category 2. Health, United States 2002. Rockville, Md: Dept
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