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15 December 2021

Table: Function - Response Spectrum - User

Table: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
UNIFRS 0,000000 1,000000 0,050000
UNIFRS 1,000000 1,000000

Table: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Table: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase DesTypeOpt DesignType AutoType

DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det DEAD None

MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det OTHER None

Table: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2

Table: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2
Case RunCase CaseStatus GUID Notes

DEAD Yes Finished

MODAL Yes Finished

Table: Load Pattern Definitions

Table: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad GUID Notes

DEAD DEAD 0,000000

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fc LtWtConc SSCurveOpt SSHysType SFc SCap FinalSlope FAngle
KN/m2 Degrees
4000Psi 27579,03 No Mander Takeda 0,002219 0,005000 -0,100000 0,000
BETON 20684,27 No Mander Takeda 0,002000 0,005000 -0,100000 0,000

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2
Material DAngle
4000Psi 0,000
BETON 0,000

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 1 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fy Fu EffFy EffFu SSCurveOpt SSHysType SHard SCap
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
A615Gr60 413685,47 620528,21 455054,02 682581,03 Simple Kinematic 0,010000 0,090000

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GENTA PERMATA PUTRA 2001022018 TUGAS PORTAL SAP 2000 KELAS 2A.SDB SAP2000 v14.0.0 - License
15 December 2021

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 2 of 2

Table: Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data, Part 2 of 2
Material FinalSlope UseCTDef

A615Gr60 -0,100000 No

Table: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000

Table: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter LatFact UseLatFact Bridge

Envelopes Moment 1,000000 1 1,333333 No No


Table: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 1 of 2

Table: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 1 of 2
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter OmegaBS OmegaBUS OmegaBLT OmegaVS OmegaVNS

Envelopes Braced 1,000000 1 1,670000 1,670000 1,670000 1,670000 1,500000


Table: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 2 of 2

Table: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 2 of 2
OmegaT OmegaC

1,670000 1,800000

Table: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003, Part 1 of 2

Table: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003, Part 1 of 2
THDesign NumCurves NumPoints MinEccen PatLLF UFLimit SeisCat PhiT PhiCTied

Envelopes 24 11 No 0,750000 0,950000 D 0,900000 0,650000

Table: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003, Part 2 of 2

Table: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003, Part 2 of 2
PhiCSpiral PhiV PhiVSeismi PhiVJoint

0,700000 0,750000 0,600000 0,850000

Table: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93, Part 1 of 2

Table: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93, Part 1 of 2
THDesign FrameType PatLLF SRatioLimit MaxIter PhiB PhiC PhiT PhiV

Envelopes Moment 0,750000 0,950000 1 0,900000 0,850000 0,900000 0,900000


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GENTA PERMATA PUTRA 2001022018 TUGAS PORTAL SAP 2000 KELAS 2A.SDB SAP2000 v14.0.0 - License
15 December 2021

Table: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93, Part 2 of 2

Table: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-LRFD93, Part 2 of 2
PhiCA CheckDefl DLRat SDLAndLLR LLRat TotalRat NetRat

0,900000 Yes 120,000000 120,000000 360,000000 240,000000 240,000000

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