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Calculus – Fall 2021

Midterm Exam – CLC 02

Time: 60 minutes

Multiple Choice Questions (2.5 points)

1. (0. 5 points) If two row interchanges are made in succession, then the
new determinant
(a) equals to the old determinant
(b) equals to -1 times the old determinant
2. (0. 5 points) The determinant of A is the product of the pivots in any
echelon form U of A , multiplied by (-1)r , Where r is
(a) the number of rows of A
(b) the number of row interchanges made during row reduction from A to
(c) the number of rows of U
(d) the number of row interchanges made during row reduction U to A
3. (0. 5 points) If A is invertible, then det  A  det  A1   1.
(a) True
(b) False
4. (0. 5 points) A square matrix A   aij  is lower triangular if and only if
aij  0 for
(a) i  j
(b) i  j
(c) i  j
(d) i  j
5. (0. 5 points) The product of upper triangular matrices is
(a) matrix lower triangular matrix
(b) upper triangular matrix
(c) diagonal
Essay question (7.5 points)
1. (2.0 points) Compute BD and DB for the given matrices, if possible.
 3 1 7   1 4 9 
B  10 1 8 , D   6 2 1
   
 5 2 4   7 4 7 
2. (1.5 points) Evaluate each of the following for the given matrix
 7 3
A 
 5 1
(a) A2
(b) A3
(c) det  5A 
3. (2.0 points) Determine if the following sets of vectors are linearly
independent or linearly dependent
v1  1;1; 1; 2  , v2   2; 2;0; 2  and v3   2; 8;3; 1 .
4. (2.0 points) Use the adjoint matrix to compute the inverse of the
following matrix
1 1 2 
0 2 1  .
 
 2 0 4 

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