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11, NOVEMBER 2013 5215

A Class-E RF Power Amplifier With a Flat-Top

Transistor-Voltage Waveform
Arturo Mediano, Senior Member, IEEE, and Nathan O. Sokal, Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper shows a new class-E amplifier topology

with the objective to increase the nominal class-E output power
for a given voltage and current stress on the power transistor. To
obtain that result, a parallel LC resonator is added to the load net-
work, tuned to the second harmonic of the switching frequency. A
class-E power amplifier is obtained whose transistor-voltage wave-
form peak value is 81% of the peak value of the voltage of a nominal
class-E amplifier using the same dc supply voltage. In this ampli-
fier, the peak voltage across the transistor is 3.0 times the dc supply
voltage, instead of the 3.6 times associated with nominal class-E Fig. 1. Low-order class-E amplifier.
amplifiers. A normalized design is presented, and the behavior of
the circuit is analyzed with simulation showing that the ratio of
output power versus transistor peak voltage times peak current is
20.4% better than the nominal class E. The proposed converter
and normalized design approach are verified by simulations and
measurements done on an experimental prototype.
Index Terms—Class E, efficiency, high efficiency, power ampli-
fier, transistor peak voltage.

HE class-E amplifier [1]–[3] is one of the most important Fig. 2. Normalized nominal class-E voltage and current waveforms.

T switching-mode power amplifiers used in power electron-

ics [4]–[6] and radio-frequency applications [7]. In principle,
the amplifier efficiency can approach 100%, with actual values
of efficiency usually in the range of 70–93% [3].
Fig. 1 shows the most common class-E topology, namely the
low-order class E. The topology consists of a power transistor
acting as a switch to obtain high efficiency, a load resonant
circuit (C1 , C2 , L2 ), a choke L1 which acts as a dc current
Fig. 3. Flat-top class-E topology.
source, and a load resistance Rload , to which the output power
is delivered.
High efficiency is obtained because the output circuit is de- current Id (t), and Vsw pk is the peak device voltage Vd (t), which
signed to ensure that the voltage across the switch is already at is a limitation in some applications [8].
or near zero at the instant of turn ON and the current through Previous research tried to reduce the peak voltage with zener
the switch is at or nearly zero at turn ON. diodes [9], [10], with a transformer and a diode [11], or with
Fig. 2 shows typical normalized voltage and current wave- a transmission line transformer [12]. A similar waveform is
forms in a low-order class-E amplifier. obtained from class EF 2 and EF 3 amplifiers but those inverters
In the classical class-E amplifier [1]–[3], namely nominal in are more complex in design [13].
this paper, the ratio Vsw pk /Vdd is 3.562, Pout /(Vsw pk Isw pk ) is In this paper, the output resonant circuit is modified, as shown
0.098, and Isw pk /Idd is 2.862, where Isw pk is the peak device in Fig. 3, by adding a resonant parallel LC circuit (C3 , L3 ),
which is tuned to the second harmonic of the switching fre-
quency (2fo ), in series with the load. The second harmonic
Manuscript received September 28, 2012; revised November 26, 2012 and yields a flat-top shape of the voltage waveform as presented
January 14, 2013; accepted January 14, 2013. Date of current version May 3, in [14] by the authors. A complete analysis of the topology is
2013. This work was supported in part by Projects TEC2010-19207 (Spanish included in this paper.
MICINN), DGA-FSE, and OTRI 2008/0460. Recommended for publication by
Associate Editor J. M. Alonso. Previous publications by other authors analyze a simi-
A. Mediano is with the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research, University lar topology with harmonic manipulation mainly for broad-
of Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50018, Spain (e-mail: band or efficiency purposes [15]–[18], resonant circuits are
N. O. Sokal is with Design Automation, Auburndale, MA 02466-2660 USA
(e-mail: added to the class-E output network to obtain class-F am-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2013.2242097 plification [17]–[19], broadband [20], [21], second-harmonic
0885-8993/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

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Fig. 4. Normalized class-E flat-top topology.

reduction [21], [22], and harmonic manipulation for filtering or Fig. 5. Normalized class-E flat-top HEPA screen.
efficiency purposes [23]. In this paper, a flat-top transistor volt-
age waveform is obtained with the aim to improve the output
power capability of the class E.
The advantage of a flat-top voltage waveform is that the tran- The basic strategy was to design for nominal class-E wave-
sistor peak voltage and peak current for a given output power forms with a quasi-ideal switch and to optimize that design to
are reduced from the values in nominal class E. Then, stress is deliver the specified output power from a transistor being driven
reduced, or more output power can be obtained with the same to a specified peak flat-top voltage and operating at the highest
amount of stress. Output power for a given product of peak possible efficiency. To optimize the nominal class-E design, the
voltage and peak current is 0.118 for the flat-top voltage, versus software adjusts the parameters C1 , C2 , L2 , C3 , L3 , and Rload .
0.098 in a nominal class E; flat top is better than nominal by a Minimum and maximum limit values for each of the param-
factor of 0.118/0.098 = 1.2. eters are set with ranges from 50% to 200% of the nominal
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. values. L3 and C3 values must resonate at 2fo , as explained
Section II presents the fundamentals of the proposed circuit, earlier. The goal for the optimizer was set to provide the desired
including a normalized design approach. Section III compares output power, while making the efficiency as high as possible.
the waveforms and spectra of the proposed and classical topol- The normalized values (see Fig. 4) are shown in (1)–(4), and the
ogy. Section IV includes a design example and experimental HEPA screen is shown in Fig. 5
results to verify the proposal. The conclusions of this paper are
drawn in Section V. ωn = 1 rad/s (1)
II. FLAT-TOP VERSION OF CLASS E fn = = 0.159 Hz (2)

The proposed topology is analyzed from a normalized ver- Rload(n ) = 0.9 Ω (3)
sion, to obtain a general solution for any output power, at any
switching frequency and using any dc-voltage supply. Vdd(n ) = 1 V. (4)
The normalized power amplifier, depicted in Fig. 4, operates
from a 1-V dc supply and delivers 1 W of output power; fur-
thermore, the switching device has 0.01 Ω on-resistance Rdson , The normalized results for the class-E components are in-
and the switching frequency is 1 rad/s. cluded in (5)–(13). Note that inductor values are given in
The design of the amplifier was done with the HEPA PLUS Henries (H) and capacitor values are given in Farads (F)
[24]1 optimizer software.
L1(n) = 1 × 106 H (5)
Analytical analysis and optimization is challenging because
of the many complicated interactions among the seven passive L2(n ) = 0.49 H (6)
linear circuit elements that are being adjusted [25].
L3(n ) = 0.523 H (7)
The transistor has three major device parameters, which can-
not be adjusted independently because it would change the C1(n ) = 0.225 F (8)
transistor’s operating characteristics. If the user wishes to try
C2(n ) = 50.516 F (9)
multiple different transistors, to see which performs best, it can
be done by adding the parameters for these candidate transistors C3(n ) = 0.478 F (10)
and running the optimizer to adjust the seven passive circuit
Vsw pk
elements. This procedure can be repeated for any number of = 2.9765 (11)
transistors, and then simply choose the transistor that yields the Vdd
preferred results. Isw pk
= 2.8350 (12)
1 A 20 pages document with a tutorial about HEPA software is available
at no cost for interested readers requesting it to or Pout
= 0.11832. (13) (Vsw pk Isw pk )

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Fig. 6. Normalized class-E flat-top HEPA waveforms.

Equations (14) and (15) can be used by designers to denor-

malize a design as shown in the example of Section IV
ωn Rload
Lj = Lj (n ) × × with j = 1, 2, and 3 (14)
ωo Rload(n )
Fig. 7. Normalized class-E flat-top versus nominal waveforms.
ωn Rload(n )
Cj = Cj (n ) × × with j = 1, 2, and 3 . (15)
ωo Rload
Fig. 6 shows the simulated normalized transistor current and TABLE I
voltage for the proposed topology; it clearly shows the obtained SUMMARY OF TYPICAL SETTINGS
flat-top voltage waveform.


A nominal class-E design was prepared with the same nor-
malized values for supply voltage, output power, load resistor,
and frequency (1)–(4) to be able to compare waveforms and out-
put spectrum. The component values for that nominal class-E
design are included in
L1(n ) NOM = 1 × 106 H (16)
L2(n ) NOM = 1.6239 H (17)
C1(n ) NOM = 0.2418 F (18)
C2(n ) NOM = 55.492 F. (19)
Waveforms for both topologies are plotted in Fig. 7, where
the subscript NOM refers to the nominal design and subscript
FLAT the flat-top proposal. Note that load current Iload , switch
current Isw , and device voltage Vsw are plotted with amplitudes
normalized to Idd and Vdd .
In Table I, a summary of results is included for both the flat
top and the nominal design.
The peak value of a flat-top device voltage is 81% of the peak
value of the voltage of a nominal class-E amplifier (3.0 times
the dc supply voltage instead of 3.6 times associated with the
nominal version). In Fig. 8, the peak values for some typical RF
amplifier topologies are plotted for comparison [4].
Note that, from the device stress point of view, classes A, B,
and C have a lower Vsw pk value but those topologies are not Fig. 8. Typical peak device voltage in RF amplifiers.
high-efficiency amplifiers. Class D results are better than the

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Note that because the L3 C3 resonator is in series with L2 C2

and tuned to 2fo , a considerable reduction of the 2fo power
delivered to the load is obtained as shown in the high reduction
in second harmonic of output current for the flat-top version.
The 2fo is the harmonic with the largest amplitude in the
ordinary class-E circuit and such reduction is useful for com-
munications applications that need low harmonic content in the
output power.
A more sinusoidal wave shape can be obtained by adding a
low-pass filter at the amplifier’s output as in other typical ampli-
Fig. 9. Typical output power capability in RF power amplifiers [4]. fiers but in many applications, a moderate amount of harmonic
content is allowable. Examples of such cases are chemical or
thermal conversion, industrial scientific or medical band appli-
cations where little filtering is needed, and when the output is
passed through a rectifier as with dc–dc conversion


To verify the circuit, a flat-top class-E amplifier was designed
and built. Frequency fo was chosen as 1 MHz (50% driver duty
ratio) to minimize layout and measurement parasitic effects and
high output power was not considered to avoid the need for a
low nominal load resistance so matching circuits, parasitic and
tuning are avoided. Two 50-Ω load resistors in parallel were
used as load (Rload = 25 Ω). The flat-top class-E design was
calculated with (5)–(10)
fo = 1 MHz (20)
Rload = 25 Ω. (21)
The amplifier was designed around an IRF520 N transistor
from International Rectifier with Rds(on) = 0.2 Ω and Coss =
Fig. 10. Normalized device peak voltage and device peak current spectrum:
flat-top version (upper plots) and nominal version (lower plots). 92 pF at 25 V.
Denormalization was done with (14) and (15) and results are
included in column “THEORY” in Table II. After theoretical
components were calculated, commercial values were chosen,
flat-top solution at the expense of using two transistors. The flat- which are also included in Table II. After that, simple models
top topology is clearly better than nominal class E and similar to for those components were chosen to take into account the
the class F (second harmonic). The best result is obtained from dominant parasitic effects. The parameter values for the models
class F (third harmonic) in addition to the second harmonic at were measured with an Agilent 4294 A impedance analyzer
the expense of an additional resonant circuit in the output. That and are also shown in Table II. As additional information, the
circuit is more complex to design. effective value of the components at 1 MHz is included in the
The ratio of output power versus transistor peak voltage times last column of the table.
peak current (output power capability) is 0.118 versus 0.098 in a Fig. 11 is the equivalent to Fig. 3 including parasitic for all
nominal class E, so more output is possible for a given amount the components. A simple model for the transistor is used: an
of stress on the transistor (see Fig. 9). ideal switch and the equivalent output capacitance of the device.
From the output power capability behavior, the best topolo- The design, including parasitic effects, was simulated with
gies are classes D and B. Those topologies have two devices, HEPA and SPICE. Waveforms from the SPICE simulation for
including two gate drivers for the class D, which results in driver gate signal Vdriver , drain voltage Vsw , and output load
more component cost and volume. The result for class F third voltage Vload are shown in Fig. 12. The response of the amplifier
harmonic is at the cost of an additional resonator in the out- matches the nominal waveforms as expected from the theoretical
put versus the flat top and class F second harmonic solutions. design.
Class F second harmonic and flat-top class-E design are similar A prototype was built using a two layers FR-4 board as shown
in the result with some advantage for the class-F solution. in Fig. 13. Vdd dc bus voltage is filtered and decoupled by the
As shown in Fig. 7, the output voltage and current are not components on top of the picture. The desired capacitance for
purely sinusoidal in wave shape. In Fig. 10, the harmonic content C1 is comprised of the output capacitance of the transistor Q1
of drain voltage and output load current (normalized) is plotted and the five capacitors in parallel as shown in Fig. 11. The layout
for both the flat top and nominal class-E amplifier. of those capacitors is very important to avoid ringing in drain

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Fig. 11. Flat-top class E and parasitic in components.

Fig. 13. Prototype class-E amplifier with flat-top voltage waveform.

Fig. 12. Simulated waveforms for the 1-MHz class-E flat-top amplifier.

waveform. Two 50 Ω loads are used in parallel through BNC

Measurements of the prototype were done with an Agilent
DSO7104B oscilloscope and the obtained waveforms in Fig. 14
Fig. 14. Measured class-E flat-top waveforms for the 1 MHz design.
agree very well with simulation results in Fig. 12.

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Arturo Mediano (M’98–SM’06) received the M.Sc. Nathan O. Sokal (M’56–SM’56–F’89–LF’94) re-
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the ceived the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in elec-
University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, in 1990 and trical engineering in 1950 from the Massachusetts
1997, respectively. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Since 1990, he has been involved in R&D and From 1950 to 1965, he held engineering and su-
troubleshooting projects with companies in electro- pervisory positions with Holmes and Narver, Inc.,
magnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) and RF fields M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, Mack Electronics Divi-
for communications, industry, scientific, and medical sion of Mack Trucks, Inc., Di/An Controls, Inc.,
applications. Since 1992, he has held a teaching pro- and Sylvania Electronic Systems Division. He was
fessorship with special interest in EMI/EMC and RF involved with design, manufacturing, and field in-
(HF/VHF/UHF) design for Telecom and Electrical stallation and operation of a wide variety of analog
Engineers with the Group of Power Electronics and Microelectronics, Univer- and digital equipment for instrumentation, control, communications, computa-
sity of Zaragoza. He is the author/coauthor for many publications and patents tion, and signal and data processing. In 1965, he founded Design Automation,
as result of activity in research activities. He has substantial experience in col- Auburndale, MA, USA, an electronics consulting company doing product de-
laboration with industries with a focus on training and consulting in RF design sign, design review and needed redesign, and technology development for
and EMI/EMC design and troubleshooting. Usually, the result was directly used equipment manufacturers and government agencies, and technical consulting on
in a marketed product. He has taught more than 40 courses and seminars for legal matters for attorneys. Much of that work was focused on high-efficiency
industries and institutions in the fields of RF/EMI/EMC in Spain, the U.S., switching-mode power conversion and power amplification, at frequencies from
Switzerland, France, U.K., Italy, and The Netherlands. His research interest dc to 3 GHz. He contributed to the technology of high-efficiency power conver-
include high-efficiency switching-mode RF power amplifiers with experience sion and RF power amplification.
in applications like mobile communication radios, broadcasting, through-earth Mr. Sokal received the Microwave Pioneer Award of the IEEE Microwave
communication systems, induction heating, medical equipment, plasmas for in- Theory and Techniques Society, in recognition of a major, lasting contribution,
dustrial applications, and radio-frequency identification. for development of the class-E RF power amplifier in 2007. In 2011, he re-
Dr. Mediano has been a Speaker in paper sessions and tutorials of some ceived the Doctoral Degree “Doctor Honoris Causa” by the Polytechnic Univer-
of the most important symposiums and conferences related to RF and EMC sity of Madrid, Spain, for inventing and developing the class-E high-efficiency
(RF EXPO, IEEE IMS, and IEEE International Symposium EMC, URSI, EPE, switching-mode RF power amplifier. He is a Technical Adviser to the American
ARFTG, EUROEM, IEEE RWS, EuMW, etc.). He is one of the Instructors Radio Relay League, on RF power amplification and dc power conversion. He is
of Besser Associates, one of the world’s more important providers of contin- a member of the honorary professional societies Eta Kappa Nu, The Electromag-
uing education for RF and microwave professionals. He is an active member netics Academy, and Sigma Xi. He reviews technical manuscripts submitted for
from 1999 of the MTT-17 (HF/VHF/UHF technology) Technical Committee of publications and conferences: IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, IEEE
the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and a member of the Electro- TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELEC-
magnetic Compatibility Society (member of the directive of the EMC Spanish TRON DEVICES, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYS-
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, International Symposium on Circuits
and Systems, Applied Power Electronics Conference, International Conference
on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, and
Design Automation Conference; and Transactions on South African Institute
of Electrical Engineers, European Power Electronics (EPE) Journal, and EPE

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