Brotherhood in Islam and Current Situation of Muslim Ummah

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Brotherhood in Islam and current

situation of Muslim Ummah

The topic of my project today is brotherhood in
Islam and current situation of Muslim Umah. The teachings we
got from our Prophets and Quran that we are united. I want to
discuss that why these teachings are back stepped and people
forgot them.

Definition of brotherhood:-
Brotherhood is an association or
community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or
trade and relationship between brothers.

Definition of brotherhood in Islam:-

Brotherhood in Islam means
that Allah (SWT) has made every individual brother of each
other irrespective of colour, age and creed.

Concept of brotherhood in Islam:-

“ Without
doubt the
beleivers are brothers of one another so then
make peace and harmony between your
brothers and have consciousness of Allah so
that he will show you mercy”
The closest relationship and bond that can take place between
two people during the course of their lifetime is that of
brotherhood. Although the relationship between a father and
his child much stronger and powerful then the ties of
brotherhood, however this relationship (between father and his
child) is one in which the two people are not on a equal level –
from the point of view of time, situation , character and the
level of respect (that they must show one another ) they are
The only relationship that is a complete
manifestation of strong unity , love and affection is the one that
exists between two people who are living on an equal plane in
life and this is the relationship of brotherhood and sisterhood.
This unbreakable relationship that has been brought
by creation is constantly found in all environments and socities
and is the secrect behind love, affection and closeness that
exists between the individuals. It is because of this fact that the
Quran invites humanity to unite and come together under the
principles of love and affection and thus, has refer to the
faithful believers of a society as being brothers (and sisters ) of
one another.
For the first time in history a community of people that
numbered hundreds of millions was brought together as
brothers of one another and the following sentence is made
their slogan and motto :-

“Without doubt the believers are brothers of

one another.”
This religious brotherhood is not a simple formality and that
too of a political nature such that all of humanity – Whether or
not they have the qualities of brotherhood should be classified
and grouped together as brothers of one another.
All of these responsibilities and goals have been mentioned in
the books of Ahadith and Jurisprudence in detail. Therefore,
untill unity of thought and spirit towards one goal and belief is
not established, there can never firm unity and association of
If one day, a group of people who are wavering (in belief ) in
their hearts and seen uniting together under a series of political
issues and trying to unite as brothers of specific case (other
than that of religion ), then even the smallest thing would be
able to break the unity that was brought about through the
mere agreement of thoughts, spirits, difference of (personal
benefits ) and difference of foundations, and would thus cause
them to separate from one another.
A society whose axis or pivot is not based on (unity of ) ideas
and beliefs and in which everyone acts as individuals will always
rotate upon various thoughts and ideologies opposed to one
another and no sort of unity or harmony will ever exist amongst
those people. Only to that level that unity and harmony
protects their material interests will they be able to lead a
peaceful life. If one day a person who is united with others sees
that he is not in need of this form of unity and feels that the has
become successful in the arena of his own life and his own life
and has reached his goals, then all of the relations that united
him others – which were all based on political motives – will be
turned into differences and disputes.
Never would a Muslim – one who has true faith in One Allah
and the Day of Judgement and who believes in the governance
of justice and equality and who deems it necessary to follow
the noble moral traits and the humanistic virtues – be able to
become the brother of an atheist who does not believe in Allah
(Glorified and Exalted is He ) or the Last Day who feels that
ethical teachings and traits are just play – things and considers
such teachings as fables.
Current situation of Muslim Ummah :-
The issue of
Muslim unity is what I would like to discuss in this project
outstanding personality of Islamic Ummah. Today the world of
Islam and the Islam Ummah are faced with great problems.
Ofcourse, many of these problems have been caused by
Muslims themselves. We were negligent and lazy and because
of our selfishness and greed for worldly wealth, we failed to
follow the path of the Islamic Ummah towards the peak of
human perfection.
We need to repent and follow this path. However, there is no
doubt that in the recent eras, a major portion of Muslims
backwardness, afflictions and problems have been caused by
the unjust global order. The current global system is based on
domination. It is the system that relies on coercion. It is not a
system that is not suitable for human beings. It is suitable for
the jungle.
Take a look at the conditions of the world of Islam. For many
years, we have been remembering the issue of Palestine as a
deep wound in the body of Islamic Ummah and today the issue
of Iraq has been added to it. Notice what powerful people are
doing by relying on force and coercion. They disguise all the
irrational and wrong proposals as defendable and reasonable
proposals by resorting to coercion and to weapons financial
power, and they promote and implement them in the world.
They openly do the things that are considered as crimes by all
nations of the world.
Sometimes they choose beautiful names for their actions in
order to save face, while they know that nobody will believe
them. Some other times they do not even choose beautiful
names to disguise their actions. The usurping Zionist regime
openly announces that it is assassinating outstanding
Palestinian personalities, and the American government
supports it openly and officially. These are the conditions of
current global system.
Fighting terror has become a pretext for the arrogant American
government to use force and coercion. However, acts of terror
are openly promoted as legitimate actions by the Americans,
and leaders of the Zionist regime are committing acts of terror
openly. All of these things are being done by relying on force
and weapons. Military occupation of Iraq and the humiliation of
the great and cultured Iraqi nation is an international crime, but
they did it openly in the name of human rights and defending
democracy and freedom.
The Islamic Ummah is the target of transgression by the global
powers and they consider committing all kind of crimes against
us as justified simply because the Islamic Ummah is located in a
rich region, simply because the wheels of civilization are
powered by the numerous resources that are located in this
part of the world. These are the conditions of the Islamic
We have many instruments to defend our rights and our
existence. We have a massive population. We have great
sources of wealth. We have outstanding personalities and
spiritual assets that enable us to stand up against the
domineering powers. We have a great cultural and civilizational
background which is exceptional in the world. We have many
facilities. Therefore, we are capable of defending ourselves. But
why do we fail to do so? Why do we fail to take action? The
reason is that we are not unified and we have been separated
from each other under different pretexts. The massive and
well-equipped army of the Islamic Ummah has been divided
into small groups whose only concern is fighting, intimidating,
attacking and threatening other groups of Muslims. It is obvious
that this army will prove ineffective in such conditions.
Today the Islamic Ummah requires unity in order to survive,
achieve glory and salvation and raise the flag of Islam. The
formation of the Islamic Ummah with its unique and special
characteristics was one of the blessings of this divine
appointment the Islamic Ummah is not defined as merely a
group of Muslims gathering around on an ideological pivot, but
the Ummah as it was designed by the Holy Prophet based on
Quranic teachings means a group of Muslims who are endowed
with knowledge, morality, wisdom and justice. The outcome of
such qualities is the attainment of mankind to the peak of
perfection. The Ummah, which is the manifestation of Islamic
training and up bringing, was founded by the Holy Prophet of
Islam under the most adverse circumstances.
Following his divine appointment, when Prophet Muhammad
(peace and greetings be upon him) and voiced the call for the
monotheism, and the world have been plunged into oppression
in morality, disbelief and all kind of corruption. The Holy
Prophet (s) performed this great task in a miraculous manner
over a period of thirteen years after that period, the first corner
stones of Muslim Ummah were laid in Madinah.
Unfortunately, today in the Islamic world certain problems exist
which stem from the lack of proper attention to the issue of
Islamic unity and brotherhood. Today, the enemies of Islam are
hatching various plots against the Muslim Ummah. The Islamic
awakening of Muslims nations have alarmed the enemies
prompting them to increase their divisive machinations and
hatch more complicated plots aimed at fomenting rifts and
conflicts in the Islamic world. The arrogant powers that are
casting a covetous eye on Islamic countries and interfering in
the internal affairs of Islamic states are opposed to and worried
about the unity of Muslim Ummah.

The conclusion of project is that all we need to
get united again just like Allah taught us through Quran
because the current situation of our nation is very bad. There is
dire need to make our nation awake and get our brotherhood
back just like in the past in the era of Prophet Muhammad

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