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SCHOTT’S CHORVERLAG Six Chansons AV. En Hiver | In Winter fiir gemischten Chor a cappella (Rainer Maria Rilke) Englische Ubersetzung von Elaine de Singay Paul Hindemith Pesante (J-60 A Ober qaak de mew date, dood de buizte, biniins Zyl de wel _gaek : a Soprano ce | With the win - ter, Death,gris-ly guest Through the door-way steals in En hi- ver, la’ mort meur-tri- & - reen-tre dans les mai-sons; Zt vo FSS —— —— SS With the win- ter, Death,gris-ly guest Through tne door-way steals in En hi- ver, la’ mort meur-tri- @ - reen-tre dans les mai-sons; S, + Tenor ae = aS ete With the win- ter, Death,grie-ly guest Through the door-way steals in En hi~ ver, la’ mort meurtri- 2 - reen-tre dans les mai-sons; pre aes = ee Base == eS SSeS Pesante (J-60) —s —— Ss Klavierskizze r . . . . abe oh pore mactgeps a => =F ciated Music Piishers Ie 1942 tenewed B-Schotf Sdhne, Main, 1971 Printed in Germany Lf Both the young a-le cher ~ Both the young al-ile cher ~ z dock, de. tut, Both the young a-le and the che la and the che Ia old old soeur, Te and the ‘cher - che fe. vacter an spoolt or btw viowt old quest, ‘And he le pe - re,et leur to quest, ‘And he - reat leur to quest, And he Te “pa - eet leur fs Naar Ob dt dard Ww % ee SS | 2 plays themhis vi- 0 - lin, when the Spring's spades are jou - du i= 0 - Tom quand la ter = re fe~ — £ i S SSS [Ss plays themhis vi- 0 - lin. when the Spring’s spades are jou - ¢ du vi- 0 - tom quand la ter re re = Maes Ee ee = Uo “plays themhis vi- 0 ~ - lin, when jou - edu vi- 0 - ton quand = + bee . yo SS == —s plays them his vi- 0 - lin when the Spring's spades are jouw - edu vi - 0 - Tom quand la ter re re~ Cua fing beat - ing earth be-neath blue sky, ‘Then Death mu-¢, sous la bé-che du prin-temps, la mort court dans — 2 beat-ing Fro- zen earth be-neath blue sky, ‘Then Death his mu-e, sous la dé che du prin-temps, la mort court p : beat-ing Fro - zen earth be-neathblue sky, Then Death mu- ¢, sous la bé- che du prin-temps, Ja mort BR beat-ing Fro- zen earth be-neath blue sky, mu--e, sous la bé- che du prin-temps, la mort court — goesfleet - ing, Light-ly greet - ing les ru - es eosa- lu e way goes fleet-ing,Light-ly greet - ing pass - dans les ruses’ et sa- lu - e@ Tes pas - sants. — way goes fleet-ing, Light-ly greet - ing pass - ers - by. dans Tes runes et sa- lu - @ pas - sants way goes fleet-ing, Light-ly greet - ing pass - dans les runes ef sa- lu - 6 les pas C 43 782-05 Vering:B Sct’ Sohne Maine 43762

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