English MCQ BBBB

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English MCQ

Footprints without Feet

Chapter 1
A Triumph of Surgery

1. What was Mr. Herriot’s profession:

a. Cardiac surgeon
b. Veterinary surgeon
c. Veterinary physician
d. Neurosurgeon

2. How was tricki’s appearance in the beginning of

a. Bloated
b. Hugely fat
c. Fit
d. Both a and b

3. What is the meaning of word surgery:

a. A place where veterans are treated
b. A place where veterinary surgeons are treated
c. A place where veterinary surgeon treats non-
human animals
d. A place where veterinary surgeon treats non-

4. What is the meaning of word rheumy:

a. Bloodshot eyes
b. Teary eyes
c. Watery eyes
d. Blurry eyes

5. What did Mrs Pumphery did not give tricki to help

build him up:
a. Cod-liver oil
b. Malt
c. Carbs
d. Horlicks

6. Distraught synonym:
a. Disheveled
b. Tranquil
c. Deranged
d. Placid

7. Who was Hodgkin:

a. The Butler
b. The House keeper
c. The Gardener
d. The Dog caretaker
8. What is the synonym of word listless:
a. Lazy
b. Enthusiast
c. Bored
d. Over worked

9. Who was Joe:

a. The dutch hound
b. Grey hound
c. Irish hound
d. None of these

10. What is the meaning of word Liable

a. Responsible
b. Unaccountable
c. Exempt
d. None of these

11. What is the antonym of word scrimmage:

a. Fracas
b. Affray
c. Amity
d. Rumpus

12. Who is the author of the story A Triumph of surgery:

a. James Herriot
b. Jason Herriot
c. Jameson Herriot
d. None of these

13. What is the adverb form of lolled:

a. Lolling
b. Loll
c. Lollingly
d. None of these

14. What is the adverb form of hastened:

a. Hastily
b. Hasty
c. Hastely
d. None of these

15. What is the adjective form of relent:

a. Relentlessly
b. relentless
c. relend
d. none of these

16. What is the adjective form of swooned:

a. Swoon
b. Swoony
c. Swooning
d. None of these

17. What is the noun form of tottering:

a. Totterer
b. Tottering
c. Totter
d. None of these

18. What is the noun form of dropping:

a. Drop
b. Dropped
c. Dropping
d. None of these

19. What is the verb form of despairing:

a. Despair
b. Despaired
c. Despaireth
d. None of these

20. What is the verb form of sniffing:

a. Sniffle
b. Sniffling
c. Sniff
d. None of these

Chapter 2
The Thief’s Story
1. Who is the author of the story the thief’s story:
a. James Bond
b. Ruskin Bond
c. Oscar wilde
d. None of these

2. What is the synonym of word flattery:

a. Adulation
b. Criticism
c. Appraisal
d. Opprobrium

3. What words are not used to describe Anil:

a. Easy-going
b. Naïve
c. Kind
d. Simple

4. Why does the young boy changes his name every

a. To stay ahead of police
b. To stay clear of his former employers
c. He didn’t like his real name
d. Both a and b

5. What is he a “fairly successful hand” at?

a. wrestling
b. stealing
c. deceiving
d. working hard

6. What was the name of the shop above which Anil

a. Laddu Sweet Shop
b. Rasgulla Sweet Shop
c. Jamun Sweet Shop
d. Jumna Sweet Shop

7. What do you mean by the word “unlined”?

a. in a line
b. Not in a straight line
c. showing no sign of worry or anxiety
d. none of the above

8. How, according to the narrator, would Anil feel upon

finding out?
a. angry
b. fear
c. acceptance
d. sad

9. How much money did he steal?

a. 500
b. 600
c. 700
d. 800
10. Who is easier to rob?
a. a careless man
b. a greedy man
c. a trusting man
d. a naïve man

11. “a queer way to earn money”..What is the meaning of

the word “queer”?
a. strange
b. famous
c. rare
d. illegal

12. How did the narrator attempt at being friends with

a. flattering him
b. teasing him
c. introducing himself
d. Sincerely praising him

13. What was the boy’s real profession?

a. a household servant
b. theft
c. cheating
d. working honestly
14. What did Anil do to the food cooked by the boy the
first day?
a. ate it with enjoy
b. put it in the cupboard
b. threw it to a stray dog
c. asked the boy to eat it all

15. How was the meal he cooked first night?

a. delicious
b. mouth-watering
c. finger-licking good
d. terrible

16. What is the verb form of appealing :

a. Appeals
b. Appeal
c. Appealest
d. Appealed

17. What is the adjective form of pleasant :

a. Pleasantly
b. Pleasing
c. Pleasanting
d. Pleased
18. What is the adverb form of worrying :
a. Worrisomely
b. Worryingly
c. Worriedly
d. Worry

19. What is the adjective form of crept :

a. Creepy
b. Creepsome
c. Creepered
d. Creepier

20. What is the adverb form of crawled :

a. Crawl
b. Crawlingly
c. Crawling
d. Crawler

Chapter 3
The midnight visitor
1. How did Ausable made Max believe there was a
a. he made him see it
b.with detailed description
c. there was actually a balcony
d.none of the above

2. Who was actualy knocking on the door?

a. police
b. waiter
c. Max
d. none of the above

3. What did Max have in his hand?

a. an important report
b. a knife
c. a pistol
d. All of the above

4. Ausable was going to raise the issue of the balcony

with _____.
a. government
b. management
c. Max
d. Fowler
5. How, according to Ausable did Max enter?
a. a passkey
b. balcony
c. window
d. Disguise

6. What did Max wanted from Ausable

a. Fowler
b. Phone
c. report
d. none of the above

7. What is the meaning of the word “slender”?

a. weak
b. slim
c. fat
d. None of the above

8. What was Fowler’s “first thrill of the day”?

a. meeting Ausable
b.sight of a man with automatic pistol
c. seeing a very important paper
d.none of the above
9. Who is Fowler?
a. secret agent
b. spy
c. personal investigator
d. writer

10. “he had never lost his _____ accent.”

a. American
b. French
c. British
d. None of the above

11. Where did he come from?

a. Paris
b. Germany
c. Boston
d. None of the above

12. Which floor was he staying at?

a. ground floor
b. first floor
c. second floor
d. top floor
13. What is the meaning of the word “wheezily”?
a. making a sound when you can’t breathe easily
b. Talking while sneezing
c. talking with a site throat after coughing
d. None of the above

14. How did Fowler feel at the end of the story?

a. disappointed
b. thrilled
c. sad
d. Bored

15. What story Ausable cocked up to Max?

a. about the report
b. about a balcony
c. about his fatness
d. about Fowler

16. Why did Max enter Ausable’s room?

a. to meet Fowler
b. to snatch an important report
c. to give information to Ausable
d. to spend the night

17. Who was Max?

a. the manager of the hotel
b. another secret agent
c. Ausable’s friend
d. Fowler’s friend

18. What is the noun form of envisioned :

a. Envisionment
b. Envisioner
c. envisions.
d. Envisioning

19. What is the verb form of Disillusioned :

a. disillusionising
b. disillusion
c. disillusioning
d. disillusionment

20. What is the meaning of “countenance of fox” :

a. Appearance like a fox
b. Behaviour like a fox
c. Physique like a fox
d. Voice like a fox

Chapter 4
A question of trust

1. What does Horace do in jail?

a. Clean floor
b. Assistant Librarian
c. Typist
d. Accountant

2. Why did the woman want him to break the lock of the
a. she wanted him to steal
b. she had forgotten the numbers
c. she wanted to see if he could break it
d. none of these

3. What colour dress was the woman wearing?

a. red
b. black
c. green
d. white

4. Where had the servants gone?

a. to the doctor
b. to watch movies
c. to shopping
d. to meet relatives

5. What was Horace allergic to?

a. dust
b.smell of flowers
c. pollen

6. What was the piece of evidence against him?

a. his lighter
b.his gloves
c. his fingerprints
d.all of the above

7. What did the lady say about his story?

a. it was nonsense
b.it was true
c. it was a joke
d.none of the above

8. How does he justify his act?

a. by saying he steals for a good reason
b.by saying he steals only from those who already have
c. by saying he is not harming the society
d.all of the above

9. Who is talking to Horace?

a. servant
c. Horace himself
d.none of the above

10. Where was the safe?

a. bedroom
c. bathroom
d.drawing room

11. Where did the family who lived in the Grange go?
a. London
b.Las Vegas
c. Los Angeles
d.none of the above

12. What did everyone think about Horace Danby?

a. good
c. both a and b
d.none of these

13. Why did Horace take-off his gloves?

a. to break the safe
b.to leave that place
c. to light the lighter
d.to give her the jewels

14. How was Horace in his business of lock making?

a. failure
b.very successful
c. not interested
d.was in a big debt

15. When Horace was busy doing his work of theft, what
thing proved a hindrance in his work?
a. the dog Sherry
c. the lady
d.the heat of the day

16. What did the young lady threaten to do?

a. to inform the police
b.to let Sherry loose at him
c. to raise alarm
d.to call the neighbours

17. Where did Horace decide to make a theft this time?

a. Montex Grange
b.Shotover Grange
c. Westbury Grange
d.Mintunbury Grange

18. Horace Danby was fond of:

a. watching movies
b.listening to music
c. going to public parks
d.reading rare and expensive books

19. Who is the author of “ Question of Trust” :

a. Victor Cunning
b.Victor Chaning
c. Victor Canning
d.Victor Channing

20. What is the adjective form of inconvenience :

a. Inconvenienced
b. inconveniencing
c. inconvenient
d. Inconvenienting

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