Leaf Plants

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Elhrouk lectures De/ ELGNANNAM

introduction of leaf JI hals WgJl oio rall us

..... JlaalI öslaJl

wi S iJlaal oslal Ap Algiw JSwlT 1>La leaf Jl

Classification of the leaves according to

(The active constituent)

Anthraquinone Glycosides: Senna Leaf

Flavonoidal Glycosides: Buchu Leaf

Cardiac Glycosides: Digitalis And Squill

Phenolic Glycosides: Uva Ursi


Guajava Leaf

Citrus Leaf
Solanaceous Leaves


Boldo Leaf

1/ Origin 2/ Histology Anatomy 3/ Morphology POWDER

sUlwl JS
4/ Active Constituent
U J a l slgall
5/ Uses 6/ChemicalTest
0 w l olblsiwl I aLaSl llis
ayle l Ul slall i s a

1/ leaves contain glycosides.

j gsii glycosides JIC
1/ Glycon Part (sugar)
2/ Aglycon Part (nonsugar)
(SS ) 9 (sSw s )

si u Jlw o9 origin + uses +A.C }| s i laalog oiwl awl L /1

FINAL Jl 9 itW1 Wlg> sle a u a uiol
KEY ELEMENTS/ MESOPHYLL /HAIRS|} Jl o ulLwl u,lho llaua /T
plas o JS iao Apaid9 PERICYCLE/ POWDER}

l l s 9yo us.. l i o l Las uabualiiog abio JSu said ül g

. a l sS i i l ndl oliI leaves contain glycosides o Jl
8 alS ilo saug Lag tyaall us lulai leaf Jl
i i d ös,lils
s j aiua aJl
Elshrouk leotures


Origin 1/ Used Part: Dried Leaflets ia i g

Jayly Laiall olina sa
2/ Species has 2 species
Jsi 1/ cassia acutifolia (WiSLil
Alexanderian Senna known as
y i 2/ cassia angustifolia vahl(wwl
known as Indian Senna
ci aiio soilgl senna Jl s l

3/ Family:- Leguminosae
1/ 2.5 %glycosides of
Anthraquinong derivatives; namely
sennosides A, B, C & D
anthraquinone JI
AaI J e l l oslaJl u (UuSl
Wl s 39>9o s l l EsJl9 Ell leao s l g Ss oslaJ > l
Constituent sennoside Jl aawl e w

2/ small amounts of Aloe- Emodin And Rhein in free state

ACTIVE 3/ kaempferol,myricyl alcohol, phytoserolin and mucilage
1/ laxative when give a small doses
l c u >li lal slsoJl l e a (Jeo) l

Uses 2/ purgative with large dose

3/ treatment of constipation
a dla-
(JnoJI ) JLwl osaal JLuollglslw ub
Ul sa Sic aJls öslo Aal ol uJg9
nss oaSg anthraquinone ul
Wl abs9 ).. las Jaau aal uWl aabs
S bslall l j w w ugs ualas S
Jaii i Ss öslall Sljl l Uljuwl b .
lyiog ae dawybw Jlo dlaJla
Auels óslall ,lac u b iii

lhrouk leotures Dr/EUGHANNAM

PumP i c e Piece

03908S30 2009

uul Jls i l pdg ásas pls lyhbl& Ulg óaasuo aahi sue
ISS-pd ualsul uab Sue áus $s dlil aahs jo jalsil jales
o ill i s Jas asaallc baol ul

Why SennaLeaf(Anthraquinone)Used AsStimulantLaxative?

1/It iritate the lining of lower gastrointestinal tract resulting in
contractions of the bowel which push out material in the lower intestinal
2/ anthraquinone may also retain water in intestinal contents, resulting
in a softer stool that is usually easier to pass. And it take 8 to 12 hours to

lamll agaall aball alad Jaau anthraquinoneJl /1

aba agaso uall slgall gw sdI
(aall )Jalaa W ilaSl le
asa) laai slaaJl
o lolaisl e ahlall laa Jl giaig slJl haisw lil aul abll/T

Ss a she Wps alas Js 2 species iss o lo s Senna Jie

Cassia acutifolia
Alexandria or Khartoum senna
Cassia angustifolia
Indian or kongo senna
Elrhrouk leoture De/FGHAANAM

Compare between Alexandrian & indlan senna

Item Alexandrian Indian
Shape Less uniformly lanceolate More uniformly lanceolate
Size Shorter and wider Longer and narrow in width
Surface More pubescent Lesspubescent
Greyish-green Yellowish-green
Texturee Less firmer, less flat, more More firm, more flat, less broken with
broken& No markingg oblique or transverse marking

Base More asymmetric Less asymmetric

Cassie scuttroh Cauua ag

Indian senna Alexandrian senna

why222 1/indiansenna hasanobliquelines but Alexandrian.donot

Because of (marking) trade and transfer in bales, Cause the margin
ofoneleafcompress on the nearest leaf midrib which lead to appear ofwidth lines
on the midrib and whole ofthe leaf
!! l olino o> pSSI
s bsbs a vluswle inolss ôjuao aale lps Sull sennaJl ole
l a i àroly aole oS dwg i)9 JS l e oblique lines uplu bghs s b s as

2 /Alexandrian is more asymmetrical than indian senna

aai Igsls agl 9 l lgaw indian Jl i lol SI lsog i alswJ

alex. JI ol
hrouk leeturer DeeLGHAnnsm

TRANSEVERSE T . s Ji b Jgl . 3 ulaglaallg . l Lio ul lgSla
Saall u i sily uwgal , l tu Jacl la u SECTION

T.S. diagram of
Senna leañet
Cryal pexh

Enysal ea
TS. Diagram Coenchyma

T.S. in lamina
T.S. Midribb


TrichomesK Phioem

Elhrouk lecture Dr/ ELGHAnNAm
powder J isdai e
1/ The Leaflets 2/ Stomata 3/ Hairs
Are Iso lateral Paracytic Non Glandular. They Aree
ON (Palisade Occur On Stomata. Unicellular, Thick Walied,
Both Upper & Lovwer On Both With Warty Cuticle.
Surface Surface u Stalk u Non La a

abaiog oioÖy aug S999

4/ Mesophyll 5/ MIDRIB
The spongy tissue
shows Idioblastss Showa crescent-shaped vascular bundles,
containing Cluster of accompanied by arc of pericycle fibers
calcium oxalate Fibers with cells containing prismatic
calcium oxalate
crystals of
mesophyllJl aab -the pericyclic fibers are lignified
Forming crystal sheath
Leawlpawid9 JLl JS ösl9 vascular bundles JI La
Lopo idioblast

wa UI spongy Jl sS sg>sall idioblastJI ss cluster a l W s
pericyclic fibers UI a prisms 99 mesophyll Jl o
Slg i S I i »g>g0 uao Jü9 UlJl ss woye öjgSUl ulS t.s

n-0 0mooPh


powderJslWI Ja>l las laeg s l ccy morphology Ulg powder J c lSzia là s`gJs s
JI plsiw ale oel slils auo
a Joacl lal lgsl Sao UI key elements J a al
chemical tests

Color i s light green to greenish yellow.
faint characteristic
Taste slightly bitter acrid mucilaginous
sle goal Sj al yuig 09 ESN aaab
lhrouk lectures Dr/ELGHAnNAm

Key Elements
powder ul o a u l Jac usSwgSall c i l99inis J l Ss

1/Paracytic Stomata


2/warty hairs
Non glandular-unicellular-uniseriate hair)

3/crystal sheath

Test For Identity Chemical Test
Borntragers tcst
4 ml of alcoholic KOH Boil 1-dilute with 4 ml of i1,0 dil HCL

0.2 gm powdered senna leaf 2 or3 2- filter

Sml filterate

color in the
2mi dil NOH Cool

queous layer 2-Shake weil with 5 ml ether or benucn

Ether layer
elhrouk leetures Dr ELGHANRAM

Ul Sl lE ue bslwoy cawlos
chemical test
chemical test Jlwa ls

lw osuSJllu senna JI c daglaosa

(senna Ul o uo sWI Jladl olaJl os senna la
al ag o lgal
le abgalo cJlo9
Senna Lax
Contraindicated In Pregnancy
Su irritant au Joo oi-lg a o Esao u
also lelaaSaa9h
Sd .. glycosides sia
Cardiac glycosides
ardio tonic or heart tonic

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia.

a l alaa ple Ssis
lal o plbul pAs J l

Digitalis leaf
used part- Dried leaves Dr5 1 9e
species: Digitals Purpurea Line or Digital Lanata
Origin oficial J Snag ARAD U
oJlo s pharmacopeia J
Usws.digitals purpurea. Jl sa
non official .s19 LLlanataJI Lol -
family: scrophullariaceaeu
1) purpurea GLYCOSIDES A&B
constituents ece
2) Cardiotonic alvcosides iasin Digotosin
lhrouk leoturer XO De/ EIGHANNAM
cardlo tonlca how222
Ssll..al aian s
-it increases the contractibility and improves the tones
Uses cardiac muscle. of

2/ it is used in
forms of cardiac failure all La
3/ diuretic andl a l bsl gl Jal u lel ss piu
improve blood flow.

collected and rapidly dried

at 55-60 to:
-preventdiscoloring -and active
constituent still stable
o ojl uc ac S> il)9Vl goau s.
La UI laal slgaJl
a aba slS Jaaa purpurea Jl sag giols /T ugUl giol
official J EaJ zdl lua 9Js
lanata Jla purpurea Jliw l
aags aj,lào sLaw
item obte Purpureasio18
Color Upper surface
Dark green Lower surface
Dull, pale green to
grayish- green
shape Wrinkled and scarcely oLeiJule akahsts
hairy Soft pubescent
venation Veins are
depressed on Veins are
upper surface prominent on the lower
abgaas veins JI surface
The radical leaf is
generally bigger and has longer uolgs öju Laveins JI

Jg.bl lecw petiol

generally the venation is Jls Sl u9S o l i ail leaves Jl
pinnate-reticulate and the lamina is
chaquered appearance... 0_0
a s Veins are why?!! characteristic
depressed on upper surface &
ghw sS öjyl usS a9jJl sle prominent the lower surface

ebi UI bgl l `9all sa

Ul veins J
aIhrouk lectures De/ELGHANNAM
2 /Stomata
1/The Leaf
i s dorsiventral has anomocytic stomata.
in surface) Which occur onboth (upper and lower
palisade occur only upper surface.

3/Mesophyll 4/ Pericycle
stronger wavy collenchyma.
are more
the lower epidermis
than the upper
l a d l epidermis JI L
JSidl ns lsai sisl

with about one
formed of thin-walled cellulosic parenchyma
layer of collenchyma.

Color ole aldark green
Taste Bitter
Odor ARO gl aaas dil,slight
Texture 9 uolo Papery
Key elementsu test to llew ert no vleuoniuso bbs.
1/epidermis with straight or wavy anticlinical walis
2/ anomocytic stomata 3/ uni seriate, multi cellular non glandular hair

4/very few glandular hair

T.S In Digitalis s2702 26 bsau s6VE

lhrok leeturer Dr/ ELGHAnAAm

Chemical Tests
/ Baljet sor Kedde S Test
For Lactone Ring
2/Liberman S- Burchard Test
ForSteroidal Nucleus

70% alcoholic digitalis extract, heat and filter
add 5 mi lead acetate solution, shake and filter
e shake the filter with chioroform, separate the chloroform layer.
evaporate the chloroform layer to dryness
add to the residue 3 ml glacial acetic acid and 2 drops of Fe C13
cautinously on the wall of test tube conc H2 So4
intense blue color develop at the surface between two

ilaig tya lead acetateJl o Sgå Jglao Jlo aig qo Jlo 1 qle
lo Wl vguiag üllJl a isws Jaáiga,99,glS Jlo o go a gUlsla
%0 oS y gls Jglo uo ihi as l l glacial acetic acid JI o Jo
uua salul áas Jlo TU Jglall Jaia
reddish brown aro lpig) c i all aähJl/1
bluish green aso j l lis i9 l aall /2
Lanata leaves are used as a source of..
Glycosides Digoxin & Lanatoside.
-Lanata contain..

primary glycosides called

they are tetraglycosides each containing an açetyl group
acetyl l s Janatoside UI awl suy öslo l l lanata J c u aadl a

JolS pupurea JI s 9 cio l aUl JS oS
UAS ais uasl úw ü,läo Jasia igs|
EIhrouk leoturer Dr/ eLGHAnNAM
Compare between pupurea &lanata

item purpurea
Acute t o acuminate
Ovate to ovate lanceeolate
Pinnate reticulate. Appear
Pinnate reticulate and
venation nearly parallel
anastomosing near the margin,
checquered appearance

Entire o r
broadly serrate
margin symmetric

Base Symmetricdecurrent

Winged petiole
Grecian fox glove
teor Fox glove
No calcium oxalate
No calcium oxalate

so more
Contain acetyl group
Not contain acetyl group active 3 or4 th time than




used part:-dried sliced fleshy scales
i3gsaians ylinpiaeni
Origin Species urginea maritima Lale
Family liliaceae IL
ACTIVE - Cardiac glycosides scillarin A
Dr/ elo
moxtiure of

C o n s t i t u e n t
and saponins

" c r a d i o t o n i c "

e x p e c t o r a n t "

dose a s
2/ in aLiw
s l s Ilasb

dose a s digitalisJl
3/ in pssamu obosiuul
Sgio) ulepu
alaa byao
(uall uninsd
skb) J dolASUul pi
(Arl uleu
aosami JaaoyiS
(io )
scillaroside sousedas
contains scillaroside,Jlaleajls
reddish- azyI Jesy
variety bythe AAw lasb
distinguished from the white usbal
red sguill alall
dissolved incell
sap, V u-
anthecyanin q s los
owned from anthocyanin JIe
ikisredcolor is ll auls aano S>g
and leaves
of flowers red squill
after withering known as
collected shortly miartima
I t is of uriginea
as white squill, and it
is variety
osajl Ja dga piu -
It is known asg J u lo
aslg uawl c g i leio

Buchu leaf

Used Part:- Dried
Species- Barosma Betulina wsa lagw
Family:- Rutaceae

Constituentyolatile Oi;- Contain Dinsprenol

Acdve 2-Flavone Glycoside: Diosmin
Lalvolatile oil c oe (Jgis9Jl) diosphenol JI ul 9 l

glycosides o» ( ojgus ) diosmin JI

1/it is used asdisinfectant to the urinary.tract ( the oil is excreted by

the kidneys, rendering urine slightly antiseptic.

2/it iscommonlyused ant- inflammatory conditions of urinary tract.

Uses 3/itexhibitsdiuretic and diaphoretic all o s9 Jgall o
Aaslla 2sblao action.
Elshrouk leetues

ög>9aJlsllaiu sLiass aelasuw
Macro and
microscopical characters
almost glabrous and punctuate due to Leaflets
Cence of scattered oil glands and with a
the is dorsiventral
aland situated at large oil
the base of each margin.

has non
glandular hair

Epidermal Cells
are polyYgonal

stomata:-anomocytic ( are sunken)

jaa åsaaio
epidermal JI La
w ai,& ússi lo S i n i ag ) !Hos sljl Jole llS Siaig liam) gpy.

Mesophyll Pericycle
shows a single layer of plaisade cells continous -
consist of Non- Lignified
on the midrib. fibers.
sUI Dorsiventral aaS Ew inoll uui o-

the spongy tissue contains cluster crystals of

calcium oxalate and Ovoid
Schizolysigenous Oil
Glands. :29bioovle
Clusterecgi pgwSJI USgl lc Sgiz ago

pas schizolysigenous gag lppo leal JSall aglia ajlóS

There Is Other Buchu Leaves:

cgi ... SjlJl 9l round buchu JI aawl o> ic ialSil WAw l gi buchu J
ii sall long Jl Sglawl oval JI Aag buchu Jl üls
Elhrouk lectures
Oval buchu
species Barosma cernulata hockey
Long buchu
Barosma serratifolia
Oval to oval ablong lanceolate in outline,

15 to 30 mm. long
and larger
-2.5 to 4
7 to 10 mm. broad broad.
-4 to 10
margin Crenate or minutely denate Distinctly truncate

Apex Blunt not recurved

wich is free of
Volatile oil
constituent Volatile oil and having less diosphenol
ó i a å>b Jal
alwal s ppiw ÚJill
oval JI i pJ Igoiw l lpiog cernulata
uaal naw
9l margin J JSe
cernate ugk asgll c u slgJl settatifolia úgS long Jl ala9 lui
a i i i u i y 0>y 03g
serrate ugk lgJ J aio

uw i

0>y pdl 9 JSJI ui

S9 Law lgVI) awl
jo U
JUab wWlg
Uall asb Js Vls &s, 9

Àai WsVl aajgJl c i äaall sl apex J

ugs wWl EsJl
Lol o s ö)sl ala w S j
aleall slgaJl w i a l l saahai pai g
oval JI ul ( aapo )
u diosphenol q s
Jl ga sUl wJlEsJl Jai aas
ualb diosphenol wgpro long JI Lol round
loglao JS uLilJ Lalb as
l> ånpo aiyläo ilacg
aläall åhii slS9l apo9 VI só
alaal slgaJ os EgJl V I sLUz9 ¢
..gag..... glycosides a ad

Uva- Ursi ntiei S s 99

Dried Leavess
Used Part:
Species Archtostaphyllos
uwlsw i Ji
Family Ericaceae

1/ Phenolic glycosides:
(Arbutin, Methyl Arbutin And Ericolin)
2/ 5% tannin ( galic and ellagic acids)
3/a crystalline resinous principle;
4/a yellow crystalline principle; quercetin
Constituents glycosides ta Ji esi ul s i in
J o 9 wSJl) lpawls phenolic (lols
d co lwa 1u udo1d beuo
Aua..E3y a i astringent a b doswl W ga UJua
Resin Ji u e ildsJI
EsJI ) SJL. tannins
p a laol Leigl V S svwI EsJI Lol Ursoone
liureti andntisepticindisease of the urinary tract Querectin
of skin. WHY ?

inhibting melanin production in man

as it is extract
molanocvtes by reducing tyrosinase ( enzyme) activity: so tucsed in

n i n Jlul giaw il... Logac aauo óslo gl oadl uai p

than buchu.
va ursi is more astringent
tannins as . . w I 399 Wgi uls buchuuUl o iSl uab 9l gsV aanb -

buchu and uva ursi

e s used for urinary tract infection ( antiseptic) are
senna J l e lpJg Ss Äapall aogleal i Jjgle

ghäio jao glhall Jgla Jolgio Upper Palisade JI l z a T.S JI l e Cna

Sall LowerPalisade JI

The Upper Palisade Layer Is Continuous In The Midrib Region But The Lower Palisade
Is Not
aalJ a slawl öjgiSs d l j J öoaall a l s yhs oS

Jol tlJil sle alil SIa

lösaal s

le ia vs Jiw sl oic Ul
Whatsapp /01113738800
Dr/ Elghannam

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