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Explain in detail the failure process of the liquid insulation. Please cite at least 3 related papers
from IEEE publisher to support your explanation.
Answer :

Liquid insulation plays an important role for the lifespan of the oil-filled transformer. Liquid
insulators not only insulate the live parts of the transformer, but also act as cooling agent for
better heat agglomeration when the transformer being energized. Petroleum-based mineral oil has
become dominant transformer oil for more than a century for its excellent dielectric

Liquid dielectric is widely used in transformer, circuit breaker, capacitor and oil-filled cable.
During the operation of the equipment, electric arc may take place in the liquid insulation. The
arc contains high energy in the form of thermal energy and photonic energy radiated by the arc.
Electric arc appearance in a liquid insulation may degrade the performance of the insulation and
may lead to the failure of the insulation.

If the electrical stress is great enough, an electrical breakdown can be produced in any material.
The presence of water or of particulate matter in an insulating oil can lower its
breakdoyn.voltage, but if all water or particulate matter is removed the oil will still suffer an
electrical breakdown at a sufficiently high stress.[2]
Failure process of the liquid insulation
1. The Initiation
The breakdown process usually begins at an electrode . With increasing applied voltage a local discharge
occurs from some weak point when local conditions are appropriate. This discharge deposits charge in the
liquid ahead of the electrode, distorting the local electrical field and in the process injecting electrical
energy into that part of the system. What happens subsequently depends upon the magnitude of the
discharge and whether the electrode is the cathode (negative) or the anode (positive) of the system.[3]

2. The Negative Discharged

At the cathode a local discharge serves to transfer electronic charge from the electrode to the
liquid. In transferring energy to the liquid the charge becomes trapped in the liquid. The electrical
energy is dumped into a very small volume of liquid, and the resulting energy density is such that
the liquid is unstable and rapidly vaporises. The high pressure cavity rapidly expands. Bubbles of
the order of 10 micrometres radius have been photographed as a result of this process. Whilst
rapidly expanding to a spherical bubble, the electrical forces cause the low density charged
bubble to be ejected from any localised high field region, towards the anode. If the bubble
surface loses contact with the electrode that is the end of the process. Externally a short (several
nanosecond) current pulse is observed, and the bubble eventually collapses. The dynamics of this
bubble growth and collapse are closely predicted by the Cavitation theory of Lord Rayleigh.

2.1 Current Pulse Bursts - Negative Discharge

If the magnitude of the initial current discharge is sufficiently large, then the rate of
expansion of the initial cavity is greater than its rate of movement away from the electrode.
The cavity remains in contact with the electrode and subsequent current pulses are detected
by the external circuitry.

2.2 Cavity Distortion - Negative Discharge

The typical welldeveloped negative discharge has been shown by shadow photography to
have several branches, or lobes, and one may wonder how an initial spherical discharge
cavity is transformed to such a shape. PK Watson proposed that this is accomplished by an
electro-hydro-dynamic instability of the cavity surface under the action of the applied field
on the charged interface

2.3 Discharge to arc transition - Negative Discharge

Experiments with point cathode geometries have revealed that a discharge to arc transition
can occur before a negative discharge has completely crossed the inter- electrode gap

3. The Positive Discharge

At the anode a local discharge serves to transfer electronic charge from the liquid to the
electrode. The positively charged entities (ions) left behind are less mobile than electrons and
thus diffuse more slowly. The term Positive discharge is used to signify that type of discharge
observed to emanate from a positive point electrode. Such discharges are thin, filamentary,
branched structures. Whereas a negative discharge can traverse half of the total gap of a point-
cathode system with the voltage maintained, without a breakdown, a positive discharge, once
launched is likely to continue its progress to ultimate breakdown. In this respect the positive
filamentary discharge acts like an extension of the anode, with the ever decreasing gap producing
an ever increasing streamer tip field and inevitable breakdown.
3.1. The Positive discharge current Waveform
Whereas the negative discharge current signature is a series of short pulses, the positive
discharge signature is a continuous current flow with superimposed apparently random

3.2. The branching of the positive discharge

Shadow photographs indicate the readiness with which tip branching occurs. Only a
proportion of such branching attempts succeed; the remainder halt after a very short growth.
It has been postulated that the net tip charge must exceed some minimum value, estimated to
be of the order of 5 pC, to allow continued growth. It follows that tip charges must exceed
double this magnitude to facilitate tip branching. This estimate was supported by experiments
devised to plot the variation of tip velocity with growth, the results of which suggested tip
charges in the range lOpC to 3OpC for a range of liquids at the position of minimum tip

4. The discharge to arc transition

It has been observed that positive discharges must completely span the gap before the discharge-
to-arc transition occurs. A return stroke from the cathode electrode turns the discharge channel
into a luminous region, immediately followed by a large bubble growth as the surrounding liquid
is vaporised.

5. The Effect of Particle Impurities

Charged particles will move under the action of an applied field. Even uncharged particles
experience a force (the dielectrophoretic force) in a non-uniform field if they have a permittivity
different to that of the liquid. Insulating particles can stick to the electrode surface for long
periods of time whilst slowly charging their surface. Conducting particles will rapidly charge and
move across the gap to discharge, and recharge with opposite polarity at the opposite electrode.
Isolated particles have been observed to rapidly oscillate between the electrodes, before often
being thrown from the gap by centrifugal forces. As the concentration of particles increases then
a propensity to form particle bridges is observed. Short "filaments" of several particles may
oscillate across the gap, increasing in length as more particles join the bridge, until the reduced
gap allows a breakdown discharge and arc to occur. Attempts to use the shadow system to catch
a single particle triggering a gap breakdown have always proved unsuccessful.

6. The Effect of Added Water

Water in solution has the effect af weakening the intrinsic strength of the liquid insulant. If free
water exists as small liquid globules within the oil then these globules respond much as a
conducting particle would. However water globules can elongate in the applied field, and they
have been shown to deform to produce sharp protuberances at the ends. Minute water droplets
have been observed to be ejected from these pointed ends in such circumstances.

[1] Sinan, S. S., Jasni, J., Azis, N., Kadir, M. Z. A. A., & Mohtar, M. N. (2015). Assessment on the
AC breakdown voltages of liquid insulation system.

[2] Suwarno, & Salim, F. (2006). Effects of Electric Arc on The Dielectric Properties of
Liquid Dielectrics. 2006 IEEE 8th International Conference on Properties and
Applications of Dielectric Materials.

[3] V. Wasserberg, M. Krins, H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach Schering-Institute of High Voltage Technique

and Engineering, University of Hannover Callinstrasse 25A, D-30 167 Hannover, Germany

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