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STUDENT’S FULL NAME: _____________________________________________



Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets.
1. _______________ of milk, to destroy the bacteria of bovine TB and other parasites, was not
introduced until 1922. (PASTEUR)
2. We saw some hidden and previously _______________ talent and I know that we will be seeing
them in the future taking centre stage. (DISCOVER)
3. Her own journey of _______________ started as she was recovering from a severe illness.
4. Customs officials _______________ a plot to smuggle weapons into the country. (COVER)
5. What did you think of the BBC's election _______________? (COVER)
6. He denied there'd been any _______________ of the fraud. (COVER)
7. Sadly, my optimism proved _______________. (FOUND)
8. We must respond to _______________ criticism with a willingness to change. (FOUND)
9. There were few real improvements during his _______________. (PRESIDENT)
10. He was _______________ for his anti-feminist attitudes. (FAME)
11. He complained that the article _______________ him. (FAMOUS)
12. The president described the attack as 'a day that will live in _______________'. (FAMOUS)
13. He received a medal for his _______________. (HERO)
14. Anthony Perkins is the evil _______________ of the Hitchcock thriller ‘Psycho’. (HERO)
15. She _______________ her elder brother, and she was devastated when he died. (HERO)
16. Surrender was seen as _______________. (HONOUR)
17. Brown received an _______________ doctorate from Seoul University. (HONOUR)
18. I felt _______________ to tell him the truth. (HONOUR)
19. The _______________ rites of the Tundra are incredibly unique and amazing. (FUNERAL)
20. He addressed the group in _______________ tones. (FUNERAL)
21. _______________ is a technique that enables _______________ to operate on extremely small
and delicate tissues in the body. (SURGERY)
22. He suffered from an _______________ brain tumor. (OPERATE)
23. The use of acupuncture before and during the surgery reduces patients’ _______________ pain as
well as the need for pain-killing medication. (OPERATION)
24. The old regulations became _______________ when the new ones were issued. (OPERATE)
25. The _______________ Movement (AAM) was founded in 1960 to campaign for the eradication of
apartheid. (APARTHEID)
26. They were sentenced to life _______________. (PRISON)

27. Hundreds of unemployed _______________ could be pushed back towards crime by the closure of
job training programs. (PRISON)
28. The government has promised to continue the fight against _______________. (RACE)
29. She has become involved, as a student, in _______________ movements. (RACE)
30. We're a non-sexist and _______________ employer. (RACE)
31. A _______________ society is very rich in culture heritage, where you get the opportunity to learn
about other cultures. (RACE)
32. Yeltsin was Russia's first _______________ elected president. (DEMOCRACY)
33. Tom Willard had a passion for village politics and for years had been the leading
_______________ in a strongly Republican community. (DEMOCRACY)
34. Thousands of demonstrators carrying _______________ banners gathered in front of the Palace of
the Houses of Parliament. (DEMOCRACY)
35. A kind of _______________ overcame him as he stared up at the stars. (PEACE)
36. He's always been a very _______________ man. (PEACE)
37. The statement was clearly intended to _______________ worried consumers. (PEACE)
38. Mrs. Keith fears the site could be _______________ damaged in the estimated two years before
developers complete their work. (COVER)
39. Mrs. Rose is a _______________ lecturer in Houston University. She is working only on a part-time
basis because of her bad health. (RETIRE)
40. Enemy communications were destroyed, _______________ a surprise attack. (ABLE)
41. December 3rd is the day of the _______________. (ABLE)
42. The author included a new chapter of _______________ material for the second edition of the
book. (GROUND)
43. All second-year _______________ of all School departments must attend the Induction Week
meeting. (GRADUATION)
44. The schools should be responsible for teaching our children good _______________. (CITY)
45. The Department of Buildings has launched a _______________ campaign to educate New Yorkers
about the danger. (CITY)
46. Many architectural projects have changed the Paris _______________. (CITY)
47. James used to be a cop who goes _______________ to catch drug dealers. (COVER)
48. Some experiences in early life have _______________ effects. (ERADICATE)
49. Staff are encouraged to use information resources in _______________ of their own professional
interests. (FAR)
50. The lingering war in the country has brought about nothing but the _______________ effects of
poverty and squalor. (HUMAN)
51. _______________ relief efforts have been stopped by the attacks. (HUMAN)
52. What impulse led to this act of reckless _______________? (ABANDON)
53. They are working to improve the _______________ of their e-books. (COVER)

54. _______________ Louis Pasteur, the Father of _______________, discovered and authored Germ
Theory which led to a new branch of scientific study. (FRANCE / BACTERIA)
55. _______________ slot machines have mostly been phased out of American casinos in the past
several years. (COIN)
56. While skilled people can make these devices do some quite impressive tricks, most beginners and
amateurs could be better off saving funds and purchasing a _______________ helicopter. (BATTERY)
57. Researchers claimed a breakthrough Tuesday they said could lead to virtually _______________
electric cars that drivers could refuel. (POLLUTE)
58. This _______________ equipment is really easy to use. (USE)
59. The hotel is very _______________ and offers a babysitting service. (CHILDREN)
60. Find out more about our free _______________ software. (INTERNET)
61. _______________ enterprises have become global players and the subject of much policymaking
concern. (STATE)
62. In the 19th century Walmgate was one of the worst _______________ slums in the city.
63. The UN has urged the world community to allocate funds for the _______________ Pakistan.
64. During his long illness he was completely _______________. (HOUSE)
65. We were very lucky _______________ yesterday. (WEATHER)
66. Many people believe that _______________ diet increases life expectancy. (MEAT)
67. _______________ mud is a drilling fluid used in drilling engineering. (OIL)
68. Her sister is working for Reuters, the _______________ news agency. (LONDON)
69. There is a lot of beautiful _______________ pottery in this shop. (HAND)
70. They could cross the stream because the water was just _______________. (ANKLE)
71. He bought that tie in a _______________ shop at the airport. (DUTY)
72. You would think in this modern age the percentage of people who are _______________ would be
increasing, but it isn't. (COMPUTER)
73. Never have I met a woman so obstinate, so _______________! (HEAD)
74. His aunt was 93 and _______________. (BED)
75. A big topic in the stress discussion and scientific research of today is _______________ diseases.
76. How do you handle _______________ stress? (WORK)
77. We've known each other since we were _______________ to a grasshopper. (KNEE)
78. English to Chinese translation may be hard but can be made _______________ by language
proficiency that plays the most critical role. (TROUBLE)
79. Baboons can kill a leopard – I’m sure a _______________ coward should be no problem. (BELLY)
80. It was a _______________ comment, so let's not read too much into it. (HEART)

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