Clincal Psych Test-Taking Skills 4

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1. A person who is sweet, self-sacrificing and saintly is most likely to adopt the neurotic trend of
A. Moving toward people
B. Moving with people
C. Moving against people
D. Moving away from people

Horney’s 3 Coping Strategies

“I should be – Sweet, Self- Sacrificing, Saintly \ eg. Mother Teresa
“I should be – Powerful, Winner, Recognized \ eg. Nelson Mandela
“I should be – Aloof, Perfect, Independent \ eg. Ferdinand Marcos?

2. Which one of the following is most likely to be true? A person with an IQ of 100 is:

A. Unlikely to be able to finish high school

B. Unable to get a drive license

C. Likely to have trouble completing a university degree

D. Able toFRUED
SIGMUND finish college
- introjected loss

3. In historical underpinnings, he believed that a person has the ability to see relationships as in analogies and
letter and number series which decreases with age. On the contrary factual knowledge increases with age

A. Francis Galton

B. James McKeen Cattell

C. Alfred Binet

D. Raymond Cattell

Raymund Cattell
- Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence

4. He postulated that we have 120 components of intelligence which can be improved

A. Leta Hollingworth

B. Joy Paul Guilford

C. Howard Gardner

D. Ellis Paul Torrance

Leta Hollingworth
- Mother of gifted

Ellis Paul Torrance

- Test of Creative Thinking
5. He introduced anthropometric records of students such as physical traits, vision, hearing, muscular
strength, reaction time, kinesthetic discrimination

A. Francis Galton

B. James McKeen Cattell

C. Robert Yerkes

D. Arthur Otis

- Reaction Time
- Sensory Acuity
- Muscular Power
- Body Proportions

- “The Great Apes”
- First Group/Mass mental test
> Army Alpha – Literate
> Army Beta – Illiterate
- Yerkes-Dodson Law

- Group Administered SBIT
- Multiple Choice Test
- Objective test
- Otis-Lennon School Ability Test
> Roger Lennon
> Verbal, Numerical, Ability to follow directions, Knowledge of information

6. Dull Mindedness has IQ score classified by Standford Binet

A. 90-109

B. 80-89

C. 70-79

D. Under 70

7. Superior IQ score are grouped as

A. Over 140

B. 120 – 140

C. 110 – 119

D. 90 – 109


Over 140 – Genius 70 – 79 – Borderline Deficiency

120 – 140 - Very Superior Under 70 – Feeble mindedness
110 - 119 – Superior
90 – 109 – Average
80 – 89 – Dullness
8. Proponent of human relations theory who believed narcissistic line of development is separate from object
love. Beginning with grandiose self and idealized parent-images to mature qualities including humor, wisdom,
and empathy

A. Margaret Mahler

B. Heinz Kohut

C. Otto Kernberg

D. Nancy Chodorow

- Separation
- Individuation
- Symbiotic fusion
- 4 months
- 3 years old

- Self Psychology (Bipolar self)
- Praised
- Accepted
- Recognized
> Primary Narcissism

- Realistic Assessment

- Transference Focused therapy
- Dissociation

9. The common term used to describe inability to spell in writing

A. Dysgraphia

B. Dyslexia

C. Dysorthographia

D. Dysfluency

Dysgraphia – Inability to write

Dyslexia – Inability to read
Dysorthographia – Inability to spell in writing
Dysfluency – Inability to speak properly
Dyscalculia – Difficulty in numbers or math facts
10. Dispositional/Trait theorists believe that genetic factors were far more important than environmental in
shaping personality. Which among the following is highest in heritability?

A. Openness

B. Conscientiousness

C. Extraversion

D. Agreeableness

E. Neuroticism

McCrae and Costa, Jr

Heritability of the 5 factors

Openness – 0.46
Conscientiousness – 0.28
Extraversion – 0.36
Agreeableness – 0.28
Neuroticism – 0.31

11. People who become drug dependent and have a lower sense of well-being 40 years later belongs to which
among the following

A. Openness

B. Conscientiousness

C. Extraversion

D. Agreeableness

E. Neuroticism

12. They are vulnerable and Creative

A. Neuroticism and Openness

B. Extraversion and Conscientiousness

C. Agreeableness and extraversion

D. Conscientiousness and extraversion

Openness Agreeableness
- Creative - Compassionate
- Curious - Affectionate
- Original - Tender-minded

Conscientiousness - Trusting
- Thoughtful - Cooperative
- Hard-working - Helpful
- Organized
- Reliable Neuroticism

Extraversion - Vulnerable - Nervous

- Fun loving - Sad
- Active - Angry
- Assertive - Anxious
- Sociable - Depressed
- Talkative - Impulsive
13. They are fun loving and organized

A. Extraversion and Conscientiousness

B. Agreeableness and Extraversion

C. Openness and Neuroticism

D. Conscientiousness and Extraversion

14. People who react to external world in a highly subjective and creative manner. This involves objective
movie critics and real estate appraisers

A. Extraverted sensing

B. Introverted sensing

C. Extraverted feeling

D. Introverted feeling

Fe – Extraverted Feeling:
- Expresses emotions outwardly
- Lives according to norms
- Values harmony
FI – Introverted Feeling:
- In touch with their own feelings
- Values identity
- Evaluate something based on truth
Conceals emotions
Subjective movie critics
Art appraisers

15. Love at first sight, déjà vu, near death experience are examples of which among the following according to
Carl Jung?

A. Synchronicity

B. Archetypes

C. Collective unconscious

D. Personal unconscious

Synchronicity – Meaningful Coincidence

Personal Unconscious – Repressed Memories
16. Groups of people experienced a simultaneous compulsion to dance and shout in streets to the tone of

A. Saint Vitus

B. Mass Hysteria

C. Emotion contagion

D. Lycanthropy

Saint Vitus – Tarantism, Rave

Mass Hysteria – Group exhibits violent mental agitation, Extradition protest
Emotion Contagion – Emotion spreads (Folie-a-deux, Stockholm syndrome)
Lycanthropy – Possessed by wolves

17. Whose theory is the need to protect oneself against feelings of helplessness wherein a person is willing to
subordinate themselves to others

A. Carl Jung

B. Alfred Adler

C. Karen Horney

D. Erich Fromm

18. The as if other people could not get along without them is whose theory

A. Carl Jung

B. Alfred Adler

C. Karen Horney

D. Erich Fromm

Carl Jung – Safeguarding Tendency

Alfred Adler – Depreciation Complex
Karen Horney – Distancing, creating barriers between self and problems

19. He or she has the assumption that humans have been torn away from their prehistoric union with nature
and are left with no powerful instincts to adapt to changing the world.

A. Carl Jung

B. Alfred Adler

C. Karen Horney

D. Erich Fromm
20. If you were asked to describe the personality of your best friend, and you said she was optimistic, reserved
and friendly, you would be using _____________ approach.

A. Humanistic

B. Behavioral

C. Dispositional

D. Eclectic

Eclectic – Blend of all approaches

21. Which one of the following assertions is true? Galton’s notion of the normal distribution’ tell us:

A. That if you plot the IQ scores it should be leptokurtic, mesokurtic, platykurtic (Karl Pearson)

B. That as we consider scores increasingly higher or lower than the norm, there will be more and more people
registering those scores.

C. That for any of our ‘natural gifts’ there will be an ‘average’ amount of that feature, to which most people

D. That most people who complete a university degree will be at the lower end of the distribution

22. Francis Galton introduced the idea of correlation (or co-relation) and showed which of the following to be

A. A correlation of -1 indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables being considered

B. Correlations should only be used with variables that are normally distributed.

C. If variable A (e.g. height) shows a correlation with variable B (e.g. weight) of +1.0, then we know that A
Caused B

D. IQ was correlated with job performance

Francis Galton
Nature versus Nurture
Notion of Normal Distribution
Natural Gift
- Temperament
- IQ
- Physical characteristics

23. Involves giving up your own sense of self and becoming whatever other people want you to be, so that
you are not alone.

A. Escape from freedom

B. Automaton conformity

C. Destructiveness

D. Authoritarianism

Automaton Conformity
- Give up self
- Become people want you to be

- Feel powerless
- Destroy relationships
- Regain Power

- Connect self -> unhealthy way
2 forms
Masochism – Attach to more powerful
Sadism – Exploit to feel powerful

24. These people are open minded, adaptable and changeable, but also aimless and inconsistent

A. Receptive

B. Exploitative

C. Hoarding

D. Marketing

Orientation FROMM Freedom


M – Malignant Narcissism
I – Incestuous Symbiosis
N – Necrophilia

Non-productive orientation
Receptive – Passive, Accepting, Submissive, Trustworthy
Exploitative – Proud, Arrogant, Charming, Confident, Egocentric
Hoarding – Compulsive, Orderly, Rigid, Punctual
Marketing – Open minded, Adaptable, Changeable, Inconsistent, Aimless

3 Dimensions
- Working
- Loving
- Reasoning

25. He believed that the causality of behavior is influenced by past experiences as well as future expectations
and aspirations

A. Alfred Adler

B. Carl Jung

C. Sigmund Freud

D. Erich Fromm

Carl Jung – Causality and Teleology

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