Game Play Instruction Cards

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Guardians of the City l! Each of you wiLl draw 1 Crisls card

Game Rules randomty from your deck. The
The objective of this game is to ptayer who opens the Crisis card
remove the Crlsrs cards by disptay- with a higher number disptayed witt
ing the required Defence cards, start the game.
white coping with Event cards that
your opponent may ptay against lf the numbers are the same, repeat
you. the process. Ptace the Crisls card
that you have drawn face-up in front
You can play Community Support of you.
cards to enhance your Defence
cards or reduce the effects of your ThoroughLy shuffte your Defetce,
opponent's Event cards. Events and Community Support
cards together. This forms your
You and your opponent witl have Draw Pite and shoutd be ptaced
your own deck of cards - Cnsls, face-down. The pLayer starting the
Defence, Events and Community game wil.L draw /* cards, white the
Support. 1 other ptayer wit[ draw 5 cards. 2

When it is your turn, pick up 1 card Exampte: The Mititary Conf Lict

from your Draw Pite and ptay 1 card Crisls card requires Mititary, Civit,
from your hand. Economic, SociaI and PsychoLogicat
Defence. The first PtaYer that has
Ptay out the instructions disptayed these Defence cards displ.ayed wins.
on the card. Some effects on the
Defence cards require Community 0nce a ptayer runs out of cards in
Support cardlsl to be ptayed first. his Draw Pite, the game ends. The
pl.ayer with more Defence cards
displ.ayed wins.
You can hotd a maximum of 7 cards
in your hand at the end of your turn.
Discard any extra card[sl face-up.

The first ptayer whose Defence

r;; DRAW Gt
cards disptayed match the require-
ments of one of the Crisls cards
wins the game.

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