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Serwiusz style dowsing

Stop being slave procedure

• Expand consciousness about slavery all programs I have in body, mind, energetic sistem
and help me understand how can I clear it, the best way for my Highest good
and others
• Neutralize any programs of slavery from my whole Being, celular memory in any way,shape
or form that now influencing my behaviour, prosperity, sex, health, relationship and sucess-
neutralize them on all levels in all directions of time and space, any dimension and clear
them-So they are no longer valid and operational
• Dissolve any mental, emotional, energetical chains attached to us influencing negatively our
behaviour and our prosperity-Transmute it into freedom , independence and prosperity
• Remove all agreementsof slavery, whoever is responsible for it-Transmute it for
independence for my Highest good and others
• Tranmute it into freedom, sovernity and independance-I now claim my full freedom. I now
stop being a slave of any kind to anyone or anything. I am claiming to be my own master.
Choosing what to do with my own life, captain of my life! I accept all responsibility and
enjoy it and benefit from it!
• I arrise my consciousness about being free, independent and sovereign Being form Highest
good of others and myself

Become an expert in your field

• Expand my consiousness about this for my Highest good and others

• Expand my competence, creativity and confidence in my area of work in the best way and
for my Highest good
• Increase knowledge and be better expert for my Highest good and others
• Attract to me all I need to run succesfull business and be more comprehensively successfull
and effective at what I do, for my Highest good and others

• Expand my awareness about effortless, unlimited, countinuos money flow

• Release any negative programs through all dimensions, aspects of Being and Selfs
• All struggle, traumatic memory and karma about money in my celular memory, DNA and
ancestoral memory
• Remove all external blocks for receiving money effortlessly, countinuosly in unlimited
• Reprogram be for making my money effortlessly, countinuosly in unlimited quantities
• Allign yourself with effortless, countinuos money in unlimited quantities
• *You can add some affirmations here while rotating it clockwise
• Open yourself to multiple sources of income, from different places, sources and different
people if it is honest, safe, honorable, legal and ethical

Ideal partner

• Expand your awareness and consciousness about ideal partner fully alligned to God and
• Set ideal information, readiness, meeting, space and time in a most appropriate and
pleasurable way
• Give me all resources to create and obtain harmonious relationship with her
• Give all guidance and protection to my idealy aligned partner form mine, hers and Higest
good of all

Adjust new reality procedure

• Expand my consciousness about changes

• Help me find best ways to live, work and expand my life in the best ways and for the
Highest good of all
• Guide me for best opportunities and possibilities, to find new ways to work,earn, live, travel
and everything I intent to do in the best , easiest, most pleasurable way possible
• Make me adaptable to whatever changes so I am most efficient and have great results

*Sometimes you can just repeat one affirmation(comand ) and spin it longer if necessary
Babylonian curse

• Remove all money and banking sistem control over you and collective
• Set human control over money to serve humanity in most constructive way for the Highest
good of all by the Gods Norm

Activating energy of abundance

• Increase awareness and consciousness about productivity and income

• Delete all blocks, behaviours, negativities, programs related to low income and low
• Set best habits, behaviours, beliefs, energies and information about productivity and
• Invite Angels of Prosperity and Propductivity to constantly guide you and increase your
Prosperity and Propductivity in most appropriate way for my Highest good and Highest
good of all

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