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z ie ' a ) hd bid G. Schirmer, Octava N Louis 5 5b Florence Kimball ung on the Water Part Chorus of Mixed Voices @ cappella e Bogan* n amuel Barber Op. 42,No.2 With a steady motion,rather fas Soprano [GEEZ === Beau-ti-ful de- Alto Tenor my_de-light Beautiful, iti Bass 5 my de-light,_ Beau-ti-ful,_ With a steady motion,rather fast J = 6 For rehearsal vaty) light, Pass, as we pass the wave ——— Seer light, Pass, as we pass the wave ee Beau-ti- fel, my de-light,— my de-light,. —— my delight, Beau-ti- ful, my de-light,_ ith the permission of Farrar, Straus & Girgux, Inc. from “Collected Poems” by Louise Bo "The Rew Yoruer blagazine Inc. Renewed Wad by Louise Bogaas wo Olipyright 1969. by G. Schirmer, Inc. International Copyright Secured 16 i Pass as the mottled night Leaveswhat it, cannot Pass, as the mottled aight — Beau-ti- ful, Pe Bean-ti- ful, —_ Seat-ter-ing— __ dark aes and bright, Scat-ter-ing— dark and bright, cat-ter-ing— dark and bright, — —===__ Lf = =a my de-light.— Scat-ter-ing— dark aad bright, anor iy AE ET prepress = Seat-ter-ing dark and bright. Beau-ti- ful, — 2 y Scat-ter-ing dark and bright. Beauti- fal, i-ful,— pass and tS Beau-ti- ful, ss ——- than the guiltless map Py == than the guilt-less shade 48074 i he ual eam aeons which SS my de-ti ht, — see de-tight,— Ee o- ——— = than the sound of the sn074 Yy ts bt fern ii TTT uu uu uw ut = Beau-ti-fal,— which cur vows were which our vows were ss tt SORE athe sound eS >= Se ‘Less than the sound made, towhichuurvows— Fone =e towhich ourvows — ar ge === S = a= which our vows Lessthanthe sound of its upg = = ==5 SSS == aso ote ee ey : Lessthanthe sound —_ of its Hes SS Beau-ti-ful,— a z = ee = ‘our. vows — were made,— Beau-ti-ful,_ Gensa rutl.) ——_ + blade Dip-ping the stream once more, SS rath) . es ==) 5 Se my de- (like an echo opines = Sa o —= ——S Beaw-ti- fal — my de- ae Case eer ie 3y) my de- Ligh Beau-ti-ful,— (ike an echo) a w . = _— — — = = Beaw-ti-ful,— my de-light,__ Beaw-ti- ful es = == a> we pass the ee ape = Te ts we pass the wave ——— _ eee my de-Tight,— a Pass, as the mot-tled aight Leaves what it caa-not — 48074 pp sith SS —— Beau-ti-ful, Bp sub, Beau-ti-ful, _ my de-light,. my de-light,— —<_=== Sa = Sea canes vere 4 Pass, as themot-tled aight Leaves what it - can-not — Beau-ti-ful,— Beavi-ful,— ~Y AA RU EES 122 PRs. =a s than the sound of blade PRP 8. eats —— E — : SSS SS SS save. Less than the sound of its blade ee my de-light, altargando =a Dip-ping the stream once more. — = ai — = i <7 Dip-ping the stream uace more, . once Beautiful, my de-figel Beautiful, my delight, = 48074 ullargando, ee tia oO more, atlurenada once more. once more, altargaute once more. Seo once more, once more. ete () duration s

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