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Andi : Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good morning viewers, welcome to the

breaking news. On Thursday this morning, I am Andi Sabrina Kahar will accompany you for
the next six minutes. Listening to the latest and hottest within the country.
Currently in the studio with me there is a doctor, Adelia prasasti. One of the nutritionists at
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital who will explain how we actually have to maintain health &
hygiene conditions.
Andi : Good morning, doctor. How are you today?

Adel : Good morning Sabrina. I’m fine good

Andi : Everyone is currently worried because the Covid-19 cases have reached one hundred three
million five hundred two three thousand seventy three in Indonesia. And people are confused
about how to maintain immunity in this pandemic so as not to panic and stress.

Adel : What we are doing right now is to be vigilant but don't panic. Now the curve continues to go
up and we can only wait until the coronavirus is completely gone. Because what we worry
about is that the number continues to increase until we are short of medical personnel.
Therefore, it is advisable to keep doing activities at home and maintain health protocols when
doing activities outside the home

Andi : Besides that, how do we maintain our immunity during this pandemic?

Adel : The first one is enough sleep. Eat healthy and nutritious foods to get a healthy immune
system. Manage stress. Even at home, stay connected with family and friends virtually. Bask
in the sun. Sunlight can energize one of the t lymphocytes. The latter is still exercising to help
the regeneration of immune cells and body inflammation and pay more attention to the
intensity during exercise.
Andi : Doctor, I will discuss a little about the intensity of exercise. There are three types of exercise
intensity, right? The first is low, medium and high intensity. As I know is that during the Covid
19 pandemic it is more suitable to exercise at moderate intensity. Because exercising with
moderate intensity, can increase the intensity of the body and reduce our risk of exposure to

Adel : Yes, that's right. If we exercise at high intensity, then our immunity will decrease and we are
easily exposed to disease.

Andi : Speaking of sports, the reporter from Breaking News was already at the Gelora Bung Karno

Andi : Hello Jihan!?

Jihan : Hello Sabrina and good morning viewers on Tuesday this morning I'm Jihan Valentina, report
From Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. Which is on the road Pintu Satu Senayan, Gelora, Disrtricts
Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta. So you can see now the situation at the Rawa
Badak stadium is quiet because of the closure. This is because from the beginning of January,
the Jakarta area has entered the PSBB transition period. Usually the Rawa Badak Stadium is
very crowded with visitors, especially in the afternoon because there are so many activities
that are carried out here such as jogging, pencak silat, futsal clubs and others. And also before
that, there is a swimming pool which opens daily from 8 am and closes at 4 pm.

Andi : Alright, so looking at the condition of the stadium which is currently being closed, are there
still residents passing by for sports around the stadium?

Jihan : Yes Bina, that's right. Here there are still some people passing by to keep jogging around the
stadium area. For more details, let's ask one of the residents here.

Jihan : Hello ? What's ur name sir ?

Adit : : My name is Aditya jacobray orno but you can call me adit

Jihan : Okay sir Adit, so from there you are doing jogging in the Morning right sir. So, why are you
still leaving the house, are you not afraid if you are infected with the Corona virus, which is
currently pandemic?

Adit : Jogging in the morning is a routine activity that I do, especially during the illness season like
this. If I'm afraid that's for sure. But I just surrender to God and as much as possible while
jogging I keep the 3M protocol. And don’t forget to wear a mask,bring handsanitizer, and keep
distance with other

Jihan : So you still do government regulations too right?

Adit : Yes, that's right. Because I don’t want to get corona I still have thing to do before I died
Jihan : But, why are you running out of the reservoir around this stadium? Why not just around the

Adit : In this reservoir channel, the sun's rays are not covered by houses. And the air here is still
fresh because along the way there are many trees and it is also pollution free. At home, the
problem is near the main road, so the air is full of smoke from cars and motorbikes.

Jihan : It turns out like that. By the way, you are wearing a mask, is it really hard to jogging while
using a mask like that?

Adit : If you say it's hard, not really. Even though it is a bit tight, it must still be used to avoid
`unwanted things. I was afraid that the raid officers were passing by and I was not lucky, I
could be affected. And the fact that mask doesn’t sofocate you

Jihan : That's right sir. Wow, even though the atmosphere is like this, you still adhere to health

Adit : Yes, because if I disobeyed, how many more victims would fall? Right?

Jihan : How important is your sport during a pandemic?

Adit : I think it's very important, because we exercise so that our immune system is strong against
disease and make our body healty

Jihan : Apart from jogging, what are the efforts you did to keep you safe from the pandemic? Do
you consume nutritious food, maintain a healthy lifestyle and take vitamins every day?

Adit : I take care of a healthy lifestyle and vitamins, but I don't eat food haha. I mostly consume
junk food

Jihan : wow sir, let's stop consuming junk food now. Because junk food is not good for health. It's
useless if you are tired of exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle if the intake is not
beneficial for the body

Adit : Haha yes, i know im sorry

Andi : How many people were there this Morning, Jihan?

Jihan : Not many people, maybe only about 5-14 people passing by.

Andi : Does everyone wear masks?

Jihan : Not everyone wears a mask, about 30% of people who pass by don't wear masks and don't
maintain physical distancing.

Jihan : How many hours do you usually jogging around here, sir? And how many times a week

Adit : only once a week, that's also only 30 minutes.

Jihan : fine thanks for the interview, sir

Adit : ur welcome.

Jihan : Okay, viewers. So around the area of the rhino swamp stadium, especially in the flow of the
reservoir, there are still some people who exercise or jogging, for example, like kak adit
earlier. Maybe activities like that have good and bad sides. The good thing is to exercise and
stick to health protocols wherever possible. But the downside is, we do activities outside the
home and may be at risk of contracting the Corona virus if we are careless or too busy
interacting with people around us.

Well, that's the report from me, back to the studio. Bina

Andi : Alright, thanks for the report, Jihan from the stadium road.

Andi : So, how do doctors respond to this?

Adel : I think it is very good, like the sport earlier. Only as much as possible do it in the house. No
need for jogging, we can still do other basic sports such as gymnastics, and the like. But keep
in mind that we do moderate intensity exercise, because that way we don't get tired and can
still maintain our health

Andi : Sure, we don't be tired, doc, because we also need to get enough rest for sure. Then for
healthy food, can junk food be consumed during this pandemic?

Adel : Absolutely Sabrina. Hmmm junk food can be consumed but only occasionally, because most
foods like that contain preservatives that are dangerous and threaten the immune system.

Andi : Then, what kind of intensity is good when jogging, doc?

Adel : The recommended jogging frequency is 2-3 times per week with a total jogging duration of
approximately 1-2.5 hours per week. You can get the benefits of jogging as long as jogging is
done regularly

Andi : So there are no shortages and advantages, right doc ?

Adel : Yes Sabrina.

Andi : well doctor, thank you for your time. And thank you for the viewers who have attended this
news program.

Okay viewers, that's the news today. I am Andi Sabrina Kahar and the entire Breaking News crew say
thank you very much for your attention. Don't forget to always adhere to health protocols, stay at
home and always wear a mask Have a great day everyone. See you tomorrow and goodbye.

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