Project Management Plan

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Module code, number and title : D/508/0491 – Managing a Successful Business Project

Lecturer : Mr. John Andre

Tutor : Mr. Nguyen Van Dai

Date : 06 October 2020

Student name : Ngo Thuy Duong

Student ID : 10180236

Table of contents

I. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................3
II. Aim and Objectives.........................................................................................................................................................3
III. Work Breakdown Structure............................................................................................................................................4
IV. Gantt Chart.......................................................................................................................................................................5
V. Quality Issues..................................................................................................................................................................6
VI. Risks Register..................................................................................................................................................................7
VII. Communication Plan.......................................................................................................................................................8
VIII. Budget and Additional Resources................................................................................................................................8
IX. Milestones List.................................................................................................................................................................9
X. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................................................9
XI. References.......................................................................................................................................................................9

I. Introduction

Below is my project plan, which is used to manage my research project in MSBP. It begins with the Main Aim and Objectives,

followed by a Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) and a Gantt Chart. Next is Quality Issues, Risks Register, Communication Plan,

Budget and Additional Resources, Milestones List and ended with the References.

II. Aim and Objectives

To answer the big question : “What are the key challenges and obstacles facing one business sector in terms of talent

management ?”, I have come up with one aim :

To gain a thorough understanding of talent retention in 4 Media & Entertainment companies in Ho Chi Minh city.

To support the main aim, several objectives have been produced :

 To identify current state of talent retaining in Media & Entertainment companies

 To create questionnaire about key challenges and obstacles in talent retaining in Media & Entertainment


 To interview and collect responses from employees and managers from different departments, especially HR

department, in the chosen Media & Entertainment companies.

 To analyze the challenges and obstacles in retaining talents.

 To produce e-portfolio.

III. Work Breakdown Structure

IV. Gantt Chart

V. Quality Issues

Quality issues Management Methods

Collect information from reliable sources such as, Google
Data Sources Validity
Scholar, ResearchGate, etc. and fully provide the information of the

authors or publications.
Directly contact and make appointments with the managers, workers and

Respondents Presentation former workers from different departments of the companies, especially the

HR department, to possibly get high-quality and relevant answers to the

questions about the key challenges and obstacles facing talent retention.
Try to design the questionnaires as clear as possible, focusing right on the

Questionnaires Clarification issues of talent retention such as : which terms in the retention policies

could lead to turnover; what makes it hard in retaining talents in creative

workplace; why did the former workers decide to leave the company; etc.
The total population for this

project will be

approximately 900 as the

number of companies

Population Size decided to get responses

from is 4 and each one has

over 200 employees. According to the attached formula of sample size

(Maslin Binti, 2020), with the population size is 900 and the acceptable

sampling error is 5%, the sample size for this project is 277.
For the sample size of 277 people, respondents are chose based on work

fields, specifically the Managerial field. In case of not getting enough

Sample size responses, online platforms, social media and websites about works and

careers will be used for posting the survey to get responses from other


VI. Risks Register

Risks Chance Impact Weight Notes
Inaccessible to Conduct the research in companies I have

companies’ annual 50% 3 2 Avoid access to.

Computer dies 50% 4 1.5 Mitigate Get regular computer maintenance.
Save data and files on different means of

Data is lost 25% 4 1 Avoid storage such as iCloud Drive, Google Drive,

Dropbox, etc.
Get sick right on the day Ask for presentation day extension.
25% 4 2 Mitigate
of final presentation
Have serious accident

right before scheduled 25% 4 2 Accept

final presentation
Try to paraphrase information and data from
Plagiarized research
25% 4 2 Mitigate online sources and either provide my own
Contact relatives or acquaintances in relevant
Unwilling workers and
25% 4 2 Mitigate fields to reduce the possibility of failure in making
appointment or interviewing.

VII. Communication Plan

Skateholder Role title Frequency Ways of communication Notes

Mr. John Andre Lecturer 2-3 times / At classes Make sure to do and bring the work to class or to

week Emails attached the files in the emails.


Mr. Nguyen Van Dai Tutor 2-3 times / At classes Fully prepare before the workshops and submit on

week Emails time so that teachers can track the research

Face-to-face workshops progress to give feedback and recommendation.


VIII. Budget and Additional Resources

 Additional Resources :

+ E-books, articles, journals : find on websites such as,, etc.

+ Thank-you gifts for interviewees such as mini dried flower bouquets, coffee vouchers, etc.

 Budget :

+ Petro : Free, as the meetings or appointments for interviewing will be held on online communication platforms such as

Zoom, Facetime, etc.

+ Printing : Free, as online survey will be distributed on social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

+ E-books, articles, journals : $9.99 / month for a premium subscription on (, n.d.).

+ Thank-you gifts for interviewees : a mini dried flower bouquet would cost 25,000 VND and coffee vouchers would be

sponsored by my own coffeeshop so it will cost total 750,000 VND for the gifts for 30 people.

To sum up, the total cost for my project will be approximately 980,000 VND, including :

+ Academia premium subscription : $9.99 ~ 230,000 VND / month.

+ Thank-you gifts for interviewees : 750,000 VND

IX. Milestones List

Milestones Dates
Information about current state of talent
29 September 2020
retention summarized
Project Management Plan completed 05 October 2020
Distributing survey finished 09 October 2020
Interviewing finished 23 October 2020
Collecting data from questionnaires and
27 October 2020
interviews finished
Key challenges and obstacles
04 November 2020
analyzing finished

Research finished 18 November 2020
E-Portfolio submitted 24 November 2020
Final presentation completed 28 November 2020

X. Conclusion

In summary, successfully managing a project plan would assist me in the progress of researching in MSBP as tasks and schedule

have already been created and arranged logically, either budget and risks register have been planned that I only need to follow the

plan and do my best to complete the tasks and finish the research.

XI. References

1. Maslin, B., 2020. Yamane (1967) Formula To Calculate Sample Size | MASLIN BINTI MASROM (ASSOC. PROF. DR).

[online] Available at: <

size/> [Accessed 24 September 2020].

2. n.d. Academia.Edu. [online] Available at: <

feature=DEFAULT&upgradeRedirect=%2Freaders&btv=feature_DEFAULT> [Accessed 28 September 2020].

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