SAP HR-FI Integration - Posting Payroll Results To FI

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SAP HR-FI Integration (Posting Payroll Results to FI)

End-User Training Manual

Prepared by:
Eslam Hosny (SAP Team Lead)

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Steps.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Creation of Posting Run (Simulation - Live) .............................................................................................. 4
Simulating a Posting Run > Simulation Document (S) .......................................................................... 5
Creating a Posting Run > Live Document (P)......................................................................................... 5
Edit Posting Run (Simulation - Live) .......................................................................................................... 6
Review the Posting Run documents (Simulation – Live)....................................................................... 6
Releasing & Posting the Live Document (P) .......................................................................................... 7
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Deleting a Posting Run .............................................................................................................................. 8
Reversing Posting Documents (Live Document) ....................................................................................... 9
Result if Successful: ............................................................................................................................. 10
Result if Unsuccessful: ........................................................................................................................ 10


- Posting payroll results ensures that the personnel expenses that arise within the company are
posted in Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting

- Payroll results are posted to FI on monthly basis and in a summarized form (G/L Account, Cost
Center, WBS Element…...)

- Payroll must be run for the Payroll Area(s).
- Payroll Control Record Status must be “Exit”

Creation of Posting Run (Simulation - Live)

SAP Menu Human Resources > Payroll > Africa > Egypt > Post-Payroll Activities > Per
Payroll Period > Posting to Accounting > Create Posting Run
Transaction code PC00_M99_CIPE

- The step creating a posting run creates a posting document based on the payroll results, with a
unique number
- Structure of the posting run:
o Payroll area and period
o Document Type (Simulation - Live)
o Document Date
o Posting Date

Simulating a Posting Run > Simulation Document (S)

- Used for revision and solving any errors without any effect on FI

- Possible before payroll exit

- You can repeat simulation of posting runs as often as you require, as this does not, unlike
creating a live posting run

- SAP recommends that you simulate a posting run both before and after completing payroll, in
this way, you can recognize posting-relevant errors in the payroll results early on and avoid
errors when creating a live posting run.

Creating a Posting Run > Live Document (P)

- After completing Payroll (Exit), you must create a live posting run to post the personnel
expenses and payables to the accounts and account assignment objects in
the Accounting components.

- Before creating a live posting run you should have created a simulation run with technically
correct posting documents containing the correct information

- Only one Live Posting Run Document should be created each month for a Payroll Area and
Payroll Period

Edit Posting Run (Simulation - Live)

SAP Menu Human Resources > Payroll > Africa > Egypt > Post-Payroll Activities > Per
Payroll Period > Posting to Accounting > Edit Posting Run
Transaction code PCP0

- Reviewing the Posting Run documents (Simulation - Live)
- Releasing & Posting the Live Document

Review the Posting Run documents (Simulation – Live)

- Document Number: double click on it to view the summarized form of payroll results (G/L
Account – Cost Center – WBS Element….)

- Run Information: Payroll Area and Payroll Period

- SIM: Simulation Flag

o If it is flagged, then the document is simulation
o If it is not flagged, then the document is Live

- Status: Successful posting run (Simulation or Live) will be with status (Document Created)

Releasing & Posting the Live Document (P)

Prerequisites: Payroll Status must be “Exit” and Document Status must be Created

1- Double Click on the Document Number (document number 54 in the below example)
2- Then select the sub document (document number 19 in the below example) and press on the
button “Release Document”
3- Then return to the Header Document (document number 54 in the below example) and select it
and press on the button “Post Documents”

Then the Document Status will be (Released)

Then the Document Status will be (Posted)


Deleting a Posting Run


- If, before posting a live posting run, you realize that it contains errors (either technical, or in the
contents), you must create this posting run a second time
- If you no longer require simulation runs for test purposes, it is a good idea to delete them


If you want to delete a posting run, it should not have any of the following statuses:
- Documents posted
- Reversal documents posted
- Reversal document creation is running
- Reversal is running
- Reversal documents are incorrect
- Archived


1. Go to the overview of posting runs (Transaction Code PCP0)

2. Select the posting runs you want to delete.
3. Choose . A dialog box appears in which you must confirm the deletion procedure
4. Choose Immediately to start the reversal

Reversing Posting Documents (Live Document)
- If you have successfully posted posting documents and realize that the posted data is incorrect,
you can reverse all documents for the posting run in question.
- FI has approved the reversal
- The system should not have used any line items from the documents created in Accounting for
- The specified posting period (Posting Date of Reversal) must not be closed
- It must be possible to post the reversal documents (for example, the relevant CO account
assignments should not yet be closed)
- You have successfully posted the posting documents for a posting run. The posting run has the
status Documents Posted


1. Go to the overview of posting runs (Transaction Code PCP0)

2. If the posting run, whose posting documents you want to reverse, is not displayed,
choose Edit > Filter >Delete filter
3. Select the required posting run, Choose Edit from the Menu > Reversal > Reverse documents.

4. A dialog box appears, in which you must enter information on the reversal date:
o Choose Yes (Recommended Option), to copy the respective posting date of the original
documents as the reversal date.
o Choose No, to enter a different reversal date. If you enter a different posting date, it must
be after the posting date for the original documents
5. To start the reversal, choose Immediately. The system prints a log that informs you on the
success of the reversal.

Result if Successful:
- Reversal documents are created containing all document line items for the original documents with
reversed plus/minus (+/-) signs.

- The reversal documents were transferred to Accounting and posted there. This cancels the original,
incorrect posting

Note: You must create a new posting run in order to repost the payroll results, which were processed in
the posting run whose posting documents you have reversed, in their corrected state.

Result if Unsuccessful:
- In certain situations, the reversal of posting documents may be cancelled with an error and the
Document status is Reversal documents incorrect.

- This may, for example, occur in the following situations:

o The specified posting date is in a posting period that is already closed
o Account assignment objects (for example, cost centers) which were posted to in the
original document are closed at the time of the reversal
o Posting items that were created by the original document are already cleared at the
time of the reversal (for example to customer and vendor accounts)

- In this case, you must check the incorrect reversal documents and reverse the reversal that
went wrong (to be Posted again) to be able to reverse the posting documents a second time

Steps: Resetting Incorrect Reversal Documents (to be posted again)

1. Transaction Code PCP0 > Select the posting documents that have the status (Reversal
Documents incorrect) and choose The document display is displayed.
2. Read the error messages that were created for the incorrect reversal documents and handle the
cause of the error
3. Then go back to the overview of posting runs (Transaction Code PCP0)
4. Select the posting run document that contains the status incorrect reversal documents
5. Choose Edit from the Menu then > Reversal > Reset after termination.

Result: The posting run will be returned to the same state (Document Posted). It can be reversed again


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