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Class 10 Shiv Das

Term 1
MC Q s
(Language and Literature)

Competency Based Questions

• Case Based Factual Passage
• MCQs Based on Extracts from Text
• Stand-alone MCQs

• Story Highlights & Analysis of Poems
• Questions & Answers

OMR Based
Sample Question Paper


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(CBSE Circular no. Acad-51/2021) dated 5th July, 2021

50% Syllabus for Nov-Dec. 2021
Questions Types (90 Minutes)



✰ CBSE to send Question Papers with marking scheme.

✰ Exams will be conducted in the school.
✰ OMR sheet to be used for Evaluation.
✰ Term-1 marks will add to the final result.

Internal Assessment
✰ 3 Periodic Tests
✰ Student Enrichment
✰ Portfolio
✰ Practical
✰ Speaking listening activities
✰ Projects
✽ • •• • ✽

C ontents

Latest Syllabus (Issued by CBSE) ... (vii)

Competency Based Questions (CBQs)
... C-1
Case Based Factual Unseen Passeges
... C-9
Letter Writing
... C-11
1. A Letter to God ... C-19
2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom ... C-23
3. Two Stories About Flying
(i) His First Flight ... C-27
(ii) Black Aeroplane ... C-31
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank ... C-35
5. The Hundred Dresses-I ... C-39
6. The Hundred Dresses-II ... C-43
1. Dust of Snow ... C-48
2. Fire and Ice ... C-50
3. A Tiger in the Zoo ... C-52
5. The Ball Poem ... C-55
1. A Triumph of Surgery ... C-58
2. The Thief’s Story ... C-62

5. Footprints Without Feet ... C-65
6. The Making of A Scientist (For Term-II) ... C-69

Chapterwise CBSE Examination Questions

Reading Comprehension ... 1
Writing Skills—Letter Writing
... 101
Grammar ... 27


First Flight (Prose)
1. A Letter to God G.L. Fuentes ... 42
2. Nelson Mandela:
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ... 47
3. Two Stories About Flying
(i) His First Flight Liam O’ Flaherty ... 53
(ii) Black Aeroplane Frederick Forsyth ... 57
4. From The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank ... 61
5. The Hundred Dresses-I Eleanor Estes ... 67
6. The Hundred Dresses-II Eleanor Estes ... 72
First Flight (Poetry)
1. Dust of Snow Robert Frost ... 77
2. Fire and Ice Robert Frost ... 79
3. A Tiger in the Zoo Leslie Norris ... 81
5. The Ball Poem John Berryman ... 85
Footprints Without Feet
1. A Triumph of Surgery James Herriot ... 88
2. The Thief’s Story Ruskin Bond ... 93
5. Footprints without Feet H.G. Wells ... 97
OMR Based Sample Question Paper ... OMR-1

✽ • •• • ✽

Latest Syllabus (Issued by CBSE) (24th July 2021)
uestion based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation, vocabulary,
analysis and interpretation.
1. Discursive passage (400–450 words)
2. Case-based Factual passage (with visual input/statistical data/chart etc. of 300-350 words).

1. Formal letter based on a given situation
• Letter to the Editor
• Letter to Complaint (Official)
• Letter to Complaint (Business)

1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Subject-Verb Concord
4. Determiner
5. Reported Speech
6. Commands and Requests
7. Statements
8. Questions

uestions based on extracts/texts to assess interpretation, inference, extrapolation beyond the text and
across the texts.
First Flight:
1. A Letter to God
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Two Stories About Flying
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
5. The Hundred Dresses I
6. The Hundred Dresses II
1. Dust of Snow
2. Fire and Ice
3. A Tiger in the Zoo
4. The Ball Poem
Footprints Without Feet:
1. A Triumph of Surgery
2. The Thief’s Story
3. Footprints Without Feet
Section Weightage (In marks)
Reading 10
Writing & Grammar 10
Literature 20
Total 40
Internal Assessment 10
Grand Total 50

✽ • •• • ✽

English X : Chapterwise
Case Based Factual Unseen Passages

Competency Based Questions
Q.1. Read the passage given below:
1. While coronavirus cases continue to rise at an alarming
rate in north America and Europe, one of the creators of
the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and Germany’s
BioNTech says normal life will return by next winter.

2. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin said he was “very confident

iv D a
that transmission between people will be reduced by such a
highly effective vaccine, may be not 90% but may be 50%”.

3. It’s essential that all immunisation programmes are finished
before the autumn, he said on Sunday on the BBC’s Andrew
Marr Show.
4. North Dakota earlier became the 35th US state to require face
coverings be worn in public as governors across the country are grappling with a surge in coronavirus
infections. North Dakota joined 38 other states this month in reporting record daily jumps in new cases.
5. New cases nationwide rose on Friday to a daily record of over 1,77,000 the fourth straight day an all-
time high was set, according to a Reuters tally of figures from US public health agencies.
6. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended mask wearing, and a widely cited
model estimated that a nationwide mandate could save 68,000 lives by next spring.
7. In France, the number of confirmed new cases and deaths rose sharply in the last 24 hours. France
registered 32,095 new cases and deaths in hospitals from Covid-19 rose by 359.
8. Ten people died on Saturday in a fire at a Romanian hospital treating coronavirus patients the country
agency for emergency situations said. The blaze broke out in the ICU of the Piatra Neamt country
hospital and spread to an adjoining room.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that
(a) Ugur Sahin is confident that the vaccine will reduce transmission between people by:
(i) 90% (ii) 50% (iii) 38% (iv) 35% [Ans. (ii)
(b) North Dakota is the 35th US state to:
(i) see a surge in coronavirus infections. (ii) witness a grapple among governors.
(iii) require face coverings be won in public. (iv) record daily jumps in new cases. [Ans. (iii)
(c) The number of cases in Brazil are less than that of India and deaths in India are ................. than
(i) more (ii) higher (iii) lower (iv) decreasing [Ans. (iii)
(d) Choose the option that lists the statement that is NOT TRUE:
(i) Coronavirus cases are increasing in north America.
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-1
C-2 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(ii) It is necessary to complete immunisation programmes after autumn.

(iii) New cases and deaths have risen significantly in France.
(iv) The deaths in hospitals in France rose by 359. [Ans. (ii)
(e) Reuters tally of figures reported:
(i) an all time spike in cases on the fourth straight day.
(ii) a rise in new cases nationwide.
(iii) mandatory mask wearing.
Case Based Factual Unseen Passages

(iv) 68,000 lives could be saved. [Ans. (i)

(f) The word ‘grappling’ in Para 4 DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) struggling (ii) strenuous attempt (iii) laboured effort (iv) managing [Ans. (iv)
(g) Ten people died at a Romanian hospital:
(i) while treating coronavirus patients (ii) due to fire
(iii) due to coronavirus (iv) none of the above  [Ans. (ii)
(h) Brazil is at the ............ position among the worst nations superceding France and Russia.
(i) second (ii) fifth (iii) fourth (iv) third  [Ans. (iv)
(i) The word ‘ recommended’ in Para 6 means the same as:
(i) proposed (ii) advised (iii) advocated (iv) all the above  [Ans. (iv)
(j) There is not too much difference between the number of Covid cases in France and Russia but the
number of deaths are .............. in France.
(i) higher (ii) lower (iii) decreasing (iv) increasing [Ans. (i)
(k) According to the passage normal life will return by:
(i) before autumn (ii) next winter (iii) next year (iv) next spring [Ans (ii)
(l) The word ‘blaze’ in Para 8 does not mean the same as:

(i) shine (ii) fire (iii) raging flames (iv) inferno  [Ans (i)

iv D a
Q.2. Read the passage given below:
TOXIC EFFECT—What colours in crackers do to you?

RED: Strontium + Lithium
Strontium replaces calcium in body, lithium produces toxic, irritating fumes
when burned.
ORANGE: Calcium
Inhaling calcium chloride can cause cough, sore throat. Contact can cause dry
GREEN: Barium
Poisonous, fumes can irritate respiratory tract.
BLUE: Copper
Can bio-accumulate in the body and raise cancer risk.
PURPLE: Strontium + Copper
Same as above
SILVER: Aluminium
May cause skin inflammation bio-accumulation.
BLACK POWDER: Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen oxides and Sulphur oxides
Potential to cause asthma attacks, heart attack, stroke, lung diseases and
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that
(a) The red colour in crackers:
(i) causes irritation. (ii) replaces calcium in body.
(iii) causes sore throat. (iv) produces toxic fumes in body. [Ans. (ii)
(b) The snake tablet and the flower pot have the .......... duration of effect.
(i) same (ii) different (iii) alternate (iv) unlikely [Ans. (i)
(c) Inhalation of calcium chloride cannot cause the following:
(i) Dry skin (ii) Sore throat (iii) Cough (iv) Both (ii) and (iii) [Ans. (i)
(d) The cumulative levels of .......... and .......... are almost the same.
(i) flower poet and ground spinner (ii) sparklers and ground spinners
(iii) pulpul and garland (iv) sparklers and pulpul [Ans. (ii)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-3

(e) Based on your understanding of the passage choose the options that are NOT TRUE:
1. The green colour in crackers is poisonous.
2. Garland (ladi of 1000) has the highest cumulative levels.
3. Flower pot has the lowest cumulative levels.
4. The silver colour in crackers can cause dry skin.
(i) 1 and 3 (ii) 2 and 3 (iii) 2 and 4 (iv) 1 and 4 [Ans. (iii)
(f) The word in the above passage which means the same as ‘pile-up’ is:
(i) inflammation (ii) irritating (iii) inhaling (iv) accumulation [Ans. (iv)
(g) The black powder in crackers contains:
(i) Sulphur oxide (ii) Nitrogen oxide (iii) Carbon dioxide (iv) All the above [Ans. (iv)
(h) The .......... colour in crackers raises the risk of cancer.

(i) blue and purple (ii) blue and green (iii) red and green (iv) purple and silver
 [Ans. (i)
(i) The maximum duration of effect is seen in:
(i) garland (ii) ground spinner (iii) pulpul (iv) sparkers [Ans. (i)
(j) The word ‘ potential ’ in the passage means the same as:
(i) Quality (ii) Symptom (iii) Possibility (iv) Ideal [Ans. (iii)
(k) The permissible cumulative levels of crackers is:
(i) 60 µg/m3 (ii) 5 µg/m3 (iii) 2.5 µg/m3 (iv) none of the above
 [Ans. (i)
(l) The word ‘toxic’ in the passage does not mean the same as:
(i) poisonous (ii) harmful (iii) deadly (iv) safe [Ans. (iv)
Q.3. Read the passage given below:

Global weather is warming leading to Arctic meltdown. This is

primarily a result of the greenhouse effect caused by too much

iv D
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which acts as a blanket,

trapping heat and warming the plant. Burning of fossil fuels like
coal, oil and natural gas for energy cutting down and burning
forests to create pastures and plantations leads to carbon
accumulation. Refrigeration and air conditioning and certain
agricultural practices also aggravate the problem by releasing
additional potent global warming gases such as methane and
nitrous oxide. Over the last century, global average temperature
has increased by more than 1.0º F.
A warming would also have the potential to change rainfall and snow patterns, increase droughts and severs
storms, reduce lake ice cover, melt glaciers, increase sea levels and change plant and animal behaviour. The
impact of global warming on our planet is extremely serious and if this problem is not talked on an urgent
basis it will lead to melting of polar ice caps leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines and
slowly submerging continents. Our generation needs to give a healing touch to the earth which we have
ourselves made sick.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that
(a) Global warming is a result of:
(i) warm planet. (ii) trapped heat.
(iii) greenhouse effect. (iv) carbon dioxide. [Ans. (iii)
(b) The cause of greenhouse effects is:
(i) global warming. (ii) burning of coal.
(iii) cutting down trees. (iv) too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
 [Ans. (iv)
(c) Carbon accumulation is caused by:
(i) burning of fossil fuel. (ii) burning forests.
(iii) burning natural gas. (iv) all the above [Ans. (iv)
(d) The word in the passage which means the same as ‘to make worse’ is:
(i) potent (ii) severe (iii) aggravate (iv) accumulation [Ans. (iii)
C-4 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(e) According to the pie chart the main greenhouse gas emissions is by:
(i) power stations. (ii) industries. (iii) transportation fuel. (iv) land use. [Ans. (i)
(f) A warming world DOES NOT:
(i) increase droughts. (ii) reduce lake ice cover.
(iii) create pastures. (iv) melt glaciers. [Ans. (iii)
(g) Gases like methane and nitrous oxide are released by:
(i) greenhouse effect. (ii) fossil fuel burning.
Case Based Factual Unseen Passages

(iii) some agricultural practices. (iv) changing snow patterns. [Ans. (iii)
(h) On the basis of the pie chart choose the option that is NOT TRUE:

(1) Transportation fuel (2) The treatment of waste

emits more gases than disposal and treatment
industries emits the least gases

(3) There is a stark differ- (4) The gases emitted by

ence between gases emitted agricultural by products
by land use and residential/ is more than that by fossil
commercial sources fuels
(i) Option 2 and 4 (ii) Option 1 and 3 (iii) Option 3 and 4 (iv) Option 1 and 2 [Ans. (ii)
(i) The word ‘submerging’ in the passage DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) sinking (ii) drown (iii) go over (iv) go under [Ans. (iii)
(j) It is evident from the pie chart that almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by:
(i) Power stations and industries.
(ii) Agriculture and fossil fuel retrieval.

a s
(iii) Water disposal and treatment and industries.

iv D
(iv) Agricultural and water disposal. [Ans. (i)
(k) If global warming is not tackled on an urgent basis it will lead to:

(i) melting of polar ice caps. (ii) submergence of continents.
(iii) drowning coastlines. (iv) all the above [Ans. (iv)
(l) The word ‘tackled’ in the passage DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) undertaken (ii) dealt with (iii) accepted as challenge ( iv) to avoid [Ans. (iv)
Q.4. Read the passage given below:
Business activities can be classified as under:
Commerce Industry

Trade Subsidiaries of Trade

Internal International

Wholesale Retail Import Export

Banking Transport Insurance Warehousing Packing Advertisement

Statistical methods play a vital role in major business activities. Commerce and industry in the modern age
require a great deal of planning and forecasting of various kinds. Statistics comes to the aid of the business
planner in many ways.
1. The producer or the manufacturer has to estimate demand for his goods in the immediate as well
as distant future. This is done by market research for which all the steps of statistical methods have
to be followed. A cost accountant uses statistical tools to help the producer fix the prices of various
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-5

2. Similarly, the trader—wholesaler or retailer—depends heavily on methods of statistical analysis for

finding out solutions to problems regarding buying and selling activities. For profitable trade he must
know what the customers want and also how long the demand would last. This is very important for
international trade. For this purpose statistics of export-import for various commodities and regions are
collected and analysed for decision making
3. Statistics is equally important for subsidiaries of trade. The banker plays an important role in commerce
and industry. He provides finances to the producer and trader. There fore, he has to forecast when the
demand would be high and accordingly decide what amount of reserves he must have. Similarly, he
must estimate what amounts would be required by his depositors, otherwise his bank would fail. For
this, detailed analysis of money transactions is required where statistical tools are indispensable.
4. Insurance companies function on the basis of estimations of mortality rates, that is life expectations

and on this basis of calculated insurance premiums. Accordingly, they decide what proportion of their
capital can be invested and what proportion can be kept ready for payments of matured policies.
5. Other public utility bodies, such as the Road transport Companies, the Railways, Advertising concerns,
Warehouses, etc., which contribute to commerce in a significant way, also make use of statistical data
for their efficient functioning. For instance, they have to determine the extent of demand that would be
made on their services and the rates they might fix for the same. In fact, no modern organisation can
survive and efficiently function without analysis of the complex factors that influence commerce. For
systematic business analysis statistical tools are absolutely essential.
Modern business management, therefore, is an activity that requires a great deal of analysis or making
proper decisions in the face of a large number of uncertainties.
 Source: Statistics for Economics—M.N. Shah
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that


iv D a
(a) Commerce and industry require:
(i) planning (ii) forecasting

(iii) statistics (iv) (i) and (iii) [Ans. (iv)
(b) Prices of various commodities are fixed by:
(i) statistical tools (ii) wholesaler (iii) costing (iv) producers [Ans. (i)
(c) To find solution to problems related to buying and selling, traders depend on:
(i) profit making (ii) statistical analysis
(iii) customer satisfaction (iv) decision making [Ans. (ii)
(d) Based on your understanding of the passage choose the option that is NOT TRUE:

(1) Statistics are (2) The banker has no

important for subsi- role to play in commerce
diaries of trade. and industry.

(3) Statistical methods (4) The banker provides

can be ignored during finances to the producer
market research. and trader.

(i) Option 1 & 2 (ii) Option 3 & 4 (iii) Option 2 & 3 (iv) Option 1 & 3 [Ans. (iii)
(e) The word in Para 5 which means the same as ‘endure’ is:
(i) analysis (ii) efficient (iii) contribute (iv) survive [Ans. (iv)
(f) A bank fails when:
(i) bankers cannot provide finances to traders.
(ii) bankers cannot estimate the amounts of deposits.
(iii) bankers cannot forecast the amount of reserves required.
(iv) All the above [Ans. (iv)
(g) Insurance companies calculate premiums on the basis of:
(i) mortality rates (ii) matured policies
(iii) life expectations (iv) (i) and (ii) [Ans. (iv)
(h) On the basis of the chart trade Subsidiaries DO NOT include:
(i) warehousing (ii) import (iii) advertisement (iv) insurance [Ans. (ii)
C-6 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(i) The word ‘indispensable’ in Para 3 mean:

(i) essential (ii) unncessary (iii) avoidable (iv) unimportant [Ans. (i)
(j) It is evident from the chart that trade DOES NOT pertain to:
(i) Export (ii) Retail (iii) Import (iv) Transport [Ans. (iv)
(k) Public utility bodies DO NOT include:
(i) Road transport (ii) Warehouses
(iii) Advertising concerns (iv) Insurance [Ans. (iii)
Case Based Factual Unseen Passages

(l) The phrase ‘mortality rate’ in Para 4 means the same as:
(i) birth rate (ii) death rate
(iii) state of being mortal (iv) life-span [Ans. (iv)
Q.5. Read the passage given below:
1. Dire straits. Despite improvements in sanitation and access to water, which could be the reasons for
nutritional deficiency, child malnutrition levels have in fact increased in several states over the past 5
years. Thus, economic reasons may be at the root of the decline.
Proportion of Stunted Children Under 5 Years (in %)
38.5 39.0
34.4 35.2 33.1 32.5 33.8


a s
iv D
Gujarat Maharashtra Telangana West Bengal Bihar
2. What do the NFHS findings indicate? In a number of large states, the proportion of children under 5

who are underweight has risen, compared to the previous National Family Health Survey (NFHS) round
in 2015-16. Even relatively advanced states like Gujarat and Maharashtra have recorded a slide in the
nutritional well-being of their children since 2015. This is contradictory to what should ideally happen
in a growing economy, since rising prosperity should improve access to food. The ground situation in
22 states and union territories was captured in phase-I of the survey—which was interrupted by the
pandemic and the subsequent lockdown.
3. Could this be a fallout of the pandemic? The NFHS surveyors had started fanning out to households
across the country since mid-2019. The exercise of reaching out to over 6,00,000 households was likely
to last a year, but those plans were disrupted in March. Thus, the phase-I results have nothing to do
with covid-19 and are an indication of India’s nutritional state before March. If anything, the prevalence
of hunger is only expected to have shot up in subsequent months. The first official glimpse of covid’s
economic impact may thus get captured in phase-II, which will cover key states like Uttar Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh. The results will be out by May 2021.  —By Ajai Sreevatsan
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the twelve that
(a) Malnutrition and hunger among children in India is:
(i) increasing (ii) decreasing (iii) improving (iv) marginal  [Ans. (i)
(b) Nutritional deficiency is caused by:
(i) lack of sanitation (ii) low birth weight
(iii) no access to portable water (iv) both (i) and (iii)  [Ans. (iv)
(c) Based on the graph, which state had the highest proportion of stunted children in the year 2015-16:
(i) Telangana (ii) Bihar (iii) Maharashtra (iv) Gujarat  [Ans. (ii)
(d) Contradictory to an ideal growing economy, nutritional well-being of children has seen a .................
since 2015.
(i) decline (ii) rise (iii) growth (iv) no movement [Ans. (i)
(e) Nutritional deficiency among children should have improved because of:
(i) rising prosperity (ii) improved sanitation
(iii) economic expansion (iv) less access to water  [Ans. (i)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-7

(f) The word ‘interrupted’ in Para 2 does not mean the same as:
(i) obstructed (ii) disrupted (iii) hindered (iv) continuous [Ans. (iv)
(g) On the basis of graph, there is not much difference in the proportion of stunted children in 2019-20,
in the states of:
(i) Bihar and Telangana (ii) Gujarat and Maharashtra
(iii) West Bengal and Telangana (iv) Gujarat and Bihar  [Ans. (ii)
(h) The exercise to reach out to 6,00,000 homes was likely to last:
(i) 12 months (ii) 8 months (iii) 2 years (iv) 6 months  [Ans. (i)
(i) The phase-I results indicate India’s nutritional status:
(i) after March (ii) before March (iii) post covid-19 (iv) gradual rise [Ans. (ii)
(j) The prevalence of hunger seems to have ................. post the covid-19 months.

(i) remained the same (ii) gone up
(iii) come down (iv) improved  [Ans. (ii)
(k) Choose the option that lists the statement that is NOT TRUE.
(i) The proportion of children under 5 who are underweight has risen in many states.
(ii) Phase-I of the survey was interrupted by the pandemic.
(iii) The economic impact of covid is visible in phase-I of the survey.
(iv) The results of phase-II are likely to be out by May 2021. [Ans. (iii)
(l) The word ‘subsequent’ means the same as:
(i) thereafter (ii) prior (iii) previous (iv) former  [Ans. (i)
Q.6. Read the passage given below:
Why The government has finally managed to spark interest
in the strategic disinvestment of Air India, having received Go Air Others 0.7%

multiple expressions of interest, according to the secretary of 5.5%

the department of investment and public asset management

iv D
(DIPAM). 13.4%

1. Why is Air India seeing greater interest now? The union Domestic
government has sweetened the deal for investors as the Air market Indigo
Tata group share
India Ltd. sale evoked no response initially. This could have 13.5% (in %) 55.5%
possibly encouraged interested buyers. For one, 100% of
Air India is up for grabs, compared to just 76% earlier. The
Air India
Government also made a change in the terms of bidding by 9.4%
allowing potential investors to bid on the basis of enterprise
value, which is equity value plus net debt. As a result,
investors can detemine the amount of Air India’s debt that
they would want to take on, rather than being saddled with a fixed quantum of debt determined by the
2. Who are the potential bidders for the airline? The names of the bidders have not been officially
disclosed. Reports have said the Tata Group and a Section of Air India’s staff, along with the US-based
firm Interups Inc. are among the suitors for the airline. Some reports suggest that low-cost carrier
SpiceJet Ltd has also expressed interest. Getting hold of Air India will give the Tata Group and SpiceJet
a strong domestic presence, with the second highest market share by far, after Indigo. Vistara can
catch up on network coverage if it buys Air India’s operations and can leverage its image of being an
aspirational airline, said analysts at Kotak Institutional Equities.
3. What all does debt-laden Air India bring to the table? Air India’s international operations and slots
are the most coveted by potential acquirers, noted Kotak Institutional Equities analysts. The airline also
has reasonable reach and network coverage in domestic market, which will help potential acquirers
gain Considerable scale. The airline brings a lot of debt too but most of it is likely to be borne by the
4. What will be the likely impact of AI-Tata deal? If the Tata group bags Air India, it could pave way for
consolidation in the aviation sector, say analysts Tata Sons holds a 51% stake in Vistara and a majority
stake in AirAsia India. Air India, AirAsia and Vistara accounted for a combined domestic market share
of 22.9% in October according to data of the DGCA. The deal could make Tatas the second largest
player in the sector after Indigo, which enjoys a market share of 55.5%. However, the Tatas would have
to first simplify structures with partners in existing airlines.
C-8 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

5. Are there any hurdles for potential bidders? Every asset is valuable only at a certain price. If the
eventual bids are high relative to the asset value, turning the airline around could be challenging. In
any case, the acquirer will need to make radical operational changes and cut costs to make the business
viable. A group such as the Tatas, with deep pockets and a love for the aviation business, could well
be willing to incur losses for longer than others. However, unless it streamlines its various aviation
operations, it may only be setting up for a bigger failure with Air India acquisition. 
 —By Pallavi Pengonda
Case Based Factual Unseen Passages

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer any ten questions from the twelve that
(a) To evoke response in Air India Ltd.’s sale the government has:
(i) given more incentives to investors. (ii) given investors more lucrative offers.
(iii) further sweetened the deal. (iv) all the above [Ans. (iv)
(b) The changed bidding terms:
(i) offers 76% of Air India’s shares.
(ii) does not allow investors to bid an the basis of enterprise value.
(iii) allows investors to decide the debt they want to take on.
(iv) saddles the investors with a fixed amount of debt. [Ans. (iii)
(c) The word ‘potential’ in Para 1 DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) possible (ii) impractical (iii) prospective (iv) likely  [Ans. (ii)
(d) The suitors for Air India does not include:
(i) Tata group (ii) US-based firm (iii) Spice jet (iv) Indigo  [Ans. (iv)
(e) On the basis of the pie chart the highest market share in domestic business is of:
(i) Tata Group (ii) Go Air (iii) Air India (iv) Indigo  [Ans. (iv)

(f) The word ‘suitors’ in Para 2 means the same as:

(i) suppliant (ii) opponent (iii) benefactor (iv) donor  [Ans. (i)

iv D
(g) Air India debt is likely to be borne by:

(i) Tata Group (ii) The government (iii) Indigo (iv) Vistara  [Ans. (ii)
(h) By bagging the Air India deal Tata Sons will:
(i) get consolidation in the aviation sector.
(ii) get reasonable reach and network leverage in the domestic market.
(iii) get of being an aspirational airline leverage.
(iv) all the above  [Ans. (i)
(i) To make business viable the acquirer will need to:
(i) cut costs. (ii) increase asset value.
(iii) make radical operational changes. (iv) both (i) and (iii).  [Ans. (iv)
(j) Choose the option that lists statements that is NOT TRUE.
(i) The investors are not allowed to bid on the basis of enterprise value.
(ii) Air India has reasonable reach in the domestic market.
(iii) Tata Sons holds 51% stake in Vistara.
(iv) Every asset is valuable at a certain price. [Ans. (i)
(k) The word ‘coveted’ in Para 3 means the same as:
(i) Sought after (ii) Unenviable (iii) Unwanted (iv) Ineligible [Ans. (i)
(l) Tatas will set up for bigger failure with Air India acquisition if:
(i) it does not simplify structures. (ii) it does not streamline its aviation operations.
(iii) its assets are not valuable. (iv) they agree to incur losses.  [Ans. (ii)

Letter Writing

After going through the following formats the students would be able to answer the MCQs.


Value Points:
❑ Use polite and formal language.
❑ REMEMBER - The newspaper is merely a medium to address an issue.
❑ The Editor should not be asked to resolve the issue.
❑ Word limit must be kept in mind

1. Sender’s Address To be written on the left side of the page, next to the margin.

2. Date ................

3. Salutation The Editor

........................................ (Name of Newspaper)
........................................ (City)

4. Subject of the letter Subject: ...............................

5. Body of the letter Through the medium of the coloumns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to
draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards.................................

6. Concluding Paragraph I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned
authorities can take necessary action regarding ....................................................

7. Complimentary Closing Thankyou/Thanking You

Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully
8. Sender’s Details Name [If given]

Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-9

C-10 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

Value Points:
❑ Formal language must be used.
❑ Repetition of ideas must be avoided.
❑ Clearly state the purpose of writing the letter.
❑ Provide details regarding the product or service that is the subject of the complaint.
❑ State how you would want to resolve the issue.
❑ Indicate list of documents enclosed.

1. Sender’s Address To be written on the left side of the page, next to the margin.

2. Date ................

3. Receiver’s Address Address of the receipient

Letter Writing


4. Subject of the letter Subject: ...............................

5. Salutation

v Da
Respected Sir/Respected Madam/ The Manager

6. Body of the letter 1. Introduction and Purpose of the letter
2. Details of product or service (of complaint)
3. Suggestions to resolve the issue
4. Conclude the letter

7. Complimentary Closing Thankyou/Thanking You

Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully

8. Sender’s Details Name and designation [If given]

9. Attachments List of documents enclosed: 1.


✽ • •• • ✽

Competency Based Questions
Q.1. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the Wangala Festival of
The Wangala (a) ................. festival for the Garo in Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland. It is a post-harvest
festival (b) .................. the end of the agricultural year. It is popularly known as ‘The Hundred Drums’
festival. During the signature dance, the leading warrior (c) .................. with synchronised dance steps and

specific hand-head movements.

iv D a
(a) (i) is important (ii) are an important (iii) was the important (iv) is an important [Ans. (iv)
(b) (i) being celebrated for marking (ii) celebrated to mark

(iii) celebrated to marking (iv) being celebrated for mark [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) leads the youngsters (ii) is lead the youngsters
(iii) was leading the youngsters (iv) had leads the youngsters [Ans. (i)
Q.2. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Venu’s narration.
I saw Supanddi standing in the field. When I (a) .............. doing there, he (b) .............. he was trying to win a
Nobel prize. I was confused and enquired how standing in the rice field would help him do so. He stumped
me by saying that he (c) .............. won Nobel prizes had all been outstanding in their fields!

(a) (i) exclaimed what he was (ii) told him what he was
(iii) asked him what he was (iv) says to him about what [Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) ordered that (ii) refused that (iii) questioned that (iv) replied that [Ans. (iv)
(c) (i) has heard that people who has (ii) was hearing that people who were
(iii) had heard that people who had (iv) did hear that people who had [Ans. (iii)
Q.3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) You .......... consult the Thesaurus if you need groups of synonyms for those words.
(i) had to (ii) need to (iii) used to (iv) might [Ans. (ii)
(b) Everybody .......... keen to participate in the upcoming nukkad natak.
(i) are (ii) has (iii) is (iv) were [Ans. (iii)

Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-11

C-12 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(c) The good news is that .......... volunteers dropped out this month than the last two.
(i) fewer (ii) less (iii) few (iv) a little [Ans. (i)
(d) It was .......... historic day for the organisation when .......... honour was bestowed upon its employees.
(i) a; an (ii) an; the (iii) the; a (iv) an; a [Ans. (i)
(e) At this time tomorrow we .......... our project details to ma’am.
(i) are presenting (ii) shall be presenting
(iii) have been presenting (iv) will have presenting [Ans. (ii)
(f) The Komodo dragon .......... follow its prey till it eventually dies due to its venomous bite.
(i) must (ii) will (iii) could (iv) may [Ans. (ii)
Q.4. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks with help of the given options.
There is a general belief (a) .................. students that those who write long sentences get (b) .................. marks
in (c) .................. exams.
(a) (i) in (ii) of (iii) among (iv) between [Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) more (ii) many (iii) most (iv) much [Ans. (i)
(c) (i) his (ii) her (iii) their (iv) your [Ans. (iii)
Q.5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the narration.

Yes, it is! Did you I will ask father

buy it from the Did you see my to buy me one also. No, our father
Mall? new umbrella? has bought it
Is’nt it fine? for me.

a s
iv D
Marie asked her brother Tony if he had seen her new umbrella and she wanted to know whether it was a
fine one. Tony agreed and asked his sister (a) ................ . His sister replied in the negative and added that

(b) ............... . Tony further said that (c) ................ .
(a) (i) if he had bought it from the Mall (ii) did she buy it from the Mall
(iii) if she had bought it from the Mall (iv) that she had bought it from the Mall [Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) their father had bought it from her (ii) their father had bought it for him
(iii) their father had bought it for her (iv) their father had bought it from him [Ans. (iii)
(c) (i) he would ask father to buy him one also
(ii) he will tell father to buy him one also
(iii) she will tell father to buy him one also
(iv) I will tell father to buy me one also [Ans. (i)
Q.6. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) The modern student .................. the importance of physical exercise.
(i) understand (ii) had understand
(iii) understands (iv) understood [Ans. (iii)
(b) Dental hygiene .................... be inculcated in children.
(i) should (ii) could (iii) can (iv) might [Ans. (i)
(c) Trees clean the air .................... tiny airborne particles.
(i) to remove (ii) by removing (iii) on removing (iv) for removing [Ans. (ii)
(d) Summer camps ..................... children to do things on their own.
(i) encourages (ii) are encouraged
(iii) encourage (iv) had been encouraging [Ans. (iii)
(e) Illiteracy .................. one of the biggest evils of the Indian society.
(i) are (ii) was (iii) had been (iv) is [Ans. (iv)
(f) An honest person .................. and respected everywhere.
(i) was admired (ii) admired (iii) is admired (iv) are admired [Ans. (iii)
Q.7. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the paragraph given below.
Elephants are the largest land mammals. Three species of elephants (a) ............. today. Elephants (b) .............
other Elephantidae were once classified with other thick skinned animals. The elephant’s gestation period
is 22 months, (c) ............. longest for any land animals.
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-13

(a) (i) are living (ii) have been living (iii) had been living (iv) will be living [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) with (ii) also (iii) and (iv) but  [Ans. (iii)
(c) (i) a (ii) an (iii) which (iv) the  [Ans. (iv)
Q.8. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete Anup and Atul’s conversation.

Anup asked Atul (a) ................ the next day. Atul replied (b) ............... the next day. Anup asked if he was
going to be busy. Atul said that he was as (c) ................ .
(a) (i) where they were to meet (ii) where they could meet
(iii) where they had to meet (iv) where can they meet  [Ans. (ii)
(b) (i) he would not be able to meet him (ii) That he might not be able to meet him
(iii) That he could not meet him (iv) That he may not be able to meet him [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) he will be travelling (ii) He might be travelling
(iii) He was going to travel (iv) He would be travelling [Ans. (iv)
Q.9. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) Butterfiles are abundant ........... the Central African Republic.
(i) in (ii) from (iii) for (iv) into [Ans. (i)

(b) It ........... home to nearly 600 identified species.

iv D a
(i) has (ii) is (iii) was (iv) are [Ans. (ii)
(c) Many butterflies are brilliantly coloured and small ........... some are as big as saucers.

(i) if (ii) therefore (iii) so (iv) while [Ans. (iv)
(d) Farmer Phillippe ........... solace in collecting butterfly wings from his fields and turning them into
works of art.
(i) find (ii) to find (iii) finding (iv) finds [Ans. (iv)
(e) My favourite hobby, since my childhood, is ........... butterflies.
(i) catch (ii) caught (iii) catching (iv) has been catching
 [Ans. (iii)
(f) Many people in India lack ........... proper sanitation and hygiene
(i) in maintaining (ii) to maintain (iii) for maintaining (iv) maintenance [Ans. (i)

Q.10. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the paragraph given below. (3×1)
No matter how old you are, drink at least a glass of milk everyday (a) ........... you want to sharpen your
mental skill. A new study has claimed that drinking (b) ........... glass of milk daily not only boosts one’s
intake of much needed nutrients, but it also positively impacts one’s brain power. Milk is good for the
bones (c) ........... it offers a rich source of calcium.
(a) (i) that (ii) if (iii) then (iv) how [Ans. (ii)
(b) (i) a (ii) and (iii) an (iv) the [Ans. (i)
(c) (i) when (ii) for (iii) because (iv) of [Ans. (iii)
Q.11. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete Mrs. and Mr. Bhalla’s conversation.

I can’t believe it! That’s great! Your diet I hope you have not I promise I have not
I’ve lost 10 pounds. seems to be working. disturbed the scales. touched anything.
C-14 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

Mrs. Bhalla expressing surprise told her husband she could not believe that she had lost 10 pounds. Mr.
Bhalla exclaimed that that was great and added (a) ............. working. Mrs. Bhalla commented that she
hoped (b) ............. . Mr. Bhalla promised that (c) ............. .
(a) (i) that her diet seemed to be (ii) that his diet seemed to be
(iii) that her diet seems to be (iv) that his diet seems to be [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) he did not disturb the scales (ii) she had not disturbed the scales
(iii) she did not disturb the scales (iv) he had not disturbed the scales [Ans. (iv)
(c) (i) she did not touch anything (ii) he had not touched anything
(iii) he did not touch anything (iv) she had not touched anything [Ans. (ii)
Q.12. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) The Konark temple is in the form of ........... chariot.
(i) an (ii) a (iii) the (iv) some [Ans. (ii)
(b) The poor and illiterate people ........... cheated by others.
(i) is easily (ii) were easily (iii) are easily (iv) was easily [Ans. (iii)
(c) There ........... of employment opportunities in rural areas.
(i) are lack (ii) is lacking (iii) are lacking (iv) is lack [Ans. (iv)
(d) Winter sports ........... more and more popular in India.
(i) is becoming (ii) having become
(iii) have been becoming (iv) are becoming [Ans. (iv)
(e) Reading books ........... a good hobby.
(i) has (ii) was (iii) are (iv) is [Ans. (iv)
(f) One ........... go from Delhi to Jaipur by bus.
(i) can easily (ii) may easily (iii) should easily (iv) might easily [Ans. (i)

Q.13. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the notes.

Delhi is the capital of India. People from all parts (a) .................. the country and world come to visit Delhi.

iv D
There (b) .................. many historical buildings here. Last year I, (c) .................. Delhi. I also watched the

Village Games 2020.
(a) (i) of (ii) from (iii) for (iv) at [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) being (ii) are (iii) been (iv) were [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) visit (ii) visiting (iii) visited (iv) will visit [Ans. (iii)
Q.14. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the dialogue between a stranger and a
They have come Why have the
here to watch the The film is called
people gathered Which film is
shooting of a film. ‘The Thief’s Story’.
here? being shot here?

The stranger asked the policeman why had the people gathered there. The policeman replied that they
(a) .................. the shooting of a film. The stranger asked him which film (b) .................. . The policeman
replied that the film (c) .................. .
(a) (i) has come there to watch (ii) had gone here to watching
(iii) have come here to watch (iv) had come there to watch [Ans. (iv)
(b) (i) is being shot here (ii) was being shot there
(iii) being shooting here (iv) has been shot there [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) was called ‘The Thief’s Story’ (ii) is called ‘The Thief’s Story’
(iii) has been called ‘The Thief’s Story’ (iv) will have to be called ‘The Thief’s Story’ [Ans. (ii)
Q.15. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) He would .................. beg than leave school.
(i) not (ii) rather (iii) no longer (iv) nor [Ans. (ii)
(b) I have not met him .................... he has left school.
(i) as (ii) for (iii) when (iv) since [Ans. (iv)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-15

(c) He was .................... sad yesterday.

(i) very (ii) to (iii) more (iv) fairly [Ans. (i)
(d) The earth ..................... around the sun.
(i) moved (ii) has moved (iii) is moved (iv) moves [Ans. (iv)
(e) He usually .................. breakfast before he goes to school.
(i) is eating (ii) has eaten (iii) eats (iv) ate [Ans. (iii)
Q.16. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks with the help of the given options.
Serai Lashkari Khan is located on the Grand Trunk Road (a) ................ Khanna and Ludhiana. Serai-fort
(b) ................ by Mughal chieftain Lashkari Khan in the 16th century. Most of the structure is in ruins
(c) .................. has been vandalised.
(a) (i) in (ii) from (iii) between (iv) on

[Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) built (ii) was built (iii) is built (iv) has been built [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) but (ii) therefore (iii) yet (iv) and [Ans. (iv)
Q.17. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the narration.

Martha asked her husband (a) ............. wax on the car tyres. Jhumru explained that it made the rubber

iv D a
last longer and (b) ............ . Martha was amused and asked if it was like putting lotion on his skin. Jhumru
agreed and commented that then he could see that (c) ............. . Martha then amusingly replied then why

she had to fight with him every summer to get him to wear sunscreen.
(a) (i) why he was spraying (ii) why did he spray
(iii) why he is spraying (iv) why he sprayed [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) prevents it from drying (ii) prevents drying
(iii) prevented it from drying (iv) prevented drying [Ans. (iii)
(c) (i) she is beginning to get to the point
(ii) she was beginning to get to the point
(iii) she had began to get the point
(iv) she was beginning to get the point [Ans. (iv)

Q.18. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) Some people feel that the best way to take a vacation is to go ................. a cruise.
(i) on (ii) in (iii) at (iv) into [Ans. (i)
(b) Communication .................... become very effective due to smart phones.
(i) is (ii) had (iii) has (iv) have [Ans. (iii)
(c) Today a good .................... varieties of tea brands are available in the market.
(i) very (ii) many (iii) more (iv) much [Ans. (ii)
(d) At this time tomorrow we ..................... for Mumbai.
(i) are leaving (ii) have been leaving
(iii) shall be leaving (iv) will have left [Ans. (iii)
(e) Cacti flowers are big ..................... some of them bloom at night.
(i) yet (ii) and (iii) but (iv) so [Ans. (ii)
(f) A man’s manners .................. a mirror in which he shows his portrait.
(i) is (ii) was (iii) are (iv) were [Ans. (iii)
Q.19. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks.
The modern student (a) ................ the importance of physical exercise. He spends one to two hours in open
air (b) .............. he takes part in different sports. However, care should (c) ................ not to overstrain the
(a) (i) understood (ii) understand (iii) have understand (iv) understands [Ans. (iv)
C-16 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(b) (i) how (ii) when (iii) where (iv) why [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) be taken (ii) took (iii) takes (iv) has taken [Ans. (i)
Q.20. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete Mike and Liz’s dialogue.

What are you doing I love Ireland.

here, Liz? I haven’t I’ve just come back Did you enjoy
And the Irish people
seen you since June. from my holiday it?
were so friendly.
in Ireland.

Mike asked Liz (a) ................ and said he hadn’t seen her since June. Liz explained that (b) ............... in
Ireland. Mike wondered if she had enjoyed it. Liz told him that (c) ................ very friendly.
(a) (i) what was he doing there (ii) what she was doing here
(iii) what was she doing there (iv) what are you doing here  [Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) I have just come back from my holiday
(ii) she had just come back from her holiday
(iii) she had returned from her holiday
(iv) she have just come back from her holiday  [Ans. (ii)
(c) (i) she loved Ireland and the Irish people were
(ii) I love Ireland and the Irish people are
(iii) she loves Ireland and the Irish people are
(iv) she had loved Ireland and the Irish people were [Ans. (i)

Q.21. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.

(a) Most birds and animals live .................. the lap of nature.

iv D
(i) on (ii) under (iii) in (iv) for [Ans. (iii)

(b) The teeth are one of the .................... neglected parts of our body.
(i) many (ii) most (iii) much (iv) few [Ans. (ii)
(c) Deserts like Sahara .................... dry for years.
(i) remain (ii) remained (iii) are remaining (iv) had remained [Ans. (i)
(d) Religion ..................... us to be honest in our dealings.
(i) is teaching (ii) taught (iii) teach (iv) teaches [Ans. (iv)
(e) People of diverse cultures .................. together in India.
(i) live (ii) lives (iii) had lived (iv) were living [Ans. (i)
(f) Children .................. be encouraged for outdoor activities.
(i) were (ii) have (iii) should (iv) are [Ans. (iii)
Q.22. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks.
The drink of Asia (a) ................ hundreds of years, tea is believed to have been brought to Europe by the
Dutch. Today, (b) .............. the remotest corner of Ladakh to Buckingham Palace, tea is (c) ................ name
of cheer.
(a) (i) for (ii) at (iii) in (iv) of [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) to (ii) at (iii) from (iv) in [Ans. (iii)
(c) (i) other (ii) another (iii) so (iv) that [Ans. (ii)
Q.23. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the conversation.

Do you know how In this school every

Never had a student has to Give me a chance
to play cricket? chance learn it. and I shall learn it.
to learn it.

The captain asked Amit (a) ................ cricket. Amit replied that he (b) ............... it. The captain told him that
in that school every student had to learn it. Amit requested him (c) ................ it.
(a) (i) did you know how to play (ii) do you know how to play
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-17

(iii) if he knew how to play (iv) if you knew how to play [Ans. (iii)
(b) (i) never had had a chance to learn (ii) never would had a chance to learn
(iii) never have a chance to learn (iv) never was a chance to learn [Ans. (i)
(c) (i) to give me a chance and I would learn
(ii) to give him a chance and I will learn
(iii) to give him a chance and he would learn
(iv) to give me a chance and I will learn [Ans. (iii)
Q.24. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) I .................. have to report against you.
(i) should (ii) shall (iii) can (iv) could [Ans. (ii)
(b) I .................... never tasted this dish before.

(i) have (ii) will (iii) am (iv) did [Ans. (i)
(c) The school .................... last year.
(i) is built (ii) was build (iii) was built (iv) is build [Ans. (iii)
(d) The meeting ..................... held tomorrow.
(i) to be (ii) would be (iii) will be (iv) is [Ans. (iii)
(e) Morning walk is a tonic .................. both the body and the mind.
(i) for (ii) to (iii) on (iv) at [Ans. (i)
(f) It is always a pleasure .................. from you.
(i) hearing (ii) heard (iii) to hear (iv) having heard [Ans. (iii)
Q.25. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks.
In a novel approach, drug-eluting stents are now being used (a) ................ cure chronic sinusitis, which is
not treatable with medicines. The technique (b) .............. also advisable for diabetics and those suffering

(c) ................ hypertension.

(a) (i) are (ii) were (iii) is (iv) to [Ans. (iv)

iv D
(b) (i) are (ii) is (iii) has (iv) have [Ans. (ii)

(c) (i) with (ii) for (iii) of (iv) from [Ans. (iv)
Q.26. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the conversation.

Did you talk to Yes, but it is Nothing.

Dr. William? important for you What is it? Keep quiet.
to rest.


The husband asked his wife (a) ............ Dr. William. The wife replied that she had but (b) ............ rest. The
husband asked her (c) ............ . The wife replied that it was nothing and told him to keep quiet.
(a) (i) did she talk to (ii) if she had spoken to
(iii) did you talk to (iv) if you have spoken to [Ans. (ii)
(b) (i) it was important for you to (ii) it is important for him to
(iii) it was important for him to (iv) it is important for you to [Ans. (iii)
(c) (i) what is that (ii) if what is that
(iii) if what was that (iv) what was that [Ans. (iv)
Q.27. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) Communication .................. become very effective due to smart phones.
(i) has (ii) is (iii) have (iv) had [Ans. (i)
(b) Reading books .................. a good hobby.
(i) are (ii) was (iii) is (iv) has [Ans. (iii)
(c) Medicinally, the bark of the Kadam tree is used .................. an antiseptic.
(i) by (ii) in (iii) as (iv) with [Ans. (iii)
(d) There is a general belief .................. students that long answers fetch more marks.
(i) in (ii) between (iii) of (iv) among [Ans. (iv)
(e) Flax seeds are a good source .................. fiber.
(i) of (ii) to (iii) on (iv) at [Ans. (i)
C-18 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(f) I have not met her .................. she left college.

(i) as (ii) since (iii) for (iv) when [Ans. (ii)
Q.28. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks.
In England Gandhiji, at first, did not give his time entirely (a) ................ his studies. Instead, he tried to
copy fashionable English gentlemen in (b) .............. way. Like so many young men of his age he (c) ................
attracted by what was new and foreign.
(a) (i) to (ii) on (iii) at (iv) in [Ans. (i)
(b) (i) every (ii) on (iii) many (iv) very [Ans. (i)
(c) (i) is (ii) are (iii) was (iv) were [Ans. (iii)
Q.29. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks and complete the conversation.

Why were you There was a friendly Why didn’t you

late from school football match between inform us earlier? I rang home but
yesterday? our school and A.B. nobody picked up
Public School. the phone.

Father asked Ravi (a) ................... . Ravi replied that (b) ................... and A.B. Public School. Father asked why
hadn’t he informed them earlier. Ravi replied that he (c) ................... up the phone.
(a) (i) why were you late from school yesterday
(ii) why he had been late from school the previous day
(iii) why you were late from school the day before

(iv) why was he late from school yesterday [Ans. (ii)

(b) (i) there was a friendly football match between our school

iv D
(ii) there had been a friendly football match between our school

(iii) there was a friendly football match between their school
(iv) there had been a friendly football match between their school [Ans. (iv)
(c) (i) had rang home but nobody had picked
(ii) had rung up but nobody picked
(iii) rang home but nobody picked
(iv) had rung home but nobody had picked [Ans. (iv)
Q.30. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences given below.
(a) Unconsciousness is a state ............. a person appears to be in deep sleep.
(i) where (ii) which (iii) that (iv) from [Ans. (i)
(b) Mrs. Das ............. well for the past few days.
(i) is not been keeping (ii) was not keeping
(iii) had not kept well (iv) has not been keeping  [Ans. (iv)
(c) An American study ............. that a cup of coffee cuts the risk of diabetes by 6%.
(i) is showing (ii) has shown (iii) was showing (iv) have shown [Ans. (ii)
(d) A blast ............. two and wounded 20 yesterday.
(i) kills (ii) had killed (iii) killed (iv) will kill [Ans. (iii)
(e) Helicopters ............. to assess the damage caused by floods tomorrow.
(i) will be dispatched (ii) are dispatched
(iii) will get dispatched (iv) are dispatched [Ans. (i)
(f) More than 50 dinosaur eggs ............. in South Eastern Spain.
(i) are discovered (ii) will be discovered
(iii) were discovered (iv) was discovered [Ans. (iii)

L EG Lesson : One

S O S A Letter to God

Competency Based Questions
 Questions on the Extracts from the Lesson
Q.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The house-the only one in the entire valley -sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see

the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only

iv D a
thing the earth needed was a good downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho -who
knew his fields intimately- had done nothing but see the sky towards the north-east.

(a) Based on the detail of the house’s location, how can it best be described?
(i) majestic (ii) imposing (iii) solitary (iv) unique [Ans. (iii)
(b) The field of corn dotted with flowers means that
(i) not a single flower was bigger than a dot (ii) the flowers were scattered across
(iii) the flowers were shaped like dots (iv) the flowers had shrunk in size. [Ans. (ii)
(c) Lencho wished for a downpour or a heavy shower. Pick the option that correctly lists the correct
match for the kinds of rain.
1. heavy rain A. light rain that falls in very fine drops
2. Thunderstorm B. very heavy rain, tropical rain

3. drizzle C. It’s coming down quite strong and you get very wet very quickly
4. torrential rain D. really heavy rain that comes very suddenly
5. downpour E.
is a violent, short-lived weather disturbance associated with lighthing,
thunder and strong, gusty winds.
(i) 1-B, 2-D, 3-E, 4-A, 5-C (ii) 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E, 5-B
(iii) 1-E, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A (iv) 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D [Ans. (iv)
(d) Based on the given extract, what is Lencho NOT likely to think while looking at his field.
I. Such a blessing God Just a downpour,
Thank You God, And everything
will be perfect,

III. All set for the grand IV. I wish we have enough food
harvest. to eat after this harvest.
I am going to be rich!

(i) Option I (ii) Option II (iii) Option III (iv) Option IV [Ans. (iv)

Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-19

C-20 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(e) Which quote supports the idea in the given extract?

(i) “Farming is a profession of hope.”
(ii) “I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.”
(iii) “Farming looks mighty easy when your plough is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the
corn field.”
(iv) “Those too lazy to plough in the right season will have no food at the harvest.” [Ans. (i)
Q.2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
‘‘It’s really getting bad now,’’ exclaimed the man. “I hope it passes quickly.” It did not pass quickly. For an
hour the hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield, on the whole valley. The field was
white, as if covered with salt. Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers
were gone from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. When the storm had passed, he stood in
the middle of the field and said to his sons, “A plague of locusts would have left more than this. The hail
has left nothing. This year we will have no corn.’’
That night was a sorrowful one.
“All our work, for nothing.”
‘‘There’s no one who can help us.”
“We’ll all go hungry this year.”
(a) What does ‘it’ in the above passage refer to?
(i) flowers (ii) hail (iii) cornfield (iv) valley  [Ans. (ii)
(b) Why was Lencho’s heart filled with sadness?
A Letter to God

(i) His cornfield was completely destroyed. (ii) The hail had left nothing in the field.
(iii) Their hard work had been in vain. (iv) All of the above.  [Ans. (iv)
(c) Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.

a s
Oh, come on! Lencho I think there was no

iv D
is exaggerating his one to help Lencho.
Let’s not forget the

hail devastated I feel Lencho
Lencho's field. is unnecessarily

1 2 3 4

(i) F—1, 2, 3 and O—4 (ii) F—1, 3 and O—2, 4

(iii) F—1, 4 and O—2, 3 (iv) F—2, 3, 4 and O—1  [Ans. (ii)
(d) Which word does ‘plague’ not correspond to?
(i) gratification (ii) invasion (iii) pest (iv) infestation  [Ans. (i)
(e) Choose the characteristic displayed by Lencho when he says, “There’s no one who can help us”.
(i) desperate (ii) anger (iii) despair (iv) sympathy [Ans. (iii)
Q.3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
He wrote ‘To God’ on the envelope, put the letter inside and, still troubled, went to town. At the post
office, he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbox. One of the employees, who was a
postman and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter
to God. Never in his career as a postman had he known that address. The postmaster—a fat, amiable
fellow—also broke out laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and, tapping the letter on his
desk, commented, “What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter. Starting up a
correspondence with God!”
(a) Lencho was ‘still troubled’ because:
(i) his problem had not been solved. (ii) he had not posted his letter.
(iii) he did not trust the post office employees. (iv) he and his family were hungry. [Ans. (i)
(b) The word ‘amiable’ does not mean the same as:
(i) cordial (ii) good-natured (iii) unsocial (iv) friendly  [Ans. (iii)
(c) The postman was amused:
(i) on seeing Lencho’s faith in God. (ii) as the letter was addressed to God.
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-21

(iii) as Lencho had written a wrong address. (iv) as he did not know what to do with the letter.
 [Ans. (ii)
(d) The postmaster was impressed:
(i) on seeing the address on the envelope. (ii) by Lencho’s courage.
(iii) by Lencho’s faith in God. (iv) All of the above [Ans. (iii)
(e) The extract uses the word ‘correspondence’. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with
respect to the word?
(1) Communication

(4) Conversation Correspondence (2) Mail

(3) Letter
(i) option (1) (ii) option (2) (iii) option (3) (iv) option (4)  [Ans. (iv)
Q.4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was the
postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man
who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on
seeing the money; such was his confidence—but he became angry when he counted the money. God could
not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested. Immediately, Lencho
went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write, with much
wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went

to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist.

(a) Why did the postmaster look contented?

iv D
(i) Seeing Lencho at the post office (ii) A postman handed the letter to Lencho

(iii) He had been able to help Lencho (iv) Seeing Lencho’s faith in God  [Ans. (iii)
(b) Why was Lencho angry when he counted the money?
(i) The amount was less than he had asked. (ii) God had denied Lencho his request.
(iii) His confidence was shaken. (iv) God had made a mistake.  [Ans. (i)
(c) Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (O) of the students below.
I feel Lencho
Let’s not forget should have shown
Lencho’s faith some restraint.
in God was shaken.
I think Lencho Oh, C’mon! He is

is ungrateful. just a simple person.

1 2 4
(i) F—2, 3 and O—1, 4 (ii) F—2, 4 and O—1, 3
(iii) F—2 and O—1 (iv) F—4 and O—2, 4  [Ans. (ii)
(d) Which word does ‘wrinkling’ NOT correspond to?
(i) Pursue (ii) Scrunch (iii) Contract (iv) Crease  [Ans. (i)
(e) Choose the characteristic displayed by the postmaster when he decided not to shake Lencho’s faith
in God:
(i) Encouragement (ii) Goodness (iii) Liberality (iv) Sympathy [Ans. (ii)
Q.5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope
with a blow of his fist. The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said:
“God: Of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very
much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks.
C-22 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(a) ‘…bunch of crooks.’ Pick the option that DOES NOT collate 1. keys
with ‘bunch of’, correctly
(i) Option 1 4. islands bunch of 2. grapes
(ii) Option 2
(iii) Option 3
3. owers
(iv) Option 4  [Ans. (iv)
(b) What was the most likely response that the postmaster expected in Lencho’s second letter?
1. sorrowful 2. gratitude 3. disappointment 4. elation 5. shock 
(i) 2 and 5 (ii) 1 and 3 (iii) 2 and 4 (iv) 3 and 5  [Ans. (iii)

(c) Pick the option that lists the option corresponding to—‘with a blow of his fist.’
(i) Option I (ii) Option II IV II
(iii) Option III (iv) Option IV [Ans. (iv)

(d) Lencho’s letter included
(i) Request for some money (ii) Description of the post office
(iii) Belief of being looted (iv) List of further demands.  [Ans. (iv)
A Letter to God

(e) Pick the most suitable quote for this extract.

(i) “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”–Mark Twain
(ii) “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”- Confucius
(iii) “You see a person’s true colours when you are no longer beneficial to their life.”-Anonymous

(iv) “True generosity means accepting ingratitude.”-Coco Chanel  [Ans. (iv)

iv D a
 Stand-Alone Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lencho compare the rain drops to coins?
(i) The weather had become pleasant. (ii) He had a feeling of immense satisfaction
(iii) The rain would ensure a good harvest (iv) His hard work had been rewarded  [Ans. (iii)
2. Why did the postman laugh heartily on seeing Lencho’s letter?
(i) He did not know what to do with it (ii) The letter was without an address
(iii) He had never known that address (iv) He lacked that kind of faith in God  [Ans. (iii)
3. Lencho was not surprised on receiving money from God. This reveals his:
(i) Apprehension (ii) Anxiety (iii) Conviction (iv) Courage  [Ans. (iii)
4. Where was the house situated?
I. in a valley II. in the plains III. on the crest of a hill IV. by the seaside 
(i) I and II (ii) II and III (iii) I and III (iv) III and IV [Ans. (iii)
5. They are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces and the little ones are fives. What are these coins made of?
(i) Gold (ii) Silver (iii) Nickel (iv) Raindrops  [Ans. (iv)
6. But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single
hope? What hope is being discussed?
(i) Help from the neighbours (ii) Help from the post office employees
(iii) Help form the postmaster and his colleagues (iv) Help from God  [Ans. (iv)
7. Lencho wrote a letter and
(i) gave to the postman (ii) sent his son to post it
(iii) dropped it into the mailbox (iv) sent it to the postmaster  [Ans. (iii)
8. To answer the letter the postmaster needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper. What was it
that he needed?
(i) Seventy pesos (ii) One hundred and ten pesos
(iii) Eighty pesos (iv) One hundred pesos [Ans. (iv)
9. On receiving the letter, Lencho became
(i) Surprised (ii) angry (iii) happy (iv) felt normal [Ans. (ii)
10. What kind of a person would you say Lencho is?
(i) greedy (ii) naive (iii) stupid (iv) ungrateful [Ans. (ii)
I N EE Lesson : One
O O A Triumph of Surgery
Competency Based Questions
A Triumph of Surgery

 Questions on the Extracts from the Lesson

Q.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Mrs. Pumphrey hastened to explain, “He was so listless, Mr Herriot. He seemed to have no energy. I thought he

must be suffering from malnutrition, so I have been giving him some little extras between meals to build him

iv D a
up, some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him sleep — nothing much really.”
“And did you cut down on the sweet things as I told you?” “Oh, I did for a bit, but he seemed to be so weak I

had to relent. He does love cream cakes and chocolates so. I can’t bear to refuse him.”
(a) What did Mrs. Pumphrey hasten to explain to Dr. Herriot?
(i) that Tricki was rather listless
(ii) the reason Tricki had gained weight
(iii) that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition
(iv) why Tricki seemed to have no energy  [Ans. (i)
(b) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey overfeed Tricki?
(i) she felt he was under-nourished (ii) she could never refuse Tricki a meal
(iii) because of her love and over-pampering (iv) all of the above  [Ans. (iv)
(c) Why did Mrs. Pumphrey feel that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition?
(i) he looked sad (ii) she was not giving him extra food between meals
(iii) she felt he was devoid of energy (iv) he was not exercising  [Ans. (iii)
(d) The word ‘listless’ in the above extract DOES NOT mean the same as:
(i) vivacious (ii) lifeless (iii) passive (iv) lethargic [Ans. (i)
(e) The statement that is NOT TRUE with respect to Tricki is:
(i) He was over-pampered. (ii) His fault was his greed.
(iii) He could resist sweet things. (iv) He could never refuse food. [Ans. (iii)
Q.2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
They were days of deep content, starting well with the extra egg in the morning, improved and sustained
by the midday wine and finishing luxuriously round the fire with the brandy. It was a temptation to
keep Tricki on as a permanent guest, but I knew Mrs. Pumphrey was suffering and after a fortnight, felt
compelled to phone and tell her that the little dog had recovered and was awaiting collection.
(a) Why does Dr. Herriot refer to the days as that of ‘deep content’?
(i) Mrs. Herriot sent the best food at the surgery
(ii) Tricki’s health was improving
(iii) everyone was having a good time because of Tricki
(iv) both (i) and (iii)  [Ans. (iv)

C-58 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-59

(b) What does Mrs. Pumphery’s extravagance reveal about her nature?
(i) she was a foolish lady (ii) her behaviour was rather silly
(iii) she was brashly indulgent (iv) all of the above  [Ans. (iv)
(c) The word ‘compelled’ in the above extract means the same as:
(i) tempted (ii) obliged (iii) convinced (iv) obstruct  [Ans. (ii)
(d) Mrs. Pumphery was suffering because:
(i) Tricki was not being fed the food she was sending
(ii) she was not sure how Tricki was progressing
(iii) she was missing Tricki
(iv) Tricki’s recovery was rather slow  [Ans. (iii)

(e) Why did they want to keep Tricki as a ‘permanent guest‘?
(i) he was a well-behaved dog
(ii) they were enjoying the best food because of him
(iii) Mrs. Pumphrey was over-indulgingTricki
(iv) they knew Tricki’s recovery would be slow  [Ans. (ii)
Q.3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his night bed, favourite
cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl. Realising that my car would
never hold all the stuff, I started to drive away. As I moved off, Mrs Pumphrey, with a despairing cry,
threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner
of the drive; everybody was in tears. Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping
on the seat by my side. I patted the head and Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I
said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”

a s
(a) What might the atmosphere of the household in the above extract signify?

iv D
(i) Mrs. Pumphrey’s status in society reflected in Tricki’s lifestyle.
(ii) The staff’s love for Tricki, which matched that of Mrs. Pumphrey.

(iii) The grand life of comforts and luxuries that Tricki enjoyed.
(iv) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety acted upon by the staff. [Ans. (iv)
(b) Given below are emotions reflecting various expressions and reactions. Choose the option that cor-
rectly describes the narrator’s mindset in the given extract.

(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)

(i) Options (I) and (III) (ii) Options (II) and (IV)

(iii) Options (III) and (V) (iv) Options (II) and (V)  [Ans. (ii)
(c) Given below are some well-known quotes shared by the staff to console Mrs. Pumphrey, after
Tricki’s departure.
Choose the option that correctly identifies the quote that IS NOT appropriate to the consolation

(i) Options (I) (ii) Options (II)
(iii) Options (III) (iv) Options (IV)  [Ans. (iv)
(d) As the extract indicates, Mrs. Pumphrey indulged Tricki and bought him many things.
Choose the option that best describes the kinds of advertisement/s that seem likely to persuade
Mrs. Pumphrey to buy something for Tricki.
I. Statistics Appeal. Such advertisements use facts and data to convince consumers to buy products.
II. Scarcity Appeal. Such advertisements create a feeling of exclusivity and are often used to con-
vince people to take advantage of a sale or limited period offer.
C-60 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

III. Personal Appeal. Such advertisements focus on evoking emotions to convince consumers and
often relate to family or other inter-personal interactions.
IV. Fear Appeal. Such advertisements focus on inspiring some kind of fear to convince consumers to
take action in order to avoid certain negative or undesirable consequences.
(i) Options (I), (II) and (IV) (ii) Options (III) and (IV)
(iii) Options (I), (III) and (IV) (iv) Options (II) Only  [Ans. (ii)
(e) The narrator describes Tricki as a “pathetic little animal”. The use of the word ‘pathetic’ indi-
cates that the narrator
(i) was very fond of Tricki. (ii) thought Tricki was contemptible.
(iii) pitied Tricki’s condition. (iv) believed Tricki’s health was deteriorating.
 [Ans. (iii)
Q.4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
He discovered the joys of being bowled over, tramped on and squashed every few minutes. He became an
accepted member of the gang, an unlikely, silky little object among the shaggy crew, fighting like a tiger
for his share at mealtimes and hunting rats in the old henhouse at night. He had never had such a time in
his life. All the while, Mrs Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the background, ringing a dozen times a day
A Triumph of Surgery

for the latest bulletins.

(a) Select the option that captures the essence of the extract correctly.
Statement I. It highlights the kind of comforts and luxuries that Tricki was used to at home.
Statement II. It brings out a contrast between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey’s state of being.
Statement III. It reflects that Tricki was happier at the surgery, and loved being with other dogs.
Statement IV. It shows Tricki’s journey with his peers at the surgery, and documents his recovery.
(i) Statements I and II (ii) Statements III and IV

(iii) Statements I and III (iv) Statements II and IV  [Ans. (iv)

(b) What does the reference to Tricki as a “silky little object” signify?

iv D
(i) Tricki was a very small and rather pampered dog.

(ii) Tricki was comfortably attired in fine silks and warm coats.
(iii) Unlike the other dogs, Tricki had lived in the lap of luxury with care and grooming.
(iv) The narrator’s mockery of Tricki’s life and treatment with Mrs. Pumphrey. [Ans. (iii)
(c) Why does the narrator describe being “tramped on and squashed” as joys?
(i) To suggest the irony about the strange ways of dogs.
(ii) To mention the simple pleasures of canine life.
(iii) To compare it to Tricki’s earlier play-time at the house.
(iv) To direct attention towards Tricki’s successful recovery.  [Ans. (ii)
(d) “All the while, Mrs Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the background”.
Given below are different types of pet parenting styles described in Country Living, an e-magazine.
Choose the option that best reflects the kind of pet owner Mrs. Pumphrey was.
I. Traffic Light pet owners have a healthy balance of rules and freedom and give clear and consistent
signals for ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
II. Entranced pet owners have the best intentions, but as soon as their pet locks eyes with them and
gives their command, they are at their pet's beck and call.
III. The Goose pet owners go all-out in protecting their pet. They often limit their time away from
their pet, especially puppies.
IV. The Baggage Handler pet owners love being close to their pets and going on adventures together.
They are always mindful of the pet's comfort and security .
(i) Option I (ii) Option II (iii) Option III (iv) Option IV [Ans. (ii)
(e) Pick the option that reveals Tricki’s characteristics in the context of ‘fighting like a tiger for his
share at mealtimes and hunting rats in the old henhouse at night.’
1. selfish 2. happy 3. greedy 4. confident
5. sturdy 6. cruel
(i) 2, 4 and 5 (ii) Only 2 (iii) 1 and 5 (iv) 3, 4 and 6  [Ans. (i)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-61

 Stand-Alone Multiple Choice Questions

1. ’The expected call came within a few days.’ Why had Dr. Herriot expected the call?
(i) Mrs. Pumphrey was not adhering to his advice
(ii) Dr. Herriot knew Tricki’s was suffering
(iii) Tricki was not going for his walks
(iv) Dr. Herriot wanted Tricki to be hospitalised [Ans. (i)
2. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey send bottles of wine at the surgery?
(i) to enrich Tricki’s blood
(ii) for the staff members who were looking after Tricki
(iii) to build Tricki’s strength

(iv) for Tricki’s constitution [Ans. (i)
3. Mrs. Pumphrey referring to Tricki’s recovery as a ‘triumph of surgery’ is:
(i) respectful (ii) courteous (iii) ironical (iv) complimentary [Ans. (iv)
4. What ailment was Tricki suffering from:
(i) malnutrition (ii) he had no energy
(iii) he was greedy (iv) he had fever [Ans. (iii)
5. ________ was tottering along in his little tweed coat.
Fill in the blank from the given choices.
(i) Mr. Pumphrey (ii) Tricki
(iii) Mr. Herriot (iv) Mrs. Pumphrey’s gardner [Ans. (ii)
6. What is not the meaning of the word ‘convalesence’?
Choose the correct meaning from the given choices.
(i) to have fits

a s
(ii) Recuperate

iv D
(iii) Rehabilitation
(iv) To rest and get better (over a period of time) [Ans. (i)

7. What did Mrs. Pumphrey send to enrich Tricki’s blood?
(i) two dozen eggs (ii) cream cakes (iii) bottles of wine (iv) chocolates [Ans. (iii)
8. Who enjoyed two eggs each at the breakfast?
(i) Dr. Herriot and colleagues (ii) Mrs. Pumphrey’s staff
(iii) All the dogs at the surgery (iv) Only Tricki [Ans. (i)
9. Within minutes, about thirty feet of gleaming black metal drew up outside the surgery? What is this
(i) Mr. Herriot’s car (ii) Mr. Pumphrey’s car

(iii) Taxi (iv) the big black van [Ans. (ii)

L YG Poem : One
S E T Dust of Snow

Competency Based Questions

 Questions on the Extracts from the Poem
Dust of Snow

Q.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The way a crow

Shook down on me

iv D a
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
(a) Of the many symbols the hemlock tree represents, choose the one that Frost drew upon in all like-
lihood, for this poem.
Symbol of
(i) longevity. (ii) togetherness. (iii) healing. (iv) protection. [Ans. (iii)
(b) Choose the option that lists the possible feelings of the poet prior to the experience shared in the poem.
1. reassured 2. disappointed 3. curious 4. demotivated
5. thankful 6. disheartened 7. impulsive
(i) 1, 3 & 7 (ii) 2, 4 & 6 (iii) 5 & 7 (iv) 1 & 3 [Ans. (ii)
(c) Identify the option that DOES NOT use the word ‘rue’ correctly.
(i) The film was a disaster and he rued his decision to act in it.
(ii) I am sure she rued the day she listened to a fortune-teller.
(iii) It wasn’t long before I rued my disobedience and my deceit.
(iv) Others finally rue the one who is dishonest and heartless.  [Ans. (iv)
(d) Synecdoche is a poetic device that uses a part to represent the whole. e.g., That’s a great set of
wheels! (Set of wheels has been used for car.)
Pick an example of synecdoche from the poem.
(i) Has given my heart/A change of mood (ii) The way a crow/ Shook down on me
(iii) The dust of snow / From a hemlock tree (iv) And saved some part / Of a day I had rued
 [Ans. (i)
(e) Choose the option showing the reason NOT corresponding with “… a crow / Shook down on me /
The dust of snow”.
(i) The crow’s landing on the branch of the tree.

C-48 Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) C-49

(ii) The shivering of the crow, due to the cold.

(iii) The readjustment of position of the crow on the branch.
(iv) The cawing of the crow hidden in the foliage. [Ans. (iv)

 Stand-Alone Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the dust of snow?
(i) It is the dust on the trees. (ii) It is the snow-flakes fallen on the hemlock tree.
(iii) It is the flowers on the tree. (iv) It is the feathers of a crow. [Ans. (ii)
2. What has changed the poet’s mood?
(i) The bird flying over the tree

(ii) The snow-flakes on the hemlock tree
(iii) A crow shaking down on him snowflakes from the hemlock tree
(iv) Flowers falling from the hemlock tree [Ans. (ii)
3. What is a Hemlock tree?
(i) It is a tree with flowers.
(ii) It is a very beautiful tree with big leaves.
(iii) It is a poisonous plant with small white flowers.
(iv) It is a plant with beautiful flowers. [Ans. (iii)
4. What does the ‘dust of snow’ that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
(i) The dust of snow stands for dusty winds.
(ii) The dust of snow stands for hope and joy in the midst of sorrow.
(iii) The dust of snow stands for dusty days.
(iv) The dust of snow stands for gloomy times. [Ans. (ii)

a s
5. Name the poetic device used in the line “And saved some part”.

iv D
(i) alliteration (ii) metaphor (iii) oxymoron (iv) simile [Ans. (i)
6. What is the emotion that the crow and the hemlock tree symbolize?

(i) celebration (ii) death (iii) sorrow (iv) happiness [Ans. (iii)
7. In what mood was the poet before the dust of snow fell on him?
(i) unpleasant (ii) helpless (iii) elated (iv) angry [Ans. (i)
8. What part of nature do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock tree’ symbolise?
(i) joyful (ii) vibrant (iii) dark (iv) dull  [Ans. (ii)
9. The poet says, ‘...of a day I had rued’. What does the word ‘rued’ mean?
(i) had spent (ii) to ruin (iii) had passed (iv) held in regret  [Ans. (iv)

Literature Textbooks

✏ First Flight
• Prose
• Poetry
✏ Footprints without Feet
P rose
1. A Letter to God
G.L. Fuentes
• Lencho, an ox of a man, a hard working farmer had an unshakable, undaunted faith in
God which remains alive till the end of the story. The hailstorm destroyed his total crops.
He turns towards God for help as he is omniscient i.e., knows everything. He believes God
sees everything, even what is deep within one’s conscience.
• He writes a letter to God demanding hundred pesos and mails it in the letterbox.
• The letter reaches the hands of the Postmaster. The Postmaster goes through it and
expresses his surprise at the letter. He was deeply moved by the writer’s faith in God and
plans to respond to the letter but responding to it demands money other than pen and
paper. He collected the money with the help of the other post office employees and
various other sources. He put it in an envelope and sent it to Lencho on the following
Sunday. He even signed the Letter “God” because he did not want to shake Lencho’s faith
in God.
• Lencho was not surprised to receive the letter as he had full faith that God would surely
help him. However, he was fiercely angry when he counted the money in the envelope. All
together 30 pesos were missing. He knew God could not make such a mistake neither
could He deny him the money he required. The amount must have been misappropriated
by the post office employees who were a bunch of crooks.
• The employees were shocked to hear this accusation. This proves that Lencho had
unshakable faith in God.


I. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
Q.1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 2013 OD
The house—the only one in the entire valley—sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see
the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest. The only
thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho—who knew
his fields intimately—had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-east.
“Now we’re going to get some water, woman.”
The woman who was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing.”
(a) Where was the house situated?
(b) Which two things could one see from this height?
(c) Why did he see towards the north-east?
(d) Which word in the passage means the same as “heavy fall of rain’?

42 „ Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)


Ans. (a) The house was situated in a valley, on the crest of a low hill.
(b) From this height one could see the river and the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers.
(c) Lencho saw towards the north-east sky, in the hope of a downpour.
(d) The word ‘downpour’ in the passage means the same as ‘heavy fall of rain’.
Q.2. The house—the only one in the entire valley—sat on the crest of a low hill. From this height one could see the river
and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers that always promised a good harvest.
The only thing the earth needed was a downpour or at least a shower. Throughout the morning Lencho—who knew
his fields intimately—had done nothing else but see the sky towards the northeast.
“Now we’re really going to get some water, woman.”
The woman, who was preparing supper, replied: “Yes, God willing.”
The older boys were working in the field, while the smaller ones were playing near the house until the woman called to
them all: “Come for dinner”. It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to fall.
In the northeast huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no
other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed: “These aren’t
raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten-cent pieces and the little ones are fives”. 2015
(a) What qualities of Lencho’s character are brought out in the passage?
(b) What was peculiar about the house in which Lencho lived?
(c) What did Lencho wish throughout the morning?
(d) What does the word ‘intimate’ in the passage mean?
Ans. (a) Lencho’s deep knowledge of his fields and his faith in himself are the qualities brought out in the
(b) The peculiarity about Lencho’s house was that it was the only house in the entire valley.

(c) Throughout the morning Lencho’s only wish was for a downpour or at least a shower.

(d) The word ‘intimate’ means ‘closely’ or ‘wholly’.

Q.3. With a satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe corn with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But

suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did
resemble new silver coins. The boys, exposing themselves to the rain, ran out to collect the frozen pearls.
“It’s really getting bad now,” exclaimed the man. “ I hope it passes quickly.” It did not pass quickly. For an hour the
hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield, on the whole valley. The field was white, as if covered
with salt. 2008
(a) Why did Lencho look satisfied?
(b) What happened all at once?
(c) What did Lencho hope for?
(d) What happened as a result of the hailstorm?
(e) Find out a word in the passage which means the same as ‘to look like’.
Ans. (a) Lencho looked satisfied because his field of corn was ripe with its flowers and he expected a good
harvest and it had started raining.
(b) All at once a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall.
(c) He hoped that the wind and the hailstorm would pass quickly.
(d) As a result of the hailstorm the corn crop was destroyed as the field was completely covered with ice
from the hailstorm.
(e) The word ‘resemble’ means ‘to look like’.
Q.4. All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope : the help of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed,
see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience.
Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write. The following
Sunday, at daybreak, he began to write a letter which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail. 2008
(a) What did Lencho think all through the night?
(b) Why did he pin his hopes on God alone?
(c) Why has he been called ‘an ox of a man’?
(d) Which word in the passage means the same as ‘an inner sense of right and wrong’?
(e) Find the word, from the passage, which means ‘good-tempered’.
Ans. (a) All through the night Lencho thought about his one and only hope, the help of God.
(b) He pinned his hopes on God alone because he had been told that God sees everything, even what is
deep in one’s conscience and then helps people in distress.
44 „ Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

(c) Lencho has been called ‘an ox of a man’ because he used to work like an animal in the field.
(d) The word ‘conscience’ means the same as ‘an inner sense of right and wrong’.
(e) The word ‘amiable’ means ‘good-tempered’.
Q.5. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment
of a man who has performed a good deed, looked on from his office.
Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence — but he became
angry when he counted the money. 2009
(a) Who delivered the letter and to whom?
(b) What did the postmaster do in the meantime?
(c) Which ‘good deed’ is referred to here?
(d) Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money?
(e) Find the noun form of the word ‘content’ from the passage.
Ans. (a) The postman delivered the letter to Lencho.
(b) The postmaster meanwhile experienced the contentment of a man who has performed a good deed.
(c) The ‘good deed’ referred to here is providing Lencho with the money he so desperately needed.
(d) Lencho’s faith in God was so strong that he was not surprised on seeing the money.
(e) The noun form of the word ‘content’ is ‘contentment’.
Q.6. The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him. It was the postman
himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster, experiencing the contentment of a man who has performed
a good deed, looked on from his office.
Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence—but he became angry when
he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.

Immediately, Lencho went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write,

with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went

to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist. The moment the
letter fell into the mailbox, the postmaster went to open it. It said: “God: of the money that I asked for, only seventy
pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail, because the
post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.” 2000
(a) What does Lencho mean by ‘the rest’?
(b) What was in Lencho’s mind when he was writing the letter? Write two points.
(c) Why did the postmaster open the mailbox immediately?
(d) Find out the word from the passage which means ‘dishonest people’.
Ans. (a) By ‘the rest’ Lencho means the remaining thirty pesos which he had yet to receive from God.
(b) Lencho desperately wanted the rest of the thirty pesos and he was sure that the post office employees
were a bunch of crooks.
(c) The postmaster was extremely eager to know Lencho’s reaction on receiving money from God. So, he
opened the mailbox immediately.
(d) The word ‘crooks’ means ‘dishonest people’.
Q.7. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on seeing the money; such was his confidence—but he became angry when he
counted the money. God couldn’t have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested.
Immediately Lencho went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write,
with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went
to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist. 2009
(a) Why did Lencho become angry when he counted the money?
(b) Who sent him the money and why?
(c) What request did he make to God when he wrote another letter after receiving the money?
(d) Use the following phrase in a sentence of your own:
Wrinkling of one’s brow
Ans. (a) Lencho became angry when he counted the money because it was less than what he had requested for.
(b) The postmaster sent him the money because he wanted to cement and further strengthen Lencho’s
faith in God.
(c) He requested God not to send him the remaining money through the mail as he believed that the post
office employees were a bunch of crooks.
(d) By wrinkling his brow he tried to concentrate more on the task at hand.

II. Answer the following questions briefly:

Q.8. Why does Lencho write a letter to God? What does he experience? 2009
Ans. Lencho’s corn crop had been totally destroyed by the hailstorm. Lencho writes a letter to God asking him
to help with a hundred pesos so that he can sow his field again and live until the new crop comes. He puts
this letter in an envelope and addresses the envelope “To God”. He experiences an extreme sense of relief
and satisfaction on posting the letter because he had been told that God helps innocent people in distress.
So, he feels quite confident that God will not turn down his request and will certainly help him in his hour
of crisis.
Q.9. Why did the postmaster send a letter of reply to Lencho? 2003
Ans. The postmaster was very impressed and touched by Lencho’s sincere faith in God. He wished he too had
that kind of faith. So, in order to reconfirm and not to shake Lencho’s faith in God he decided to answer the
Q.10. How did the post office employees help Lencho? How did Lencho react to their help? 2006
Ans. The post office employees received an unusual letter addressed to God. In order not to shake the faith of
the writer of the letter, they collected 70 pesos and sent it to Lencho. Lencho was not at all surprised when
he got the money. On receiving 70 pesos, he became angry and blamed the post office employees for the
shortfall of 30 pesos. He was sure that God had sent the 100 pesos he had asked for, and thought the post
office employees to be a bunch of crooks.
Q.11. ‘Sympathy and kindness are human virtues’. Write a character sketch of the postmaster with reference
to these human virtues. 2006
Ans. The postmaster is a genuine and God-loving man. He is amazed to read Lencho’s letter and even more amazed
at Lencho’s abundant faith in God. Being a kind person he does not want to shake the writer’s faith in God.

The postmaster is also a man who sticks to his decision so he is able to collect money for Lencho’s help. Since

he commands the respect of his juniors and friends they too feel obliged to give him money for an act of charity.

Q.12. In the lesson ‘A Letter to God’, what moral values does the postmaster display in his behaviour? 2018

Ans. The postmaster was very impressed and touched by Lencho’s sincere faith in God. In order to reconfirm and
not to shake Lencho’s faith he decided to answer the letter. He is amazed to read Lencho’s letter and even
more amazed at Lencho’s abundant faith in God. The postmaster is thus a very genuine, empathetic and soft
hearted man. The postmaster is also a man who sticks to his resolutions so he is able to collect money for
Lencho’s help. Since he commands the respect of his juniors and friends they too feel obliged to give him
money for an act of charity. He is a generous person and tries to perceive others in a more positive light.
Q.13. Why did Lencho seek help from God? Who received the letter? What did he do? 2001
Or, ‘Faith can move mountains.’ What did the postmaster do in order not to break Lencho’s faith in God.
Explain. 2008
Or, What was the letter to God about? How much did it serve Lencho’s purpose? 2002
Ans. When Lencho’s crop was totally destroyed by the hail, he being a simple-hearted person who had
abundant faith in God, started a correspondence with Him. In a letter he asked God to send him a hundred
pesos to enable him to sow his field again and live until the new crop came. This envelope which was
addressed “To God” greatly intrigued a postman and so he took the envelope containing the letter to the
postmaster. After reading the letter the postmaster was highly impressed and touched by Lencho’s faith in
God. So, in order to cement Lencho’s faith in God, the postmaster decided to collect money and send it to
Lencho. He was able to collect only seventy pesos. He put this money in an envelope along with a letter
containing the sender’s signature ‘God’, and sent it to Lencho.
Q.14. Describe the character of Lencho in the light of his faith and attitude towards God and man. 2004
“I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter.” Describe Lencho’s character is the light of this
statement. Is such devout faith in God possible in today’s practical life? 2008, 2013
Ans. Lencho being a very simple person started a correspondence with God so that he would help him and
make sure that he and his family would not starve. He had an abundant faith in God and therefore with
great confidence he directly appealed to God for help. As for his opinion regarding men, Lencho considers
them dishonest and deceitful. He does not hesitate to write about his contemptuous attitude towards men
in his letter to God and he calls the men at the post-office a bunch of crooks. He knew that God helps
innocent people in distress and therefore does not hesitate in approaching him directly for help and neither
is he bewildered when he does receive a letter signed by God.
46 „ Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

Faith is an expression of hope for something better. In today’s practical world of cut-throat competition
and demanding lives, such strong faith in God and one’s own self is extremely necessary. It motivates us to
be positive and be successful in what we do.


Q.15. What did Lencho hope for?
Ans. When a strong wind began to blow along with rain, very large hailstones began to fall, Lencho hoped the
wind and hail would pass quickly.
Q.16. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’?
Ans. The field of ripe corn with its flowers that promised a good harvest needed only a downpour. Thus, when
the raindrops fell from the sky Lencho said they are new coins.
Q.17. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho’s field?
Ans. Suddenly when a strong wind began to blow, along with the rain came very large hailstones. For an hour
the hail fell on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield and, on the whole valley. Lencho’s field
was white as if covered with salt. The corn was destroyed and the flowers gone from the plants.
Q.18. What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped?
Ans. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness when the hail stopped. The night was a sorrowful one as he and his
family would have to go hungry that year.
Q.19. Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
Ans. Lencho had immense faith in God. He had been told that God’s eyes see everything even what is deep in
one’s conscience. The following Sunday at daybreak, Lencho wrote a letter to God asking for help. He
carried this letter to the town and mailed it himself.

Q.20. Who read the letter?

Ans. The postmaster, a fat, amiable fellow, read the letter.

Q.21. What did the postmaster do then?

Ans. The postmaster came up with an idea. He decided to answer the letter. But when he opened it, he realized
he needed more than goodwill, ink and paper. He stuck to his resolution. He asked for money from his
employees and himself gave part of his salary. He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho
along with a letter containing only a single word, God.
Q.22. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?
Ans. No, Lencho was not surprised to find a letter for him with money in it, such was his confidence in God.
Q.23. What made him angry?
Ans. On receiving seventy pesos Lencho became angry and blamed the post office employees for the shortfall of
thirty pesos. He was sure that God had sent the hundred pesos he had asked for, and thought the post
office employees to be a bunch of crooks who took away the rest of the money.
Q.24. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Why does he sign the letter ‘God’?
Ans. The Postmaster was moved by Lencho’s complete faith in God. So, he decided to send money to Lencho.
Moreover, the Postmaster did not want to shake Lencho’s faith in God. So, he signed the letter ‘God’. It
was a good ploy to convey a message that God himself had written the letter.
Q.25. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/ why not?
Ans. No, Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money to him. He was not even surprised on seeing
the money, such was his confidence and faith in God.
Q.26. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation?
Ans. Lencho thinks that the rest of the money has been taken away by the post office employees, who are a
bunch of crooks. The situation is ironical as it was these post office employees who had given money from
their salary and sent it to Lencho. However, the Post master could not gather the hundred pesos, he was
short of thirty pesos and that caused Lencho to consider them to be crooks.

✽ • •• • ✽
P oetry
1. Dust of Snow
Robert Frost
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.

Dust of snow is a beautiful poem written by the famous poet Robert Frost. Though the
poem is very brief it has a significant meaning. This poem is about guiding a person who
has lost all hope and is very sad. The snow falls like cotton flakes and settles on trees.
When fresh it has a powdery consistency. The dust of snow falls on the poet as a crow
shakes the branch. This pleasant snow shower changes the poet’s mood. The poet was
feeling negative because of some reasons and after the snow dust he is feeling happier.
The falling of dust of snow changes the mood of the poet. The very small act of falling
snow changed his sad mood into a happy one. The poet’s initial mood can be compared
to that of a hemlock tree, and the later mood is like that of a flower. The poem thus
teaches us that we should not be hopeless and there is always an opportunity and hope
to change sadness into happiness.


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
Q.1. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued. 2008
(a) What is ‘the dust of snow?
(b) What has changed the poet’s mood?

1. DUST OF SNOW „ 77
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(c) How do we know that there is a change in the poet’s mood?

(d) What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza?
Ans. (a) ‘The dust of snow’ refers to the snowflakes that have fallen on the hemlock tree.
(b) A crow shaking down on him a dust of snow from the hemlock tree has changed the poet’s mood.
(c) We know that there is a change in the poet’s mood because he has got a change of heart which has
saved some part of the day as he was not happy earlier.
(d) The rhyme scheme in the stanza is : a, b, ab.
Q.2. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree. 2000
(a) Name the poet.
(b) What is unusual about the bird mentioned in the poem.
(c) What is a ‘hemlock’ tree?
Ans. (a) The poet is Robert Frost.
(b) A crow is usually not mentioned in a poem because the image that comes to the mind when one
thinks of a crow is an ugly and coarse creature who has a thick and hoarse voice.
(c) A ‘hemlock’ tree is a poisonous plant with small white flowers.
Q.3. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree 2009

(a) What is ‘the dust of snow?

(b) Who shook it down?

(c) What does ‘the dust of snow’ stand for?
(d) What is a “hemlock tree”?
Ans. (a) Dust of snow refers to the snow flakes.
(b) A crow shook it down.
(c) ‘The dust of snow’ stands for hope and joy in the midst of sorrow.
(d) A “hemlock tree” is a poisonous plant with small white flowers. 2001
Q.4. What unusual beings of nature does Robert Frost talk about in his poem?
Or, What do ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent, joy or sorrow.
Ans. Robert Frost talks about a crow, a bird that is generally not mentioned in poems. He then talks about a
hemlock tree, which is a poisonous plant and not about a beautiful tree.
Q.5. What are the ideas about how the world will end? 2006
Ans. The ideas of the poet about how the world will end are extremely opposite to each other. Some people say
the world will end due to very hot conditions and some others say that it will end because of extreme cold
Q.6. What is a ‘dust of snow’? What does the poet say has changed his mood? How has the poet’s mood
Ans. ‘The dust of snow’ refers to the snowflakes that have fallen on the hemlock tree. A crow shaking down on
him dust of snow from the hemlock tree has changed the poet’s mood. We know that there is a change in
the poet’s mood because he has got a change of heart which has saved some part of him which he had held in.
Q.7. How does Frost present nature in this poem?
Ans. The poet Robert Frost presents nature in a depressed and gloomy manner. It portrays sorrow.
Q.8. What does the dust of snow that the crow shake off a hemlock tree stand for?
Ans. ‘The dust of snow’ stands for hope and joy in the midst of sorrow.
Q.9. In the poem ‘Dust of Snow’, how does the poet’s mood get changed?
Ans. A crow shaking down dust of snow on the poet from the hemlock tree has changed the poet’s mood. This
dust of snow stands for hope and joy in the midst of snow.

✽ • •• • ✽
Writing Skills
Letter Writing
Q.1. You are Prabhu Kumar/ Parvati of 17E, Ravi Dass Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the
editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city during examination days
drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem.
Ans. 17E
Ravi Dass Road
28th July, 2021
The Editor
The Daily Tribune
Subject: Nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city.
Through the medium of columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the
concerned authorities towards the nuisance caused by the loudspeakers in the city during examination
The blaring sound of the loudspeakers especially at night has become a source of disturbance for the
students as the exams are approaching. The students are already stressed and the noise pollution caused
by the loudspeakers makes it worse. The disturbance does not allow the students to focus and concentrate
on their studies and causes headaches.
The problems caused by the nuisance of loudspeakers needs immediate attention of the authorities. Rules,
regarding timing and decibel of noise levels should be fixed by the authorities. Heavy fines should be
imposed on those breaking the rules. We must understand that the students need the support of both
family and society to perform stress free in their exams.
I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities can take necessary
action with regards to the nuisance caused by loudspeakers.
Yours sincerely
Prabhu Kumar/Parvati
Q.2. You are Rahul/Rohini, a resident of J–Block, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. The water pipe that supplies
drinking water to your area is damaged and there has not been any water supply for two days now.
Write a letter, in about 120 words, to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the authorities
towards the difficulties of the residents and asking for immediate repair of the pipe. Demand the
supply of the drinking water through tankers.


102 „ Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

Ans. J-Block
Rajouri Garden
New Delhi
17th January, 20xx
The Editor
The Jag Bharat Times
Subject: No water supply due to damaged water pipe
Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to bring to the attention of
the concerned authorities a problem that the residents of J-Block, Rajouri Garden are facing due to a
damaged water pipe.
The water pipe that supplies drinking water to our area is damaged and there has been no water supply
for the last two days. Due to this the residents are facing numerous difficulties. The authorities too have
turned a deaf ear to our complaints. It is our request to them to undertake repair work of the pipe
immediately. Until the time the water pipe is repaired, we residents also request the supply of drinking
water through tankers.
I sincerely, hope after reading my grievance letter in your esteemed newspaper the concerned authorities
will take notice of our woes and take immediate steps to rectify the damaged water pipe.
Yours sincerely
Q.3. The recent increase in crimes against people of the Northeast, especially in the cities, has highlighted

the growing problem faced by the community. Fear of violence continues to worry them. Write a letter

in 100-120 words to the Editor of The Times of India expressing your concern over the recent death of a

young student resulting from a racial comment against people from Northeast. Suggest what steps the

government should take to solve this problem. You are Aanchal/Aryan, resident of A-12, East of
Kailash, New Delhi.
Hint—racial comments, attacks—rude behaviour, hurt feelings of our own fellow citizens—disharmony—
dents the image of our country—steps to solve this problem.
Ans. A-12
East of Kailash
New Delhi
15th July, 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject: Increasing crimes against people of North-East
Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I wish to express my concern over the recent death of a
young student resulting from a racial comment against people from the Northeast.
India is a land of diverse cultures, customs and traditions. This diversity strengthens our nation and
teaches us to be tolerant and respect each other. But the recent increase in crimes against the Northeast
community is a major cause of worry. The fear of violence and racial discrimination has made them feel
alienated from the mainstream in life especially in the cities.
The concerned authorities, especially the government should enforce laws to prohibit racial discrimination.
The Northeast region, its culture, diversity, language should be brought to the mainstream by including it
in the text of school curriculum. Government should take steps to popularize the rich handicraft of
Northeast which is also eco-friendly.
I hope you will publish my letter in your reputed newspaper so that the concerned authorities can take
necessary steps to solve the problem.
Your sincerely

Q.4. Floods in Uttarakhand in June 2013, wiped out hundreds of villages; people have been left homeless;
sources of liveliness gone, no roads. In this hour of their need, all the countrymen must come forward
to help. As a responsible citizen, write a letter in about 100-120 words to the Editor, The Times, New
Delhi, expressing your concern about the miserable condition of those who have been uprooted. Make
an appeal to the people to donate generously to the Uttarakhand Relief Fund.
Ans. ABC Lane
New Delhi
29th July, 20xx
The Editor
The Times
New Delhi
Subject. Appeal to donate generously to the Uttarakhand Relief Fund
Through the medium of the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to express my concern regarding
the misplaced condition about those whose lives have been uprooted due to the devastating floods in
As we all are aware the floods in Uttarakhand have wiped out hundreds of villages, leaving numerous
people homeless and without any source of livelihood. In their hour of crisis it is the duty of each one of us
to come forward to help these unfortunate people in an effort to rebuild their lives. I would like to appeal
to the responsible citizens of our country to donate generously to the Uttarakhand Relief Fund. Your

invaluable help in cash and kind will help these people at a time when they are direly in need.

I hope you will publish my letter in your newspaper so that people are inspired to donate generously to

the Uttarakhand Relief Fund.

Your sincerely

Q.5. You bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, NOIDA. Within a period of two months you have
started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and ceilings, wall paint peeling off, leaking
sanitary fittings, lift getting stalled etc. Write a letter of complaint in 100-120 words to the Works
Manager. You are Karuna/Karan, A9D Apoorva Apts., NOIDA.
Ans. A9D, Apoorva Apts.
Sector 55, Noida
16th January, 20xx
The Works Manager
PQR Builders
Subject: Letter of complaint for problems in new flat
I moved into my flat that I had bought from your company in Apoorva Apartments, Sector-55, Noida two
months back. It is most unfortunate that within two months of moving into this brand new flat we have
started facing a lot of problems.
There is problem of seepage in the walls and ceilings. The wall paint has started peeling off, there is
leakage in the sanitary fittings and the lift gets stalled to name a few. Keeping in mind the reputation that
your company enjoys in the market I had never imagined that a flat built by your reputed company would
have such poor construction. The least you could do now is to rectify the faults at the earliest to avoid us
further inconvenience.
I hope to hear from your end soon and also hope repair work is initiated at the earliest.
Yours sincerely
104 „ Shiv Das Chapterwise Question Bank (English Language & Literature X)

Q.6. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Manager, Furniture World, Chennai, complaining about the poor
quality of office furniture you recently purchased from them. Give details of the nature of complaint, date
of purchase, details of invoice, etc. and seek immediate repair/replacement. You are Mr. S. Reddy,
Principal, P.S. Public School, Chennai.
Ans. P.S. Public School
7th March, 20xx
The Manager
Furniture World
Subject: Letter of Complaint against poor quality of office furniture
We had purchased office furniture from your showroom on 17th January vide Invoice No. FWC/2051. I am
sorry to say that most of these items sent by you are of poor quality and very non-durable. Not even two
months have passed and the chairs are already creaking as the springs used in them are of inferior quality.
The wood on the tables too has started chipping off at different places. Four of the seven wooden almirahs
are defective as their handles are loose and they are not even stable. It is most disgusting that a reputed
shop like yours has been unable to maintain the quality of its products. I would request you to have this
faulty lot replaced by a new one, with the best quality at the earliest and would appreciate if you initiated
action in this matter fast.
Yours sincerely
S. Reddy


Q.7. You are Arman/Arpita of 14, MG Road, Pune. You had bought the text book, ‘First Flight’ for Class X

from a neighbourhood bookstore. After browsing through the book, you realized that a few pages were

missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 100-120 words to the
Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai requesting him for a replacement or refund.
Ans. 14, MG Road
22nd July, 20xx
The Manager
Dawn Books
Lawrence Road
Subject: Letter of complaint over missing pages in book.
I had bought the text book ‘First Flight’ for class X from a neighbourhood book store last week. After
browsing through the book, I realized that a few pages (numbered 61–76) were missing from the book and
the print overlapped on a few pages. It will not be possible for me to retain this book. So it is my request to
you to either replace the book that I am enclosing with this letter or to send me a refund for the book. I
hope to receive a reply from your end soon as my academic session has already started and I need this text
book urgently. Awaiting prompt action so that I am not inconvenienced any further.
Thank you
Yours sincerely

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