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Practice test 3

I. Choose the word whose bold and underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others in each group.
1. A. men B. spend C. splendid D. hero
2. A. favorite B. handbag C. family D. champion
3. A. experience B. education C. intelligent D. chemistry
4. A. romantic B. mature C. tragic D. ambitious
5. A. wreath B. spread C. please D. ease
II Choose the word that contains the stressed syllable different from the ones in the other
6. A. private B. award C. tragic D. champion
7. A. romance B. extreme C. beloved D. journal
8. A. educate B. atomic C. careful D. physical
9. A. degree B. background C. informed D. improved
10. A. direct B. anxious C. favour D. social
III- Choose the appropriate word or phrase for each gap of the sentence.
11. How did you collect the ______ information of that company in such a short time?
A. essential B. background C. basic D. summary
12. The boy was ______ a medal for saving three people from the accident.
A. inherited B. won C. awarded D. given
13. This new kind of medicine can ______ the pain of cancer patients more effectively.
A. shorten B. cut down C. release D. ease
14. Oh, my God! I forget to enclose the ______ vitae with my application form.
A. curriculum B. resume C. background D. summary
15. The appearance of the girl ______the quarrel of the two boys.
A. interrupted B. slowed C. intervened D. released
16. After some family changes, Martin became______ and more responsible with his actions.
A. sensitive B. mature C. adult D. careful
17. The scientific ______ improved her capacity of working in the laboratory significantly.
A. course B. reference C. training D. show
18. I got some valuable experience of teaching when I worked as a______ last summer.
A. tutor B. teacher C. instructor D. professor
19. My brother doesn’t like ______films. According to him, there is too much tear in romance.
A. sensitive B. emotion C. touching D. romantic
20. A recent ______ surprises everybody with its conclusion: indoor air pollution is worse than outdoor
air pollution!
A. report B. discover C. research D. theory
B. GRAMMAR : Choose the best answer for each sentence.
21. The Chinese ______ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo brought it back to Italy.
A. have make B. had been making C. make D. made
22. My school’s football team ______ a championship until last season.
A. never wins B. never win C. has never won D. had never won
23. The little girl started to cry. She ______ her doll and no one was able to find it for her.
A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. loses
24. She ______ at the computer for 5 straight hours. Finally, she took a break.
A. is sitting B. was sitting C. has been sitting D. had been sitting
25. After Tan ______ his clothes, he began to study.
A. washed B. has washed C. had washed D. washing
26. Nam ______ for one hour before the bus came.
A. waited B. had waited C. was waiting D. waiting
27. Maria ______ _ the university after she had graduated from the community college.
A. entered B. had entered C. has entered D. have entered
28. Jean washed the pipettes after he ______ the experiment.
A. completed B. had completed C. completing D. having completed
29. Jane sent a letter to her university after she had ______her scholarship check.
A. receive B. receiving C. received D. to receive
30. After the stewardesses had served lunch to the passengers, they ______down.
A. sit B. sat C. seated D. was sitting
31. The car had ______ten times before it landed on its roof.
A. flipping B. flip C. flipped D. fliped
32. We corrected our papers as soon as we ______ the quiz.
A. taken B. took C. had taken D. have taken
33. Ba ______ in Hanoi for one year when his parents came to visit.
A. lives B. lived C. had lived D. living
34. We were hurrying because we thought that the bell ______ .
A. had already rang B. has already rung C. had already rung D. rung
35. After he had researched and ______ his paper, he gave it to the teacher.
A. wrote B. written C. writing D. have written
36. He had ______ that she would answer his letter.
A. hope B. hoping C. has hoped D. hoped
37. She decided to look for a new job because she didn’t ______ along well with her boss for a long
A. got B. had gotten C. get D. getting
38. The community beach wasn’t very well-prepared for the storm, ______ ?
A. was it B. wasn’t it C. were they D. weren't they
39. The movie was very boring. By the end, most people______ .
A. had already left B. already left C. were already leaving D. were already left
40. Hai had left hours before we ______ there.
A. get B. got C. gotten D. getting
I. Read the passage below and then fill each blank with the best completion.
Can you imagine what Thomas Edison’s life was like in the years (41) ______ he had invented the
electric lamp? Many things had to be invented and built before electric lamp could really be used;
machines to (42)______the electricity in each home; things (43)______it certain that the electricity in
the wires did not (44)______ fires; things to send the electricity to the right places. Everything that was
(45)______had to be thought of and built by Edison and the men who worked (46) ______ him. Edison
made 360 inventions or (47)______ in order to send electric power to (48)______ it was wanted.
Edison directed all the work (49) ______ , testing new machines, putting wires under ground, fixing
lights, and so on. He (50) ______ to be everywhere at the same time. He wanted his men to do (51)
he did. But he (52)______ asked them to do things he himself would not do or could not do. He often
(53) ______completely about sleeping. He (54)______ for a few minutes at a time in the middle of the
night, in an underground room at his power station. (55)______ these days, he almost never saw his
wife and children.
41. A. while B. after C. when D. before
42. A. take B. test C. obtain D. measure
43. A. to make B. to do C. to help D. to assist
44. A. like B. put C. start D. take
45. A. tries B. accepted C. obtained D. needed
46. A. at B. near C. with D. about
47. A. less B. least C. much D. more
48. A. whoever B. wherever C. whatever D. whenever
49. A. itself B. themselves C. himself D. oneself
50. A. seemed B. worked C. thought D. looked
51. A. as long as B. as soon as C. as far as D. as much as
52. A. neither B. never C. nor D. ever
53. A. forgot B. wanted C. thought D. remembered
54. A. rested B. slept C. relaxed D. lay
55. A. At B. For C. During D. Between
II.Read the following passage and then do the exercises that follow
A Ernest Hemingway was born in 1899 in a family of a doctor. He was a very good pupil in his
B During World War I, he entered the war and he was given the job of driving American Red Cross
ambulances on the Italian front. After the war he earned his leaving by his pen and began to write
stories. His first work, Three Stories and Ten Poems, was written in 1923.
C During World War II, Hemingway went to Britain as a reporter. Later he took part in the invasion of
Europe and the liberation of Paris. In the war, he met another reporter, Mary Walsh. In 1945 his
marriage to Martha ended legally and he married Mary. After the war, Hemingway wrote his last
important book, The Old Man and The Sea, which was mentioned as one o h,s best works. It is the story
of a Cuban fisherman who refuses to defeated by nature. He was fighting a big fish and the sea for
many hours and won the victory over them. The book opened with a sentence that is now very famous,
“He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now
without taking a fish . The novel won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1953.
D One year later, Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature, but he was too sick physically an
mentally to take part in the ceremony. He felt he was no longer able to write. At that time he seemed to
be living in the same way as that was in one of his stories about the writer who had sold his writing skill
to make money.
E Ernest Hemingway killed himself in 1961, as his father had many years before.
1. Choose the best answer.
56. He became a reporter in ______ during World War II.
A. Europe B. Paris C. Britain D. Cuba
57. Ernest Hemingway‘s first book was written______ .
A. in World War I B. in 1923 C. in 1945 D. in 1953
58. The Old Man and The Sea was about ______.
A. the invasion of Europe B. the liberation of Paris
C. a Cuban fisherman D. the Gulf Stream
59. Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature______.
A. several years before he died in 1961 B. in 1953
C. in 1945 D. in 1954
60. He couldn’t take part in the ceremony because______.
A. he sold his books to make money
B. he was sick seriously
C. he killed himself
D. he had sold his writing skill to make money
2. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.
61. ambulances A. be written or spoken about.
62. to enter B. a public occasion including formal or traditional actions.
63. invasion C. bad or dangerous.
64. mentally D. vehicle with special equipment, used for
65. mentioned taking sick or injured people to a hospital.
66. to defeat E. to go into something.
67. ceremony F. without any other people.
68. to refuse G. to win against somebody in a war.
69. alone H. to say that you will not do what somebody has asked you to do.
70. serious I. connected with or happening in the mind.
J. the act of an army entering another country by force.
2. Write T (True), or F (False) for each sentence.
71. ______ Hemingway was a family doctor.
72. ______ Hemingway began to write stories in 1923.
73. ______ Hemingway’s first book was about a Cuban fisherman.
74. ______ Hemingway’s marriage to Martha was in 1945.
75. ______ Hemingway killed himself one year after the Nobel Prize for Literature, in
D. ERROR IDENTIFICATION : Identify the error in each sentence.
76. In spite of (A) her difficult living conditions, Marie Curie (B) worked extremely hard and (C) had
earned a degree in Physics (D) with flying colors.
77. (A) To saving money (B) for a study tour abroad my sister had to (C) work as a private tutor at a rich
family (D) for two years.
78. (A) Although it was late, she (B) returned home (C) because she suddenly remembered she (D) did
not turn off the gas stove.
79. While George (A) was reading in bed, two thieves (B) had climbed into his kitchen, (C) entered the
house and (D) went into the dining room.
80. My brother (A) hid his money (B) under the floor and then he (C) forgot where he (D) hid it.

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