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Note to Self:

You can do it!


Ma. Mavel C. Montederamos

12- Rousseau
Mr. Jay Mhar Z. Gaffud
Yes, because it contains Yes, because this is a traffic control
electricity, this off/on signal device that may direct and
button can control regulate the flow of traffic on any
road. As a result, everyone must
everything, including your
understand the meaning of the three
phone, television and so on. colors on this signal light in order to
avoid a crash or accident.
Yes, because Electricity plays a Yes, because he is Tibet's
huge part in our everyday lives. religious and political leader, as
Whether it is at home, school, the well as the head of peaceful
local shopping center, or our efforts for Tibet's liberation and
workplace, our daily routines rely his concern for worldwide
heavily on the use of electricity. environmental issues.
Yes, in my opinion, since they Definitely yes ,because we live
draw this to exact revenge for any in a democracy, we have the
wrongdoings involving human rights power and freedom to
and other issues that are linked to select/vote on every candidate
politics. However, vandalism is who has vision on our country.
regarded as a form of aggression.
Yes, because police frequently set up Yes, Because they have rights
roadblocks, also known as checkpoints, to express and fight on any
where they stop and inspect all drivers objection or dissaproval about
and cars if they do not have a valid the government.
driver's license or have broken the law
while driving down the road.

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