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Foreign Invaders

and Kushans
By Dr Vipan Goyal
Contact With Outside World
• The most important political developments of
the Post-Maurya period was the onslaught of
foreigners from the north-west.
• The first among them were the Bactrian
Greeks, known in earlier Indian literature as
Yavanas; the word was derived from the Old
Persian from Yauna, signifying Greeks.
• Central Asian Contact:
• The first to invade India were the
Greeks or Bactrian Greeks who
were called the Indo-Greeks or
Bactrian Greeks in the early
second century B.C.
• The history of the Indo-Greeks has
been reconstructed mainly on the
evidence of their coins bearing
legends in Greek and later in
Brahmi as well.
• Demetrius,king of Bactria was
perhaps the first foreign (Indo-Greek)
king after Alexander who carried
Greek arms into the interior of India.
• He reduced to submission a
considerable portion of Afghanistan,
the Punjab and Sind.
• From Taxila he sent his 2
commanders, Appolodotus &
Menander for further conquest
• Appolodotus conquered Sindh &
marched upto Ujjain
• The best remembered of the Indo-
Greek kings was Menander, (165-145 D
C.) who, as Milinda, attained fame in
the Buddhist text Milindapanho or the
question of Milinda-a catechismal
discussion in Buddhism supposedly
conducted by Menander and the
Buddhist philosopher Nagasena,
resulting in Menander’s conversion to
• Menander stabilised Indo-Greek
power, in addition to extending its
frontiers in India.
• He had his capital at Sakala (modern Sialkot) in
Punjab. There is little doubt that the attempted
to conquer territory in the Ganges valley, but
he failed to retain it.
• He may well have attacked the Sungas in the
Yamuna region, if not Pataliputra itself.
• A Brahmi inscription engraved on a Garuda
Pillar/ Heliodorus pilar found are Besnager near
Vidisa (MP) records that Antialcidas of Taxila
sent an ambassador, named Heliodorus, to the
court of Kasiputra Bhagabhadra, identified with
the last but one Sunga, Bhagavata.
• Helidorus in this inscription professes to be a follower of Vasudeva,
associated with the God Vishnu.
• A Greek ambassador, Heliodorus, became vaishnavite (Vasudev worshiper
mainly) & erected ‘Garuda Pillar’ at Besnagar (Vidisa) – MP
• Hemaeus was the last Indo- Greek ruler who has to maintain his
precarious hold against the advancing menace of the Sakas, Parthians and
the Yuechis.
Importance of the Indo-Greek rule
• The Indo-Greeks were the first to issue coins which can be definitely attributed to the kings.
• They were the first to issue gold coins in India which increased in number under the Kushans.
1. The Greeks also introduced the practice of military governorship called strategos for
maintaining the power of the new rulers over the conquered people.
2. The Greek rule introduced features of Hellenistic art in the North-west frontier of India. The
Gandhara art was largely Hellenistic in the beginning, but as time passed the style became
more and more Indian and less and less Greek. The idea of representing the Buddha as a
human being (idol worship) originated with the Greeks.
3. The Greeks contributed to the development of the Indian theatre by the use of curtains
(known as Yavanika, Sutradhara (stage manager), Nepathya (back stage, etc.)
4. Indian astrology came to be influenced by Greek ideas, and from the Greek term horoscope
was derived the term horasastra used for astrology in Sanskrit
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• The decline of the Greek kingdoms in the
north-west coincided with an attack on
Bactria itself by nomadic tribes from
central Asia.
• These tribes included the Scythians, who
were primarily responsible for destroying
Bactrian power.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• The pressure of the consolidated Chinese empire
under Shi Huang Ti, who built the Great Wall, as
well as the drying up of their pastures drove
central Asian nomadic tribes including the Yuechis
• Pressed from the north and east, the Scythians
attacked Bactria and occupied it.
• Close on their heels were the Yuechis. Therefore
the Scythians, known in the Indian sources as
Shakas, moved from Bactria and invaded Iran and
then the Greek kingdoms in India.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• By the middle of the first century B.C. only a few Greek chiefs ruled
in India, and the Shaka power extended as far interior into the
country as Mathura.
• There were five branches of the Shakas with their seats of power in
different parts of India and Afghanistan.
• One branch settled in Afghanistan.
• The second branch settled in Punjab with Taxila as its capital.
• The third branch settled in Mathura.
• The fourth branch established its hold over western India
• The fifth branch of the Shakas established its power in the upper
• The first Shaka king in India was Maues or Moga (C. 80 B.C.), who
established Shaka power in Gandhara.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• Maues issued a large number of coins mostly in copper, and a few in silver.
• Maues adopted the title Maharaja Mahatma, the great king of kings, an
exact Prakrit translation of the title Basileos Megalou adopted by several
Indo-Greek kings.
• His rule extended on both sides of the Indus, from Pushkalavati on the on
the west to Taxila on the east.
• Numismatic evidence suggests that Maues was succeeded by Azes I who
was followed by Azilises and Azes II.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• Azilises introduced coins with a typical Indian diety, Abhishekha –
• After Azes II the Saka territory passed into the hands of Gondophernes, a
• Most famous Shaka ruler in India was Rudradaman 1 who ruled not only
Sindh but also considerable part of Gujrat, Konkan, Malwa & Kathiawar.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• Rudradaman 1 is famous in history for his repair work of Sudarshana lake
at Kathiawar ( 1st ever Sanskrit inscription)
• Rudradaman I was succeeded by seven weak rulers.
• The last known ruler Rudrasimha III, who ruled upto A.D. 388, has been
mentioned in Banabhatt’s Harshacharita as having been killed by the
Gupta monarch, Chandragupta II.
• The Guptas then annexed the Saka territories.
Shaka ruler or Scythian
• Around 57 B.C, we hear of a king of Ujjain who fought effectively against
Shakas & emerged victorious, He called himself ‘Vikramaditya’, by whose
name an era Vikram Samvat is reckoned. Henceforth, vikramaditya
became a coveted title & whosoever achieved anything great adopted this
The Parthians
• Parthians (Iranians) overthrew Shakas from Taxila around
1st century
• The Shaka domination in the north-western India was followed
by that of the Parthians, and in many ancient Indian Sanskrit
texts the two peoples are together mentioned as Shaka-
• In fact they ruled over this country on parallel lines for some
time. Originally the Pathians lived in Iran from where they
moved to India. In comparison with the Greeks and the Shakas,
they occupied only a small portion of north-western India in the
first century.
• Most famous Parthian king was Gondopherens, in whose reign
St. Thomas is said to have visited India for propagation of
• Branch of Yeuchis or Tocharians tribe from north central Asia
basically from neighbourhood of China
• They 1st occupied Bactria or North Afghanistan, displacing
Shakas & then gradually moved upto Kabul valley & seized
Gandhara by crossing Hindukush range, replacing rule of Greeks
& Parthians from these areas.
• Finally they setup their authority over lower Indus basin &
Greater part of Ganga basin
• Founder of Kushana dynasty was Kadphises 1 who issued coins
in Kabul valley in his name.
• His son Kadphises 2 issued gold coins with high
sounding titles like “ Lord of whole world “ &
spread his kingdom to the east as far as Mathura
• The Kushanas belongs to Yuechi tribe.
• The dynasty was founded by a house of chiefs
who were called Kadphises and who ruled for 28
years from about A.D. 50. and was succeeded by
his son, Vima Kadphises who invaded India and
advanced far into the interior of North India.
Dynasty of Kadphises
• There are good reasons to believe that the Kushana Empire
extended from the Oxus River or even beyond to the
eastern border of Uttar Pradesh.
• Vima Kadphises, however, did not rule over the conquered
territories in person. He appointed a number of Satraps to
govern the different parts of his Indian dominion.
• Vima issued gold coins which show a considerable Indian
• All his coins, shows unmistakable signs of his Saiva
• The abundance of gold and copper coins issued by Vima
Kadphises indicated the prosperity of the Kushana Empire.
Dynasty of Kanishka
• The house of Kadphises was succeeded by that of
• Kanishka started an era in 78 A.D. which is now known as
the Saka era and is used by the Government of India.
• Under Kanishka, the Kushana Empire reached the height of
its power and became a mighty force in the world of its
Dynasty of Kanishka
• In India his suzerainty extended as far south as
Sanchi and as Far East as Banaras.
• In Central Asia his dominions were extensive.
Purushapura (Peshawar) was his capital and
Mathura was the second most important city of the
• Kanishka is often remembered for his association
with Buddhism. Himself a Buddhist convert, he
convened the fourth Buddhist Council in Kashmir
where the doctrines of the Mahayana form of
Buddhism were finalized.
Dynasty of Kanishka
• He encouraged missionary activities and Buddhist
missions were sent to central Asia and China.
• Kanishka was a great patron of arts and letters. The
age of Kanishka witnessed the execution of the best
work in Gandhara style.
• He is said to have constructed at Peshawar a
multistoreyed relic tower enshrining the relic of the
Buddha under the supervision of a Greek engineer
• The Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang, who came to India
in the seventh century, gives a detailed account of
the stupa.
Dynasty of Kanishka
• Kanishka built a tower near Taxila and the city of Kanishkapura in Kashmir probably
owed its foundation to him.
• Several Buddhist theologians are associated with Kanishka – Ashvaghosha,
Vasumitra, Parshva, Sangaraksha, Dharmatrata and Matricheta. Nagarjuna was the
great exponent of Mahayana doctrine.
• He also patronised famous physician of Indian history Charka who wrote “
Charaksamhita” or sasruta
Dynasty of Kanishka
• Last important Kushana ruler was Vasudeva who was worshipper of Shiva.
• He extended Kushana empire upto lower Indus basin (Malwa) & eastward
till Magadha in India & setup his capital at Peshawar (Purushaputra)
• Kanishka issued a high number of gold coins with high purity & embraced
Buddhism whole heartedly.
• Kanishka is traditionally believed to have died fighting in central Asia.
Successors of Kanishka I
• Kanishka’s rule lasted for twenty-three years. His immediate successor was
Vasishka, who had a short reign and was succeeded by Huvishka.
• The empire of Huvishka was not less extensive than that of Kanishka. It
may have spread further to the west, as a record of his reign has been
unearthed at Wardak to the west of Kabul.
Successors of Kanishka I
• Mathura was now a great centre of Kushana power and it was adorned
with monuments by Huvishka ruled simultaneously with Vasishka II or
Vajheska and with the latter’s son Kanishka II.
• Kanishka II received in addition to the titles of great king, the king of kings,
son of heaven (devaputra)assumed by his predecessors.
• Huvishka’s abundant coinage, which is more variable than that of
Kanishka, presents fine portraits of the king.
Successors of Kanishka I
• The varied reverse devices of his coins, like Kanishka’s coins, contains the figures of
different deities such as Skandakumara, Visakha, Mahasena and Uma, the
Alexandrian Serapis, the Greek Heracles and several Zoroastrian deities.
• The absence of the Buddha on his coins leads to the inference that Huvishka was
well-disposed towards Brahmanism.
• The last great Kushana king was Vasudeva I, who ruled from about the year 67 to
98 of the Kanishka era. Most of his inscriptions have been found at or near
Mathura, and his coins usually bear the god Siva and rarely any Iranian deity.
• The decline of the Kushana power in the north-
west was hastened by the rise of the Sassanian
dynasty of Persia in the third century A.D.
• One of the causes of the downfall of the Kushanas
was the rise of independent republics like the
Yaudheyas, Kunindas and Malavas in the beginning
of the third century A.D. who partitioned among
themselves territories formerly held by the
• The rule of the Kushanas in parts of the Yamuna
valley seems to have been supplanted by that of
the Nagas.
Growth of Urban Centers
• During this period, there is seen a growth of urban centres because this
phase registered a distinct advance in building activities.
• We find the use of burnt bricks for flooring and roofing, construction of
brick kilns, use of script files, and use of red pottery.
Economy and Coinage
• This age of foreign rule had the best impact on
Indian trade and commerce. Unlike other ages of
foreign rule, Sakas and Kushans introduced better
cavalry, use of reins, toe stirrups, turban, tunic,
trousers and heavy long coat. India received a
good deal of gold from Altai Mountains in central
• The Kushans controlled the silk route which
started from China and passed through their
empire in central Asia and with the help of tolls
levied from the traders, Kushans built a large
empire. It is significant that the Kushans were the
first rulers in India to issue gold coins on a wide
Development of Religion
• Some of the foreign rulers were converted to vaishanavism.
• The Greek ambassador Heliodoros set up a pillar in honour of Vishnu near
Vidisa in Madhya Pradesh.
• The famous Greek ruler Menander was converted to Buddhism.
• The Kushan rulers worshipped both Shiva, and Buddha and the images of
these two gods appeared on the Kushan coins.
Political Life and Administration
• The Kushans and the Saka rulers assumed the title of ‘Devputra’ or the son
of God.
• They thus strengthened the concept of the divine origin of kingship.
• The Kushans defeated several of the Indian rulers but restored the
kingdoms if they acknowledged their over-lordships.
• It was the beginning of the feudal system in India.
Political Life and Administration
• The Kushan Empire was divided into smaller units which were governed by
the Kshatraps or Satraps.
• It was the beginning of the Kshatrapa system.
• They also started the curious practice of hereditary dual rule when both
father and the son ruled the same kingdom at the same time.
• This practice of military governorship was also started during this period
as these military governors were quite necessary to control the rebellious
Social Life-New Elements in Indian Social Life
• The Bactrian’s, the Parthians, the Sakas and the Kushans came into India
and settled there permanently, thus becoming an integral part of the
Indian society.
• Thus they lost their separate social identity and they became completely
• Being brave and bold conquerors, they were admitted into the Indian
social system as member of the Kshatriya caste.
Religious Life
• Ist time Idol worship started in India.
• The goal of life also was changed from ‘Nirvana’ to the attainment of ‘Swarga’ or
• The old language Pali was also discarded in favour of the Sanskrit and faith took
the place of logic.
• As a result of these changes, the Buddhism gained immense popularity and it
spread not only in India but also in several foreign countries like China, Japan,
Tibet and Central Asia.
• Before the Greeks, the Indian coins were
rough and punch-marked.
• The Indians learnt from the Greeks the
art of moulding coins and they now
struck beautiful coins bearing
inscriptions on both the sides.
• The gold coins of Kanishka were also
beautiful and attractive with artistic
images of Gods and Goddesses on them.
The Gandhara School of Art
• Before the Kushans, the Gandhara School of
Art was developed as a result of interaction
between the Greeks and the Indians.
• But during the Kushan rule, the Gandhara
Art reached its zenith.
• This art had developed on the north-western
regions of India known as Gandhara.
• It was therefore called the Gandhara School
of Art or the Indo-Greek Art.
• The Gandhara artists built beautiful large-
size images of the Buddha, Budhisatvas and
the Kushan rulers.
The Gandhara School of Art
• They depicted scenes from the life of the Buddha on stone. Most of the specimens
of the Ghandara Art relating to this period are executed in stone.
• But some of the specimens founded at Taxila are in stucco (lime), cement,
terracota (baked clay) and clay.
• The Gandhara Art greatly influenced other schools of Indian sculpture.
• The Greek influence is discernible even in the field of temple and palace
• The Indians also learnt the art of cutting rock caves. In Maharashtra, there are
several rock-cut caves.
Literature and Learning
• The foreign rulers patronised Sanskrit and consequently the Sanskrit scholars
wrote several books of great quality.
• The Kushan rules were great lovers of knowledge and they patronised several
scholars which led to the creation of high quality Sanskrit literature particularly,
during the reign of Kanishka.
• Among the notable Sanskrit scholars of this period were Asvaghosha, Vasumitra
(chairman of 4th Buddhist council), and Nagarjuna(wrote Madhyamik sutra and
gave the concept of Relativity so considered as Indian Einstein).
Literature and Learning
• Asvaghosha wrote the ‘Buddha Charita’, (and is considered as Ramayana of
Buddhist), Vatsyayana wrote Kamasutra. ‘Saundrananda’and ‘Sahputra’.
• Vasumitra wrote ‘Prajnaparmita’, ‘Sutra Shastra’ and ‘Mahavibhasha’.
• The use of curtain, which is called ‘Yavanika’ in Sanskrit, was started.
Science and Technology
• The Indians learnt a lot from the Greeks in the fields of astronomy and
• They also learnt from the Kushans, the art of making leather shoes and
articles of glass.
• The Kushan coins were an imitation of the Roman coins.
Botany and Medicine
• Charka, the great Indian physician of this time, wrote ‘Charka Samhita’
which deals with various diseases and the effective herbs (aushadhis) to
cure them.
Thank You

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