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1. Saman has been working for ANB Group Ltd. for the last 4 years.

She will be switching

to a new job in a different organization from the next month. Her basic salary was TK
40,000 when she first joined in ANB Group. From the second year she has been enjoying
a 12% increase in her basic salary every year. Now that she will be joining a new
organization, she is worried about her provident fund contribution. Provident fund was
one of the benefits she enjoyed with all other benefits. The PF contribution was 5% of her
basic salary and her employer also contributed an equal portion. Now, help Saman in
calculating her provident fund for the years she has worked. (Use the schedule from your

YEAR Basic Salary Employee’s Employer’s PF/Month PF/Year (TK)

(TK) Contribution Contribution (TK)
(5%) Total (TK)
1st 40,000 2000 2000 4000 4000*12=48000
2nd (12% 44800 2240 2240 4480 4480*12=53760
3rd (12% 50176 2509 2509 5018 5018*12=60216
4th (12% 56197 2809.9 2809.9 5619.7 5619.7*12=6743
increase) 6
Total PF 229412

2. Hasin works at the factory of Padma Mills. For him the standard production is 48 units
per day. His job has hourly rate of Tk. 12/hour and the standard work hour is 8 hours/day.
10 percent premium for producing each piece above the standard number of units is
provided by the factory. What would be his total earnings according to guaranteed
piecework if Hasin produces 72 units at the end of the day? Provide detailed calculation.

Standard Unit/hr => 48/8= 6 units

Standard rate/hr => 12/6 = 2

Premium rate/unit => 2*1.1 = 2.2

If the employee produces 72 units then,

Wages from producing standard unit = 2*48 = $96

Wages from producing premium untis = 2.2*(72-48=24) = $52.8

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Total = $148.8

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