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PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 }o09P00, ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019, Hate! Alana Yogyokarta THE STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY CONSTELLATION OF WESTERN BOUNDARY OF YOGYAKARTA BASIN Asmoro Widagdo "Subagyo Pranumijoyo * Agung Harijoko° Program s-3 Telaik Geologi UGM 'Telovik Geologi LGM ‘Telok Geologi UGM * “Corresponding Author: amare geologi@ gmail com. ‘ABSTRAK. The Yogyakarta Basin is located on the south-side of the central part of Java Island which is located on the active tectonic boundary from the Tertiary to Quatemary periods. Kulonprogo volcanic mountains and South Serayu folds are in the west of the Yogyakarta basin. To the east of the Yogyakarta basin is found the Southem Mountains of eastern Java Thewestem boundary of the YogyakartaBasin has typical types of geological structures. Thisresearch was conducted to study the type of geological structure that is the westem boundary of the YogyakattaBasin. The study was conducted through a series of fidd work to collect geological structure data such as bedding-plane of sedimentary rocks, joint planes, fault planes, fault types, folds, and then fidd data analysis was performed using stereographic methods. The main geological structure, which is the westem boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin, is the synistral fault with the type of left-steppingleft lateral fault associated with subduction in the south of Java This structure of themgor synistral fault produces companion faultsin the form of dextral faults, synistral faults, normal faults, shear joints and extension joints. The other geological structures, originating from different sources, arerelated to theinfluence of forces fromthe east of the YogyakattaBasin. This structure forms thrust fault, fold, dectral fault, synistral fault, shear joints and extension joints. Katalamd: structure folds, fault, joint, stereographic I INTRODUCTION ‘Yogyakarta Basin is located in the southern part of Central Java-Indonesia and bordered by Progo River on the West side, Opak River on the East, Mount Merapi on the north and Indian. Ocean on the south side as a place for sedimentation of Merapi fluvio-volcanic deposits during the Quaternary Period. Yogyakata Basin is considered as a system where the geological phenomena distinctively dominate all the natural processes. Continued subduction of the Indo- Australia Oceanic Plate from the South direction below the Eurasia Continental Plate not only resulted in the formation of the active Merapi volcano (in the north), but also brought about the formation of mountainous morphology of volcanic and carbonate rocks (in the east and west) (Karnawati, et al., 2006), To the west, andesitic breccia and lava flows of Tertiary Gajah, jo and Menoreh Tertiary volcano (van Bemmelen, 1949; Smyth et al., 2005) with the intensive fault formation occurred (Rahardjo, 1995, Budiadi, 2008, Barianto et al., 2009). Meanwhile at the eastern of the basin, carbonaceous-volcanic rocks as well as limestone with karst landscape are exposed. Location of the Yogyakarta basin is illustrated in Figure 1 ‘The Yogyakarta Basin to the east is limited by a fault structure namely Opak Fault (Nurvidyanto et al,, 2007, Sugiyanti et al., 2015, Abidin et al,, 2009, Tsuji et al., 2009) on to the a2 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12, o09P0O “TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSTTAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019; Hole! Alana Yoayokoria ‘West is limited by Kulon Progo fault (Smyth et al, 2005, Widagdo et al., 2017, Widagdo et al, 2018) on the west side, Barianto etal. (2009), studied the pattemof straightness in the Kulon Progo Mountains, which resulted in a structure interpretation with a high structural density in the Kulon Progo Mountains, Kulon Progo Mountains are the western boundary of Yogyakarta Graben, according to Barianto et al. (2010), however, the position of the fault as this limit has not yet been described, IL REGIONAL GEOLOGY Subsurface data according to Barianto, et al., 2009, Winardi, et al,, 2013; Widiyanto, 2009 in Syafri, et al., 2013 and surface data on regional geological maps according to Rahardjo, 1995 (Figure 2) shovr that the Yogyakarta basin has 3 types of lithology, namely: (1) Tertiary rocks of Nanggulan and Sentolo Formation (2). Igneous rock, which can be found in Godean, (3) Quarternary deposit of Old and Young Merapi Volcano, Stratigraphic order of the western boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin can be distinguished in sedimentary rock and volcanic rock groups. Sedimentary rocks as a base are composed of predominantly claystones, quartz sandstones and limestones called the Nanggulan Formation. Sedimentary rocks of the Nanggulan Formation are the basis of the voleanic rocks of the Kebobutak Formation (Rahardjo, 1995) or Old Andesite Formation (Van Bemmelen, 1949), The Nanggulan and Kebobutak Formations are intruded by shallow intrusive rocks in the form of microdiorite, andesite and dacite which generally undergo alteration. This group of volcanoes is covered unconformity by shallow marine deposits, Jonggrangan and Sentolo Formations, IL METHOD This study combines the results of field research with several other previous research results by several authors, The research method used is by observing the image / map of the Yogyakarta Basin, field observations and measurement of elements of the fault structure ‘Through observation and image analysis, some lineaments could be described, which makes it easier to find fault data in the field and to describe fault lineaments, The field data used in this study is striations on fault planes, which are found in rock outcrops on fault planes. In fault data, data is measured and recorded directly in the field. Fault measurements include strike, dip, pitch angle and direction of fault movement. IV. DATA AND ANALYSIS Kulon Progo left lateral strike-slip fault (Figure 3) develops cutting off the Kulon Progo ‘Mountains from the south to the north. This left lateral strike-slip fault is directed towards the relative North Northeast - South Southwest (NNE-SSW). This direction is in line with the direction of the Kulon Progo Mountains straightness which is composed of Mount Gajahh, Mount Jjoand Mount Menoreh, The Kulon Progo left lateral strike-slip fault crosses the center of the ljo and Menoreh voleanic centers, so that this fault splits in half on jo Voleano and Menoreh Volcano. At the Gajah Voleano body, this fault crossed the proximal-medial volcanic facies of West-Gajah Volcano and the central facies and the East-Gajah Volcano proximal, in the Jonggrangan highlands to Samigaluh in the north. This fault data is in the form of strike, dip, pitch angle and 1422 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 }o09P00, ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019, Hate! Alana Yogyokarta direction of pitch opening in the fault field with lines drawn along with the results of the analysis in Figure 3. ‘The results of the striations data analysis on this fault lineament show that there is a horizontal North-South compressional stress direction (the main stress / 1) that has worked (Figure 3). The least stress ( 3) resulting from this analysis is horizontal. Such conditions of 1 and 3 create NNE-SSW left lateral strike-slip faults (Figure 3). ‘The second group of structures is the result of compression from southeast-northwest direction (NW-SE), This direction is a compressional source that gives birth toa compressive and extensive structure in the Kulon Progo Mountains. This group of structures consists of Bantul left lateral strike-slip fault, Sleman right lateral strike-slip fault, Kayangan thrust fault, Samigaluh normal fault, Suroloyo left lateral strike-slip fault, Sendangsono normal fault, Nanggulan fold and Banyuroto fold (Figure 3), ‘The results analysis of southeast compressional fault striations data in the eastern Kulon Progo Mountains are shown in Figure 3. Data striations were measured in sinistral, dextral, ‘normal and thrust faults. This fault data originates from the western side of the Yogyakarta basin. which includes the Kalibawang, Nanggulan and Girimulyo regions, The results of analysis of the left lateral and right lateral strike-slip fault show the main stress / compression area (1) horizontally with the area in the West-East to Southeast-Northwest direction. Fault plane and helping plane form intersections (2) in the vertical direction, The least stress (3) formed has a horizontal direction ‘The analysis of the thrust fault shows the main stress / compression area (1) horizontal ‘with the area in the southeast northwest direction. Least Stress (3) formed has a vertical direction. ‘The fault plane and the awzliary plane form intersections (2) ina relatively horizontal direction. Kalibawang, Kali Serang and Kayangan thrust fault are formed with a dipping to the southeast facing the direction of the main stress (1). Nanggulan and Banyuroto folds are formed relatively parallel to the thrust fault, formed by the main stress (1) trending southeast northwest. Normal faults in the northwest are formed by least stress (3) from West-East to North- South, The results of the analysis above (3) are on the edge of a large circle or horizontal. With the main vertical stress and the weakest horizontal main force, normal faults are formed or are strain tectonic regions. V. DISCUSSIONS In the Kulon Progo Mountains, regional north-south compressional direction produces a sinistral fault known as the Progo-Mutia fault according to Smyth et al. (2005), Hall et al. (2007), ‘Smyth et al. (2008) and Husein and Nukman (2015), Widagdo et al. (2017) and Widagdo et al. (2018) mention this fault as the Kulon Progo fault with the movement is left lateral strike- slip fault /sinistral fault. This compression stress comes from the movement of the Indian Ocean plate to the north to infiltrate the southern part of Java Island (Situmorang et al., 1976). According to ‘Syafri et al. (2013) at least the youngest tectonic since Eocene controls the structure that works in the Kulon Progo Mountains. In observing remote sensing imagery, this fault cut across the entire Kulon Progo Mountains starting from Mount Ijo (Early Miocene), Mount Gajah (Oligocene) to Mount Menoreh which is Late Miocene (1240.7 Million years ago) according to Akmaludinet al, 2005, 1423 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12, o09P0O “TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSTTAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019; Hole! Alana Yoayokoria Figure 4 illustrates the condition of the strike-slip faults which in addition to controlling the birth of the Kulon Progo Mountains, also influences the volcanic morphology produced. This is especially true of Mount Jjo in the south and Menoreh on the northem side of the Kulon Progo ‘Mountains. There are openings of morphology on the south side of the two ed ges of this volcano, This shows the active faults before and after the formation of volcanoes in the Kulon Progo Mountains ‘The Riedel Shear concept in Me Clay, 2007 (Figure 3), explains that the North-South tectonic direction will form a left-sided (Sinistral) fault structure with northeast-southwest direction. In the Kulon Progo Mountains, the Kulon Progo left-wing fault is a series of synthetic faults (R1). On this fault line also found minor normal faults with a North-South direction, Figure 5. explains how the sinistral fault zones that are not straight but winding, to experience segmentation according to Christie-Blick and Biddle (1985) in Dooley and Schreurs (2012), In nature, horizontal faults generally form a straight lineament and a continuous fault system, Segmentation along the fault zone results in a zone of extension / tension or zone of contraction / transpression. Bends or sidesteps (jogs) on the main fault displacement zone (PDZ) will produce an extension (pull-apart basins) zone vhen the direction of the fault shift is equal to the main fault movement on the principal displacement zone (PDZ). The western boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin forms the left lateral strike-slip fault lineament, with the left-stepping properties forming a transition zone which then becomes the location of Mount Gajah, fo and Menoreh to growth (Figures 4and 5), Barianto, et al, 2009 suggested the possibility that faults in the western part of Yogyakarta are subsurface faults or have been covered by younger deposits (Merapi deposits). Efforts to express this structure have been carried out by several studies in the Naggulan area by Saputra and Akmaluddin (2015), Pambudi and Sujono (2016), and Hartono and Sudradjat (2017) in their studies, Saputra and Akmaluddin (2015) describes the distribution of the Nanggulan Formation in the west of the Yogyakarta Basin. An anticline depicted with a North-Northeast (NNE) fold axis, The anticline core is composed of quartz sandstones, in the direction of younger rocks found in groups of clay-tuff, carbonates and marl rock facies. Pambudi and Sujono (2016) mentions that the Nanggulan Formation has been deformed due to compression. He stated that the results of compressive deformation in the form of a fold structure with the type of anticline and syncline, His research has not yet mentioned the direction. of compressive stress that forms it. This study has not mentioned the direction of the axis formed and other analyzes of anticline and syncline generated. Astuti et al., 2016 mentioned the presence of folds, normal faults and strike-slip structures in the Nanggulan area. Hartono and Sudradjat (2017) suggested the presence of fault and fold structures in the Clumprit and Watu Puru Rivers at Nanggulan Formation in the Girimulyo and Kalibawang areas, He mentioned, folding that occurs produces syncline and anticline, dextral fault and thrust fault. On the Songgo River, anticline and fault locations were found in the Nanggulan Formation area, Intrusion rocks fill the weak zone formed by the fault. The folds formed have Northeast - Southwest axis (NE-SW). This supports finding Nanggulan folds. ‘The tip of the movement of the Yogyakarta-Godean-Nanggulan rock block, forming a thrust fault and Nanggulan fold. The tip of this structure reveals the Naggulan Formation in the 1a24 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 }o09P00, ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019, Hate! Alana Yogyokarta ‘western part of the Yogyakarta basin. To the northwest of this thrust fault structure, normal faults develop in the Kulon Progo Mountains. There are at least 7 normal faults in this section. These faults cut the middle to the west of the Kulon Progo Mountains. ‘The genesis of various structures in the western boundary of the Yogyakarta basin, due to southeast-oriented stress, can be explained by the Reidel Shear concept in Me Clay 2007. According to this concept the main stress from the southeast (Figure 3) will produce a left lateral strike-slip fault (sinistral) with northwest-southeast direction (Bantul fault) and right lateral strike-slip fault (dextral) with relatively east-southeast direction (Sleman fault). The folds and thrust faults formed by this stress will be Northeast-Southwest direction as developed in the study area, Normal faults formed by stress from the southeast of Yogyakarta will be Northwest- Southeast or perpendicular to the weakest main stress (3), Ate outsite of the Yogyakarta-Godean-Nanggulan block area, which is in the southwest and northeast of Yogyakarta basin, itis also subjected to stress deformation from southeast of the ‘Yogyakarta basin. This is indicated by the presence of dipping of rock bedding which leads to the southeast and the Banyuroto fold (NE-SW directed axis), Kaliserang thrust fault (NE-SW) and Kalibawang thrust fault (NE-SW). In Figure 6 illustrated the emergence of the Ijo-Gajah-Menoreh stratovulkano, which was formed in a North-South compressive tectonic regime, This N-S stress forms a sinistral fault trending North Northeast - South Southwest (NNE-SSW) and various other accompanying structures, Magmatism is associated with North-South trending tensional joints (NS striking tension joint) due to the northeast sinistral fault. This structure is formed by 1 and 3 horizontally to create vertical channels for the rise of magma forming Ijo-Gajah-Menoreh Voleano and dyke intrusions in the westem boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin. This linkage of volcanism and tectonism also occurs in Chile-South America as stated by Cembrano et al (2008) and Cembrano and Lara (2009). In Figure 6, it is also illustrated the mechanism for the formation of magmatism in theNanggulan-Godean area by local compression from Southeast to Northwest (SE-NW). ‘Maximum compressional stress (1) has southeast trending and minimum stress (3) showm vertical direction. This creates horizontal / sub-horizontal thrust fault and tensional joints. Magma flows ‘up and moves horizontally through a combined system of sub-horizontal tension fractures and thrust fault planes VI. CONCLUSIONS 1. The western boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin which limits it with the South Serayu basin is in the form of Kulon Progo left lateral strike slip fault due to North-South (N-S) horizontal compressional stress. 2. The Kulon Progo Sinistral fault as the western boundary of the Yogyakarta Basin has given birth to the Gajah-Ijo-Menoreh Tertiary volcanic bodies, 3. Southeast-Northwest horizontal compressional stress creates dextral, sinistral, thrust and fold structures in the western part of the Yogyakarta Basin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1425 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12, o09P0O “TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSTTAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019; Hole! Alana Yoayokoria Thank you very much to the Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, for providing funding for the study of the author, regarding the geological structure in the Kulonprogo Mountains. Many thanks are conveyed to friends in the Doctoral Program, Department of Geological Engineering-Gadjah Mada University, for the discussions that have been conducted in this paper. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Akmaluddin, Setijadji, DL, Watanabe, K, and Itaya T, 2005. 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Alana Yogyokarta SEE) eee) (a Ea Indonesia CTU kere Nenu Figure 1. Location of the YogyakataBasin. 1429 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 5-6 September 2019, Hate! Alana Yogyokarta }o09P00, Hindia Ocean ora Mountain sc) Tomk 420.000 mE 9.160.000 mN. 9.140.000 Age Kulon ProgoWestern Side | Yogyakarta Basin { Quarter ‘Qa __: Alluvial Deposite Merapi volcanic depos; Pleistocene Old Merapi volo. d Pliocene | Tmps_: Sentolo Formation Sentolo Forma Late Miocene Tm]: Formati Mise wocene[[01:Jongrenaan Formation 5 Early Miocene |a Andesite Andesite Kebo-Butak Formation | Kebo-Butak Formation Oligocene Tomk “(Old Aandesite Formation)| "(Qld Aandesite Fm ) Eocene eon: Nanggulan Formation | Nanggulan Formation Figure 2. Regional Geology Map of YogyakartaBasin and its westem boundary Rahardjo et a, 1995) eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten 1430 PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 }o09P00, ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 56 September 2019; Hotel Alona Yogyakarta HA Deposte {Sento Fermaton F :dJonggrangan Fm, 5 Semen Doural Faust 1: Kulon Proge Sisal Ful 2 Banu Sista fut rele 4 Keyangan Tt Fat 5 Scrdoyo Sisal Faut 8 Nangauan Fae 7. Banyroio Fld 8 Somgalun Norma fast Figure 3. Structural analysis of westem YogyekattaBasin boundary. Ney, : Volcanic bodies at Strike-slip fault Left Lateral Strike-Slip Fault (Concha-Dimas et al, 2005) Western boundary of Yogyakarta basin Figure 4. Block diagram of the effect of horizontal faults as the western boundary of YogyakartaBasin 1431 eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-12 ‘TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 56 September 2019: Hotel Alona Yogyokarta }o09P00, “Termination 200 horeta spay ane of acaized stress devon BD Crictal contraction or extension U. Dsdown Uap PO Principal dlepacomon! zone PPSPostive flower stuctie Figure 5. Varioustypes of structures along the sinistral fault zone. a) Modal according to Christie Blick and Biddle (1985) in Dooley and Schreurs (2012); b) Voleanic structurein Kulon Progo. Godean Myjil Hil Area « ol t West Bahar 53, °, op %3 ae LN + conf ae8 Ente yn OS 1 % Figure 6, The westem bounday of the YogyakattaBasin becomes the birthplace of magmatism and ‘volcanism. eran imu Yebumian Dalim Pengembargan Geowiéats,GeolonsenasiS Geoheritage Serta Memperingat35 Tahun ramps Lapangan Geobg/ UGM rot, Soerso Notohadiprawito” Bayt, Kasten 1432

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