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os 2 SL! 3 1 Ugly Ual 2Slauy ug) Cuyl on OyilSo U pSabe - eS uu) Gus. Jane Dei! YI nad Leal ul yos2Aedl LSI Xd JAKE Deiall rd O72! 52 60 “iH wsotistou 5 Wa Za, daly eo aS) cosiew oe paid Sloul Esau Ld uo psaslle ee MVAUTSE UI OU gpa sie Cold WI bpsolnell Lads Lol ve br9iS.uI a seeoHe GONE Leaves Containing (Solanaceous Leaves) 1/ Hyoscyamus Muticus ( Egyptian Henbane) UsSil+ gas pl 2/ Datura Stramonium \;.pssisl sue Lysis Fy ace ammontuth ss etal jin ih / Atropa Belladonna. Wy sti PBs BOLT AVL Gad [pati agi) Sulgdl Yass ge OULs Tul craisid alll Li ol solanacae family uJ Uleiel g.n90g 1am qunge Us29 .yany go Alaa! 99 pplainiy UleS pds ( Auniouw LHEY Sg Shite che gu IT family slanaceous ya! ln Js LW1 % contain alkaloids which ( dilating the pupil of the eye) so known as mydriatic alkaloids mainly ( Atropine, Hyoscine And Hyoscyamine) Bag) 9 pasiinn Wil 499,20J19 alkaloids Ul yo de9ex0 | all a> La / L) Jl si we spins f- is very common which mean:- the fusion of 2 different organs or the fusion between two different parts of the same organ. @ in solanaceous leaves the(adnatior) occur BEEWEGh|the leaves Sid SHER (| Li! Go gailiceo yygiac clo gl ylpcil Wline So 6,aUsil ERESERETS) yailicee GAS> Ga Sui 0d ylnaiUl ySa0 91 Yass go pge-ledil gl I>l9 Baio 9 . gaa! yadil GLudl yay UsSw ZloaiTly UgUl Egil! $2 S> awyaiy AU! Ll nd yogatuall 2s hes Sealy GLI Yo G50 Ad,9II Lo Jay LD (04S ow ll 0d Vaal lo 485) ~ lagi 0d (mad! Yo 2350 AB, 9II aig wo HOS Glu! Go Td Vow Ugble Anus J ( 48,5I1 ge prays GLull yo Troe WMI 9D caaall wriy ) Glau! yo B55 lo Jy ME Grall oe 295 wey plead Jarry UD ( dou yl! Gass lai lo 155) =: Ug adh (cd WI nd ppio byl) Uatliseo Genre pea UaidzoIl9 drial] CamScanner + Lis dsl! Ds/ ciGHAnnAM = The adna ives rise to pai. stal row fused for a = Where the leaver @ of leaves of uneaual sizes ( the ing distance with branches arisi ate snile, thus the leaves apear to | larger leaf belongs to the lower zr i node ) the adnation is only i branch not on the main arise on the branch apear to arise | determined by cutting sections (aecty from the stem not on the axil_ af [Me cid cele At cay > have 1/( anisdcytic stomata) 2/ non glandular, uniseriate, multicellular hairs and the characteristic club aes peaates hairs , Calvate ra eee hairs Jl yo waces le Soiny /T - Non Glandular Lied] datnio ya 6t>19 Ylas yo UgSiy - Glandular Hair opgeine pawl pd ig Upooll JSuid 615199 Sd Ale dj.00 Sd9 Calavate Hair “aosul la > perimedullary phloem ( phloem which present inside the xylem { intraxylary phloem) xylem Ul og> phloem Jl .s9\Lia dalall yuse ole LD © presence of calcium oxalate in different forms. qi Baliccoll WISil pou OVLuSol le Saireiy 15> Abilel] GUL Nac lS Used Part Dried leaves Dried leaves_| Dried leaves Species Hyoscyamus muticus Datura Atropa nium stramonium | belladonna Family | Solanaceae solanaceae | solanaceae | tt Sanaa CamScanner » Lis % susal! 1.7% OF Alkaloids Alkaloids Hyoscyamine Mainly Hyoscyamine (.2-.7%) - Scopolamine (Hyoscyamine) ‘And Atropine = Belladonine eens 1/ Treatment Spasmodic | 1/ Local Anesthetic And Anodyne Affections Of The 2/ Relieve Spasmodic Cough So It Is Respiratory Organs Given To Respiratory Nerves 3/ Stimulates The Central Nervous ead ly) Yosniw | System, This Effect Being Followed 2/ Mydriatic Agent By Deprression wnall A350 guise - | 4/ Decreases The Flow Of Most 3/ Treatment Of Motion - | Secretion, Milk& Sweet Sickness 5/ Sedative effect on the movement 2>ull sig eile - | of the stomach & intestine also upon uterus'& bladder BomW naioge yikes pltiuta -) so Suto Adal) elirell Uline ASI eMe (99 dessins -T OUIpboVl Loses pW Bago -0 prolly claaVly danall 45,5 ye aul! ‘lial Pale Green Greyish-Green Characteristic Odour Unpleasant Odour ba> pat A>dl) Bitter And Slightly Bitter Taste Acrid& Salty 22 2/ Compare Between 3 Plants Of Solanaceous Morphologi petiolate in lower Petiolate the petiole is short, up Jeaves but sessile in | the petiole Is grooved to4.cm long ae the upper on the upper side idat_| ovate or triangular | ovat to broadly ovate ovate to rhomboldat | Pr vate in shape in shape CamScanner » Lis dsl! Gshrovk leotures sinuate dentate entire margin margin acuminate apex | acuminate apgy ~ asymmetric base | symmetric decurreng~ base ed (petiole 7 ONS Caiay N netiol sSolall Byoll yuse We petiole 4d Glull ule coulsg>90 sl 5,91 7; petiole re aac daa tut yo Spduino lid petiole yj paw £ Sig> U9Su9 Igbo 2/ Compare Between 3 Plants Of Solanacéous Midrib, midrib is prominent on | % the secondary veins leave both surface, 3 to 5, ;\_.. | the midrib at an angle of secondary veins leave about 60 and curve upwards the midrib at an angle of | as they approach the 45 and run into the margin, near which then marginal teath anastomse by a series of A raches Me eA POM sob ae ‘% midrib is broad, prominent raised on the under surface- lateral veins leave the midrib at an angle of 45 degrees, dividing near the margin \ SWISS at Hyoscymous wm Aaglaa plS Qiiaaid 8,9) 639.0 ale Gus 9 under surface ,99 a>: 5,4 US) midrib Ul ul a> Us! io 25d midrib Ul yo 25d UWI dna! veins JI wdiby £0 ay Datura 0 G5 Ul veins Jig BEI x9 5,6 midrib ST usSy Ud £0 ayaly ain Bei) 0349 OUT lsc midrib ul SHS sly pd + gly midrib JI wis veins JILD wnlcl Belladonna Isobilateral epidermal cells are lygonal ‘Anisocytic Stomata Occur | Anisocytic Stomata | Anisocytic Stomata On Both Surface Dorsiventral Dorsiventral CamScanner + Lis dsl! Dr/ cicHANAAM cc dad 1/ Glande Hairs Are | 1/ Glandular Hair | 1/ Glandular Hairs merous { Calvate Hair } { Clavate Hair } Cranched't Se = Multicellular Head @ a PF | osaszte 2/ Non Glandular Non Glandular Are veiw Hair {Uniseriate & Collapsed Hait Multicellular } —e_,,; Prisms Cluster &Prisms | Microsphenoidal &Sandy Found In Idioblast 49 AU! Lesily isobilateral WI ssi 9 hyoscymus Ui) ol 3, JS 99 GUL SyI penal Il E95 9453 OLOS9 vn ( rlduull 9 Splall gdrull oo stomata } 1/ HYOSCYAMUS 1/ Branched Hair Glandular Hair 2/ Non Glandular A 4] Prisms Of Calcium Oxalate 3/ Anisocytic Stomata CamScanner + Lis dsl! 3/ colapsed ‘hair 4/ crystals layer of Calcium oxalate 3/ BELLADONNA CamScanner » Lis dsl! [f" " "--aas ree ce h General Test i® fi Powders dil hel— boiling then filterate add to the fiterate one drop of mayer’s reagent ~ yellowish white Precipitate is formed ——— see peak uJ s>logiuile Aas alkaloids 9 ols SY gay Rin General Rolo ivly UI Gua pj as ‘Ls5 99 uw solanacae ff EW s5rul 9 a9LU! OLLI Gouin Ly Wy ~ Dried Leaves - Erythroxylem Coca Known As (‘Bolivian coca ) Truxillense Known As ( Peruvian Coca ) $599 9S pljasiuy! olll pow! MeV =: atlas lpin aud Spit So SS Es 5itt 529 jainly 93 pou! ali Lol lass 09 Eppa Erythroxyiaceae Auta jos) 1/.7 to 1.5% alkaloides, The most important of it is cocaine Ul coca UI 2 Blas dle pal 2/ cirmamyl cocaine O22 3/ cocatannic acid Fae", 1/treatment of human consumption 2/ excellent medicine source for digestive system Prevent the Altitude Syndrome (vertigo, vomiting ) / prevent physical exhaustion (cramps ) ‘4/ treatment of ( tothaches, rheumatic pains, headaches) Cures wounds & Antiseptic & control diarrhrea when mixed or combination with other medications. 5/ local anaesthetic , used for ine surgical operation as in eye & ear 6/ Cocaine Has A Stimulant Effect , But It Cause Addiction Saag sled! yolyol uso jlino suas /T —— Laall yoyo Qllay /) se LI ural gece wa( Claiipallaaj3bia) allay » {} io99 aga sain (ortosll aiid law al 155) SLB,I1 gion /T Sul Giga alates lo piilegyll alls Elaally ubwil ams) ala JE | lawl qlay UL>U! Yass sghoS Janus 29321 alloy uless USUy yaall ele pity SWI Olea! no Losers rno90 sie JO CamScanner » Ls % susal! rat jtgadd we 0b a Gulsgsy be OSI ain (555 ;0ll Spee ts cages sol Used parts repaedenves) pared lS apa) Species;- thea sinensis . Family:- theaceae x 1/ alkaloids (1 to 5% egifeing and from 10 to 24% tannin) & small quantites of ( théobromine and theophyll ine) 9 cmoayisaill lpouul Sige + QudlSIl yo Gans Me SLi! Spisuy pass Quasi 0151 Ul aaull pB 0,59 ale Ugo cudlall 9 Galo 9 Lard 9 chunoiy iV AosdIl 5; I> pd US| aes SLi! Gui ‘ HN pitalering o's) Fea paca 2/ volatile oils Caan 3/oxidase enzyme eee E ~ Stimulant - Diuretic -Drink TABe SSSR (Cepito / gall yao J aio) ot pscrinay -) The Fresh Leaves Contain Thease Which Is An Enzymatic Mixture Containing An xidase Enzyme Which Partly Converts The Phlobatanni Into Phlobaphene ((THE) » This Oxidase Enzyme May Be Destroyed By Steaming For 30 Seconds To Prepare The Green Tea caffeine Jy alasze A> wo tannin Ul Jgnid ally oxidase enzyme yale «Spiny slaul Bye 2sle 5) ) Spall 98 95-90 alll sll Ely yas Usll p21 Uplll go Ugsaaa yslaul gl S.> Ul Oblell ace GSaie 099 Spoil ula gia! ULine 03 pisses as codar able Sj pes Lal Gaal ( Ai3> vai daa) pasell Aly! Type Blacktea. | Greentea__ ng tea = fully oxidized -not oxidized -partially 9359 AuwSU aLa> — a>l> isl jugharo oxidized | la>abauy a3) ols sjj> bduis| | snot oxidized | - withered ~simply withered | - withered, \- simply withered ieee Lise es $eoltoaes Veo Mat -dried | -dried a ~dried cheartly amber pale green golden | -between black : s colored | in color and green tea | a “in color and “taste JP z y Jalboramdl Lest Used Part:- Dried Leaflets ‘Species:* Pilocarpus Gaborandi, Family:: Rutaceae, x CTRRYY -alkaloids which are t CamScanner + Lis % sual! Pee Tener ed stat al 2/ Antagonistic To Atropine rr bra ante) Oy ede | A93> Guus he Jon ail gg 1>l9 Sig) Igsly Glolaciw! Tul - atropine we \Spinu LW! solanaceae JI UUls yuse le = Side y, sa S = Seem _\N ENGL, Used Part:- Dried Léaves St les: Peumus Boldus Molina!) Uae wile uses | iaceae “8 | - 17 Alkaloids Mainly ° wilsdl 989 dow! Go Sl> Wl ppoal alkaloids WV we os, Saale ino Glu! Glalasaiasl JS OY 1/ Protect & Detoxifies Liver 2/ Kills Parasites 3/Support Heart Leaves 4] Stimulates Digestion 5/ Moderately Laxative 6/ Increase Urination 7 Reduce Inflammation 8/ Stimulate Bile 9/ Supports Gallbladder | 10/ Expels Worms 11/ Relive Pain | olbsbll Jias /T 419 40S .i0ll ppouuill dying aaSIl rose /) pao) puss he acliasy /E AL! Gaslaais acy /T pull slysl 950/71 Spill Lagi yale/o OLLIE QulurVl ye Ulin /V dyloll peay /4 spill 6ylasll saou /A 9 Seas PYM aay 11 puscdl (yo Ulvall spbu [1+ Aladll dalell Jase uy vals Whi alkaloids lysd Ul obi! cuals oss i LuV wd agad al J Used Prat:- Leaves e Seeett Hamamelis Virginiana Ubi ad jlonold Family:- Hamamelidacecie assy lone = 8-12% Tannin ‘ \ 7 Ft ee Gallic Acid - Traces Of Volatile Oil i wre aclgs Tannins Ne Spine tringe 1 | 3 Ase ra presence of Tani a ‘ni 4 Poa reerin ul ag>-g) Ae ( pall alas ) pall 8S 99 pasty yy CamScanner + Lis dss! es Dried Leaves is Or Albags WI sl jxopil Liga) sats 31, mily:- Lythraceae } - : ite ae to tropical & subtropical (sions of atric, southern 2 ; we: aug Allg! GLa! (Red Orange Dye) 4 (is primarily cone ntrated in welsicna isin the highest levels in the Iwan T species Ul puwlyyo ayl> dauo le Soin 2 pase iy Foul 8 am cael Bd 9 Adysll 09 oes Juin 05 Sa Usa Sm jole As it Tae affinity for bonding with protein it used to dy 1/ Skin 2/ Hair 3/ Fingernails 4/ Leather 5/ Silk 6/ Wool wtigow bls UI le 6,281 pw Aamo we Glu slgi>Y Aruii - {AedI] SUbVI / past / Led] ) Quo ol wold olioriwl9, purl ae (Squall 7 p20 b/ astringent 49 Products Sold As” Black Henna “ Or” Neutral Henna " Are Not Made From Henna ; Tateral outgrowth or an appendage on the stem, point of leaf attachment to a stem Pigment in leaf responsible for photosynthesis [eat occur on all subterranean stems and some aerial stems, They are thin fmembranous and devoid of chlorophyll. “sk ew) C= Teaves are crowded together about the top of the root around a short stem near ground or just above it. central axis on which 2 or more leaflets are arranged is continuous with Petiole and corresponds the midrib of the simple leaf F CamScanner + Lis dsl!

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