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USED TO= Costumava

Indica ações habituais no passado que hoje não ocorre mais no presente.
I used to kiss a lot of girls.
I used to go to the beach
They used to watch TV.
Sujeito + used to + verbo + complemento

Foca aqui!
Usamos o auxiliar DID para perguntas e negativas utilizando o used to:
I did use to kiss a lot of girls
Did she use to go to the beach?
They didn’t use to watch TV.

Complete the sentences with used to... + a suitable verb.

1. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He used to smoke 40
cigarettes a day
2. Liz__________ a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a
(A) used to ride (B) using to like

3. We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We________ in

(A) used to living (B) used to live

4. I rarely eat ice cream now but I________ it when I was a child.
(A) using to eat (B) used to eat
5. Jim______ my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.
(A) used to are (B) used to be

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work since the new road
was opened. It_________more than an hour.
(A) used to take (B) using to taking

7. There__________a hotel opposite the station but it closed a long time

(A) used to is (B) used to be

8. When you lived in London _____________to the theater very

(A) did you use to go (B) did you used to go

He stopped: He started:
-studying hard - smoking
-going to bed early - going out in the evening
-running three miles every morning - spending a lot of money

- Write sentences about Brian with used to and didn’t use to.
1- He used to study hard
2- He didn’t use to smoke.
3- He_____________to bed early.
(A) used to go (B) didn’t used to go

4- He____________spend a lot of money

(A) didn’t use to (B) used to

5- He_______________run three miles every morning.

(A) used to (B) didn’t use to
6- He_____________ go out in the evening.
(A) didn’t use to (B) used to

Five years ago:

- I travel a lot - I’m a hotel receptionist
- I play the piano - I’ve got a lot of friends
- I’m very lazy - I never read newspaper
-I don’t like cheese - I don’t drink tea
- I’ve got a dog - I go to a lot of parties

- I eat lots of cheese now
- I work very hard these days
- I don’t know many people these days
- I work in a bookshop now
- I don’t go away much these days.
- My dog died two years ago
- I read a newspaper every day now
- I haven’t been to a party for ages
- I haven’t played the piano for years
- Tea’s great, I like it now.

- Now write sentences about how Carol has changed. Use used to /
didn’t use to / Never used to in the first part of your sentence.
1- She used to travel a lot but she doesn’t go away much these days.
2- She used to play the piano but she doesn’t play the piano for years
3- She used to be very lazy but she works very hard these days.
4- She didn’t use to like to cheese but she eats a lot of cheese now.
5- She used to have a dog but her dog died two years ago.
6- She used to have a lot of friends but she doesn’t know many people
these days.
7- She didn’t use to read a newspaper but she reads a newspaper
every day now.
8- She didn’t use to drink tea but she likes to drink tea now, it’s great.
9- She used to go to a lot of parties but she doesn’t go to a party for
10-She used to be a hotel receptionist but she works in a bookshop now.

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