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‫موقع توعرب التعليمي‬

Activity book page 8
Write an hour-by- hour diary of a festival you went to or took part in.
When I arrived in Damascus to celebrate Eid Al-Adha with my family, I couldn't wait to see my grandfather who
was in Mecca. My family and some of my relatives gathered to welcome him and listen to him talking about his
pilgrimage. After that some people began decorating the street. There were people waving flags and ribbons
everywhere. I also began helping others who were preparing to give third of the meal which was traditional to the
poor and homeless. Indeed, it was a nice day that came before the festival itself.

Activity book page 13

Write your own notes for a talk on a subject you know something about.
I am going to tell you something about the gypsy people who live all over the world. Most of them live in the east
of Europe and in the middle of Asia. They like to travel as they have no enthusiasm to any country they go to. They
have certain crafts they practice wherever they are. They sing songs and rhymes they invented many centuries ago.
On the other hand there is no religion to worship but they have their own tribal customs and traditions.
Activity book page 18
Write a detailed description (real or imaginary) of a place you have visited on holiday.
Since I was a child, I have always wanted to visit Egypt. I went there for a three-day trip last year. It is full of
historical places. The most beautiful monuments I saw were the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Those wonderful feats
have been standing there for thousands of years. I went to visit the museum to the see the mummies. Of course, I
didn't forget to travel along the Nile, the longest river in the world. I think Egypt is an ideal place to spend your
holiday in. at last I believe that travel makes man wiser and younger.
_________________________________________________________________________ ______
Activity book page 21
Describe in detail a scene you can see from one of the windows in your home or school.
One day I was looking out of my window in my home when I saw beggar in front of the entrance. He was asking
for food and money. Everything looked peaceful and calm but suddenly he began shouting angrily. On his left
there was a little boy who looked scared. A man, walking down the street, asked the beggar why he was shouting.
He answered that the little child was about to lose one of his coins the previous day, so people all around him in the
street began laughing while others began cursing the man.

Activity book page 26

Write a description of an object that you think is useful for people of your age.
This is a smart new mobile phone that allows you to talk to others as soon as you mention the name you
want to talk to. You can also send your messages orally to convert them into written texts. It also has a
digital camera and a 40 x 40 computer screen. The strange mobile can be folded and spread the way you
like. This is perfect for you as it is a waterproof device. It can tell you what you want to know as soon as you
say your question whatever it is.
Activity book page 31
Write about one of your TV programmes.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire is my TV programme because it is international and depends on accurate
knowledge and academic education. The cooler you are the more you win and gain money. The music that
accompanies the programme can make you alert but nervous. It is on Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock. The
presenter is as cunning as a fox and his facial expressions sometimes annoy and bother the guest. The last
episode was really useful because most questions were about history and life matters. I like watching it and I
advise you all to take part in it.


Activity book page 39

Describe something that belongs to someone in your family. Choose an item of clothing or
jewellery, for example a hat, a pair of shoes or a ring.
My older brother has got a mini computer that can store data and make different kinds of operations. It is very tiny
but easy to use. He can just insert the number of his credit card and order things that he wants without going online.
That computer can give him a ring to remind him of the important dates. He can get in touch with relatives, friends
and business colleagues as soon as he mentions the name he wants to talk to. This magic device can convert oral
messages into written texts. This waterproof minicomputer can be folded and spread the way you like. It is a little
bit expensive but can meet your needs. I advise you to buy it as soon as possible because it can make your lives
Activity book page 44
Write a formal "thank you" letter.
Dear Mr. Samer
I am writing to thank you for inviting me to your office last month. It was a nice visit to remember.
I highly appreciate your kindness in answering all my questions about the new firm you are going
to run later. The information will be helpful to me as a student at university. I would be very
thankful if you pass my thanks to the company staff you are running now. Indeed they were very
kind and helpful in explaining their work to me.

Yours sincerely
Shadi Hassan.
Activity book page 49
Imagine you have the chance to interview someone you admire. It could be someone well -
known or someone who is not famous at all.
Ladies and gentlemen I am glad to remind you of the famous Russian surgeon, Michael
Q1: You are most welcome Mr. Belay. Would you tell us when you start your career and what
your famous achievements are, please?
Mr. Belay: Well, I began as a doctor in 1937. During the World War II I was one of the surgeons
who spent sleepless nights because the stream of wounded soldiers was endless. I was always
ready to help the sick and wounded.
Q2: Do you remember an event that deeply touched your heart?
Mr. Belay: I really was affected when one the wounded soldiers shouted in agony to let him die
and take care of another injured soldier.
Q3: Can you remember how you felt when the war came to an end?
Mr. Belay: Oh, first of all I felt that sleep can help but I really forgot it. I was also excited but
angry with the disasters of that war.
Q4: And finally can I ask you about your plans for the future?
Mr. Belay: I am from the past but my son might be the future that has no wars at all.
Q5: Would you like to add anything Mr. Belay?
Mr. Belay: I am to leave and others are to come because life never stops. Goodbye!

Activity book page 54
Write instructions for something you use or do regularly.
I would like to tell you how to make tea. First of all, you are supposed to put the amount of water
in the tea pot. Then put the pot on the fire until it boils. Next, take the pot from the fire and put
some tea or tea bags in it. After that, you have to wait for a few minutes and pour the tea in a glass
or a mug. Finally, put some sugar or cubes of sugar in the tea. That is all and God bless you.

Student book page 24

You are going to write an informal invitation to a family occasion.
Dear Leila'

I'm writing to invite you and your sister to a celebration we're having next Monday for my sister Nadia. It's the end
of her university study. She has graduated with excellent marks. This will be a celebration after four years of hard
study. As you imagine, it will be very special day for all of us. We're only inviting family and close friends.
Please let me know if you can come.
We all look forward to seeing you.


Student book page 49

You are going to write a schedule of TV programmes you would recommend someone to
watch in an evening.
Channel 1 6 p.m. History
Palmyra's Glory. Tonight's programme visits Plmyra,one of the most famous world heritage sites and one of Syria's
most wonderful ruins.
Channel 2 7 p.m. Nature and Environment
A visit to Al-Talila Nature Reserve which protects rare species of wildlife in the Syrian desert.
Channel 3 8 p.m. News
Main Evening News, a summary of the day's main stories from channel 3 reporters at home and abroad.
Channel 4 9 p.m. Drama
The Doubt. Will the police find out who is the criminal that committed all the crimes recently.


Student book page 67

You are going to write two short letters: one formal,the other informal.
Hi Sara,
I've just written to your parents to say how much I'm looking forward to coming to stay with you. Now I'm writing
to you because I can't wait to see you all.
I have never been to London before, so I'm sure I'll have a brilliant time. Do you remember when you and your
family came to stay with us last year?
We had a great time, didn't we? Perhaps we could do some of the same things when I come to London-like going
swimming and playing tennis. Have you bought any new music DVD,recently? I've told your parents that when I'm
there, you've all got to speak English to me.I need lots of practice. My teacher says my accent isn't very good.
Hope you're okay. Looking forward to seeing you again.


Student book page 79

You are going to write a set of instructions explaining to someone who has never used a
mobile phone how to send a text message.
-Switch on the phone by pressing the power key.
-Go to the text message icon on the screen and press it.When it opens you will see several options from which you
must select the option; create new message.
-Open the new message option to start writing your words by selecting letters from the keypad. If you make a
mistake press the clear key to correct the mistake.
-After you finish writing the message choose a receiver contact from the phonebook on your phone and press
send.When the text message is sent and received correctly, you'll receive a receiving report.

Student book page 97
You are going to write an open letter to a person or an organization that you think could
help protect or improve the environment.
The Editor
Natural Syria Newspaper
Dear Sir,
This letter is to everyone who is attending this week's international summit on the environment in France. We are a
group of environmentalists and we are writing to express our concern about some of the environmental problems
which the world faces today. We are especially worried about global warming, which could affect everyone in the
world in the next hundred years. We are worried for ourselves and also for our children and our grandchildren.
Our own government is working very hard to solve this problem, but we know that the situation can only improve
if all the countries of the world work together.So,at your meeting this week, we hope you can all agree on action
that will help to protect the Earth and all the human beings who live here for the next thousand years or more.
Yours Faithfully,
A group of environmentalists.

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