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Unit Code, Number and Title H/617/0736 - Unit 7: Business Law

Semester and Academic Year Semester 1, Academic year 2020-2021

Unit Assessor(s) Ha Cong Anh Bao, Cao Xuan Phong, Vu Van Ngoc/Nguyen Thi Dan
Assessment Number and BL A1.1: Individual assignment (Assessment 1 of 1)
Issue Date Friday, April 16nd, 2021
Submission Date 10:00 am, Thursday, May 27th, 2021

IV Name Dong Xuan Dam

IV Date

Student name Tran Le Khanh Linh

NEU Student ID 10190556 Pearson ID

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for
material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please
consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I

Student declaration fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student(s) name(s) /

1. Commercial funnel

With the idea of producing electric cars, Vinfast will be the first company in Vietnam to produce this
type of car. Therefore, without detailed and clear plans, Vinfast will face many risks when bringing
products to the market. So the commercial funnel plays a very important role in accessing and
gathering different sources of information as well as discover contempory status. From there, the
company will come up with the most effective strategies to help the company save costs and create
the most perfect designs in automobile industry which have able to potential succesfull of Vinfast.

2. New product development

Idea generation: In 2017, with this import tax reduction leading to a reduction in domestically
assembled cars for import, causing a surplus of labor in the auto industry, VinGroup decided to
invest in the automotive industry. automobile industry. Before money, they collected ideas from
various sources such as from employees, management of the company or R&D Department (internal
sources); from customer needs, suppliers, market trends (external sources);...Finally, they have
gathered an important idea about self-driving car, steam-powered car, electronic car,...

Idea screening: After listing ideas, Vinfast uses criterias to filter its ideas and ensure that the best
ideas meet the most cost savings and avoid the most losses. Therefore, they decided to embark on
the concept development and production of the electronic car.

Concept development and testing: The business concept of electronic car is creating maximum value
position. According to Vinfast, electronic car will help customers save their maximum costs and bring
them perfectly fast and safety engine. More specifically, Vinfast will be designed with an electric
engine along with the most state-of-the-art technologies which are both safe and environmentally
friendly. Especially, VinFast is the first corporation in Vietnam to invest in intelligent features (virtual
cockpit e-cockpit) with the world's leading advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),
machine deep learning and learning (Deep Learning), face recognition, multilingual virtual
assistants... In addition, consumers can save on vehicle repair and maintenance costs when they can
bring them to Vinfast for maintenance.

Marketing strategy development: Vinfats focuses on customers who are interested in electric
vehicles and is aiming for the benefits of these vehicles.
Business analysis: Vinfast measures future sales by carefully analyzing similar products in the current
market and calculating its potential costs. This pertermine breakeven points as well as profitable of

Product development: Vinfast offers many different versions to test and analyze which is the best
version. Since then, we have produced the best version to serve our customers.

Test marketing: This is the last step before introducing the product to the market. Vinfast tested the
marketing mix strategy for the product and at the same time organized test runs in the urban
campus of Vinfast.

Commercialization: This is the final step which introduces the product to the market



Key partners Key activities Value propositions Relationships Customer segments

- Local holders - Research & - Expand relationship - People

- Offer Hipcamp
Development by creating real - Enviromentalists
insurance policy
- Marketing common ground for
- Through an
strategy isolated keepers and
intermediary website,
reformed urban
clients can easily give
feedback and rate

Key resources Channels

- Capital
- Website
- Human capital:
- Internet portal
Technical group,
client support
group and
marketing group
- A financial asset
- On the Internet

Cost structure Revenue Streams

- Compensation payment
- Advertising - Products & services
-  Invest in cutting-edge back-end software. - Make money by getting a commission on each
booking it arranges


Investors: There exists 18 investors contributed to sponsor the program.

Moreover, Index Ventures and Bond Capital are the latest investors.

Crowdfunding: Hipcamp organizes community funding from citizens through televised fundraising
campaigns, assembling campers and locals together to rent property in exchange for a financial


1. Tools
a. Patents

The Google Life's discovery of the TGL App is completely new. Therefore, patents are an important
tool to help companies protect ideas and intellectual property. This is an extremely useful
application, especially in the current era when people are always busy with their work and often lead
to a state of stress. So when the application was invented it will attract more people to visit and use
which also leads to the application being vulnerable to plagiarism and idea theft. With the patent,
Ms. Dao Chi Anh has the right to sue anyone who uses or sells the inventions without her
b. Trademark

With the words ‘’ tgl.” Which is minimalist design has become the exclusive trademark for The
Google Life software. By means of this exclusive trademark, it will be easy for the company to take
legal action against anyone who uses or copies its unique trademark.

c. Industrial design

By simple design, delicate blue color combined with the image of a woman meditating to give users
a pleasant feeling of relaxation in the soul when accessing the application. Industrial design helps
company focus on creating superior industrial design-based products without worrying about
imitations from competitors who can produce cheaper items or who can open scale up production
faster. Especially when The Google Life is infringed on copyright registration, the company can
completely be compensated for the loss of revenue that the company has lost.

d. Copyrights

Because the TGL App is the original design of The Google Life, it is automatically protected under
copyright law. According to copyright law, web applications are one of those elements that are
automatically copyrighted without fear of plagiarism. Not only that, the company also has the right
to sell the copyright to another object through a contract

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