Dark Sun Grand Compendium - Volume 1 - Atlas of Athas

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Grand Compendium

Volume 1
Atlas of Athas

Overview................................. 2
Terrain...................................... 5
Locations............................... 21
Settlements............................ 73
Beyond the Tyr Region...... 193
Celestial Bodies................... 253
Index.................................... 256


v0.3 18/08/2021

and soil alike. A storm can darken the sky at high noon,
carrying so much sand that it reduces visibility to a pace.
Breezes on Athas are suffocating and dust-laden, caking
everything they touch with yellow-orange silt, spoiling food,
and filling a man’s eyes with pasty mud. Even still days
are perilous. Columns of superheated air can rush upward
in terrific whirlwinds, carrying dust, plants, and men to
great heights-then suddenly dying away and leaving their
reluctant passengers to fall to a horrible death.
As dangerous as it is, the wind is merely an inconvenience
when compared to the greatest danger of Athas – the lack
of water. In most places, it rains no more than once a
year. In some places it only rains once in ten years, and
the only available water lies in brackish, mineral-crusted
oasis ponds. Aside from a handful of streams that trickle
less than fifty miles before drying up, there is not a single
river on the planet-though I have crossed plenty of ancient
bridges and know that rivers were once common. What
the world was like in those days, I cannot imagine.
I have already noted what the lack of water can mean
to a thirsty man, but the dry climate affects Athas in
other ways. It allows the sun to shine down unreflected on
the barren ground, which is why it grows so hot during
the day.
At night, the low humidity has the opposite effect. The
Athas is a desert-sun-scorched and wind-scoured, days heat escapes into the sky, plunging the temperature
parched and endless. to 40 degrees or less-and in the mountains, even to zero.
From the first moments of dawn until the last twinkling As far as I can tell, all parts of Athas share the
of dusk, the crimson sun shimmers in the olive-tinged sky blazing sun, the dangerous winds, and the lack of water.
like a fiery puddle of blood. It climbs toward its zenith Nothing I have seen in my own explorations or heard
and the temperature rises relentlessly: 100 degrees by from the hundreds of travelers I have interviewed points
midmorning, 110 at noon, 130 sometimes even 150 by to any other conclusion. Athas is an endless wasteland,
late afternoon. spotted by tiny oases of fecundity, inhabited by brutal
A man cannot drink fast enough to replenish the fluids predators. It is, for all intents and purposes, a land of
he loses. As the days drag on, he feels sick and feeble. mortal desolation.
If he does not have enough water, he grows too weak to Though the picture I have painted so far is of a stark
move. His mouth becomes dry and bitter, his lips, tongue, and rugged land, I do not mean to say that Athas is
and throat grow swollen. Before long, his blood is thick dreary or monotonous. To the contrary, it has a majestic
and gummy. His heart must work hard to circulate it. and stark beauty. When first light casts its emerald hues
Finally his system overheats, leaving him dead and alone over the Sea of Silt, or when sunset spreads its bloody
in the sands. stain over the Ringing Mountains, there is a certain feral
The wind does little to help matters. As hot as a beauty that stirs the untamed heart in all of us. It is a
forges breath, it blows up sandstorms that last 50 days call to take up spear and net, to flee the city, to go and
at a stretch, speeding the evaporation of water from skin see what lurks out in the barrenness.


sky. The wind is like the blast of a furnace, offering no
relief from the oppressive heat. Dust and sand borne on
the breeze coat everything with yellow-orange silt.
The world of the Dark Sun setting is unique in several In this forbidding world, cities and villages exist only in
ways. Athas is not a place of shining knights and robed a few oases or verdant plains. Some places don’t see rain
wizards, of deep forests and divine pantheons. To venture for years at a time, and even in fertile regions, rain is little
over the sands of Athas is to enter a world of savagery more than a humid mist that falls during a few weeks
and splendor that draws on different traditions of fantasy each year before giving way to long months of heat and
and storytelling. Simple survival beneath the deep red sun drought. The world beyond these islands of civilization
is often its own adventure. is a wasteland roamed by nomads, raiders, and hungry
Newcomers to Athas have much to learn about the monsters.
world, its people, and its monsters, but the following eight Athas was not always a desert, and the parched
characteristics encapsulate the most important features of landscape is dotted with the crumbling ruins of a planet
the Dark Sun campaign setting. that once was rich with rivers and seas. Ancient bridges
over dry watercourses and empty stone quays that face
seas of sand tell the tale of a world that is no more.
The World is a Desert
Athas is a hot, arid planet covered with endless seas
of dunes, lifeless salt flats, stony wastes, rocky bad lands,
The World is Savage
thorny scrublands, and worse. From the first moments of Life on Athas is brutal and short. Bloodthirsty raiders,
dawn, the crimson sun beats down from an olive tinged greedy slavers, and hordes of inhuman savages over run


the deserts and wastelands. The cities are little better; each
chokes in the grip of an ageless tyrant. The institution of
slavery is widespread on Athas, and many unfortunates
The Gods are Silent
spend their lives in chains, toiling for brutal taskmasters. Long ago, when the planet was green, the brutal might
Every year hundreds of slaves, perhaps thousands, are of the primordials overcame the gods. Today, Athas is a
sent to their deaths in bloody arena spectacles. Charity, world without deities. There are no clerics, no paladins,
compassion, kindness – these qualities exist, but they are and no prophets or religious orders. Old shrines and
rare and precious. Only a fool hopes for such riches. crumbling temples lie amid the ancient ruins, testimony
to a time when the gods spoke to the people of Athas.
Nothing is heard now but the sighing of the desert wind.
Metal is Scarce In the absence of divine influence, other powers have
Most arms and armor are made of bone, stone, wood, come to prominence in the world. Psionic power is well
and other such materials. Mail or plate armor exists only known and widely practiced on Athas; even unintelligent
in the treasuries of the sorcerer-kings. Steel blades are desert monsters can have deadly psionic abilities. Shamans
almost priceless, weapons that many heroes never see and druids call upon the primal powers of the world,
during their lifetimes. which are often sculpted by the influence of elemental
Arcane Magic Defiles the World
The reckless use of arcane magic during ancient wars Fierce Monsters Roam the World
reduced Athas to a wasteland. To cast an arcane spell, The desert planet has its own deadly ecology. Athas
one must gather power from the living world nearby. has no cattle, swine, or horses; instead, people tend flocks
Plants wither to black ash, crippling pain wracks animals of erdlus, ride on kanks or crodlus, and draw wagons with
and people, and the soil is sterilized; nothing can grow mixes and mekillots. Wild creatures such as lions, bears,
in that spot again. It is possible to cast spells with care, and wolves are nonexistent. In their place are terrors such
preserving the world and avoiding any more damage to it, as the id fiend, the baazrag, and the tembo. Perhaps
but defiling offers more power than preserving. As a result, the harsh environment of Athas breeds creatures tough
sorcerers, wizards, and other wielders of arcane magic are and vicious enough to survive it, or maybe the touch
reviled and persecuted across Athas regardless of whether of ancient sorcery poisoned the wellsprings of life and
they preserve or defile. Only the most powerful spellcasters inflicted monster after monster on the dying world. Either
can wield arcane might without fear of reprisal. way, the deserts are peril ous, and only a fool or a lunatic
travels them alone.
Sorcerer-kings Rule the City-states
Terrible defilers of immense power rule all but one of Races Aren’t What You Expect
the city-states. These mighty spelicasters have held their Typical fantasy stereotypes don’t apply to Athasian
thrones for centuries; no one alive remembers a time before heroes. In many settings, elves are wise, benevolent forest
the sorcerer-kings. Some claim to be gods, and some claim dwellers who guard their homelands from intrusions of evil.
to serve gods. Some are brutal oppressors, where others On Athas, elves are a nomadic race of herders, raiders,
are more subtle in their tyranny. The sorcerer-kings govern peddlers, and thieves. Halflings aren’t amiable riverfolk;
through priesthoods or bureaucracies of greedy, ambitious they’re xenophobic headhunters and cannibals who hunt
templars, spellcasters who can call upon the kings’ powers. and kill trespassers in their mountain forests. Half-giants
Only in the city-state of Tyr does a glimmer of freedom are brutal mercenaries who serve as elite guards and
beckon, and powerful forces already conspire to extinguish enforcers for the sorcerer kings and their templars in many
it. city-states.


Sandy Wastes Terrain They form in areas where the winds from different
directions meet, causing the dune's radial arms to twist
Sandy wastes are open deserts consisting of vast back on themselves. Star dunes are called the traveler's
expanses of yellow sand piled into dunes of odd shapes friend, because they change shape slowly and seldom
and sizes. The most common types of dunes have been move far, thus making them excellent landmarks in an
named by travelers for the things they resemble. When otherwise indistinguishable terrain.
a strong, steady wind from one direction heaps the sand Wave dunes are the product of moderate winds which
into “mountains” as high as 750 feet, they are called blow steadily from one direction. They look like an oasis
mekillot dunes. Moderate winds from one direction create pond on a windy day, with sharp, evenly spaced ridges of
sharp, evenly spaced ridges of sand with crests between 50 sand. The crests of these dunes are only between fifty and
and 100 feet high, and these are called wave dunes. The a hundred feet high. They are not difficult to cross, but
mekillot dunes are difficult to cross, but the wave dunes the regularity of their spacing has been known to drive
of mile after mile of regularly spaced dunes have been impatient muls into a killing frenzy.
known to drive some to impatient frenzies. In any dune region, the traveler occasionally hears a
Crescent dunes form where the sand doesn't completely vibrant booming echoing across the sands. This muffled
cover the ground. They result from a steady wind blowing thunder usually continues for five minutes or more, and
more readily over the dune's low tips than its high center. can be so loud that you must shout to make yourself
Travelers can almost always find a way around these heard. Druids and clerics explain this roaring by saying
dunes instead of having to climb over them. The most that it is caused by avalanches of sand tumbling down the
interesting piles of sand are star dunes. These twisted steep slip-faces of the dunes. Personally, I think the elven
masses have tentacle-like ridges extending in all directions. explanation is more likely: the booming is caused by the


tolling bells of an ancient city that the dunes have buried. can move at only half their normal walking speeds over
Of course, not all sand lies in dunes. Where there is the loose rocks. Mounts can move at their normal walking
no wind, it may form a yellow plain, as level as a salt speeds, but can’t be pushed to faster rates off the paths
flat and seemingly as endless as the Sea of Silt. Similarly, in the stony barrens. Wagons suffer the worst fate, for
it is heaped in great fan-shaped hills at the base of the the loose stones pulverize even the sturdiest wheels in a
Ringing Mountains, where it spills out of the canyons matter of miles.
running out of the high country.
Whether flat plains or piled dunes, traveling through Flora and Fauna
sand is hard work. It requires great stamina, long periods
of rest, and ample supplies of food and water. The wind For every rock in the stony barrens, there are a dozen
can also present another hazard: sandstorms. Sometimes thorns. Cactus grows everywhere and in every conceivable
the wind howls with such ferocity that it drowns out the shape: squat spheres covered by long yellow needles,
sound of a screaming mul and stirs up so much sand that twisted masses of ground-hugging tubes, tall spine-covered
visibility drops to a few precious feet. Travelers must stop barrels rising as high as twenty feet-even in tangled masses
and wait out sandstorms or risk getting lost or separated with tree-like limbs. Many of these cacti are sources of
from their companions. both food and water, provided you are willing to work
your way past their thorns.
If you are not familiar with a particular cactus, however,
Flora and Fauna it is best not to attempt eating it or stealing water from
Plants are few and far between in the sandy wastes, for it. Some cacti have mobile needles that will work their
they must fight a constant losing battle with the wind as way deep into your flesh, not stopping until they reach
it works to bury them beneath a fine layer of sand. Still, your heart or another vital organ. The meat or fluid of
there are occasional clumps of tough grass, wiry stems other cacti is toxic, and there are even a few that shoot
of ocotillo, and scrawny sprays of salt brush. Most of poisoned needles at any animal passing near them.
these plants are harmless, if not nutritious, but be careful The fauna of the stony barrens is varied. Here, you
before allowing your mounts to graze on anything with a will find most of the animals of Athas: wild erdlus,
purple hue – such plants often drive mekillots and inix mekillots, inix, etc. Of course, there is also an abundance
into murderous rages. Kanks don't seem to be affected of predators: braxat, tembo, belgoi, and the like.
by these plants, however, I have no idea what the purple
plants would do to a man who eats them.
As in the stony barrens, you will find most forms of
Rocky Badlands
animals in the sandy wastes. The anakore seems to be Rocky badlands are labyrinths of narrow, twisting
particularly common here. canyons that wind through regions of high ground. Walls
of crumbling rock form cliffs that border the canyons,
while the hilltops consist of knife-sharp ridges that separate
Stony Barrens one canyon from the next. Oases are prevalent in the
Stony barrens are the most common terrain type in badlands, making this terrain type a natural haven for
the Tablelands. These barrens consist of large sheets of hermits, raiding tribes, and creatures of every description.
exposed bedrock, mostly orange-red sandstone. Exposed to Travel through the badlands is easy as far as movement
the wind and sun, the barrens are littered with stones of is concerned. However, travel can only be accomplished
all sizes, from tiny pebbles to massive boulders. A thick along the canyon bottoms, which means travelers must
layer of red dirt covers some areas, and in places drifts follow the winding paths to wherever they lead. Scaling
of orange sand and yellow dust pile at least waist high. the sheer cliffs, especially with cargo, is next to impossible.
Except on roads and well-worn paths, the loose rocks Add to this the fact that every turn can hide a new
make for treacherous footing. Humans and demihumans danger, and the badlands quickly become less appealing


to those who need to cross them. twigs of the trees make excellent grazing for any reptile,
Rocky badlands often surround mountains, as shown but kanks die within a few days of eating even a mouthful
on the Tyr Region map. Most of these peaks are nothing of these twigs. Don't let anything eat the serrated leaves
more than pinnacles of stone that rise above the nearby of the low-lying brush, as the sharp leaves slice up the
hills, but occasionally a true mountain climbs thousands intestines of whatever eats them.
of feet above the twisting canyons. The mountains usually As throughout most of the Tablelands, nearly any kind
provide plenty of places to find food and water, but of beast can be found in the rocky badlands, but tembo,
they also attract creatures powerful enough to claim these belgoi, and silk wyrms are especially common.
places as their own.
Salt Flats
Flora and Fauna The salt flats are just what the name implies: immense
The gulches of the rocky badlands are often covered plains of salt-crusted ground. Salt flats are generally level
with diminutive trees bearing tiny silver, gold, or purple and packed as hard as stone, so traveling over them is
leaves. There is also an abundance of low-lying brush with fast and easy. However, forage for pack animals and prey
serrated, silver-white leaves, as well as spherical gray-yellow for hunters is all but nonexistent. Those traveling through
bushes with thorny stems standing as tall as a man. The a salt-flat are well advised to take along enough food for


themselves and their beasts. than most other Athasian terrain. Because of this, Defilers
They should also carry an ample supply of drinking are often attracted to these areas when first learning their
water. Although there are oases in the salt flats, the water black art, practicing new spells, or trying to find a safe
is usually so bitter and salty that it is undrinkable. In refuge.
some cases, water can be found that seems safe to drink, Given the destructive pressure of these two forces, it
but is tainted with a slow-acting poison. is a wonder that there are any scrub plains at all in the
Tablelands. Most of the remaining tracts still exist only
Flora and Fauna because they are watched over by druids. When they
realize that a Defiler has entered their territory, these
There is a shocking lack of plant and animal life found druids do everything in their power to drive him from the
on salt flats. Here and there a traveler might find a hearty area or kill him – usually the latter.
weed or dwarf cactus, but by and large these foul regions The druids treat herders more kindly, simply keeping
are wholly lifeless. a close eye on the herding tribes and their flocks. If the
herders try to take their flocks into a pasture in danger
Salt Marshes of being overgrazed, or if they stay in the same place too
Salt marshes and shallow, ephemeral lakes can form in long, the druids will subtly guide the herders away by
and near salt flats, dust sinks, and sandy wastes. Most summoning a ferocious creature or a plague of insects.
are only a mile or two across, but a few – such as the Travel in the scrub plains is generally quick and easy.
Salt Meres or the Maze of Draj – extend for as much Sometimes travelers inadvertently anger a local druid
as hundreds of miles. The water, too salty or alkaline to or attract the attention of some kind of predator, but
sustain life, is undrinkable. Many salt marshes dry out
completely in the months of High Sun, and some remain
dry year-round if the following Lowsun comes and goes
without rain.
A salt marsh contains low grasses, reeds, or brush.
Ankle-deep channels of briny water encrusted with caked
salt wind through the marsh, sometimes opening out
into large, shallow lakes. Here and there, tough stands of
scrub or the occasional tree stand above the grasses. Few
creatures can digest the tough vegetation, but the marshes
buzz with tiny insects that can drive a traveler half mad.

Scrub Plains
Scrub plains are small tracts of dusty land dotted with
clumps of grass, thorny bushes, and occasionally even
spindly trees. These tracts are relatively scarce in the
Tablelands. Because the scrub provides the best forage
available, herders tend to overgraze these plains, stripping
the land of all foliage and reducing it to a sandy waste
or stony barren.
What the herders do not inadvertently destroy, Defilers
often annihilate. Although the scrub plains are not lush
by any standard, they contain more vegetation per acre


usually trips through the tracts of brown-green grass a giant or two, and others can support an entire village.
are uneventful. Travelers do have to watch out for gith, Miles of silt have sheltered many islands over the years
however, and other wild creatures appear more frequently from the touch of defiling magic, and those islands remain
in these relatively fertile areas. surprisingly verdant.

Flora and Fauna Flora and Fauna

The scrub plains are covered with sporadic clumps of Except for the lack of silt horrors, most creatures and
brown-green grass, thorny hedges, and tall, wispy trees geographical features of the Silt Sea can be found in a
with drooping branches and long, spear-shaped leaves. typical dust sink.
Occasionally, when a rain has fallen in an area within the
last thirty to sixty days, an entire field will be covered with
wildflowers and leafy green plants. Generally speaking,
Boulder Fields
most of the plants in the scrub plains are safe for both Boulder fields consist of broken, jagged rock. Some are
humans and beasts, but halflings and dwarves should old lava flows long since cooled, and others are valleys
avoid eating anything with purple spots (unless they are choked with rock slides or slopes of scree. They usually
fond of terrible stomach aches and feverish deliriums). lie near mountains, and most are no larger than a few
As in the rest of the Tablelands, nearly any beast can miles across. Boulder fields are formidable obstacles since
be found in the scrub plains – though with much greater they lack water, vegetation, and shade, and if travelers do
frequency. Jozhal and gith can be an exceptional problem not have sturdy boots or sandals, the sharp rocks can cut
here. their feet to ribbons. Deep gulches and crevices crisscross
boulder fields, offering plenty of hiding places.
Dust Sinks
Windblown dust, ash, and silt accumulate in depressions
to form dust sinks or silt basins. The largest known example Low ranges such as the Mekillot Mountains, the
is the Sea of Silt, but smaller sinks exist in almost any Stormclaw Mountains, and the Black Spine Mountains
low-lying terrain. Even a light wind stirs the dust into dot the Tyr Region. They are daunting obstacles. Their
billowing clouds. On calm days, a dust sink appears to be bare, rocky peaks – sometimes as tall as 6,000 feet –
a smooth plain of pale gray or dun powder. Appearances offer little water or shelter to make the climb worthwhile.
are deceptive. The dust is too light to support a traveler's After a daytime temperature of well over 100 degrees,
weight, but it is thick enough to suffocate anyone who temperatures at night can plunge near the freezing
falls in. Sometimes, the ground beneath the powder is point. Most of the exposed rock crumble under the twin
uneven, concealing a dangerous drop. One misstep, and hammers of heat and cold, so great slopes of broken rock
a traveler can disappear beneath the dust. and frequent rock slides make for arduous travel.
Large bodies of silt often extend like the rivers of old Mountain vales, on the other hand, often are watered
into more solid terrain, following narrow channels called and filled with heavy scrub, cacti, or sparse forest. Little
estuaries. Many estuaries of silt are shallow enough for of the land is suitable for cultivation, but savages and
human-sized travelers to wade with care. Very tall creatures monsters such as half-giants, gith, and kirres make their
such as giants can navigate correspondingly deeper silt; a homes in vales. Large networks of caverns lie under most
giant can wade through silt 10 feet deep without difficulty. of the low mountain ranges, home to all sorts of strange
Many large sinks and estuaries are sprinkled with creatures that prefer to hide from the sun.
islands of high ground, isolated from the “mainland” by A truly awesome mountain range marks the western
stretches of dust of varying depths. Some of these islands border of the Tyr Region the Ringing Mountains, whose
are rocky protrusions just large enough to accommodate highest peaks reach 20,000 feet or more. Some of these


peaks have thin but permanent snowcaps. The bottom of the ravines make for the easiest travel,
especially along dry creek beds. Boulder fields and steep
walls of stone sometimes intrude in these otherwise flat
Foothills areas, but the paths are usually clear. Travelers should
Foothills are steep inclines at the base of the mountain take heed if the sky suddenly darkens and a rare rainstorm
range, rising on either side of the sand heaps that wash appears, for the ravines can be washed out by a wall
down from the canyons. Foothills resemble the rocky of water. Flash floods occur frequently in these foothill
badlands of the Tablelands, for they are filled with ravines, draining rainfall from the higher elevations in
twisting canyons interspersed with steep ridges of higher violent fashion.
ground. Vegetation and animal life is the same, as are the The ridge tops of the foothills are easy to navigate and
characteristics of the land. There are differences, however. lead toward the spines of the mountains. Of course, not
The ridges between the canyons tend to be higher, and everyone is comfortable walking out in the open along the
their summits are rounded and expansive instead of sharp edge of a precipice that may plunge hundreds or even
and narrow. The closer one gets to the mountain range, thousands of feet into an abyss.
the more dramatic the foothills become. The canyons
plunge deeper, the cliffs grow steeper, and the hills rise
higher. Canyons


Canyons wind through the foothills and cut deep into A few mudflats manage to survive, sometimes through
the heart of the mountains. Their floors have a slight cultivation and sometimes by happenstance. These areas
but steady incline that eventually leads to higher ground. are lush with vegetation, including desert grasses, thorny
Every 20 to 40 miles, the regularity of the foothills is bushes, and small trees. Where mudflats stand in silt
broken by a major canyon between one and five miles basins, low islands of dense vegetation rise above the
wide. Sand washed down from the mountains fills the dust. These mudflats are rarely large; most measure only a
first few miles of each canyon, sometimes for a distance few hundred feet across. Tangled underbrush and mucky
as great as ten miles. Water gets trapped beneath the ground make traveling through these areas difficult but
sand, providing sustenance to copses of small trees, fields not impossible. In general, mudflats offer little to travelers;
of grass or flowers, and hedges of thorny bushes. These there isn't much standing water, and dangerous predators
sandy plots makes good grazing land, so they tend to hunt creatures that subsist on the greenery.
attract herders.
Deeper in the canyons, the sandy washes give way to
stony barrens littered with boulders of all shapes and Sea of Silt
sizes. There is more vegetation here than in similar terrain To the untrained eye, the silt is an endless plain
types, for the high canyon walls provide shelter from the of desolation, lifeless and deadly. Yet this is only an
sun, and water runs down from the mountains on a illusion, a distortion of the truth. The silt possesses its
fairly regular cycle. The ample vegetation supports a large characteristic formations and moods, just as landforms
population of grazing animals which, in turn, attracts anywhere do. The experienced silt traveler faces an ever-
numerous predators. A common yet dangerous form of changing terrain as diverse as that of the Tablelands or
vegetation found here is the dagger plant. A mild poison the Ringing Mountains.
coats its long, sharp leaves-some that are as sharp as Silt is not found in the boundaries of the Sea alone.
polished obsidian. Many inland dust sinks and silt basins, as well as the
As the canyon floors rise, a steep field of packed great silt estuaries, are found near the borders of the sea
boulders replaces the stony barrens. The only way to or within a few days' march. The dust that fills them
cross the boulder fields is to jump from rock to rock. is carried across the intervening lands in the course of
Travelers quickly learn that these boulders are precariously great storms out on the Sea, and it fills the lower-lying
balanced, and any false step can tip a stone and send a areas. The dust basins surrounding Bodach and the Mud
body tumbling into a mass of sharp-edged rocks. If even Palace were created in this fashion.
one boulder shifts, others above it may be dislodged in Conversely, the Sea of Silt is not composed exclusively
an avalanche of crushing stone. of silt. Rocky islands rise from the dust, dotting the
surface of the sea with firm land. Bare patches of stone
can be found here and there, places where the earth is
Mudflats scoured flat by the endless winds-places where the silt
never accumulates. In other areas, sharp crags pierce the
Little open water remains on the surface of Athas;
blanket of dust like spears buried in sand. Lastly, of
most is buried underground. In a few places, water seeps
course, there are countless mud flats scattered across the
upward, saturating the land to create mudflats. Most
pearly silt.
common near or in dust sinks (especially the shallows of
the Sea of Silt), mudflats hide beneath the churning dust,
revealed only when the winds clear an area and expose The Silt
the soupy mess to the air. Uncovered mudflats usually What is the Sea of Silt? Where did it come from?
dry out in short order, leaving behind hard, cracked clay One need only see the ruins of the ancients that litter its
that might or might not be solid enough to support a shores to realize that Athas was not always the arid waste
traveler's weight. it is today. Some people believe the Sea was once filled


Water sinks rapidly through the silt. A gallon of water

thrown into shallow silt leaves a foot-wide muddy shaft
through the dust down to the rock below. This rapidly fills
over and collapses, but some sages observing this effect
have speculated that a sufficient amount of water, such as
one good rain, could pound the entire Sea into a single
mud flat. Of course, the terrible heat of the sun would
soon dry the mud back into silt.

The Gray Death

Silt travelers must be forewarned of the Gray Death:
suffocation from windborne dust while wading or flying
above the silt (or even traveling near its borders) on windy
days. The lungs and the throat slowly clog with dust,
and unprotected characters traveling in these conditions
suffer as if they were Drowning. Breathing through a thin,
fine cloth is adequate protection for most humans and
humanlike creatures. The cloth must be kept damp and
clean, which consumes ½ gallon of water per day.

Wind and Weather

with water, so much water that one could stand on the The endless flat expanse of the Sea of Silt allows
shore and not see the other side. terrifying winds to develop across its empty scope. It is
The silt itself is a grayish powder, like very fine and dry a rare day when the Sea is still. Most of the time, it is
dust. It runs through the fingers like water, leaving not whipped into a blinding, pearly haze by the fierce winds
a trace on one's hands. The slightest trace of moisture that sweep across the dust.
causes it to stick and clump; it can cake the eyes, nose, On very windy days, the top layer of the silt is actually
and throat in seconds. Breathing the airborne silt slowly carried away and borne into the atmosphere. Dust can
lines the lungs with powder and chokes the life from even hang in the air for many hours, and sometimes even days,
a giant. after a major storm. Depending on the depth of the silt
Like water, silt has a devilish ability to find its way into and the power of the wind, this stripped layer can be
everything. A traveler walking along the borders of the anywhere from a few inches to dozens of feet thick. In
Sea of Silt on a windy day finds boots, packs, and even many places a large storm can strip shallow silt right down
pockets filling with gray dust. Most of the time it is merely to the bedrock and carry a blanket of silt over lands that
annoying-but contamination of a canteen or food supplies are not normally covered. The borders of the sea are thus
is a sore blow to the wayfarer on short rations. fluid and shift with the wind. Eventually, the wind always
Silt is denser than air, but far less than water. Stories replaces what it has taken away, and the Sea returns to
tell of inventors who tried to copy the hulled, wheelless its normal limits.
vehicles the ancients used to travel through water. The silt Beneath this top layer lies the wave silt. This behaves
is so light, and of so little substance, that even the most like any body of water, forming waves when agitated.
carefully built boat sank through the dust to rest on the Running snakewise before the wind, the endless rise and
bottom. Others tried to strap great baskets to their feet, fall of the gray dust can become hypnotic. Unlike water,
hoping that these could support their weight over the silt. the dust is too light to ever break or fall, and if the wind
They were no more successful.


should suddenly die, the silt is left frozen in endless The simplest method, wading, is available to everyone
rippling dunes. They are deceptively solid to the eye, but and is cheap. Unfortunately, it is risky in the extreme,
are no more dense than other silt. slow, and limited in range. Any character can wade in
Underneath the wave silt is the deep silt. This layer lies silt up to three-quarters of his height in depth, chest-high
so far down (40-50' deep) that it is almost never disturbed for humans and demihumans. Characters who push this
by the surface weather. Even the most knowledgeable to chin-deep run an excellent chance of stepping into a
sages can only guess at conditions in the deep silt. bottom irregularity and immersing their heads in the dust.
Presumably it is lightless and airless, and some amount Wading through silt is hard work and typically waders
of silt compression most likely takes place. What creatures move at a third of what they would on land.
make their homes here, or what secrets the deep silt hides, On windy days, the blowing dust makes breathing
no one knows. nearly impossible if one's head is close to the surface of
the silt; beyond that, it is almost impossible to maintain
any bearings. In general, the wind must be light or less
Wind Day Visibility Night Visibility
to allow a wading creature to move. Giants, who are
None By # of moons strong and practiced waders, may wade in moderate wind
Light 500 By # of moons
Moderate 100 By # of moons Wading through silt over one's head
Strong 50 50 A traveller has several options. First, have someone
who is taller carry them. A half-giant could carry one
Storm 10 10 human-sized person with no problem and possibly several
Sirocco 10 10 in a basket or similar harness. A full-blooded giant could
carry at least two human-sized characters and even six or
eight with some preparation. One or two half-giants could
be carried instead of human passengers. Friendly giants
Movement in the Silt
might be persuaded to carry passengers for free; however,
The Sea of Silt is one of the most formidable barriers to most giants expect compensation for their effort.
travel on the world of Athas. Aside from the difficulty of Second, find a path formed on a layer of compressed
simple movement across the dust, the weather is extremely silt. Compressible silt only exists in silt of less than 40-50'
hostile. Rare are the days when a traveler can find the feet deep and is never higher than half the depth of the
Sea still enough to attempt a crossing. Also, the Sea is silt – For example, the safe layer of a region of silt 20'
full of dangerous predators that view anything moving as a deep is never closer to the surface than 10' and could
possible meal. Even giants hesitate before wading silt they possibly be within a foot of the bottom. The best way
do not know, and many refuse to try a crossing without to take advantage of this phenomenon is to find a place
a companion. where people have already formed trails and to stay on
There are few good ways to cross silt. The best way them.
is to befriend a powerful wizard and have him or her Only a small amount of the shallow silt enjoys the right
teleport one to a destination. Unfortunately, the few conditions of bottom contour to be compressible, but the
mages capable of this rarely care to be bothered with only way to find out whether a specific location in the silt
such a mundane goal. Other methods of travel include supports a walkable layer is to test it with a man's weight.
wading, flying, magic, and the silt skimmer. Each has its
advantages as well as its disadvantages.
Flying involves the use of a trained airborne mount, a


glider, a fly spell, or a magical device such as a fruit of winged boots, broom of flying, carpet of flying, cloak of
flying or a carpet of flying. This is considered by many the bat, rug of welcome, and wings of flying. The most
to be the best method of traveling through regions of prized of these items have no limitations; they can remain
silt; movement is fast, dangerous silt creatures can be airborne for days, crossing unbelievable distances.
avoided, and the silt can be crossed regardless of its
depth. Unfortunately, nothing is ever quite as easy as it Magical or Psionic Movement
Other magical means include personal levitation,
levitation of a platform or raft, or travel spells and powers
Riding a flying mount that do not actually confer the power of flight. Levitating
The most common airborne mounts are pterrax, creatures have two options: drift at the mercy of the wind
dragonnels, rocs, and air elementals. Of these, only air in the air, or walk across the surface of the silt. Using
elementals are not instinctively afraid of flying over silt. levitation to walk across the dust allows the character to
Flying over silt becomes easier for the avian creature with move as though crossing plains, using normal overland
time. movement. A powerful wizard may be able to levitate
a raft large enough to hold several people and make it
The mounts mentioned above are all very strong fliers permanent; in this case the platform must be either sailed
and can literally fly all day without rest. A lesser elemental or poled. Poling a raft only works in silt less than 20'
can carry a halfling, a standard elemental a human, and a deep. Sailing only works when there is wind present, and
greater elemental several humans or one half-giant. under those conditions the Sea of Silt rapidly becomes
Eventually, even the strongest flyer needs a place to rest. uncrossable by any means. Poled vessels can only cover
One of the chief disadvantages in flying a roc on an over- one mile every two hours; if supplemented with a sail, the
silt journey lies in the difficulty of feeding and watering speed doubles.
the beast when it finally lands.
Silt Skimmer
Gliders Silt skimmers are among the safest methods for crossing
An excellent short-range solution, but still perilous. silt, but they are limited. A large and lightly built wagon,
Cliff-gliders drop 20' for each 120 yards they travel the typical silt skimmer has four wheels that are 25' in
forward. Obviously, gliders rarely cross more than two diameter. These wheels come to a sharp edge and are
or three miles of silt. Some glider pilots claim they have hollow in the center. Skimmer slaves climb the never-
encountered bizarre drafts of warm wind that actually ending stairs inside the wheel to provide motive power,
allow them to climb, forfeiting their forward progress to and skimmers also use large sails when the wind is
regain height. Gliders are rare and are seldom sold by the favorable. Silt skimmers can travel six to eight miles a day
craftsmen who build them. and can carry a load of two tons. However, they cannot
cross silt deeper than 15'.
A flying spell
Another good short-range option, though flying travellers Estuaries
are advised to keep an eye out for rocs and cloud rays, Estuaries are long, narrow arms of the Silt Sea that
though. extend inland. Estuaries have all the characteristics of
the sea itself, cutting into the Tablelands and forming
Magical devices considerable barriers to overland travel. While humans
and demihumans have as much trouble traversing these
The best method of flying by far. The most accessible
inlets as they do the sea itself, estuaries often serve as
is a fruit of flying. Other magical means of flight include
passageways for giants and other creatures that inhabit


the Silt Sea.

Silt Shoals
Silt shoals serve as paths through the Sea of Silt-if one is
skilled, knowledgeable, or brave enough to navigate these
unseen roads. In most cases, silt shoals are compressed
sand bars or solid rocks lying beneath the surface of the
silt. In others, they are buried walls of stone or the roofs of
ancient buildings that once stood tall and proud beneath
the crimson sun. Silt skimmers can travel along these
shoals, provided their captains have accurate charts or
the means for determining routes through the dusty basin.
Even the best charts can fail if a sudden storm springs up
or the wind forces a skimmer off the precarious path and
into the deeper silt.

Rocky Islands
In ancient days, before the Sea of Silt was filled with
dust, these stony outcroppings were great ranges of hills or
highlands. The island of Waverly is an excellent example
of one of these old highlands. Other rocky islands seemed
to have been more recently formed by volcanic activity; Most giants like to keep large herds of erdlu and goats,
Lake Island is one of these. Rocky islands offer the traveler but dislike actively cultivating the ground. An island
one of the few safe havens to be found in the silt. occupied by a giant clan will seldom be plagued by many
Some rocky islands are blessed with an abundance of large predators; the giants protect their herds well.
clear, cold water fed by deep springs within their strong Islands that are in the deep silt are far more likely
roots. Others are dry and lifeless. Islands possessing natural to be found in a wild state. Because the only creatures
springs are in great Demand – it is almost inconceivable that can reach such an island are either winged or silt
that one might stumble across one that did not support a predators, the islands are rarely populated by intelligent
giant clan or some other fierce predator. creatures. Monsters such as gaj, id fiends, crystal spiders,
Little vegetation grows on most rocky islands, even if they thrax, bhaergala, rhaumbusun, and giant lizards or beetles
do have plenty of water. Many are far too mountainous, plague these isolated islands.
with steep slopes of barren stone. Those few areas that are On occasion, powerful flying predators such as rocs,
level rarely possess any topsoil, as most is carried away by wyverns, or cloud rays might be found with a nest or den
the terrible winds that scour the Sea of Silt. Some more on the highest peaks of such an island. None of these
sheltered islands, or those of considerable size, are an creatures are disposed to regard intruders as anything
exception to this general rule and support a remarkable except an easy meal. Some islands of the deep silt are
amount of life. For example, the hills ringing the island inhabited by tribes of silt runners or aarakocra. Again, the
of Waverly protect the region of scrub plain that lies in infrequent intruder is generally considered an easy way to
the isle's center. supplement their normal diets.
Islands that are within wading distance of the mainland
are often chosen as homes by giant clans of all types. Bare Stone
Very rarely, a tribe of gith might claim one as a camp.


Regions of the shallow silt where the dust has been manage to pierce the silt, rising a bare 10-20' above
stripped down to the bedrock by the hellish winds of the the surrounding dust; or they may soar majestically for
Sea, patches of bare stone are rare. They never appear in hundreds of feet. It seems likely that in many places in
the deep silt regions, but can occasionally be found near the deep silt, the lesser crags are occasionally revealed or
the shoreline. buried by the vagaries of the silt.
Patches of bare stone are usually short-lived, lasting The stark crags of the Sea tend to be rather forbidding
only a day or a week before a shift in the wind buries to the terrestrial traveler. A sheer cliff hundreds of feet
them again. Because they are covered with silt most of high is a daunting barrier. Fortunately, the upper surfaces
the time, the bare stone regions are usually devoid of any of the crags are often weathered to the point of providing
terrestrial vegetation or animals. There is a fair amount a considerable area of relatively level ground on which
of evidence that some bare stone regions are more likely a flier can rest. Of course, some crags are inhabited by
to be uncovered than others (or are more prone to being creatures that hunt through flying, and few of these care
stripped of their protective silt). to have their homes and nests invaded.
On very rare occasions, an area of bare stone will reveal Generally, the crags are without a source of water or
a ruin of the ancients that had been covered by the silt. food. Some possess natural springs high on their flanks
In some cases these structures have not been looted to the that trickle water down their dusty sides, but these are
degree that more accessible locations have been despoiled. often inaccessible to any but the most daring climber. A
A few very lucky travelers have reaped rich rewards from very few large crags are weathered sufficiently to support
the ruins found in the silt-most notably, weapons of steel a few meagre acres of scrub on their crumbling crowns.
and hoards of treasure.
Commonly, the bare stone region will take the form of
a hillock or low rise in the floor of the Silt Sea. Far too
low to remain permanently free of the dust, these small The Sea of Silt is dotted with small areas of teeming life
knolls are more likely to be uncovered, albeit briefly, than known as mud flats. In these small islands of vegetation,
the lower-lying regions of the dust basin. some water seeps up from a forgotten spring or stream
A patch of bare stone in the silt sea is usually safe. beneath the silt and forms a verdant patch in the middle
The creatures of the silt cannot reach too far from their of the choking dust. Most mud flats range from 50 to
protective cover, and the terrestrial predators of the 500 yards in diameter. Some are far larger, stretching for
tablelands do not range out into the silt. The chief dangers miles. It is believed by some that these giant mud flats
come from airborne predators or the sudden return of the are the last dying remnants of the seas or lakes that once
silt as the wind changes. In a few short hours a blanket of occupied the basin now filled by the silt.
dust 10' thick can once again blanket the open ground, Mud flats can only occur in the shallow silt (50' or
burying the unfortunate visitor. less). A steady flow of water into the silt above a spring
causes the silt to collapse into thin, gray mud. The damp
area slowly expands to the largest area its water supply
Stark Crags can keep moist. The fierce heat of the sun bakes the drier
Jutting through a blanket of dust hundreds of feet thick, outlying areas into a crust as hard as stone, but the center
the sheer pinnacles of rock that pierce the silt are one of the flat often remains wet and muddy.
of the most dramatic sights of Athas. No gentle slopes Mud flats are generally morasses of dust and mire,
ring these stone monoliths; there is only a wall of rock ranging from a foot or two to 20' in depth. The mud itself
rising from the gray dust to claw at the sky with broken, varies greatly in its density. In the center of the largest
weathered fingers. mud flats, where small lakes of open water still exist, the
Most crags are found in the deep silt, because a small surrounding mud is so thin and watery that a man sinks
mountain or steep hill in the shallow silt tends to form as swiftly and as surely as if he had set foot in the silt. In
a rocky island instead of a true crag. They may just smaller mud flats, the water is barely sufficient to prevent


the formation of silt, and a man's feet might only sink a recognize distinctive features. Despite this apparent
few inches. Many flats become dried out by the sun and uniformity, the lava sea possesses as many moods as
form hard, brittle crusts on which a man may walk as any mundane ocean. Varying densities, temperatures, and
though on hard stone. But if a crust should break, the levels of activity each carry particular dangers.
traveler could easily be left floundering in dust and mud
waist- or chest-deep. Density
The combination of a source of water (however small
and polluted) and a lack of silt makes most mud flats This varies from near-solid stone to thin, fast-flowing
some of the most heavily vegetative areas left on Athas. liquid rock. Most stretches of magma are thick enough to
Many plants flourish in the wet dust, from tangled patches support the weight of a human sized creature. The rare,
of thorny bramble to low, impenetrable mangrove copses. yellow-hot lava cannot. Travelers walking the Ring of Fire
Life is harsh and savage in the mud flats of the Silt Sea; with powerful magical protection must detour around thin
the scrub plants and wild grasses are often protected lava.
by razor-sharp leaves and spines. Carnivorous plants,
especially dew fronds, often infest mud flats. Temperature
Worse than the dangerous vegetation of a mud flat are Surfaces vary from cold crusts that would not even singe
the powerful carnivores that frequently make their homes exposed flesh to superheated lava that glows bright yellow.
in the mud flats. The dreaded kluzd is perhaps the most Most magma is in the cool red to hot red range, which
well known of the mud-flat predators, but many other is quite sufficient to burn a human to ashes. The hottest
dangerous creatures can be found here. Great flocks of regions can set a human afire a hundred yards away.
carnivorous bats often roost in the dense foliage of a mud
flat, and numerous insectoid monsters such as centipedes,
scorpions, and giant beetles abound in the mud flats.
Dangerous avian hunters such as wyverns often nest in Vast areas simply seethe slowly, forming unbroken plains
the mud. of red-hot stone. Other regions are a stunning display of
If neither the plants nor the animal predators of a natural power and energy, with lava fountains hurling tons
mud flat do not make a meal out of the unwary traveler, of rock hundreds of feet in the air. The most dangerous
the small insect life of a mud flat will. The flats are active regions are the dormant ones; no one wants to be
virtually crawling with biting, blood-sucking flies and surprised by a sudden eruption of a new fountain where
gnats of all descriptions. They swarm around any soft- none was suspected.
skinned creature such as a man in numbers so great Generally, creatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire tend
that the victim is driven mad by the bugs. Ears, eyes, to prefer the hottest, most liquid magma they can find.
and nostrils are constantly attacked. Dozens of gnats are Creatures of the Elemental Plane of Earth and terrestrial
swallowed or inhaled. The only methods of driving off fire creatures such as fire drakes or fire lizards, prefer
the noxious insects are completely covering the body or cooler lava.
burning various woody plants to create a pungent smoke No water or vegetation is ever found on the rock spires
unpleasant to the vicious insects. and barren islands. The heat is too great, and firestorms
All things considered, mud flats are areas best avoided. regularly scour them clean. Despite this destitution, the
The only good thing that can be said about them is that spires can save the life of a flier in need of rest or a
a traveler can usually set foot on one without sinking and traveler fleeing a magma creature.
suffocating in the silt.
Lava Sea A blackwash occurs when silt blown in from the sea
Travelers encountering the Ring are hard-pressed to covers a tar pit with a layer of dust, making it look like


a natural patch of ground. Many travelers have fallen bases twice as wide as a large man. Some say that these
through blackwashes, so named for the black tar that features are evidence of a volcanic eruption that buried
splashes up when a victim vanishes into one. this region in the past. Others say the Dragon breathed
Because hot air from the boiling tar must escape, molten lava on a village that would not pay a tribute.
blackwashes will always have small vents breaking through All of the trees around it were covered in the stuff, while
the layer of silt. The vents look like tiny ant mounds, everything else vanished in the lethal inferno.
though the air above them is hazy due to the escaping Whatever the case, the magma forests were formed
heat. when certain trees resistant to intense heat were literally
covered by magma. Though most of the tree burned, the
water-filled trunks lasted long enough to mold the molten
Grotto stuff around them. This eventually cooled and hardened
Many streams once wound their way through the into thick, jagged columns, but time and the wind have
Giustenal region, at least if the number of dark and worn them smooth.
twisting grottoes are any indication. Literally thousands of The magma trees are crimson in color, with dark
miles of deep and shallow crevices crisscross the wastes. and light swirls mixed throughout. The wind or some
Creatures small and large make their homes in these creature has caused a few to shatter. The trees break into
places, and it is even rumored that a belgoi settlement is shards much like a ceramic vase. Occasionally a section
located in one of the largest. will break without cracking the rest of the tree, forming a
portal to the hollow space inside.
Jagged Plains
Nothing in the Giustenal region compares to being Flake Drifts
forced to cross the dreaded jagged plains. In these desolate Rough, volcanic rock is exposed in places where the
areas, fierce winds have blown free mica or quartz particles wind frequently sweeps the sand or silt residue away. In
across the crusty ground like sharpening stones. This some places, the wind eventually breaks off small flakes
causes deep ruts and jagged protrusions that decimate of the light rock, and these can gather into flake drifts.
wheeled vehicles or the feet of most riding animals (except Usually, flake drifts are only a few feet wide and as
mekillots and other large beasts that grind the rock to high as a human's waist. There are a few places, however,
dust). Careful steps may be taken over a jagged plain, where the land has cracked and formed a natural trap
but travel time is reduced to a crawl. Even slowly picking long enough and high enough to gather huge amounts
one's way through the jagged plains is a dangerous and of blowing debris. One such place is called the Shifting
agonizing experience. Slope, and can be found about five miles southwest of
The jagged plains are always a dark red in color, here Giustenal. Shifting Slope is over a mile long and more
and there mixed with the thorny stalks of a tenacious than 15 feet high, though there is at least one opening
plant somehow eking a living from a pocket of trapped known as Ghodan's Gap (named for the dwarf brothers
soil. Sand pockets are also common, and the light colored who often use it). This gap is just wide enough to let a
stuff forms brilliant bands in stark contrast to the crimson wagon pass.
ash around it.
Jagged plains are usually no more than a square mile
in area. Tar Pits
The Giustenal region is home to a number of bubbling,
smoking tar pits. A great forest once covered these shoals,
Magma Forests though it was buried in volcanic lava in the distant past.
Occasionally a traveler will come across huge columns The intense heat caused the woodland to burn beneath
of smooth rock jutting up to 15 feet into the air, with the crusting magma, which formed massive tar pits. Over


time, earthquakes and the build-up of gases broke the Gathering the material is dangerous for two reasons.
crust, and tar shoots were able to erupt in some places. First, the crust around a tar pit tends to be brittle, and
Some say, however, that when the sorcerer-kings gathered many curious individuals have fallen through into hot
in Giustenal to perform the bloody task of murdering goo. The second danger of the tar pits comes from the
Dregoth, the raw fury of their combined attack literally set malicious creatures that can live beneath the gooey surface.
the land ablaze. The tar pits then erupted like black boils Hideous things lurk just below the bubbling blackness
on diseased skin. The Veiled Alliance believes there is and they often try to pull unsuspecting victims to a quick
some truth to this otherwise fanciful legend. Their theory and painful doom. The Sky Singers have dubbed these
is that the defiling nature of the sorcerer 's spells turned horrible beasts pit snatchers.
the living land to ash. Then, with little power left for their The pits found near Giustenal are much hotter than
vile magic, the land burst with the foul blackness of the those found elsewhere.
smoking tar. This legend may have some validity, for tar
pits found in other places aren't nearly as hot and don't
give off the same greasy smoke.
Dead Forest
Whatever the truth is, all who have visited the area Once verdant jungles like the Forest Ridge, the dead
know that the tar pits are the Giustenal region's most forests were slain by wind and the ashfall of the Valley.
terrible and treacherous menace. But the people of Athas That some still stand is evidence that the Valley was not
are resourceful if nothing else, and the deadly tar has always a wasteland. The forests consist of charred gray
found its uses in everyday life. The stuff is hot enough to trunks and dead trees of all kinds. Every year, a few more
boil the flesh from a human in seconds but can easily be fall to the ravages of the Great Ash Storm. Half the trees
scooped up in containers made of glass or obsidian. Tar of any forest region still stand as bare white skeletons.
is good for waterproofing wineskins and creating torches. The floor of the forests are treacherous, for several


inches or feet of acrid ash cover the ground. Soft loam and nausea.
lies beneath the ash. It sometimes hides sharp branches ● A tremor opens a fissure beneath the characters.
and deadfalls, and it is easy for a traveler to stumble into
these. Most creatures find the smoking lands too desolate and
The dead forests, despite the name, are the most dangerous to live in. However, these regions of blasted
populous outer lands. The trees will never regrow, but earth support scrawny brambles and tough shrubs. Animals
in many places small and sturdy shrubs grow through such as erdlu, goats, jarbos, and jankx survive here, but
the ash, fed by tiny springs in the deep ravines and dells large carnivores are rare; the ruined lands simply cannot
of the ruined woods. This relative abundance of food support them. Most caves or fissures of the smoking lands
and water makes the dead forests dangerous, for powerful are vents for such geological activity as geysers or toxic
predators can survive here. gas eruptions. The smoking lands offer no shelter for the
Most dead forests support mundane life, such as insects traveler.
and rodents and grazers. Many small carnivores have
perished because of the competition, leaving wyverns
and so-ut as the most commonly encountered predators.
Lava Plains
Intelligent creatures usually avoid the dead forests because Black, featureless fields of frozen rock, many lava plains
of the high number of dangerous creatures, but outlanders are only a few dozen years old, formed by nearby volcanic
and giants mount occasional hunting expeditions into the activity. No plants can survive in this waterless desert of
ash-choked woods. solid rock-and without plants, few animals survive.
Unlike the Ring of Fire or other stretches of molten
magma, the lava plains have long since cooled and ceased
Smoking Land their relentless flow. They cover the ground in a blanket
Regions of cooling lava flows and hot volcanic vents are of dense black stone anywhere from 8-30' deep. In a few
common in the outer regions of the Valley. The proximity places a strong natural spring can force its way to the
of the Ring of Fire contributes to the already catastrophic surface, but these are simply buried anew. In other places
conditions of the Valley of Dust and Fire, and extreme volcanic vents spew poisonous gas.
volcanic activity is common. The lava plains are difficult to cross on foot. Though
The smoking lands take several different forms, most generally flat and level, they are crisscrossed with deep
commonly a stony barren with scattered vents Lava Plains fissures. The ground itself is hard, sharp, and unforgiving;
and mud pits. The land trembles from time to time, and travelers must proceed with caution or risk shredding their
geysers of hot ash and burning gases are routine. Despite feet on the jagged stone.
the physical danger of the smoking land, tough weeds Lava plains are often riddled with subterranean pipes or
and brambles survive in its tormented soil. These scarce tunnels within the rock. These lead back to the volcano
plants in turn support a small animal population among whose fury spawned the black plains. It is thought that
the mud pits and scalding vents. these tunnels serve as conduits for fresh lava during
Travel in the smoking lands is possible, but hazardous. subsequent eruptions.
A wayfarer unaccustomed to the dangers can stumble Given the near-total lack of food and water, there is
dangerously. For instance: little to recommend a lava plain. However, most flows do
possess one redeeming quality-they are free of dangerous
● A mud geyser splatters scalding mud over the animals. No carnivore hunts such empty land. However,
characters. be wary of flying creatures. On the flat expanse of lava,
A hidden vent emits scorching fumes. a roc or wyvern is the last thing a traveler wants to see.
● Apparently solid ground conceals a pit of boiling
● Noxious mist sweeps over party, causing blindness


Tablelands Dragon Horns
An ominous pair of crags rising above the rocky
“Beyond Tyr, who knows what we'll meet? Maybe
badlands south of Tyr, the Dragon Horns serve as the lair
earthquakes, scouring sand squalls, monstrous
of a vicious gnoll tribe that calls itself the Dragon Horde.
abominations, attacks by violent raiders... sure you're up
The tribe has no connection with the Dragon, but its
for the trip?”
appropriation of the terrifying creature's name enhances
its gruesome reputation. The leader of the Horde is a wily
- Shahin, dune trader
old war chief named Tuarg Broken-Fang.
Tuarg and the gnolls have taken swift advantage
Stretching from the foothills of the Ringing Mountains
of the confusion following the fall of Tyr's sorcerer-king.
to the Great Ivory Plain and from the Lost Oasis to
Their raids have grown bolder and bolder as the city fails
the Dragon's Bowl, the Tablelands are a vast territory of
to respond to their forays. Tyr grapples with too much
sand, stone, and scrub plains. The picturesque mesas and
internal turmoil to police its outlying plantations and
buttes for which the region is named jut from the plains
mines. Scenting opportunity, Tuarg has sent runners to
or rise like broken ramparts from the badlands, painted
other gnoll tribes, summoning them to join the Dragon
in broad striations of orange, yellow, and ocher. These
Horde. When next the gnolls strike, they mean to scour
ancient lands, inhabited by a wide variety of almost all
clean everything outside the city walls.
the speaking peoples of Athas, hold dusty trading posts,
hidden villages, and crumbling ruins. When city-dwelling
Athasians think of deserts and desert people, they usually Great Alluvial Sand Wastes
picture the Tablelands and its denizens. In fact, some city A wide belt of dunes stretches hundreds of miles
residents use the term “Tablelands” to describe everything from Urik all the way south past Altaruk, paralleling the
between the Ringing Mountains and the Sea of Silt. Ringing Mountains. Over the ages, sand washed from
Two city-states dominate the Tablelands: Tyr and Urik. the mouths of mountain canyons has accumulated into
Tyr claims the broad central belt, and Urik's influence a vast desert known as the Great Alluvial Sand Wastes.
extends over the northern portion. With the death of This region walls off Tyr and the foothills of the Ringing
King Kalak of Tyr, the old rivalry has taken on a new Mountains from the rest of the Tablelands (and the Tyr
complexion. Tyr's revolutionaries dream of spreading their Region in general). Although the terrain is difficult to
uprising to new cities, while Hamanu of Urik plots to travel, it is not especially harsh, and tiny wells and oases
seize Tyr's iron mines and extend his control all the way lie scattered across its golden expanse.
to Tyr's walls. However, there is a difference between what
each city claims and what it truly controls. Outside a
narrow belt of patrols and outposts ringing the two cities, Slither, the Crawling Citadel
the only laws a traveler need worry about are the laws A century ago, a mul defiler named Yarnath used
of the desert: Trust no one, guard your water, and watch a powerful ritual to create a crawling citadel of bone
where you step. in the wastes south of Tyr. However, the ritual took an
The Tablelands around Tyr hide a number of intriguing unexpected turn, and Yarnath drained his own life as
sites, including plantations of Tyr's nobles, client villages, well as those of the slaves he intended to sacrifice. He
raider camps, old ruins, and lairs of dangerous monsters. passed into undeath and became a powerful lich.
Trade routes snake eastward from Tyr, leading to the Despite the unforeseen sacrifice, Yarnath's ritual
cities of Balic, Gulg, and Urik. Great mekillot-drawn succeeded in animating the fortified palace of Slither
argosies creak slowly along these well-traveled paths, but to serve as his roving citadel. Slither is built from the
the roads are far from safe. gargantuan skeletons of seven mekillot dirks bound


together by beams of fused bone. Turrets and sharp spires Supposedly, the vault is somewhere in the sandy wastes
of bone rise crookedly from the dirk-shell structure, which east of Tyr. Its entrance is said to resemble a natural,
slowly crawls across sand wastes, scrub plains, salt flats, wind-carved portico set flush in the shadowed face of
and ridged foothills with equal facility. a canyon wall. Inside, a hidden entrance opens into a
Yarnath leads a band of raiders who primarily target labyrinth of tunnels containing the treasury vault of House
trade caravans on the way to Altaruk or the Silver Spring Madar. Undead (apparently consisting of buried Madar
Oasis. The lich's marauders hide their citadel a quarter- ancestors and servitors), constructs, traps, and wards guard
day's journey from wherever they set their ambushes, so the place. Despite the elaborate traps and real wealth
no one realizes the secret of their mobile encampment. stored here, the tomb could be false – a ploy meant to
The raiders bear snake-skull tattoos, and Yarnath has distract notice from the true and as yet undiscovered vault
established a network of spies and agents from Ledopolus of House Madar.
to Silver Spring.
Lost Oasis
Vault of House Madar Possibly unique on Athas, the so-called Lost Oasis
The merchant dynasty of House Madar fell to the features a natural geyser that periodically shoots scalding
machinations of House Tsalaxa a hundred years ago, water to the surface. Despite its high mineral content, the
but Tsalaxa's victory was incomplete. The last Madars steaming water nourishes a grove of trees, perhaps with the
concealed a goodly part of their wealth in a hidden help of the thri-kreen druid Durwadala, who claims Lost
redoubt before Tsalaxa's assassins slew all who knew the Oasis as her home.
secret of its resting place. Travelers who are allowed by Durwadala to enter


Lost Oasis never see her, and those she determines to The best way to get from one side of the mountains to
be enemies of life (such as defilers, aberrant creatures, the other is by walking. Riding animals can cover many
and templars) are slain. How she manages this feat is a miles up into the canyons that twist their way into the
mystery. Either Durwadala is especially powerful or, as has range, but eventually a boulder field or rocky escarpment
been reported by raiders, the druid is linked to the geyser will make it dangerous to remain mounted. Eventually, a
in some way, using it to ambush intruders with blasts of traveler must dismount and rely on his own two feet.
scalding water. Walking through the mountains is even more exhausting
than plodding through the desert. It’s impossible to travel
in a straight line because obstacles intrude that must
Ringing Mountains be avoided. Cliffs, high peaks, deep crevices, rock slides,
The mighty Ringing Mountains, the greatest mountains and other barriers require travelers to constantly change
known on Athas, form the western border of the Tyr direction. Add to this the fact that for every mile a
Region. The highest peaks in the range reach more than traveler journeys horizontally, he has hiked hundreds of
20,000 feet in elevation, and even the lowest passes feet vertically.
are a good 12,000 feet above the lowlands. Despite the The paths aren’t all solid and stable. Loose stones and
brutal heat and aridity of the deserts below, a glimmer of crumbling cliffsides can cause footing to slip, plunging a
snow and ice clings to the highest spires, visible from a traveler down the mountain. If such a fall doesn’t kill the
hundred miles away. The high vales are home to reclusive traveler, the resulting injury probably will. Creatures of all
monasteries, isolated clans of mountain herders, tribes of sorts roam the craggy peaks, and desperate raiders wait in
fierce half-giant and tarek raiders, and a wide variety of ambush around every other bend. At night, the mountain
dangerous predators such as rocs, kirres, and braxats. No air becomes extremely cold, dropping well below freezing
sorcerer-kings have tried to conquer the rich Forest Ridge in the highest elevations. Travelers unaccustomed to such
that crowns the mountains, and for good reason. The rapid temperature changes could freeze to death before
cold and the thin air are brutal on soldiers, the passes the blazing sun rises at dawn.
are impossible for heavy wagons and lowland draft beasts, Travelers need to beware one final danger. The thin
and the forest is protected from defiling by the ancient air produces a weariness of both body and spirit. Elves
primal wards of the halflings. and half-giants are particularly susceptible to this malady,
Despite these daunting obstacles to invaders, the which manifests as a desire to rest more than anything
Ringing Mountains are thinly settled. Halflings, and those else. Those affected by it even forget to eat and drink as
who trade with them, use secret roads and hidden passes the lethargy overtakes them.
to reach the lowlands. Vicious raiding tribes of half-giants
and other warlike races lurk in the wild fastnesses of the Encounters in the Ringing Mountains
peaks. And, as in most of Athas, monster-haunted ruins
The most important element travelers must deal with is
lie scattered through the mountains, tempting explorers to
the environment itself, for the mountains and forests are
try their luck.
unlike almost any other location on Athas.
The Ringing Mountains are much steeper on their
Ruins can be found in the most peculiar places, while
eastern face. On the western side, the great plateau of the
other areas-like canyons and gulches, for instance – seem to
Forest Ridge climbs slowly to its lofty height, but to the
have avoided the taint of the ancients. Either the ancients
east, the peaks rise almost vertically from the Tablelands,
never settled in these areas or the centuries of flash floods
fronted by a narrow and precipitous range of foothills a
have washed away all evidence of their existence. On
few miles in width. The mountains confront travelers with
the other hand, crumbling towers, abandoned keeps, and
great walls of riven rock, tortuous footpaths, and sheer
forgotten castles dot the ridges of the foothills. Often, these
cliffs that prevent passage.
ruins sit atop strategic locations, like knolls overlooking
canyon entrances. Some ruins remain empty to this day,


while others serve as the strongholds of powerful raider full-fledged fort or even a trade village before too long.
chiefs or the lairs of monster tribes. In the deepest parts of Gith wait in ambush throughout the mountain region,
these ruins, ancient treasures may still be found, including while the forest is the domain of savage halflings. Gith
bits of metal, psionic artifacts, and arcane texts that refuse hate most other humanoid races, attacking travelers on
to succumb to the effects of time. sight with murderous and plunderous intentions.
Ancient mines and other subterranean tunnels spiral Halflings, on the other hand, see travelers as potential
through the mountains and foothills. Low ceilings and meals. They stalk travelers, waiting for opportunities to
narrow walls make walking through the tunnels all but spring ambushes. Halflings always attempt to capture their
impossible for creatures larger than dwarves and halflings. prey alive so that they can present them to their chiefs.
The mines dating back to the Green Age were constructed The most savage tribes eat prisoners while they’re still
by dwarves or the now-extinct gnomes, while older tunnels alive and kicking. More civilized halflings at least kill their
were the work of the ancient halfling nature-masters. These food before consuming it. Even a halfling among a group
latter excavations can be distinguished by the organic of captured travelers is no guarantee of better treatment.
feel of the passages, for they seem to have been shaped Savage halflings assume that their unfortunate brother
through growth rather than fashioned by tools. Smooth was a prisoner that they have freed from bondage. “Freed”
walls of vibrantly colored porous stone mark these halfling halflings are invited to join the tribe that “liberated” them
tunnels, some of which lead to underground cities shaped or presented with gifts and left to decide their own course
from the same growing stone. Some of these tunnels were through the world.
used by the people of the Green Age, serving as psionic
highways that provided quick transport from one side of
the mountains to the other.
Echoless Caverns
Time has made many of these mines and tunnels Decades ago, a human named Mulmehr discovered a
unstable. They can collapse unexpectedly, trapping particularly old series of tunnels through the mountains
explorers or even crushing them beneath tons of falling and claimed them for himself. Mulmehr, a scion of the
rock. Water fills some of the mines. Every so often a pool Shahram noble family in Tyr, spent years and much of
of stagnant water burns like acid or dissolves flesh clear his resources modifying the tunnels to use them in a
to the bone. Explosive gases hang in the air in a few psionic ritual. He completed his preparations, attempted
mines, causing tunnels to burst into flames at the slightest the ritual, and apparently failed. Many of the tunnels
touch of torch light. Even the weakest quakes can cause collapsed, and Mulmehr was never seen in Tyr again.
extensive damage to the ancient systems. Whatever the nature of the ritual, the tunnels have
Intelligent beings can be encountered throughout the since gained a reputation as an evil place that drains
Ringing Mountains, but travelers must be constantly all sound from visitors – as well as their willpower and
ready to fight or flee. Few of the mountain inhabitants volition. No one can say what lies at the heart of the
that travelers meet will be friendly, with the exception Echoless Caverns, where Mulmehr scribed the ritual circle,
of the herders tending their animals in the canyon sand because no one has reached that area and returned to
washes. Most others are hiding or hunting, so they should tell the story.
be avoided.
Travelers may discover trading posts hidden in the Mausoleum of Shiivarm
canyon passes, especially since a few of the merchant
houses have begun to seek routes to the lands beyond the In the middle of a deep cleft in the mountains north
mountains in recent months. Of course, the locations of of Tyr stands the ruin of a white palace surrounded by
outposts are jealously guarded, so travelers not affiliated golden-brown savanna. Its towers are carved with images
with an outpost’s ruling house shouldn’t expect a warm of strange beasts that no longer exist on Athas – great,
welcome. However, if the new trade routes develop as long-nosed creatures with tusks and flaplike ears – and
anticipated, more than one outpost should grow into a its central dome gleams with polished copper. The word


“Shiivarm” is written across the palace gates in the ancient

Barazhad script of the elemental powers, but no one
alive today knows who or what Shiivarm was, or whether
the structure is truly a mausoleum. Demons haunt the
vicinity, falling upon travelers whose curiosity draws them
too close.

Mount Narran
The steep slopes of this dark peak are sometimes visible
from the walls of Tyr, especially when witch lights play
within its gaping mouths. Tunnels, tombs, and long-looted
ruins riddle the mountain's lower reaches. On a plateau
near the summit stand the crumbled walls of an ancient
githyanki outpost. Today, the only inhabitants of the ruins,
the tunnels, and the winding stairs beneath are gith that
hunt the Ringing Mountains, ambushing sources of food.
The warrens below Mount Narran contain thousands
more fierce gith. It is said that they revere an old statue
hidden far below the surface, where they carry out savage
rites of blood and sacrifice.

Ruins of the Ringing Mountains

Crumbling towers, abandoned keeps, and forgotten
castles dot the ridges, foothills, and clifftops of the Ringing
Mountains. Many ruins are in strategic locations, such
as on a knoll overlooking a canyon entrance. Some are
empty, and others host monster or raider tribes.
Aside from these visible ruins, ancient mines and Screaming Ravine
subterranean tunnels spiral through the mountains and
A natural cave mouth in the southern range of the
foothills. These underground passages are prone to cave
Ringing Mountains opens onto a shaft that leads down
ins, noxious gas, and dark creatures that make their homes
into a series of mine tunnels and small chambers. A
away from the crimson sun. Some of the mines date back
ravine of uncharted depth bisects many of the crumbling
to the Green Age or earlier. The oldest excavations have
tunnels and chambers. Bloodcurdling screams occasionally
smooth, brightly colored walls, and sometimes they lead
echo up from the dark.
to underground ruins of peculiar, domelike cities.
A narrow switchback path leads down one wall of
the ravine toward its nadir. Since the chasm has not been
All the ruins of the Ringing Mountains hold out
explored in full, no one knows what lies at the bottom.
the possibility of treasure, perhaps still recoverable after
hundreds or thousands of years of neglect. The riches
include bits of metal, psionic artifacts, and tomes imbued
with arcane resilience.


The Ivory Triangle

a smooth, level passage from one end of the Triangle to
the other. Dune traders and nomadic tribes skirt out onto
the flat to make good time, but they stay close to the
“I strangled my owner with the leather rope that fettered edges so they can take shelter in the surrounding terrain
me, and fled into the desert without food, water, or weapon. when the sun hammers down on the glistening white
I nearly died. The Triangle is a hard land, and I may die plain.
yet. But I promise you that I'll die free.”
- Tol Thamar, escaped mul slave
At the eastern end of the Great Ivory Plain lies a bleak
region known to nearby nomads as the Beastbarrens. Few
Lying in the center of the Tyr Region, the Ivory Triangle
people have reason to come this way, and those who do
is a crossroads and a wasteland. Most of the area is
rarely linger long before retreating, for the Beastbarrens
desolate, home only to monsters and desert raiders, but it
is a cursed land. Here, an unknown, baleful power warps
sits astride the trade routes from the cities of Raam and
desert predators into freakish monstrosities; they sprout
Draj in the north to rich Balic in the south. Every day,
extra limbs, their hands or paws grow into dagger like
gigantic mekillot-drawn argosies and fleet footed kank or
claws, scaly armor covers their skin, and worse. New
crodlu pack trains make their way across the blistering
terrors wander out of the Beastbarrens every few days
salt flats. The rival city-states of Gulg and Nibenay are
or weeks to fall on caravans and outposts in the eastern
found in the Ivory Triangle; they lie in a narrow verdant
reaches of the Ivory Triangle.
strip along its northern edge at either end of the Crescent
Forest – one of the last lowland forests on Athas. The
sorcerer-queen Lalali-Puy rules as a goddess over the The Broken Butte
forest city of Gulg, and the sorcerer-king Nibenay, also A maze like system of canyons and ravines gouges the
known as the Shadow King, holds dominion over the flanks of this great hill of black stone on the edge of the
ancient metropolis that bears his name. Beastbarrens. Broken Butte is home to a large tribe of
The Ivory Triangle consists of the Great Ivory Plain minotaurs known to have an appetite for raw flesh. The
and the surrounding lands. It extends from the North savage minotaurs seek to drive travelers into the canyons,
Fork of the Estuary of the Forked Tongue to the ruins then harry the victims until they are thoroughly lost – at
of Giustenal on the Bay of Maray in the northeast and which point the beasts descend upon the victims and
the Salt Meres in the southeast. Outside the verdant devour them. The tribe sends its fiercest warriors into the
belt supporting the Crescent Forest and the city-states wastes to undergo physical transformations, viewing the
of Gulg and Nibenay, only a handful of small villages changes suffered by the champions as the marks of a mad
and outposts are scattered over this vast area. Most are god's favor.
forts manned by garrisons hired to protect mines caravan
stops, or other resources from raiding bands and monsters,
and to repair any facilities that are damaged by storms. Pristine Tower
Battlefields and wrecked sites dot the landscape as well Standing alone in the heart of the Beastbarrens, the
– some recent, others so old that no one remembers who Pristine Tower is an astonishingly old relic of ages past.
fought there or why. In addition, the Triangle holds raider Only the sorcerer-kings and precious few other Athasians
tribes, slave villages, haunted ruins, and other mysterious realize its true history. Most people know only that the
locales. tower is a structure of pure alabaster stone rising out of
The dominant feature of the Ivory Triangle is the Great the desert that has somehow resisted being swallowed by
Ivory Plain, a salt flat stretching for hundreds of miles. the sand. Sages and experienced travelers also know not
Although the fiat is nearly uninhabitable, it offers travelers to approach the Pristine Tower, for it is guarded still, and


a gruesome fate befalls those who come too close. Worse travelers caught in the dunes are likely to be buried so
yet, creatures that sustain physical wounds within a few deep in the sand that their bodies will never be recovered.
miles of the tower fall prey to the transformative plague Above the dunes, the mountains are dry and stony,
that fills the Beastbarrens with loathsome monstrosities. with bare. windswept peaks vanishing upward in the
haze. These slopes are nearly unscalable. They offer few
footholds, and the gusty wind from the west can hurl a
The Windbreak Mountains climber off the mountains and to his death.
The Windbreak Mountains mark the northwestern base A climber who somehow manages to scale the lower
of the Ivory Triangle region. This high mountain range slopes will likely suffer the mysterious ennui which travelers
juts abruptly from the sandy wastes at the edge of the suffer in the Ringing Mountains. The air gets colder, and
Tablelands on its northwestern windward) side. These unless the climber is careful, he or she will just sit down
mountains are called the Windbreak Mountains because and freeze to death.
they protect the Ivory Triangle region from the prevailing Fortunately, there is little need to climb these mountains.
west winds blowing off the Tablelands, out to the Sea of Most caravans travel around them to the south, along
Silt. the Verdant Belt, or on the eastern side through the
Travelers approaching the mountains through the sandy Blackspine Gap. Moreover, the Bremil Pass lies roughly
wastes first see them as a gray-brown haze on the horizon. in the center of the range, and provides access to the rocky
Some claim to be able to see the peaks from as far off badlands along the northern edge of the Crescent Forest.
as Silver Spring. The canyons of the rocky badlands that The canyons of this region run east to west, making this
abut the Windbreak Mountains are neither as long nor a natural alternate route to the city of Nibenay.
as twisted as those found at the edge of the Ringing On the leeward side (away from the wind), the slopes
Mountains. A day's journey through the badlands will are much gentler. Long ridges, like buttresses on ancient
usually bring a traveler to the base of the mountains. temples, provide easy climbing to the higher slopes of the
Unfortunately, travel from this point forward is mountain. The Crescent Forest extends about halfway
virtually impossible. The windward face of the mountains up the slopes on the southern half of the range. Above
forms a nearly unscalable barrier. It looks more like the the treeline the mountains retain much of the barren,
edge of some enormous broken mesa than a mountain windswept conditions seen on the windward side of the
range. Over the centuries, the wind and sand have worn range. Where the Forest covers the slope, the ground is
away at the rock, making it slippery-smooth and relatively covered with a loamy soil held to the mountainside by
free of crevices and protuberances. moss and grass.
The canyon floors on the windward side are littered The northern leg of the mountains does not run directly
with rock and dust worn from the mountain face. Most against the forest. Enough dry, hot wind blows through
of the pieces are pebbles, but some of the fallen boulders the Bremil Pass to create a band of rocky badlands north
are twice the height of a man. Worse, these canyons are of the forest, and even to thin the forest along its border.
often filled with sand which has drifted into the region
over the centuries. It is not uncommon to find sand Flora and Fauna
dunes five times the height of a man piled against the
The Windbreak Mountains appear barren and empty
mountainside. Often this sand has been piled to unstable
to the casual observer, yet even here life clings to the
heights by the wind. These drifts will collapse at the
land. Cacti and desert flowers are scattered throughout the
slightest disturbance. Some travelers in the region describe
foothills. The serrated-leaf bush called silverknife, common
hearing a loud rushing sound, like the wind in your ears.
to badlands all over the Tyr region, can be found in the
If this sound is very loud, flee – you may well be facing
foothills, as can the tall. thorny gray-yellow bushes known
a sand slide.
as wanderer's staff. The mountains themselves are almost
A typical avalanche will not travel far, only perhaps twice
barren. although here and there small flowers and mosses
the height of the dune. They are dangerous, however, and


cling to life even in this dry, windswept place. travel by foot or kank. While crodlu have the stamina
The very highest slopes, however, are not dry, but rather to climb the steep slopes, they are not as sure-footed as
seem constantly damp. It is the runoff from these slopes kanks, particularly if they are carrying any kind of burden.
that waters the Crescent Forest and the Verdant Belt. Travelers with destinations in the high mountains have
The streams tend to run down only on the leeward side. at times brought crodlu for pack animals, and have then
Wherever these clear and cold mountain streams can be been forced to slaughter and eat them when the going
found, there are mountain trees and shrubs in abundance. got too rough. This is one consideration that may make
The foothills hold a variety of animal life: fire lizards, crodlu preferable to kanks for inexperienced travelers.
rasclinn, tagsters, id fiends, cha'thrang, and packs of Travel in the mountains is extremely slow. There are
zhackals can be found here. There are herds of erdland no clear pathways to reach most high destinations. The
here, but z'tal are the common omnivores at the bottom traveler is relegated to slowly inching across the stone.
of the food chain. The more cunning predators of the Crodlu and kank can also maneuver slowly through this
region can cull out a few of these timid lizards from their region, although there is no way for them to pull a vehicle.
herd without starting a stampede. An unencumbered human can travel but three miles per
In the mountains, on the other hand, animal life is much day in the mountains, and bad weather or an accident
more scarce. There are carnivores, to be sure, although can easily halve that.
they prey on each other as much as on the erdland The availability of water is much more a question of
herds that wander the middle slopes. Id fiends, mountain which side of the range one is on, rather than altitude.
lions, and giant scorpions are the most prevalent of the The windward side is dry, with very little water available
carnivores, but bulettes and even an occasional earth anywhere. A careful search on the leeward side, however,
drake may be encountered here. The highest slopes are may yield one of a number of clear mountain streams.
the province of winged creatures or those with exceptional Food is similarly distributed: plant life is much more
climbing ability: rocs, aarakocra, dragonnels, and giant abundant on the leeward side, while a traveler on the
spiders. windward side may end up in battle with a carnivore to
determine who shall dine on the other.
Traveling in the foothills can be done by any normal Inhabitants
means. There is a well-marked trail through the Bremil The Windbreak Mountains are not heavily populated.
Pass which is wide enough and level enough to permit Few humans and demi-humans bother trying to survive
a mekillot wagon to pass. The rough surrounding terrain, in the barren mountains when the Verdant Belt is just
however, makes the Bremil Pass an ideal place to ambush below. Nevertheless, there are a few races which make
a caravan. For this reason, few merchant houses use this their homes here.
route. Kanks, crodlu, and foot travel provide the best The aarakocra have extensive nesting areas in the
means of finding a direct route through the canyons of higher regions of the mountains. These creatures nest on
these rocky badlands. inaccessible mountain peaks, keeping them safe from all
Traveling east and west with the direction of the canyons but other winged predators. They have a terrible time with
is airy easy, while traveling north and south requires rots, however, which have come to view aarakocra nests
crossing the walls between canyons. A human traveler in the same way a woodpecker views an ant-riddled tree.
can go perhaps eight miles in a day east-west through The foothills harbor other intelligent creatures. In
these canyons, by the time you account for following the addition to the small slave bands which hide in the many
twisting canyons instead of traveling in a straight line. By caves and canyons here, there are three intelligent races
comparison, a north-south traveler can go perhaps our which inhabit the rocky barren foothills.
miles in that same time. The first are the slig. These hairless humanoids live
In the mountains themselves, the best choices are to in small clans, generally inhabiting a cave or narrow


canyon. They lay traps in nearby canyons by lining pits The Crescent Forest lies along the southeastern edge
with sharpened stones and poisonous snakes. These traps of the Windbreak Mountains. This thickly forested zone
are checked once or twice a week, and creatures caught is the most fertile and well-watered area in the Ivory
in the traps are hauled up and brought back to the slig Triangle.
home to be eaten. The forest receives more water than any other section
The slig participate in some trade, particularly with well of the Ivory Triangle. Most of this is runoff from the
guarded merchant caravans and a few of the outlying Windbreak Mountains; the few clouds which pass through
villages. They purchase weapons and other manufactured the Ringing Mountains release their rain when they hit
goods, trading the hides of fire lizards and other creatures this high mountain wall, and the water quickly runs down
they have captured in their pits. They sell captured into the forest. This water is supplemented by a number
humans and demihumans into slavery. of natural springs scattered throughout the forest.
There are also a number of b'rohg living in the canyons. The increased water does not make up for the intolerable
These bestial creatures wander the canyons in small heat which oppresses even this fertile zone. The forest is
bands, attacking any creature they think they can kill. a little cooler than the surrounding desert, so that those
They kill for food, and are just as willing to dine on within it require less water.
human or demihuman as erdland. They fight with the
slig who occasionally lay traps for the B'rohg and sell the History
captives as gladiators. The Crescent Forest maintains a precarious existence
In addition to the roving bands, a few b'rohg who have huddled against the slopes of the Windbreak Mountains.
actually escaped from the gladiatorial pits of Nibenay The forest is thickest in the south and center, and has
roam the rocky badlands. While they are no more thinned considerably in the north because of logging in
articulate than their free cousins, and while they do not Nibenay, the hot winds blowing through Bremil Pass,
band together as the other b'rohg do, these creatures and the gradually decreasing rainfall throughout the Tyr
can be quite dangerous. Unlike the primitive tools of region. Nevertheless, it seems that the forest – at least for
the b'rohg hunter-gatherer bands, they often have real now – is holding its own.
weapons and armor. At one time, the Crescent Forest may have extended
The deadliest of the intelligent races residing in the the entire length of the Verdant Belt, but no one can
badlands are the scrab. These highly intelligent insectoid say with any certainty. The recent history of the forest
creatures are not common in the badlands, but they has been the story of the centuries old rivalry between
make up for their numbers with their dangerous psionic Nibenay and Gulg. The hunting culture of Gulg has
abilities and their cunning minds. The less intelligent put it at odds with Nibenay's heavy logging industry.
races who live in the badlands avoid the diminutive scrab Currently, the judaga head-hunters of Gulg have managed
as much as possible although they do occasionally pay to keep Nibenay's lumber camps limited to the northern
tribute to the creatures. The slig and b'rohg will stake end of the forest. The lumberers worry that unless they
captured elves to the ground near a scrab nest as a way of are able to range more freely into the south, they may
appeasing their deadly neighbors. The scrab seem to have be forced to thin the northern end of the forest to a
an insatiable appetite for the suffering of elves. The slig dangerous degree.
will always consider an elf's value on the slave market and
as a meal before making such a gesture. The b'rohg, who Flora and Fauna
picked up the habit by watching the slig, do not really
understand this very well and are likely to bring any tall The plant life of the Crescent Forest has adapted well
humanoid to the scrabs. to this heat. Many of the segmented conifers that are
found in the Forest Ridge are also found in the Crescent
Forest. However, the enormous palm fronds which blanket
The Crescent Forest the Forest Ridge are much less common here.


The fanna trees are tall and thin, with a dense network
of leaves and branches only at the very top to catch the
sunlight. The leaves are narrow even when open, and fold
to thin slivers in the heat of midday. Beneath the canopy
of thin leaves lies a scattered patchwork of smaller brush
of a variety of species.
The soil is loamy and soft, and often carpeted with
a blue-green moss called berill. This moss retains water
and holds the soil together. In open clearings during the
season of high sun, berill dries to a thin shell which
crackles when stepped upon; in this state it is edible (with
a flavor like dried tea leaves).
There are many species of plants found only within the
Crescent Forest, so far as anyone of the Tyr region knows.
Travelers can find a number of wild fruits and nuts
within the Crescent Forest. Welela plants provide a long,
thin, prickly gourd whose meat is flavorful and contains a
fair amount of water. Welela plants are cultivated outside
of Gulg, but they can also be found throughout the
Crescent Forest. Geja, on the other hand, is a soft-skinned
fruit which is only ripe for a few days each year, and most
of its fruit quickly falls prey to insects. If it can be picked
and eaten fresh however, it is sweet and delicate. Geja
can be dried in the sun, in much the same way one can
dry dates. Geja retains much of its sweetness when dried.
The kola nut, which is heavily cultivated by the slaves of
Gulg, is ground into a fine powder which, when steeped
in water, creates a tasty beverage which stimulates the
mind and wards off sleep.
The blue agafari tree is among the most striking of
the plants in the Crescent Forest. Its spreading branches
provide shade and shelter in the forest; indeed, the palace
of the oba Lalali-Puy in Gulg rests upon the limbs of
a huge agafari. Its wood is nearly as hard as bronze
and makes excellent weapons and shields. In Nibenay,
its straight limbs are sharpened and used as lances for
the Shadow King's half-giant army. Agafari nuts are
edible and its leaves may be used for ticking. The tree is
incredibly hardy and its wide trunk can be hollowed out
without killing the tree.
The only hazard one might encounter when traveling
among agafari trees lies in the bloodvines which live on
their bark. These vines are as thick as a man's finger and
tightly root themselves to the bark of a tree. Sometimes
they can coil themselves around the base of a tree,


completely obscuring the trunk. In addition to being a not allow it to use such abilities very effectively. Some
physical nuisance, these vines can inject their roots into templars have suggested that the sightings may just be the
anything living which touches them. This causes intense result of a druid causing trouble.
pain and, if the contact is prolonged, even death. The
slaves of Gulg spend much of their time keeping the Travel
bloodvines off the agafari trees in the city. The bloodvines Travel through the Crescent Forest is easiest by foot
are so common on agafari trees that some believe they or by crodlu. Mekillots and inix are unable to penetrate
are actually part of the tree, rather than a parasite living the denser portions of the woods, and there are no
on it. A more aggressive carnivorous vine is the strangling roads through the forest (except to the logging camps of
vine, which can be found in the more remote areas of the Nibenay). An unencumbered human can travel eight
Crescent Forest. These plants are found draped between miles in a day through the Crescent Forest. Crodlu can
several trees, usually over a footpath or trail. The vine lays also be ridden through the forest, but not as rapidly as a
motionless until suitable prey passes beneath it. The vine man can travel on foot: a normal human riding a crodlu
then drops to its victim, buries its thorns deep the victim's can travel only four miles a day through the Crescent
neck, and then strangles the victim by yanking them off Forest.
their feet, kicking and screaming. Travelers should also Travelers should have no difficulty finding water in the
beware of the giant sundew, which is a creature with the forest, and even a moderate knowledge of the plants in
appearance of a mound of ropes covered with gray-green the forest or a modicum of hunting skill should assure
tar. This plant can cast its tendrils several feet, burning plenty of food for a small party. Large groups (more than
its victim with an acidic touch. 20 individuals) should bring at least some of their own
The forest is also home to the carnivorous plants food, as such a large group can easily scare off all the
found across the Tablelands. Blossomkiller, dew fronds, game in an area.
poisonweed, and zombie plants can all be found in the
Crescent Forest. While none of these are common, travelers City-states
should be aware of the dangers which they present.
The fauna of the Crescent Forest is as varied as Two of the city-states of Athas depend on the Crescent
the plant life. There are a number of large carnivores, Forest for their survival. The city-state of Gulg actually
including crystal spiders, tembo, zhackal, and even the lies within the forest and depends upon the forest to
occasional gaj. support its hunting and foraging, while much of the
Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the wildlife within economy of Nibenay depends upon the lumber they
the Crescent Forest is the wide variety of birds. There are extract from the northern end of the forest. There is a
hundreds of species, each brightly plumed and with its fair amount of human and demihuman traffic through the
own distinctive call. Some birds in the Crescent Forest, forest from these cities. Gulg's slaves range far into the
like the yellow-plumed rhoss, can be trained to mimic the forest to gather nuts and berries. The judaga head-hunters
speech of humans. The red and green kvale, can actually stalk prey throughout the forest and occasionally return to
recall melodies that it hears. Many of the children's songs Gulg with the head of a Nibenay woodsman. Parties of
of Gulg imitate the call and response of the kvale. half-giants commanded by Nibenay's wife-templars patrol
The lumber camps of Nibenay have recently reported the outer reaches of their city's interests. More than once
sighting a behir in the forest. It will not be the first time tensions have increased to the point of war.
that the woodcutters have had to deal with a predator
whose territory they have encroached upon. Based upon Temple of the Eye
description, it seems that the beast must have made its Beyond the bounds of Nibenay's farthest logging camps
home in the Crescent Forest for centuries. The woodsmen sits a crumbling, vine-choked ruin, a former temple of a
have heard that behir have devastating psionic abilities. forgotten dark god. The image of an enormous, hideous
Templars assure them that a behir's low intelligence would eye is carved into the wall above the black stone altar.


Nibenese templars tend the temple day and night, slaying young acolytes, but the tale is gaining credence among
anyone who happens upon the site, but they never enter the entire druidic community. Of the living druids, only
the unexplored catacombs belowground. Well guarded Brazin has added to the grove.
slave laborers spend their days chiseling stone carvings
from the temple's ancient walls, and teams of bearers ferry Brazin: Brazin has lived in the Crescent Forest almost
the carvings back to the Naggaramakam, the dominion of continuously for the last 20 years. He has spent much of
the Shadow King. To what purpose Nibenay puts these his time observing the forest and becoming familiar with
carvings, none can say. it. Brazin believes that the forest, unique as it is within
the Tyr region, is crucial to the life of the entire region.
Druids of the Crescent Forest He has consistently demonstrated his love for the forest.
There are roughly 15 druids guarding various features of Shortly after discovering the oba's grove, Brazin was
the Crescent Forest. but unlike their desert counterparts visited by the forest goddess herself. She chose not to kill
these druids have banded together into a simple hierarchy the druid outright, and in her characteristically cunning
underneath the druid Brazin. While the druids are not manner turned the druid into a puppet of the crown.
formally obligated to obey Brazin, he acts as a coordinator Over a series of several discussions which took place
for their efforts and as a source of information about over the period of a year, the oba convinced the druid that
travelers through the wood. In time of crisis, Brazin their goals were complementary. She convinced Brazin
becomes an active leader. Unless there is an emergency, that Gulg's interests were best served by maintaining the
however, he limits his efforts to pointing out problems and balance within the forest. The city was a community of
to advising his fellow druids on how to solve them. hunters and gatherers. Nibenay's logging, however, was
The heart of druidic power in the Crescent Forest is a a threat to both Gulg's future and to the forest itself.
grove of trees of life nestled deep in the forest. This grove She did not mention that it was Gulg's judaga who had
predates any living druid, but legends tell of a powerful hunted the kirre to extinction within the Crescent Forest.
druid who founded the grove when the Crescent Forest Brazin found himself forming one of the most unlikely
still stretched wide across the Tyr region. In truth the grove alliances on Athas. Lalali-Puy advised Brazin to form
was created by Lalali-Puy, the oba of Gulg, as a reservoir the hierarchy of druids in order to better advance their
of magical power for use by her defilers in an advance on interests, rather than operating independently and less
Nibenay. This grove contains 50 of the precious trees and effectively. She also encouraged him to range more broadly
is tended by an Athasian treant. This treant was created and take a more direct hand in druidic activity across
by the first druid the oba had coerced into tending her the forest. She sealed their arrangement by insisting that
grove. The spirit of the land of the water of the aquifer Brazin add a tree of life to her grove.
which supports the Crescent Forest was bound into a tree The oba believes that she is creating a specialist
of life to create this guardian. The water of the aquifer military unit that will serve her in a final confrontation
has been slowly depleting since then. The treant has with Nibenay and will not compete with her for resources.
been living in this grove for over 1,000 years, and it is Brazin's druids can also serve the sorcerer-queen as an
specifically tasked by the oba with protecting it from any intelligence network, providing information to Brazin on
danger that invades. Some druids believe that it is the Nibenay's activity within the Crescent Forest. The oba
mystical influence of this treant that has maintained the will allow the druids to operate in the forest as long as
spring water which allows the forest to survive. they continue to serve her interests. She keeps a careful
Brazin tells the younger druids that any druid who adds eye to their numbers and their ability to be certain that
a tree to the grove becomes a spirit of the land upon his they do not become unmanageably powerful.
or her death; moreover, that druid gains contact with all Brazin does not suspect the oba's motives beyond what
of the other spirits in the Forest and can call upon them she has explained to him. However, he cannot bring
in time of need. Brazin made up the story to inspire his himself to reveal the truth of his pact with the queen
to his fellow druids. To ally with a defiler, let alone the


savage oba of Gulg, would be considered sedition by the

but allows him to speak with travelers and fellow druids
druids of the Crescent Forest.
without changing shape.
Brazin's guarded land is the aquifer that supports life
within the Crescent Forest. As a result, his span of control
is both broader and more limited than his fellow druids
within the forest. Brazin has, at the encouragement of the In the deepest part of the Crescent Forest lies a stretch
oba, become a sort of custodian to the entire forest. He of forest that appears to be alive. Strange eyes watch from
gets along well with the other druids, and he has taken the undergrowth, and the trees seem malignantly aware.
a very broad view of his responsibility to the guardian Here in this wood, called the Witchgrove by those who
lands. Thus, while one could argue that the Nibenay encounter it, the Lands Within the Wind lie near to
lumber camps are no threat to the aquifer, Brazin is able Athas. When travelers blunder into the area, strange,
to justify his involvement by arguing that the fair use of hateful fey creatures fall upon them and sometimes spirit
the aquifer is being denied by overlogging. As a result, he them away.
makes the loggers (and the consequences of their actions)
his business. Brazin does not realize that much of the The Verdant Belt
difficulty he has had slowing the decline of the aquifer is
attributable to the fact that its spirit of the land is bound The Verdant Belt is a fertile zone lying between the
into the Athasian treant, which he reveres. Someday the thick Crescent Forest and the barren Great Ivory Plain. It
druid may be forced to kill the treant to save the aquifer. is filled with springs, grasslands, and groves of trees. It is
Brazin spends much of his time in the shape of the Verdant Belt which holds the farms and homesteads
a rhoss, as this shape affords him the mobility of a bird of the client villages of Gulg and Nibenay, and which


acts as the trade route between these two hostile cities. turn violent, particularly when the herders are not citizens
The Verdant Belt starts at the northern end of the of a city-state, or when herders from one city encounter
Crescent Forest, near the city of Nibenay. It continues farmers from another.
southwestward past the city of Gulg, then turns west, Wild herds also wander the Verdant Belt. These herds
extending in a gentle curve to the south until it almost shy away from the inhabited portions of the Belt, but more
reaches the Estuary of the Forked Tongue. For much of than one farmer has had to drive a herd of kip out of
its length it is surrounded by scrub plains, although it is his field. Jankz communities also build their underground
partially bounded on its northern edge by the Crescent colonies in the drier portions of the belt, generally far
Forest and the foothills of the Windbreak Mountains. from human habitation.
The narrow band of scrub plains represents a reduction Despite the herding and farming, the Verdant Belt is not
in arable land as one travels further away from the water entirely tame. The bogs at the ends of the runoff streams
sources of the Verdant Belt. attract bog waders to the region. Braxat and b'rohg hunt
the wandering herds, making little distinction between the
Flora and Fauna wild herds, the tended herds, and the livestock of farmers.
The Verdant Belt is the most lush area of the Tyr The southernmost portions of the Belt suffer from the
Region outside the Crescent Forest and the forests of depredations of giants from the islands in the Forked
the Ringing Mountains. The ground is covered with tall, Tongue Estuary. Giants wade over to the Belt to hunt
luxuriant grasses, and sections of the region are dotted and attack caravans. Travelers should beware.
with smaller wood and thick copses of trees. Water in this
region comes from springs as well as streams that carry Travel
runoff water through the Crescent Forest and out into The Verdant Belt is one of the most well-traveled
the Tablelands. These streams eventually pool into bogs, portions of the Ivory Triangle region. A major caravan
creating oasislike areas within the Belt. route runs along the length of the Belt from Gulg to the
The vegetation thins somewhat as the Belt leaves the Forked Tongue Estuary, then turns north toward Altaruk.
protection of the Windbreak Mountains. The southern A stretch of this road, beginning just south of the Crescent
half of the Verdant Belt is made up almost entirely of Forest and running all the way to the Forked Tongue
high grassland, well watered by a series of runoff streams Estuary, is paved with ancient stone bricks, providing a
from the Windbreak Mountains. smooth surface for wagons and riders. The stone road,
While the number of animal species living in referred to as the Road of Roshott, actually continues
the Verdant Belt does not approach the variety in the all the way into the Estuary and beneath the silt; but
Crescent Forest, there are still many animals who reside caravans turn off a few miles from the shore to avoid
here. First and most common are the herd animals: erdlu, attracting the attention of the giants on nearby islands.
erdland, and z'tal. Kip are discouraged in the Verdant Even a slow mekillot wagon can travel nearly 18 miles a
Belt because their rooting can destroy whole groves of day along this fine road. No one knows who built this
trees.) Large hives of kank are also raised in the Verdant road – it certainly does not seem like a civic project of
Belt. the oba.
There is considerable conflict between the herders The stone road through the verdant belt is one of
(who must move regularly to avoid overgrazing) and the the most pleasant caravan journeys in the Tablelands. It
farmers (who are bound to the land for their survival). enjoys a number of water sources and many villages. The
The herders feel that the farmers are taking too much road is patrolled by soldiers from the various merchant
from the land and that their claim to ownership interferes houses and less frequently by templar bands from Gulg.
with the herders' natural rights. The farmers, on the other However, the region closest to the Estuary is not well
hand, see the herders as stealing the life from the land protected.
without putting anything back. At times these conflicts In addition to the main road, there is a network of less


well-protected and less well-constructed trails. Trails run be suspicious. Templars have the right to demand food,
from the road to farms and villages. While not made of water, and lodging from any client village or farm. The
the superior stone of the main caravan road, traveling cost of the goods consumed is just considered a part of
along these trails is much faster than going overland. the host's normal burden of taxes.
There is a solid network of trails running between Gulg
and Nibenay. Inhabitants
The Verdant Belt represents the largest stretch of arable The Verdant Belt is one of the most heavily populated
soil in the Tablelands. This natural wealth, as well as its regions outside the city-states themselves. Hundreds of
central location, makes the area one of the most attractive farms dot the landscape, all providing their crops to
routes for traders. The southern end of the belt also offers their city-states and merchant caravans. Herders move
one of the few verdant regions not under the direct sway thousands of animals across the Belt, taking them to feed
of one of the city-states. This makes Fort Kalvis of the the people of the cities. Templars march the length and
merchant house Tsalaxa the center of trade and security breadth of the Belt, keeping the peace and enforcing the
for the homesteaders who have built their lives here. will of their rulers.
While templar patrols are fairly heavy in the region The Belt is actually divided into three inhabited regions.
between Nibenay and Gulg, protection usually only comes The northern portion (running from Nibenay halfway to
at the request of a client village leader. Templars are often Gulg) consists of client villages of the Shadow King. The
called upon to drive off bandits and elven raiders. The people of these villages are subservient to the templars,
templars are sometimes slow to respond to requests for who (with such a small area to patrol) are a very visible
help, so even the weakest bandits have learned that they force among the Nibenay client villages.
may remain a few weeks with impunity before moving on. This is the most developed of the three regions,
For those who must travel to the uncivilized portions with almost no territory remaining that has not been
of the Belt (or those who wish to avoid the attention of converted into farms or restricted grazeland. Slave escapes
templars and law-abiding citizens), travel overland in the in this region are common, and the templars responsible
Belt is possible, but comparatively slow. There are many for guarding the roads use trained cilops to hunt down
small valleys, groves of trees, streams, and other barriers escaped slaves.
which prevent easy progress, but it is still much quicker The central portion (centered roughly at the city of
to travel through any portion of the Belt than it would be Gulg) represents the portion controlled by the oba Lalali-
to cross the sandy wastes or rocky badlands in the more Puy. This region is much less thoroughly settled and
isolated portions of the Ivory Triangle region. much of it is still untouched wilderness. The hunters of
Throughout the Verdant Belt, water is generally Gulg can often be encountered stalking the grasslands
available. Much of it is run into irrigation channels for here. The area is less heavily patrolled by Gulg's templars,
crops. There is enough water available that a small group in part because the inhabitants are more loyal to the
of travelers oba than the Shadow King's farmers and herders are to
can usually find some water, except in the hottest part him. Templars do patrol the area, however; here they are
of the high sun season when the runoff streams dry up. viewed less as oppressors than as guardians, but they have
During this time travelers are advised to bring their own much the same authority here as Nibenay's wives do in
water or be prepared to buy water at local farms. the most dominated village of his lands.
Food is scarce. Farmers of the region are not tolerant The border between these first two regions is constantly
of travelers who pillage their crops and are likely to meet in dispute. According to Gulg, the border stands at the
a lone traveler with cudgel and spear. Larger groups will Verehan Mud Run. Nibenay, however, claims a zone
be reported to the templars as bandits. Most farmers are 20 miles wide on the southern side of the river. Farmers
willing to sell a small portion of their crops to travelers, in the disputed zone find themselves alternatively beset
but unless the traveler is a templar or a member of by templars from Nibenay and templars from Gulg.
a recognized merchant house, the farmers are likely to


Each demands a portion of the farm's output, as the efficient, however, that even at a distance they trouble the
farm is presumed to be part of the domains of both sorcererkings. The oba Lalali-Puy has put up a bounty of
sorcerer-kings. The result is inevitable: the farmer is 100 cp for the heads of thri-kreen raiders. The hunters of
unable to pay one templar or the other. The family is Gulg relish the challenge of tracking the mantis warriors
enslaved for failure to pay taxes and a new subject is and this new policy has led to the deaths of not a few
given responsibility for the farm. This cycle has become citizen thri-kreen whose heads have been turned in for
so common in this border zone that most farmers ransom. The few thri-kreen have protested this policy to
consider being sent here punishment for acts of disloyalty the templars, but to no avail.
to the templars.
The third portion of the Verdant Belt runs from the
edge of Gulg's area of control, down to the Forked Tongue
Estuary. This area is outside the control of the city- The history of the Verdant Belt is not a peaceful one.
states and is inhabited by slave tribes, raiders, nomads, There have been a number of battles between the forces
and small frontier villages. The communities here do not of Gulg and Nibenay. The centuries-old conflict between
benefit from the protection extended to the client villages the hunting culture of Gulg and the expansive lumber
of the city-states and merchant houses. For this reason, industry in Nibenay has set the two cities at odds over
each community must provide for its own security. This the precious resources of the Crescent Forest. Both have
can either take the form of a citizen's militia or a hired had their share of victories, and the rivalry between the
band of mercenaries. two city-states continues to this day. This section lists
Some bandits hire themselves out to villages to provide a few of the major battles that have occurred in recent
protection one week and then loot the village the next. history and shows where they occurred on the map of the
Trustworthy mercenaries are a precious commodity in region.
the southern end of the Verdant Belt. Communities are
willing to pay well for security. Some villages demand that 1. The Battle of Red Moon Hunt – Year Unknown
such mercenaries make a long term investment in the In Nibenay this incident is referred to as the
community by taking a mate in the village. Lumbercamp Massacre. The story may or may not be
Fort Kalvis of House Tsalaxa is the most secure site apocryphal, but the tale is able to inflame the righteous
in the southern end of the Verdant Belt. Surrounding indignation of the citizens in both cities. According to
communities often take refuge in the shelter of the fortress the tale, Gulg was celebrating a traditional rite of the
in times of difficulty. While not humanitarian by any Red Moon Hunt. On these nights, Gulg's prisons are
means, House Tsalaxa recognizes that the key to power emptied into the Crescent Forest. Would-be nobles give
in any relationship is dependency, and they are more than chase to the fugitives, and those returning with the heads
happy to let the villages depend upon them for security. of their quarry are admitted into the ranks of the nobility.
This has already paid off in favorable trade agreements Prisoners who survive the night are considered free.
with the small towns. On such a night, a young hunter tracked his prey into
All three regions of the Belt suffer from the attacks the camp of some Nibenay woodsmen. The young man
of raiders. The fertile lands provide many havens for took the heads of six woodcutters and a fugitive from Gulg.
raiders and ex-slaves. Templars and bounty hunters are One woodsman escaped to alert Nibenay's templars, who
constantly searching for renegades throughout these lands. assembled squads of half-giants and spellcasters and swept
A number of smaller slave tribes also wander this area, deep into the forest. The following morning, only 10 of
but the templar patrols are aggressive enough (and the the 30 hunters returned alive. In the version told in
slave tribes poorly enough led) that most fleeing slaves are Gulg, Gab-al, a young thief who had been released into
recaptured within a matter of weeks. the forest as a fugitive the night before, returned to the
In addition to human raiders, hunting bands of bramble wall of the forest city bearing the heads of two
thri-kreen also wander this area. These hunters are so of Nibenay's wives on a spear. The oba granted him his


freedom and elevated him to the circle of nobility. king sent a force of 1,500 soldiers to secure the site and
In Nibenay, the hero of the story is a young templar protect his servants from further attack. The huge force
named Althera. According to their version, the young which the king had sent raised the oba's curiosity about
woman rallied the fleeing prisoners of Gulg to capture the their activity in the forest. The soldiers of Nibenay woke
oba's hunters. They say that with their help she caught all one morning to find themselves surrounded by 5,000
30. She then turned 20 over to the prisoners to be killed warriors from Gulg.
and told the remaining 10 to return to Gulg and tell the The commander of the oba's army announced that she
oba what they had seen. would extend safe passage to Nibenay's citizens if they
left the site immediately. After several hours a reply of
2. The Clearing War – Year of Dragon's Slumber, acceptance came and the forces of Nibenay prepared to
184th King's Age return to their city. The line of soldiers left the protection
Historically, the armies of the oba fought at tremendous of the encampment and were still passing through the
advantage in the Crescent Forest while the Shadow King's enemy line when the Gulg warriors let loose their spears.
army have demonstrated a mastery of combat in the open Only 150 footmen returned to Nibenay to report the
fields of the Verdant Belt. One battle did, however, result slaughter.
in a devastating victory for Nibenay deep within the The Shadow King himself emerged from his palace
Crescent Forest. to lead an army of 2,000 soldiers and templars into the
A forester from Nibenay had uncovered a buried ruin in woods. By the break of dawn 3,000 of Gulgs hunters lay
the forest and led the Shadow King's templars to the site. dead in the ruins. Nibenay then raised the dead warriors
The templars began an excavation of the site, but began of Gulg and led the undead force against the survivors
to suffer from intermittent attacks by Gulg's hunters. The of the oba's army. The hunters fled back to Gulg. The


devastation wrought by the defiling magic of the Shadow This battle began as a slave uprising in the farming
King destroyed a swath of forest more than a mile across. village of Greshak, on the eastern border of the lands
This clearing remained ashen for centuries and has only claimed by Nibenay. The templars moved in quickly to
in the past few decades begun to take seed. It is not try to douse the fires of rebellion, but before the uprising
known if anything of value was excavated from the ruins, could be suppressed it had spread to a half-dozen villages.
but the site was abandoned by Nibenay's templars several Nearly 200 slaves had to be executed to restore order,
months after the battle. and to this day the region is a hotbed of dissidence inside
Nibenay's borders.
3. Battle of the Stones – Year of the Mountain's
Contemplation, 189th King's Age 5. The Fence War – Year of Priest's Fury, 190th
This battle began with a raid by two dozen giants from King's Age
the Estuary of the Forked Tongue upon some of the This recent regional conflict was entirely within the
villages and herders in the southern portion of the Verdant confines of Gulg, and it reflects a tension between herders
Belt. The people called upon Gulg to defend them, and and farmers in the Verdant Belt that continues to this
the oba, seeing a chance to increase her influence in the day.
south, sent a body of 200 troops including a force of The conflict began when herders striving to move
skilled judaga) to defend the southern farms. These forces their beasts to new grazing lands began pulling up farm
had no experience fighting giants and had been trained fences to allow their herds to move more easily. Farmers,
to combat the armies of Nibenay. enraged at the destruction of their property, began arming
The bestial creatures which had been raiding the themselves and their slaves to defend their fields.
southern farms were made up of unorganized clans from A number of minor conflicts ended in the deaths of size
the islands in the estuary. Equal numbers of powerful hard to imagine. It is said that the Dragon's Bowl could
beast-headed giants and their humanoid cousins crossed herders in some instances, farmers in others. Tensions
the silt to meet the forces of Gulg. The giants did not increased and the local templars were not able to settle
fight using the structured formations of the Nibenay army, the matter. The templars responsible for collecting taxes
but instead literally waded into the Gulg forces (the from the farmers considered the herders to be interfering
tallest of which barely reached their knees) and flailed with the legitimate business of the city-state. Templars
about with their huge clubs, each blow killing two or three assigned to the herders felt the same way about the
Gulg soldiers. The judaga were virtually helpless in the farmers. Before long, templars were embroiled on both
open fields where the army met the giants, their naturally sides of the conflict, and the sound of templar magic was
stealthy attacks and movement being useless in the light added to the clash of bone weapons in the conflict.
of day, and within an hour and a half of the original In one of her few. trips outside her palace, the oba
Gulg force lay on the battlefield. The army retreated Lalali-Puy intervened directly in the Fence War. She
having slain only two of the invading giants. cut off all magic from templars embroiled in either side,
The giants could have continued forward unchecked, as and ordered all concerned to return to their tasks. She
there was no way for organized word to get back to Gulg directed the confiscation of certain farms and herds she
about the rout before the giants themselves would have judged to have been especially culpable in the matter.
arrived. For whatever reason, however, the giants quickly She also enslaved those responsible for the violence. In
tired of raiding and waded back to their islands. While her wisdom, the confiscated farms were then transformed
Gulg's military was not seriously damaged by such a into a herding corridor, allowing the herders to pass
small loss of troops, their prestige in the south was badly through the farming region. The oba ordered that no farm
diminished. be built to block the herder's path, and that the herders
never again move their herds across the farms.
4. The Greshak Uprising – Year of Ral's Reverance, The oba's draconian solution removed the immediate
189th King's Age need for violence, but satisfied neither side. Both groups


considered themselves to have been wrongfully judged at that those who die here do not decay, but instead shrivel
fault. Tensions remain high in the region, and it may only and mummify, perfectly preserved by the salt.
be a matter of time before violence breaks out again. The region is not totally featureless, however. Ridges
and strangely shaped rock formations dot the landscape.
Some of these take the rough form of huge figures, and
The Great Ivory Plain the nomads of the Plain believe it to be an ancient race
Ancient dwarven sagas tell of the heroes Jo'orsh and of giants magically transformed into salt and stone. In the
Sa'ram traveling past the Great Lake of Salt in the region deepest portion of the Plain, these formations are huge,
of what is today the Great Ivory Plain. While the claim sometimes extending 40 feet into the air and 30 to 50
may seem preposterous, the complete absence of ancient feet on a side. Some contend that these are the buildings
structures across the empty plain may lend some credence of this ancient kingdom, transformed to stone along with
to the story. the people.
The Great Ivory Plain is an enormous salt flat, one of There are also occasional stony regions where rocks
the largest terrain features in the Tyr region. Extending extend up through the sand crust, exposed to the constant
from the dwarven village of North Ledopolus in the south wind of the Plain. These outcroppings often mark water
to the Blackspine Mountains in the north, the Plain sources and can also provide safe havens for travelers,
extends some 110 miles in its longest axis. At its narrowest offering both safety from the salt zombies and shade from
point (from the foothills of the Mekillot Mountains to the the merciless sun. They are not common, however, and
edge of the silt estuaries near the ruined city of Bodach) more than one traveler across the plain has had to spend
it is a mere five miles across. a day exposed.
Travelers who have never seen the Plain may find The Great Ivory Plain is among the most inhospitable
its sheer size hard to imagine. It is said that the Dragon's areas of the Tyr region. There is almost no rainfall.
Bowl could be placed inside the southern lobe of the and what little falls rapidly seeps through the ground or
Plain without touching its edge at any point. A journey evaporates.
from North Ledopolus to Nibenay (which runs the length
of the Plain) is the same distance as a trip from Nibenay Flora and Fauna
to Raam, Urik to Raam, or from Tyr to the oasis of
As might well be understood, this barren landscape
Grak's Pool.
supports little life. The Great Ivory Plain is virtually
The region is characterized by the single unbroken
devoid of plant life, although few in cacti struggle to
plain of salt, sand, and silt which gives the area its name.
survive, clinging to stony outcroppings out of reach of
Approaching the Plain, travelers first notice the blinding
the moisture-leaching salt. Insects of all sizes (from tiny
distant glare of the sun reflecting off the salt flat. They
sand mites to giant ants, hornets, and huge scorpions)
will then notice a sudden depletion in the scrub. Ahead,
can be found in the Plain; many of these burrow deep
the dirt gives way to a featureless white plain virtually
under the salt to find moisture or range out into the more
devoid of plant life. Nowhere in the Tyr region is there
fertile regions. The cilops, the bizarre hunter insect that
a stretch of land as lifeless and harsh as the Great Ivory
is often used by templars to track fugitives, is native to
the Great Ivory Plain. Lizards (including id fiends and
Most of the Plain is a hard crust of sand and silt with
basilisks) also survive here, dining on the giant insects or
just enough salt to prevent virtually anything from growing.
on the small snakes found in the rocks. Earth drakes can
It is difficult to dig through this crust, but occasionally
occasionally be mistaken for rock outcroppings in this
tenacious dwarves have managed to drill a deep well, only
area. These patient creatures may wait many days for a
to find the water brackish and undrinkable. No oasis
meal, and they are a particular danger to travelers who
offers water to the thirsty traveler in the Great Ivory Plain
use the rocks as safe havens during the day.
and no date grove offers food. It is said that the glare from
Almost no warm-blooded creatures can be found in the
the salt flats will blind a traveler in a matter of hours, and


central portions of the Plain. There is not enough life to

support such creatures, as they must feed too frequently
to survive in this barren land. At the edges, however, one
can find the occasional b'rohg or erdland herd. Most of
these creatures do not survive in the Great Ivory Plain for
long, and they either return to more fertile climes or die
in the heat of midday.
Another hazard of travel on the salt flats are the flying
predators. Such wide and clear lines of sight usually afford
travelers a chance to evade many earth bound carnivores.
Flying creatures who make their homes well beyond the
borders of the salt flats can spot a group of travelers from
miles away and descend for the kill. The salt flats offer
few places to hide.
Wyverns, giant wasps, and even cloud rays will fly out
across the Great Ivory Plain in search of prey. Groups
traveling near the inland silt basins around Bodach
should also keep an eye out for razorwings. They present
a problem indeed.
Truly, the most fearsome creatures on the Great Ivory
Plain are the megapedes. These 150-foot-long creatures
often burrow through the ground, only surfacing to feed on
unwary travelers. When close to the surface, a megapede's
path can be detected by the splintering and cracking of
the salt cover.
Oftentimes one will approach a victim out in the
open and begin its attack by unleashing its powerful
psionic abilities. In the face of this beast's fierce claws
and poisonous bite, most merchant caravans will abandon
their cargo and return for the salvage later, if they survive. Travel
One last class of creature that wanders the Ivory Plain The Great Ivory Plain is not a very hospitable region
deserves special mention. The Ivory Plain is home to in which to travel. The heat of the sun is reflected off
unintelligent undead – skeletons, zombies, animated of the white salt, making this one of the hottest zones in
animal skeletons, monster skeletons, and zombies created the Tyr region. Moreover, the salt leeches moisture out
from b'rohg and even giants. These creatures wander the of everything in the area, so travelers must consume more
Plain, attacking any living creature. water than usual. This unbearable heat makes traveling at
Some believe that these creatures wandered here from night the preferred mode of travel within the region.
the ruins of Bodach, while the nomads believe that those As with other terrain, however, traveling at night requires
who die of thirst in the Great Ivory Plain return as that some form of shelter be adopted during the day. Rock
zombies, adding to the undead population of the region. outcroppings are the best shelter, as they both protect the
Zombies in the Great Ivory Plain survive much longer character from the sun and raise him above the level of
than those in other parts of Athas. Their flesh mummifies the biting, dying sand. Tents, particularly those with full
rather than rotting, extending their useful life but making floors, may also be used, but they are avoided by the
it very difficult to tell how old these particular zombies nomads, who believe that the rhythmic sounds of driving
really are.


a tent spike attracts predators. raiders. See the wind wagon driving proficiency below for
On the other hand, travel across the Great Ivory more information.
Plain is swift. The salt can generally support any type of Getting water in the Great Ivory Plain is virtually
transportation, from foot to mekillot wagon. Moreover, the impossible. There are no open bodies of water within
plains are so smooth that there is little need to detour the Plain, and any surface groundwater is brackish and
around terrain features, nor to slow progress for hills and undrinkable, but pockets of drinkable water can be found
slopes. A human can travel 24 miles in a night while a on rock outcroppings. Nomads carry long hollow poles
mekillot wagon can achieve 3 miles per day. which they use to drive through the salt cake into the
Another advantage to traveling across the Great Ivory water below; the water is then drawn up (as through a
Plain is the wide open space. It is highly unlikely that any straw) and drunk. Locating such a water pocket requires a
travelers will be surprised by marauding predators during successful survival (salt flats) proficiency check and a roll
the day. Except for the distorting shimmer of the heat in of 5 or less on percentile dice.
the air, there is virtually nothing to block the limits of Food is less difficult to find if you can hunt, although
vision. few of the creatures which inhabit the Great Ivory Plain
The most common mode of travel is kank, as the hardy are edible. A lone traveler may be able to make a meal
beasts can survive for a few days without food or water, of cacti and snake, but these meager resources are unable
and at the speed they are able to achieve on the salt flats, to support a group of any size. Travelers in the Great
that is usually enough to make the journey. Inix require Ivory Plain are advised to bring an adequate food supply;
too much forage to make any but the shortest trips across kank honey is recommended, as it provides not only food
the Plain. Mekillot are slow enough and stubborn enough but water as well.
that they expose travelers to too much danger in crossing One hazard that can interfere with travel in the Great
the plain. Some caravans drive mekillot wagons across the Ivory Plain is the salt storms which blast across the barren
plain, but these are generally shorter journeys. One route ground. These storms carry particles of salt encrusted
for mekillot wagons runs east from Nibenay to Fort Inix; sand that burn the skin.
this exposes the mekillots to only one day's travel across
the plain, but brings caravans dangerously close to the Inhabitants
gith horde of the Blackspine Mountains. The Great Ivory Plain is among the least populated
Perhaps the most unusual form of vehicle in the Great portions of the Tyr region, much less the Ivory Triangle.
Ivory Plain is the dwarven wind wagon, a small wagon with Few beings are hardy enough or foolish enough to try to
large wheels and a tarpaulin attached to a vertical spar, to survive here for more than a few days. Escaped slaves who
act as a sail. These bizarre vehicles use the power of the flee into this barren wasteland either die, are recaptured,
wind to move them across the broad flat plain, requiring or (if they are lucky) make their way to one of the slave
neither mekillot nor inix. They move most swiftly with tribes which wander the lands on the far side of the Plain.
the wind, but are able to travel in almost any direction Nevertheless, there are some more or less permanent
(save directly into the wind) by skillful manipulation of residents of the region. Certain nomadic raiding tribes
the wagon's sail. Given the normal wind speed in the have bases deep within the Great Ivory Plain, supported
Great Ivory Plain, a wind wagon with a tail wind can by kank hives maintained in the stony barrens of the
travel as fast as a man can run. Moreover, the wind Mekillot Mountains. These tribes use the Great Ivory
wagon can run night and day without stopping, although Plain's impassibility as a cover for their activities, trusting
the driver must rest. These vehicles are not popular, as the isolation of the region to protect them from reprisals
they leave the traveler to the mercy of the wind; one or by merchant houses and templars.
two calm days and the wind wagon may well run out of There are also intelligent creatures found in the Great
food and water. Nevertheless, a few hardy explorers use Ivory Plain who are not a regular part of Athasian
them regularly to shorten journeys across the Plain and society. Packs of thri-kreen range across the salt flats
to move certain cargo too swiftly to be caught by desert


in search of prey. Solitary t'chowb can occasionally be Inside the ring of barrens lies a long band of rocky
encountered. These brutal little creatures often retreat badlands. This band covers the entire interior space of
here after having successfully drained the intelligence of the range, with the mountains themselves rising at either
their victims. Travelers may also occasionally also run end. Like other rocky badlands, there are many canyons,
into a solitary tohr-kreen. These thoughtful mantis nobles caverns, and pillars of stone in this region.
can be found ranging far into the uninhabited recesses of Within the rocky badlands are the two mountain
the wastelands. While somewhat reserved, these powerful clusters. The northern cluster, known as the Greater
but gentle creatures seem to have an insatiable thirst for Mekillots, are higher while the southern cluster-the Lesser
knowledge. Mekillots – consists of a number of smaller peaks. The
highest of the Greater Mekillots is perhaps 3,000 feet,
while the lowest of the Lesser Mekillots still stands over
Bodach 1,500 feet. While these mountains are not as tall as
One of the grandest ancient ruins on Athas, Bodach lies others in the region, they are quite long and bulky. Each
amid the maze of salt marshes, dry sinks, and silt basins mountain is actually a ridge some 5 to 7 miles long and
known as the Salt Meres. From miles away, its towers can 1 to 2 miles wide. There are perhaps a dozen major
be seen rising above the reeds. Long ago, Bodach was a mountains in each group, running through some 15 miles
city of great magicians, and mighty arcane secrets still wait of mountain ridges, before descending into rocky badlands
to be discovered in its wreck age. However, few treasure- again. Even the highest of these peaks does not cause the
hunters dare to explore the impressive ruins. A terrible nausea or dizziness one associates with scaling the Forest
fate befell the city in the days of the Cleansing Wars, and Ridge or the Windbreak Mountains.
now it is haunted by thousands of skeletons, zombies, and The gap between the Greater and Lesser Mekillots
worse. The undead emerge each night at sunset in a vast is known as the Gaj, apparently because the gap is
horde to scour the surrounding countryside for living prey. not unlike the space opened in a mekillot line when a
predator lands among them. The area is not, however, well
The Mekillot Mountains known for a large population of the insectoid predators.
Like the remainder of the Great Ivory Plain, this area
The Mekillot Mountains are an old, low-lying range in gets little rainfall. However, without the salt flats to absorb
the center of the Great Ivory Plain. Like the creatures that the water, there are a number of wells and underground
are the mountains' namesake, the Mekillot Mountains springs in this region that make water available to travelers.
are long, wide ridges, looking very much like a line of Also, the darker stones of the rocky badlands diminish
gargantuan mekillots. Some say that the mountain range the heat slightly, so a traveler in these mountains suffers
was once a chain of islands in the center of a water-filled no more from the heat than one does elsewhere on Athas.
lake, but few believe such stories these days.
The mountain range is stratified into three concentric Flora and Fauna
types of terrain. The outer zone is a ring of stony barrens
which represent the outermost foothills of the range. These The Mekillot Mountains are a haven to many creatures
barrens stand on a rise marking the geologic foundation who would find life on the Great Ivory Plain unpleasant.
of the mountain range. The barrens are windswept and There are a number of flowering desert trees, cacti, and
are often innundated with saltstorms from the surrounding even a form of prickly pear. Small desert flowers dot the
salt flats. badlands in the season of sun ascending, and various
Moreover, there are low-lying areas and caves within forms of climbing vines are scattered across the badlands.
the badlands that are lined with salt. A number are the The mekillots are essentially an island of life in the
sites of salt mines, although most of these are abandoned. barren sea of the Great Ivory Plain.
Indeed, it is just such a cavern that now houses the slave The animal life is similarly diverse. Herds of erdland
city of Salt View. and hives of wild kank wander the lower sections of the


mountains, grazing on the grasses and flowering plants usual amount of water when spending an entire day on
found there. Predators of the region include giant lizards, the upper slopes of the Mekillot Mountains.
leopards, tigones, and bulettes, who roam the mountains.
Many of these creatures would be very dangerous in the Inhabitants
nearby Verdant Belt, but the barrier of the Great Ivory There is a surprising population of creatures within the
Plain keeps them in the Mekillot Mountain region. Mekillot Mountains. Each community is relatively isolated,
The Mekillot Mountains are occupied by a number of as the terrain does not lend itself well to established
dwarf banshees. There are reputed to be as many as 40 trading, but in general each group is aware of the nature,
of these fell creatures somewhere in this mountain range. condition, and disposition of its nearest neighbors.
Scholars in Nibenay speculate that there may have been The largest single enclave in the Mekillot Mountains
some major dwarf project in the mountains centuries is the slave village of Salt View. The village is located on
ago, and that the dwarf banshees were devoted to it as the eastern face of the Greater Mekillots, in a salt mine
their focus. No one has ever returned with reports of a near the edge of the rocky badlands. Its inhabitants have
dwarven fortress in the mountains, but if it is infested with established trade with many of the client villages outside
banshees, it isn't likely that they would. the Great Ivory Plain, and they have even made some
overtures to the more friendly groups within the Mekillot
Travel Mountains. Salt View's jongleurs, in addition to providing
The stony barrens and rocky badlands of the Mekillot entertainment for these isolated groups, act as the rumor
Mountains are fairly easy to navigate. Mekillots have and gossip network and as facilitators of trade.
difficulty pulling wagons in some of the badlands, but There are a number of other slave tribes in the region,
any of the usual Athasian beasts of burden may be used although none are as securely established as Salt View:
freely in these areas. Perhaps a half-dozen slave bands roam the Mekillot
The mountains are another story. While these slopes Mountains, generally on the western face. These tribes
are not as steep as those in the Windbreak Mountains, use the cover of the Great Ivory Plain to keep them
they still require nimble climbers. Inix or crodlu may be safe from the templars of Gulg and Nibenay, and to
used freely. except to reach a few extremely precarious cover their movements when they raid villages in the
places. Obviously, mekillots are too large to navigate the Verdant Belt. None of these slave groups are particularly
mountain trails, but a caravan trail does run from South powerful, and there tends to be a constant turnover in
Ledopolus, along the stony barrens on the southern side their composition, size, and leadership.
of the mountains, to regions beyond. The upper slopes of the Lesser Mekillots are inhabited
Finding water in this region requires a good deal of by a diffuse community of cyclopskin. These creatures
attention. A seasoned traveler may be able to find a live a solitary existence herding erdlu for food. There
spring or pool somewhere in the hills, but a careful traveler are about a dozen clans of cyclopskin within the range,
should carry enough water to make their trip. Water on and while they do cooperate on occasion, there is little
the upper slopes is extremely scarce. contact between them (except for their traditional annual
Food, however, is available, if not plentiful. A traveler markets). Even within a clan the cyclopskin spend much
planning an extended stay should plan on hunting for at of their time in solitude, tending their herds.
least some meals, but nearly any area has enough edible The Greater Mekillots, on the other hand, are inhabited
nuts and berries to support a few people for a day or two. by a number of ettin. These evil creatures raid the slave
Travelers should watch out for the prentel plant, whose tribes and nomads of the region, stealing anything they
bright red berries taste sweet but produce illness (and can get their enormous hands on. They view the slave
even death). bands, erdland herds, and travelers equally: as sources of
Temperatures on the upper slopes are a bit cooler than food or fodder.
elsewhere in the region. A traveler needs only 2/3 of the


Echoing Mine the dizziness and ennui common to Ringing Mountains

only on the tallest peaks of this range. The badlands
Nestled in a valley in the Mekillot Mountains, this that surround these mountains slope upward as if the
ancient silver mine might hold untapped riches. Many Blackspine Mountains had thrust up violently from
expeditions have sought to reopen the Echoing Mine, but beneath the ground in the distant past.
all have discovered to their cost how the place earned On occasion one can still find places where the
its name. Hook horrors, grimlocks, and other light-hating jagged edge of the badlands is split with the force of the
subterranean monsters infest the tunnel system. The protruding granite.
mysterious clicks that echo through the mine are the The Blackspine Mountain region receives considerably
rapid, high pitched sounds these creatures use to navigate less rain than the Windbreak Mountains, but it is
and communicate. not entirely desert. Some moisture passes north of the
Windbreak Mountains, watering the western slopes of this
The Blackspine Mountains range. Winds are fairly strong, particularly in the highest
peaks, and there is a constant threat of dust storms in this
The Blackspine Mountains lie to the north of the Ivory
region due to the large amount of rock dust the wind has
Triangle, east of the Windbreak Mountains. The main
etched from the mountain faces.
spine of this mountain range runs roughly east from the
Blackspine Gap toward the ruined city of Giustinal. A
Flora and Fauna
number of minor branches spread to the northeast and
south, forming a natural barrier to travel in all directions. Like much of Athas, the Blackspine Mountains region
Some say that the mountain range shows the natural is fairly arid. There are occasional patches of scrub plains
shape of a gith, its arms outstretched in battle, its tail protected from the constant wind by the twists and turns
forming the spine of the range. of the badlands, but by and large the Blackspine is a
The mountains are surrounded by rocky badlands, barren place.
and these extend for over 10 miles from the mountains Most of the creatures that live in the mountains survive
themselves. Travel through this region is rare, but the few on the erdlu herds found here. While the herds spend
travelers who have visited here describe the badlands as little time on the barren granite slopes, they can be found
filled with twisting canyons, many of which are box canyons in small herds throughout the rocky badlands. Rasclinn,
with only one way in or out. This is particularly true in tagsters, and so-ut occupy many of the canyons, making
the south, where the hot, dry winds of the Great Ivory any journey into the Blackspines potentially deadly.
Plain have worn the stone into magnificent monuments. The western foothills, which get most of the rainfall in
There is a large badlands region between the two Inhabitants this region, are an exception to the barren
northeast arms of the mountain range. This region, known condition of most of the Blackspine range. While not as
as the Valley of Trevain, is among the most treacherous lush as the Crescent Forest, portions of the Blackspine
and isolated terrains in the entire Tyr region. The terrain Gap are as fertile as the Verdant Belt itself. However,
is so treacherous that travelers traditionally come down unlike the Belt, most of this area is uncultivated and
to Nibenay and across the northern tip of the Great there are many carnivores that threaten the life of any
Ivory Plain to the Welcome Oasis rather than trying to traveler in the region.
traverse this difficult land. These lands are also reputed The most common creatures in the area are z'tal and
to be haunted. jankz, which live in wild herds in the western foothills.
The peaks of the Blackspine Mountains are a dark Predators include braxat, id fiends, and gaj.
gray granite with few footholds to support a climber. The
spires of these mountains tower above the Mekillot range, Travel
but they are not quite as high as those found in the The rocky badlands which comprise most of the
Windbreak Mountains. Travelers in this range suffer Blackspine region are easily traversed, if one is willing


to risk getting lost in the labyrinth of box canyons and control of about half of the gith tribes in the Blackspine
ravines. The canyon bottoms are relatively flat (although Mountain region. According to rumor, Blackspear is
often filled with rock dust – occasionally to dangerous a very talented psionicist (as are all gith leaders) who
depths), and there are a number of surface passes through uses his powers not just in combat, but to ensure the
the foothills. loyalty of his followers. The templars of Nibenay and
Traveling up the granite mountains is very difficult. No the merchant houses that serve the client villages have
mount can climb on these granite slopes, and climbers become concerned with the gith attacks, but thus far there
are slowed to an absolute crawl because there are almost is little they can do. Unfortunately, gith raids have now
no footholds. begun in Blackspine Gap, taking a number of merchant
Water and food are easy to find on the western slopes, caravans on the Nibenay-Raam road. Whether these
but become more difficult the higher you go into the attacks are also being made by followers of Blackspear or
mountains. Any expedition onto the actual granite faces whether these gith are raiding closer to Nibenay because
should bring provisions. There is no reliable source of they have been forced out of their usual territory is not
water or food in these high mountain regions. yet clear.
Where the gith prosper, few other intelligent beings
Inhabitants can survive. However, numerous travelers have reported
By far the most important inhabitants of the Blackspine encountering bands of the mysterious kenku – half-human,
Mountains are the many tribes of gith known as the half-bird creatures which attack by stealth. These creatures
Gith Horde. These vicious raiders have long been the are known to conceal themselves in human society, but
bane of the region, with at least 5,000 gith living in the repeated encounters in the wilderness indicates that
scattered tribes throughout the region. Historically these there may be a large enclave of the creatures somewhere in
gith were divided into over a hundred warring tribes of the Blackspine Mountains. The scholars of Nibenay have
25-50 members each, which ensured that they were little analyzed the reports of the survivors, and they surmise that
threat outside the Blackspine Mountains. the kenku are somewhere in the north-western portion of
Recently, things have changed. A powerful new leader the range, but it is impossible to pinpoint their location.
has arisen among the gith and is slowly unifying the gith In addition to the kenku, belgoi have been encountered
tribes into a potent and threatening raiding force. Major in this region. These vicious cannibals have been appearing
gith raids have already begun to fall on client villages in increasing numbers in the Blackspine Gap. Nibenay
in the northern reaches of Nibenay, particularly on the templars destroy them whenever they are encountered, but
eastern side of the Welcome Oasis. Indeed, the fort at the there are still many threatening the caravans of the region.
Welcome Oasis was attacked by a raiding party of nearly As with the gith raids in the Gap, Nibenay scholars
200 gith, and only the combined force of every psionicist speculate that the increased gith activity has forced the
and warrior in the oasis managed to drive them away. belgoi out of the mountains.
This new leader, who is known as Blackspear, has gained


Estuary of the Forked

of Balic, and many of the villages and tribes here fall
under the influence of Balican merchant houses.

Life along the estuary is more or less free of the
oppression of the sorcerer-kings, but it is hardly easy.
Marauding giants, deadly predators, dust storms, and
“I've known giants to move the shoal markers, hoping desperate bandits make the Forked Tongue as dangerous
that a silt skimmer might strand herself in deep silt. Then as any other place on Athas. Savage raiding tribes roam
they'll kill you and eat you, or they'll charge you half your the outskirts of the region and sometimes attack small,
cargo to pull you out of the silt. Not sure which is worse.” weakly defended villages and outposts. For this reason,
most Forked Tongue settlements are protected by strong
- Nimora Hestian, Balican skimmer captain walls and determined warriors.
Throughout most of the estuary, a belt of shallows
A great arm of the Sea of Silt that nearly slices through lies beneath the silt, hugging the shoreline. Usually, the
the Tyr Region, the Estuary of the Forked Tongue is home shallows are a few hundred yards wide, but in some spots
to dozens of small villages, trading posts, and nomad they extend for miles out from the shore, providing hidden
camps. This inlet reaches well over four hundred miles paths across narrows or to distant islands. These shallows
from the isle of Waverly at its mouth to the trading town are too deep for human-sized travelers to wade, but silt
of Altaruk at the head of its northern arm; the city-state skimmers and giants can manage them easily enough.
of Balic sits near the midpoint of the Forked Tongue. Most skimmer captains take on paying passengers, but
The estuary serves as a trade route for silt schooners out they rarely stop anywhere except well-known villages and
trading posts. After all, a skimmer is a rich prize, and the


best defense is to keep moving and remain in silt that is A low range of dry, knife-edged peaks, the Mountains
too deep for most raiders to cross. of the Teeth are home to hostile tribes of tareks and
At Balic, the estuary splits into two great arms – the minotaurs. The mountains also hide several mysterious,
North Fork and the South Fork. The North Fork is larger ancient monasteries – the strongholds of rakshasa princes.
and more heavily populated, its shores dotted with tiny Ranging out from these isolated retreats, rakshasa spies
villages and outposts. roam the Tyr Region, secretly plotting to turn the sorcerer-
kings against one another and enslave the city-states.
Giant Holds
Many giants inhabit the isles of the estuary. Some Siren's Song
are friendly, but most giants regard smaller folk as easy Siren’s Song, an island in the Small Fork, doesn’t
pickings and waylay travelers at every chance. Hill giants, contain a giant clan. In fact, no one knows what lives
stone giants, and beast giants are the most common of on the island, but those who travel nearby often hear
their kind found along the Forked Tongue. The different a haunting song. The song is magical in nature, and
kinds get along well enough if a strong leader is present, those who hear it find themselves compelled to follow it
but they fall to bickering and feuding otherwise. to its source – even though that means drowning in the
Giant holds might be cave complexes, ruined towns, or silt around the island. Legends proclaim that an ancient
clusters of large, crude mud huts, and they are usually sorceress is trapped on the island, and the song is her call
surrounded by thorny brush walls that form palisades. A for help. The less fanciful insist that it’s only the cry of a
typical hold is home to three to twelve giants; monstrous foul creature. Whatever the source of the song, its melody
vassals such as brohgs, half-giants, minotaurs, or ogres; is as lethal as a wixit’s sting.
beasts kept as pets; and a handful of miserable thralls
(usually dwarves, elves, or humans). Chiefs of giant holds
take titles such as “king” or “lord” and levy tribute from
nearby tribes or settlements of lesser races. In the center of the large isle of Waverly is an ancient
city of the same name that fell during the wars of the Red
Age. The battles depopulated the city, but its high stone
Dragon's Plate walls and gates remain stout and whole after thousands
This narrow island consists of a single range of high, of years. The central plaza features a grand fountain of
steep mountains. The north face sees a lot of rainfall marble fashioned in the likeness of a creature that has the
by Athasian standards, and thin streams cascade down body of a female human and a snakelike tail; the fountain
the slopes to form mudflats in the dust. Balic maintains still sprays water into the air in a shimmering arc. Old
several small, well-protected forts on the western end of waterways crisscross Waverly, feeding a fertile scrub plain.
the island to guard against the giants of the Dragon's Dozens of sailing ships lie half buried in a harbor at the
Palate, but these outposts are often attacked. A beast shore of the silt; their wooden hulls and decks became
giant known as the Skull Wearer is the most powerful of petrified long ago.
the island's chieftains. He makes his home in an ancient Except for flocks of wild erdlus and hives of
minotaur stronghold known as Marrowgate, which lies in wild kanks, the island appears deserted. But according
the mountains near the center of the island. The Skull to legend, a staggering hoard of silver lies buried in a
Wearer is said to be possessed by the ghosts of the skulls treasure vault somewhere beneath the city.
that hang around his neck, and he wields dangerous
magical powers.

Mountains of the Teeth


The Road of Kings

impossible. Travelers in this region are rarely more than a
few miles from shelter, water, and food. The only question
is whether the desert denizens will bargain to share their
“Road of Kings? Road of slaves, perhaps. The high and resources or defend them from intruders.
mighty sorcerer-kings squabble like jhakars worrying at a The Road of Kings is plagued by bandits, raiders,
carcass, throwing away armies with all the care of spoiled hungry savages such as ssurrans or gith, vicious marauders
children. Such are kings on Athas.” such as belgoi and braxats, and all sorts of desert predators.
These creatures usually give the city-states a wide berth,
- Alon, House M'ke trader but they pose a threat to travelers who go more than a
few days' journey from civilization.
Far to the north, beyond the Great Alluvial Sand
Wastes and crowning the punishing barrens of the Bitter Well
Tablelands, stretches the Road of Kings, a war-torn,
Who controls water, controls life. The few oases
shattered land defined by the ambitious sorcerer-kings
scattered across the wastes were discovered long ago and
who vie for dominance in the region. Three city-states
remain in the hands of those strong enough to keep them.
dominate the Road of Kings, each straddling the ancient
Prospectors mount forays into the wilderness, scouring the
routes. Quarrelsome and greedy, they frequently war with
land for new water sources, for any such find can make a
one another, as scorched battlefields and countless bones
prince of a pauper. For a long time, travelers approaching
testify in the haunted lands between them.
the Narrows east of Draj had heard running water, but
In the west, one finds mighty Urik, a proud and
no one could track down the source – not until three
powerful city-state whose armies have no match among
years ago, when dwarf prospectors set themselves the task
the Seven Cities. Traveling east, past the Dragon's Bowl,
of finding it. They uncovered a small spring of cold, clean
one comes to the troubled city of Raam, beset by strife
water emerging from under the rock mantle.
and famine. Beyond tragic Raam, far to the east, stands
The dwarves constructed a makeshift encampment and
proud Draj. Blessed with abundant fields, Draj supplies
set out to improve their well, believing they could sell the
food to other cities, transporting grains and hemp to
water to caravans bound for Draj or Eldaarich in the far
far-flung markets while its bloodthirsty warriors scour the
north. It didn't take long for the dwarves to discover that
wilds for captives to sacrifice on their king's altar. In the
the water was in short supply, and that a single caravan
empty stretches between Urik, Raam, and Draj, caravan
could drink it down to a trickle that would take a week
routes, herder trails, and ancient highways link the three
or more to recover. In fact, the water isn't even enough
city-states together.
to support the community that has grown up around it –
The region takes its name from the ancient Road of
hence the name Bitter Well.
Kings, the route stretching from Urik across the stony
barrens to Raam and extending eastward to Draj and
beyond. The region is bustling and active, crowded with The Narrows
caravans, travelers, and skirmishing armies. After Draj, a trade road travels east, following the land's
Much like the other regions, the Road of Kings is contours until it passes through Bitter Well. For many,
dotted with tiny desert villages, mining camps, nomadic this distant outpost marks the world's end, since few dare
tribes, and trade outposts. Most such camps or posts are travel the ancient road farther for fear of the Narrows.
tent cities surrounded by crude walls formed from stacked Aptly named, the Narrows is a stony strand between
stone, bones, and brush. Others are built atop hidden the natural Maze of Draj to the north and the yawning
wells. Dune traders wander the trails meandering through Sea of Silt to the south. Each year, the silt encroaches
the barrens, swapping goods and rumors with the folk a little more, threatening to swallow the ancient highway
of the desert. Life in the arid wasteland is hard but not one day. Giants plague the area, wading through the dust


a verdant belt surrounding a pristine lake. Lake Pit, one

ofthe largest bodies of water in the Tyr Region, teems
with fish and wildlife. The lake's isolation contributes to
its unspoiled character, but the area also lies under the
protection of a powerful druid, the aged mul Enola. He
allies with wrathful elementals that tolerate no trespass in
these guarded lands.

Enola, Guardian of the Lake: A vigilant guardian

druid named Enola protects lake Pit. Eighty years old,
the mul is vigorous and hale. Some who have met him
believe he was once a gladiator slave, and his scorn for
the city-states supports this theory Enola is served by
powerful elemental spirits, and he tries to drive off or
kill intruders who come to plunder or settle the Dragon's
Bowl. The druid usually spares innocent travelers, but
he keeps a close eye on them, and he asks trespassers to
sinks to snatch caravans from the roads. The wreckage leave only once.
of splintered wagons litters the Narrows, testifying to the
giants' incredible appetites.
Lost Samarthia
Legends speak of a lost city somewhere in the Dragon's
Dragon's Bowl Bowl – a fantastic hidden place known as Samarthia.
A rumpled range of low mountains and highlands in the According to varying stories, Samarthia is a buried ancient
stony plains between Raam and Urik conceals a natural citadel filled with the sorcerous science that prevailed in
marvel: the Dragon's Bowl, a great cliff-walled crater more the civilizations of those ancient days, or a city of genie-
than seventy miles wide. The view from its rim is awe- kind or rakshasas concealed by mirage. Many treasure-
inspiring, and nothing else in the Tyr Region matches its seekers searching for Lost Samarthia have disappeared in
size and scope. The Dragon's Bowl is an obstacle akin the area, never to be heard from again.
to the Ringing Mountains; sheer cliffs between 1,000
and 2,000 feet in height isolate its floor from the world
outside. Only a handful of precarious trails descend the
The Gauntlets
cliffs. The site takes its name from legends describing how Two rugged mountain ranges form the Gauntlets in the
the Dragon tore free from the world and left behind the east, just beyond Raam. The range to the north – the
deep crater to mark its birth. Left Gauntlet, as one looks eastward from Raam – is
The Dragon's Bowl has a strange stillness, as if the considerably older and more weathered than the southerly
world holds its breath, awaiting the creature's return. The range. Sandstorms have reduced the Left Gauntlet to
feeling intensifies at the bottom, where one finds a mix rounded domes, split and cracked by great fissures.
of rocky debris and hills covering the middle to southern Raam mined these peaks for generations, extracting silver
reaches. Large herds of game animals and predators thrive and gemstones before the mines played out. Now the
in the Bowl, untroubled by the pres ence of people. abandoned shafts house tarek tribes that prey on small
caravans bound for Draj, along with a slave tribe known
as Krikik's Pack.
Lake Pit The steep southern mountains of the Right Gauntlet
To the north, the Dragon's Bowl slopes down toward have proved hardier, forming a barrier against the Sea of


Silt and preventing its encroachment inland. Many old the belgoi protect the fabulous treasure it must contain.
gypsum quarries that provided alabaster for the statues and
facades of Raam dot their lower slopes. Tribes of hejkins
and troglodytes have all but driven out the stonecutters.
The Smoking Crown
An ominous range of volcanic peaks rising in a ringlike
formation north of Urik, the Smoking Crown is a dangerous
Broken Lands land, barely habitable. The peaks belch plumes of steam,
Far to the north of Raam, the Ringing Mountains ash, and cinders that rain down over everything. Lava
begin to draw away to the west, slowly marching off into sometimes streams from the fissures in the slopes, spilling
a faint brown smudge flickering in the heat mirages. The in fiery rivers down the mountainsides. Other fissures vent
landscape gives way to rocky badlands, littered with sharp steam that scalds flesh or colorless, poisonous gases that
stones and pebbles, whose broken escarpments and low kill without warning. Despite the danger, slaves excavate
peaks are hewn into odd shapes by the relentless dust the mountains for obsidian and pumice. The quarries are
storms that blow across the region. All manner of terrible hellish places to work, with unbearable temperatures and
creatures infest the twisting canyons and blind defiles of jagged black glass on all sides.
this jagged, unforgiving area. No villages or trade posts
lie in the savage wilderness; the Broken Lands mark the
northern bounds of the Tyr Region.
City of the Fire King
Miners tell of glimpsing dizzying ramparts and sinister
gates through the clouds of steam and ash that fill the
Dry Marsh blasted plateau at the heart of the Smoking Crown. The
The city-state of Draj rises out of the southwest portion citadels reported by the miners are said to be the homes
of a region of salt marshes, scrub plains, dust sinks, and of fearsome fire giants, fire titans, and salamanders that
mudflats known as the Dry Marsh. Great stands of saw- waylay workers who venture into the Crown.
edged grasses and dryreeds sighing in the wind dot the
dusty marsh bed, forming a natural labyrinth known as
the Maze of Draj. Skilled Draji workers venture deep
Lake of Golden Dreams
into the maze, sometimes on stilts, to cut huge bundles At the foot of the Smoking Crown lies a strange
of reeds that can be fashioned into floor mats and light wonderland of odd rock formations, boiling pools, and
walls by the city's weavers. In addition, Draji hunters and bubbling mud, eventually giving way to a steaming lake
trappers take an assortment of small game here. Escaped several miles wide. The Lake of Golden Dreams is the
slaves hide in the Dry Marsh, eking out a precarious most visited location in this area, for the vapors rising from
living and avoiding the hungry monsters in the area. the scalding water are said to grant visions. Mystics, seers,
and lunatics make their homes along the lake's shore,
rotting their minds by sampling the unhealthy mists. In
Plain of Singing Skulls addition, the lake might conceal a submerged city. Where
Near the middle of the Maze of Draj is a low mesa the blistering water is not too deep or cloudy, one can
whose edges are studded with nearly a hundred stone see remnants of old walls on the bottom, with dark cave
obelisks, each decorated with skulls. The skulls have been mouths leading deeper into the earth.
filled with mortar and drilled such that winds blowing Those who inhale the steam of the Lake of Golden
through the menhirs produce an awful moaning. Draji Dreams experience visions. Many are meaningless
hunters and reed-gatherers avoid the mesa because a large hallucinations, but enough true visions are had to lend
and fierce tribe of belgoi long ago claimed these lands credence to the tales about the lake. Any living character
from whoever raised the obelisks. Some believe that the who spends an hour on the shores may experience a
ruin of an ancient city lies somewhere nearby, and that vision but will be exerted afterwards.


The Empty Plains
When most people in the Tyr Region speak of “the
hinterlands,” they are referring to the Empty Plains, a
hundred-mile-wide shelf of largely uninhabited barrens
and scrubland that runs from the thinning forests and
foothills of the Ringing Mountains' western slopes to
the top of the Jagged Cliffs. The yellow-green scrubland,
broken by the occasional outcropping of weathered rock,
is home to herds of wild erdlus and mekillots, kank
armies, and hungry desert predators. Ruins lie scattered
through the plains, but apparently, the region was lightly
populated even in ancient times; the remnants here are
small in size and few in number.
A few primitive tribes of hunters – mostly elves,
humans, and half-giants – follow the herds, along with
thri-kreen packs and bands of ravenous gnolls. However,
vast stretches of these plains are deserted, and travelers
might go months without meeting anyone.

Dragon's Crown Mountains

Rising out of the relatively flat terrain of the Empty Plains,
the Dragon's Crown is a U-shaped range of mountains a
hundred miles west of the Ringing Mountains. According
to legend, the unusual peaks burst up out of the plains
at the same moment that the Dragon came into being.

The Chaksa
This ancient shrine sacred to the kreen of the Tyr
Region lies near the southernmost edge of the Dragon's
Crown. Once, the Chaksa resembled a perfectly sculpted
thri-kreen head, replete with enormous, multifaceted jewels
for eyes.
The Chak'sa is the last remnant of an ancient thri-
kreen nation. Though no thri-kreen knows its true history,
it was built about two thousand years ago by a nation
that included thri-kreen and humans. The Chak'sa honors
both beings who led that nation, a powerful kreen and an
avangion. What happened to end the nation's prominence
is something of a mystery, but it probably came into
conflict with the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon of Tyr.
Thri-kreen who view the Chak'sa feel a fascination for


it. Around the base of a dias before the Chak'sa is

inscribed with a message in an ancient kreen dialect; it
says "When the age of the Great One is come, make ye a
joyous light." Stepping on the dias caused bearns of light
to shoot from the eyes, hundreds of feet, to shift around
like searchlights sweeping the sky. These were intended
as signals to alert others to the presence of the avangion
at the Chak'sa. The inscription was left so that if an
avangion visited the Chak'sa, the lights would alert others
and call them to this location. This is no longer the case.

Within the sheltering bowl of the Dragon's Crown is a
rare sight on Athas: a small but lush woodland known as
the Silent Forest. Its dangerous predators and poisonous
plants keep most travelers away. At the center of the wood,
on an island in the middle of a muddy lake, sits a ruined
fortress called Dasaraches. This ancient palace is home to
a menacing cabal of psionicists who call themselves the
Order. Uninvited guests are likely to have their memories
erased and find themselves under a compulsion to return
home by the swiftest route.

The Jagged Cliffs

The Empty Plains come to an end at the Jagged Cliffs,
a confusing maze of gradually steepening escarpments and
winding canyons following the shore of a long-vanished
sea. Over the course of thirty or forty miles, the land
descends to the rolling plains of the Crimson Savanna,
which lie two miles lower than the Empty Plains to
the east. In their middle elevations, the cliffs are almost
vertical, posing a nearly impassable barrier to travel from
east to west. In the gentler and more well-watered canyons
and hanging valleys in the northward stretch of the cliffs,
strange vertical forests cling to the sheer slopes and narrow
ledges. Tribes of halflings inhabit some of these forests,
building their villages directly from the cliff faces. Their
technology is more primitive than that of the city-states,
but the halfling culture of the lagged Cliffs is rich, vibrant,
and old. Like their kin in the Forest Ridge, these halflings
are a proud and isolationist people who do not appreciate
outsiders wandering through their lands.


Forest Ridge
the scrub plains of the Western Hinterlands, and the
climate grows progressively hotter and drier until the trees
finally give out.
“Paradise on top of the world, my left foot! Are you
such a fool that you believe every slave rumor you hear? Forest Colossi
If it were true, don't you think we'd all be living there
The Forest Ridge's eastern marches are protected by a
instead of in this dusty pit?”
chain of colossi half buried in the jungle, great statues
that anchor an ancient primal ward against defiling magic.
- Dura Mandic, Tyrian glass crafter
Halfling shamans say that their ancestors created the
ward to safeguard their homeland from the ravages of the
Rumors and reports filter across the Tablelands, whispers
Cleansing Wars, and that to this day the defiler kings of
about a vast and untamed wilderness beyond the Ringing
the lowlands cannot defeat it. If the ward still functions,
Mountains where rain falls every day and trees grow so
it does not appear to prevent typical defiling magic from
tall and thick that the sun struggles to shine through the
working. However, defilers in the Forest Ridge often find
canopy. Most Athasians doubt that such a fantastical
that the jungle turns against them. Savage predators,
place could exist on their dying world, but exist it does.
carnivorous plants, and deadly snares beset those who use
Beneath the mighty peaks of the Ringing Mountains is
defiling magic in the Forest Ridge.
the Forest Ridge, a region unlike any other on Athas. It
is a wild, verdant land of dense jungles choked with vines,
bracken, brambles, and countless species of animals and Crystal Forest
plants. Here one can find a glimpse of the world as it The trees and plants in this section of the Forest Ridge
should have Been. were transmuted to translucent mineral centuries ago as
But for all its abundance, wonder, and plentiful water, a side effect of a battle between an arcane defiler and a
the Forest Ridge is no haven. The dim light shining druid. In the years since, many of the tallest trees have
through the tangled boughs does little to reveal the dangers fallen and shattered, creating a field of razor-sharp crystal
lurking in the shadows, hidden behind beautiful colors. spikes across the few square miles of this lifeless zone.
Competition in the jungle is fierce, and the denizens must Creatures made of conglomerate mineral shards stalk the
adapt or be devoured. Deadly predators both animals and Crystal Forest and some times venture beyond its edge,
plants camouflage themselves in a hundred ways in the searching for prey. At the center of the region stands an
dense canopy and undergrowth. obsidian plateau that hosts a ruined cliff dwelling. Ghost
Like much of the rest of Athas, the Forest Ridge is filled winds and spirits howl about the plateau, and ancient
with ruins. Dizzying mountain roads, mighty colossi, and magic wards yet burn. Those who stand atop the plateau
hidden citadels carved by ancient hands lie unexplored find their flesh slowly hardening to lifeless mineral and
in the jungles, remnants of a long-lost halfling civilization. must flee before the change becomes complete.
The Forest Ridge is more properly described as a great
plateau or highland. Most of the region lies at an elevation
approaching 10,000 feet, and the air is 30 to 40 degrees Temple of the Sky Serpent
cooler than in the lowlands of the Tyr Region. The The top five or six “steps” of a great pyramid rise out
Ringing Mountains intercept the prevailing westerly winds of the jungle here; most of the structure remains buried
and the little moisture they carry. As a traveler climbs beneath the forest floor. The pyramid is usually sealed
from the Tablelands through the passes of the mountain tight, but persistent explorers occasionally bypass its magic
range, walls of clouds bunch up behind the peaks ahead, wards and gain entry. Invariably, they report a maze of
and the rumble of thunder echoes in the distance. Farther stone tunnels that seems to go on forever, opening onto
west, the ridge steadily descends thousands of feet to meet empty chamber after empty chamber. But when the two


moons of Athas align in

a certain way above the
pyramid's apex, the sealed
entrances gape wide,
issuing forth green light
and hypnotic music. At
such times, yuan-ti priests
emerge from the Temple
of the Sky Serpent to
practice abominable rites
atop their shrine, and
yuan-ti war parties range
far into the surrounding

A plume of ash swirls
over Kol-Tukulg, a
dramatic volcano in the
Forest Ridge. At most
times, the mountain is
quiet, but now and then,
the cloud of ash and
smoke pouring from its
apex swells alarmingly.
When this occurs, nearby
halfling tribes mount an
expedition to the summit
and throw several living
sacrifices into the caldera.
They believe that this
method is the only way
to quiet Kol-Tukulg of
the Fiery Tread, a terrible
elemental creature that
lairs in the fiery caverns
of the volcano that
bears its name. Ancient
wards of primal magic
trap the mighty being in
the mountain, but the
defenses have weakened
over the centuries, and the
elemental grows restive.


Sea of Silt
Attempts to circumnavigate the silt are likewise perilous
– far to the north, a traveler faces impassable fjords and
chains of active volcanoes that bar the way. To the south,
“The slightest breeze stirs up a silvery pall of dust that the traveler ventures into desolate regions of salt flats and
clings to the surface like a fog. It becomes impossible sandy wastes, bereft of life or shelter. In that direction, the
to tell where the silt-laden air ends and the dustbed sea appears to continue for thousands of miles without
begins. When the wind blows more strongly, as it often narrowing or coming to an end. It is a daunting barrier,
does, the Sea of Silt becomes a boiling cloud of dust, to say the least.
the edges tinged with crimson sunlight. On such a day, The Sea of Silt is a curious phenomenon. Once an
a traveler near the sea cannot see more than a few feet ocean, it is now filled with fine gray powder as dry as sun-
in any direction. The dust coats his clothes, his face, the parched bone. No one can explain why the silt persists
inside of his nose, and even his lungs. He cannot see instead of blowing away or slowly compacting into a firm
the ground or the sky, and when he walks, his feet drag gray plain – it's not natural for dust to behave in such
through inches of thick silt. He grows disoriented, and it a manner. Many Athasians assume that some dreadful
becomes an easy matter for him to wander into the sea magic transformed the seas to dust long ago, and they're
and disappear forever.” not far from the mark. The Sea of Silt is a vast elemental
intrusion into Athas, a region in which a great elemental
- The Wanderer's Journal power has subtly altered natural law, balancing air, earth,
and water in a deviant fashion. In the Sea of Silt, dust
The Sea of Silt is a great dust sink that extends for coalesces and refuses to compact under its own weight. It
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of miles eastward from the remains light enough to rise in a wind-whipped haze that
shores of the Tyr Region. Long ago it was a great sea of can cover nearby lands with fine gray grit, yet it trickles
water, vast and deep, but now the shore slopes down to back down in time to rejoin the larger sea. Even if the silt
meet what looks like an endless plain of gray dust. On a blows into dust sinks many miles away, it retains these
calm day, it seems that one could walk out onto the plain strange properties.
as if it were fine sand, but the silt is too light to support Much of the Sea of Silt remains unexplored and
a human's weight and too deep to wade for any distance. unknown due to its sheer inaccessibility. Except for a few
The Sea of Silt is an impossible barrier to travel, passable well-charted shoals, the largest silt skimmer can venture
only along its margins by silt skimmers or waders that only a mile or two from shore. (Anyone who wants to
remain in shallow dust. venture farther out needs a means of flying or levitating.)
In addition to natural hazards, those who brave the sea Worse yet, long voyages up or down the coast offer little
must contend with the monstrous creatures that dwell profit. Most of the reachable islands and mudflats are
in and around the silt. Tentacled silt horrors prowl the largely barren, and as far as anyone knows nothing but
deeps, and giants roam the shallows, walking on secret blasted wasteland, possibly teeming with flesh-eating
roads only they know. Even the islands in the Sea of Silt monsters, awaits the bolder travelers.
offer as much peril as safe haven. Their isolated locations Experienced silt travelers know that the greatest danger
make them ideal hideouts for unscrupulous types who of the sea is not monsters, raiders, or drowning it is the
don't want their activities to be observed, and the austerity insidious “disease” known as the Gray Death. When the
of life on the islands turns many inhabitants to savagery. hot, dry sirocco rises, it kicks up the top layer of fine gray
Like the Ringing Mountains to the west and the powder and holds it aloft in a vast cloud. As creatures
Southern Wastes to the south, the Sea of Silt forms one breathe this airborne dust, the moisture in their lungs and
of the borders of the Tyr Region. For most people, the throat causes the silt to clump; a human can suffocate in
sea effectively marks the end of the world; no traveler a matter of hours. The surest protection against the Gray
has crossed its emptiness and returned to tell the tale. Death is to cover one's mouth and nose with a wet piece
of silk or similar fine cloth.


Despite the difficulty of survival in the silt, the basin

Denizens of the Silt Sea is not uninhabited. Many creatures have adapted to life
in the dust-flyers, floaters, and burrowers that can move
The silt has some indigenous plant life outside the mud in or over the silt. For them, the silt is not death; it is
flats. In regions of shallow silt (10' or less) the olom-reed instead their home, their refuge from the predators of the
flourishes. This hardy plant roots in the solid bottom of tablelands, and their hunting ground.
the silt basin and reaches up through the dust blanket to The creatures of the silt include countless varieties of
the sun. Its stem is strong and flexible, with a tassel of soft small insects, bats, floaters, razorwings, and the different
rushes at its top. Travellers welcome sight of the olom-reed species of silt horrors. The small insects include dust beetles,
because stands of hundreds of reeds may conceal a small mud wasps, tsek-flies, and silt spiders – all fascinating
spring or mud flat. creatures and well adapted to their environment, but of
Another plant, driftweed, is more common in the deep little concern to the silt traveler. Floaters and razorwings
silt. This rootless network of thin, brittle branches is so are far more dangerous, often attacking humans near the
light that it actually floats on the silt; it is one of the sea. They are true silt creatures, perfectly adapted to their
few substances able to do so. Driftweed is often carried environment.
hundreds of miles from the Sea by the worst dust storms. Many dangerous creatures use the silt as concealment


as they stalk their prey. Some, like the silt horrors, can
sense the vibrations or disturbances of the silt from a
Lake Island
great range. Others rely on psionic detection of their Most islands in the Sea of Silt are little more than
prey. Sighted creatures such as humans or giants are at jumbled boulders that fight a losing battle against
a great disadvantage in fighting off the attacks of the silt the abrasive winds. Larger, more protected islands can
predators-the dust is impervious to any kind of vision, and withstand erosion and might sustain life. Lake Island is
a creature buried even a few inches cannot be detected among the bigger landmasses in the sea. A mountainous
by most humans. spine forms a wall that shields against the storms blowing
Hunting groups of black horrors range far across the out of the deep silt; the largest peak is a dormant volcano.
shallows in their pursuit of prey, and the larger white, gray, A large, clear lake lies within the caldera, and steam curls
and brown horrors are feared by all silt travelers. But in up from its pristine waters, warmed by the volcano's fiery
the deep silt, there are creatures from which even the spirits.
silt-horrors flee. The mighty sink worms and silt drakes Trickling streams from the caldera nourish the thriving
command the respect of the most powerful silt horror. flora that blankets Lake Island's western slopes. In the
And the dreaded silt-vortex fears nothing that lives. lowlands, a traveler can find wild kanks, erdlus, and other
Three different types of giants live in the isles of herd animals. In addition, small settlements cluster around
the shallow silt: desert, plains, and beasthead. In general, oases; Lake Island is home to warring giant clans, thri-
the desert giants prefer rocky isles; the plains giants live kreen, dwarves, and others. Minotaur traders help sustain
on scrub isles. Beasthead giants are found on any kind of the few outposts, and gith raiders emerge from below
island. Usually only one variety of giant lives on a given the mountains to drag prisoners to an unknown fate in
island, although Lake Island and Waverly support several stinking subterranean grottoes.
different giant clans.
Giants have a bad reputation in other parts of the Tyr The Mountains of the Sun
region, but they are really not all bad. Just like humans
Rising from the central Sea of Silt a few hundred miles
and most other races, there are good and evil giants.
east of the isle of Waverly, the Mountains of the Sun
Many isolated giants delight in company – provided the
are a mighty range that is slowly dying. The fierce storms
visitor does not invade without permission. The exceptions
of the deep silt have been weathering the mountains for
to this are the beasthead giants, who tend to be far crueler
thousands of years, and with each day a little more of
and less hospitable than their cousins.
their substance is broken apart by the heat of the sun
Human and dwarf villages lie along the shore or on
and the cold of the night, to be carried away by the
isles just offshore. These hardy folk have devised means
endless winds. The scale of this change is beyond human
of crossing the shallow silt and often operate ferries across
comprehension; only a few inches of dirt and rock might
the silt estuaries or conduct trade up and down the coast.
be lost in the lifetime of a man.
The mud flats and rocky tors dotting the silt also
The Mountains of the Sun are very old and no longer
provide homes for one of the greatest dangers of the
possess the jagged edges and sheer cliffs of younger ranges
Sea: airborne predators. A few rare rocs and cloud rays
such as the Ringing Mountains. The softer rock has all
have, over the course of generations, overcome their fear
been worn away, and only the rounded domes of granite
of flying over the open silt and now range far across the
that once composed the mountains' hearts are left today.
dusty plain, seeking prey. A full-grown roc can capture
The individual peaks range from 200-3,000' high and
creatures as large as a young sink worm and carry them
are often separated by broad tracts of deep silt. Each
off as a meal. Some travelers have encountered powerful
mountain is anywhere from one to ten miles across and
roc-riders far out in the deep silt. They believe there may
rises one to eight miles from its neighbors. From the
be a hidden village in the center of the Sea, far beyond
highest peaks in the center of the range, it is barely
the knowledge of sages.
possible to see the ash storm surrounding the Valley of


Dust and Fire. Avegdaar, and Morghaz – Furyfire, Hellglow, and

There are few sources of water in the mountains and Dawnfire in the common tongue.
fewer foliated regions. Some of the older mountains
support a few acres of sparse scrub along their leeward Dhuurghaz
shores. Most are barren. The largest island in the Road of Fire, Dhuurghaz
The wildlife of the Mountains of the Sun is unusual. is a broad plateau of volcanic rock that is mostly flat
Thousands of years of isolation from the mainland have except for a range of steep, rocky cliffs along the southern
weeded out all but a few tough species. Those peaks shore. The center of the island is a deep pit, from which
that support life are the lairs of powerful avians such as emanates the hellish red glow of magma far below. This
wyverns, dragonnels, or rocs. A few hardy goats and erdlu volcano connects to the elemental plane of fire, and
still survive on some of the larger peaks. The dominant elemental beings emerge from the depths, seeking to burn
predators are a bewildering variety of spiders, including anything they can find. Beasthead giants of the Khal-Ish-
huge, giant, and phase species. Thaas tribe dwell in the southern highlands of Dhuurghaz,
Scattered groups of intelligent beings inhabit the traveling a slow, nomadic circuit up and down the coast.
Mountains of the Sun. A few small clans of aarakocra Few people know of the existence of the volcanic
live in the high peaks, and underground degenerate archipelago. Giants of the northern portions of the Silt
tribes of hej-kin guard most of the hidden water supplies. Sea (Lake Island and farther north) have heard of it, and
Surprisingly, a few small clans of feral dwarves inhabit the people of Ket know of the islands as well. In Draj, the
the mountains as well. The dwarves and the hej-kin are volcanic isles are only a distant rumor. Violent eruptions
the last remnants of large populations that migrated to along the Road of Fire sometimes cause ashfalls in the
this area before the Silt Sea became impassable. A dying city.
breed of less than 100, the dwarves here are cannibals
and wretched savages who constantly war with the spiders Avegdaar
and the hej-kin. Needless to say, the dwarves are not
doing very well. It is a testament to their innate toughness Smaller and more mountainous than Dhuurghaz,
that they are even there at all. Avegdaar is home to nomadic bands of desert giants.
The hej-kin and spiders attack anything foolish enough The clans of Avegdaar raid out of necessity, since their
to cross their paths. The dwarves, regrettably, are not island cannot support even the meager herds raised by
much different. They have never known anything but a the giants of Dhuurghaz. Avegdaar is also home to a
world full of enemies. The dwarves of the Mountains of large population of fire drakes. These creatures attack
the Sun may be ignorant savages, but they possess a lot the raiding clans, but only when their own hunting is
of unusual oral legends concerning the days before the particularly bad – even fire drakes can't stand up to a
Dragon. Unfortunately, they firmly believe the rest of the dozen angry giants.
world to be uninhabitable silt.
Unlike its sister islands, Morghaz has no active volcanoes
The Road of Fire and is surprisingly verdant. Scrub brush covers much of
The place's name is a misnomer, since no actual roads the land, and here and there stand small copses of forest.
span this chain of volcanic islands in the Sea of Silt. A small tribe could live here easily, yet the island is
Some sages believe the Road of Fire to be a mighty arm uninhabited. The Khal-Ish-Thaas tribe and the clans of
of the Ringing Mountains flung out into the sea, but Avegdaar avoid Morghaz, believing it to be haunted, and
others think the volcanic isles are a new range, rising they are correct. A shattered keep on the southeastern
slowly out of the silt. Although several dozen smaller tip of the island was the home of an ancient order of
peaks are counted among the Road of Fire, the bulk preservers. The former leader of the order, a powerful
of the archipelago consists of three islands: Dhuurghaz, ghost named Haakar, still lingers in the ruins.


its master can work the greatest mischief. The master

Haakar: Haakar is a free-willed undead spirit, similar of Roqom is Fajjayad, a great rakshasa prince, and he
to a spectre but far more powerful. Haakar is bound occasionally uses magical sendings to lure silt sailors and
to the island of Dawnfire and cannot leave. There are travelers to his black palace – especially travelers who
several hundred desiccated skeletons in the courtyards have a desperate need of some sort. Fajjayad claims to
and rubble of the ruins. be able to provide for any such needs in exchange for
Haakar is an ancient wizard, the master of the mage services to be rendered within 1,001 days.
society whose fortress this was. He and his brothers fought The rakshasa is unfailingly polite and candid. If asked,
against the rise of the defilers, but were destroyed in he freely admits that the task he sets is likely to be
the terrible wars that swept Athas in the ancient days. difficult, even deadly, and that his “clients” might die
Haakar's strength of will survived the death of his body, while attempting it. However, Fajjayad assures them that
and he guards the ancient fortress to this day. Powerful “the laws” (a term he does not define) forbid him from
magic and dangerous knowledge are still hidden within setting a task that is impossible or whose outcome is
the ruins, and Haakar ensures that word of the ruins' certain death. For his magic to work, the task must have
existence never leaves the island of Dawnfire. an element of chance and uncertainty. Still, if any group
has ever profited from Fajjayad's bargain, its tale is not
Rising out of the dust like the shattered fang of an
enormous beast, Roqom appears only at the peak of Shault
midday on the hottest days of the year. This sharp, The Isle of Shault lies east of Lake Island, far out
jagged spire of basalt lies in the wilderness beyond the in the Sea of Silt. Frequently hidden by blowing dust
Beastbarrens, but according to legend, it appears wherever and virtually inaccessible by silt skimmer, Shault holds


a secret: a thriving lowland forest. Except for a range of who are happy to help her in her task. If anyone threatens
small mountains along the southern edge, the entire island her, dozens of giants leap to her defense. They call her
is thickly forested with bizarre, exotic, and sometimes “little grandmother” and treat her like a member of their
dangerous trees, the likes of which have been forgotten clan.
by the rest of Athas. Shault's fertility stems partially from
its geography (the forest is protected on three sides by
tall cliffs that block the searing winds from the silt, and
Vanishing Lake
numerous springs feed up from below the surface) and One of the largest bodies of water in the Tyr Region,
partially from the primal magic of the half-giant druid Vanishing Lake is a vast mudflat south and east of the
Mearedes, who protects the island. Estuary of the Forked Tongue. It stretches more than
If visitors can persuade Mearedes that they mean no twenty miles in length and five in width. The precise size
harm, she and her three apprentices tolerate the intruders. is difficult to judge, for the silty muck that surrounds the
However, the druids' hospitality comes at a price. The half- lake is easily mistaken for more of the mudflat. Extended
giant is determined to ensure that knowledge of Shault's periods of drought cause the lake to evaporate, which
existence and location does not spread, lest unscrupulous means that during the months of High Sun there is
types plunder the island. She insists that all visitors be less water and more mud. Eventually the open water
subject to a ritual that compels them never to speak of the disappears entirely, and the lake seems to vanish, leaving
isle. Mearedes and her apprentices attack all who refuse, behind a thin, watery mire. When the sun beats less
with full intent to kill; she does not revel in violence, but fiercely during the months of Sun Descending, the water's
she considers the preservation of Shault more important source wells up once more, and the lake becomes obvious
than any individual life. In addition to her apprentices, to the eye again. Old silt sailors claim that the periods
Mearedes can call on some forty giants of varying kinds of open water grow shorter and farther apart as the years
at need, all of them fiercely loyal to the druid. pass. Someday the lake might disappear and never return.
In the heart of Shault's jungle, far from Mearedes and Vanishing Lake is home to one or more aggressive water
the homesteads of the giants, an ancient city has been drakes, and silt runners, floating mantles, cha'thrangs, and
ravaged by the march of time. The press of the jungle has other dangerous creatures live in tjie surrounding mudflat.
torn down chunks of the walls and collapsed buildings as The area is protected by a powerful, ancient druid known
the greenery grows over the stone. as the Old One. Most folk never encounter him, although
Neither Mearedes nor the giants of Shault know who occasionally a lost traveler, half dead from thirst and
built the city or why; the murals and carvings that survive sun sickness, claims to have been set on the right path
display script in an unknown language. Since the island and given a waterskin by a mysterious old druid who
receives few visitors and the druids avoid the ruins, its disappeared into the silt.
vaults and tombs remain undisturbed. Mearedes doesn't
mind if adventurers explore the city – assuming that they The Old One: The Old One is among the most
prove cooperative enough for her to tolerate their presence powerful druids in the Tyr region. Born nearly 100 years
at all – but she warns them that dangerous beasts lair ago as a peasant villager in a distant city-state, he left the
within the ruins. civilized world and took up the study of nature. In time he
came to the Silt Archipelago and inherited the guarded
Mearedes: Mearedes is the guardian of the island of lands from the ancient druid who preceded him. For more
Shault. She is a weather beaten human of 60 who enjoys than 70 years he has guarded the fragile Archipelago
the physical condition and health of someone half her against the careless abuses of intelligent creatures and the
age. She understands how precious Shault is, and she has ruin of defilers. The time is coming when the Old One
spent her life nurturing the isle. The island was slowly will lay down his guardianship and select another to carry
dying before she came to it; now it is strong and green on the never-ending fight.
again. Mearedes is a friend to the giants of the island, The Old One knows of the Valley of Dust and Fire,


having traveled there once on his journeys. He counsels produces enormous amounts of ash, which coat its cinder
against visiting it, especially the Dragon's sanctum in the cone several feet deep. The island usually lies beneath
center of the city. But he may impart his knowledge to a pall of airborne ash, and this may cover surrounding
those that help him. regions downwind in Moderate or greater wind conditions.
The column of hot ash and smoke rising from the cone
is visible 40-50 miles away, if the wind permits. Ashfall
The Verdant Isle can occur as far as Draj. There is no water and no life
Stories shared in taverns from Tyr to Cromlin tell of a on the Isle of Ash.
lush island in the middle of the Sea of Silt. According to On rare occasions, the volcano produces a superheated
the tales, the island is home to a secret city-state ruled by mass of volcanic gases, ash, and dust. This creates a lethal
a benevolent monarch and ringed by wide lakes of cool, mixture that blankets the island. This kind of eruption is
pristine water. Supposedly, this city is a paradise, and if preceded by many warning signs for days beforehand, so
a traveler is lucky enough (or has the right map, which an alert and fast-moving party can escape the area.
many hucksters just happen to have for sale), he or she
can find the Verdant Isle and live in idle luxury. Sages
speculate that the rumor might refer to the island of Ebe, Isle of Bones
a wealthy and prosperous kingdom during the Green Age. A cluster of several closely grouped stark crags rising
Others dismiss the Verdant Isle as a mirage that lures the from the deep silt, the Isle of Bones is a barren and
foolhardy far out into the sea, where they drown in silt. forbidding place. Each crag rises 400-800' above the silt
The wildest tales maintain that the city, a mighty citadel and is 100-1,000 yards from its nearest neighbor. The silt
concealed in a valley of dust and fire, is the hidden between the crags is several hundred feet deep. There are
retreat of the Dragon. 11 crags, and four are large enough to support vegetation
on their crowns.
The Isle of Bones gains its name from the broken
The God in the Dust skeletons littering the steep shoulders of the crags. These
The Sea of Silt is home to a dormant beast of great are the remains of the prey of the isle's chief predators, a
elemental power known as the Dust Kraken, Ul-Athra, large tribe of aarakocra. The bird-men are exceptionally
or the Mouths of Thirst. It is said that the fearsome silt fierce and strong and range for miles over the silt in
horrors that hunt in the sea are the spawn of Ul-Athra. search of food. Many of the skeletons of the Isle of Bones
Did the creature come to Athas during the Red Age and are human or elf.
turn the original sea to dust? Was it a native of the sea, The aarakocra tribe numbers 80 and inhabits the four
changed along with the water by defiling magic? No one largest peaks. The natural caves and vegetation of the
knows. Over the centuries, a number of elemental cults crags make for excellent lairs. An exceptionally savage
have risen to worship the Dust Kraken, seeking to rouse and degenerate tribe, the aarakocra prey on any travelers
the beast from its slumber and use its power against their who come within their clutches. They are frequently
enemies. These cults perform strange rites in the name encountered as far as 30 miles away and prefer to hunt
of their god. Sometimes, those especially favored by Ul- in parties of 6 to 12.
Athra's dreaming awareness are rewarded with secrets of The aarakocra of the Isle of Bones prefer to attack
powerful elemental magic or vile rituals that summon and with swooping volleys of javelins, but occasionally try to
bind lesser avatars of the Dust Kraken. capture human or demihuman victims for torture back at
their lair. For this the bird-men drop weighted nets over
The Isle of Ash fleeing prey. Four aarakocra can carry a netted human by
This volcanic isle smokes and smolders constantly. the trailing ropes of the net. The hapless victim endures
Although it rarely erupts in lava flows, the volcano vicious abuse before being thrown from the top of the


The isle is also home to many carnivorous bats of guard the palace. This island was once the retreat of
the large and giant varieties. The aarakocra are diurnal either a powerful wizard or psionicist who died in another
creatures and the bats rarely trouble them. land and never returned to his secret fortress. The Dragon
has investigated the island at length and discovered the
The Black Isle properties of its lake and jungle. The Dragon lets it
remain unspoiled as a lure for careless travelers of the
A forbidding place with sheer cliffs of black basalt, the deep silt.
Black Isle is known to only a few travelers of the deep
silt. It rises almost vertically from the surrounding dust,
ringed by unbroken cliffs 500-1,000' high. The upper Tarelon
surface of this remote and desolate island is covered by a A legendary city of the silt, Tarelon lies on a buried
thick, impenetrable jungle. The forest is not visible from highland that is sometimes revealed as bare stone. The
the surface of the silt below. winds that scour this region of the Sea of Silt create a
The jungle is filled with deadly plants of all kinds. shifting border region of shallow dust. The exact area
Strangling vines, poisonweed, blossomkillers, and dew revealed by the winds seems to change every day; travelers
fronds are found here in unnatural numbers. The who have visited Tarelon report that they could not find
prevalence of carnivorous plants has kept the animal it a second time.
population down to a few varieties of insects and birds. Tarelon seems to have been a large city, but not so
The center of the Black Isle holds a deep, still lake of great as Waverly or Bodach. Like Arkhold, many of
dark water. Nearly half a mile across, the lake seems to its buildings are permanently buried beneath the silt,
be fed by some deep, hidden spring. A few quiet streams and others are sometimes revealed. One great ancient
wind away through the jungle to trickle over the cliffs. The temple stands at the center of the ruinedcity, carved with
water possesses a dark and powerful enchantment: once a powerful and mystical symbols. It was once dedicated to
person has drunk from the lake, any other water becomes the deities of the elemental plane of earth.
deadly poison. Despite its appearance and reputation as a haunted
Along the shores of the lake stands a rambling palace of city, Tarelon is inhabited. The ruins conceal a small slave
pristine bone and ivory. Silent obsidian golems eternally tribe, the Silt Raiders.


The Ring of Fire

The seething lava's fierce heat can be felt miles away,
and its hellish glow eternally illuminates the shore of
the outer valley and the city beyond. Day and night are
“It is written in the Book of Urik that the Sea of Silt meaningless here.
was once an ocean of water called the Sunrise Sea. In the At first glance, the Ring of Fire seems a monolithic
middle of this fabled sea a great island lay green and fair, barrier. However, rocky crags and spires rise up from
in the days before the founding of Urik. No one knows the blanket of magma. The lava varies greatly; in some
what happened , but some great calamity overtook the places, it has cooled to a black crust that is actually safe
green isle, for the Book of Urik tells of the boiling of the to walk on, provided one can tolerate the intense heat of
Sunrise Sea and the Rain of Ash over the seven cities.” the air. Elsewhere, fountains spray molten rock as swift
and liquid as water. The awful forces at work create and
- From the Scroll of Kelaimos, destroy these features constantly – no stretch of lava ever
in the Library of the Oba of Gulg remains the same.
The Ring creates its own weather patterns. Its intense
The center of the Valley of Dust and Fire contains a heat powers the Great Ash Storm. Local hot or cool spots
seething sea of lava, the Ring of Fire. Enclosing the island of the lava have intense effects on the air masses above
of the City of Doom, the Ring is 150 miles from north them. The hellish winds of the Valley begin here; a gale of
to south and 100 miles from east to west. It is the largest scorching* air always blasts up into the Great Ash Storm.
caldera of open magma in the known world and the The dust funnels of the outer valley cannot form here; the
principal cause of the devastation of the Valley. rising drafts of heated air prevent the descent of cyclones.
The Ring of Fire is an awesome spectacle, a boiling However, the ring has its own cyclones – firestorms that
river of red, glowing molten rock that swirls and seethes spin away from eddying masses of superheated air and
continuously. In some places, hardy spires of dense stone rage across the lava.
pierce the lava sea to stretch like black fingers at the red The superheated air above the lava is free of ash or silt;
sky. In other places, lava eddies drain in endless, slow- the visibility is very good here, compared to other regions
moving whirlpools, only to reemerge as violent fountains of of the Valley. A character standing on a cliff overlooking
magma hundreds of feet high. Black cliffs of basalt tower the ring can make out the walls of Ur Draxa on the
along the shoreline. opposite shore.
Only the Dragon knows whether the Ring of Fire
preceded the City of Doom in its center, or vice versa. Denizens of the Ring
Regardless of whether the city was placed here first or Few creatures are at home in the inferno: fire drakes,
the ring was made around the city, the Ring forms an fire lizards, fire minions, and various forms of fire and
impassable barrier to all but winged creatures. The isle of earth elementals. Even these shun the place, because there
Ur Draxa is 20 to 30 miles from the shores of the outer are few sources of food within the lava sea. All in all, the
valley. Even strong fliers think twice about crossing 30 Ring of Fire may be one of the safest places in the Valley.
miles of open lava. Some strange creatures from the Para-Elemental Plane
The Ring is impassable by teleportation or extra- of Magma occasionally pass into the Ring through hidden
dimensional travel, including dimension walking, portals – creatures resembling common Athasian monsters,
etherealness, or plane shifting. This property probably but in elemental form. Fire scorpions and earth beetles
results from the Dragon's awful magic. The only practical seem to be common.
options remaining are flight or the Gate of Doom, and Two other creatures of the Ring, fire drakes and fire
the gate is closed to enemies of the Dragon. lizards, make their lairs in the rocky spires or islands,
emerging to hunt over the lava and to ravage the shores
The Lava of the Valley. They are always hostile.


Finally, among the inhabitants of the Ring are the area take the form of elemental monsters, like magma
Dragon Warriors. Their Iron Citadel perches on a rock beetles and fire scorpions. These creatures behave like
outcropping in the lava sea, reachable only by air. From their Athasian counterparts.
this secure fortress they fly out over the entire valley, and Other eddies similar to the maelstrom exist in different
occasionally through the Great Ash Storm to the Silt Sea areas of the ring. Most are temporary, lasting only a few
beyond. weeks at the longest. Others migrate from area to area,
moving a mile or two a day as they slowly spin. Fliers
should avoid flying over the eddies; the open portals to
The Dragon's Causeway the elemental planes may
A series of stepping-stone islands leading from the endanger any traveler who comes near.
Gate of Doom to the island of Ur Draxa, the Dragon's
Causeway is connected in some mystic way to the Gate
of Doom The islands are nearly uniform in size and Sith
appearance. Each is 100' square, and rises about 40' out This island in the lava sea is the home of the most
of the magma with sheer, vertical sides. The islands are powerful group of outlanders in the Valley. The hunters
placed every mile, and there are 16 of them altogether. and raiders of the Clan of the Fire Scorpion, safe from the
The islands of the causeway are in fact the markers dangerous predators of the outer Valley, use cliff gliders
or supports for the mystical conduit that spans the ring, to cross the mile of lava from their home island to the
connecting the two halves of the Gate of Doom. They mainland.
radiate powerful magic of the alteration and conjuration The island of Sith is unique in that a small natural
schools. Fliers may be tempted to use the islands as spring still exists in a deep cavern. With this precious
resting points in a crossing of the Ring of Fire, but that resource the Fire Scorpions carefully raise feeble crops in
would be dangerous – the islands are guarded, and it is the sheltered ravines of their island. However, the island
perilous to be on one of them when the Gate of Doom cannot support the entire tribe, and the Fire Scorpions
is used. must rely heavily on forays into the outer Valley. The
Each island of the Dragon's Causeway is guarded clan numbers 60 altogether.
by four magma golems. These creatures stand as silent The island itself, about five miles square, has sheer and
statues along the edges of the block and immediately rocky slopes. Canyons wind back into its interior, hiding
attack anyone who scales the island or lands on its upper the small fields and bare scrub of the island. The Fire
surface. The golems are not affected by use of the Gate Scorpions maintain a keen lookout constantly, and pass
of Doom. warnings to hide when a Dragon Warrior patrol appears.
They use cliff gliders only to cross the open magma; once
they reach the outer valley, they hide the gliders and
The Maelstrom proceed on foot.
A vast whirlpool of molten lava, this eddy is more The Fire Scorpions are led by Guerdra, a powerful elven
than two miles wide. At its heart there is a portal to fighter and psionicist. She established the clan over 80
the Elemental Plane of Fire. This portal opens into a years ago and has twice survived its near-extermination. A
vast air pocket within the elemental plane that drains wily leader, she has difficulty controlling her overconfident
magma away from the Ring of Fire. This loss is more clansmen, who have forgotten the power of their enemies.
than balanced by other portals that bring magma into Guerdra is preparing to move the Scorpions to prevent
the lava sea. the raid she knows is coming soon, but the cliff pilots
The maelstrom is a spectacular sight, a playground for of her clan oppose the move, and she has yet to find a
various elementals and creatures of fire. Not all of these suitable lair.
creatures are malign, but friendly fire elementals can be The Fire Scorpions hide from intruders and avoid
just as deadly as hostile ones. Many elementals of this contact until Guerdra is alerted. She then decides


whether to attack, greet, or avoid the strangers. The Fire

Scorpions avoid powerful characters, but may attack those
who appear weak to gain their belongings and weapons.
Guerdra is very objective and cruelly pragmatic about
running the clan; she views weak members as a threat
to the clan's survival and drives out or kills the old and
helpless when they become a burden to the clan.
The Fire Scorpions are hunted by the Dragon Warriors
of the Iron Citadel. So far, the Scorpions have avoided
detection. The Dragon Warriors will seek the assistance
of Ur Draxa's viziers or templars and then locate the
hidden camp. When that time comes, the Fire Scorpions
will perish entirely. Guerdra may befriend PCs who fight
the Dragon Warriors, defend clan members from them,
or offer a way to secure her leadership of the clan. She
can tell her allies a great deal about the Iron Citadel, the
outer wall of Ur Draxa, and the leaders of the city.

Guerdra: Guerdra was born in the Valley of Dust and

Fire as an outlander. She has lived as a hunted person all
her life, and is the consummate survivor. No matter what
happens, she continues fighting. Twice her clan has been
raided and destroyed, but each time she has used the
matter to determine what gain or threat it poses.
few left alive to form an even stronger band. A powerful
Guerdra now quietly struggles to retain leadership.
psionicist and deadly fighter, Guerdra has the respect, if
Torthan, a charismatic young warrior who leads the clan's
not the love, of the Fire Scorpions.
cliff pilots, has boldly challenged her, defying her edicts
As leader, Guerdra is only interested in her own survival.
and openly seeking allies among other clansmen. Guerdra
Weak members hurt the clan's chances for surviving –
regrets the loss of a fine fighter, but plans on killing him
and therefore her own. Though pragmatic, Guerdra is
to retain command.
hardly single minded or stupid. She carefully weighs every


The Valley of Dust and

Fire-let interlopers be warned.

Fire The Great Ash Storm

Like a vast wall of dust, the Great Ash Storm eternally
hangs over the heart of the Sea of Silt. Almost 180 miles
“In the heart of the Silt Sea is an endless storm, a
in diameter, it towers ten miles into the sky. On a clear
howling demon of dust and wind that shrieks its rage for
day (a rare occurrence in the Silt Sea) it can be seen
all eternity in the lands unknown. It is the child of the
from 200 miles away. The storm appears as a roiling wall
Dark Sun, a savage and hungry thing that will one day
of dust that stretches out of sight to either side and into
consume all Athas. It is the Great Ash Storm.”
the sky.
The storm has an alarming tendency to expand or
- An old elven camp tale
shrink suddenly as winds fluctuate. Minor variances can
send the wall of dust surging outward several miles in only
Fewer than a dozen travelers have looked on the Valley
moments. Anyone within five miles of the storm may be
of Dust and Fire and returned to tell the tale. Buried
engulfed in a sudden surge.
beneath a choking cloud of ash and silt, the Valley is
Within the Great Ash Storm, wind velocity reaches 100
the Dragon's realm. Hellish winds, strong enough to flay
miles per hour. Sudden eddies and gusts can reach wind
the skin from a traveler, scour the land bare. The heat
speeds of almost twice that. Flying in these conditions is
is incredible, trapped beneath the endless clouds of dust.
impossible for all but the most powerful creatures. Even
The sun is never more than an angry red eye in the
fliers of this size and strength find that the powerful gusts
brown haze overhead, and nights are impenetrably dark.
buffet them like sparrows in a tornado.
The borders of the Valley of Dust and Fire shift with
Visibility drops to five yards, hearing is almost impossible
the winds every day. The Ring of Fire, a vast sea of
above the roaring of the wind, and any breathing creature
seething lava inside the Valley, surrounds the City of
begins to suffer the Gray Death unless it can protect its
Doom. The terrible heat and hellish glow of the burning
lungs and throat from the choking dust. Worse still, the
rock can be detected 20 miles away. The heat of the Ring
wind-driven dust scours creatures for damage equal to
of Fire powers the Great Ash Storm that rages over the
their base Armor Class -4. Adjustments to Armor Class
for shields, magic, or dexterity do not count against this
The outer lands of the Valley are largely uninhabited-
few creatures can withstand its fierce climate. Those that
The clouds of dust also generate barrages of lightning.
can survive in this environment are, without exception,
Sheet lightning constantly flickers and dances in the
monsters of terrible power. It is likely that the Dragon
clouds, which are tinted a brilliant red by the thick
maintains a population of deadly creatures here to deter
airborne dust. Flying creatures may be threatened by a
would-be explorers.
strike. Damage is 10d6 per bolt, but a saving throw vs.
Characters approaching over the Silt Sea must first find
death magic means that the bolt missed entirely. Creatures
the Great Ash Storm. Once they have pierced its dusty
on the ground are in less danger, though a successful save
walls, they confront 20-30 miles of the most desolate
does not negate damage but inflicts half damage instead.
terrain in the burning world: the Ring of Fire. Worse,
The Great Ash Storm extends ten miles into the
the ring forms a psionic and magical barrier to ethereal,
Valley, existing in this form only over the silt. At the
dimension walking, and phasing characters. No traveler
storm's outer borders, the Silt Sea is 2,000' deep, but
can cross the Ring of Fire by these means.
within it the silt is slowly stripped away. Ten miles inside
Only the strongest and most resourceful adventurers
the shifting borders, the silt has been stripped down to
can cross the Ring of Fire and enter the City of Doom.
bare rock. Here the storm weakens into a hollow dome of
The Dragon itself watches over the Valley of Dust and
winds. Past the ten-mile shell of the Great Ash Storm,


travel becomes much easier. Valley and destroying everything in their path. Scarlet
lightning flares constantly. By day, the blasted scenery is
Beneath the Storm revealed in a reddish-brown haze of tremendous heat. By
Over the barren rock of the Valley, the Great Ash night, only the flashes of lightning and the hellish glow of
Storm rises away from the ground by about a mile or so. the Ring of Fire bring light.
In this bubble of relative calm, the winds rarely reach Few mortals can look on these lands and remain
more than 70-80 miles per hour, and lightning strikes are unmoved.
far less common. Flight is usually possible, although still
dangerous. Gray Death conditions and scouring damage Denizens of the Valley
do not occur. Despite the utter hostility of the Valley, a few creatures
The Valley of Dust and Fire is not without its own dwell here, most notably the Dragon King. The Dragon
perils, though. The heat of the Ring of Fire, trapped spends about half its time beyond the Ring of Fire, within
beneath the storm, greatly intensifies the heat of the day. the walls of Ur Draxa; the rest of the time it roams the
Powerful creatures roam the blasted hills and smoking deserts and tablelands of the outside world. In the Valley
plains, searching for prey. Lastly, the ash storm overhead it occasionally patrols the outer lands to hunt ka'ardani
occasionally descends to ground level in the form of a (the outlanders) or destroy a dangerous monster before it
massive dust funnel or cyclone. poses a threat.
The Valley is a terrible thing to behold. Its floor is a The Dragon's servants also police the Valley. The
shattered, broken tangle of rock and ash. Fierce winds Dragon Warriors of the Iron Citadel overfly the outer lands
sweep stinging clouds of hot ash and silt through the routinely, searching for any intrusion. Parties of slaves are
winding canyons. Great columns of ash descend from sometimes sent from Ur Draxa to mine obsidian or other
the broiling red storm overhead, weaving slowly over the minerals. The few criminals and riffraff of the City who


are not slain out of hand are exiled to these broken lands in the northeastern corner of the Valley of Dust and Fire.
to become outlanders – a fate worse than death. The proximity of the Ring of Fire causes much geological
Powerful monsters wander the Valley, including action in this area of the Valley – hot mud geysers and
fire drakes, earth drakes, megapedes, nightmare beasts, so- mineral springs are common, and in some places the
ut, crystal spiders, behir, bulettes, remorhaz, wyverns, and shattered terrain overlies the seething magma below by
a few giants and braxat. In some cases, only one or two only a few dozen yards.
members of a species live in the Valley; it seems plausible The Tortured Hills are razor-sharp ridges and tors of
that the Dragon keeps this region stocked with dangerous barren stone. Deep gulches between the hills are filled
monsters. with boulders, rubble, thorny plants, and tough scrub
Even given the near-total lack of vegetation or water, grasses. Treat this extreme terrain as Mountains for
a few social creatures maintain basic agriculture in some overland movement. Water is relatively easy to find, but
favorable places. Giants, braxat, and outlanders all gather often the springs are contaminated by minerals.
in nomadic tribes that carefully seed as many areas as they The Tortured Hills are almost lush by the standards of
can. It makes no sense to live in one place when, despite the rest of the Valley, despite the extreme ruggedness and
all your efforts, your crops will be destroyed anyway. The impassibility of the terrain. Several clans of outlanders live
fights for scant water and food supplies are terrible. in caverns or sheltered canyons within the Tortured Hills,
but the chief residents are the braxat. A very powerful
Encounters in the Valley chieftain has managed to gather the chaotic creatures
under his rule, extracting promises of cooperation and
The Valley of Dust and Fire is extremely hostile in fealty from each of the small family groups that wander
both climate and inhabitants. Any non- or semi-intelligent the Tortured Hills. As many as a dozen powerful braxat
hunter almost certainly attacks anything remotely may unite for raids in this area.
resembling prey out of sheer hunger. The subjects of the The Tortured Hills are home to tough, agile goats
Dragon King who occasionally journey into the outer skilled in climbing the sheer precipices; bats, carnivorous
valley, such as Dragon Warriors or slave expeditions, are and fruit-eating; spiders, from mundane to giant and
under standing orders to capture any intelligent creature phase varieties; scorpions of all sizes; gaj; silk wyrms; id
they encounter. The few creatures of the valley who live fiends; tembo; spider cacti; centipedes; and earth and fire
outside the Dragon's rule (braxat, giants, pterrans, and drakes. A remote tribe of pterrans also inhabits the hills,
outlanders) are hunted by natural predators as well as soaring over the broken terrain on pterraxes.
expeditions from the Dragon King. They usually regard a
stranger as an enemy or a meal.
The trip across the valley floor is dangerous and Shard Flats
memorable. This area contains lethal monsters such as Scattered along the western periphery of the Valley,
earth and fire drakes, braxat, flailers, cha'thrang, tembos, the Shard Flats are a chain of salt flats. Before the
so-ut, wyverns, beasthead giants, id fiends, kirre, phase destruction of the Valley, the Shard Flats were volcanic
spiders, giant scorpions, death watch beetles, and even mineral lakes; with the desiccation of Athas, the potent
nightmare beasts. mix of contaminants in the water became a hard crust
Raiding parties of outlanders attack visitors for their of mineral salts. Unlike most salt flats, the Shard Flats
food or weapons. Dragon Warriors, always mounted on consist of black, needle-sharp crystals capable of piercing
domesticated rocs, often try to capture or kill the intruders. even a thri-kreen.
Fortunately, the shards are very brittle, and a traveler
The Tortured Hills can carefully kick a path clear by sweeping his feet from
side to side. On the bright side, few animals set foot
A region of rocky badlands so blasted and broken that on the Shard Flats. However, the flats are completely
it stands out even in the Valley, the Tortured Hills stand waterless. The black crystals absorb heat and effectively


raise the temperature on the flats one category above the contains a magical gate of enormous size and power
temperature of the surrounding areas, to a maximum of that spans the Ring of Fire. This is the only means of
Inferno temperatures. extradimensional travel that can span the lava sea, and
Though the Shard Flats lack terrestrial predators, they it only works by the will of the Dragon. A matching gate
are no place to encounter an airborne carnivore such as exists on the opposite The Basalt Plain shore of the Ring
a roc or wyvern. of Fire. Armies can cross the Ring of Fire with a step if
On rare occasions parties of giants or outlanders cross the Dragon so wills it.
the Shard Flats as a shortcut, but most intelligent beings The Gate of Doom is quite capable of discerning
prefer to simply walk around. between friend and foe. To invoke the power of the gate,
a traveler must either be with the Dragon when it uses
the magical The Dead Forest device or know a magical
The Gate of Doom command word. Only the Dragon knows the entire set of
Located on the Ring of Fire due west of the City of command words, and the word differs for each individual
Doom, the Gate of Doom is a towering archway of black, who uses the Gate of Doom. No matter where the Dragon
seamless granite. It stands nearly 130' tall, and is 60' wide. is on Athas, it can close or open the Gate by a mere
Its surface is carved with huge mystical runes of terrible act of will. Usually, the Gate is set to allow servitors of
power. The archway can be seen from several miles away Dragon Warrior, vizier, or templar rank to pass, along
if weather permits. with anyone accompanying them.
The gate is the Dragon's personal monument, warning The Gate of Doom is guarded by 13 obsidian golems
sign, and means of transport to and from its realm. It who are programmed to obey the orders of the gate. They


normally stand motionless in alcoves in the inner passage within the Valley of Dust and Fire, the Dead Forest is
of the archway. the largest and best known of these. Extending 50 miles
along the shores of the Ring of Fire, the forest occupies a
range of rolling hills and highlands 20 miles wide. Many
The Basalt Plain of the desiccated trees have been knocked flat by some
A lava plain of enormous size, this deserted region ancient cataclysm – entire hillsides are littered with the
remains volcanically active, and in many places molten wreckage of the once-beautiful forest.
lava still flows only a few dozen feet below the surface. The Dead Forest is rich in water and food. Numerous
The Basalt Plain is completely without water, food, trickling streams force their way through the dust and
or shelter. Its location at the southern edge of the Ring ash. Small, hardy shrubs and grasses are growing back
of Fire prevents travelers from detouring around it, and to replace the ancient forest with scrubland. A frail food
so denizens of the valley cross the Basalt Plain only if chain of insects, small grazers, and burrowers supports
necessary. The lack of cover makes this a bad place to larger carnivores such as wyverns, so-ut, kirre, cha'thrang,
be caught by airborne predators or treacherous weather. spiders, and scorpions. The wealth of animal life attracts
An unusual property of the Basalt Plain is its affinity intelligent hunters such as giants, braxat, and expeditions
for dust funnels. The winds that circle the Valley of Dust from the City of Doom.
and Fire tend to swirl and eddy here, and the Great Ash Several large tribes of outlanders live in the Dead
Storm often descends to blanket the ground. Forest, claiming territory and viciously defending it. Other
residents include beasthead giants. The Dead Forest has
The Dead Forest few good caves or defensible lairs, and competition for
them is exceptionally fierce.
Although several regions of dead forest terrain exist


The Tablelands
find lurking within half a day's travel of the town's gates.
This protection is not free to travelers. All who want
to enter Altaruk must pay a toll of 1 gp per visitor
(including each beast of burden). But for those inside the
City-state of Balic 15-foot-high walls, Altaruk offers stables, room and board,
The City of Sails. The democratic city of Balic rests trade opportunities between merchant houses, and gossip
on the shores of the Silt Sea, making it an essential trade from all corners of the Tablelands. Only the largest and
stop for merchants from all over the world. This city of fiercest raiding tribes would consider attacking Altaruk,
sailors and senators espouses the values of freedom, justice, but rumor has it that giants of the Estuary of the Forked
and collaborative rule…. but First Citizen Andropinis has Tongue are gathering to strike at the town. It's happened
handily won every election for the past two thousand before.
years, laying bare the truth of the city for all to consider. The village is governed by a Balican noble named
More details can be found in the city-states book. Arisphistaneles. In his role as master of the town, he deals
with traders in a stern but fair manner. Arisphistaneles
also has a secret role in Altaruk – he heads a local cell of
City-state of Kalidnay the Veiled Alliance, which maintains contact with cells in
Kalid-Ma, lord of Kalidnay, was once one of the most the neighboring cities. Many an Alliance plot has been
powerful sorcerer-kings in the world. In his hubris, he hatched in the cellars of Altaruk.
sought to take on the power of the Dragon, but instead, Birk Suntouched: This wide-eyed dwarf wanders
he and his city were drawn into the Grey – the shadowy the village and makes his living by begging. He constantly
realm of the dead. None have returned that are grasped mumbles nonsense regarding Kalak's “secret prophecy.”
by the dread realm of the Scarab King. More details can Most locals believe he's a harmless loon, but Birk
be found in the city-states book. Suntouched is actually a member of the Veiled Alliance
who has been tasked by Arisphistaneles to lure out any
City-state of Tyr secret members of the True – a conspiracy of Kalak's
followers – who might be skulking about in Altaruk.
The Free City. The City of Iron. Recently Tyr became
the first city in two thousand years to strike down its
sorcerer-king, the tyrant Kalak. A rebellion comprised Freedom
of nobles, gladiators, and the esoteric Veiled Alliance For decades Tyr's slaves whispered about a hidden
brought freedom to the city, freeing their slaves and village called Freedom that welcomed anyone who escaped
forming a council to guide the path of the city. The from bondage. Unlike many slave tales, this one is true –
newly crowned King Tithian, former high templar, allows Freedom exists, hidden in a remote crater in the foothills
the council a free hand as the city struggles to find its between Tyr and Urik. The village's former slaves raid
place in the modern world. More details can be found in to support themselves; however, with Kalak's fall and the
the city-states book. liberation of Tyr's slaves, the village elders are pursuing a
new path: trade, or at least trade with Tyr.
Altaruk From their hidden refuge, the ex-slaves have sent
trade delegations to Tyr, presenting themselves as House
The Balican merchant dynasties of Wavir, Rees, and Lirr, a new minor merchant house. The delegations are
Tomblador sponsor this fortified town of about two led by Bartras, a male human who once worked as a slave
thousand souls astride the trade route that connects Balic for House Vordon. Bartras rose as high in the house as
with Tyr. Desperate raiders wait in ambush in the stony a slave could before he fled with a purse of stolen gold,
barrens and rocky badlands that surround the village, but and he fears he would be recognized in Tyr. Therefore,
Altaruk's well-paid mercenaries drive off any bandits they Bartras travels in disguise, wearing the long black robes


and hood of a desert ascetic. He usually lets his assistant most important trading commodity.
Fathalia speak for the so-called House Lirr. Recently, Urik sought to take advantage of the chaos
In addition to raiders trying to turn over a new leaf, following Kalak's death and seize the mines, but Urik's
Freedom is home to ex-slaves who hold grudges against armies were repelled by the gladiator hero, Rikus, and
their former masters. A group calling itself the Winds of his warriors. Although closed for a brief time, the mines
Vengeance secretly hires bounty hunters and assassins have reopened and are functioning normally again. The
to eliminate the slavers. Unfortunately for travelers in temporary closure of this important Tyrian asset nearly
the region, the hired killers (who travel in small groups bankrupted the already-troubled city.
disguised as dune traders) do not discriminate when Hej-kin raids have plagued the mines. The subterranean
it comes to lopping off slaver heads. If they can save race dwells throughout the natural catacombs that riddle
themselves a bit of work by killing a stranger who can pass the foothills and nearby mountains. The hej-kin consider
for their intended target, they will. the ground sacred and mount sporadic attack against
those who defile their homelands. Some speculate the
opening of the mine was once a hej-kin cavern home,
The Iron Mines of Tyr although this remains largely unproven.
The iron mines of Tyr are the largest of their type in The mine gouges the foothills of the Ringing Mountains
the Tablelands. The presence of the ore was one of the north and west of Tyr like an open wound. A single narrow
principal reasons Tyr was established only two days' travel mountain road accesses the fortified site. Three guard
from the mine. Death has always been associated with outposts border the road at half-mile intervals from the
the mines. Miners die from unexpected cave-ins and the mines. Each outpost consists of a small pair of buildings:
natural hazards of the mines. Still others die from the One set against the mountainside, the other perilously
“hej-kin's curse”. close to the exposed drop. Bramble weed walls surround
The “curse” takes one to three men a month. A worker each outpost while the trunk of a stout brambletree blocks
who felt fine the day before may suddenly feel weakened. the road at waist height. The trunk lies in an L-shaped
Some days or weeks later, he might suddenly keel over slot fitted into each of the two buildings. A combined
dead, a victim of the alleged curse. Miners believe ancient strength of at least 40 is needed to lift the massive tree
hej-kins cursed the caverns, but the truth lies locked trunk from its resting place. As one approaches the mines,
within the stone itself. each guard post contains twice as many guards as the last.
Unknown to the workers, the ore is of an arsenide type. The smaller, first station maintains 10 guards and two
The narrow eighth-of-an-inch red vein is surrounded by “runners”. All the guards are armed with metal weapons.
strata of poisonous arsenic deposits. The arsenic penetrates Passing the third gate reveals the mining compound. The
through all the workers' cuts caused by working with rock camp occupies a plateau shelf 550 feet wide by 1,000 feet
and stone. Undetectable, arsenic builds up in the body long. The mountainside rises 500 feet above the plateau,
until achieving lethal dosage. A mine worker must make providing a natural barrier against attack. Opposite the
a successful saving throw vs. poison once per month or mountainside loom sharp precipices, dropping thousands
feel the poison's effects. If the saving throw is failed, the of feet to the valley floor below. The mines' gaping mouth
victim loses a hit point per turn until death occurs. A faces the compound 's gates. The entrance rises 30 feet
slow poison spell delays the effect, while neutralize poison high, spans 65 feet at the base, and is cut in the shape of
negates the poison. A select few of the templars have a dark hemisphere against the vertical rock face.
guessed the ore's peril, but keep it a secret under penalty To the right of the opening is a series of large cages,
of death. Hiring priests to cure the afflicted men would designed to hold erdlu, kank, and heavy crodlu. Erdlu
prove much too costly, and would reveal the problem to occasionally pull small carts, but serve primarily as a food
all. Life is cheap on Athas, iron is not. Regardless of the source. Kanks are teamed in twos and fours to pull ore
danger, the red ore represents Tyr's lifeblood as the city's carts. They are used extensively in the mines, especially
in areas where the tunnel height slopes to under five



feet. The honey globules produced by the kanks provide after cartload of raw ore from deep within the mountains.
additional foodstuffs for the compound. Heavy crodlu pull It is their job to work the creatures tirelessly and maintain
the large ore carts. a steady flow of raw materials to the smelters. Because of
Beside the animal pens are a series of bunkhouses, the expertise needed for the job a hauler can expect to
originally designed to hold slaves, now modified to house receive up to a silver a week for his work.
paid workers. A row of covered pits, closest to the road on Carriers have the backbreaking task of bringing the
the right, were once used as holding cells for disobedient ore-bearing rocks to the carts of the haulers. They collect
slaves. They now confine the more dangerous criminals loose ore into coarse, woven bags of giants' hair to be
who are sent to the mines as punishment. To the carried or dragged to the ore carts. This job is often
immediate left of the camp's entrance stands the opulent, assigned to criminals serving out sentences in the mines.
two-story residence of the templars who still oversee the The pay for non-criminals is two ceramic bits a day plus
daily operations of the mines. Each templar is assigned room and board.
25 guards, and remains responsible for their actions. The Miners perform the dangerous job of loosening the
guards share compartmentalized sleeping quarters on ore from the reddish rocks. Few of the veins are large or
the ground floor, while the templars reside in the lavish easy to mine. Most appear as eighth-of-an-inch narrow
apartments located on the second story. bands in the rock. Newer excavations are always the
A large building to the left is used for the storage and most dangerous. As the miners delve deeper into the
preparation of food. Positioned between this building and ore vein, the composition of the overhanging rock can
the precipice are a huge fire pit and cooking kilns. Cooks change. Problems occur when the rock above the ore is
prepare meals for the entire camp, templars and workers softer than the surrounding stone. This formation will not
alike. The ore house stands closer to the center of the support its own weight, and frequently collapses, causing
compound. This massive, thick walled, square building cave-ins. Miners receive extra compensation for working
stores smelted bars of iron until they are transported to in the newer digs. Tyrian miners prefer picks, hammers, or
the city. It is constantly guarded on all sides, especially large two-person gouges for their work. Miners who work
the roof. The smelter stands to its left, towards the mines. the new digs receive up to five ceramic bits a day, while
Fires burn in the smelter day and night, separating the other miners receive one to three bits per day.
iron ore from the red rock. Spent tailings (useless rock) When sufficient ore has been smelted, the mining
are then discarded down the mountainside, creating an templars send word to Tyr, and a heavily armed Royal
immense rubble field that sprawls 1,000 feet down the Caravan travels to the mines to retrieve the ingots. No one
steep slope. Deep rutted paths connect the ore smelter to has ever successfully raided a Royal Caravan transporting
the mines' entrance. Carts holding raw ore rest in these iron. Fear of Kalak's retribution helped prevent raids in
ruts as they await the smelter. There are two sizes of carts: the past. At the present time, under the reign of Tithian,
The large carts carry a half ton of ore and the small carts the caravan's guard will be even more formidable due to
hold 500 pounds of rock. the Tyrian king's lack of spellcasting abilities.
The templars who run the mine hire four types of
workers: guards, haulers, carriers, and miners. The guards' Grak’s Pool
duties are straightforward – they keep tempers from flaring
between workers, monitor all who come and go in the Midway between Altaruk and Ledopolus stands a
complex, and protect the templars. Their chief duty, mud-brick fortress built over a natural spring. Because
however, is safeguarding the mines and the ore. There are surface water is rare anywhere on Athas, Grak’s Pool is a
never fewer than 200 guards at the mines at any time. welcome stop for travelers. Grak, a half-elf warrior of some
This is a well paying but difficult job, as no amount of renown, commands a band of mercenaries based here. He
bribery can secure a position as guard; they are strictly allows visitors to set up camp around the outskirts of his
hand-picked by Borger, Minister of Mines. fortress, but his water is not free. He charges travelers 5
Haulers work with the various beasts, bringing cartload cp per drink and 20 cp per bath.


Below the fortress and the spring, a foundation of older state of Balic and administered by House Tomblador. In
ruins extends beneath the stony barrens of the surrounding addition to Tomblador’s outpost in Walis, two templars
landscape. Grak and his mercenaries have explored only a of the sorcerer-king Andropinis and a small detachment
portion of these tangled, echo ing tunnels. Spine-chilling of legionaries keep an eye on the village. The Balican
roars sometimes echo up from the deep passages below templars allow Tomblador agents to do as they wish.
Grak’s Pool. Their awful resonance has been sufficient The gold mine lies at the canyon’s throat. Each day
to keep the mercenaries from venturing too far beneath a working party of village slaves is let down from the
the fortress. crankhouse and escorted to the mine under the sharp eyes
of overseers. The miners produce only a pittance of gold,
Seer Nafoun: Mafoun is a badly scarred dray who but it’s enough to sustain the operation.
camps perpetually outside the fortress of Grak’s Pool. He Suspicion greets the few visitors who come to Walis.
offers prophecies and readings for the cost of a drink in Those whose stories check out can stay in the Yellow
the fortress. Mafoun belongs to a secret cult called the House, a hostelry and stable maintained at the spire’s
Children of the Dragon. The Children believe that the foot.
Dragon of Tyr will redeem Athas if it receives enough
sacrifices. The world’s failure is that, so far, too few lives
have been given to the Dragon for it to achieve its
ultimate end. Home to an aggressive tribe of half-giant raiders, the
hold of Kra-Hnur lies in a hanging valley about halfway
between Tyr and Walis. Crude stone fortifications
Kled barricade the path leading up from the valley to the
The dwarven settlement of KIed controls an obsidian stronghold. The half-giants keep large flocks of goats and
mine in the foothills of the Ringing Mountains. The erdlus in the high pastures behind their walls, along with
village is built on the location of a Green Age dwarven several hundred thralls of other races – captives taken in
citadel called Kemolak. The dwarves of Kled believe raids on the lowlands.
they are descended directly from the kings of Kemolak, The leader of the tribe, a huge, one-eyed half giant war
although they keep this claim from outside ears lest they chief known as the Great Kra, is far more clever than his
anger a sorcerer-king in their presumption. From time to brutish appearance would suggest. The Great Kra spent
time, miners unearth portions of the ruins of the “city his youth serving in the royal guard of King Kalak of Tyr,
of dwarf kings.” Most of the finds are enigmatic wall and when he returned home, he seized control of his tribe.
remnants or bits of flagged flooring heavily inscribed with He despises humans, elves, and other “weaklings,” and he
angular runes. However, every so often the workers recover personally leads his warriors on raids. The Kra-Hnurdha
a crumbling relic of ancient Kemolak. tribe primarily strikes at caravans on the Trade Road and
Of late, Kled has been troubled by a series of raids isolated villages and outposts in the Tablelands. However,
targeting trade caravans bound for Tyr. A number of with the recent chaos in Tyr, the Great Kra has turned
dwarves have been killed by mysterious attackers. his eye on the client villages clustering within the city’s
verdant belt.
Site of the only gold mine known to exist on Athas, Gunginwald
Walis is a tiny village atop a high spire of rock within In the middle of the Ringing Mountains, in that stony,
a canyon in the foothills of the Ringing Mountains. rugged district just north of Tyr, lies a shrine of the earth
A massive cargo bucket let up and down by slaves in elementals. Those who travel over the mountains have
a crankhouse tower controls access to the community. often found it a safe refuge from the beasts that lurk in
Walls is a client village under the control of the city- those craggy peaks, and the guardian who lives at the


shrine seems content to provide defense for all those in by the menhirs. The ground is soft and extremely fertile,
need. and always covered with the greenest grass most travelers
The guardian's name is Horth Araxis, an earth cleric have ever seen.
whose wandering days have come to an end. He can still
scale mountains, but long journeys tire him, and have 3. The Waterfall: A constant stream of fresh, pure
for years. A fit man, his years are betrayed by the dirty water slides down from the cliff face and over the edge.
wrinkles of his face and the graying of his beard. His eyes Canteens and water skins may be filled here, but larger
are black and beady, and his skin is the color of desert containers cannot fit through the slim, recessed entrance.
sand. A brown robe covers the tough mekillot armor that
has served him well over the years. His weapon is a large 4. Horth's Cave: This cave is Horth's home. There is
maul topped by a hammer like stone of obsidian. little here except a bed of soft clay, some pottery, and a
The shrine sits just off a little side trail in the mountains few trinkets of gold, silver, and gemstones lying about. The
north of Tyr. Beasts of burden and large beings may not precious metals are worth anywhere from 1-100 sp, and
fit through the entrance. Horth might trade these to a party for something he finds
useful or entertaining.
1. Menhirs: Four great menhirs border the circular
niche in the walls of the cliff. They are unornamented, Horth Araxis: The earth shrine was prepared by
but characters should get the feeling that they are being another long before Horth was born. Nevertheless, he has
watched. If Horth is attacked, the menhirs will turn into found his home here. Horth listens for cries for help, and
four giant, stone golems. investigates them immediately. Unless those in trouble
are blatantly evil or are defilers, he dashes to the rescue.
2. The Shrine: The shrine itself is the area bordered Afterwards, he'll heal their wounds and invite the travelers


to his cave for food and water, and to tell them long, When travelers approach to within bowshot of the walls,
exciting stories about the wonderful powers of earth. elf guards call out the rules of the compound: “Two
If he is attacked, Horth can activate four menhir/golems silver pieces each to water here and rest in relative safety.
that were presented to him by an old preserver-friend, Pay or turn back.” Then an elf appears from a hidden
these he will use in a fight to the death. entrance to collect the fees. The gates will not open until
payment is received, and most violence is returned in
kind by the bow-wielding guards upon the walls.
Silver Spring Oasis Inside, the small pond is full of brown, bad-tasting
A fortified caravanserai stands at the oasis along the water. Around it wait the elven tents, full of goods to
trade route between Tyr and Urik. This roadside inn is a trade and deals to be struck. If a traveler is careful and
preferred stop for many house merchants and dune traders. keeps his wits about him, he might even come away with a
Its faded, worn walls have greeted travelers for more than worthwhile item and most of his money. The descriptions
a century with flickering lanterns lit just after nightfall, below are keyed to the accompanying map of the oasis.
snippets of exotic song, and the clamor of excited trade.
Silver Spring Oasis is a great walled square, with the 1. Warrior Tents: The fighters and multiclassed warriors
central courtyard open to the elements. The inner wall of charged with defending the compound live in these long
the courtyard is riddled with doors that lead to sleeping tents. The warriors follow strict schedules so that there are
chambers, a common room, food stores, stables, and vaults always guards atop the walls. If trouble occurs, all of the
where dune traders can safeguard their merchandise. The warriors can be assembled within minutes. All warriors
courtyard also contains the eponymous “Silver Spring,” a carry longbows, a quiver of arrows, and a long sword made
central well that yields cloudy, foul-tasting water. (Whoever of bone or stone.
named the well apparently did so a long time ago, when
the water was fresh, or the name might be a joke.) Still, 2. Defilers' Tent: Toramund provides this tent for
the water is safe for people and mounts to drink, and the use of whatever defiler he recruits. It also serves as
when properly filtered, it becomes suitable for the famous the living quarters for the three low-level elf defilers that
“silver baths” that only the wealthiest traders can afford. were born into the tribe. These elves dislike the idea that
Carts and stalls of minor merchants fill the courtyard Toramund seeks wizard talent from outsiders, but they
around the well. also know that they do not possess the power their chief
The proprietors are a tribe of elves called the Silver requires. They continue to hope that the next mage to
Hands. Unlike others of their kind, the elves are not come to the Silver Hands will agree to tutor them in the
nomadic herders or raiders; they have run Silver Spring higher arcane arts. Until then, they continue the long
Oasis for several generations. The current leader of the process of self-study. They are constantly on the lookout
tribe and head of the caravanserai is Chief Toramund, for travelers who might be wizards, for they are eager to
who greets all newcomers, settles all conflicts, and oversees increase their store of spells, arcane texts, and magical
orderly trade. Those who violate the inn's primary rule (do items through whatever means are necessary.
not steal from another visitor) are ejected through the gate
without their trade items, belongings, or clothing. 3. Chief's Palace and Common Living Tent: This
huge tent serves as Toramund's personal living area and
Silver Spring Oasis court, and as the common living area for the rest of the
A lush field of tart-smelling ash-brush fills the area tribe. Toramund and his personal guards live here in a
around the oasis. The brush is dun-colored and thorny, portion of the tent blocked off by flowing curtains. The
and burnt-orange rocks jut from the scrub plains. The larger common area houses the tribe's children and those
elven compound – a looming fortress of stone blocks elves who have no other place to sleep. Sometimes the
rising above the barrens – can be seen from the road. common area is cleared so that Toramund can hold
court or entertain important visitors. Toramund's private



collection of silver and treasures is stored here, under the to the entertainers found among the Sky Singers, for
watchful eye of his daughter Torami. example, but a few come quite close. Friendly customers
who can afford to pay may avail themselves of elven
4. Oasis Market: The tents of the oasis market are company during their stay in the compound.
filled with cheap, gaudy goods that carry hefty price tags.
All items have been “improved” with decorative elements 8. Provisions: Traveling supplies may be purchased
to justify prices three times more expensive than those from the elves in this tent. The items are costly, but
offered elsewhere – improvements include a few extra all are of good quality. They stock no magical items. If
stitches here, a few more beads there, etc. Common goods visitors anger or insult the Silver Hands, the provisions
of all descriptions can usually be found here, as can a few they purchase might be laced with some type of poison.
“exotic” items that are often only slightly altered common Occasionally, the elves will poison a particularly wealthy
goods. For example, a battered bone sword might be visitor with a deadly but slow-acting brew. Then they will
engraved with a few meaningless runes and hawked as the follow after in order to loot the visitor's dead body once
legendary weapon of Colwyn of Bodach. The elves also it falls to the ground.
sell spell components, and every so often a real treasure
shows up in the market. But in order for a genuine 9. Warrior Leaders: Basettu, the protector of the wall,
treasure to escape Toramund's private collection, it must and his warrior lieutenants share this tent. Their personal
be so obscure or disguised as to appear to have little or belongings are stored here, and this is where they come
no true worth. to sleep and relax. The accommodations are less spartan
than the warriors' tents, but not nearly as opulent as the
5. Travelers' Camp: The Silver Hands provide space chief's living area. Four leaders live here, in addition to
within their compound for travelers to make camp. This Basettu.
area is treated as an outdoor inn. For an additional silver
piece (or something of equivalent value), the elves provide 10. Living Tents: These tents serve as living areas for
a sleeping mat, a small camp site, and a fire pit. Those other members of the tribe who do not live in the warrior
travelers who take advantage of the elves' hospitality tents or in the common tent. These are elves who desire a
are bothered by peddlers and wandering entertainers bit more privacy and have been granted it by Toramund.
throughout their stay. They must also beware of elf thieves Traders, successful thieves, and a few of the more popular
who regularly prey upon the campers. The thieves do entertainers live here.
not steal so much from a single person as to be readily
noticed, but they often take possession of a valuable item 11. Animal Pen: The elves maintain this facility to
or two. keep and tend animals brought in by visitors. The small
number of kanks that the tribe keeps are also corralled
6. Camp Supplies: This tent holds all the supplies for here. The two silver piece fee must be paid for all animals
the travelers' camp. Visitors pay their silver here to receive brought to the compound that wish to partake of the
sleeping mats and kindling from the elves on duty. The water of the oasis. If an animal's owner decides to spend
tent also has a small cooking fire to prepare meals (which any amount of time in the compound, then the animal
cost twice as much as the fare at city inns), and it stocks must be left in the pen. The fee for using the pen is one
wine and ale for those visitors inclined to drink something silver piece. Mekillots are not permitted in the compound,
other than foul water. but water may be brought to these creatures outside the
walls if the normal fee is paid.
7. Tent of Delights: Elf entertainers sing and dance
for audiences in this tavern/show hall. The drinks are
strong and often as foul-tasting as the water outside, but
the singers and dancers are good. Most cannot compare


The Free
Slaves everywhere whisper the name of the Free in
reverent tones once lavished upon the sorcerer-kings. Every
day the legend spreads and the tales grow taller with each
retelling. That is the nature of legends.
The truth is that the Free is the same as a hundred
similar raiding tribes operating in the Athasian wilderness.
Yes, they sometimes help slaves escape to freedom, but
only as an afterthought. The city-state spoken of in
legends, where every slave lives free, is nothing more than
a fortified village hidden within a deep crater.
The Free believe that all slaves deserve to live in
freedom. They follow this credo as long as doing so does
not threaten their own freedom. They are a wild bunch,
but they refrain from acts of true evil. From the tales I
have heard, the Free attack only those who keep slaves –
merchant caravans, slaver wagons, client villages, and even
the cultivated fields around the city-states. There has not
been a single story of the Free plundering from another
slave tribe or a village that does not keep slaves.
The tribe contains over 500 members, who live together
in a fortified village far from other settlements. They
believe that the good of the group is paramount over all
other concerns. All members share equally in supplies,
and any slaves freed by their raiding parties are invited to
join, if they so desire.
The tribesfolk see themselves engaged in a war to keep
the freedom they have worked hard to preserve. Anyone
who threatens that freedom is considered an enemy of the
tribe. Slaves, as prisoners of the enemy, are considered
allies to be helped, if such help does not put the tribe
at risk.

Bartras, an ex-soldier slave, leads the Free. He considers
the post a temporary evil, for no slave should be placed
above another. He promises to abolish his position once
all slaves are free. As leader, Bartras has reluctantly
organized the tribe along military lines, recognizing that
the struggle to remain free is a war between masters and
slaves. Eight generals serve as his council of war. These
men and women have been selected from all classes
and races of slaves to offer advice and to keep Bartras


informed of events within their spheres of influence. they may be offered a chance to join the Free.
Below the generals, a major presides over the Hidden
Village. In addition to administering to the village's daily Origin
needs of decision making and dispute settling, the major Bartras grew up as a play slave in the house of a Balic
oversees the village's defenses and assigns work details to patrician. The slave child learned much at the side of
maintain and expand the settlement as needed. his master/playmate, participating in almost all of the
Raiding parties are led by captains and consist of as few lessons assigned to the patrician's son. When Bartras
as six members or as many as several hundred, depending was nine years old, it was decided that he would serve as
on the target of the raid. a soldier slave in the patrician's personal army. He was
given over to the patrician's sergeant-at-arms to begin his
Operations and Means of Existence military training. Bartras excelled at armed and unarmed
Everything the Free does revolves around maintaining combat, easily besting larger, stronger foes. He gained
freedom. They engage in raids to procure supplies, free an appreciation for strategy and planning, paying extra
slaves to swell their ranks, and attack client villages to attention to lessons concerning military tactics.
strike back in some way at the masters who once held As Bartras came of age, he took his place among the
them in shackles. These raids are usually aimed at slave- best and highest ranking soldier slaves in his patrician's
keeping facilities: merchant house outposts or caravans, militia. But Bartras was not content. Why should slaves
city-state work detail, or client villages. In addition to have to settle at best for near equality and at worst for
gaining needed supplies, the raiders also seek to free any status as property to be used and abused as an owner
slaves they encounter while on such missions, as long as pleased? There had to be more for Bartras, and for slaves
doing so does not put their own members at risk. throughout Athas. Something was missing, and the hole it
The Hidden Village maintains small herds of carru and left within the young soldier slave burned like his throat
tends an oasis. What it cannot make for itself or acquire did when he was thirsty.
through raids, the village obtains by trading with other Years went by, and Bartras served the patrician's family
communities. It sends out caravans belonging to fictitious well. His undefined desires never interfered with his
merchant houses to engage in trade with legitimate villages duties or his loyalty. They just left him feeling hollow and
and outposts. incomplete.
While planning a raid, the tribe watches for Disaster struck while Bartras was accompanying his
opportunities to free slaves. This may be as simple as one-time playmate into the patrician's fields outside of
sneaking into a work detail and persuading the slaves to Balic's protective walls. The noble's son was making a
revolt, thus providing a diversion under which to launch routine check of his family's holdings, and Bartras and
a raid. However, it may be as difficult as actually setting his soldier slaves were along to protect him. The raiders
an ambush and overpowering guards. If a raid goes as struck without warning, ambushing the small party as
planned, then any slaves attached to the plundered area it traveled the path toward the olive orchards. When
are released. the painfully quick skirmish ended, the soldiers and the
Many circumstances can arise to cut short the slaves' noble's son were dead. Bartras alone survived, though
new-found freedom. The slaves may refuse to cooperate unconsciousness and bloody wounds made the raiders
with the raiders; they may be afraid to leave their familiar believe that he also was dead.
surroundings for the unknown desert. Even if they do Bartras had a choice to make when he regained
follow the Free, weariness, fear, or lack of supplies may consciousness. He could return to Balic and explain to
later turn the slaves against their saviors. The raiders his patrician why he had failed to protect the noble 's
will at the very least provide what food and water they son, or he could walk away into the desert and disappear.
can spare and give the freed slaves directions to a safe Either choice seemed to end in death, as far as the young
location, such as an oasis. If the slaves are cooperative, man could see, but at least in the desert he could die


free. Bartras struck out into the wastes. Ringing Mountains. I cannot be more specific than that,
In the desert, death did not find the ex-slave. Instead, for I have pledged to keep every tribe I write about as
he wandered alone and soon discovered that the hollow protected as I can.
feeling within him had been filled. It was freedom that he Its hidden location and the surrounding countryside
had craved, and now that he could go where he chose to offer the village much protection, but the village is not
go, do what he wanted to do, he felt almost complete. In without its own defenses. Every member of the tribe, from
the desert, it was more than just his body that Bartras let the young to the old, takes part in exercises designed
wander. He also freed his mind, letting it explore inner to teach the ex-slaves to work together for the common
thoughts that he once shied away from. He realized that defense. Specific locations and fortifications are under the
freedom was a constant battle, waged against the masters command of experienced military personnel, either ex-
of Athas who took pleasure in enslaving the masses. soldiers or gladiators, who direct the non-military-oriented
It took several years, but he eventually gathered enough members of the community in matters of defense.
followers (every one of them is an escaped slave) to start Scouts from the village constantly roam the land for
his own tribe. The Free was born in the heat of the desert, miles around, serving as first-line defenders (with orders
and it quickly blossomed in a shower of raids against to act only against small groups) and to sound the alarm
slaveholders everywhere. should danger approach too closely.
In addition to the crater itself, with its natural wall that
Location and Defenses rises some 30 feet over the crater floor, a sturdy brick wall
The Hidden Village lies at the bottom of a crater within surrounds the village, rising to a height of ten feet and
the foothills above the Great Alluvial Sand Wastes, lost mounted with battlements to protect the defenders. Gates
somewhere between Tyr and Urik in the shadow of the in the wall can be closed and barred. Within the walls,


the village has been designed to offer fall back positions The only folk the Free refuse to deal with fairly are
and hiding places for the defenders, while frustrating any those who regularly engage in slave trade or who work
attackers with its maze of low walls and ambush vantage directly for the sorcerer-kings. The Free might visit such
points. If attackers do manage to break through the walls, an outpost or merchant camp in the dead of night to
they will have to fight for every foot of ground they gain spirit away slaves, but they will never even pretend to
once inside. conduct business with such groups. Of course, they avoid
The village itself is built upon a raised platform of the city-states as much as possible, with the rare exception
baked mud, making attacks against it very difficult. Not of conducting a raid on the surrounding fields.
only must attackers drop down into the deep crater or
navigate the narrow ramp that is the sole accessway, but Joining the Tribe
once at the bottom they face the raised platform and the As with most slave tribes, only ex-slaves may apply for
village walls. If any attackers get this close to the village, membership with the Free. All races and most classes
they will find themselves facing concentrated attacks from are welcome, as long as the applicant can prove he was
the defenders' higher positions. a slave. Proving servitude can be difficult, especially for
The Hidden Village is a thriving community of ex- those slaves from households that do not use branding.
slaves working together to create a home. The building the When physical proof cannot be offered, the Free look
village is proudest of is the Free Arena. Modelled after to attitude, skills, origin to determine the applicant's
the gladiatorial arenas of the citystates but constructed worthiness. If the slave in question was freed as part
on a much smaller scale, the Free Arena is an open- of a raid by the tribe, he has the best chance of being
air amphitheater in which tribe members can gather accepted. Defilers are the main exception to the Free's
to discuss important topics and reach group decisions. welcoming attitude. No wizard who practices the defiling
While Bartras and his generals are not yet ready to give arts is welcome among the Free.
up their positions as leaders of the community, they have Still, desire to join and status as a slave does not
nonetheless begun to turn some community decisions over guarantee full tribal rights. A period of initiation must
to the Arena. be undertaken, lasting no less than three months and
In the Arena, anyone who wants to voice an opinion no more than a year. During this period, the applicant
can do so without fear of reprisal or retribution. Issues is assigned to a raiding team. He must demonstrate his
can be debated, and everyone participates in the decision- thirst for and love of freedom by helping the tribe wage its
making process. war against owners and by freeing other slaves when the
The village also boasts a respectable barter market opportunity presents itself. If he can perform some special
where members of the community trade their skills and service or heroic feat while undergoing his initiation, he
wares, a large artisan section full of all kinds of craft shops assures his selection as a member of the tribe.
and studios, and a growing residential section where the Any member who acts against the tribe or who fails
children of the Free can grow up to be whatever they to prove himself during initiation is put to death, for the
choose – with or without the permission of the owners or location of the Hidden Village is too important to entrust
the sorcerer-kings. to those cast out from the tribe.
Relations with Others Personalities
The Free trade with almost anyone. The community Bartas: Bartras, a human fighter, served as a play slave
routinely sends caravans to villages and outposts. These to a noble's son and then as a soldier slave in the noble
caravans pretend to be from some far-away or non-existent 's militia before he found his freedom. He has spent his
merchant house. Other than this bit of deception, they time as an ex-slave establishing the tribe called the Free.
trade fairly, making shrewd deals and cutting tough As leader of the Free, Bartras employs his followers as
bargains with the best merchants and traders in Athas. soldiers in a war against slave owners. He sees the struggle



to remain free and to live in the wilderness away from the ceramic pieces while wandering a village in the guise of
city-states as a war against both nature and the owners. a merchant from some fictitious house on the other side
Each successful raid provides another day of freedom and of the Tyr region.
thus is considered a small victory in his ongoing war.
His ability to lead comes from his military traintraining, 1. Crater Wall Ramp: This narrow ramp made of
charismatic orations, and his hands-on approach to sun-baked mud provides access to the crater in which the
tackling problems. With the help of his wild talent, Free have constructed their village.
Bartras can easily distract caravan guards so that a raid
can go off without a hitch. He loves freedom and wishes 2. The Main Gate: A narrow ramp leads up to the
to see all slaves free. Every group of raiders from his tribe village, which has been built upon a platform of sun-
has standing orders to set slaves free as long as doing so baked mud. The gate opens upon the village proper and
does not endanger the welfare of the tribe. faces the Free Arena.

Drog: Drog, a dwarf who once served as a soldier slave 3. The Free Arena: This amphitheater, modelled after
in Tyr, serves as the major (the governor) of the Hidden the gladiatorial arenas of the city-states, serves as a meeting
Village. He is a strict but fair administrator with a knack hall and gathering center where news can be shared and
for bureaucratic routine. Under his care, the settlement community matters can be debated and decided upon.
has grown from a tiny camp at the bottom of a huge
crater to a thriving village. He is constantly evaluating his 4. The Corridor of Gates: A narrow corridor divided
actions to make sure he is not imitating the methods of by three gates separates the main village from the herd
the masters in the city-states. pen. These gates can be sealed to protect the village from
Drog definitely does not like the position he has been invaders.
placed in, but he understands why he was chosen. He
was one of Bartras's first followers, and hehas an eye for 5. The Herd Pen: Herds of carru and a few flocks of
detail that makes him a natural administrator. However, kitsus are kept in this part of the village. The animals
he believes that the position stinks of owner, or worse, of are permitted to graze in the brush surrounding the oasis
templar, and he longs for the day when Bartras abolishes every day, coming and going by the herd gate.
all positions of command. Of course, total freedom scares
him as well. It frightens his lawful, ordered tendencies with 6. The Herd Gate: A narrow ramp and a sturdy gate
visions of uncontrolled chaos. Sometimes he wonders if provide access from the herd pen to the surrounding
that is what they are striving for. Then he remembers his grazing fields.
time as a slave, and such thoughts flee before his own
desire to remain free. 7. The Oasis: This oasis provides water for the entire
Selanu: Selanu once served as an artist slave in the
templar court of Balic. Her specialty had been bone
carving, but she developed a few additional skills to help
her get around the court unseen. Her fledgling thieving
talents found full expression under the tutelage of another
artist slave who once made a living as a rogue (before his
talents earned him a place as a slave).
After gaining her freedom due to the efforts of the Free,
Selanu asked to join the tribe. She now puts her talents
to work as a raider and as a thief when she is assigned to
a trade caravan. She enjoys stealing additional goods and


Black Sand Raiders say that the number of raiders never changes, neither
increasing nor decreasing. When a tribe member dies,
All tales told about the Black Sand Raiders are told he is immediately replaced with another escaped slave.
in whispers, as if speaking too loudly about these terrible Despite the claim that there are 100 raiders in the tribe,
marauders will attract their foul attention. They have no report has ever placed more than 30 of them in a
become creatures of legend, much as the Free have. But single raiding party.
unlike the tales of the Free, the legends concerning the The Black Sand Raiders are the epitome of evil for
Black Sand tribe are dark and evil. those living outside the walls of the city-states. These
Most tales center around the tribe’s leader, Zeburon, raiders stop at nothing to take what they want, and they
who wears an iron helm, iron gloves, and a breechcloth seem to revel in death and destruction. Their chaotic
over otherwise bare flesh. The man – if man he is – is evil tendencies are barely contained by Zeburon and his
capable of the same atrocities attributed to the sorcerer- defiler wizard, but they are given plenty of opportunities
kings, though on a smaller scale. His cruelty, ruthlessness, to indulge those tendencies during raiding.
and greed set the agenda for his followers as he leads
them on increasingly violent raids from the Siren’s Song Organization
to the Dragon’s Bowl. In even quieter voices, people speak
of Zeburon’s wizard. This powerful defiler apparently Zeburon rules the Black Sand Raiders, quite literally,
communes with undead creatures, further tainting the with an iron fist. He rules through power and fear,
Black Sand Raiders’ already stained souls. easily putting down any challengers to his rule. For the
Zeburon rides at the head of a tribe 100 strong. Rumors most part, as long as he continues to lead the slaves


on successful raids, Zeburon will continue to command raids as well.

them. He claims the title of warlord, though most of his The raiders' technique is simple. They pick a target
conquests seem to be over the weak and poorly defended. they can overwhelm and pounce on it. The Black Sand
He has yet to take on any well-protected caravans or marauders have been known to attack outposts and small
operate near a city-state. villages, moderately-sized caravans, and even other raiding
The raiders are organized on a strictly military rank tribes. The raiders ride kanks and strike swiftly once
system. However, ranks are not earned by hard workers they have selected a target. There is no planning or style
and good leaders. Instead, the powerful move up in evident in their actions. They simply attack and kill, then
authority and position by eliminating those above them. they take whatever they can carry and disappear back into
If you can defeat your challenger in battle (whether it is the wilderness. They try not to leave any survivors, though
a fair fight or not), then you can keep your rank. If not, a in the confusion of their attacks, a few lucky individuals
new officer is initiated with the blood of his predecessor. sometimes escape.
Zeburon selects his personal bodyguards from among his Zeburon's raiders operate almost exclusively in the
top officers. Rumors persist that these guards must first Tablelands. They have been known to hit targets as far
submit themselves to the defiler’s magic before they can north as the Dragon's Bowl and as far south as Siren's
assume their new posts. Song. They rarely travel into the Great Ivory Plain, but
The defiler, called Fevil in most accounts I heard, plays there have been tales of them striking caravans cutting
a major role in the life of the tribe. He is more than across the sand wastes en route to Tyr.
just chief council to Zeburon. He is the dark soul that When not raiding for spoils, the marauders attack for
permeates the Black Sand Raiders, conjuring visions of the sheer pleasure of defeating and killing a weaker enemy.
conquest to drive the marauders into a battle-frenzied They have also been known to engage in hunts, where
state. His word is law in the camp, for the tribe members they allow those they have captured a chance to escape.
fear him as much as or more than they fear Zeburon. Few As long as the captives can keep ahead of the raiders,
want to draw the dark wizard's attention, for he sometimes they can stay alive. Once the raiders catch up with them,
enlists raiders to “assist” him in foul ceremonies. death comes slowly and with as much pain as Zeburon
The rankings determine when a raider can take his and his followers can coax out of the victims.
share of the spoils. Like a pride of lions after a kill, the Every story I have gathered speaks of Zeburon personally
high-ranking raiders take their fill before those below them leading every raid. He travels with a party of 30 mounted
choose. The newest or weakest among the raiders select warriors, and sometimes his defiler accompanies him. They
last, which usually motivates them to work their way up must make a fearsome sight, riding kanks and wearing
as soon as possible. black cloaks and hoods. How they stand the heat is
beyond me, but that only adds to the tribe's supernatural
Operations and Means of Existence trappings. Zeburon and his followers fancy themselves as
The Black Sand Raiders have two methods of operation: avenging spirits, but I see them as nothing more than
they go on raids to acquire wealth and supplies, and they murderous thugs.
go on raids to satisfy their primal urges to cause pain
and spill blood. They have a simple outlook on life. Origin
Whatever they need or want is theirs for the taking, they Here the legend really takes a bizarre turn. The origin
believe. It is theirs by right of strength, and more, by right of the Black Sand Raiders traces back many years to
of retribution. Zeburon speaks of what Athas owes his when a gladiator named Zeburon escaped from Urik. In
raiders for the years they suffered as slaves. Every raid the arena, Zeburon learned to kill in order to survive.
the Black Sand tribe undertakes is an attack against the He took that lesson to the extreme while wandering the
nobles and templars who once lorded over them. They Tablelands, killing everyone he came upon. His blood-
do not care that innocents and other slaves suffer in their stained trail finally led him to an island of black sand in


the middle of otherwise barren terrain. The black sand Tablelands. The ruins rest within a pool of black sand,
shimmered evilly in the morning sun, beckoning the one- from which the tribe takes its name. Their camp is said
time slave forward. He accepted the invitation. to be a jumble of tents stretched between the ruins, but
Zeburon found that the black sand surrounded the some of the more privileged raiders make their homes
ruins of an ancient city. Some buildings jutted from the within the shattered and collapsing structures.
sand, exposing partially intact structures of strange design A number of factors work to protect the camp, though
and unfathomable purpose. A pool of water lay hidden few of them have anything to do with the tribe. Most
amid the ruins, and Zeburon drank deeply to quench his travelers have heard tales of the Black Sand Raiders, so
thirst. When he stood up, he noticed a figure watching any who come upon an area of black sand tend to leave
him from the shadowed opening of a crumbled tower. the area immediately. Those who haven't heard of the
The gladiator moved to deal with this intruder as he had raiders still tend to avoid the area, for black sand hints at
dealt with the others he had met in his travels, but he things beyond the natural world.
was stopped in his tracks by arcane words and the tingle The camp maintains a semblance of defenses, most of
of magic. which take the form of patrols. Patrols have two purposes.
Zeburon could do nothing but listen to the figure that The first is to guard the camp's perimeter and provide
stepped out to greet him. “I am Fevil,” the defiler said with ample warning of any threats from outside. The second
an evil grimace. “I have been waiting for you to arrive.” is to guard the camp's interior, for occasionally something
Zeburon listened as the defiler told him of his visions of decidedly unfriendly emerges from the caverns below the
power and conquest. With Zeburon to command their ruins. Often, the defiler can herd these nightmares back
army and Fevil to commune with the ancient undead into the depths. The patrols have been established for
of the ruined city, there was nothing they could not those times when he cannot turn them back, as well as to
accomplish. After a time, Zeburon became intrigued by protect the tribe until he can be located.
the wizard's words. He accepted the proposal. Otherwise, it seems the Black Sand camp does not
To prove his worth, however, Fevil demanded that concern itself with defenses. There are no sturdy walls
Zeburon survive a simple test. The defiler explained to hide behind, no formal militia to turn to. Instead,
that if the gladiator could enter the chambers below the every raider protects himself until Zeburon calls them all
crumbled tower and emerge alive, then he was worthy to together. That is the way in the camp of the Black Sand.
lead the soon-to-be born Black Sand Raiders.
What Zeburon encountered beneath the tower, no one The Ruins
knows. According to the story I was told, he was down Most of the strange, ancient buildings have crumbled
there for a full day and a full night while Fevil waited into piles of rocks or have been totally buried in fine,
above. When he finally emerged from the shadow-filled black sand. Those structures that jut out of the sand and
doorway, Zeburon was wearing the iron helm and gauntlets offer some protection from the elements are used by the
that have become his trademark. ranking members of the tribe. One small building remains
It was only a matter of time before Zeburon attracted almost completely intact, and Zeburon uses this as his
a group of followers. He appealed to the barbaric and personal quarters. The partially crumbled tower that leads
unscrupulous elements, cajoling them with promises of to the caverns below has become the defiler's domain;
unlimited wealth and unending excitement. Thus was the there is no one who cares to challenge him for the space.
tribe of the Black Sand Raiders born. The caverns under the ruins seem to go on forever.
Only a small section of them have been mapped and
Location and Defenses explored by Fevil and Zeburon. Sometimes they send a
The Black Sand Raiders make their camp in the ruins party of raiders into the depths to find ancient treasures
of an ancient city, rumored to be located somewhere or to conduct some foul experiment for the defiler. Other
in the vicinity of Silver Spring in the area called the times, the caverns are used to test new members or to


serve as punishment for those who have angered Zeburon. their domain makes finding new members rather difficult.
In either case, those who descend into the depths must Zeburon leaves the recruitment of new members to Fevil.
be prepared to deal with the denizens that wander the The defiler has an uncanny knack for knowing when the
dark passages and haunt the strangely-designed chambers. tribe will need new blood, and he magically searches for
suitable prospects. Sometimes the defiler even leads a
Relations with Others raid on slave market caravans for the express purpose of
Zeburon considers everyone who is not a part of his acquiring fresh slaves.
tribe to be an enemy. He conducts his affairs as though When the defiler extends an invitation to a slave, the
he was still fighting in the gladiatorial arenas, following slave must agree to join the tribe on the spot. Even a
the law of kill or be killed. Every other tribe exists for only moment's hesitation brings swift death from the defiler
one purpose – to provide for the needs of Zeburon and or his raiders. There have been rare instances of slaves
the Black Sand Raiders. For this reason, few settlements actually coming to the raiders in order to join them. At
have any formal agreements with the raiders. Instead, most least one small slave tribe merged with the Black Sand
simply hope that the Black Sand tribe never comes to camp in order to survive, but mostly the defiler goes out
call on them. to find his own recruits. Of course, certain prisoners are
The Black Sand tribe's nearest neighbors keep a watchful sometimes brought back to the camp for entertainment
eye for signs of the marauders. Altaruk, for example, has purposes or to give to the undead in the caverns below
not been directly attacked by the raiders, but a few of the ruins. Once in a great while a recruit is found among
their caravans have fallen. Altaruk is a powerful deterrent these wretches.
to the marauders, and Zeburon hates the client village Only slaves may join the Black Sand tribe, and only
with all his dark heart. On more than one occasion, warriors usually survive the rigors of testing. Tests of
Zeburon has had to call off his raiders because of the loyalty, courage, and strength vary, but usually include a
appearance of a heavily armed escort from Altaruk. trip into the caverns beneath the Black Sand ruins. If the
Despite the size of its army and the strength of its walls, potential recruit can make it out of the depths alive, he
Altaruk is regularly destroyed by giants from the Forked is granted full status as a member of the raiding tribe. If
Tongue Estuary. Zeburon watches for these attacks, for he manages to emerge with some bit of treasure from the
while the village is being rebuilt his raiders have free reign past, he may be offered a position of power in the camp's
over the area. hierarchy. If he does not emerge, then the defiler wishes
Silver Springs, on the other hand, cannot hope to hold the denizens of the deep a happy meal and sends in the
back Zeburon's raiders (or at least the elven chief whose next potential member.
tribe settled here believes this to be the case). He opens
his oasis to the raiders whenever they wish to use it, Personalities
suffering under the humiliation and pain they cause in Zeburon: Zeburon became leader of the Black Sand
return for his life. One day Zeburon may kill the elves and Raiders in much the same way as all of its members
loot the storehouse of silver that supposedly lies hidden joined the tribe: he survived the tests of the caverns
here. Until then, he and his followers will continue to use beneath the Black Sand ruins. While he is the leader
it as a resting stop. of the tribe, which he rules through the strength of his
iron-gloved fists, he follows the advice of the defiler, Fevil.
Joining the Tribe The ex-gladiator approaches all situations from the
Zeburon constantly seeks new members for the Black perspective of the arena. Everything is a game, but a
Sand Raiders. The lifestyle they lead and the methods deadly game. The winner of the game lives to fight again,
used for determining the tribe's hierarchy make life while the loser simply dies. He sees all opponents in these
among the lower ranks exceedingly short. However, the terms, believing that if he does not kill them first, they
fact that they instantly attack anyone who wanders into will surely kill him. He rules the raiders in the same way.


If any of his followers question his orders, he swiftly kills hates everyone and everything. Someday that hatred will
them and asks if anyone else cares to disagree. consume him, but until then he satisfies some of his foul
Zeburon does not talk about his encounters beneath urges through the actions of the Black Sand Raiders.
the ruins, but he proudly wears the trophies he won in
the depths. The iron helm covers his entire head. His eyes Fevil: Fevil has his own agenda, which Zeburon and
sparkle malevolently from within the shadows of the thin, his raiders unwittingly help him to follow. He lets the
menacing slit that cuts across the helm's front. Strange ex-gladiator think he is in command, for the slaves would
designs etched into its sides mark it as something from never agree to follow a wizard. What the defiler needs the
another age. The designs may be magical in nature, but slaves for has yet to be determined, and he refuses to give
so far there have been no special powers attributed to the any hints to those who may one day oppose him.
helm or its matching gloves. The gloves are iron gauntlets The defiler stumbled upon the ruins within the pool
that fit snugly over Zeburon's hands. He wears no other of black sand long before Zeburon arrived. He knew that
armor or clothing, save a breechcloth, sandals, and a short unlimited power awaited him in the caverns beneath the
black cloak. He wields a sword of sharpened bone. ruins, but he was unable to explore very much of the
The ex-gladiator is quite mad, but that does not hamper depths. While his personal power was great, the foul
his ability to lead. Of course, he leads his tribe down his denizens of the deep could overpower him if they attacked
own dark paths of madness. He craves battle and has a in force. So he bided his time, studying the areas that
fierce blood lust that must constantly be sated. He hates were open to him.
all those who are not slaves, for they turned him into There are those who claim that Fevil communes with
what he has become. He hates all slaves, for that was one or more of the creatures living beneath the ruins.
what he learned in the arena. Consequently, Zeburon Some say he gets his powers from a far reaching evil out




of Athas's past. Others say that his powers come from homage to dark gods that no longer exist on Athas.
the records the ancients left behind. The wizard will not The raaig has allowed the defiler Fevil to form an
comment either way. uneasy alliance with it, thus providing the creature with a
Fevil is a short, plump man with graying hair and an pawn in the living world. It grants the defiler some hints
unkempt beard. He is as cruel and evil as Zeburon, but of the magic of the ancients, but only enough to keep him
much more cunning and calculating. While Zeburon acts interested. Someday Er'Thork hopes to steal the defiler's
on instinct and in response to his own madness, Fevil acts body, though it knows that the evil wizard has plans of
according to a carefully laid out plan. When the details his own.
of that plan are finally revealed, the defiler's true nature Er'Thork can be damaged only by weapons forged from
will also be revealed. However, by that time it may be iron. In addition, the raaig can use death gaze at will
too late. against its opponents to drain their intellect and is able
to control lesser undead.
Lokee: Lokee is a halfling in whom Fevil recruited into
the Black Sand Raiders. He was part of a captured group 1. Fevil's Tower: This partially crumbled tower serves
of slaves bound for the city-state of Nibenay. Because of as the defiler's personal domain. Within the ancient walls
the behavior of halflings in captivity, Lokee was scheduled he works his foul magic. The tower also serves as one of
to be sold directly to the gladiatorial arena where his the entrances into the chambers below.
death could bring a few laughs to the crowds. When
Fevil and his raiders attacked the caravan and freed the 2. Zeburon's Dwelling: This ruined building of
halfling, he eagerly agreed to undergo whatever test the unknown purpose now serves as the personal dwelling
wizard decreed. From what he could see, the Black Sand and headquarters of Zeburon, leader of the Black Sand
Raiders was the kind of tribe he wanted to join. Raiders. Leering creatures out of nightmares decorate the
The halfling refuses to discuss his past, other than outer walls of the structure in bas reliefs and statues.
to say he is no longer welcome in the Forest Ridge.
Some speculate he may have done the unforgivable-eaten 3. Prisoner Tent: Any prisoners taken in a raid are
halfling flesh. kept in this tent until needed. Prisoners include slaves
Now Lokee ranks as one of the most privileged members who may be allowed to join the tribe, nobles taken for
of the tribe. His cruelty, fighting skills, and evil personality ransom, and sacrifices to be used by the defiler to appease
make him the equal of most of the camp's officers. In fact, the undead beneath the ruins.
Lokee has served Zeburon faithfully for more than a year
now. Few of the other officers can make such a claim. 4. Weaponsmith's Tent: While the tribe does not
The halfling warrior especially likes engaging in hunts, make any of its own weapons or armor, they do need to
for they remind him of his youth spent in the western keep what they take in good repair until new items can be
forests. Sometimes Zeburon even lets him keep one of his acquired. The weaponsmith, an ex-slave who learned his
catches so that he may satisfy his craving for intelligent skill in an artisan camp in Raam, is charged with keeping
flesh. the raiders' weapons sharp and strong from raid to raid.
While Lokee follows Zeburon's orders without question,
he much prefers the company of the defiler. He can only 5. Treasure Tent: All treasure taken in raids, from
learn so much about killing and plundering from the ex- money to weapons to textiles, is stored in this tent.
gladiator, while he is sure that the defiler can teach him
how to be truly evil. 6. Cooking Tent: Food for the camp is prepared and
served here over great cooking fires.
Er'Thork: Er'Thork is an ancient undead creature
known as a raaig. This incorporeal spirit haunts the 7. Tent of the Elite: Zeburon's personal guards make
chambers beneath the Black Sand camp, still paying their home in this large, spacious, wellappointed tent.


have crumbled to dust, while others stick up white and

8. Ruins: These crumbling, almost completely buried shiny from the powder-covered ground.
ruins are covered with fine black sand. Not even the defiler
can guess at the original purpose of these buildings, but 8. Ancient Altar: This ancient temple has rows of
many of them contain secret entrances to the chambers stone benches set before a black altar. The altar, obviously
beneath the camp. dedicated to some ancient god of
evil, is decorated with nightmare carvings of creatures
1. Tower Basement: A spiral staircase leads from Fevil's that no longer walk the surface of Athas.
tower into this large basement chamber. The chamber is
constructed from stone as black as the sand that covers 9. Fountain Chamber: A fountain fills the western half
the ruins above. of this chamber. The fountain features a large obsidian
bowl. Black water spills from the gaping, tooth-filled maw
2. Ancient Crypts: This roughly carved chamber has of a nightmare creature with evil wings sculpted from a
a dirt floor. A film of black sand covers the hard-packed single piece of obsidian. The water seems to have no
dirt. Stone crypts fill the chamber. Some ancient artifacts source or drain, yet it never ceases, nor does it spill out
can be found in and around these crypts, but those who of the bowl. Drinking the water has killed many of the
seek them must overcome the skeletons that guard this initiates Zeburon has sent down here, but their bodies
place of the dead. have been dragged away by the walking undead.

3. Ancient Crypts: Like chambers 2 and 5, this 10. Rubble-Strewn Room: Various items can be found
chamber houses a few stone crypts. Unlike the others, in the heaps of rubble scattered about this room, including
these crypts have all been broken into and looted. objects made of metal. Some are broken, some whole. A
few are even thought to be magical.
4. Passage Cavern: This cavern connects to a series of
tunnels that lead to similar chambers beneath the other 11. Rubble-Strewn Room: See 10 above, but note that
ruins. The tunnels also lead to entrances to the surface. a secret door is located in the southern wall.
The iron door that rests partially open is covered with
arcane icons from the ancient world. 12. Treasure Chamber: This large natural chamber
is littered with ancient treasures collected by Er'Thork,
5. Ancient Crypts: This roughly carved chamber has a raaig that lords over these ancient ruins. A forking
a dirt floor. A film of black sand covers the hard-packed passage leads to the ruins and entrances to the surface.
dirt. Stone crypts fill the chamber. Some ancient artifacts
can be found in and around these crypts, but those who 13. Throne Room: Great pillars line the walls of this
seek them must overcome the zombies that guard this throne room, and a great throne rests along the southern
place of the dead. A passage in the northern wall leads wall. Tattered tapestries hang on the walls, but whatever
to the chambers beneath the other ruins and entrances images once adorned them have long-since faded. The
to the surface. throne is the regular haunt of Er'Thork, the raaig that
rules these ancient chambers. A secret door leads to stairs
6. Well Chamber: An ancient well, long-since dried that drop deeper into the bowels of Athas.
out, rests in the northwestern corner of this chamber. The
well leads to unexplored levels farther below the ground.

7. Bone Chamber: This natural chamber, complete

with irregular columns of rock that stretch from floor to
ceiling, has a carpet of ancient bones. Some of the bones


Sortar’s Army promises them the wealth of the sorcerer-kings and the
blood of the owners. So far, he has made good on these
One tribe takes this idea of war to a more literal promises. He gained his skills working as a soldier slave
level, actually seeing its purpose as one of waging war in Balic, fighting against raiding giants out of the Forked
against the city-states. This tribe calls itself Sortar’s Army, Tongue Estuary.
and it operates along the caravan trails from out of the As warlord of the tribe, Sortar has a grim determination
mountains around Altaruk. akin to a dwarf's focus. He sees his purpose in life as being
Organized along strict military lines, Sortar’s Army the great enemy of the city-states, and he has instilled
is a ruthless, battle-crazed band of raiders. Fierce and this purpose in his followers. The tribe does not raid to
destructive, Sortar’s warriors sweep across the desert like a survive (though that is how it gains the supplies it needs
wild wind, ripping their intended targets apart with all the to continue its war); it raids to strike back at the masters
rage and ferociousness of a sudden sand storm. For all of who once imprisoned them in the shackles of slavery.
their fierceness and berserk tendencies, this tribe directs Two of Sortar's chief lieutenants are a half-elf called
its anger and aggression at the city-states and the caravans Derrim and a mul called Porgo. Derrim serves as Sortar's
carrying goods between them. They tend to leave other second in command and is never far from the warlord's
villages and small parties of travelers alone, unless these side. Porgo commands the scouting parties that search
groups do something to incur Sortar’s wrath. for caravans or other potential targets. Once a target is
Each member of this tribe bears tattoos that mark him identified, part of the scouting party remains near it to
as part of Sortar’s Army. These tattoos cover the face of track its course, while another part goes to gather the tribe.
each member, cutting dark diagonal slashes from forehead An ex-templar from Nibenay serves as one of Sortar's
to neck. In addition, each member wears a shard of main advisors, even sitting in on councils of war. A
obsidian on his left ear. number of wizards also work with the tribe. All of these
The tribe consists of over 70 members. They travel wizards are preservers; the power they provide often means
the caravan trails atop fast-moving kanks, waiting for city- the difference between victory and defeat for Sortar's
state wagons. When they find a caravan, they attack Army.
quickly and with little regard for their own safety. Stories By its very nature, the tribe is a warlike, barbaric lot.
a bound of Sortar’s Army taking on larger, better armed Battles settle every argument. Surprisingly, though, few
opponents-and winning. of these battles are to the death. Sortar provides enough
To other slaves, much of Sortar's excessive violence can outlets for the shedding of blood with his constant state of
be forgiven, for it is directed at the citystates and others war that the tribe members are content to settle their own
who keep slaves. The tribe is one step removed from differences in wrestling and brawls rather than with the
the vile evil of the Black Sand Raiders, and often the sharp point of a sword. Even positions within the tribe are
atrocities attributed to one were done by the other. The determined through contests of strength and skill, though
big difference is that the Raiders attack everyone with wild Sortar has been known to overturn the outcomes of some
abandon, while Sortar's Army is engaged in a war against battles to promote those he feels will do a better job.
the citystates. Of course, as in any war, innocents suffer
along with the enemy, but Sortar does not go out of his Operations and Means of Existence
way to slice up slave villages or to kill lone travelers for
the amusement of his band. Sortar and his band wage war against the citystates
of Athas that perpetuate the practice of slavery. They
Organization do this by attacking and plundering the caravans that
travel the roads between the citystates. Sortar believes that
Sortar, a human fighter, serves as leader and warlord of everything within a citystate caravan was bought or built
the tribe. His leadership is based upon his deadly combat with the sweat and blood of slaves. As such, it is only
skills and the vision he has brought to his followers. He right that Sortar and his army of ex-slaves be the ones to


liberate those goods from the clutches of the templars and If the caravan carries slaves, Sortar's tribe attempts to
nobles, who only exist to grow fat on the labor and pain set them free. Otherwise, they leave no survivors to tell
of the enthralled masses. of their battle prowess. The tribe is careful not to attack
The tribe constantly has small scouting units ranging travelers who do not carry the spoils of nobles or templars
along the known caravan trails. Their job is to find a with them. They have no wish to kill innocent ex-slaves,
suitable target, determine that it is in fact a caravan duped freemen, or villagers from settlements that do not
bound for or coming from one of the citystates, then send practice slavery. They are quick to slaughter nobles and
messengers to gather the rest of the tribe. A few scouts templars when they find them, however.
remain to follow the caravan and to direct the rest of the Sortar's Army operates throughout the Tyr region, though
tribe to it when they arrive. it concentrates its efforts around the central Tablelands.
The warriors of Sortar's Army ride swift-moving kanks. Besides attacking city-state caravans, the tribe has been
It falls to the scouts who selected a target to determine known to sweep down upon city-state client villages and
its strength and defenses and to come up with a plan of outposts, and it has even made minor raids into the forest
battle. These plans are usually simple affairs based upon surrounding Gulg and Nibenay. It does not limit its
the territory the caravan is riding through and the number targets to only the weak. Sortar's Army has been known to
of guards protecting it. If ambush sites are available, take on heavily guarded caravans and well-fortified client
Sortar's Army makes use of cover and strikes when the villages, using a combination of surprise, lightning-like
caravan is least expecting it. If the caravan rides through strikes, and magic to gain the upper hand.
open desert, the tribal warriors use a surround-and-charge Everything the tribe needs to survive comes from the
tactic that cuts off escape and enables the full strength of caravans it raids. However, this is only a secondary benefit
their army to be brought to bear. for the tribe. Its main purpose is to strike out in any way


that will hurt the templars and nobles. If the tribe also but in the end the slaves died for their trouble. Sortar did
gains food, water, and supplies as a result of its efforts, so not see these slaves as foolhardy, though. He saw them
much the better. as brave, and he decided that someday he would avenge
Make no mistake – Sortar's Army is a bloodthirsty their deaths by striking back at the templars and nobles
band of berserkers. However, they direct most of their who enslaved them. Perhaps, he thought, he could even
deadly impulses toward the agents of the city-states, which find a way to hurt the sorcerer-kings.
makes them much less of a menace to the other slave Of all his duties as a soldier slave, Sortar most loved
tribes of the Tablelands than the Black Sand Raiders. the patrols into the mud flats. He was developing a lust
for battle, and whenever a giant happened ashore he
Origin rushed to engage it in combat. Soon he was among the
Sortar grew up as a slave in Balic, enduring the same best warriors Balic could field, and Gebiz took credit for
hardships as other slaves. He suffered ritual beatings, was the youth's development. On one patrol, Sortar saw his
forced to work until he collapsed from exhaustion, and opportunity to escape. The patrol was surprised by a gang
put up with every humiliation a master may visit upon of giants coming out of a silt-filled channel. As the patrol
a slave. This was the life he was born to, and he knew moved to engage the giants, Sortar buried his sword in
no other. the templar's back. Gebiz, his eyes wide with surprise,
In Balic, every freeman and slave must spend time in died before he could cast a single spell. Sortar left the
the militia. The militia helps the regular army patrol the rest of his companions to their battle as he struck out for
mud flats around Balic, watching for signs of approaching the west.
giants who regularly raid the area. When Sortar's turn His time alone in the desert helped Sortar formulate
came to join the militia, he discovered his love of battle. his plans for the future. He knew that when he killed the
Sortar had a knack for combat and took to his training templar, he had declared war upon the city-states. All he
well. Even his commanding officer was impressed, and needed now was an army to wage that war with. He joined
when the slave's shift in the militia came to an end, he up with a tribe of slaves that made a living by raiding
was reassigned to the standing slave army. travelers approaching Grak's Pool. Within a matter of
As a soldier slave, Sortar learned everything his masters weeks, he was ready to challenge the half-elf leader for
would teach him. He learned unarmed combat. He command of the tribe. Sortar's superior fighting prowess
learned to fight with a variety of weapons. And he learned easily won him the job of tribe leader. With that victory
strategy and concepts of waging war that few other slaves was born the tribe that would one day become Sortar's
could ever imagine on their own. One of his teachers, a Army.
templar called Gebiz, took a particular fancy to the young The first order of business for the new leader was to
slave. This is not to say he liked Sortar or treated him stabilize his tribe and make it prosper. This was done by
well. What he did do was fill the youth's head with tales engaging in a series of daring raids that netted big profit
of long-past wars and his own theories on how to destroy with little loss of life. Then he began to outline his ideas
the other city-states. The templar loved to talk, and Sortar for waging war against their former masters, inflaming his
obliged him by listening. And by learning. followers with visions of templar and noble blood. More
One day Gebiz told Sortar about a slave revolt in one members were added to the tribe, and a secure location
of Balic's client villages. He described the bloody coup for their base of operations was found in the mountains
in graphic detail, for he knew the young slave appreciated around Altaruk.
such things. What he did not know was that this story
would stay with Sortar for the rest of his life. In the story, Location and Defenses
Gebiz described how the foolish slaves tried to overpower Sortar's Army makes its camp in the mountains around
the templar overseers so that they could escape into the Altaruk. The craggy mountain peaks serve as the camp's
wilderness. A few templars fell before the savage attack, first line of defense. The trails up the mountain can be


treacherous on their own, but the tribe has added pit mercenaries guarding Grab's Pool. As long as the tribe is
falls, rock slides, and other obstacles to discourage visitors. allowed to use the facilities (which they readily pay for) it
Within the shattered crater of one of the mountain tops, leaves the mud-brick fortress in peace.
the tribe's home is an island surrounded by a pool of Other slave tribes, villages, and travelers are usually
bubbling lava. Because of the protection offered by the safe from Sortar's wrath, unless they somehow reveal
crater and the lava pool, the tribe has not erected walls or themselves as agents of the city-states. The two exceptions
permanent buildings. The tribe uses huge tents for shelter. to this are the Black Sand Raiders and Weriik's Stalkers.
Each tent houses over a dozen warriors, depending on it Sortar considers Werrik and her band to be as bad or
size. The largest tents can comfortably shelter as many as worse than the templars and nobles, and he has declared
40 tribe members. the slavers to be his tribe's mortal enemies. Sortar has
A series of stone bridges connects the island to the sworn to destroy any member of Werrik's band whoever
crater wall. The innermost bridge can be pulled onto the crosses his path. As for the Black Sand Raiders, Sortar
island to cut off access from the far side of the lava pool. sees them as dangerous thieves and murderers who kill
This is done as a defensive measure, and only as a last indiscriminately. He does not mind when they destroy
resort, for the ex-slaves do not relish being trapped in the those connected with the city-states, but he does take
middle of the bubbling lava. exception to their preying on other slaves.
To prevent such dire measures from being taken,
the tribe maintains constant patrols in the surrounding Joining the Tribe
mountains. If any sign of danger shows itself, the tribe is Sortar needs a large army to eventually take his war
mobilized for battle. The warriors know all of the passages directly to the sorcerer-kings. More than likely, he will
leading up to their island home, and they can sweep never be able to field an army large enough or powerful
down the narrow passages quickly to engage and encircle enough to march on a city-state. That does not stop him
any threat. from trying, however.
The passages nearest the top of the lava crater are Whenever the tribe comes across captive slaves, the
further protected by two catapults. Aimed down the first priority is to free them. Freed slaves are immediately
narrow approaches, these weapons can rain rocks and given the option to join Sortar's Army. If they agree, they
rubble upon enemy forces, crushing them before they can must undergo a few tests of battle skill and loyalty. If they
bring large numbers to bear in the confined, canyon-like refuse, they are given whatever supplies the tribe can spare
trails. and sent on their way. Those who agree to the tests either
become full members of the tribe or die trying.
Relations with Others All of Sortar's tests are geared toward determining if an
Sortar's Army treats everyone associated with city-states ex-slave is worthy and skilled enough to join his growing
as its enemies. This includes templars, nobles, client army. The tests are difficult and dangerous, often involving
villages, outposts, and even merchants who sell to the city- battling desert creatures, attempting risky quests, or even
states. These folk suffer swift and violent attacks if they pitting combat skills against his chief lieutenants.
cross the tribe's path.
The tribe has an uneasy truce with the village of Personalities
Altaruk. Though the village is a regular stop for caravans Sortar: Sortar was born a slave in the city-state of Balic.
coming from and going to the city-states, its connection His knack for combat techniques earned him a place as
with the Veiled Alliance makes it a sometime friend to a soldier slave, and it was during this period of his life
slaves. Though the tribe has not attacked the village itself, that he came to understand the mission he was destined
it does often prey upon the caravans approaching and to undertake. Tales of slave revolts in the client villages
leaving the village's heavily fortified walls. inspired him to eventually seek his own freedom. Shortly
Sortar's Army also has an understanding with the thereafter, he began gathering a tribe of followers to serve


as his army against the city-states. Derrim stands slightly shorter than six feet, has a slim
Some call Sortar's quest a fool's dream – but they do but muscular build, and has a wild mane of light brown
not call it that when he is close enough to hear. The hair. He wields an obsidian bastard sword and wears a
huge and powerfully built human has dedicated himself suit of carru leather armor.
and his tribe to a war they cannot hope to win. Sortar's
Army has made its main course of action to battle and Porgo: Porgo was a member of the tribe that eventually
destroy whatever belongs to the templars and nobles. This became Sortar's Army. He was present when Sortar joined
includes caravans, client villages, and outposts across the the tribe, and he witnessed the ridiculously short battle
Tyr region. in which Sortar took over leadership. He decided that
The warlord has become very close to the extemplar any human who could fight that well deserved a chance
named Caletta. Some say they are even in love – or at to be leader, and he has served as one of Sortar's chief
least that he is. But while he has become very fond of her lieutenants and advisors ever since.
and even loves her in his own way, there is little room in The mul once fought in the arena of Tyr, back before
his life for a true commitment, other than the one he has the sorcerer-king was killed and the city fell into chaos.
already made to his private little war. He found freedom as many slaves do – strictly by luck
Sortar is obsessed with his war. His love for combat and and accident. His early days of freedom taught him that
his hatred of the templars and nobles have combined to gladiatorial skills and strength of arms would get him only
drive him to attempt reckless, heroic, and often crazy feats so far in the harsh wilderness of Athas. When the mul
that no sane man would try. As a result, he is respected finally joined up with a tribe of ex-slaves, he sought out
and loved by his followers, and a little feared. anyone with knowledge of survival and wilderness skills.
His obsession with learning these skills turned Porgo into
Derrim: Derrim joined the tribe shortly after Sortar not only a better warrior, but a true scout.
became leader. He liked the idea of waging war against The mul operates as commander of the scouting patrols.
their former masters, even if he takes a more realistic His scouts seek out targets to raid and then lead the
view of their chances than does Sortar. Derrim believes tribe straight to them. Porgo's combat experience also
that they have little chance of doing anything more than enables him to size up each opponent, spot strengths and
bloodying the figurative noses of the citystates, but he is weaknesses, and determine the best method of attack. In
more than willing to contribute his share to the war effort. many cases, Sortar turns command of the warriors over to
The half-elf ranger never actually served time as a slave, Porgo so that he may best implement his tactics.
though he was captured by slavers and bound for the One thing Porgo learned as a gladiator was how to kill.
markets of Urik when Sortar and his tribe set him free. He even developed a taste for shedding blood that he
He was attracted to Sortar's ideals, even though he was now satisfies by killing templars, nobles, and heir agents.
less-than-enamored of his methods. He quickly worked He does not get along with Derrim, for the half-elf ranger
his way into a chief lieutenant spot in the tribe. Now he tries to curb the mul's desire to kill and destroy. Porgo
sees his post as a voice of reason and moderation to stem feels the half-elf doesn't understand that the only way to
Sortar's more violent tendencies. win Sortar's war is to kill the owners before they can kill
The half-elf uses his ranger skills to best advantage, you.
finding water for the tribe, tracking caravans, and doing a
host of other tasks. He also serves as one of Sortar's chief Caletta: Caletta was once one of Nibenay's templars.
advisors, rarely leaving the leader's side for more than a She served her master well in his walled sub-city, even
few days at a time. He does not get along with the mul, submitting to his occasional carnal desires. Her love of evil
Porgo, for the gladiator wants Sortar to give in to the was surpassed only by her love of power; serving Nibenay
tendencies Derrim tries to control. He also has little trust provided her with plenty of power and the opportunity to
for the ex-templar from Nibenay, but he attributes that use it for evil. She reveled in physical power, commanding
more to her past position than to her recent actions. large numbers of lesser templars and slaves. She also


reveled in priestly power, using all of the energy that of her options were used up, Caletta met Sortar's tribe.
Nibenay provided with wild abandon. She thought her It was by the grace of the powerful warlord that Caletta
course in life was set, but then everything changed. found acceptance in the tribe. Now the two are lovers, at
A minor misunderstanding (at least from Caletta's point least in the physical sense, though many say she is simply
of view) led to a major mistake as far as the sorcerer- using Sortar's feelings to achieve her own ends. To some
king was concerned. Caletta's slaves brought back only a extent that is true, but she also feels a special bond to
dozen agafari trees from the Crescent Forest instead of the man that goes beyond her personal schemes – and
the score Nibenay had demanded. For their mistake, the that bothers her.
entire slave work detail was slain. Calette, as the templar
overseer in charge of the detail, suffered a worse fate. Gammeg: Gammeg is one of four preservers currently
She was stripped of her templar powers and station, then working with Sortar's slave tribe. Like others of his ilk,
assigned to another work detail bound for the forest. She Gammeg uses magic in concert with the environment. He
was made a slave. came to the tribe in order to use his magic freely and to
Caletta learned to hate the sorcerer-king and her sister find a place and a people to call his own. Though the
templars over the two years she spent as a slave. Every day tribe treats him and the other mages with some suspicion,
she toiled in the forest, cutting down trees and hauling they have also come to accept the preservers and even
wood. Every night she returned to the city-state where appreciate the help they provide during combat.
a crowded slave pen and a barely life-sustaining meal Gammeg learned magic as an apprentice to a member
waited for her. She contemplated ways to get back at them of the Veiled Alliance in the city-state of Gulg. He knew
all, but every dream ended when the gate on the pen it was illegal to practice magic in the city-states, but
slammed shut behind her. Gammeg didn't care. He found happiness in magic that
One day while laboring in the forest, an opportunity he could not find in life, for Gammeg was a slave. He
for escape presented itself. Caletta took it greedily. Her toiled in the forest outside the city, gathering wild fruits
chance to leave slavery behind came when a thri-kreen and nuts for the benefit of the oba, Gulg's sorcerer queen.
hunting pack appeared in the forest. The mantis warriors On certain days, when conditions were right and he wasn't
decided to prey upon the slaves and their templar guards. under close observation, Gammeg's contact materialized
In the heat of battle, Caletta ran. The only thing she took out of the forest to conduct brief lessons. This went on
with her (besides the clothes on her back) was a gythka for a number of years, but progress under these conditions
from a fallen thri-kreen. She has used the polearm with was painfully slow.
the wicked blades as her personal weapon ever since, in The day finally came when Gammeg could stand it
tribute to the thri-kreen who inadvertently helped her gain no longer. He petitioned his contact to help him escape
freedom. so that he could learn more about the preserver 's art.
In the wilderness, the combat training she received in Surprisingly, the contact agreed. It took many more weeks
her first years as a templar came back to serve her. before the contact proclaimed it was time. Then, almost
Without clerical magic to aid her, she had to rely on without warning, the preserver who had been teaching him
her own combat skills to protect her. While survival was cast spells that confused the other slaves and distracted
her major concern, Caletta allowed the dreams of revenge the guards and templar overseers. Gammeg was never
against Nibenay and his templars to once again occupy sure, but he thought his contact must have had unseen
her thoughts. She would later find realization of these help from elsewhere in the forest. Before he could change
dreams-at least in some small part – as a member of his mind or even gape at the spectacular display of magic,
Sortar's Army. the preserver led Gammeg out of the forest and away
Caletta's one-time status as a templar made it hard for from Gulg.
her to find a place outside of the city-states, but she knew He was taken to Altaruk, where another powerful wizard
that the only place for her within the walls of civilization continued his training. During this time, Gammeg learned
was in the slave pens – or worse. When she thought all about magic and how to use it without harming the


environment, and he learned about the Veiled Alliance.

He also heard of a slave tribe called Sortar's Army that
was operating out of the nearby mountains. Gammeg was
told that when he was ready, he would be sent to join that
tribe, for the Alliance was interested in its leader and the
activities he involved his tribe in.
To join the tribe, Gammeg first had to come before
them as a slave – something he hadn't been for many
years. He reluctantly allowed himself to be captured by a
slaver caravan on its way from Altaruk to Gulg for a slave
auction. He hoped he had learned enough to set himself
free if Sortar's Army didn't do it for him, for he had no
intention of returning to his old city-state in the back of
a slave wagon. A day out from Altaruk, a band of raiders
attacked the caravan. True to the stories Gammeg had
heard, the raiders freed the slaves and offered invitations
to any who wanted to join their benefactors. The tattoos
on their faces marked them as part of Sortar's Army, and
Gammeg readily agreed.
To this day, the preserver has never admitted his
connection to the Veiled Alliance to Sortar or even to
the other mages. In fact, he has had precious little contact
with the Alliance since joining the slave tribe. Someday
he may be approached with orders to invite Sortar to
merge his forces with the Alliance. He feels that such a
day would be to both parties ' benefit.


1. Crater Wall: The top of a mountain, shattered well as joyous celebrations and councils of war.
by an ancient volcanic explosion, serves as the hidden
location of Sortar’s camp. The crater wall hides what lies 5. Warrior’s Tent: This tent shelters over 20 of Sortar’s
within from the eyes of those passing below. It also makes more experienced warriors.
a perfect position for scouts and lookouts from the tribe.
6. Porgo’s Tent: Porgo and his scouts call this tent
2. Lava Pool: This bubbling pool of lava surrounds home. The mul and 15 of his best scouts share this
an island of solid rock. The tribe makes its camp on the shelter, when they are not out looking for a target to raid.
7. Warrior’s Tent: This tent shelters nearly 20 of the
3. Stone Bridge: A series of stone bridges leads from tribe’s soldiers.
the island to the crater wall. The bridge closest to the
island can be pulled in to cut off access in times of dire 8. Warrior’s Tent: This tent shelters nearly 20 of the
emergency. tribe’s soldiers.

4. Sortar’s Tent: The largest tent on the island houses 9. Supply Tent: Supplies taken in raids are stored in
Sortar, his chief advisors, and his personal troop of these small tents.
warriors. Important meetings are held within this tent, as


The Ivory Triangle

– rogues and scoundrels of all sorts call the place home.
The prices are extremely inflated, for a tenth of all
earnings must be given to Shom's Master Trader, Hurdll
City-state of Gulg Crost. Of course, reported earnings are considerably less
The Forest City, ruled by the “Oba,” the forest goddess, than actual earnings. Crost realizes and ignores this
a sorcerer-queen named Lalala-li Puy. The only city- discrepancy, as it helps lure business opportunities to the
state to exist in a lush forest, the people of Gulg are village. If a trader's reported earnings are too low, or if
utterly devoted to their queen for the blessings of the a merchant has gotten on Crost's bad side, then Crost's
forest. They live in deference to the bountiful food their overseers will audit the offender's transactions for several
homeland provides, even as they quake in fear of the week to collect Shom's share.
jungle's enormous predators, the world's feral spirits, and The people living in Cromlin are a strange mix of exiles
the queen's masked templars. More details can be found and folk too untamable to live under the dominion of
in the city-states book. the sorcerer-kings. Cromlinites dress much like the other
people of the Tyr region, though they have developed
one habit peculiar to Cromlin. To protect themselves
City-state of Nibenay from the thick, choking dust of the nearby Silt Sea, the
The City of Spires. The Shadow City. Ruled by a locals always wear scarves over their noses and mouths.
sorcerer-king of the same name, Nibenay is an ancient To remove a scarf while outside is a sign that you have
place of secrets, sycophants, and sabotage. Noble houses been grievously insulted. To apologize, the offending party
wage war against one another to gain the favor of the is expected to remove his scarf and give it to the insulted
mysterious king, while Nibenay's templar wives keep the party.
city in working order for festival after festival. More details The principal source of entertainment in Cromlin is
can be found in the city-states book. the inn known as the Dirty Lizard. Jaksot Han, a thickset
mul of middle years, owns the place. Han is a former silt
Cromlin pirate, and his common room attracts a similar clientele.
Bar brawls occur daily at the Lizard, and according
Originally a trading post created by House Shorn, the to commonly held wisdom, a patron isn't considered a
village of Cromlin has prospered despite the decline in regular until he's been through a fracas.
its founder's fortunes. The silt sailors of Cromlin have
charted hidden paths through the treacherous dust of the Silt Pirates
Bay of Maray, giving them easy access to the villages on
the bay's northern shores. Light cargoes bound for Raam Cromlin serves as a harbor for a small number of silt
or Draj (or heading southward to Nibenay) can go by silt pirates. These seedy individuals utilize silt skimmers to
skimmer, shaving weeks of time from the normal journey. ambush other vessels plying the Silt Shoals. The pirate's
As one of House Shom's last profitable outposts, the base is hidden in a large cavern to the west of the village,
authorities here tend to turn a blind eye to the shady though many of them spend time in Cromlin gathering
practices of anyone who remains to do business with information on upcoming voyages.
them. Elf merchants from the Sky Singer tribe, nomads, The pirates are the one scourge Hurdll has committed
and other traders such as those from Tenpug's Band himself to destroying, for they are a serious drain on the
all bring their wares to Cromlin. Stealing from Shom's village's economy. Recently, the flagship of the Shom silt
emporiums brings harsh punishment, as does raiding a fleet, Firewind, has been modified to carry more soldiers
caravan heading to or from the village, but it's fair game and ballista ports. Adventurers in need of money can
to rob unaffiliated travelers or attack caravans that pass sign on for five silver pieces a day if they demonstrate
through the Black Spine Mountains. These lax laws make combat skills.
Cromlin a haven for smugglers, slavers, pirates, and elves


Personalities north and south shores of the silt estuary. Most of these
Hurdll Crost: Master Trader of House Shorm in skimmers are relatively small, with crews of four plus their
Cromlin. captains.

Captain Gaff: Firewind's captain is the human warrior 2. Pier of House Shom: One pier is dedicated
Gaff. He commands the complete respect and loyalty of exclusively to House Shom and its trading partners. There
his able crew. He fights with an enchanted bone long are always at least two guards here, who remain constantly
sword that was a gift from elves of the Sky Singers tribe. on alert due to Cromlin's rowdy inhabitants. A huge
skimmer, one of the largest in the Tyr region, is the
Garreth Brodden: As the House M'ke representative, Firewind. It can be found here whenever it isn't crossing
Garreth respects Crost and the employees of House the silt shoals.
Shom, and he engages in no activity that would anger the
village's controlling merchant house. At least not openly. 3. Warehouse: House Shom stores its goods here. Only
What he gets away with in secret is simply seen as good the Master Trader has unrestricted access, and he keeps
business. a detailed inventory of what's inside. Many believe that
Crost uses the information as part of an elaborate money-
Passk: A dwarven former silt pirate, Passk and his making scheme. There are always two sentry patrols, each
crew once plundered the silt shoals in the silt skimmer consisting of three guards, on the warehouse grounds.
Silt Slicer. Then disaster struck. The Caller in Darkness
of Giustenal urged his first mate to kill the rest of his 5. Homes: The homes built by the citizens of Cromlin
crew while they slept. The dwarf awoke just in time to vary from crude mud structures to elaborate constructions
save himself, though his first mate leaped overboard in of stone and wood. Most of the people who live here are
an effort to reach Giustenal. Passk's focus became clear fairly hardy individuals, though there is a disproportionate
that fateful night. He has to kill the Caller. His skimmer number of elves (many of whom were exiled from local
was damaged in his escape, however, and no crew will tribes). There are no street patrols in the village, so visitors
join him. He fears that he will never be able to complete who venture into the darker alleyways had best bring their
his focus and is doomed to become a banshee, so he has own protection.
taken to hiding his fears at the bottom of a tankard of ale.
6. The Dirty Lizard: This large tavern is Cromlin's
1. Silt Piers: Unique to Cromlin are a series of tall center of entertainment. The silt pirate Jaksot Han
piers that extend out over the silt. These 20-foot tall decided to go into a safer line of work after losing his
structures allow giant silt skimmers to unload their goods right eye in a raid. Opening the Dirty Lizard wasn't a
and personnel quickly and easily. The timbers used good choice. Fights and drunken arguments break out
to construct the piers come from the great trees of the constantly, and the skimmers who frequent the place are
Crescent Forest. The wood's natural tenacity keeps the quick to test the abilities of newcomers.
piers standing in the face of frequent silt storms. From midday on, there are always as many as 40
Most of the piers are owned by private citizens who skimmers, merchants, thieves, con artists, or free citizens
charge two silver pieces per day to harbor a skimmer. At on hand, drinking the thick, fermented kank-honey-mead
the base of each pier is a small shack with a simple cot, the Dirty Lizard is known for.
table, and chair. Someone is always present to collect
berthing fees, no matter when a skimmer arrives. 7. Marketplace: This is where the various merchants
At any given time there are up to 6 skimmers docked are allowed to set up their booths from sunup to sun-
here. These independent vessels serve smaller trading down. Master Trader Hurdll Crost takes 10% of whatever
interests, transporting goods to the piers located along the crosses the vendors' counters once per week, so a 10%
markup over usual prices should be expected.



Most anything can be found here, including components Ghodan Tar Mine
for spellcasting and the occasional magical fruit or rarer
item. Though these illegal items aren't displayed openly, Recently, two enterprising dwarves have turned tar mining
a few elf vendors stock them. Crost only enforces the into a profitable business. Durex and Haltham Ghodan,
sorcerer-king prohibitions against magic when he has other brothers and free citizens from Raam, first encountered
reasons for doing so. a tar pit on a trip to the House Shom trading village
The fence that surrounds the marketplace is constructed of Cromlin. They quickly realized the potential of tar
of stacked stones. The well in the southeast corner of the business, and took building materials and 20 slaves (both
lot is controlled by House Shom soldiers. Water is sold crafters and laborers) to a large pit about two miles due
at the standard price. south of Cromlin. Now they have a thriving enterprise.
They use the tar to weatherproof a variety of useful and
8. Lodge: Master Trader Hurdll Crost and his 11 necessary items that they produce in the craft shops they
overseers and officers live in this complex. At least half set up next to the tar pit.
of their time is spent indoors in an attempt to escape the The Sky Singers and other local traders provide bladders
choking dust of the nearby sea. As is typical with House or leather that the Ghodan brothers' crafters fashion into
Shom, each man's room is lavishly decorated and far valuable wineskins, crew-size water containers, sandproofed
larger than necessary. armor, sails for silt skimmers, and anything else that needs
A short walkway extends out over the marketplace. to be sealed against the elements.
Crost and his overseers frequently view the merchants Twice a month, a Ghodan caravan travels to Cromlin
below from here. There is always at least one guard posted to sell their weatherproof wares to House Shom. These
here to watch for trouble or fighting in the marketplace. caravans have become frequent targets of bandits, raiders,
and even gith (who value the goods for their intrinsic
9. Barracks: The common soldiery of House Shom value more than for what they could fetch at market). The
dwells here. Crost keeps 30 soldiers on the payroll at all caravan leaders try to vary their exact routes from time to
times. time to throw off the raiders, but the trip is a short one
and there is little room for deviation. For this reason, the
10. Passk's Shack: This dilapidated shack is the home route is considered extremely dangerous, and guards will
of a former silt pirate named Passk. be well paid for escorting the trains through safely.


Salt View in the chaotic nature of the village itself. People come
and go without rhyme or reason, and most spurn serious
The village was originally founded as a raider’s hideaway work in favor of having a good time. This is not to say
by a band of ex-slaves from the Raam region. Led by that the people of Salt View are lazy, for when the need
Xaynon, a mul ex-gladiator, this village makes its living arises they band together to accomplish the job at hand.
raiding and performing plays for the villages and cities of But the orderly schedules kept by other slave tribes like
the Ivory Triangle region. Tenpug’s Band remind the people of Salt View too much
To enter the village of Salt View is to enter a place of of their past lives as slaves. When work must be done, it
contrasts. Moving about among its people, you will see is. When a job can wait, the people fill the streets with
life in a slave tribe from a number of different angles. drink, song, and dance.
The villagers are an unruly lot of ex-slaves from all races. Salt View, although a raiding tribe, should not be
They partake in most of the normal activities associated confused with the likes of the Black Sand Raiders. Salt
with the slave tribes – they raid caravans, they stay alert View raiders rarely injure or kill those they ambush. They
for slave hunters, and they live every moment of freedom want the carried goods and supplies, not the blood of the
as if it were their last. In addition, the people of Salt caravan’s protectors. Once they subdue a caravan and
View have a true love of the arts. They are especially take what they can carry, they thank their victims with
enamored of storytelling, which they have taken to new a theatrical flourish and ride back into the Great Ivory
levels in arenas they call theaters. Here, instead of a Plain.
single storyteller weaving a tale for an audience, a whole The village gets its water from a mountain stream that
group of storytellers acts out the tale from beginning to pools within the cavern. There are no fields of crops to
end. I must tell you, to watch such a performance is to harvest, no herds of animals to watch over. There is a
be whisked away to another time! marketplace where the goods and supplies taken in raids
In Salt View, the wild, boisterous raiders enjoy performing are displayed. Members of the tribe take turns distributing
for audiences. While the permanent theaters in Salt View stolen food and other items as fairly as possible among
are used to hone their skills, they send traveling theaters the entire population.
out to villages, caravan camps, and oases to perform for The rest of the village is a haphazard grouping of
others. This new concept has apparently appealed to dwellings and taverns – the inhabitants of Salt View love
many, for I understand that the village supplements its their taverns – built around the large theater district and
livelihood with the proceeds these traveling theaters bring the small artisan camp. Some theaters are simply raised
in. The two plays (that is what they call these multiple platforms set before open ground where audiences can sit,
storyteller performances) I watched were exhilarating and the entire area covered by a tent. Others, like the artist
quite enjoyable. arena, is built of stone and shaped like a gladiatorial
Salt View is a fairly sizable village of more than 500 arena. Most other buildings, including the dwellings, are
people. Representatives of all races constantly walk the either thatched huts, brick boxes, or large tents.
busy streets, enjoying lives that are no longer controlled
by the whims and desires of uncaring masters. While Organization
humans and dwarves account for a large part of the
population, quite a number of elves have taken up Salt View is led by Xaynon, a mul ex-gladiator from
residence specifically to perform in the theaters. There are the city of Raam, and his advisor, the preserver Arya.
also a few muls in the village, including the tribe’s leader. This leadership is not one of a dictatorial ruler; Xaynon
On my visit, I even saw a thri-kreen and a couple of half- is much more of a father-figure than a real chieftain of
giants wandering around. the slaves.
With such a diversity of individuals, there is no single The population is divided into a number of classes.
dominating trait at work in Salt View. The closest the While in theory each member of the tribe has the same
entire group comes to a unified outlook can be seen political power, in practice there is a clear (if informal)


hierarchy of leadership. indirectly in the past. The distribution of goods had always
At the top of this hierarchy is Xaynon himself. Xaynon been the responsibility of the raiders. Naturally, beyond
feels that the less the ex-slaves are directly governed, the the allocation of food and water, such distributions have
better that government will be. In times of emergency, not always been equitable. The artisans solidly support
however, he quickly assumes the mantle of leadership. His Fyra’s efforts to move Salt View’s operations away from
authority is ultimately based upon his strength and fighting raiding.
ability and those ex-slaves who he sees as jeopardizing the While every tribe member generally has some raiding
interests of the community in an emergency, may find and performing ability, the dedicated actors of Salt View
themselves quickly dispatched at the end of Xaynon’s command a significant amount of influence within the
sword. community. The first troupes of Salt View performers who
Arya, a preserver, serves as Xaynon’s closest advisor. travelled across the Ivory Triangle region were considered
Some villagers are uncomfortable with the wizard. both a source of ancillary income for the community and
Consequently, she does not necessarily lead raids or give an intelligence network for the raiders. The performers
orders to other villagers. It is clear, however, that she has make up an unpredictable political faction within the
more direct influence on Xaynon’s rule than any other village. Popular performers can often rally villagers with
tribe member. Xaynon makes few important decisions compelling oratory, creating mobs that are difficult for
without consulting Arya. even Xaynon to control. Fortunately, the performers, on
The raid commanders report to Xaynon. These people the whole, do not have a vested interest in the outcome
are Xaynon’s trusted lieutenants, and speak (within limits) of the current struggle between the raiders and the traders.
in Xaynon’s own voice. In raids, the raid commanders There will be plenty of opportunities for the actors to
have military control over their people, and a raider who perform regardless of the means by which the community
would publicly challenge his commander’s judgment in survives. Consequently, leaders of opposing factions often
Salt View will obey without question under the pressure lobby popular actors for support. The actors are, as a
of a raid. In times of emergency, the commanders act rule, easily flattered and while articulate, are not nearly as
as rallying points for the populace, and their orders are bright as they think they are.
unquestioned. The lowest status members of the Salt View community
While raiding parties were originally assembled on an are the refugees. These include those who are undergoing
ad-hoc basis, over time, certain commanders began to the trial period and those who have been admitted to the
request the same raiders for their missions. These groups tribe, but whose skills are not vital to Salt View’s survival.
also associated together socially and became the basis of While these people are given food, water, and shelter,
informal political factions and cliques. they are not influential in the political debates. Most in
Raiders report formally to the raid commanders only this class try to gain fighting prowess or performing skill,
during actually raiding operations. Most raiders have so that they will be respected by the more established
some military skills, either from being in the slave-armies inhabitants of Salt View.
or gladiatorial ranks of the city-states or by virtue of the
training they have received in Salt View. In the rough- Operation and Means of Existence
and-tumble existence of Salt View, where disputes are Salt View survives on the strength of three industries,
settled as often by blades as any other way, fighting which combined provide sufficient support to allow Salt
prowess is an important measure of status. View to prosper. Raiding has traditionally been Salt
A growing political faction in Salt View is represented View’s core means of acquiring resources. The performing
by the artisans and craftsmen of the village. Fort Fyra has troupes have supplemented the village’s income as well as
provided a viable market for their work and the additional provided valuable information regarding caravan activity.
revenue generated by the artisans is strengthening Fyra’s Lastly, Fort Fyra has begun to introduce the benefits of
political hand. Many of the artisans are at best indifferent legitimate trade to the small village. The village does not
warriors, and their skills have benefited Salt View only


maintain farms or raise herds of animals. Hunting and of subtle strategies to slow caravans and force them to
gathering, while practiced, serve to supplement the tribe’s abandon valuable cargo. Raiders from Salt View try to
primary source of revenues. keep their plundering as bloodless as possible. They see
Since Salt View’s founding, the goods from raiding have cargo bound for the city-states as fair compensation for
been distributed evenly among the village’s population, the years they spent as slaves to the sorcerer-kings. They
with rarer goods going to those with the greatest influence. have no desire to hurt anyone or see any of their fellows
However, while this system worked well when Salt View hurt in turn. They will defend themselves and even kill
had 200 inhabitants, the village has grown too large for stubborn mercenaries if necessary, but always as a last
this to satisfy everyone. resort.
Thus, there is a substantial trade economy which As Salt View has become more securely established,
operates after the official “fair” disbursement. This is its raiding bands have traveled further afield. Salt View
primarily barter, with artisans adding their own works raiders (or those claiming to be from Salt View) have
to the goods which come from caravans. There is some been encountered on the trade route between Gulg and
currency (primarily coming from the artisan troupes and Altaruk, on the road between Nibenay and Raam, and
the salt miners of Fort Fyra); coinage from Gulg and even in the village of North Ledopolus. The raids are
Nibenay is most common, but there are even a few coins causing prices of many goods in the area to rise. This
from far-off Balic. is hitting the small client-villages of Gulg and Nibenay
The slaves of Salt View are skilled raiders, and have particularly hard, as they do not have the capital required
often been able to capture (or at least threaten) caravans to pay the higher prices. They are willing, however, to pay
with many more troops and weapons. They are masters for the heads of dead raiders.


While Xaynon’s band has always been strict about just the freedom of the trail. They wanted the freedom to
killing victims only in self-defense, many other raiders in establish homes and raise families. They wanted the safety
the area are less concerned with the survival of their prey. and security that only a fortified village could provide
More than one caravan near the Crescent Forest has been them. When his tribe set foot upon the eastern face of the
lost entirely to other slave tribes. The merchant houses Mekillot Mountains and found the abandoned salt mine,
have no way of distinguishing between raiding parties and Xaynon knew that they had found their home.
any retaliation is likely to be targeted at Salt View. Unless Xaynon had been a gladiator, regularly fighting for his
Xaynon can somehow drive off the competing slave tribes, life in the arena in Raam. When the mul finally found
Salt View could be in danger. freedom, he imagined that his days of fighting were over.
The second major industry is the theater. The actors He was wrong, for he soon found himself fighting the
and singers of Salt View present plays throughout the leader of the slave tribe he joined for command of the
Ivory Triangle. These troupes of artists travel throughout group. His victory began a new chapter in this tribe’s
the area as wandering freemen, with no hint that they are existence. First, the mul led them away from Raam, taking
really from Salt View. They supplement the earnings from his tribe southwest in search of plunder and adventure.
their plays with an occasional theft (usually from the local Second, he changed the tribe’s habit of killing those they
templar or noble). They also gather information about stole from. There was no need to bring more death to
caravan routes and planned dates for the raiders. this dying world, he told them. He also gave them more
Initially, the performing troupes were an escape; an freedom to determine their fates. When they needed a
opportunity for the tribe to forget about the difficulties of leader, he was there. When they did not, he let them
their fugitive life. Over time, however, the actors began to make their own decisions.
take touring companies out on the road. The plays have More ex-slaves joined Xaynon’s tribe as it traveled
become more and more profitable, and their legitimate around the perimeter of the Sea of Silt, past the Dragon’s
visits to traders, villages, and cities allow them to acquire Bowl, and south toward the Great Ivory Plain. Besides
some items (such as spices) which are too difficult to the soldiers and gladiators that flocked to Xaynon’s side,
stumble onto in a caravan raid. he attracted a large following of artists. Perhaps this was
The acting troupes from Salt View never put on shows because he enjoyed the arts, and even fancied himself
for nobles or templars, and they have been known to something of an artist. He loved to tell stories and dance,
refuse even the invitation of Nibenay’s sorcerer-king (who and he could listen to sculptors and painters talk for
thought he was hiring a group of freemen). To perform for hours about the techniques of their craft.
these people would be akin to once again donning the In the Mekillot Mountains, he ordered his tribe to halt.
shackles of slavery, no matter how much wealth may be The time of travel was over, he decided, at least as far as
offered. They may satirize these classes in their plays, but he was concerned. Anyone who wanted to continue on
they will not perform for them. was free to go. Those who wanted to stay would have to
The third and final industry is the salt-mine and artisan help him build the village he always dreamed of living in.
market supported by Fort Fyra. Most salt-miners live at That was how Xaynon and his tribe came to build Salt
or near Fort Fyra, rather than in Salt View proper, but View within the caves of the mountains.
their revenue (when the salt business makes a profit) goes The portion of Xaynon’s original band that stayed to
to support Salt View. The artisans have increased their help him numbered around 200, including both warriors
production in order to sell goods through the merchant and artisans-and a few who were both. The artisans saw
fort. the cavernous salt mine as an opportunity to build a
city of their dreams; Xaynon’s warriors saw it as a shelter
Origin secure from the reprisals of the city-states. The salt mine
Xaynon and his original tribe of raiders grew tired of the hid the village from the prying eyes of Templars, and its
nomadic life they were leading. They wanted more than only entrances were narrow tunnels which could easily be
sealed should the village’s location somehow be revealed.


Further, the ready supply of stone discarded around View’s survival warrants the loss of some freedom. Finally,
the mine provided all the materials needed to build a he established the trial period system which determines
defensive wall within the cavern itself. who will and will not be accepted into the community.
The warriors raided caravans for the other materials Xaynon’s law did not result in a utopia. The ex-slaves
needed to make the cavern livable; the artisans used these had too varied a background (and too great a desire
materials to build the small village filled with theaters, for freedom) to work together in perfect harmony. The
taverns, and artisan’s workrooms. One ex-slave had wanted village’s layout quickly deviated from the idealized plans
to mount torches on the walls of the cavern surrounding of the original artisans, as more and more people added
the village. “Toward what end?” asked Xaynon. “So you their own touches to the village design. Disputes arose,
can have a better view of the salt?” With this joke settled by violence as often as reasoned debate.
Xaynon had coined the name of their newly constructed Since that time, the village has continued to grow. Over
home. 500 people of all races now inhabit the village, and the
Not long after the first dwellings were built and the artisans work feverishly to extend the facilities to support
perimeter wall was constructed, a few artists who had them all. Raids have increased to support the increasing
shared stories and poems with Xaynon asked if they population. With the raids comes more notoriety and
could build an arena. The ex-gladiator was aghast at the more recruits.
suggestion and in his anger he almost struck the man who
suggested such a thing. But they quickly explained that Location and Defenses
they wanted this arena to serve as a showcase for the arts, The village of Salt View lies within a huge cavern
not for bloody entertainment. So Xaynon agreed and Salt with great salt pillars supporting its ceiling. The cavern
View’s first theater was built. is concealed against the eastern face of the Mekillot
During the caravan raids, Xaynon’s band sometimes Mountains, and can be accessed only through a circuitous
freed slaves. Those slaves who seemed to have the spirit series of high passes, winding trails, and tunnels. These
and talent were given a choice: make your own way trails are laid out to confuse any pursuers looking for the
among the desert, or join Xaynon’s band. Preference was village, and they are defended by deadfalls, rock slides,
given to slaves who were skilled warriors or artisans; the and guards to ensure no one gets in uninvited.
village had little need for laborers and bearers. The village itself occupies only a sixth of the interior of
Slaves who had turned them down (or even those who the cavern, and is laid out in a rough hexagonal shape.
had never been asked) began to spread the word of The walls are 8 feet high and constructed of rough-hewn
Xaynon’s band and the mysterious village of Salt View. stones mortared together with a salt paste. While this
Soon the raiders were encountering lone ex-slaves (or mortar is not as strong as that defending the walls of
even small groups) who were interested in joining with the city-states, it has held up fairly well. The wall is wide
Salt View. enough to allow a man to walk along the top. Under
The new slaves quickly began to outnumber Xaynon’s siege, ladders would be laid against the inner wall to allow
original band. Salt View, which had been constructed as the warriors of Salt View to repel attackers.
a lovely village for 200, was becoming an overcrowded Every inhabitant of Salt View is given some training
village of 400. Furthermore, some of the new members with weapons. At any one time, at least half the raiders are
were of a violent temperament, and the ills of the city- in the village, providing a garrison of 150 trained warriors.
states were beginning to develop in this village of hope. Xaynon’s raiders have made an extra effort to collect the
Xaynon stepped in to reestablish his leadership. He weapons from the caravans they have captured, and the
executed the most severe troublemakers and established market section of the village has a near inexhaustible
the main law of Salt View: no one in Salt View shall supply of melee weapons, bows, and arrows.
limit the freedom of another, unless the survival of Salt If the cavern is attacked, deadfalls within the tunnels
View is at stake. As the leaders of Salt View, Xaynon can be dropped to seal the invaders out. A secondary
and his raiding commanders are the arbiters of when Salt


tunnel is blocked by a makeshift rock wall; this tunnel comprised of battle-hardened warriors. Nevertheless, the
is intended as an escape route if the other tunnels are troupes are earning enough to make them a tempting
collapsed. target to more aggressive groups (such as the elven raiders).
Moreover, other raiding activities threaten the economic
Relations with Others lifeline which the performers represent. The advance of
As Salt View grows, it becomes more integrated with the gith hordes from the Blackspine Mountains in the
the Ivory Triangle region. While Xaynon would like to north and the corresponding forays of giants from Ledo
keep Salt View totally independent (except for raiding Island in the south have begun to pinch at Salt View’s
caravans), in practice some connections have developed. lifeline to the economy of the city-states.
First, Salt View is the primary means of support for Fort Thus far, Xaynon and his lieutenants have done nothing
Fyra. The trade from the fort has also begun to create except advise the troupes to use caution. However, if the
indirect relationships between Salt View and some of the raids continue to intensify, he may have no choice but
merchant houses that conduct caravans through the area. to guard the troupes like a caravan, or abandon them
Second, Salt View has begun trading with some of the altogether.
client villages in the Verdant Belt. This trade began as Not all Salt View’s relationships are positive. Gulg and
a side activity of the traveling performing troupes, who Nibenay have forbidden trade with the raiders, and the
use the smaller villages as shakedown performances before dwarves of North Ledopolus despise the ex-slaves. The
taking their shows to the larger markets. They have taken merchant houses do not particularly like the raids, but as
the opportunity to exchange the currency their shows Salt View has shown some restraint (and low propensity
bring for useful goods. This activity bolsters the Fort to kill merchants) they view the raids as a cost of business,
Fyra faction’s contention that legitimate trade is the only and raise prices accordingly. To preserve its reputation
course that Salt View should pursue. for raiding without murder, Salt View raiders often find
Salt View’s nearest neighbor, the dwarven village of themselves in conflict with other raiders (particularly the
North Ledopolus, refuses to have anything to do with Swiftwing elves) who work the same territory as Salt View’s
the slave tribe. They consider the raiders a threat to their raiders.
caravans, as evidenced by the amount of cargo that never
reaches its destination. Joining the Tribe
The merchant houses that regularly trade with Gulg All new inhabitants of Salt View must undergo a trial
and Nibenay are familiar with Salt View and its period before being accepted as full members of the
practices. Many order their caravan drivers to simply give community. Before the trial period begins, any potential
up part of their cargo as tribute to the raiders, in effect inhabitant of Salt View is warned of the details. Xaynon
purchasing free passage through the Great Ivory Plain and does not relish the occasional refusal he must make, as he
its surrounding environs. Others try all kinds of things feels there has been enough death in his life, so he gives
to deter the raiders – varying their caravan schedules, a prospect the maximum opportunity to turn away before
traveling at night, adding extra guards, employing powerful drastic measures must be taken.
psionicists and mages, even sending out decoy caravans A potential member of the Salt View community is
carrying worthless cargo to occupy the raiders while the usually found as part of a raid, or by a traveling acting
true caravan takes another route. Sometimes these ploys troupe. When freed, a potential candidate is told that
work, but more often than not the raiders get their share they may be able to join the community of Salt View.
of goods to distribute at Salt View’s market. The basics of how the society operates are sketched out,
Third, Salt View’s acting troupes are now a sufficiently but the location of the village is kept secret at this stage.
common sight that they are themselves subject to raiding. The new prospect is then warned that there is a trial
Most slave-tribe raiders receive a terrible shock when they period, and that those who are judged not to fit into the
discover that the defenseless troupe of actors is actually community are not permitted to survive. The prospect is


then asked if they are willing to try. every battle he had ever fought, he won that one, too.
If the prospect declines, then he or she is let free, and Now his tribe is firmly established in the Mekillot
no more is said. There are no hard feelings, and more Mountains, living in a village called Salt View. Xaynon
than once someone who turned down an opportunity to leads by example and by granting his people the freedom
join the tribe later came back to find some representatives to do as they choose. This freedom is appreciated and
and petition to join. cherished, but they always turn to the mul for advice,
If the prospect accepts, they are taken to the village. leadership, and protection.
When the prospect reaches the village, he or she is Xaynon loves all expressions of art, and artists and
assisted in finding a place to live and assigned duties in artisans find a special place in his tribe. He especially
the village. Any task is allowed to the prospect, and tasks loves the artist arena, where he can watch fine performances
are chosen for them in the same way as any permanent and give some of his own. The mul enjoys acting in
resident. comedies best of all, and the cheers that rise up when he
The prospect is permitted to remain in Salt View for up takes the stage have almost made him forget the bloody
to three months before a judgment is passed. Particularly memories of his past. Almost.
heroic or heinous acts will accelerate this time. If, at the
end of the trial period, the prospect has demonstrated Arya: Arya is a tall woman with striking features and
an ability to get along in Salt View, and has shown long, dark blond hair. She is of indeterminate age, and
skills which the community needs or can use, he or she her slightly exotic eyes hint at the half-elven heritage she
is accepted as a permanent inhabitant of Salt View. If, never talks about. In fact, Arya never talks about her past
on the other hand, the prospect has shown himself to at all, except to admit she once served as a slave in a
be violent, cowardly, untrustworthy, or unwilling to fit in, city-state far from the Tyr region.
Xaynon denies the petition, and the now-failed prospect The woman joined Xaynon shortly after he took
is taken to the Sea of Silt to die. command of the tribe. She literally appeared out of the
ruins of Yaramuke and offered her services to the mul.
Personalities While the rest of his tribe failed to hide their fears and
Xaynon: Xaynon was a crowd favorite at the gladiatorial suspicions, Xaynon took the woman at her word. She
arena in Raam. Whenever the powerful mul was scheduled became his chief advisor and a powerful ally to the tribe.
to appear, wagering increased. Xaynon had never lost a Arya is now such a fixture at the beloved mul’s side
match, and this fact inspired the crowds to bet heavily that long-time tribe members have come to accept her, if
– both for and against him. When the young mul made not trust her. Newer members still find the thought of a
his first appearance in the arena, he enjoyed the cheers of wizard with such influence very disturbing, but they are
the crowd. When he won the day, the cheers serenaded careful not to voice their apprehension in earshot of either
him. But with each victory he won, another gladiator died, the woman or Xaynon.
and the cheers turned to wails of sorrow in his mind. The One thing that has eased feelings over the years is
cheers haunted him, conjuring images of every human, that Arya practices a non-destructive art. She does not
dwarf, and mul he killed. Finally, he decided that he had engage in the practices of the defilers, but works a balance
had enough of this bloody entertainment. between nature and magic. Some have even suggested
Xaynon urged the other gladiators in his pen to rise that she is a member of the Veiled Alliance, but no one
up against the guards watching over them. Many died on knows for sure. What they do know is that Arya uses her
both sides of the conflict that day, but in the end the mul art for the benefit of Salt View, and for that she finds
and a handful of his fellows had escaped. The ex-slaves tolerance and an uneasy acceptance.
fled into the wilderness around Raam, eventually joining
up with a raiding tribe. It wasn’t long before Xaynon Vandrellen: Vandrellen escaped from Raam with
challenged the raider’s leader for control of the tribe. Like Xaynon after a short stint as a gladiator. When the elf
was taken as a slave, he refused to bend to the templars’


will. Vandrellen’s lack of cooperation quickly landed him of entertainment that took storytelling to new heights, he
in the arena, where it was decided that if he could knew he had to find out if it was true. While his claim
not serve a useful function he would at least provide to being a slave has never been substantiated (and most
some entertainment in a gladiatorial bout. His speed and believe he never was), the bard made a fine showing
fighting skills surprised everyone, though, and Vandrellen during his period of testing. When Xaynon heard Kilay
won his first two matches. His next scheduled bout was sing, he immediately agreed to let him join the tribe.
against Xaynon, but the two escaped before they were The bard does his share of tribal work. He goes on
forced to determine who was better. raids, travels with the acting troupes, and even has been
The hearty and unpredictable elf decided to stay with known to pitch in when the wall needs repairs. But his
Xaynon. He told the mul that he could not leave before true love is creating stories for the actors to perform, and
he satisfied his curiosity about which of them would have few others can match the power of his creations.
won their match. Now, years later, Vandrellen remains at
Xaynon’s side as a valued member of Salt View. Korsk: Not all the gladiators and soldier-slaves who
Vandrellen serves as a raiding party leader, employing founded Salt View are pleased with the idea of becoming
his skills as a ranger and warrior to best advantage. Like a simple trading village known for its performing troupes.
many ex-slaves, the elf does not reveal much about his Many would rather abandon the village’s dead weight in
past. Sometimes he gets a far-away look in his golden the desert – or better yet, use the actors as fodder and
eyes, and at those moments Xaynon wonders how much throw them at caravan guards – and return to the raiding
longer his friend will remain with the village. Someday, he lifestyle they know and understand. Korsk, a dwarf who
believes, the elf will announce he is returning to his own fought with Xaynon in Raam’s arena, is the most vocal
people. On that day, Xaynon will wish him well and try member of this faction. He is secretly arranging an attack
not to show his sadness. by Nibenese slavers that will carry off many of Salt View’s
Like many of Salt View’s inhabitants, Vandrellen loves “useless” citizens when he and his raiders are safely away
to perform on stage. He is an accomplished actor, easily from the village.
moving from one role to another with a skill that makes
many of the other actors jealous. He seems to have no Veeshte: Veeshte is a Templar of the Shadow King.
favorite type of role, for he approaches every kind of play She is masquerading as an escaped slave, and is
with equal relish. attempting to infiltrate Salt View. She has been accepted
as a prospective villager, but is not yet through her time
Kilay: Perhaps the most accomplished playwright of trials. She has kept her magical and psionic abilities
working in Salt View is the bard, Kilay. Kilay is short hidden, and most believe her to be an ex-seraglio-slave.
for a human, barely taller than a dwarf, but the plays Her aim is to get out of the village as soon as possible
he creates for the theaters of Salt View are wonderful and return to Nibenay with the location of Salt View.
to behold. He has tried his hand at all types of stories, She feels that this information is the key to her rapid
but a few stand out as particularly fine. His comedy, promotion in the ranks of the Templars.
The Halfling Comes to Dinner, stands out as a work of Xaynon admires Veeshte’s confident bearing and is
comedic genius. His drama, The Last Slave in Yaramuke, somewhat taken with her charismatic personality. Arya is
brings tears to the eyes of every audience, even if they suspicious of Veeshte, but Xaynon dismisses her concerns
have seen it before. as jealousy. Unfortunately, Salt View has never found a
The bard also performs from time to time, usually psionicist to help verify the claims of prospective tribe
preferring musicals to heavy dramatic roles. His voice has members, and it is unlikely that Xaynon will discover
been called the most beautiful sound in Salt View, and Veeshte’s deception.
many a fair maiden has swooned to Kilay’s songs. Having to treat these slaves as equals irritates her,
Kilay came to Salt View after its reputation for fine and sometimes that irritation shows through, but she has
theater had spread. When he heard tales of a local form shown tremendous enthusiasm for joining a raiding party.


Xaynon will not approve this until she has had sufficient
training, but that time is soon approaching. Veeshte is 2. Residential Area: The residential quarters are the
waiting for that opportunity to sneak off back to Nibenay. most unruly portion of Salt View. While originally these
Should she escape, the information she carries could sections were laid out in a series of spoke-like roads
mean the end of Salt View. running from the Theater Arena to the outer wall, the
rapid growth of Salt View’s population has demolished
Wheetan: Wheetan is the current darling of the any hope of an orderly development. Buildings abut one
playwrights of Salt View. Recently escaped from Nibenay, another haphazardly, and more than once Xaynon has
Wheetan is working in Salt View as a magical enhancer had to be called in to resolve a dispute over rights of way.
of plays. He uses his magic from behind the scenes to (One case involved a homebuilder who had inadvertently
allow playwrights to present more spectacular effects. sealed off the last access to more than 30 existing homes.
Wheetan is very shy, and refuses to work visibly on Before the case could be resolved, the foundation and
stage. However, the playwrights have found a number of walls of the house had been constructed. Xaynon’s
uses of his magical talents. The above spell list is the one solution was to require the owner of the new building to
selected for Kilay’s play “The Mul’s Escape”; for other provide a public corridor through the center of his home.)
plays he is able to select a different variety of spells. Individual residences grow in stages in these areas.
Unfortunately, Wheetan is not powerful enough to Initially, a new prospective inhabitant stakes out an
sustain more than one performance a night. Moreover, as unoccupied section of the residential district and
magic is banned in the city-states and their villages, none pitches a temporary structure or large tent there. After
of the plays which use Wheetan’s talents can be shown the inhabitant as passed the trial period and has been
outside of Salt View. Nevertheless, the people of Salt confirmed as a permanent resident, he builds himself a
View have begun to appreciate Wheetan’s talents. hut of stones with a hatch roof. Village artisans are ready
Most other mages in Salt View, notably Xavnon’s to assist homebuilders and bricks may be cut from the
lieutenant Ayla, disdain Wheetan’s work, saying that cavern walls, and thus provide an inexpensive and ready
magic is not a tool for entertainment. The shy young source of building materials. Not all the huts even have
mage does not mind; he receives so much praise from roofs. The only benefit they bring is to reduce the sounds
the theatrical community that he is unconcerned with the of revelers when a homesteader is trying to sleep.
opinions of the other mages. The residential area is also home to a number of
taverns. The taverns in these sections are quieter than
1. The Theater Arena: This large amphitheater is the those in the theater district, with families and friends
center of public life in Salt View. It consists of a number gathering to eat, drink, and have a pleasant evening.
of concentric squares dug into the floor of the cavern; Popular taverns include The Oba’s (primarily a dining
each square is topped by a series of wooden planks that tavern specializing in Gulg cuisine) and the Salty Mug
are used as seats. The central square, which occupies (run by Velin, a dwarf who brews his own ale).
about half of the area of the theater overall, is raised to
provide a platform for performers. This is theater-in-the- 3. Marketplace and Artisan Camp: This section of
round; there are no wings or other areas for actors to use the city is used to distribute the goods taken from caravans
to leave the stage. Instead, they access the stage by passing by the raiders. Food and water are distributed as fairly
through the audience. as possible. Rarer items are distributed in a manner that
Kilay, the master playwright of Salt View, has been best serves the interests of the person distributing them.
pushing to have a framework constructed over the stage, Each member of the raiding parties in turn takes on the
so that magical flight and other special effects can be task of distributing goods. Xaynon perceives this as the
included in his plays. Thus far he has not convinced most equitable solution. The people who are risking their
enough of the building artisans to take time away from lives for the community should have some say in how the
their work for this project. fruits of their labor are distributed. He will sometimes



intervene, however, if a dispute arises. After distribution voice of anyone on stage), Templar’s Hall (a theater in
there is usually quite a bit of bartering. Artisans usually the round specializing in satirical plays about the templars
introduce their goods into this aftermarket as well. and the sorcerer-kings), and the Kilay (the theater of
Excess goods (when there are any) are stored here. This choice of Salt View’s chief playwright).
section of the village is also used as an armory, holding The theater district is also the site of Salt View’s more
a storehouse of weapons capable of arming nearly 1,000 lively taverns. Each of the two-dozen taverns in this district
warriors. offers some kind of entertainment, generally musicians or
The artisan camp is brightly lit with torches at any singers, to go with the broy. More famous (or infamous)
hour, as it contains the workshops and studios of the places include the Whistler’s Rest (a musician’s tavern
artisan class. Now that Fort Fyra has created a viable where on any given evening you may hear the finest
outlet for their work, the craftsmen in this area can be musicians in Salt View) and the Wild Ride (a tavern
found laboring day and night. catering to returning raiders).

4. Theater District: This section of the city is home to 5. Residential Area: Like Area 2 above.
many smaller theaters. Nearly 40 theaters can be found in
this section, with varying layouts, stage sizes, and audience 6. Cavern Pool: A thin stream of water runs from the
capacities. It is here that the traveling troupes and new top of the cavern to a pool against the rock wall. Since
plays are given a chance to develop and become ready much of the cavern is filled with salt deposits, the water
or performance. has a salty taste. Still, it does not contain so much salt
Many of the theaters were constructed for a single play, that it is unhealthy to drink, and the village uses it to
and have unusual stage shapes or other features. Others supplement its supply of water (gained in raids against
with more traditional structure are used regularly. Perhaps caravans and other villages).
a dozen of these theaters are in use at any one time,
with half of those being occupied by artisans who are 7. Blocked Tunnel: This tunnel serves as an escape
building sets. Dancers and singers can be seen everywhere, route should the main tunnels be unavailable. The rocks
practicing in rehearsal halls and taverns throughout the blocking the tunnel can be moved aside quickly to
district. provide access.
Particularly popular theaters include the Orpheum (a
flat-stage theater with a structure designed to amplify the


Fort Fyra That changed when Xaynon’s raiders decided to settle

into village life. At that time, they located the salt mine
Fort Fyra is the sole trading fortress of House Fyra. where the village of Salt View was constructed. This
This small outpost is little more than a trading post at fortification was the closest to that site.
which those interested in trading for salt can meet with Xaynon decided to upgrade the fortress, so that soldiers
the merchants of the house. Most of the house staff who sought to follow Salt View raiders back to the village
and workers are employed in the slow. dangerous work would instead be directed to this fortress. He assigned the
of mining salt, so few house members are available to dwarf Fyra, one of his trusted lieutenants, guardianship
assemble traditional trade caravans. As a result, House of the fortress, and posted 300 warriors, all ex-slaves, to
Fyra is almost totally dependent on other houses’ caravans defend it.
willingness to trade with them. Fyra discovered that a fortress in the desert was a
House Fyra is also a symbol of the hypocrisy of the magnet for travelers. Customs of the region require that
city-states. When Salt View first began to grow into a any caravan be given water and salt, unless he is a
stable village. the oba Lalali-Puy and the Shadow King blood enemy. To avoid the ire of the caravans (which
barred any house which traded in their cities from trading already sought the people of Salt View for their raiding),
with this center of raiding activity. It serves no merchant’s Fyra abided by the custom. When the traders asked the
interest to trade with raiders. However, as Salt View began purpose of this fortress, he announced that the fortress was
to show some promise as a legitimate trade partner, House Fort Fyra, first outpost of his “merchant house”, House
Wavir of Balic ignored the ban. The houses based in Fyra.
Gulg and Nibenay obeyed the edict until Fort Fyra The visitors seemed to understand immediately. They
was established. The merchant houses who trade with praised the baffled dwarf’s foresight in being the first
Salt View through Fort Fyra maintain the polite fiction trader to commit himself to controlling the salt trade. Fyra
that the two are entirely separate entities. While House quickly learned that salts, as well as being used to season
Wavir has been most forward thinking in their efforts to foods and preserve meats, is also used to produce textile
lead the ex-slaves away from their dependency of raiding, dyes, soap, glass, and pottery in addition to preserving
some other houses will trade with Fyra to the extent that leather hides.
it serves their own interests, and to the extent that it will Xaynon thought Fyra’s explanation of the fortress’
protect their caravans from attack by the ex-slaves. The purpose was inspired. Not only did the story of salt trade
rulers of Nibenay and Gulg have authorized trade with make an excellent cover for the fortress, it was a terrific
Fort Fyra at the discretion of their Templars. premise for the village of Salt View to establish a false
front of legitimacy in order to work its way out from under
History the trade ban. He assigned a portion of the raiding goods
In the early days before the founding of the village of to pay those who worked to mine the salt.
Salt View, Xaynon’s band roamed the Ivory Triangle
region, raiding caravans and struggling to survive. After The Fort Today
a raid, Xaynon’s band fled into the desert in several House Fyra is beginning to do well but is facing difficulty
directions to confuse pursuers. After such raids, Xaynon at Salt View. While refined salt is a valuable commodity,
had established a number of rallying points where his mining and processing the salt is an expensive process.
forces could regroup and distribute their booty. Fort Fyra In the early days, gatherers could simply walk to exposed
began as such a rallying point. deposits, collecting the large lumps of salt which lay near
Over time, Xaynon’s band erected crude fortifications in the surface. Over the years this has become impractical,
the rock cleft, so that they could battle pursuers if necessary. as the surface salt near the fortress has all been collected,
In those days, however, this site was not distinguished and a mine must now actually be dug to find veins of
from a dozen others with similar characteristics. salt. Fyra has begun the construction of a new salt mine


near the fortress. This mine will reduce the cost of the salt, useful among their loot. Lastly, they will be able to ensure
but requires a considerable investment to get it started. that their children are not hunted, but rather sought as
Moreover, mining salt is extremely hard work, and the ex- trading partners and allies. Fyra believes in this vision
slaves of Salt View command high wages for their labor. and is struggling to gain support for the mine among the
Xaynon is not prepared to make the investment necessary factions of Salt View.
to ensure Fort Fyra’s longterm production capability. Xaynon is not interested in the salt trade. The ex-
Ragstol Wavir, the master trader of Outpost 19, has gladiator has no natural inclination toward such activities
spent a significant amount of time counseling Fyra and and he is uncomfortable with how such a change would
encouraging the artisans of Salt View. He has convinced realign the power structure within the village. Rather
Fyra that the population of Salt View will continue to than support the construction of the mine, Xaynon has
increase and that the raiding activity will have to increase gradually reduced the amount of goods allocated to the
to support the community. If this happens, there is certain project. He contends that House Fyra should support
to be retribution from the merchant houses or the city- itself.
states. Even if Salt View escapes their enemies, they will The artisans of Salt View, however, have rallied to Fyra’s
drive off all the caravans in the area, and will no longer side. For the first time, they have found a market for the
be able to find the goods to steal. The tribe, Ragstol goods that they manufacture. They are using the revenue
argues, should stop the raids and channel all of their from their sales to help invest in the mine. Xaynon is
resources into legitimate trade. In this way the income of not pleased with this development, but he has allowed it
the community will grow with the addition of productive to continue.
members. They will be able to freely buy the specific As more and more people become aware of the
supplies they need rather than hoping to find something fortress, the number of caravans which visit the outpost


increases. This allows Fyra to sell more salt, trading for the fort, in practice no more than 75 are ever there at
necessities for Salt View and cash to pay the workers. It any one time. Others are guarding salt-workers, escorting
is now something of an open secret that “House Fyra” is nearby caravans, or simply “on leave” at Salt View. It
associated with the village of Salt View, but no official would be impractical for the fortress to support such a
notice has been taken of their relationship. huge contingent of soldiers at all times; in time of trouble,
Thus, House Fyra is at a turning point. Should the however, all 300 are posted to the fortress, and the traders
mine become established, the House will have enough and salt-workers are sent to Salt View. Soldiers receive
stability to survive without Xaynon’s support. If internal votes like any other “member” of the house, and there
dissension should prevent the mine from opening, then are always a number of senior military officers among the
the house will fall. ranks of the traders.
The salt-workers are both the most and least powerful
The Garrison group in House Fyra. More than 200 people are involved
The fortress’s occupants are all ex-slaves. They are in the gathering and refining of salt. This makes them a
divided into three major groups: traders, soldiers, and powerful voting block. However, they are rarely available
salt-workers. to participate in the political battles. They labor in the
Traders represent the “public face” of the house to refinery, turning the huge millstone to grind the salt. They
caravans and to the people of Salt View. While ultimate work in the mine, excavating tunnels through solid salt.
leadership of House Fyra rests in Fyra himself, day-to- As a result, there are rarely more than 40 salt-gatherers in
day operations are managed by a “master trader” who is the fortress at any one time.
selected by a democratic vote. A majority vote confirms Fyra is the sole coordinator for the artisans of Salt View
an individual to the post as master trader; their term lasts at the fort. With Ragstol’s advice places orders for certain
two years. The master trader appoints a cadre of assistants quantities of various items from the craftsmen.
and officers who comprise the “traders” of the house. The
exact number of traders in House Fyra varies from master Personalities
trader to master trader, but generally hovers around 30. Fyra: Fyra is a dwarf, born into slavery and trained as
Master traders select their assistants for a variety of a gladiator. He spent over 75 years in the gladiatorial
reasons, including talent, skill, or mere political favoritism. arena, and never lost a fight. Like Xaynon, he did not
Major decisions are resolved by a vote of the traders in enjoy the many deaths he caused and because of his
an effort to keep those who supported the master trader in race and his dour manner, he had never become a crowd
his camp. Their constantly shifting votes place the House favorite. When Xaynon urged the other gladiators in his
in constant turmoil, as political alliances shift and the pen to break free, Fyra was the first by his side. It was
direction of the House changes. Fyra had been working the combined strength of the mul and the dwarf which
to keep the house on a consistent course, but his eroding pulled the door to their pen off of its hinges, beginning
relationship with Xaynon has weakened his popularity, the rebellion which would find them both alive and free.
and there is talk of ousting him by election-something Fyra traveled with Xaynon’s band for all the years of
that until now had never been considered. Some have wandering. He was Xaynon’s constant companion, and
proposed that another be assigned Fyra’s role, while others the two ex-slaves saved one another’s lives many times.
think the position should be abolished and all decisions This bond of friendship caused Xaynon to put Fyra in
made by the master trader and his staff. Only the lack of charge of the fortress now known as Fort Fyra. Now at
a strong challenger and cohesion among the ranks keep 132, he is just beginning to feel his age. While Fyra
Fyra in place. first took this on as just another assignment, the growth
The soldiers who occupy Fort Fyra are independent of of House Fyra and his vision of a prosperous and free
the house, but provide protection to house activities as community has become his focus.
part of their “cover”. While 300 warriors are assigned to It is this single-minded determination to make House


Fyra succeed that has caused the recent friction between Lestria: Lestria first met with Xaynon’s band before
Fyra and Xaynon. Xaynon sees the salt merchant stratagem the founding of Salt View. The druid had resided in
only as a minor cover to their fortress. Fyra sees the this area for years before Fort Fyra was founded, serving
success of a salt trade as central to Salt View’s (and his as a protector of the region. When it became apparent
own) very survival. Fyra chafes at the lack of support and that Xaynon was founding a permanent base here, Lestria
resources Xaynon offers, while Xaynon cannot understand contacted him to determine his intent.
why his old friend has invested so much in a whim. Periodically the druid and the raiders crossed paths; in
Xaynon is happy with the way things are in the village. each case the result was a careful avoidance of hostilities
In spite of his claim that leadership has been thrust on both sides. Over the years, the druid became less aloof
upon him and should be democratic, he cannot help but toward Xaynon and Fyra although no one would ever
feel pride in what he has accomplished. In a village of describe Lestria as friendly.
merchants strength and fighting prowess might not count Lestria’s guarded land includes Fort Fyra, but not Salt
for as much. View itself. As a result, she is virtually unknown in
None (except other dwarves) recognize what has the slave village. Even in Fort Fyra, she is a mysterious
happened to Fyra. Most believe that Fyra’s continual figure. She has been friendly to the fort, and has even
efforts to expand House Fyra is a result of his spending allowed the mine to be established, but has placed some
too much time with the master trader of Outpost 19. The restrictions on how the mine is constructed which are
raiders of Salt View feel Xaynon is excessively lenient slowing construction. Even Fyra knows better than to
toward his old friend. They do not like the idea of the challenge the druid on this; her magical abilities could
village artisans usurping their control over village affairs. destroy the entire fortress.
Even Xaynon does not realize that the fate of Fyra’s soul There is little danger of Lestria becoming involved in
hangs in the balance. As is typical of dwarves, Fyra has the impending political disputes. She has shown absolutely
not bothered to inform anyone, so the impasse continues. no interest in the affairs of the community beyond the
extent to which they affect the surroundings.
Melestan Eltrabel: Melestan Eltrabel is an up-and-
coming member of House Fyra, perhaps due to his 1. Walls: These 15-foot walls protect the salt mill
exceptional number of wild talents. Initially assigned to and the garrison in the event of an attack. The gates
guard duty at the garrison, he has spent much of his are generally left open, and the walls manned only by
time traveling with the salt-workers, protecting them from lookouts. In time of attack, however, the walls provide
creatures and bandits. He is well liked by most everyone cover for more than 100 soldiers.
in the fortress, and is viewed as one of the most capable The fortress is not large enough to support the full
members of the garrison. He holds the rank of trader, but complement of people who live here. In case of an attack,
has not affected the manners of the merchants who pass the full garrison could be brought inside the walls, but
through the gates of the fort. would run out of supplies in a few days. The intent is for
While Melestan has no ambition to lead, others in the fortress to hold until reinforcements can be brought
Fort Fyra feel he may be a potential challenger for Fyra’s from Salt View.
position. They encourage him to take more and more In addition to the soldiers, Fyra has devised a unique
responsibility, and lavish praise on him in hopes of way stone fragments have been hauled from the mine
convincing him to pursue the position. entrance: Fyra has bundled the sharpest of these in sacks
The effort seems to be working. Melestan has become with ground salt; these are poured down upon attackers
more forward with his own opinions in trader council climbing the wall. The stone shards cut the attacker’s
(although many of those opinions were fed to him by skin and the salt causes such pain that the attacker is
“close advisors” from the various groups), and has even essentially out of the fight.
directly challenged Fyra’s authority in a few areas.
2. Soldier’s Hall: This administrative building is the


marshaling point for each shift of soldiers. Fyra maintains The millstone is moved by manual labor. Six muls must
an office here, as does the watch commander. Aside from work the millstone at all times; getting the mill started
the change of shift, this building is relatively idle. and stopped is difficult, so it is generally run constantly.
Each mul can work a shift of approximately 10 hours
3. Salt Mill: This building houses the huge salt mill before tiring. There are always at least three muls actually
which is the source of House Fyra’s trade. The salt pushing the millstone. Those not driving the millstone
mill is made of two stone wheels, one laying flat and are sweeping the finely-crushed salt (which makes its way
the other rolled in circles atop the first and around its to the outermost part of the mill) into channels which
circumference. Rock salt is laid on the lower millstone lead to the sacks. This task is somewhat dangerous. The
and crushed by the upper stone until it is a fine powder; miller, Praxtra, is skilled at knowing just how much salt
it is then transferred to sacks in which the salt is stored. the mill can handle at any one time. Visitors to the mill


are sometimes startled by the sudden smash as he uses his buildings, but most of the “streets” in this section are
hammer to crush a particularly large crystal into millable toonarrow even for a small wagon. The tents and temporary
size. buildings are constantly appearing, disappearing and
The mill is also used as a trading hall, since salt moving as the population evolves, which makes finding
is House Fyra’s primary export. It is only moderately anything in this section a bewildering task.
satisfactory, as the constant sound of the millstone makes The area is roughly divided into quarters, based on the
conversation difficult. Fyra has discussed constructing a preferences of the inhabitants. The soldiers in the garrison
true Trader’s Hall, but thus far no work has begun. occupy much of the eastern zone, while the northern part
contains the homes of many traders. The western zone
4. Salt Silo: This 20-foot silo contains the accumulated is primarily the province of the miners, while the rest of
rock-salt brought in by the salt-gatherers. The salt is kept the residential area is a mix of mill workers and artisans.
here until it is milled. Generally, the silo is about half-
full; this varies by the amount of salt gathered recently 7. Mine: This is the entrance to the new salt mine. To
and the efficiency of the mill. date, most of the work has been expended in breaking
Fyra has condemned traitors or others who threatened through the stone which surrounds the salt deposit. For
Fort Fyra to death in the silo. The condemned are hurled all his desire to establish a salt mine, Fyra would have
in from above, and allowed to die of thirst, the moisture been unable to locate the rich deposit which lies under
in their bodies leached out by the salt. By the time the stone without the help of the druid Lestria.
the bodies make their way out at the base, they are According to Lestria’s information, the miners are
mummified. While this punishment has only rarely been almost through the stone cap. If all is as she says, beyond
implemented, it is a memorable threat. Praxtra, the salt lies a huge deposit of high quality salt. Since no salt has
miller, has decried the practice, saying that it spoils the yet been uncovered more factions are pushing to abandon
salt. the mine attempt.
At Fyra’s direction, the miners have constructed a small
5. Well: This well has stood for many years, and was breastwork in front of the entrance to the mine. The
one of the things that attracted Xaynon and his band breastwork is a low wall, 4 to 5 feet high, made of loose
to this site. The well is deep, but water can be found rock excavated from the mine. This fortification is not
in it year round. As a result, Fyra has seen no need to designed to withstand a prolonged assault; it is intended
construct a cistern. to buy time until the garrison in the fortress can counter-
attack. The breastworks are manned by five soldiers from
6. Residences: This area is dotted with various homes the fortress during daylight hours; these soldiers are there
for the fortress garrison. These range from tattered tents to repel any attackers, and to assist the miners in the
to strong mud-brick buildings, and are distributed in an event of an emergency.
unruly pattern. There are footpaths running between the


Tenpug’s Band experience as a gladiator (before he lost his arm) made

him a natural leader. It was his idea to survive by selling
One of the more unusual and creative slave tribes I talents instead of raiding. He continues to lead and make
have heard of is a small group called Tenpug’s Band. The the final decisions concerning the welfare of the tribe.
tribe is made up of artist and artisan slaves who have The other positions of note are the keeper of the wages
put their collective talents to good use. As they have few and the keeper of supplies. These two tribe members work
skilled warriors among them, and no other survival skills together to use the money brought in to purchase the
worth mentioning, the tribe has come up with another supplies the tribe needs to survive. As this is the primary
way to survive. means for the tribe to get food and water, these positions
Tenpug’s Band sends its members to small villages and are very important.
caravan camps where they masquerade as freemen and There are other important members of the tribe who
sell their services. They take on work repairing wagons constantly confer with Tenpug, but there is no strict
and tools, entertaining with stories, and even producing hierarchy of ranks or stations. If someone has an idea,
works of art if anyone is interested in such things. The he presents it to the tribe. If the tribe likes the idea, it is
wages these “freemen” earn is brought back to the tribe used. If the tribe does not like it, it is shelved.
for distribution to all.
About 200 artist and artisan slaves make up Tenpug’s Operations and Means of Existence
Band. Of these, only a dozen are skilled with weapons.
Tenpug’s Band assigns every member of the tribe a
Organization number of one-week periods to earn wages during the
coming year. When a member’s time arrives, that member
Tenpug’s Band has a very loose structure. The leader must leave the camp and head for a village or caravan
of the tribe is a one-armed mul named Tenpug whose camp. Pretending to be a freeman, the tribe member


offers his particular talents for sale. He remains with the can we do?’’
village or camp for as long as there is wage-paying work to Angry, Gralth turned on the mul with a snarl. For
be had or until his week (15 days) is up. Then he gathers a moment, he looked more like a gladiator than a
his earnings and returns to the tribe until his turn again weaponsmith. “You can do what you’ve always done!’’
comes up. Gralth shouted. “You each have skills that most freemen
Sometimes a tribe member is sent out with a sack full would die for. Combine your talents, pool your resources,
of finely crafted pottery or some other goods made by the and sell them to the highest bidder! But don’t do it like
tribe. In addition to offering his talents for sale, the tribe slaves. Do it like free merchants.’’
member seeks buyers for the goods he carries. Gralth and Tenpug talked through the night, setting
The tribe never sends out more than half of its number forth the ideas that would be used by these exslaves to
at any given time. The rest remain behind to protect survive. When they finished talking, the dwarf bid them
the camp, make goods to sell, or repair tents and tools. farewell and turned back toward Nibenay. When Tenpug
Whenever necessary, the tribe sends out a small caravan asked where he was going, Gralth said that he still had a
to purchase supplies. They use at least three different focus to finish. He did not want to end up wandering the
nearby settlements for this purpose, never going to the wastes as a banshee after he died. That was the last time
same one twice in a row. Again, the caravan pretends to any of them ever saw the old dwarf.
be from a freemen village that needs to supplement its Eventually, the band found a secure spot to set up a
own stocks by purchasing supplies. permanent camp. Once they no longer had to move from
place to place, the band could concentrate on finding
Origin work and making money.
Tenpug’s Band started as a small group of traveling
craftsmen who earned food, water, and shelter by Location and Defenses
performing small tasks for their hosts. The first members Tenpug’s Band has established a camp within the half-
were all artisan slaves from Nibenay. The story, at least buried ruins of an ancient temple. The temple is located
the way I heard it, went like this. some 50 miles northeast of Nibenay, near the shore of
During a particularly hard time in Nibenay, slaves the Sea of Silt. The blowing sand has covered much of
from all classes were forced into labor details to gather the ruins, offering protection from passing travelers. The
wood from the Crescent Forest. One detail was made up fearsome statues that protect the temple entrance serve
of artisan slaves, including the one-armed mul named to frighten away all but the most desperate or ruthless
Tenpug. After a hard day of work, the slaves finished raiders. Those who do try to force their way in can usually
loading up their carts with wood and made ready to be scared off by a few blasts from the ghost horns. (These
return to the city. They were barely on the path back instruments were specially made by Tenpug’s craftsmen to
when warriors from Gulg ambushed their small party. The produce eerie, otherworldly noises.)
warriors killed the guards and scattered the frightened The partially buried temple is built on a massive scale,
slaves. as though the original occupants were giants. The ceilings
The slaves gathered in the forest and looked to Old are 40 feet high, and the entire structure is made from
Gralth for guidance. The ancient dwarf, who had slaved fitted stones. It must be from the time of the ancients, but
away for Nibenay longer than any of the other slaves no spirits walk its huge halls.
could remember, told them to run into the desert. “You Within the abandoned temple, which has been
are free men now,” Gralth told them, “For the warriors of remarkably well preserved, the band has set up tents
Gulg have broken the bonds that held you.’’ between massive pillars that are as large as trees from
The slaves all began to talk at once, asking questions the Crescent Forest. Few items have been found within
and seeking to postpone the inevitable. Finally, Tenpug the temple, and Tenpug has been reluctant to look for
asked, “How can we survive without our masters? What secret caches. So far, the ancient gods have tolerated


their presence. He does not want to do anything to upset states, Tenpug’s Band gets along well with the other
that. In fact, Tenpug has taken to placing a share of settlements in the wilderness. Few settlements refuse to
the goods they make and the money they earn on the welcome their craftsmen with open arms and open purses,
massive altar as an offering to the ancient gods. He hopes for the coming of even a single traveler breaks the normal
this appeasement will keep his band welcome within the routine and brings news of other places to the remote
ancient halls. villages.
The Band keeps its members’ pasts hidden, believing
Temple that they would not receive warm welcomes if their hosts
The temple that Tenpug and his band occupy dates knew they were escaped slaves. Instead, they pretend to be
back to the Time of Magic. Originally, the temple was freemen looking for honest work.
dedicated to a forgotten god worshipped by the followers of Of course, sometimes a lone traveler makes a tempting
Taraskir, a beast-headed giant who once ruled Giustenal target for monsters, raiders, or slavers. Every once in a
before Dregoth arrived and slaughtered them. The statues while, a member of Tenpug’s Band goes out and never
were representations of Taraskir’s Lion Guard, his elite returns. That is a cruel fact of life for the ex-slaves in
warriors. Later, after Dregoth killed Taraskir, much of Tenpug’s Band.
Giustenal’s remaining demihuman population (and some Although close to Giustenal, the band think little of
of the humans, too) began to worship Taraskir as a god. the ruins. Tenpug’s followers admit that Giustenal would
This ended shortly after the fall of Giustenal, and the be a source of fantastic treasures, but most fear the tales
temple was lost to the sand and silt until Tenpug’s Band of the Caller in Darkness. Tenpug hasn’t forbidden any
came across it a few years back. of his tribe from exploring the locale, though he has
As most of Giustenal’s ruins are decorated with dragons, expressed reservations about such an activity.
none of the members of Tenpug’s Band have connected Tenpug suspects that at least one of the band’s
the temple to the ancient city. The only clues to the number visited Giustenal and coaxed a bauble or two
temple’s history decorate the walls of the temple’s great from its shattered depths. An artist named Nallan once
hall. Faded frescoes show a city straddling the edge of disappeared for several days, and when he returned he
the Silt Sea, though the surface of the sea looks strangely sold several objects to traders from House Shom. One
choppy and motive. The city vaguely resembles Giustenal, of the objects was an amulet that bore the design of a
but there are several important differences. First, most of dragon and was made from reddish-orange stone. Nallan
the protective wall is lower and less foreboding than that disappeared again some weeks later, and has not been
which exists today. One part is much higher, however, and heard from in several months. Tenpug has seen the dragon
wavy lines run down its face to fill what look like a stream design on stone guardians in Giustenal, and he believes
around the foundation. Nallan fell to some nameless horror in an attempt to find
Also, the ominous central spire of the city is missing. additional profit in the ruins.
Most of the buildings shown on the weathered mural
are long, low and flat, and their architecture is more Joining the Tribe
ornamental than that used in the days of Dregoth’s Any slave with a talent as an artist or artisan is welcome
rebuilding. to join Tenpug’s Band. Tenpug wants nothing to do with
To Tenpug and his band, the temple is nothing more preservers, defilers, or templars, however, and none of
than a sturdy building to protect them from the elements. these ex-slaves are welcome. Also, the mul is cautious
While they don’t necessarily worship the old god, they when it comes to warrior types who want to join his
take great pains not to do anything to anger him. band. Though the tribe could always use another strong
defender, Tenpug knows that his people have grown used
Relations with Others to being on their own. Warrior types usually like to
With the possible exception of raiding tribes and city- lead, and Tenpug’s Band just isn’t set up as a military


organization. in Tenpug’s Band. She is a well-spoken, likable, and

Tenpug’s Band attracts artists and artisans, for these attractive young woman who puts customers at ease with
were once wretched slaves who found a measure of worth her friendly banter.
by demonstrating artistic abilities. They have no practical Feera was not born into slavery. She was the daughter
skills, only artistic talent; while they were slaves their lives of a freeman in Raam who made his living much as
often ended as soon as the popularity of their creations Tenpug’s Band does today – by selling the fruits of
waned. his carving talent. Feera grew up in this environment,
Those who are accepted into the tribe must spend learning her artisan skills at her father’s side. Her father
a period of time apprenticed to someone with similar was human, and she never learned what happened to
talents. They spend this apprenticeship at the temple, her mother. She only knew that her father loved the elf
working beside the tribe member and learning about life woman very much. Disaster struck when her father took
in Tenpug’s Band. Once the tribe member is convinced on a job for a templar. The templar liked the bone
that the apprentice is good for the tribe, he is made a carving so much that he had Feera and her father arrested
full member and assigned weeks to sell his services. This and turned over to the slave pens. Feera was assigned to
period is designed to weed out spies and slavers, for the concubine pen, and soon learned to hate the self-
simply allowing a new member to see the location of the serving templar.
camp and then wander off is to invite disaster. Those not A chance trip away from the city led to Feera’s escape.
accepted are sent into the Sea of Silt without food, water, While the templar was examining the fields, Feera slipped
or weapon. away. Eventually she was found by one of Tenpug’s Band
on his way back from a job. He took the young woman
Personalities with him and she soon became a member of the tribe.
Tenpug: Tenpug once served as a gladiator in the
arena of Nibenay. It was there that he lost his left arm 1. The Temple Entrance: Huge stone steps and giant
and almost his life. He was made an artisan slave after stone doors lead into the half-buried temple. Great stone
he healed, at which time he showed a talent for making statues guard each side of the doors. The statues are giant
weapons. Now he works as a weaponsmith in the tribe, humans with the heads of lions.
turning out some of the finest weapons of stone and bone
to be found anywhere in the Tyr region. 2. The Great Hall: This huge hall, built to giant
The mul with one arm appears frightening to many, proportions, rises some 40 feet to a domed ceiling. Great
but he is actually a very gentle, very quiet man who toils stone pillars stretch like trees from the floor to the ceiling.
endlessly over his wares. The workmanship shows in the Between these pillars, the tribe has erected great tents that
final product. serve as living and work areas.
Once he arrives at a village and demonstrates his
craftsmanship, customers gather their own material for him 3, 4, 5. Empty Chambers: Each of these huge
to work on. They gather pieces of stone and bone to take chambers has 25-foot-high ceilings. These chambers were
to Tenpug One-Arm. Then the one armed mul forges the empty when the tribe arrived and Tenpug has decided to
material into a sword, or axe, or dagger of perfect balance keep them that way. The only items of interest in these
and razor sharpness. rooms are the wall murals that have been etched directly
When he isn’t away working, Tenpug leads the tribe into the stone. The murals depict scenes of a world far
much as he makes weapons. He has forged his band into different from present-day Athas. There are lush forests,
a successful group of artists and artisans who make a good huge lakes, raging rivers and waterfalls, and giants engaged
living selling their talents. in artisan activities.

Feera: Feera, a half-elf female, serves as a bone carver 6. Secret Chamber: So far, this chamber has remained
hidden from the tribe. It still contains its original treasures,


including giant-sized furniture, piles of gold, and objects the tribe as well as a portion of the wages the tribe has
made of metal. There are bronze cups, iron swords, and earned atop the altar as a tribute to the ancient gods who
even whole suits of plate mail armor. have allowed them to dwell in this temple. The tents set
up in this area include storage tents, Tenpug’s command
7, 8, 9. Empty Chambers: These rooms are similar to tent, and meeting tents.
rooms 3, 4 and 5.

10. Secret Chamber: This room is similar to room 6.

11. Altar Chamber: A gigantic stepped altar fills

much of this huge hall. Tenpug has piled goods made by


Fort Harbeth Initially, the traders of Fort Harbeth also refused to

trade with renegade slaves. As the slave tribes became
Fort Harbeth is the major fort of House Inika in more stable and began to produce goods rather than just
the Ivory Triangle region. The fortress is located in the steal them, this stricture was lifted. This willingness to
southwestern foothills of the Mekillot Mountains, at the trade with ex-slaves improved the lot of the slave tribes,
intersection of the caravan routes between Gulg, Salt allowing them to expand and stabilize.
View, and North Ledopolus. It stands at the top of a The fort’s importance increased as North and South
large hill in the stony barrens, its rear and sides protected Ledopolus grew. The presence of these dwarven settlements
not only by the fortress wall but also by the sheer sides and their silt skimmers made shipment of cargo across
of the hill which act as natural palisades. A winding the Estuary of the Forked Tongue to Balic profitable.
road brings caravans up the hillside to the main gate. In House Inika established an alliance with House Wavir in
keeping with the traditions of this house, its defenses are which the houses would wholesale goods to one another
quietly understated, but the nomads and raiders of the at the crossing. A premium would be paid to the house
Triangle have learned better than to attack this powerful that assumed the risk of transporting the cargo across the
fort. giantplagued estuary. The arrangement worked out very
well for both houses, and Inika eventually established a
History small emporium in Balic. That base serves primarily as
Fort Harbeth began as a supply post of House Riben an administrative office and an outlet for some of Inika’s
for caravans on the Gulg-Ledopolus trade route. Located most exotic wares.
at the rough midpoint between the two cities, the fort Fort Harbeth’s importance grew again when Fort Fyra
was blessed with a natural spring which was too small to was founded. This enterprise, the most well-established of
support an oasis but provided enough water for as many all the slave tribe endeavors, has become an important
as 200 men each day. House Riben built a cistern for trading partner for Fort Harbeth. The fort’s “nomad trade”
the flow and a small walled keep to protect the cistern. has grown, and House Inika has used the additional profit
The small outpost remained in Riben hands for over to increase the staff of this small outpost.
100 years. Shortly after House Inika split off from House
Riben, a brief interhouse dispute left the fortress in the The Fort Today
hands of House Inika, which used it as a more discreet Lying near the crossroads of three major trade routes,
location to form the spice caravans that traveled from Fort Harbeth is frequented by nomads, merchant caravans,
Gulg to Tyr. The outpost also allowed House Inika slave tribes, and even some elven tribes. Some of House
to tap into trade with the nomads. Elven merchants, Inika’s caravans to North Ledopolus and points beyond
herdsmen, and hunters were all welcomed to the fort. pass through Harbeth’s gates, but the task of marshalling
Raiders occasionally attacked, so the defenses of the small the caravans for Tyr has fallen to the headquarters of the
keep were slowly improved until no raiding tribe would house in Gulg. Recently, trade with North Ledopolus
consider attacking again. has led to an increase in the supply of dwarven items,
As is the case with virtually all merchant outposts, the particularly weapons, passing through this fortress. Such
traders at the fort refused to conduct business with raiding items can be purchased in the fort, although they are even
tribes. Merchant houses recognize that the best way to more expensive here than in Gulg.
discourage raids on their caravans is to close their markets In addition to the standard trade goods, Fort Harbeth
to stolen goods – unless, of course, they are actively maintains a large herd of erdlu. These birds thrive on
encouraging raids on a rival house. Unfortunately, it is not the rough scrub which dots the foothills of the Mekillot
always easy to tell just where a traveler obtained his cargo. Mountains and, with the ready supply of water provided
The elven tribes, on the other hand, are always eager to by the spring, are able to survive year-round without ever
make purchases without asking too many questions. straying far from the fortress.


The fortress is an important supply point for the traders The master trader will not permit thri-kreen inside the
who canvass this region. It is rare for a week to go by walls, although he will allow them to trade here. When
without a small caravan wandering in or out of the gates. thri kreen come to the fortress, a special trading table is
Most of the caravans are of House Inika but some are set up on the hillside outside the fortress, and all trading
from other houses, notably House Wavir and the Renythi is done from there.
Fort Harbeth caters to the small, fast caravans favored The Garrison
by House Inika. These caravans haul cargo on the backs Fort Harbeth’s garrison includes a staff of 10 traders,
of kank or inix rather than using the slow mekillot wagons. including the master trader Waltian Inika and his assistant,
The enormous lizards’ need for huge quantities of water Kelira Legar. This small trading group is defended by 40
make such caravans unpopular visitors. The fortress can, soldiers led by Hurgen Vurst, a half-giant. The troops wear
however, accommodate mekillot wagons when necessary. hide armor and carry bone battle axes, light crossbows,
In an emergency, the interior of the fort can hold all the and stretched leather shields.
beasts of a small caravan, but for normal traffic, there is The garrison is supported by a well-defended fortress.
a good caravanserai just outside the gates. In addition to the usual defenses of high walls and strong
House Inika actually has good relations with several gates, the outer defenses of the fortress are littered with
elven trading tribes, and such tribes occasionally stop at traps. Most of these traps are fairly simple. They consist of
Fort Harbeth. The master trader is naturally suspicious covered pits and spined traps along the tops of the walls,
of elves he does not know, and will not allow a tribe to intentionally loosened stones on the outer face to deter
unload booty which they have obviously just stolen in a climbers, and other delaying or injuring barriers. These
raid. traps are intended to deter stealthy attacks; the garrison is


quite sufficient to repel any direct attack by force. fawning toward everyone above him. Waltian fancies
The garrison has recently been enlarged in response himself an expert on everything and has an exaggerated
to growing concerns that the slaves of Salt View might sense of self importance. Andiama’s advisers hope that
choose to raid the fort rather than trade with it. Caravans the responsibilities of running the fort will eventually tone
and traders are watched carefully, and Hurgen Vurst Waltian down and allow him to develop some polish. No
has standing orders to forbid entry of more than 10 one objects to Waltian’s wish to rise in the hierarchy; they
non-House Inika individuals to the fortress. Some of the are just concerned that he may simply not have what it
passing traders who have been forced to sleep in the takes.
caravanserai have grumbled at this policy, but to date, Kelira Legar: Kelira Legar is a lovely young woman
Fort Harbeth has not been successfully attacked. in her late twenties. While she has been a trader for
several years, most of her career has been spent as an
Personalities administrator in House Inika’s main chapterhouse in
Waltian Inika: Waltian Inika is a tall, slender man Gulg. Her career there was fairly set; she was likely to
with dark hair and a closely-cropped beard. His silken remain a low-level functionary for the rest of her days.
robes and confident bearing make it obvious that he is This seemed to suit Kelira Legar well, as her essentially
the chief trader of Fort Harbeth. gentle nature was ill-suited to the competitive character
Waltian is a man whose ambition exceeds his ability. of a potential house leader. She was not actually of the
While competent, he does not have the vision or strength Inika family, so any attempt to rise high within the house
of character to become a leader. He has spent much of would be difficult at best.
his life in House Inika’s most vital trading posts, first as Thus it was very surprising four months ago when she
an assistant outpost master and agent, now as master requested a transfer to a desert outpost. She explained
trader of an increasingly important base. He has spent to Burette, her superior, that she felt the move would
little time on caravans, considering the risks of such an broaden her base of experience and would later serve
uncomfortable and dangerous lifestyle much greater than to increase her usefulness in Gulg. Burette agreed that
the potential rewards. the house would always benefit from administrators with
He has been consistently assigned to the outer posts, field experience, and arranged to have Kelira sent to Fort
away from the cities, for a number of reasons. First, Harbeth. The request was sudden and somewhat out
although Waltian is a shrewd and cunning trader, he of character for Kelira. Consequently, her superior has
has made a number of serious mistakes that have cost advised Waltian to keep an eye on her.
the house considerably in lost profits. These incidents Rather than watch Kelira, Waltian has simply kept her
are in the past, but the leaders of House Inika have long outside any of his business dealings. He suspects that
memories. Kelira may be a spy from a rival in Gulg and believes
Second, his natural telepathic abilities make him an that until she exposes herself, he will not give her the
ideal representative for a distant outpost. He has sufficient opportunity to jeopardize Inika’s trade. She spends her
psionic power to make a short daily report back to the days visiting with the caravans, but she has not been
main chapterhouse in Gulg. Since his most potent permitted to actually negotiate deals with them. She
telepathic ability is only one-way and his psionic strength has become increasingly self confident and outgoing in
is too low to allow him to attempt to use his power more the desert outpost and most caravan masters prefer her
than once or twice a day, he would not be as useful in pleasant company to that of the arrogant Waltian. Word
a central location. is returning to Gulg that Kelira is showing promise and
Finally, Waltian’s personality has stood in the way of may have potential developing business relationships for
advancing his career in Gulg. Advisers to the house the house.
matriarch, Andiama Inika, disdain his pompous attitudes Whether she has the talent to become a dealmaker will
toward those of equal or lower rank and his obsequious never become evident as long as she works for Waltian.
While the house makes an effort to groom talent, it is


the responsibility of an agent’s superior to identify and the walls are trapped with many 8’-diameter round pits,
promote promising agents. Burette would happily take spined to prevent a trapped person from removing a foot
Kelira back in, but now that she is under Waltian’s or limb. The pits are covered with sun-baked clay, and
control, it is unlikely she will be allowed back to Gulg. they are easily spotted in daylight. Thus, they present a
The decision-makers of the house have business to attend hazard only to a night traveler, or to an attacker coming
to, and Kelira will soon be forgotten. Her career has, like quickly over the wall. Hurgen has trained his men to
Waltian’s, essentially stalled. channel attackers scaling the walls into one of these areas
No one but Kelira herself knows that her request for to further delay their invasion. Hurgen himself has no
transfer had nothing to do with advancing her career. fear of these areas, as the pits are too small to catch his
Recently, she discovered that she was a psionic wild massive feet.
talent. For years she had hoped to manifest the power
of the mind, but when it came, she was horrified – her 3. Warehouse: This building holds the trade goods
ability was the power of aging. She fears that she has let of Fort Harbeth. Most of the building is a warehouse,
some kind of demon out of her soul, and is concerned covered by a roof of leather on a wooden framework.
that she will be unable to resist the temptation of using The roof keeps the sun from beating down directly on
the power on those around her. In truth, Kelira rarely has the trade goods, but the warehouse is still hellish during
a harsh word to say, much less enough anger to cause midday. The rear section of the building is the slave
her to lash out with such a powerful psionic discipline. quarters; 80 slave laborers are herded into this section
The power places such demands on her weak physique and locked in at night.
that it is unlikely she will ever use it, but this does not
reduce her fear. 4. Trading Office: This building is both the trading
office and the residence of the master trader. The building
Hurgen Vurst: Hurgen Vurst is the half-giant garrison has two stories; a small staircase winds up the front of the
chief for Fort Harbeth. He is 11 feet tall, with broad building to the entrance on the second floor. The second
shoulders and enormous strength. He is basically lawful, floor is the trading area; it is austere and functional. This
and tends toward lawful neutral in imitation of Waltian floor also holds the chambers of Waltian’s four personal
Inika, the master trader in the fortress. Hurgen is more slaves.
clever than most half-giants, which makes him a particularly The lower floor, which is partially underground and
dangerous adversary. He is responsible for the network of therefore considerably cooler, is Waltian’s home. This
traps that defend the outer walls, although he leaves their floor is filled with accommodations, including a direct
detailed design to those with more crafting skill. He is as pipe to carry water from the cistern to a bathing well for
respected a commander as can be found in House Inika. the master trader’s personal comfort. This bathing well,
and the water it consumes, is a sore point with some
1. Main Gate: The gatehouse frames a high gate with a traders forced to make do with the water in the outer
portcullis made of agafari poles from Gulg. The portcullis troughs.
is open during the day (except when the fortress is under
attack), and closed at night. A force of four men is 5. Trader’s Barracks: This building houses Kelira and
kept in the gatehouse at all times, watching for caravans the other traders who serve Waltian Inika. The building
approaching from the road. is divided into three bedrooms, each holding three traders
and one personal slave each. A central common room
2. Walls: These stone walls are 20 feet high and topped allows the traders to eat and discuss the day’s business in
with machicolations. Each side of the fort is manned by the shade. Waltian rarely comes here.
two guards at all times, and alarm gongs are mounted at
the center of each wall, If rung, these gongs will rouse all 6. Garrison Barracks: Forty soldiers and their 10 slaves
of the guards to the defense of the fortress. Sections of reside in the longer main building; the square building to


the south is Hurgen’s quarters, with ceiling and furniture bones.

suitable to his large size. A kitchen has been added to
the building, jutting out to the east; the garrison cook is 9. Caravanserai: This large, level area of hard-packed
responsible for feeding all of the staff of the fortress. earth is where merchants and their caravans camp when
visiting Fort Harbeth. A narrow pipe from the cisterns
7. Cisterns: These large stone cylinders hold the inside the fortress can be opened to fill the water troughs
accumulated water from the spring. Should the spring on the western edge; the water can be shut off from inside,
fail, there is enough water in the cisterns at any one time preserving the water supply in case of siege. The area is
to support the full complement of freemen in the fortress kept clear of brush by the garrison and by the grazing
for six months. (Should slaves and erdlu be given water erdlus.
in that time of duress, the cistern would only last two
months.) The spring water flows directly into the cisterns, 10. Stable: This building houses the small hive of kanks
and the heavy leather awnings over these tanks, combined that serves this fortress as mounts. There is supposed to
with the cool flow from the spring, keep the water from be a full complement of 20 kanks at Fort Harbeth at all
becoming too warm and stagnant during the day. times. The fort, however, is often at less than full strength.
The kank tenders must ensure that the brood queens do
8. Erdlu Pen: This low hollow is the pen for the erdlu not lay eggs in the stable, so the area is kept free from
herd. The herd is allowed to forage for scrub during the vegetation. Gravid brood-queens are driven to a nearby
day, but at night it is kept here. The sides of the hollow valley where the hive can raise the new brood. Once the
are too steep for the erdlu to climb; the birds can enter hatching period is over, the kanks are driven back to the
and leave only through the narrow, gently-sloped pass. fortress. Excess kanks are sold or driven away.
The pass is blocked by a rough gate made of mekillot


Outpost 19 This storm buried Outpost I9; everyone there drowned in

the dust, and when the storm was over, there was no sign
Outpost 19 is a small trading outpost in a stony canyon of the outpost at all. When House Wavir heard of the
at the northeastern end of the Mekillot Mountains. disaster, they sent a new staff to reestablish the outpost.
Established by House Wavir primarily for caravans This time it was nestled in a box canyon, protected
traveling between Nibenay and North Ledopolus, Outpost on three sides by mountain slopes, with the mouth of
19 now also conducts a significant amount of business the canyon pointing inward toward the mountain range.
with Fort Fyra. Although the site was different, House Wavir retained
the original name in honor of the traders who died in the
History original outpost.
Outpost 19 was established decades ago, during an Outpost 19 still entrusts much of its defense to good
expansionist period of the history of House Wavir. During relations with its neighbors rather than high stone walls.
the early years of the leadership of the patriarch Tabaros This lack of physical defense has caused Outpost 19
Wavir, the dwarven towns of North and South Ledopolus to suffer occasional raids, but the trading practices of
were just beginning their efforts to bridge the Estuary of House Wavir have made many allies, and few will risk
the Forked Tongue. Tabaros, seeing an opportunity to the revenge that would come from the destruction of the
build a trade route to Nibenay, established Outpost 19 outpost. The outpost is also defended by Astemba Wavir,
in the shelter of the nearby Mekillot Mountains. a powerful preserver, and his powers are sufficient to ward
The dwarven effort at Ledopolus has been unsuccessful, off smaller bands of traveling raiders.
but Outpost I9 has served House Wavir well. While
not the most active of merchant forts, its convenience to The Fort Today
southbound caravans from Nibenay makes it a favored The fort has recently become a major trading partner
stopover. Caravans visiting the villages of the southeastern with the slave village of Salt View, through the trading
Tyr region restock here often, as they are welcomed by house at Fort Fyra. House Wavir has long opposed
master trader Ragstol Wavir, regardless of house affiliation slavery, and Outpost 19 has contributed to the prosperity
(for the most part). and stability of Salt View. Ragstol has encouraged the
The outpost began as a small building nestled in a artisans of Salt View by purchasing their wares. He allows
protected valley in the eastern Mekillot Mountains. As the performing troupes to entertain caravans as long as
the outpost grew, it gained some of the characteristics the tribe does not follow up the performance with a raid,
and defenses of a real merchant fort. Still, it is much less and he always purchases any surplus salt that Fort Fyra
insular than Fort Harbeth or Fort Inix. makes available.
In the early years, merchant forces from more established True to his merchant ethic, Ragstol has tried to discourage
houses (primarily House Tsaxala) tried to drive House raiding by refusing to open his gates to the ex-slaves any
Wavir from the region. The outpost was burned to the time they show up with anything other than goods he is
ground several times by “mysterious raiders,” although all certain that they have produced. The house wants to see
involved knew who was behind the attacks. Eventually, the Salt View established as a permanent trading partner,
House made an alliance with the Swiftwing elves, and the and has authorized Ragastol to make temporary loans to
next group of raiders found themselves facing 200 elven ensure Salt View’s survival. Ragstol has encouraged the
warriors. After this bloody massacre, the raids stopped. slaves of Salt View to stop raiding and to increase salt
Another attacker was far more deadly and unforgiving. mining as well as the amount of goods produced by its
Thirty-two years ago, a fierce salt storm from the Great artisans. One day, he tells the traders of Fort Fyra, the ex-
Ivory Plain collided with a westward blowing silt storm slaves of Salt View will be a welcome sight on the caravan
and carried a huge volume of choking dust and scouring trail. So far, this has not happened.
sand to the eastern slopes of the Mekillot Mountains. Nevertheless, trade with Salt View and Fort Fyra has


been brisk. The people of the slave village prefer to deal There is a low wall, but this is mostly to slow any attackers
with House Wavir, due to Ragstol’s congenial manner rather than to stop them. There have been a few raids,
and the absence of slaving in the outpost. House Wavir’s but allies of the fortress (either from Salt View or from
ties to Gulg and Nibenay are loose enough that its the elven tribes) have made raiders wish they had picked
support of Salt View causes it little trouble in those city- a less well connected target.
states, and the other sorcerer-kings could care less what
happens in places so far from their own lands. Personalities
The outpost has also kept its contacts with the elven Ragstol Wavir: Ragstol Wavir is the 42-year-old leader
nomads. Several wandering elven tribes visit the fortress. of Outpost 13. He is tall, topping 6½’ in height, with
Some travelers claim that Wavir uses this remote outpost curly, light-brown hair and a long, almost sad face. His
as a contact point for their connections in the Shadows. limbs are long and thin, and his skin is burned a deep
There is a fair amount of festivity when an elf tribe brown.
makes camp outside the outpost. During these visits, it is Ragstol was a caravan master for many years, until
usually possible to buy spell components from the elves. his caravan became lost in a siltstorm in the trackless
A few elves have occasionally joined here as mercenaries, wastes south of Balic. He was knocked unconscious by a
protecting the small group of traders from the depredations panicking crodlu as he attempted to wrap its head with a
of those who do not know better. wet cloth. He was nearly buried in silt before one of his
The thri-kreen also trade here, although there is little staff wandered near.
in the fortress to interest them. Ragstol maintains a good- Unfortunately, the long exposure to the silt has ruined
sized herd of crodlu and erdlu to use as trade goods in his health. He is prone to coughing fits, and has lost
case the thri-kreen do come. The thri-kreen have learned much of the vigor that characterized his early years.
that there is often good food here, but the prospect of Although he is physically not what he once was,
dinner without a hunt makes their visits rather rare. his mind and his trading skills are as sharp as ever. He
Outpost 19 is more isolated than most of the merchant has spent much of his time counseling Fyra and trying to
forts in the Ivory Triangle. House Wavir, while large, is convince the ex-slaves of Salt View to give up raiding. He
not always able to keep regular contact with all of its far- believes that he is making progress with the group and
flung outposts. This leaves Ragstol considerable discretion does not want to leave until he feels the area is secure for
as to how he manages the fortress. He sends regular free trade.
dispatches back to Balic, but receives formal direction Thus, Ragstol has turned down several offers by House
from his superiors in the house perhaps twice each year. Wavir to return him to Balic. Despite his age, he insists
on remaining in the field. aiding Salt View and improving
The Garrison Outpost 19. His talents are valued highly enough that
There are four merchants posted to Outpost 19, his eccentric insistence on being allowed his own way is
including Ragstol Wavir and his son Astemba. The other tolerated by the merchants at the house, but none can say
two are often absent, supervising a regular trade caravan how long the sickly man can continue this pace.
to or from North Ledopolus. If Ragstol has a flaw, it is that he is too trusting and
Outpost 19 has a small garrison consisting of 15 unwilling to take charge in a situation. In a bargaining
warriors. There are a few elves and muls in the force, situation he is second to none, but in the day-to-day
but the majority are human. The troops are armed and administration of the outpost, he leaves much to his son
armored in a variety of equipment, with no man wearing and his garrison commander. Some of his subordinates
any less than hide armor. This motley force is surprisingly enjoy the autonomy and work all the harder, others take
effective, particularly since they are dedicated to their advantage of the opportunity to shirk their responsibilities.
cause and are well treated by Ragstol. Some wonder whether this is Ragstol’s management style
As mentioned above, the outpost is not well fortified. or simply lack of management. Thus far, his trust has


been well placed in his son, and at least not a disaster in right. He has less skill in negotiating, but he can appraise
his garrison commander, but many worry that it is only a an item’s value more quickly and more accurately than
matter of time before a crisis arises. At that time, all will his father. Garbed as a trader and bearing a bronze
know whether Ragstol’s command abilities have weakened dagger which is the image of his father, Astemba can look
with age. forward to a long career in House Wavir.
Few know, however, that Astemba is secretly a preserver.
Mersten Vell: Mersten Vell is an ex-slave, ex-gladiator, Astemba takes great care to conceal his abilities, and only
and an ex-inhabitant of Salt View. A simple woman with his father knows of his illicit studies. Astemba generally
a warrior’s view of the world, she found the transition to selects spells with no material components, or with
a life of art and performance by the slaves of Salt View material components that are easily obtained. He uses his
too confusing. While she finds it difficult to live among comprehend languages spell to demonstrate understanding
the artists of Salt View, she still believes that the people in languages like that of a normal trader, and indeed
of Salt View should not be forced to return to a life of has become adept at a few nonhuman languages without
slavery any more than she should. She convinced Fyra magical assistance.
to allow her to travel to Outpost 19 in order to study its Astemba’s magic is Ragstol’s secret weapon. He will
operations. Fyra consented without seeking approval from not use the magic against an opponent in a business
Xaynon, Salt View’s leader. Mersten offered her services negotiation (you get no repeat business by cheating a
to Ragstol Wavir and the master trader gladly accepted. charmed opponent), but more than once, Astemba’s
Mersten is a typical mul. She respects Ragstol, but magic missiles have made the difference between loss of
has not spent much time contemplating his thoughts the outpost and the complete rout of attackers.
about trade and the importance of an individual’s right Unfortunately, since Astemba has developed his abilities
to property. Although she is no longer a gladiator in the secretly, he has a limited selection of spells. He is a
games of Nibenay (her one-time home), she still thinks in voracious student of magic, and is filling out a reasonable
the concrete, straight line fashion that led her to so many spellbook as fast as he can.
victories in the arena. Astemba is developing a close relationship with the
Her status as the best warrior in the outpost makes her Swiftwing elves, using his position to gain their trust and
a natural candidate for garrison leader. In a fight, Mersten respect. The Swiftwings will probably not completely trust
is likely to set out on her own, regardless of the odds, the son for a number of years, but Astemba is hoping
expecting her comrades to follow and to acquit themselves that eventually he will be able to turn to the elven tribes
as warriors. She spends little time on strategic planning, for further magical training.
and is unfamiliar with the use of scouts or sophisticated
plans. Many friends of Ragstol have urged him to take Perian Evenstar: Perian Evenstar is a member of the
a more active hand in the outpost’s defense, as they see garrison under Mersten Vell. A wandering elven warrior
Mersten’s inflexibility as a strategist as the primary cause of the Shadows tribe, she was hired on at Outpost I9 a
of the outpost’s defensive weakness. few years ago to learn more about human ways.
Moreover, Mersten is not an even-tempered mul. She Only Ragstol knows that Perian is his contact with
tries to control her temper, but she is not always successful. the Shadows. Perian handles the spell components and
If challenged or under pressure, she has a tendency to other illegal trade that Ragstol cannot handle himself, and
react violently. Thus far, Ragstol has been able to control is the one to contact the Swiftwing tribe when Outpost I9
the mul’s temper, but if Mersten cannot change her ways, needs help.
Ragstol is afraid he may have to send her back to Salt While the Swiftwings are a fiercely independent group,
View. the Shadows are one tribe whose call they will respond to.
Many tribes that deal with contraband never encounter
Astemba Wavir: Astemba Wavir is the son of Ragstol the Shadows, but if they do, they are wise to heed them.
Wavir, and appears to be a skilled trader in his own In return for Perian’s assistance, Ragstol collects no tariff


on Perian’s trade, and the trader will occasionally allow true nature of their arrangement.
other Shadow members to be concealed at the outpost.
Perian is, in fact, one of the reasons that Ragstol has 1. Caravan Trail: This narrow trail leads to the open
refused to return to Balic. While House Wavir is not Ivory Plain and is carefully marked and kept clear of
opposed to dealing with the Shadows, such dealings debris by the outpost garrison. The trail is hard-packed
are generally private matters between the Shadows and earth, and is wide enough for one mekillot wagon to pass
individual traders. His son is not quite ready to take over, through. The trail ends in a large open area outside the
and he can trust no other trader, even in his own house, wall, where visiting caravans camp.
with Perian ‘s true identity. Moreover, he fears that if he
leaves, and the connection with the Shadows is broken, 2. Canyon Walls: These high cliff walls protect
the outpost will not have an adequate defense. Outpost I9 from the winds and sandstorms of the desert.
The rest of the garrison does not understand why The canyon entrance twists and turns before reaching the
Ragstol is so fond of Perian. The elf is haughty and prone open salt flats, further protecting the outpost.
to testing the garrison of the outpost, and this tendency The canyon walls rise some 200 feet above the outpost
has earned her the general dislike of the garrison. Mersten and are beautifully colored with bands of various shades
Vell was initially very hard on her for her attitude, as running horizontally along the canyon. The lower reaches
her taunts and tests of friendship were incomprehensible are scalable, but much of the cliff face is very steep, and
to her. Ragstol asked her to restrain herself, and it is an thus far no one has successfully climbed up to the top
open secret in the camp that Ragstol and Perian have a (or down from above). The terrain at the top of the cliffs
relationship of some sort. Perian has taken to staying with is unknown; no one has ever managed to approach the
Ragstol on occasion, to keep people from suspecting the outpost from any direction other than the caravan trail.


7. Well: This small well is a wide shaft that drops

3. Wall: This low stone wall represents the primary line some 30 feet to the water below. The water is tangy with
of defense for the outpost. While the wall is high enough minerals, but is safe to drink. Water is drawn up by
to discourage jumping over it on crodlu-back, it is low throwing waterskins into the well, then hauling the skins
enough to see over and can easily be scaled by a normal up by ropes. Lifting the water is hard work, especially
human. (Thri-kreen can leap over this wall with ease.) since the water must be lifted for the erdlu and crodlu
Notches have been set into the top of the wall to allow as well as for all the humans. Mersten Vell often assigns
arrows to be fired at any attackers. drawing up water as a punishment for unruly behavior.
This well is the only supply of water in Outpost 19. As
4. Aarakocra Aerie: The top portion of the cliff wall a result, it is not practical for caravans to remain here for
in this section is strung with a complex structure made of more than a day or two. The demand placed on the well
netting. This netting is home to a tribe of aarakocra that by watering the animals and staff of a typical caravan in
hunts across a wide range in the Mekillot Mountains. addition to the permanent outpost garrison will quickly
The aarakocra have been here since Outpost 17 was deplete it. Caravans knowledgeable of the region are aware
reconstructed, but all attempts to contact and ally with of this and bring the minimum number of animals up the
the birdmen have failed. The aarakocra occasionally steal canyon to the outpost. New caravan masters are quickly
an erdlu when times are hard, but otherwise avoid all informed of the situation by Ragstol on their first visit.
contact with their neighbors below.
8. Animal Pens: These pens contain the outpost’s
5. Housing: This building contains the living quarters herd of 40-60 erdlu and crodlu. These flocks are used
of the traders and garrison of the outpost. It is partitioned as mounts for the occasional expedition, trade goods for
into a number of smaller rooms; Ragstol, Astemba, the caravans, and food bribes or raiding thri-kreen, so the
and Mersten Vell have rooms of their own, while the number of animals in the fortress varies wildly. These
remaining staff are distributed three to a chamber. A animals are replenished by caravans and by the slaves of
common chamber acts as a dining hall and workroom. Salt View, for which they are almost the only export.

6. Trading Warehouse: This wooden building, the 9. Cave: This low chamber is used as a secondary
largest in the compound, contains the trade goods which storeroom or as a living chamber when visitors exceed
Ragstol and the other traders buy and sell. More often the capacity of the outpost’s small buildings. It is 20 feet
than not, the building is more than half empty, as the deep, roughly circular, and has a 15-foot ceiling. At the
warehouse was built in expectation of a much higher rear is a narrow tunnel, 4 feet in diameter, which leads off
volume of trade. Now and then, however, large caravan into darkness. The small tunnel was sealed off when the
drops are made by House Wavir, which ships the goods outpost was built to avoid a visit from some hibernating
from South Ledopolus or Altaruk to Outpost 13. These creature.
are then doled out to visiting caravans over a period of


Fort Inix House Shom made valiant efforts to preserve Fort

Inix’s sefulness. It established a number of small villages
House Shom’s largest fortress east of Nibenay is Fort in the scrub plains south of the ruins of Giustenal,
Inix. Once a major caravan stop, it has been all but supported and serviced by House Shom caravans. As
useless for decades. It is, however, one of the oldest active soon as those villages became somewhat self-sustaining,
merchant fortresses in the Tyr region, and controls a however, the agent running Fort Inix increased its prices
strategic oasis in the northern part of the Ivory Triangle threefold to provide the cash required to purchase a
region. popular gladiator. Those villages that did not immediately
Fort Inix can be found at an oasis 30 miles east of collapse under the weight of increased prices turned to
Nibenay, just south of the Blackspine Mountains. It lies other merchant houses for their goods.
in a transition zone where the salt flats of the Great Over the last century, Fort Inix has become a visible
Ivory Plain change to the sandy wastes that dominate symbol of the fallen might of House Shom. The leaders
this region of the Tablelands. The fort itself sits upon a of the family are preoccupied with maintaining their
man-made hill. hedonistic lifestyles in Nibenay. Other merchant houses
The Fort Inix oasis is most fertile in the season of sun eye Fort Inix as a puzzling waste.
ascending and early high sun. At this time, the immediate
region is filled with flowers, small brush, and other light The Fort Today
vegetation. By the end of the high sun season, however,
the land has all but dried completely, with only a few As is typical of House Shom, the complement of
deep wells producing water. the fort has not diminished with the declining activity.
Extensive resources are committed to maintain a huge
History staff to manage the nonexistent inix herds and caravan
trade. Because of its history, Fort Inix is a prestigious
Fort Inix was built when the oasis near it was more post for an up-and-coming agent of the house despite its
fertile and the foliage stood year round. At that time, uselessness, and many vie for the honor of becoming Fort
House Shom established a breeding ground for inix Inix’s new master trader.
here. This breeding effort produced some of the best inix The post of master trader is at best temporary, as any
mounts in the Tyr region, and the fort was built as an assigned to this post are quickly transferred either to
adjunct to the breeding Effort. higher posts, or – if they are not politically adept – to
According to the stories, the fortress was also used as even less prestigious backwaters.
a way station for the huge House Shom caravans that Few traders come to Fort Inix, primarily because prices
traveled from Nibenay to thriving settlements east of the here are so high. There is a sizable black market selling
Ivory Triangle. Caravans from across the Tyr region would goods in the bazaar at lower prices, and many believe that
pass through Fort Inix, collecting mounts and trade goods this black market consists entirely of goods stolen from the
for the long caravan route. warehouse in the fort.
As the climate dried and the oasis withered, the Prices in the black market are less than those charged
livelihood of Fort Inix went with the water. In time, the at the fort itself, but they are often not competitive with
oasis could no longer support vegetation year-round, and the less heavily burdened fortresses of the other houses
the inix rapidly gnawed the remaining vegetation to the in the region. Because the master trader is constantly
ground. After that, the inix breeding efforts had to be changing, traders have become used to dealing with the
moved closer to Nibenay, in the protection of the Verdant more permanent minor functionaries.
Belt. As the eastern settlements fell, there were no anger Simply surviving at Fort Inix is becoming more and
huge caravans passing through the oasis. Over time, the more difficult. The huge population of the fort (consisting
fortress has become more and more isolated, with less and of 75 staff and 200 slaves) taxes the production of the
less purpose. oasis. Over the years, the oasis has been shrinking,


primarily because Fort Inix consumes so much of the disputes or Werelev’s discipline than are lost defending
water for itself. the fortress. Typically, half of this force remains at the fort
As conditions continue to worsen, the day when there at all times, while half can be found “on patrol,” raiding
will not be enough water to support the staff rapidly nearby villages and caravans of other houses.
approaches. The chief trader himself heads the last department,
whose purpose is to trade with those who visit the fort,
The Garrison regardless of house affiliation. This department has 15
The staff of the fortress is divided into four main members plus 55 slaves, and operates a bazaar just outside
organizations, all reporting to the chief trader. These are the fortress walls. Of all the departments in Fort Inix,
the storehouse, the herd, the garrison, and trade operations. only this one is still doing the work of supporting House
The master of stores and his staff of 10 workers and Shom. Unfortunately, the costs of goods at the fort are
30 slaves maintain the inventory of trade goods and determined in part by the market, but mostly by the huge
supplies that are to be kept available for House Shom overhead costs that go into supporting the enormously
caravans. With regular caravans, most of these goods are over-staffed fortress. As a result, prices at Fort Inix are
lost to decay long before a caravan arrives to use them. uncompetitively high, and few will purchase anything here
As a result, this organization is primarily dedicated to they can get anywhere else. The only product traded
identifying stores that have become useless, discarding heavily at Fort Inix is lumber, and this is only because
them, and requesting new stores from Nibenay. The Nibenay and House Shom hold a virtual monopoly on
current master of stores is Berdeth Wesran; he is known lumber in this region.
privately as a good source of inexpensive goods, and many In addition to the slaves mentioned in the various
believe that some of the discarded stores end up in the departments above, every free member of the garrison
hands of his personal customers. has a personal servant-slave. The department heads have
The master of the herd and his organization (6 workers three slaves each; the chief trader has five. These slaves
and 30 slaves) care for the inix herds. Since there are have no direct duties, except to provide for the comfort
no inix at the fortress (the oasis can no longer support of the garrison. While in theory each slave is assigned to
them), they spend much of their time waiting or training a specific individual, in practice they are managed as a
in outdated methods of inix care. The current master of labor pool, and a garrison freeman needing help will seize
the herd is Sermap Yestrev, a slender man in his fifties. the nearest servant-slave.
Sermap has been master of the herd for nearly 20 years,
and makes no secret of the fact that he plans to die in Personalities
the job. He views his generous salary and light duties as Pevuran Bollos: Pevuran Bollos is the most recent
a sinecure owed him by House Shom or is ears of service. master trader of Fort Inix. Pevuran fancies himself a hero,
Sermap has done little to endear himself to the rest of a remnant of the House Shom at the time of its greatness.
the fortress garrison. His staff contributes little to the He is proud of his physical prowess and his talent as a
fort’s daily operations. Sermap has a long-running feud trader, but over time he has become worn down by the
with Berdeth Wesran, stemming from Sermap’s suspicions bureaucracy. As a young man he may have had good
about Berdeth’s inventory management and Berdeth’s intentions and energy to become a reformer but the closer
resentment regarding Sermap’s ineffectual staff. he has gotten to the centers of power in the merchant
The master of the garrison, Werelev, is responsible house, the more he has become complacent. He focuses
for maintaining the defenses of Fort Inix. Werelev is now more on his success within the organization and less
a belgoi, and his 40 troops are a mixture of that evil on the success of his operation.
race, half-giants of evil or chaotic temperament, humans, Pevuran made his fortune on the House Shom trading
muls, and thrikreen. Werelev maintains a rough, violent route between Nibenay, Raam, and Draj. This route
discipline, and more garrison members are lost to internal (which primarily trades rope, grains, water, obsidian, and


precious metals) has been the backbone of House Shom’s relics of an older, more prosperous time. Twenty feet thick
prosperity for centuries. Pevuran was unusually lucky in and forty feet high, they are among the most massive
avoiding raids, so his caravans reflected higher profits than stoneworks outside of a city-state. Legend has it that the
most, but he is generally perceived as being a lackluster stoneworks were the construction of giants in a time when
trader. Pevuran was actually rather thoughtful in planning dealings between giants and humans were much more
his trips. He almost always scheduled his runs behind a friendly. The finer workmanship on the walls is obviously
rather large caravan of a competitor. This, combined with dwarven, however, with some sections polished to a glassy
a judicious use of scouts and mercenaries resulted in the surface.
successful track record which secured his position here. Such polishing appears only in a few protected corners
Pevuran is yet another of the caretakers assigned the of the wall, however; time has worn away at the rest. The
monitoring of Fort Inix. Since his arrival, he has developed machicolations are rounded and worn, sections of the wall
an understanding with Werelev, the belgoi master of the have developed cracks, and much of the wall has had so
garrison. He has not sought to interfere with the normal much mortar wear away so that their outer face is riddled
operation of the fort, and has focused most of his attention with hand and footholds. Even the minimal maintenance
on the political maneuvering in Nibenay. of mortaring, which would reduce further wear on the wall,
has not been attempted. Only the thickness of the walls
Werelev: Werelev is a belgoi, and has been master of and their original quality construction has prevented their
the garrison at Fort Inix for the last eight years. He rules collapse.
his diverse and violent garrison through intimidation. The only point at which the walls can be penetrated is
Werelev has seen several master traders come and go, the main gate, which faces to the northwest. During the
and makes a point of quickly establishing his autonomy day this gate remains open, but at night huge stone doors
whenever a new trader takes over the fort. He tells the are set into place in the opening. The gate is wide enough
new master trader that because he has been at the fort for two mekillot wagons to pass one another, and the arch
so long, the main chapterhouse in Nibenay looks to him is high enough to allow passage of even the highest wagon.
for feedback on the new master trader’s performance. He
assures the new manager that he will send only praise 3. Towers: The outer walls are protected by round
to Nibenay as long as he is not interfered with. He lookout towers. Each tower is 40 feet high, with three
concludes the discussion with veiled threats about the stories plus a roof. One lookout is stationed at each
fort being defenseless against raids. This usually results in tower; lookouts work 12-hour shifts, and most in the
Werelev retaining full freedom to run, staff, and outfit the garrison consider lookout duty to be unimportant and
garrison as he pleases. Pevuran has little interest in the dull. Werelev, in one of his few attempts at real discipline,
affairs of the garrison and has let Werelev have his way. has tried to instill more attentiveness in the lookouts. His
last attempt came as he approached an habitual sleeper
1. Motte: The entire fortress rests on an earthen hill “on duty” and threw him off the tower to the courtyard
some seven feet high. This huge mound once acted to below. This caused the lookouts to be more attentive for a
protect the walls from siege engines, but as trade routes time, but as the incident fades into memory the lookouts
have shifted it is unlikely that anyone will have any are relaxing again.
interest in capturing Fort Inix. Legend has it that the hill
(called a motte) is riddled with hidden tunnels which can 4. Trading Hall: This building was once the most
allow troops to move unseen into or out of the fortress. beautiful in Fort Inix, and it still is an awesome site.
The truth of these legends is unknown, but not a few The main trading hall is a vaulted chamber some 40 feet
members of the garrison have made it a hobby to search long, its ceiling painted with images of traders exchanging
for these hidden tunnels. goods, particularly inix. The walls are inlaid with white
stone, the floor is marble, and the ceiling is supported by
2. Walls: The massive stone walls of Fort Shom are pillars covered with reliefs. Side chambers off the main



hall once housed record keepers, private traders and more by the race and temperament of the occupants than
money changers. At the height of Fort Inix’s success, this by any semblance of military organization. Beds are rough
was one of the most active and successful trading halls ticks, stuffed with sand or straw, strewn haphazardly within
outside a city-state. the sleeping areas. Equipment is stowed in chests or in
Like everything else in Fort Inix, the trader’s hall suffers piles; theft and insects are chronic problems.
from neglect. The heat of the sun beating down on the The central dining area here doubles as a duelling pit.
roof has caused the ceiling to crack and chips to fall Disputes within the garrison are solved with knives as
from the faded frescoes. Centuries of torches have left often as by Werelev. In part this is because Werelev is
grey smudges on the white walls, and the marble floor is likely as not to have both parties executed, regardless of
covered with dust and minor debris. The hall itself is no who is right. In his words: “You are soldiers, not bawling
longer used. There are not enough traders or customers children. Fight your own battles!” Duels here are more
to warrant it. common than Werelev would like, but not so common
Occasionally, a new chief trader decides to reopen the as to deplete the garrison. Replacements are hired on
Trader’s Hall. For a time there is a lackluster effort to periodic trips to Nibenay.
reclaim the building, but long before it opens interest
wanes and the work stops. 7. Master of Stores’ Residence: This two-story building
houses the master of stores and his freeman staff, many of
5. Chief Trader’s Residence: This building is both the whom are also his family members. While the exterior of
residence of the chief trader and the hostel for important this building is rather plain when compared to the other
visitors. The building is among the most ornate in the residences, the interior is filled with the finest furnishings
fortress, and is in excellent condition. The interior is filled and accoutrements that can be had from the warehouses.
with historical treasures and the finest of furnishings. The walls and floors are of the finest woods, and the
This luxury, however, is something of a sham. The rooms are comfortable and spacious. The building is in
“historical treasures” are little more than memorabilia good repair, as the master of stores has made sure that
with no intrinsic value, and the furnishings, while ornate repairs to his home are made promptly and well. It is said
and valuable, are of varying styles, some dating back as far that of all the people in Fort Inix the master of stores lives
as 40 years. The surroundings are certainly comfortable, a life second in luxury only to the master trader.
but the constant turnover of new chief traders gives the
decor of this residence an eclectic, unfinished look. Before 8. Warehouses: These enormous warehouses store the
any one trader can complete redecorating in the style he trade goods which are Fort Inix’s ostensible reason for
prefers (given the delays involved in getting anything from survival. Like many of the buildings in Fort Inix, the
the master of stores) another chief trader-with his own warehouses are not in good condition, but the master of
ideas of appropriate decoration-has come along to take his stores has made some efforts to keep them in repair.
place. Thus, the residence is never complete. The stores are “organized” in a system devised by
The rear portion of this building houses the chief the Amburr Wesran, the great-grandfather of the current
trader’s staff. Like the chief trader himself, the staff is master of stores. It is said that no one but a Wesran can
frequently replaced. This chamber is more functionally find anything in the confused morass, although Berdeth
furnished, with little in the way of luxury. Aside from seems to be able to locate virtually anything in the huge
beds and lockers, there is a small resting area modestly stacks of goods. The master of stores’ staff spends most of
outfitted with cushions. its time inventorying and cataloging the huge storehouses,
identifying items that either through wear or neglect (or
6. Garrison Barracks: This building houses Fort Inix’s sale on the black market) are in need of replacement from
ragtag garrison. This building is a square frame of wood, Nibenay.
almost spartan in its simplicity. The interior is divided The warehouses also act as the sleeping quarters of
into a number of sleeping areas; bunks are divided up the slaves. A section has been set aside in one of the


larger warehouses as slave quarters; while the freemen of The current dispute between the master of stores and the
Fort Inix have done little more than provide the slaves master of the herd regards who should repair the stable.
with some straw, the slaves have turned this section into Both are insistent that they have too many other duties.
comfortable quarters, with bedding, braziers, and even Should the stable collapse, Werelev will ask the master
some seats “borrowed” from stores. While the slaves are no trader to step in and resolve the dispute.
more successful than anyone else at finding things in the
Wesran organizational scheme, they view the improvement 11. Oasis: This area is the outermost edge of the
of their quarters as a kind of scavenger hunt, and borrow vegetation supported by the oasis. Primarily scrub brush
what they find and can use. So long as the slaves are well- and flowering cacti, these plants take their water from
behaved and limit their pilferage, the master of stores and deep roots which go down several feet to the water table
his staff do not interfere. (This is more because interfering of the oasis. Fortunately for Fort Inix, the oasis no longer
would require work and attention rather than any feeling seems to be receding, although it is shrinking on other
of charity on the freemen’s part.) sides. There is no open water at the oasis, although a
deep well can be found near its center. This well always
9. Herder’s Hall: This building is the residence for has water, even in the dry high sun season, and when
the herder staff, including the chief herder. While this the cisterns get low slaves are sent to the outer well to
position is maintained as a symbol of the history of replenish the water supply.
House Shom, the chief herder has little responsibility at
Fort Inix. Sermap Yestrev’s feud with the master of stores 12. Well and Cisterns: This 30-foot-deep shaft provides
is manifest in the condition of the Herder’s Hall. While the water for the entire fortress. Ten slaves (provided by
the exterior of this building is no more run down than the master trader) work day and night to draw water from
any other building in Fort Inix, the interior is a shambles. the well and place it into a cistern from which the fort
Entire rooms are uninhabitable because the floor has draws its water. Several complex arrangements to bring
collapsed or cracks in the walls go unsealed. A portion of the water up have been tried, but slaves with buckets
the building has been infested with giant centipedes; the have proven the most effective solution. In the season of
affected rooms have been sealed to prevent their spread. sun descending, the well goes dry, and the fortress must
All of the herders except the chief herder are huddled in survive on the stored water in the cistern for a period of
a single room, with a tightly sealed door to prevent any several weeks. During this period, slaves are put on half-
centipedes which escape their confinement from getting rations of water, and freemen may be put on half-rations
to the sleeping herders. The chief herder has repeatedly late in the spell. Each year, the dry spell gets longer and
requested the slaves and materials to restore the Herder’s longer, but the cisterns – augmented with occasional trips
Hall, but so far has been politely refused. to the well at the oasis-have been able to support the
10. Inix Corral: This large fenced area was once the
corral for the inix which made this fort great. Unfortunately, 13. Bazaar: This large area is where the traders set up
as alluded to above, the inix are gone, but the corral still when a caravan or nomad tribe comes, or on the regular
waits for the return of the lizards. “market days”. The bazaar is divided into a number of
When House Shom caravans bring livestock to the booths, each of which offers a portion of the fortress’ goods.
Fort, they are housed in this corral. Temporary repairs are These booths are easily assembled and disassembled, and
made to shore up the collapsing fence, and the master are brought back into the fortress and stored in the
of herders and his staff actually have animals to care for. warehouse when customers are not available. All of the
Soon, though, the caravan leaves, taking its livestock with traders in this bazaar serve House Shom, and therefore
it, or the livestock is sold off to the neighboring tribes, and the prices set by the house are rather high. Fort Inix still
the herders return to a life of idleness. has, however, the widest variety of goods of any trader in
At one end of the corral stands a half-collapsed stable. the Ivory Triangle region.


The Cache Lalali-Puy and her Templar servants.

Prezas ordered that a secure fortress be built in the
The elven base known only as the Cache is the Mekillot Mountains. She originally intended to use the
headquarters of the talon-master of Gulg, the secret base only until the oba stopped persecuting the Shadows.
domicile of one of the two heads of the Shadows in the However, her battle against the elven assassins escalated,
Ivory Triangle region. and soon the base became the only safe haven for most
The Shadows are a vast, secretive group of elves, of the Shadows in the region.
specializing in assassination, theft, extortion, espionage, No one knows why the oba eventually stopped her war
and a host of other illegal activities. They have existed on the shadows. Some speculate that they performed some
in the Ivory Triangle region since before anyone (except service that appeased the queen’s wrath. In any event, with
possibly the Shadow King) was born. Many children’s the queen’s attention elsewhere, the Shadows returned to
tales that have been passed down from generation to Gulg. However, Prezas chose to keep the headquarters
generation contain references to the mysterious elf tribe. of the talon in the Mekillot Mountains, where it has
remained ever since.
History The location of the Cache is known to few outside the
The Cache was first constructed over 600 years ago. Shadows. Non-Shadows who somehow stumble across the
The oba had declared war on the Shadows, seeking to location of the site will be killed immediately and without
eliminate them entirely from the city. The talon-master hesitation.
of that time, Prezas, defended herself and her talon as
well as she could, but even the Shadows found it difficult The Fort Today
to survive in the face of the power of the forest goddess Today, as for the last 600 years, the primary purpose


of the Cache is to train Shadows. Much of the talon The mercenary and raiding claws (which offer mercenary
leadership, including the talon-master Vollen, can be and raiding services to outside groups) are responsible for
found here, imparting wisdom to younger, less experienced providing the first line of defense for the Cache. There
members and administering the Shadows’ many affairs. are at least 100 warriors of 5th to 10th level from various
The Cache is also a resting place for the elves who are mercenary and raiding groups here, some recovering from
often forced to live within human society; when they have injuries, others in training. They are organized in a rough
tired of life within the city they can remove themselves to command, but as most of them are here only temporarily,
an entirely elven environment once again. there is little troop cohesion. In case of attack, however,
Once the isolated fortress of the head of assassins, they will rapidly become a formidable force.
the Cache is changing. It is transforming more and The magical claw is also comprised primarily of
more into a merchant’s fortress. The merchant claw (the temporary visitors. At any one time, roughly a dozen
portion of the Shadows’ organization involved in trade) defilers of 4th to 12th level can be found here. Most are
has burgeoned with the growth in legal trade in the Tyr studying magical fundamentals or new spells, and are not
region. Trade in the illegal goods with which the Shadows likely to have a wide variety of offensive magic available
deal has been further boosted by the revolt in Tyr and in case of a surprise attack. However, four of the visiting
the unrest in Raam. While both of these cities are far mages are assigned to garrison duty on a daily basis,
from the Ivory Triangle, the effects of the changes there and are required to be fully prepared with offensive and
can be felt throughout the entire Tyr region. defensive magics.
Today the clash of weapons and calm words of the In addition to the visiting mages, there are a half-dozen
teachers have been augmented with the calls of inventory experienced wizards who are teachers. One teacher is
counts and the scratching of the record-keepers’ tablets. assigned to lead the magical contingent of the garrison
While the Cache sees no regular trade (its location is each week.
far too secret to allow outsiders to visit), the volume of The thieving, espionage, and merchant claws operate a
trade done in elven markets throughout the Ivory Triangle training center for rogues. (Illusionists in the thieving claw
region has pushed the elves into running occasional are assigned to the magical claw for training.) Perhaps a
caravans to the Cache to store goods. Vollen, the current dozen students and three teachers can be found here at
talon-master, is concerned by the increased traffic to the any one time; in an emergency they can be called upon
Cache, and is afraid that this will lead to its discovery, to defend the Cache, but in general they are typically
but thus far no one has come up with a better alternative. held as a reserve or surprise force.
There is some discussion among the leadership of the In addition to the trainees and their teachers, there are
talon that the best thing to do would be to move the approximately 40 “staff” members who are permanent
talon back into the city. After 600 years, however, the residents of the Cache. These include the talon-master,
desire to remain is strong, and no real threat has arisen his immediate assistants, and various members of the
to force the Shadows to act. Business is good enough that claws assigned to administrative duties.
the current leadership feels they have time to deal with In short, while the Cache has no formal garrison of
the problem; the elven tendency to resolve a problem troops, it is not an easily conquered site. It would require
tomorrow instead of today may ill serve them in this. a significant portion of the military forces of a sorcerer-
king to dislodge the Shadows from the Cache. Assuming,
The Garrison of course, that they could find it.
The exact population of the Cache varies over time.
Agents and trainees arrive and leave, caravans bring new Personalities
members, and special operations may deplete the garrison Vollen: Vollen is the current talon-master of the
by as much as half. However, the following generalizations Shadow talon of Gulg. A skilled and ruthless leader, he
may be made. has led the talon for over 70 years. He began his career


in the mercenary and raiding claws, then transferred to provide ‘support’ mages to the other claws, believing that if
the thieving claw. He spent several years in Gulg as an the problem is one of brawn, she need not risk her mages.
elven trader, and considers the merchant claw to be the This magical claw employs only single-class defiler.
future of the Shadows. Mistella will not accept a dual-class defiler, regardless of
While Vollen is a capable (and occasionally even level, as she sees such characters as dilettantes. Mistella
brilliant) administrator, the Shadows have been erratic despises preservers as being lazy mages who are weaklings,
under his leadership. Vollen distrusts mages, and himself and has been known to take a detour in another mission
has no magical talent; this has caused him considerable to execute a preserver. This has not endeared her to
friction with Mistella, leader of the magical claw, so that the magical claws of the talons of Nibenay and the
group operates with more than usual independence from other cities, who think the deaths may attract unwanted
the talonmaster. He has pressed the merchant claw to attention.
increase activity some say at the risk of revealing the true
extent of the Shadows’ power. On the other hand, he has Ruvella: Ruvella is a powerful cleric/psionicist who for
been indifferent to the operation of the other claws, which many years was the head of the espionage claw in the
has led to errors and misjudgments. talon of Tyr. Her anonymity was lost during the recent
In combat, Vollen is a terror. He has fought hundreds rebellion there, and she was forced to flee the city. She is
of battles. He has no code of honor when fighting and here partially to hide, and partially as an observer for the
believes the purpose of a battle is to kill your enemy. He current grand shadow master, Thus far her style of work,
will show no mercy to those who oppose him with force. which includes close coordination between the various
His favored tactics include backstabbing with his long claws and an extreme focus on secrecy, has not meshed
sword. In a fight, he will wade into the melee, select the well with Vollon’s more independent, freewheeling style.
single most powerful opponent, banish him (using his Ruvella’s reports reflect this, and they are beginning to
psionic abilities) until the remainder of the opposition has sway the grand shadow master toward replacing Vollon,
been killed, then bring him back to face Vollen’s entire perhaps with Ruvella herself.
force alone. He is not above life-draining his own troops,
although he will stop at killing his own elven warriors to 1. Cave Entrance: This natural cave entrance is often
ensure his survival. covered with brush to obscure it from sight.

Mistella: Mistella is the head of the magical claw of 2. Balconies: Walkways along the inside of the cliff
the Shadow talon of Gulg. A fiercely independent woman face lead to these carefully concealed balconies set 30 feet
and a powerful sorcerer, she is often single-minded to the above the desert floor. In times of attack, archers can man
point of being stubborn (a very non-elven trait). these balconies, raining arrows down on besiegers without
Mistella spent her younger years as a slave-courtesan to risk of return fire. Other balconies lead to escape routes,
a defiler in the chaotic courts of Raam. Her experiences so that scouts, assassins, and other small parties can come
have left her with a dislike of cities and anything human. in and out without being seen.
Mistella is a believer in the power of magic. When
presented with a problem, she will use magic first, even if 3. Residences: This area, a separate chamber nearly 25
a nonmagical solution presents itself. Thus, she will often feet high, is where most of the inhabitants of the cave live.
waste magical energy rather than involve those outside her Temporary residents pitch tents or bedrolls here; more
claw in her missions. The magical claw of Gulg is known permanent residents have lean-tos and huts. In general,
for performing most of its missions without any warrior the longest residents live closer to the cave wall, and the
support: an idea most think is unwise. most senior inhabitants of the Cache incorporate the wall
Mistella would have been faced with the consequences into their residences.
of this strategy long ago were it not for the fact that she
disdains any but the most difficult missions. She will not 4. Training Ground: This large (30 feet high) cavern


is used for training warriors and thieves from the raiding, on clay tablets and is rumored to be among the finest
mercenary, and thieving claws. Pells, blunted weapons, libraries outside the city-states. Unfortunately, the library
weighted shields and other training equipment are stored is not well organized. To find a spell in the library, a
at the edges. mage need to search for several days.
The training ground is lit and ventilated by a large In addition to housing the magical library, the mage’s
hole in the top of the cavern. The hole is in a depression hall is also where visiting mages (of the magical claw)
on the top of the massif in which the cave is built, but reside. Mistella forbids her people to go to the common
no one has yet found a safe exterior route to the top. In residential cavern without an explicit mission from her.
time of attack, lookouts climb up through the hole (using
ropes attached by levitating mages). A sentry posted atop 6. Storage area: This cavern is devoted to storing
the mesa can see a large force coming for several miles. mercantile supplies, weapons, and other goods. Things
When training is not going on, this chamber also acts are piled haphazardly here; there is no one individual
as a recreation and dining area. The elves congregate here responsible for caring for this area, and as a result it is
because it affords them a clear view of the sky. impossible to find any but the largest and most plentiful
5. Mage’s Hall: The only real building in the cavern
complex, this structure houses the magical library and 7. Spring: This spring provides water for all the
practice chambers for the mages. It is under the control inhabitants of the cavern. Water from the spring pools
of the magical claw, and is off limits to nonmages by in a natural grotto below, which the inhabitants use as
Mistella’s order. a cistern.
The library has a wide variety of magical texts carved


Losthome by a consensus of the group which must accomplish the

task. Such leadership positions are transient, lasting only
The halfling slave village of Losthome is a relatively as long as the task at hand, and leaders are selected
recent addition to the Crescent Forest. The oba’s halfling- for their applicable knowledge and skill rather than any
slave project is less than five years old, and the majority formal hierarchy. When the task is complete, the leader
of the inhabitants of Losthome are escapees from this returns to being a simple member of the clan.
program. Despite its relative youth, it has become a Thus far, there are only enough halflings to form
sizable community, with over 50 halflings living in the a single clan (albeit a large one), but there has been
central portion of the Crescent Forest. While many of some discussion of founding a true halfling village and
the halflings wish to return to their home in the jungles promoting Zivlil to chief.
beyond the Ringing Mountains, thus far none have made
the terrible journey across the Tablelands. Slowly the Operation and Means of Existence
Crescent Forest, and Losthome, is becoming their true
home. The halflings of Losthome are primarily hunter-gatherers,
searching the forest for food, shelter, and the necessities
Organization of life. The Crescent Forest is not as fertile as their
homeland jungle, so the halflings are forced to travel over
The halfling clan of Losthome is organized like a a wider area (covering over 40 square miles). They are
typical halfling clan of the jungles beyond the Ringing careful not to remain in one place for very long, and they
Mountains. There is a clan-head (Zivlil) who leads the restrict their hunting to avoid depleting the population of
clan on their hunts, decides where the clan will travel, the forest. With the clan getting larger, they have begun
and otherwise rules over the halfling band, but there is no to strain the ability of a given area to support them. The
tribe chieftain for the clan to turn to in times of difficulty. halflings are forced to migrate on a regular basis to avoid
Zivlil does not believe himself to have the power or depleting the resources of any particular area and to
experience to become a tribe chieftain and remains loyal reduce the risk of being captured by the templars.
to the unknown successor of Mogg-lul, somewhere beyond Zivlil has proposed that the clan turn to raiding to
the Ringing Mountains. Zivlil is a consensus builder who supplement the food provided by the forest. While it is
tries to achieve a harmonious compromise among his true that the halflings see no harm in robbing a group
band. Zivlil’s status comes from his magical and psionic that intrudes on their territory, they live in an isolated
ability as much as his age. He is a competent and rather area of the forest and such intrusions are rare. Thus, to
active leader (from a halfling perspective). Emergencies raid the clan must leave its normal foraging area, go into
have forced him to direct his band more firmly than the desert, and raid a caravan.
halflings would normally tolerate. His quick thinking, This suggestion has met with some resistance. In halfling
however, has more than once saved the entire band, so society, raids are undertaken by clans of halflings who
the halflings continue to support his rule. have offended their chief or another clan. The halflings
There is little more of a hierarchy. Halflings try to of Losthome do not wish to stoop to behavior seen as
support one another, believing that building a community punishment in their homeland just to survive. The reality
and individual spiritual growth is more important than of their situation has allowed this idea to gain some
achieving worldly dominance of any sort. Thus, there acceptance, however, and the clan has conducted an
are few struggles for status within the halfling hierarchy. occasional raid.
New slaves are quietly integrated into the clan, provided Halfling caravan raids are an amazingly wild affair.
a fair share of the clan’s goods, and made a part of the The halflings always strike from concealed positions – a
community. hidden canyon, a copse of trees, or simply from holes
However, leaders are often selected for specific tasks. where the halflings have buried themselves in the sand.
These leaders are either appointed by Zivlil or selected They attack from several directions at once on a signal


from the clan leader. They focus on stealing animals (and wanted a new weapon to strengthen her hand against the
people), but they will take nearly anything in the caravan Shadow King’s army. She therefore struck a deal with
until the leader calls off the raid. Mogglul, to provide scouts and guides in exchange for
Zivlil has ruled that no non-halfling should know of obsidian, which she planned to purchase from the mines
their existence, so each time they raid they strive to kill or of Urik. When Mogg-lul died, the scouts who had arrived
capture all of the intelligent beings in the caravan. These in Gulg saw no point in continuing this effort. They
they eat, either immediately or over time. Generally, the could not see how their sacrifice benefitted their chief if
caravan warriors are killed during the raid while the rest he was dead. The oba imprisoned the halflings while she
are kept alive to provide fresh meat for later. Thus far no attempted to forge a new pact with Alu, a charismatic
one has escaped to tell the true identity of the raiders; the shaman who had assumed leadership of the tribe. Alu
city-states note the absence of slave bodies in the remains had advised against the agreement in the first place and
of the caravan and blame Salt View. was certainly not about to support it now.
The oba decided her only alternative was to invite
Origin her captives to aid her. Those who volunteered would
Losthome’s origins begin in the city-state of Gulg and be given their freedom and the rest would serve her in
the oba Lalali-Puy. In an effort to expand her control of captivity. The plan was doomed to failure. While several
the Crescent Forest, Lalali-Puy sought to develop a corps of the halflings agreed to assist the oba, most just wanted
of forest raiders who could assault the lumberjacks and to return home. The captive halflings were stealthy enough
settlers of Nibenay, blunting the Shadow King’s advance to easily evade their templar handlers.
into the forest and allowing her forces to work unseen. One of the first escapees was Zivlil. In early trials of the
While her templars were certainly up to the task, she halfling-slaves, Zivlil psionically overwhelmed his handler,


fled into the forest, and slew a half-dozen templars with a to surprise the halflings of Losthome.
sling before vanishing into the wilderness forever. If attacked, the halflings fight primarily with bows, slings,
As the trials continued and more halflings fled into the and other range weapons. Some use wooden clubs spiked
Crescent Forest, Zivlil offered them traditional halfling with obsidian, others have bone weapons, and a few have
hospitality, sharing his food, water, and knowledge of the metal weapons taken from caravans. If the enemy has
Crescent Forest with them as he would with members of not yet closed, the bowmen will attack while the other
his own tribe. Soon he had accumulated a following of halflings fade into the forest. If the enemy gets too close
nearly 20 halflings, and the refugees began to form a clan. before it is discovered, the halflings fight furiously. If the
The clan has continued to grow. Thus far, the templars halflings outnumber their attackers, they will gang up on
have tried hobbles, bribery, threats, and many other individuals; if they are outnumbered, they will fight only
methods for controlling the halflings, but to no avail. until they can flee.
Recently they have begun a new approach, striking off one
of the halfling’s feet before releasing it into the wilderness. Camp Description
This slows the halfling sufficiently to ensure that the The halfling clan usually searches for a defensible
templar can keep up, but halflings so treated soon die in hollow in which to camp. The primary features sought are
Gulg captivity. Should Zivlil hear of this practice, the full a thick copse of trees, a source of water, and at least two
force of the anger of the clan may be turned toward Gulg. escape routes. Over the years, Zivlil has found a number
of such places, and at each the halflings have constructed
Location and Defenses a number of traps and signals to help defend them. The
The halflings of Losthome have no permanent settlement. following map key shows a typical site; other sites may
Their current hunting range is a rough forested circle have a different mix of traps and a different layout.
some 15 miles north of Gulg, nestled against the eastern
slopes of the Windbreak Mountains. This region is well Relations with Others
watered with springs and runoff from water sources high The halflings of Losthome are strangers trapped in a
in the mountains, and it is among the thickest and most strange land. They are unfamiliar with the world they find
impenetrable timber in the Crescent Forest. themselves in. As a result, they are secretive to the point
The halflings wander their hunting range, camping of slaying anyone who discovers them in the Crescent
wherever they are when night falls, taking only minimal Forest.
precautions to defend the camp. However, their natural The oba Lalali-Puy and her templars know about the
ability to conceal themselves and their arboreal skills halfling escapees. They feel the diminutive people must be
make it possible for a platoon of templars to pass right falling prey to predators, and they have not realized that
through such a camp without ever knowing the halflings the halflings are banding together. The general populace
are there. of Gulg, however, is unaware that the halfings were even
Each night, the clan hides high in the trees, resting in in the city, much less that they escaped.
nooks and the forks of branches. They huddle in groups Nibenay also knows nothing of the escapees. There is
of three to four in each tree, and they are nimble enough some evidence in the caravans the halflings have raided
to move directly from tree to tree if they are in danger. (wounds on some of the bodies, gnaw-marks on the bones,
During the day, this scouting system is also used as a etc.), but the templars and merchant houses have not
perimeter watch for the clan. As the clan moves, the main yet realized what is going on. Should the Shadow King
body of the clan is surrounded by a ring of scouts that discover such a large slave community so close to his city,
alerts the leaders to anything the clan encounters. Raiding it is sure that a body of templars will be sent into the
and foraging groups use a similar structure, although forest to get them out and bring them back to Nibenay
there are fewer group members, so the scouts maintain a – to become slaves again.
narrower perimeter. As a result, it is virtually impossible The halflings have little contact with the other peoples


of the Ivory Triangle region. They rarely leave their forest was chosen to lead the expedition, and members of each
home and few people travel deep into the forest. They clan volunteered for the opportunity to serve their chief
have occasionally sighted human raiders and thri-kreen and the forest. The journey was difficult and Zivlil’s party
packs on the edge of their territory. With the exception of was forced to eat the oba’s templars who had been sent
some druids, the halflings have remained unobserved by to accompany them. They arrived unescorted in the forest-
all known peoples. city of Gulg and awaited the oba’s instructions. Lalali-
Should they be discovered, most within the Ivory Triangle Puy was surprised and pleased with the compliance of
would have little concern for them. The city-states would the halflings and with the curiosity they displayed for her
feel that the halflings were a danger and try to drive them forest home. The visitors had been in Gulg three nights
off. The slave tribes and elven nomads would view the when Zivlil heard the thoughts of Alu, the shaman of his
halflings as simply one more reason to avoid the Crescent tribe. “Mogg-lul is done, Zivlil. Return to your home,”
Forest. The gith of the Blackspine Mountains might view came the message.
them as tempting victims, but that is quite a distance to Zivlil told the other halflings that they were free to
travel for such a “paltry meal”. return to the Forest Ridge. It was a great surprise when
the oba had him and his companions imprisoned as they
Joining the Tribe attempted to leave the city. He was further surprised by the
Losthome is open only to halflings. No other race may fact that the oba could not understand that an agreement
join the tribe, as the halflings trust only their own kind. lasted only as long as the person who made it. After
Any halfling who approaches, however, is welcomed. several days of detention, the oba extended an invitation
The halfling is informed of the status of the clan and to Zivlil and his friends. She invited them to stay in
is given a fair share of its goods. There are no initiation her forest-city and explore the surrounding trees with her
ceremonies or trial periods required of new members. The templars. While the offer would have piqued the curiosity
halflings trust one another, and even if a halfling is a
wanderer in human lands, the halflings consider him one
of their own.
There is a period of adjustment, however, while the
halfling establishes himself in the clan. During this time,
the other clan members watch the newcomer carefully,
assessing his skills and measuring him against themselves
and the other members of the clan. This is not out of any
sense of rivalry. Instead, it is a way for the clan members
to make an unbiased appraisal of who is the appropriate
halfling to assay any particular task. Skilled halflings may
immediately find themselves in charge of one of the many
projects which the clan must undertake to survive.

Zivlil: Zivlil was a talented psionicist and mage in the
forests beyond the Ringing Mountains. He was not only
a respected clan leader, but there was even talk that one
day he might become a tribal chieftain.
That all changed one day when Mogg-lul announced
that 100 warriors would be traveling across the world to
find paths in the forest of a queen of the flatlanders. Zivlil


of virtually any halfling, the period of incarceration had

been extremely upsetting to the feral warriors, and only
three accepted. The rest were-locked up for a full cycle of
Guthay. Several halflings had already weakened and died
when a human adorned with necklaces retrieved Zivlil
from his cell.
Zivlil presumed that the human wanted a snack, but
by words and gestures he made it clear that he wanted
Zivlil to lead him through their strange forest. To Zivlil
this was a stupid request. He had only just arrived while
they had lived here their whole lives. He would not expect
to be asked this in another halfling clan’s territory, so the
human request bewildered him.
As he watched, however, he realized that the humans
were clumsy and ungainly in the forest. They sought the
halfling secrets of stealthy hunting, and they were far too
large and boorish to ever succeed at them. When the
humans released him, he seized upon the moment. He
bounded into the forest, running as swiftly as his legs
would carry him. The humans were faster, but not nearly
as nimble, and he quickly made his way into the new
Zivlil spent several days surveying the new domain.
He watched as they brought others of his hunting band evade his human captors.
and repeated their bizarre request. Some of his brothers Unfortunately, the experience of slavery has embittered
and sisters fled successfully while others were cut down the young halfling. He feels that the humans were
by arrows or magic. Soon the survivors of his band had exceedingly cruel in keeping them captive for so long, and
either escaped or been slain. Zivlil took his band deeper that their promises of not eating the halflings were insults.
into the woods, far from the prying eyes of humans, and Pletaw is still striving to be a better forest warrior and
tried to resume a normal life. He declared them a new has come along well in the years since the founding
clan, the clan of Losthome, until such time as they could of Losthome. His hatred of humans has made him
be reunited with their new tribal chieftain. difficult to deal with when humans are nearby, and he
Over the last several years, the band has slowly grown. has demonstrated a savage bloodthirstiness in raids. Zivlil
Now, a few of the younger couples are even having fears his unresolved anger may overtake him.
children. Zivlil knows that as the clan grows, the chances
of returning home diminish. In his heart he thinks that Grelzen: Grelzen is another of the halflings brought
they will never return home and that the best thing for his in from the Ringing Mountains by the oba’s scouting
people is to make a permanent life here. Nevertheless, in program. She too managed to escape and find her way to
honor of the old ways, he continues to offer hospitality to Zivlil’s growing clan.
all halflings who enter his domain – and death to humans While Zivlil is the political leader of the halfling clan,
who stumble upon his clan. Grelzen is the community’s spiritual leader. Like Zivlil,
she realizes that the larger the band gets, the less likely
Pletaw: Pletaw is one of Zivlil’s original compatriots. they will be able to travel back to their forest homes. Her
Zivlil had taken the younger, less-experienced halfling solution, however, is to leave now, before the clan gets
under his wing and was thrilled to see the young halfling any larger.


and skins to carry the food and water they will need for
the trek across the desert.
Grelzen has also conversed at length with captured
humans brought back from raids. She tries to find out
as much as possible about the route back to the Ringing
Mountains. She has shown amazing patience in listening
to rambling human tales about their lives, their homelands,
and their culture, searching for any hint of how to ease
the journey home. Even the most loquacious source of
information, however, eventually enters the stewpot.

Fullgrin: Fullgrin (a human nickname) is an unusual

halfling, well traveled in human cities and a thief of
considerable talent. He began his career in Urik as
one of the two hundred halflings sent by Chief Urga-
Zoltapl of Ogo in a bargain for obsidian. When his duty
was complete he moved to Raam, where he became an
accomplished burglar.
His exploits in Raam eventually brought him unwanted
notoriety, so he moved along to Nibenay. But where the
Templars of Raam had been lax and fearful, the Templars
of Nibenay are frighteningly efficient. In a matter of weeks
Grelzen feels that the Crescent Forest is not large
enough to conceal the band for long, and she fears
recapture by the humans. More fundamentally, though,
Grelzen sees the mixture of halfling from different clans
as diluting the spiritual purity which in her mind makes
halfling life worth living. She sees the nomadic life of
the “clan” of Losthome, without a village and without a
chief, as a descent into barbarism. Finally, she sees Zivlil’s
willingness to take up raiding as a tool for survival as a
severe wound in the spiritual fabric of the halflings of the
Grelzen’s words have considerable weight in the halfling
community. In their jungle homes, the shaman witch
doctors are the custodians of halfling culture, the settlers
of disputes, and the historians. While Zivlil is revered
for his magical and psionic abilities, Grelzen represents
spiritual authority.
Grelzen has publicly suggested (which is as close as
halflings come to demanding anything in their tribe) that
the departure be made soon, and she has taken a number
of steps to make that possible. She and her handful of
supporters have spent their time building extra baskets


Fullgrin had to flee again – this time into the Crescent conflict is arising, and the halflings must decide what to
Forest – until pursuit for him died down. do about it.
Thus he was greatly surprised to find a thriving
community of halflings in the Crescent Forest. As is 1. Sleeping Trees: These trees are used as sleeping
halfling custom, they offered him hospitality and protection quarters by the halfling clan. Those halflings not on
from the humans. He accepted and for the last several sentry duty climb one of these trees and nestle into the
months he has resided with the halflings of Losthome. His forks of branches high above. Most of the sleeping places
skills of stealth and combat were quickly recognized, and are 15 to 20 feet above the forest floor. The older, more
he has been placed in charge of a number of important established sites have small hammocks woven of vines
raids and missions for the clan. and leaves to provide a more comfortable resting place.
But forest life is not for Fullgrin. Had he wanted to These are carefully woven to resemble natural foliage
live the life of the halfling clans, he would have returned when viewed from below.
home from Urik rather than heading deeper into human
territory. And therein lies the problem. 2. Observation Posts: These small wooden platforms
Zivlil thinks Fullgrin is a very strange halfling. While stand high in the trees, carefully hidden from view by
it is not in halfling nature to do violence to one another, branches. From these posts, the halfling sentries can survey
nor to hold one another in captivity, Zivlil fears that if the forest for several hundred yards. Halflings traditionally
he allows Fullgrin to return to human society, the secret do not make use of such structures in the Forest Ridge,
of Losthome will be lost and the humans will come to but prefer to rest among the branches of the trees. This
hunt them once again. Fullgrin and Zivlil are both aware new innovation was an idea learned in Gulg.
of the dilemma, and are both moving circumspectly to Each sentry is responsible for watching a specific section
accomplish their goals without offending the other. But a of the camp’s perimeter. The platforms have been placed


to ensure that no one can approach undetected from any however, the branches will snap off 20 feet above the
direction. The sentries are armed with slings or bows, and ground, dropping the climber to the forest floor.
most platforms hold a stockpile of spears that can be
thrown at any attackers below. 6. Stream: This fast-moving, 2-foot-deep stream carries
water down from the Windbreak Mountains, into the
3. Foot Sentries: To supplement the sentries posted forest. The water is clean and cool. There is a ford, but
in the trees above, these three sentries wander the forest the water rushes fast enough to knock people off their feet.
below. They remain at the edge of the tree sentries’ vision The halflings cross the stream by
and signal with bird calls when an intruder or predator climbing in the trees and swinging from branch to
approaches. branch, rather than by wading.
The map shows likely hiding places for these sentries.
However, they roam the perimeter and can be encountered 7. Strange Ridge: This unusually-shaped ridge conceals
at any point. the buried form of an ankheg. The halflings are unaware
of the creature, and if they knew about it would avoid it.
4. Deadfalls: Each of these points on the map shows The ankheg will come out if it hears a lot of movement
where a large tree trunk has been hung by vines in the (such as the sound of combat or the thud of deadfalls).
upper reaches of the tree. It is hungry and will consume humans and halflings with
equal relish. It is just tall enough to reach the halfling
5. Trapped Tree: This particular tree has been cut sleeping and sentry platforms, but must pull itself up the
by the halflings to make it very climbable. If anyone side of a tree, exposing its soft underbelly.
who weighs more than a halfling tries to climb the tree,


Poortool’s Horde Gulg on a Red Moon Hunt and sought asylum in

Poortool’s village. He commands the gith warriors who
A young candidate of the veiled alliance suddenly runs protect the community, and he coordinates their raids.
away into the desert, templars burst through the door just Poortool himself decides who will comprise the parties
as a sale of magic components is completed, an elf tribe that are sent on various missions required to advance the
is attacked by gith who strip the elves bare and leave interests of the community and its allies.
them in the desert – a bizarre and seemingly unrelated There are currently eight mages in the tribe, in addition
series of events. to Poortool and Tordos. They are encouraged to spend
It is actually the activity of a small but increasingly their time engaged in study and research and to leave
influential raiding tribe of the Ivory Triangle. Poortool’s the administration of day to day affairs with Poortool.
Horde is a tribe of mages tended to by slaves and Poortool arranges for the purchase of necessary goods
defended by gith. This bizarre confederation is the result through House Tsalaxa.
of Poortool’s desire to create a place where he could Poortool allows the members to pursue whatever
pursue magic openly and in the company of other mages. interests they may have, but they must be prepared to
A place where he was not beholden to the suffocating leave at a moment’s notice to undertake a mission for
secrecy of the Veiled Alliance, nor subservient to the will the community or of its allies. Poortool demands the
of the king in the ranks of the city’s defilers. The pursuit unquestioning responsiveness of a military organization in
of this goal has led the ruthless preserver to found the all missions and raiding activity. They respect Poortool’s
most unlikely raiding tribe in the Ivory Triangle region. vision and realize that he has only succeeded because of
a willingness to make hard decisions. There are two young
Organization mages within the Gulg Veiled Alliance who are loyal to
An extraordinarily dispassionate man, Poortool runs his Poortool, and one in Nibenay.
tribe as an even-handed autocrat. He is willing to hear There are 50 gith who serve as the camp garrison.
out the opinions of even his gith sentries and scullery The gith come from tribes who have been displaced
slaves. He believes that anyone may have valuable by Blackspear’s activity. Their efforts are coordinated by
information to contribute to his decision making. He does Garreth, the garrison commander. They serve the tribe in
not suppose, however, that everyone is equally qualified to exchange for the goods they steal in raids, as well as the
make decisions and disdains the time-wasting, consensus- aid Poortool offers in defending their own tribes against
building processes of democracy. He has at times, reversed Blackspear. None of the warriors are psionicists.
a decision in response to dissension. He does not see Twenty slaves comprise Tordos’ staff. Among these
this as a sign of weakness, but rather as proof that he is slaves are some artisans who maintain the buildings and
open-minded and dedicated to the best interests of the fences, a kitchen staff, herders, and a few laborers. The
community. slaves are treated well and not overworked. This is not
Poortool leaves the day to day administration of village because of any compassion on Poortool’s part. But it
affairs to Tordos, his second in command. Tordos tracks simply reflects his idea of how to enhance the productivity
inventory of dry goods as well as magic components. of his property.
He also directs the staff of slaves that the village has
acquired both through raids and the slave markets of the Operations and Means of Existence
city-states. The slaves are employed in all aspects of life The tribe mounts two types of raids. The first are the
in the village. The mages need only get involved in the shakedown raids and the second are raids in the service
mundane tasks of day to day life to the extent that it of their allies. The shakedown raids are used as part of
interests them. Poortool’s recruiting campaigns within the Veiled Alliance.
The security of the village is the responsibility of They are attacks on elven tribes that are intended to drive
Garreth, a human soldier who escaped the prisons of the elves away from a particular city-state. This in turn


drives up the cost of magic components and reduces their however, he found the secretiveness of the organization
availability. The Veiled Alliance naturally feels the impact that oppressed him and the structure stifled his growth.
of such a change, and the first thing to suffer within the He eventually stole a contact’s spellstring and set out into
organization is the training of younger members. Poortool the scrubland.
uses this tactic to heighten the discontent of the lower He had been traveling for a week when he was set
ranks of the secretive society and then uses his insiders to upon by a small pack of gith. He quickly disabled his
flush out potential tribe members. attackers and decided to ransom them back to their tribe.
Raids are also conducted for the benefit of Poortool’s The incident earned him the respect of the gith warriors,
allies. These currently include the tribes of gith who who admired his cunning. He offered to assist the gith in
serve him and the merchant House Tsalaxa of Draj. planning a raid and, while they were suspicious, the success
The tribe will send mages to support the gith as needed. of the raid confirmed the young half-elf’s intelligence and
Poortool has recently struck an alliance with House formed the basis of his current relationship with them.
Tsalaxa, which hopes to increase its influence on both Poortool decided to establish a permanent base
Gulg and Nibenay. The tribe is often requested to escort and called upon the gith to help him capture some slaves
caravans carrying sensitive cargo. They are also hired to from the caravans traveling out of Nibenay. Once he had
raid competitor’s caravans or client villages. The tribe uses put the slaves to work building the small encampment, he
the revenue from their mercenary work to purchase goods set out to recruit some like-minded young mages. Through
directly from the merchant house. They also sell some a series of clandestine meetings reinforced by a sudden
of the magic components that they acquire through their scarcity of magic components, Poortool quickly-found a
shakedown raids to House Tsalaxa. handful of initiates. It was the gith who named the tribe as
Poortool draws upon the gith tribes to supplement his they saw the young mage begin to collect adherents. Over
garrison for particularly difficult attacks. He also dedicates the years, Poortool has expanded his small community.
at least two mages to each raiding party. He is currently He hopes now to tap into the cities of Balic, Raam, and
looking for a few psionicists to augment the mobility and Dral for more tribe members.
communications capabilities of his raiding parties.
Daily living within the camp is attended by the staff of Location and Defenses
slaves. These slaves are fairly dedicated to the tribe, partly The encampment of Poortool’s Horde lies about 20
out of fear and partly because they are treated well and miles due east of Nibenay. It lies at the edge of the
know that their lives would be much more difficult back scrub plains, where the rocky badlands of the Blackspine
in the city-states or with the slave tribes in the wilderness. Mountains begin to take shape to the northeast and
The slaves’ activities include minding the camp’s small the salt flats of the Great Ivory Plain spread out to the
erdlu herd and preparing meals. south. The camp consist of a small village with modest
fortifications. There is a low earth wall topped with wooden
Origin spikes, built to discourage predators. A garrison of 50 gith
Poortool’s intelligence showed as a child, and he was maintain watch in three shifts. The sentries surround the
taken into the tutelage of the king’s defilers in Nibenay. village and maintain visual contact with one another. The
He had an insatiable appetite for knowledge, but little area is gith territory and as a result few travelers or raiding
patience for discipline. His master recommended he be bands pass by unmolested.
sent for psionic study to improve his concentration before
he continued studying magic. He quit his magical studies Relations with Others
and continued to serve as a clerk to the templars. His Poortool fully recognizes that his tribe will remain
talent had not gone unnoticed, however, and he was soon fugitives from the law as long as the sorcerer-kings remain
recruited by the Veiled Alliance. Starting from scratch, in power, or at least until his tribe can grow in strength
he began his magical training as a preserver. Over time, to the point that they can defy the sorcerer-kings and


conduct their affairs openly. That day, however, is unlikely Poortool will strike a deal with anyone if he believes
to come to pass in this King’s Age. Consequently, a that it will serve the long-term interests of the community.
strict policy of secrecy must be maintained outside the He has hired small bands of mercenaries to find odd
community. items for the tribe or to serve as escorts on Tsalaxa
Even the tribe’s allies at House Tsalaxa know the tribe caravans.
as a roving band of mercenaries. Only their gith allies of
the Blackspine Mountains know of the encampment. Joining the Tribe
Poortool views the Veiled Alliance with disdain. While Strangers happening upon the encampment are likely
he recruits from their ranks, he tends to view them as a to wake up a distance away with no recollection of having
secret society of doddering old men and intriguers. He ever seen the place. Poortool has no qualms about killing
enjoys exposing their weaknesses and culling the most intruders if necessary. It would not attract undue attention
promising mages from their ranks. While they are not for traveler’s to fall prey to gith and disappear in the
currently aware of his tribe, were an Alliance chapter to vicinity of the Blackspine Mountains. Poortool will,
approach Poortool, he would entertain the value of an however, actually extend hospitality to mages and their
accord with them just as he would any other organization. traveling companions. His intention, of course, is to find
Poortool has no particular aversion to defiling magic, new members for the tribe.
but he does not believe it is practical to allow defilers A mage expressing interest in joining the tribe is
to join the community when there are so many mages interviewed by Poortool and Prasad, the tribe’s psionicist.
working together in close proximity. He does occasionally They use magic and psionics to confirm the veracity of
provide a passing defiler with spell components or a place their candidate’s answers. The candidate is permitted to
to hide. He reminds his preservers that all mages are remain in the community for a week, enjoying the open
fugitives and that such relationships may sometimes prove company of other mages. The candidate is then taken
He sees the tribe’s relationship with House Tsalaxa as a
way of meeting the tribe’s needs for various goods without
exposing the group unnecessarily to the city-states and
villages of the region. He would, however, gladly enter into
a relationship with another merchant house if it served
his interests. Presently, the availability of goods, combined
with a single point of contact, make the House Tsalaxa
relationship quite satisfactory.
To this point, the tribe has only maintained alliances
with solitary gith tribes that have been displaced by
Blackspear. Poortool is now preparing to establish an
alliance with Blackspear himself. The mage believes that
one day when his small tribe has become a nation, he will
need an army to carve out its home.
Neither the elf tribes whom Poortool’s gith harass, nor
the templars whom he occasionally aids, are aware of
the existence of the tribe. The mages generally remain
concealed in the raids on the elf tribes. Consequently, the
elves simply think the attacks are just the random strikes
of roving gith tribes. The templars of the city-states believe
that the tips they receive simply come from concerned


on a raid. If the mage proves him or herself, he or she

is accepted into the tribe. Interestingly, only the gith are
permitted to evaluate a candidate’s performance on a raid.
Defilers are not permitted to practice in the
community but will be shown hospitality.

Poortool: Poortool is a tall, bald half-elf with extremely
pale skin. He burns easily in the sun and always wears
a wide, formless straw hat to shade his face. His taste in
clothing is simple and he favors a functional leather jerkin
that he ties at the waist.
Poortool is in all ways a brutally pragmatic man. At
times he exhibits the ruthless efficiency of the templars
he once served. He is an excellent negotiator and always
honors his agreements. He is dedicated to advancing his
own knowledge of magic and psionics, and he believes that
his community provides the best chance to accomplish
this. While he would never voice such an ambition, he is
establishing a power base that he believes may one day
rival that of the sorcerer-kings.
He has, over the past few years, developed an increasing
interest in the Way of the Unseen. The discipline that he and watched the village for several days and was confused
lacked as a child has come in maturity threefold and has by what he saw there: humans and half-elf wizards milling
been fed by his continuing mastery of his innate psionic about and casting spells, slaves tending an erdlu herd,
ability. gith sentries. On the third evening he resolved to steal
Poortool is not an emotional man. He has a talent for into the camp and recapture his slave. The gith alerted
understanding what motivates individuals, and his tolerant Poortool when Garreth tripped an unseen magical alarm.
manner is borne of political acumen rather than kindness. Garreth was taken into custody, but his perseverance
A natural leader, Poortool is a solid ally and a dangerous and skill had impressed the gith so much that Poortool
enemy. returned his slave to him and extended the hospitality of
the tribe. The difficult man soon found himself agreeing
Garreth: Garreth is a warrior who joined the tribe as to serve as captain of the village garrison.
garrison commander after surviving an attack on a client Garreth is a large, disagreeable man who wears black
village he was defending. Garreth had been hired as a studded leather armor and pulls his long black hair back
mercenary to protect the village of the House Inika of in a knot. His abrasive personality and vindictive manner
Gulg. Poortool’s Horde descended on the community have won him the comraderie of the gith. He is something
and rounded up the four slaves in the town, one of which of a freebooter and is well suited to his task.
was Garreth’s. After the raiders left, Garreth set out to
find his manservant. While he was uncertain whether the Tordos: Tordos is a middle-aged human with thick
slave would still be alive, he was furious that someone black hair and a neat beard. He wears a decorative
would take his property. pillbox hat and can usually be seen carrying a large
Garreth, a stubborn man, tracked the gith party all the wooden box on his back like a knapsack. The box has
way back to Poortool’s encampment. He lay in the scrub two doors which open like a cupboard and are held fast


by a small loop of leather. When open, the box can be directs the slaves.
seen to house a countless array of tiny drawers, each with
a small round handle. The drawers are used to store 1. Mage’s Quarters: These buildings are made of dirt
magic components as well as the herbs and powders with brick and a sod roof. They are divided into a sleeping cell
which Tordos experiments. and a sitting room. The residents are prepared to abandon
Tordos was the first mage to join Poortool’s tribe and the village at a moment’s notice. All the mages learn to
is undeniably the most dedicated. Tordos had been store their spells in a series of intricate knots on strings
an innkeeper with a large family in Nibenay. He was which they wear as belts. Each mage’s quarters contains a
an initiate of the Veiled Alliance in that city, and he cabinet mounted with straps so that it can be carried on
allowed the group to use his inn as a contact point the back. These are used to store spell components and
and meeting place for his cell. The pressure of all of valuable objects. Beneath each of the mage’s quarters is a
his responsibilities had driven him to take a trip to visit cellar used for individual research.
a friend in South Ledopolus. Tordos was traveling with
a caravan that was attacked by Poortool and his gith. 2. Slaves’ Quarters: This large single-room building
Poortool mentally dominated the mage and used him contains thatch mats and small chests that contain the
to complete the violent attack. He then had his gith private effects of the slaves. The mages have magically
immobilize Tordos’s hands, gag him, and lead him back warded the chests so that each slave can open only his
to the village with a handful of slaves. or her own chest. This small recognition of privacy seems
Through various magical and psionic means, Poortool to please the Slaves.
completely controlled the older man for several days.
During this time Poortool mulled over the best way to 3. Dining Hall: This large hall holds several large
turn this puppet into a willing ally. Finally, Poortool took tables flanked by benches. There is a large open fire pit
Tordos into a field and prepared to speak to him of his at the north end of the hall where meals are prepared.
dream. He released his control of Tordos and waited for Meat is cleaned and dressed in the adjacent smokehouse.
his reaction. Rather than anger or bitterness, the man All tribe members eat here, although the mages will
seemed filled with almost childish wonder. He marveled sometimes take meals in their quarters.
at the death that had been caused by his hands in the
caravan raid. Total enslavement for Tordos had been an 4. The Well: This deep well provides water to the
invigorating release. He spoke of the thrill of abdicating village year round.
all responsibility for his actions. Not since he was a child
had he felt the freedom of knowing that someone else 5. The Corral: This fenced area is used to contain the
had to feed him, to clothe him, to decide how his magic erdlu herd managed by the slaves.
would blind a man.
Poortool began to speak of his vision. “Why let a bunch 6. The Storehouse: This room stores various dry goods
of old men whom you don’t even know decide what spells used by the community. Items here are generally purchased
you should learn? Why take orders from people who hide from House Tsalaxa.
in the shadows? Why is there no community where a
man can choose his own path and where his acquisition 7. The Barracks: This building houses Garreth and
of greater ability is limited only by his intelligence?” The the gith warriors. The gith prefer to sleep on the floor, on
discussion soon turned into a fascinating exchange on the a nest of cloth. Garreth has taken to sleeping this way as
techniques of somatic concealment. He enthusiastically well. The warriors all chests warded as the slave’s chests
agreed to join the young preserver and has proven to are. The warriors all sleep with their weapons. At any
be Poortool’s right arm. Tordos has never contacted his given time, one third of the garrison is sleeping here.
family, who believes that he was killed in a gith raid.
The gentleman now administers the day-to-day affairs and 8. The Pit: This is a 40-foot-deep pit that has been


dug to hold a so-ut that one of the mages plans to capture 10. The Drop: This is a 40 foot drop that opens
for purposes of research. So far he has been unsuccessful, up into the subterranean amphitheater. The pit has no
and the pit is empty. handholds and has a hard stone floor. The mages can use
any number of magical means to descend the tunnel and
9. The Amphitheater: This is a 10-foot-deep pit with enter the room below. There is a rope in the storehouse
several tiers of benches leading to the floor. It is used for in the event that a slave needs to gain access to the room
demonstrations and instruction. Thirty feet below the floor for cleaning or for repairs.
of this amphitheater is a room with a 20 foot ceiling and
identical lateral dimensions. It is used for presentations,
experimentation and testing.


The Poisoner’s Pit only takes reduced damage from physical attacks. Another
peculiar side effect of his neurological damage is his
Wheelock is, perhaps, the greatest poisoner of the complete immunity to telepathy. Wheelock can neither
Tablelands. He makes his home at the oasis 35 miles be contacted nor attacked telepathically.
northeast of North Ledopolus, on the edge of the Great It is not clear how old Wheelock is, but the poisons
Ivory Plain. He usually remains at home, but he does coursing through his veins seem to have contributed to his
make occasional excursions to collect new strains of longevity.
poisonous plants. Whenever he travels abroad, he always Wheelock has a number of odd idiosyncrasies. He
makes the journey in a brightly colored wagon drawn by will not, for example, directly respond to questions. He
six muls. The wagon has small curtained windows and a will instead wait until Toth, his companion, repeats the
sloping roof. question to him. This is because Wheelock hears voices.
When at home, audiences are received by his assistant It is not clear whether this is some sort of psionic residue,
Toth, who is a cleric of the earth. Toth is a simple and voices from the lower planes, or simply the result of his
polite young man who conducts Wheelock’s business affairs deteriorating nervous system. He has, however, become so
and determines who will gain access to the poisoner. True used to the constant whispering, that he ignores anyone
to the chilling neutrality of Athasian bards, Wheelock who speaks to him. He makes an exception to this habit
does not discriminate among his clientele in terms of the in the case of females.
merit of their various causes. He does evaluate clients in Wheelock seems to have a gentle fondness for women,
terms of urgency and sheer desperation. He may at times although he does not always seem to be able to distinguish
end up selling one man a poison and his intended victim between them. He will often seem to become lucid and
the antidote. begin to pepper a woman with questions just to listen to
He has little use for gold, but he will charge exorbitant her voice. It seems to remind him of someone.
fees just to measure the desperation of an individual. The poisoner has an insatiable appetite for riddles. His
Other times he will require a service be completed before lair is often protected by riddles and he enjoys playing
providing a poison. He usually demands whatever the mental games. He has been known to forgo payment for
client has less of, whether it be time or money. Sometimes, his services when a client petitions him with a challenging
if he takes a fancy to a person or dilemma, he will provide riddle. He has also waived fees when particularly impressed
his services for free or for a small gift. with an individual’s ability to solve a puzzle.
Wheelock always interprets people’s requests literally.
This sometimes ends up killing them. Toth: Toth is Wheelock’s personal assistant. He
is deeply devoted to the poisoner and has taken care
Personalities of him as the years of direct exposure to poison have
Wheelock: Wheelock has, over the years, consumed reduced Wheelock’s ability to take care of himself. Toth
so much poison that he is now completely immune to is kindhearted and non judgemental by nature. He has a
its effect. He can identify any poison by taste. He can gentle demeanor. He is scrupulously honest in business
likely recreate any poison in his laboratory and and also and extremely protective of Wheelock. He enjoys company,
an antidote. In circumstances where he does not have the but he is not a very talkative young man.
materials for such a task, he will be able to identify the Toth grew up in the village of Haddrass, at the nearby
components that he requires. If the materials he requests oasis. His father was an herbalist and farmer who grew
are brought to him, he will be able to produce the a variety of odd plants for Wheelock. The boy met
desired poison or antidote. This can sometimes involve the poisoner one day while running an errand for his
extraordinary journeys to find the unusual items that he father. He had dropped off small bundles outside the
requires. poisoner’s lair many times and had never caught sight of
Due to the deterioration of his nervous system, Wheelock its inhabitant.
This day, he saw a frail figure collapsed on the ground,


bleeding. The young boy drew upon the power of the travelers who passed through the inn where she worked.
earth to mend the man’s wound and carried him inside Several years passed before Toth’s father died and he
to recover. Wheelock had actually inflicted the wound returned home to take care of the arrangements. He
himself in an effort to measure the extent of his worsening stopped to visit Wheelock and found the poisoner’s
neurological damage. The boy found the poisoner’s quarters condition had worsened. The young cleric resolved to stay
in disarray. He straightened up the rooms as he nursed with his old friend and sent word to his wife in North
the strange man back to health. While he went through Ledopolus. Toth now sends money to the dwarven village
the poisoner’s effects, he uncovered some information that where Janelle still lives, enjoying
shed light on his patient’s bizarre condition. Whatever he the company of travelers.
discovered there, together with his conversations with the
half-lucid man, led him to feel that Wheelock needed 1. Entrance: This entryway is a 10-foot-square room
him. surrounded by 5-foot-thick stone walls. Outside the
After the poisoner recovered, Toth continued to entrance is a small pond tainted with slow acting poison.
visit him whenever he had the chance. He spent long The absence of algae and the bones of animals on the
afternoons puzzling over one of the bard’s riddles or floor of the pool usually deter travelers from drinking from
listening to fascinating stories about the peculiar weapons it. The entryway is usually blocked with an enormous
that hung on the wall. stone slab. Wheelock sometimes has the door warded
Toth eventually moved to North Ledopolus to continue with a riddle.
his clerical studies. It was there that he met and married
his wife Janelle, a barmaid. The marriage was difficult for 2. Stairway: This stairway descends 40 feet below the
Toth, as his wife had a tendency to take an interest in surface of the salt flats. The walls are marked by small


nooks every 5 feet on either side of the stairs. Resting in 7. The Laboratory: This room is full of small pottery
each is a humanoid skull that has had the cap carved off jars containing various powders and ointments. A large
to make a bowl. The skulls are filled with lamp oil that brazier in the center of the room burns constantly. A
burns to illuminate the stairway. chimney rises from the ceiling to the surface, where it
looks like a gigantic ant hill.
3. The Wyvern’s Gate: The stairway leads to a Visitors are not permitted in this room. There is a
rough hewn hallway that opens into this chamber. In the good chance that someone sneaking in this room will
flickering firelight, visitors can discern an insubstantial accidentally touch something coated with contact poison.
haze. It appears to take the form of a large lizard with a There is a well in this room which Toth created by
long neck, bat wings, and a scorpion’s tail. This gate has locating an underground spring. The spring feeds the
been warded by Toth with a wyvern watch spell. small pool by the entrance to the compound. It carries the
waste from Wheelock’s work up to the surface.
4. The Receiving Room: An ornate wooden cask with
a spout and a jewel-encrusted goblet are in this room. 8. Kitchen: This room is where Toth prepares meals.
Written on the wall in the common trade language is a There is a small vent leading into the chimney from
message: “Please drink from the barrel. It contains a slow- the laboratory. There is a well in this room that draws
acting poison. The antidote will be provided upon the clean water from the same spring that feeds the well in
completion of business.” Unfortunately, because reading Wheelock’s laboratory. There is also a large wooden cask
and writing are illegal in the city-states, usually only that Toth uses for bathing.
templars, merchants, and bards get past this doorway.
Toth will not open it unless a visitor drinks. 9. Storeroom: This room contains various dry goods
and miscellaneous supplies.
5. Sitting Room: This is a large room with decorative
tapestries hung in the doorways and spread across the 10. Wheelock’s Chamber: The poisoner sleeps on a
floor. A bench lines the walls, and many large pillows are large bed with a delicately-wrought canopy draped from
strewn about in a manner of a wealthy nomad merchant’s the ceiling.
tent. There are several game boards with stones in the
room as well as a dizzying array of ornamental weapons on 11. Library: The walls of this room are lined with small
the walls. There are also a variety of stringed instruments cubby holes carved in the stone. Paper and leather scrolls
fashioned out of gourds. are tucked in each compartment. A large table in the
center of the room is covered with clay tablets that have
6. Wheelock’s Chair: This is a hall thick with smoke various inscriptions on them.
from incense. At the end of the corridor, two thick black
curtains are drawn to the side, exposing a heavy wooden 12. Toth’s Chamber: Toth’s room has a simple bed
chair that sits on a dais. Wheelock receives his visitors and an oil lamp.
in this chair. Toth must often bind the poisoner upright
in the seat, to spare his master from losing his balance 13. Temple of the Earth: This small chamber is simply
in a seizure. an alcove of exposed earth that Toth uses for votive


1. Entrance: The entrance to the fire shrine is hidden

Fume by thick foliage.
An insane cleric lives in this place and he calls his
shrine Fume. It is situated midway between Nibenay and 2. Obsidian Path: Fifteen oval, polished obsidian steps
Gulg. Warriors of the two cities constantly fight over the lead directly to and surround both sides of a shallow pit
valuable agafari trees, but neither side is insane enough continually charged with flame. Solzak keeps the fire well
to trespass on Solzak’s shrine at the top of the forest fueled with agafari logs.
crescent. Occasionally, one side or the other has sought
to enlist his aid – those who made the request were given 3. The Eternal Flame: This is the shrine itself. The
a fiery answer. fire here is always kept burning, and even a heavy rain
Solzak watches over the shrine’s eternal flame, keeping will not extinguish it, though it would cause considerable
it continually fueled with the slow-burning agafari. A smoke. Agafari logs covered with special oils burn for
single log burns for days, and the special oils prepared by slightly more than a week before Solzak must once again
Solzak can stretch the burning time to over a week. replace them.
Solzak does not like visitors – the wars of Nibenay
and Lalali-Puy have poisoned him to guests. Still, Solzak 4. Solzak’s Cave: Inside this spacious cavern, blasted
welcomes anyone who is an enemy of either of these two from the earth by Solzak’s own hands, is everything the
nations. He also welcomes other priests, even those of fire cleric needs to survive. He has a bed made of dry
water. Before the fire cleric settled on this land he had straw, a few plates and bowls, and a smaller fire with a
amassed a large fortune, and rumors persist that his cave spit over it-the smoke escaping through a ventilation shaft
is filled with magical treasures and gold. in the top of the cave. The walls are smooth and have a
black, polished look, a testament to the intense power of


this fire cleric. cliff on Mount Solace. Here he sun bathes, watching the
tiny beings of Salt View with humor. Sometimes he is
5. Loose Stone: Solzak does have a large treasure, afraid that the shadow of the mountain is blocking their
accumulated during his wandering days. It is hidden enjoyment of the sun, so he casts sunray or blistering rays
beneath a secret stone in the floor. “help ‘em out.”

1. The Basking Rock: This is the shrine itself, and

Mount Solace Limrick spends the hottest hours of the day here. Only
Limrick the Mad suns himself on a large, white rock rarely does he leave his rock to visit the “little people”
high atop Mount Solace in the Mekillot Mountains, who live below him. He is always amazed at how much
overlooking the desolate town of Salt View. The residents the villagers of Salt View have grown from the time he
there occasionally ask the crazed cleric for aid, but very leaves his shrine to the time he gets to the village. “Sun
cautiously, and only when the sun is low in the sky, or makes ‘em grow, ya’ know?”
during a light drizzle.
By night, or in times of gloom, Limrick becomes a 2. Grove: This tiny grove is Limrick’s home. He has a
pouting, sober man. Other times, Limrick basks beneath hammock tied beneath an overhanging rock, and this is
the sun’s rays, laughing to himself with pure joy and feeling where he sulks on those rare occasions when rain drops
the penetrating beams fill him with power. Sometimes, make their slimy presence known to him. Limrick has no
Limrick feels that the power is too much for him to treasure, his greatest jewel arcs across the violet-green sky
handle and he cannot help but begin casting spells to of Athas every day.
relieve the pressure.
Limrick’s shrine is a large white boulder resting on a


Estuary of the Forked

Bruthambar, chief of the Rockcutter clan, is the head
builder and master of the towns. He is a pugnacious

ex-mercenary whose bluff good cheer is wearing thin
after years of setbacks and obstacles. The hill giants that
inhabit Ledo, a key stepping-stone for any bridge across
the estuary, have already torn down two previous bridging
Ledopolus attempts. The giants believe that the bridge is a scheme
The twin towns of North Ledopolus (population 1,000) to gain access to their island's valuable flint deposits.
and South Ledopolus (population 2,000) sit on the shores Attempts to bribe them into allowing the construction
opposite the island of Ledo. Many dwarves live in these have proved fruitless. Competing merchant houses make
towns, and they are engaged in a great project – the the situation even more difficult. The Wavir and Inika
construction of bridges to span the northern fork of the trade posts in Ledopolus favor the bridge, but the head
estuary and replace the silt skimmer ferry. The dwarf of the Tomblador outpost secretly fans the giants' fears.


Road of Kings
City-state of Draj
The City of the Moons. A marshy realm rules by a
frenetic, whimsical warlord named Tectucktitlay, whose
greatest pleasure is taken in performing sacrifices atop
his mighty temple while the whole of the city pays him
homage. This backwater city celebrates the ferocity of the
jaguar and the prowess of the hawk, but spends most of its
time squabbling with raiding tribes and beasthead giants.
More details can be found in the city-states book.

City-state of Raam
A hub of chaos and decadence, Raam is an enormous
center, warred over by nobles' private bodyguards, corrupt
templars, and squads of professional graverobbers. The
Grand Vizier, Abalach-Re, turns a blind eye to her
tumultuous capital, spending her days throwing lavish
parties or overseeing hedonistic rites to her imaginary
patron deity, the primal serpent Badna. More details can
be found in the city-states book. Ket
Seventy miles northeast of Bitter Well sits the large
City-state of Urik village of Ket, known to dune traders as the last outpost
The Golden City. The City of Lion. The Holy City of civilization in this corner of the Tyr Region. The half-
of Urik is the most disciplined, most orderly, and most legendary cities of Kurn and Eldaarich are many days'
militant of the city-states, thanks to the ever-present travel to the north, and trade with those distant realms
oversight of Hamanu, the Lion of Urik, King of the is infrequent. Ket lies in a large mudflat covered in tall
World, Lord of the Mountains and Plains. An ancient grasses, trees, and brush. A silt basin surrounds the flat,
ruler who has never been defeated in battle, Hamanu and a mile-long wooden causeway spans the dust, linking
accepts only the best from his city, and his iron grasp Ket to the Road of Kings. Ket is a client village of Draj,
keeps the discipline and devotion of his citizens from and Draji warriors stationed here protect the settlement
wavering. More details can be found in the city-states from attacks by giants.
City-state of Yaramuke Standing on the southern shore of the Lake of Golden
Long ago, Yaramuke was the fourth city-state along the Dreams, the village of Makia is a trade center and supply
Road of Kings. Defeated by King Hamanu, the ruins of depot surrounded by pens for the quarry slaves. House
the city remain, tempting treasure seekers. More details Stel of Urik invests heavily in the village, and most
can be found in the city-states book. employees, guards, and citizens in Makia have ties to
this merchant house. King Hamanu keeps a large force of


guards stationed in the village, as well as halfling hunters

tasked with recovering fugitive slaves.

Krikik's Pack
This tribe, or “pack” as they call themselves, operates
out of a hidden oasis that has a small copse around it.
While the pack is made up of as varied an assortment
of races as any slave tribe, it has patterned itself after a
thri-kreen hunting pack.
The pack is led by a thri-kreen druid named Krikik.
The druid sees the members of his pack as not only
hunters but as fellow protectors of the hidden oasis he
guards. Everything that passes near the oasis is prey for the
pack, providing food and other supplies for the members.
The pack lives within the trees of its hidden oasis.
There are less than 50 ex-slaves in the pack, which often
leaves the tree village to roam the surrounding countryside
in search of travelers to prey upon.
Krikik's Pack views life as a precarious balance that
must be maintained. As such, the pack sees itself as
an instrument of balance. When the pack has a need,
it seeks a passing caravan that has too much of a given
item. By taking what it needs from those who have too
much, the pack maintains a balance and so helps the
world. Granted, I doubt that many of the pack members
see it this way, but it is how their leader understands it.
And without Krikik, the pack would soon dissolve into a
purposeless collection of individuals.
Krikik's Pack can be considered a raiding tribe, though
they never take more than they need from those they
plunder. They have no qualms about killing, and some
of the pack's members relish bloodshed, but usually they
do not go out of their way to engage in slaughter. Instead,
the pack kills when it must, hunts when it has needs to
satisfy, and plunders from those who are weaker.

Krikik's Pack is led by a thri-kreen druid. He sees this
collection of ex-slaves as his hunting pack, and so treats
each member as though he or she were a fellow thri-kreen.
Krikik does not abide idleness, though he understands
that his pack cannot go without sleep like a normal thri-
kreen pack. When rest is over, however, the druid expects


his followers to hunt or care for the oasis. At times, the pack even attacks villages or the fields
The pack is organized along a strict order of dominance, around a city-state if Krikik believes they can do so with
as in any thri-kreen pack. Krikik assumes his place as leader, a minimum of casualties.
though he has never been challenged for dominance. The The pack takes only those items it needs or will use in
rest know exactly where they stand in the pack, and any the near future. It does not plunder to raise wealth, but to
disagreements are handled via the time-tested method survive. Food, water, weapons, and clothing are the most
of battling until one of the combatants surrenders or is common targets in a hunt. Krikik also demands that
killed. Because of the pack instinct, Krikik is extremely the pack aid him in protecting the hidden oasis. This
loyal to his fellow tribe members. He expects the same involves driving off destructive creatures or even attacking
loyalty from them. travelers who desecrate the oasis in any way. Travelers
Jaleen, a human psionicist, serves as second in command who seek to use the oasis for normal purposes are not
of the pack, and usually leads the hunts that take the bothered unless their number includes a defiler or if they
pack away from the oasis. She ruthlessly uses her psionic pose some threat to the pack. Of course, once they leave
abilities to put down any opponent, and her skills with the oasis there is nothing to stop the pack from preying
physical weapons have surprised many who thought she on them.
was an easy target once her psionic powers were spent.
She appreciates the hunting pack attitude that Krikik has Origin
instilled in the tribe. Sometimes she even imagines herself The thri-kreen druid had started his time of wandering,
as one of the powerful mantis warriors, prowling the desert traveling the Tyr region to gain an understanding of the
in search of prey. world and his faith. While traveling near Draj, Krikik was
The third rank in the pack is currently held by a captured and placed into slavery. He decided to abide
dwarf named Krom. Krom relies totally on strength and as a slave for a time, for he considered the bondage as
weapon skill to keep his position of dominance. While he another part of his time of wandering and learning.
sometimes feels he could take Jaleen and thus move up While working in the fields outside the city-state, Krikik
in rank, he likes the psionicist too much to want to upset got to know his fellow slaves, including the psionicist
the current order. As long as Jaleen treats him with the Jaleen. Jaleen had pursuaded some of the other slaves
respect he believes is his due, he will be content to stay to join her in an escape attempt. Sure that this somehow
third in dominance order. related to his period of learning, Krikik decided to help
While this dominance order reminds some of the ex- the slaves escape. Using his own strength and druidic
slaves of the ranks used by templars, the pack does not powers to complement Jaleen's psionics and the others'
treat its members like slaves. In fact, everyone who wants sheer determination, Krikik provided the extra ingredient
to can battle for dominance if he so desires. No one is to overpower the guards.
assigned a position just because of the station he was Once the small group of runaway slaves reached the
born into or the amount of money in his belt pouch. open desert, some of them began complaining that they
had no plan, no supplies, and no chance to survive.
Operations and Means of Existence Listening to these beings, Krikik finally came to a decision.
The hunt is the pack's primary means of existence He challenged Jaleen for leadership, telling the slaves that
(though others call what they do raiding). The pack ranges he knew a place they would be safe. The psionicist did
far from its hidden oasis to search for small caravans not resist Krikik's bid for dominance, for she had seen his
or other vulnerable groups of travelers. When the pack powers and had no plan of her own. So the druid led the
attacks, it can be vicious. Well protected prey is hit hard slaves to his guarded land. Krikik decided that these
and killed quickly in order to even the odds. Weaker prey people were to be the pack he did not have. They were
may be spared if they surrender. The pack will destroy the reason he had originally started wandering, for the
an entire caravan, however, in order to protect the oasis. oasis he guarded was too precious to trust to a single


guardian. It needed a full pack to protect it from defilers the pack will even raid the fields outside the city-states.
and desecrators. These slaves would be Krikik's pack, and The ex-slaves tend to stay away from large settlements, for
they would serve as additional guardians for his hidden there are not enough of them to adequately attack secure
oasis. defenses.
He explained to the ex-slaves what a pack was and how
it was set up. Anyone who did not want to remain with Joining the Tribe
the pack was free to leave, but they had to leave as they Few slaves wander out of the desert asking to become
arrived – without supplies of any kind. part of the pack. However, when the pack attacks caravans
None of the ex-slaves took his offer to go. They or fields where slaves are kept, they often set the slaves
all decided they wanted to be part of Krikik's Pack. free. If any of these slaves seek to join the pack, they are
invited to come along.
Location and Defenses Several considerations are made when determining if a
Krikik's Pack operates from a hidden oasis that is the slave is worthy of the pack. First, the slave must serve the
druid's guarded land. The oasis lies at the bottom of balance of the pack, neither upsetting the relationships
a deep valley in the mountains north of Raam. The of the members nor requiring too much help to survive.
valley, especially the area right around the oasis, is a lush The pack survives by working together, and anyone who
domain of fertile land. A small copse of trees surrounds seeks to unbalance that is cast out into the desert to fend
the oasis, and the pack has built a village within the for himself. Second, the slave must agree to protect the
branches of these trees. oasis, for that is the pack's sacred mission (at least as far
The location of the hidden valley is the oasis's primary as Krikik is concerned). The oasis offers the pack shelter
defense. The small range of mountains is surrounded by and water, and the pack must offer it protection in return.
desert on all sides, and the valley is tucked away between If a slave agrees to these two rules of life in the pack, he
two closely-spaced peaks. The druid guards the oasis with is allowed to join and even fight to establish his place in
all of his ability, for he considers this patch of land to be the dominance order. If a slave is found unacceptable, he
his sacred trust. With the help of the pack, he can deal is either sent into the desert or killed outright, depending
with most bands of travelers who would desecrate the area. on how much he can tell others about the pack.
The pack itself remains hidden within the branches and
leaves of the trees. They have built a village high above Personalities
the ground by constructing platforms between the trunks Krikik: Krikik became a slave while on his time of
of the largest trees. Protected and hidden by the mighty wandering. He took his imprisonment in stride, seeing
branches and lush foliage, the village is further disguised it as just another learning experience. While working in
by covering the tents with vines and leaves. Ladders can the fields outside Draj, the druid learned of an escape
be raised, thus eliminating all outward signs that the trees attempt planned by his fellow slaves. As this attempt also
are inhabited by a slave tribe. seemed to relate to his period of learning, Krikik decided
to help the slaves. Together with the psionicist named
Relations with Others Jaleen, Krikik aided the slaves escape into the desert.
The pack sees everyone as prey. Only those who It wasn't long before the druid decided that these ex-
approach the hidden oasis to drink are left alone, but slaves were meant to help him with his life's work of
this free passage usually lasts only as long as the travelers protecting his guarded land. He offered the slaves a
remain within the oasis. Once outside, they again become chance to become part of his pack. As pack members,
prey for the pack. they would share in the thrill of the hunt and would have
Krikik's Pack does not engage in trade. It exists to hunt an oasis for shelter as long as they pledged to protect it.
and raid. The pack's favorite targets are small groups of The slaves agreed and Krikik's Pack was formed.
travelers moving between Urik, Raam, and Draj. At times Now Krikik spends most of his time in the


hidden valley, communing with the spirit of the oasis. He hunts.

sometimes goes on a hunt with his pack, but he prefers to Jaleen has fiery eyes that project defiance and a fiercely
leave such matters to Jaleen. independent mind. Her red hair falls about her face like
a mane of fire, and she has a temper that can melt stone.
Jaleen: Jaleen was born a slave, growing up in the Still, she is a fair leader and has earned the respect of
children's pens in Draj. When she first demonstrated a Krikik and the pack.
wild talent for psionics, the templars decided to kill her.
A noble petitioned for her life and took the child into his Krom: The dwarf Krom once held an officer's rank in
home to serve as one of his domestic slaves. The noble Draj's slave army. He survived the slave uprising led by
was an accomplished psionicist himself, and he found Krikik and Jaleen, though he was left for dead with a
enjoyment in teaching young Jaleen to use her powers. bloody head wound. When he awakened, Krom decided
He was good to her and as kind as masters get, and she to make his own bid for freedom. The other guards were
never considered using her mental powers against him. dead, including the templar officer who kept the soldier
The templars, on the other hand, were another matter. slaves in line. There was no one to stop the dwarf from
If she was ever in a position to psionically attack the simply picking up his weapon and walking away. He
templar who wanted to kill her, she would do so without followed the escaping slaves' trail, as he had nowhere
a second thought. better to go at the time.
Her life as a domestic servant ended when the noble Krom eventually caught up with the runaway slaves and
died and she was turned over to the templars for field asked to join. Though hesitant at first, the other slaves
duty. That was where she met Krikik. She now serves as agreed when Krikik and Jaleen welcomed the dwarf. Now
the pack's second in command and personally leads most he shares his military training with all who would learn.


While Krom is a fierce fighter, he has become an 4. Supply Tent: Whatever the pack acquires during a
accomplished tracker as well. He adores the human hunt or raid is stored in this tent. Food, water, and extra
Jaleen, and is content to remain third in dominance weapons are placed here.
order as long as she returns his gestures of friendship.
5. Krom's Tent: This tent serves as the living and
1. The Meeting Tent: This large tent serves as the sleeping area for the pack's third in command.
gathering place for the pack. Here hunting forays are
planned, stories are told, and decisions concerning the 6. Krikik's Tent: When the druid is not communing
pack are discussed. Krikik allows discussion on all topics with the oasis or off wandering, he uses this tent. As he
save the oasis. When a decision must be made about his does not need to sleep, the tent serves as a place for the
guarded land, the druid makes it alone. He does listen druid to think, to work on his weapons, or to meet with
to the opinions of his dominant pack members, however. members of his pack.

2. Rope Ladders: These openings in the tree platform

allow egress to the tree village. Strong rope ladders made
from hemp and giant hair can be raised or lowered Located west of the Lake of Golden Dreams in a
depending on the situation, and hatches can be closed to valley of the Ringing Mountains is Ahpotex, a shrine
offer further protection. of the spirits of the wind. Ahpotex is a strange place,
for a tribe of people live within several yards of the
3. Jaleen's Tent: This tent serves as the living and place, and they protect and are protected by the shrine's
sleeping area for the pack's second in command. guardian, Alicious Strax. Alicious is a beautiful, young
elven woman, about 100 years in age. She can frequently


be seen soaring in a cliff glider among the rocky peaks 3. Alicious' Cave: Alicious lives in this spacious cave,
of the valley with the Ahpotexans, the tribe that gave her but actually spends most of her time out on the ledge.
shrine its name. She loves the feel of the racing, valley wind blowing
through her long, silver hair. There is a hammock, a
1. The Village: Some of the people live in the natural number of soft pillows made by the adoring Ahpotexans,
caves that spot the cliff face. Others have carried wood and an ingot of pure silver worth about 950cp. Inside a
and other building materials from the plains below to pocket hidden in one of the pillows is a wind fan.
make sturdy apartments. One large building is situated
in a natural chasm, and this is used for skinning and 4. The Shrine: The shrine itself is a rocky promontory
preparing carcasses for the cliff gliders. When not in use, behind Alicious's cave. The villagers often have marriages
the gliders are stored in a cave located about 100 yards and rites of passage performed here; and funerals – their
from the village. There is always at least one guard. custom is to throw the deceased to the winds as a funeral
Only about 25 of the men and women of the village offering.
are old or fit enough to fight. They wear leather armor in
battle and wield spears and short bows. Alicious Strax: Ahpotex is the name of both the shrine
and the village, and there are about 40 humans who
2. The Path: The path leads to a primary trail through live here. Without exception, these villagers revere and
the mountains. It is well concealed from the average honor Alicious. They often hunt together with their cliff
traveler by a rocky landslide about 75 yards from the gliders, and Alicious may invite friendly and adventurous
village. The Ahpotexans created this barrier so that casual characters to come along for the ride. Without her, the
travelers would miss their hidden home. gliders often descend and force the riders to scale their
way back up the cliffs, but Alicious's mastery of the


winds, and the thermals that rise up off the tablelands, the beast away since it tends to keep away visitors, and
allow them to soar in and out of the valley for hours. the vast majority of them are only troublemakers in the
Should a cliff glider separate from her, however, the rider old dwarf's opinion.
will find himself descending rapidly from the sky.
2. The Grotto: There are usually a number of giant eels
in this small chamber. Strallowshax doesn't control them,
Grace but they are familiar with him and usually ignore him.
Beneath the Lake of Golden Dreams is one of the most With their hostile nature, they serve as both guardians
inaccessible shrines. Beneath the hot, clear waters of the and alarms, should anyone enter the caverns.
lake is the entrance to Strallowshax's submerged cave. A
dwarven cleric whose eyes and ears aren't as good as they 3. The Shrine: This is the actual shrine of the spirits
once were, he should not be underestimated because of of water. No water creature will enter this chamber, so
his age. priests fighting with a cistern fiend or the giant eels are
The yellow waters of the Lake of Golden Dreams safe if they can dart into the shrine.
are extremely hot. Anyone who spends more than a
moment in the water start suffering damage unless they 4. Strallowshax' Cave: A vertical tunnel off the shrine
have some sort of protection from the intense heat. leads to the guardian's cave. This part of the cavern is
above the water level, but it is constantly humid due to
1. Submerged Entrance: This is the only entrance into the steaming water. Strallowshax has only a few meager
the shrine, and visitors often find a cistern fiend lurking possessions in these sparse quarters, but one of them is a
near the entrance. Strallowshax hasn't bothered chasing small vial of universal solvent.


the flying creatures reside. There, they search the canyons
for pterrax eggs. Each warrior is responsible for securing
one egg, and for raising and training the baby pterrax that
eventually emerges.
Dej The civilized pterrans follow the same three Life Paths
A few miles from the Chak'sa is Dej, the great grave as their primitive cousins to the east. The Warrior's,
circle, another remnant of the ancient kreen/human Druid's, and Psionicist's Paths make up the foundation of
nation. Modern Dej is the only permanent thri-kreen pterran society. However, the civilized pterrans have lesser
settlement close to the Tyr Region. The population at paths as well. Farmers, herders, crafters, and traders are
Dej rotates, but there are always thri-kreen there, learning all honorable, if lesser, roles for pterrans to embrace. Still,
psionics, caring for the bodies of the dead, and so forth. the primary paths produce the society's leaders and hold
Occasionally, zik-trin'ta live at Dej and teach thri-kreen; more prestige than the lesser paths.
within the last decade, a "tohr-kreen" named Chaxchik Each pterran village is led by a Triumvirate, comprised
spent a significant amount of time at Dej and built an of the eldest tribal member from each of the primary
army of thri-kreen to fight a horrible psionic menace. Life Paths. In smaller communities, the entire tribe is
consulted before a decision is made, but in the larger
villages the Triumvirate is empowered to decide for the
Pterran Vale and Lost Scale entire community.
The villages of the civilized pterrans of the Hinterlands
are known as Pterran Vale and Lost Scale. In addition
to the twin villages, a few smaller settlements are scattered
around the area. There are approximately 10,000 pterrans
living in the Hinterlands communities.
Pterran Vale is by far the largest settlement, with 4,000
permanent residents. The pterrans live in lodges built
over hollowed out pits. The lodges are made using bones
and hides taken from the larger creatures wandering the
Hinterlands, including mekillots and inixes. The pterrans
farm, hunt, and raise herds. They are also fine crafters,
making some of the best bone weapons and tools in the
known world.
Lost Scale consists of only 2,000 villagers. Originally,
the community was established after the pterrans had a
split along religious lines. Some continued on toward the
Tablelands and became the primitive pterrans that still
reside there today. Others settled the village of Lost Scale.
The disagreements that led to the split have long since
been settled, and today the two villages form the basis of
civilization for the pterrans of the Hinterlands.
The people of Lost Scale are recognized for their legion
of pterrax riders. The best warriors of the village must
travel far to the southeast to reach rocky badlands where


Forest Ridge
in Urik have a more cosmopolitan view of the world, and
since this arrangement has been ongoing for the past few
years, hundreds of halflings in Ogo share this experience.

The town of Ogo is home to a prosperous tribe of
The Rain Tree
about four thousand halflings. At its heart stands a In the thickest part of the Forest Ridge, just above the
massive, ruined step-pyramid that has stood for as long salt flats of the south, is a huge tree that may be more
as the town lorekeepers have recorded. A shrine at the ancient than the sorcerer-kings themselves. It is always
base of the structure houses the Spirit Oracle, a female dripping, as if it from a recent rain. A halfling cleric
halfling druid of unknown abilities who spends much of named Purhas protects this tree from potential danger,
her time in deep communion with primal powers. Such and hangs defilers from its dripping limbs.
is her reputation that even individuals from beyond the The tree and the grounds surrounding it to a
Forest Ridge seek out her far-seeing advice. distance of 10 feet is the actual rain shrine. Any rain
The remainder of Ogo is composed of a scattering cleric who stands in this space or on the branches of the
of stone and wooden buildings amid open-air plazas. The tree is considered to be in conjunction.
halflings here sometimes deal with outsiders and are less Purhas protects the forest and all that live within
likely than other clans to grab visitors and tie them up its confines. He is known to be kind, unless provoked,
for dinner. Every year, King Urga Zoltapl sends a levy of then he displays the vengeance of his dying paraelement
two hundred halfling warriors to King Hamanu in Urik in masters. Once enemies have been killed in combat,
exchange for a shipment of obsidian weapons and tools. Purhas hangs them from the soaking branches of the tree
The warriors who choose to return to Ogo after their stint that marks his shrine.


1. The Rain Tree: This ancient tree stood here when

Athas was as green as the rain tree's leaves. Anyone
speaking with it can confirm that Athas once was green,
but the tree does not know what caused the destruction, or
even when it happened. It does know that it is beginning
to like the taste of flesh and blood as they seep down
through the soil and into its gnarled roots. This may
alarm some, but the tree is not evil, it is simply making
use of an available resource. A druid or priest of earth
would understand this immediately.
The tree has a slightly magical quality, but this is only
due to the create shrine spell cast by Purhas. It will not
protect it from fire per se, but the perpetual wetness
makes it extremely hard to burn.

2. The Death Branches: These two strong limbs are

used to hang the rare defiler or trespasser who dares to
endanger the halfling's shrine. Some forest beast eventually
comes to devour the meat, but the dripping blood and
wasted flesh only makes the ground around the Rain Tree
more fertile.

3. Purhas's Nest: Purhas sleeps and rests in a wet and

slimy bundle of leaves, midway up the tree. The nest is
full of holes so the water drips down continually, bathing
the little priest in constant rain.


Sea of Silt
three islands surrounded by mud flats, which range in
depth from thick-crusted, waist-deep puddles to central
areas so wet that crust never forms and the depths reach
as much as 30 feet.
City-state of Giustenal Parts of the mud flat have a crust solid enough to
Giustenal's lord, the Dread King Dregoth, was second support villages and crop fields. Humans, dwarves, and
only to the Dragon in power. Thus it was that the other giants live in the region, and the druid known only as the
sorcerer-kings joined forces to bring him low, to prevent Old One guards the lake from defilers and others seeking
the devastation that two Dragons would cause in their to spoil the land.
war for supremecy. When Dregoth fell, so too did his The people who live among the mud fiats and islands
city. Now Giustenal is a haunted ruin, inhabited only of the archipelago tend to cooperate over the distribution
by the subterranean dray – dragonfolk dedicated utterly of the area's resources. Trade between the villages is a
to their missing king. More details can be found in the way of life here. They even team up to defend themselves
city-states book. against slavers and raiders from the Tyr Region. While
intruders are frowned upon, traders are usually welcomed
by the villages. Balic's small trading houses, for example,
The Silt Archipelago trade mekillot hide
Shallow silt and mud flats make up the region known and bone, kank honey, and finished goods for food,
as the Silt Archipelago. Existing here is the last remnant wood, hemp, and giant hair.
of the fabled sea of water that once filled the basin. The Humans in the region maintain farming communities,
area is marked by the Vanishing Lake at the north and trade villages, and hunting tribes. Nomadic traders wander


the mud flats in silt skimmers, while the hunters make use element that sustains them. In addition, if they range far
of domesticated pterraxes that they use as flying mounts. from their island home, the ukoven slowly die. For every
Dwarves of the archipelago are primarily traders who day they stay away, they must spend six days rejuvenating
have refined silt-skimmer construction techniques into an themselves in the elemental springs of Euripis. If any
art form. They maintain a few villages, but mostly travel ukoven fails to return to the springs after more than
in small family groups aboard their skimmers. When the ten days, he risks death and the permanent loss of his
Vanishing Lake is at the height of its cycle and travel is abilities.
most difficult, four to six family groups join up to perform The inhabitants of Euripis are philosophers and artisans.
repairs on their vehicles and raise crops for a time. They welcome friendly visitors who truly want to admire
Large numbers of gith raiders inhabit the shores of this the half-elementals' work or learn whatever knowledge they
area, but they rarely cross the silt to pursue their raids. feel like teaching at the time. They aren't a violent people,
More dangerous are the hordes of silt runners who plague but they will use their powers to defend themselves against
the region. Though no village has been attacked by the attacks. Currently, the half-elementals are establishing
gith in living memory, these loathsome vermin may set peaceful relations with their neighbors to the north.
upon lone silt skimmers and small bands of travelers.
All the people of the Silt Archipelago hold clerics and
druids in high esteem. Each village is led by a cleric-
chieftain who is usually on good terms with the nearby Despite its appearance and reputation as a haunted
druids. Mages of any kind are taken as defilers and driven city, Tarelon is inhabited. The ruins conceal a small
away as quickly as possible. slave tribe, the Silt Raiders. The Sea of Silt is their chief
protection – and their greatest foe. Though no slavers or
soldiers of the sorcerer-kings will ever find the tribe in the
Darna, Muln, and Vaas midst of the Silt Sea, the barrenness of their home strains
Giants live on the three islands of Darna, Muln, and their resources and cunning to the utmost. They can only
Vaas. These are among the friendliest and most peaceful manage to grow a few meagre acres of scant crops, and
giants on Athas. Most raise livestock on the islands, but they must rely on trade and raiding to furnish their basic
some sell their services as silt waders and cargo haulers. supplies.
Their frequent dealings with humans and dwarves have The Silt Raiders, about 100 slaves of all races, are
formed a special bond of friendship that often surprises led by an Earth cleric, known as Kelestes, who dreams
visiting traders. of seeing the ancient temple restored to its former glory.
The southern portion of the island of Muln used to Visitors to Tarelon find that the slaves are eager for
be cut off by a wide trench of silt. The changes in the supplies and trade but are hardly fools; they attack foes
earth have subtly altered the island, making it much within the maze of crumbling walls and buried buildings.
larger than it once was. The giants of Muln always left The raiders know the ruins perfectly, and in many places
the southern reaches alone, but now that the connection they have built secret tunnels and passages from one
is more permanent they have begun making overtures to buried building to another. It is a very defensible position.
the people living there-the people of the village of Euripis. In return for food, the raiders produce crafts and volunteer
their services as guards and scouts. They refuse to work for
any merchant who uses slaves. Another source of income
Euripis lies in the ancient treasures they find in the ruins of
Euripis is a society of ukoven, or half-elementals. Like Tarelon itself. They hoard steel armor and weapons and
the lesser genies of other worlds, the half-elementals of trade them for months of supplies. Adventurers hoping
Euripis have abilities and powers that give them an edge to loot the ruins during their visit discover that the tribe
over the other races of Athas. These abilities, however, regards the city as a crucial resource by the raiders. In
can only be used if the ukoven maintain contact with the their eyes, plundering the ancient town would be akin to


harvesting another man's crops. for his defiling spells.

1. Entrance: The hole is about 5 feet in diameter and

Shillisa Kathak is well practiced in the art of streaking through
On an island in the Sea of Silt due south of Draj there the hole on his magic carpet at great speed.
is a shrine of the deceitful and hungry lords of silt. The
sentinel who lives there is a ruthless man who raids the 2. The Shrine: The island itself is the shrine, and
coast looking for helpless souls to feed to his hungry and any cleric of silt who stands on it is considered to be in
heartless paraelemental masters. conjunction with the paraelement of Silt. There is usually
Kathak is a dreaded servant of the paraelemental lords, a gray or black silt horror present that feeds off the bodies
and rides a magical carpet over the greedy waves of Kathak dumps to the sea. The silt horrors are not under
oozing silt that is his domain. More than one party of Kathak's control, and would eat him just as quickly as
explorers met its end when this madman streaked in and anyone else.
carried them up over the sucking tides, dropping them as
screaming offerings. 3. Silt Golem: This terrible creature protects his master
Kathak's home is a low lying island just off the southern and the shrine above. Whenever it hears movement on
coast of Draj. There is a hole in the ground that leads to the island above, it is instructed to climb out of the hole
a short burrow, and it is in this place Kathak researches and prevent anyone but Kathak from entering or casting
his destructive magic. spells. Treat the silt golem exactly as an Athasian sand
Kathak's shrine is a tiny island protected by silt horrors golem.
and terrible golems made from the oozing stuff. Kathak is
said to feed the sea in exchange for the energy he needs 4. Kathak's Cave: Kathak lives beneath the island in


a deep burrow. Magical equipment stolen from caravans anyone he catches on Lake Island. He claims to hear the
and or bartered from the thieves of Draj can be found voices of his patrons screaming inside his head, telling
bubbling, burning, or otherwise cooking on his laboratory him to push the fiery rivers up and out. The screaming
table. His bed is a pool of silt covered with a heavy quilt, is worse when the inevitable failure occurs. He is always
and a number of bones are lying about the floor; Kathak looking for ways to increase the surrounding temperature
has a taste for raw meat. or to fuel the fire in the liquid rock. He believes that
Within the pool that serves as his bed, a number of throwing in combustible materials is a viable method.
treasures can be found. Most of the items cannot be used Only clerics of fire or magma have a chance of speaking
by Kathak, but he keeps them around to trade with the to him, and even they are slain if he they will not help
elven thieves he employs from Draj. Anyone searching to keep the lava heated.
can find 3,400 cp, a magical broadsword, 2 potions of His shrine is deep within the largest volcano on Lake
healing, and a ring of water walking. Island, near the source of the ever erupting lava pool.
He must use his ability to ignore the element if he stays
down there for any length of time. Fortunately for him,
Groomsh the benefits of the shrine are in effect whenever he stands
Within the bowels of the volcano bordering Lake Island anywhere on the face of the volcano.
lurks a fierce, terrible cleric named Thyraximus. This
crazed priest patrols the island looking for sacrifices for
1. Entrance Ways: The volcano is honeycombed with
his terrible lord, knowing that to let the molten rock go
carved passageways, courtesy of Thyraximus and the
hungry is to yield to the dim-witted earth spirits. He coaxes
antloids that live above him. It would be easy for someone
the magma up with powerful spells, dances insanely as it
to get lost in this searing maze of death.
splashes in the deep silt around the island, and vanishes.
Thyraximus is quite insane, and won't hesitate to attack


2. Antloid Nest: A natural hive of antloids live here Still, the ring is his holy symbol, and he must be dead or
and move throughout the volcano. They have become helpless before it can be removed.
friendly with Thyraximus, but that courtesy wouldn't Originally, the ring had three wishes, but Thyraximus
extend to anyone else caught wandering in their tunnels. unwittingly used one of them years ago. He wished that he
The spot marked with an "X" is the chamber of the could withstand the incredible heat of the shrine below,
queen. There is an assortment of treasure here, taken from and the ring instantly granted him this power.
those who strayed too close to the antloid's nest. The fire cleric doesn't have a bed, but there are a few
small bones and scraps of meat here.
3. Thyraximus's Cave: Thyraximus has little treasure,
but he does possess one item of immense power, a ring 4. The Shrine: A narrow, natural ledge hangs out and
of 2 wishes! The cleric found this ancient artifact in his over the central pool of lava that fuels this volcano. The
youth, and the symbol of fire etched upon it convinced heat is extraordinary, and anyone unprotected will burst
him to find a mentor to teach him the power of fire. What into flames in a matter of seconds. Obsidian stones mark
he found was a cleric of magma looking for someone to a meditation circle just above the fiery ooze, and is the
take over his maddening position, and Thyraximus has only surviving, visible decoration. Magma clerics natural
been chasing lava flows ever since. abilities to withstand heat do not work this close to the
If he had any idea of the power of the signet ring he source, so they must use their ability to ignore their
wears, he might have appeased his insane lords long ago. element, or other magic, to visit the shrine.


The Ring of Fire

The Iron Citadel
Sitting on a pathless rock spire that rises 500' from
the lava, the Iron Citadel seems the embodiment of
raw menace and martial splendor. The citadel gains its
name from the iron sheathing on its towers and spires. A
fortune in iron went to strengthen the fortress structure
and plate the walls. Gargoyles and ornamental spikes are
made of cast iron, an art now lost. Its highest pennants
fly nearly 800' above the Ring of Fire. Soaring buttresses
and needle-sharp spires of black stone create a distinctly
arachnoid impression. Clearly visible 15 to 20 miles away
when the conditions permit, the Iron Citadel is obviously
a strong and evil place.
It was built 2,000 years ago to extend the defensive
works of Ur Draxa, the City of Doom. The citadel's cost
in material and human life was absolutely staggering.
Though neither commodity normally concerned the
Dragon, the expense helped it decide that the Great Ash
Storm and the Ring of Fire were sufficient deterrents.
The Dragon decided to garrison its newly created fortress
with an elite band of warriors, who coincidentally formed
a powerful political faction that opposed the Dragon's
favored faction. Until this time, only viziers and templars
could gain councillor status within Ur Draxa. By creating
the Dragon Warriors, the Dragon shook up the political
scene of its kingdom and also gained a powerful fortress
and alert scouting force.
The Iron Citadel is still the headquarters of the Dragon
Warriors, their sacred retreat and stronghold. Half the
Dragon Warriors are here at any time; the other half
live in the city. The fortress usually is manned by 40
Dragon Warriors, 100 Draxans, and 200 to 300 slaves.
The garrison warriors patrol half that time, ranging out
over the Valley and the Sea of Silt.
Inside the Citadel: The citadel does not have a single
door to the exterior at ground level. All access is through
the landing stages or the rooftop. The citadel has six
commonly used levels and a few unimportant sub-
basements and cellars. A deep well in one basement
provides water.



Level One: The lowest of the common levels features to ‘reward' her with undeath. To attain her goal, she may
large storerooms and armories. The fortress mess halls and secretly recruit the party as her agents, taking them to Ur
kitchens are here, as well as the slaves' quarters. Most Draxa as ‘prisoners' and then letting them escape-with the
common Draxans of the garrison reside here, sharing Lord Warrior taking the blame, as well as perishing at
barracks that house 20 men or women each. The slave their hands.
quarters are far more crowded, and the slaves are locked
inside when not on duty. Service in the Iron Citadel is

Level Two: This level is devoted to the rocs of the

Dragon Warriors. Eight landing stages allow the giant
birds to enter and leave the citadel from this level. Thirty-
four spacious cages house the rocs. Saddles, bridles,
harnesses, and saddlebags are all here as well.

Levels Three and Four: The rooftop level is largely

open to handle extra rocs. Five extra cages are on the
rooftop, and the towers store extra food and supplies. A
large central tower rises from the rooftop; the Dragon
Warriors themselves have spacious and comfortable
quarters here. Four Dragon Warriors share each chamber
on this level and on Level Four.

Level Five: Reserved for leaders. Each chamber houses

two elite Flight Leaders, Dragon Warriors who lead others
in combat. The chambers are accordingly more luxurious
and comfortable.

Level Six: The private demesne of Amandia, the

Commander of the Citadel, and her superior, the Lord
Warrior. The commander is almost always here. However,
the Lord Warrior is one of the kaisharga, undead servitors
of the Dragon, and is usually in the city to counsel the
Dragon. Four elite Draxans guard this level.

Amandia: A powerful, clever warrior who has climbed

through the ranks of the Dragon Warriors, Amandia is
a tall and broad-shouldered woman of 40, noted for her
striking appearance and caustic personality. A vengeful
person who never forgets a slight, she has ruined enemies
for the merest snub. Amandia is the living leader of the
Dragon Warriors, but serves the undead Lord Warrior,
a kaisharga (Dead Lord) of the Dragon's Council. She
hopes to depose the Lord Warrior and take his place, not
realizing that her success would only cause the Dragon


The Valley of Dust and

different races. The clan is led by Aristes Wyvernsbane,
a powerful human fighter now in his fiftieth year. Aristes

was a slave gladiator who was brought to the Valley when
he was 18 years old as part of the Dragon's sacrifice.
At 22 he escaped from an expedition of viziers and
templars and fled into the Dead Forest. An intelligent
City-state of Ur Draxa and charismatic man, he managed to form a small group
The hidden city of Ur Draxa lies deep within the of outlaws and exiles into the Clan of the Roc. They have
Valley of Dust and Fire, ruled over by the Dragon. More flourished under his leadership, but the question is arising
details can be found in the city-states book. whether Aristes' son will automatically inherit leadership
or if some kind of competition or election should be held.
Fortunately, Aristes enjoys vigorous health.
Outlander Villages Outlaws, slaves, and criminals have little chance of
The ka'ardani (‘outlanders' or ‘exiles' in the tongue of winning an invitation to join the Clan of the Roc. Any
the City of Doom) are descendants of criminals exiled strangers defeated by the clan are considered too weak to
from the Dragon's kingdom. They scratch out a precarious become members and are killed for their belongings. But
existence here, outside the Ring of Fire; they believe if a character fights bravely and honorably and tells the
nothing lies beyond the Sea of Silt. clan of his background, Aristes might set up a duel for
The outlanders are far more savage than even feral the person's life.
slave tribes. Thousands of years of isolation have taught Aristes: A good-hearted man, Aristes leads the Clan
them superstitions unknown in the Tyr region. They of the Roc. An escaped slave gladiator of Ur Draxa,
regard preservers, defilers, and clerics as shamans or witch he gathered his tribe over the course of 30 years. The
doctors – powerful and fearsome creatures to be respected hostility of the Valley and the impossibility of escape have
and obeyed. forced him to extreme measures; it is Aristes' law that no
Outlanders speak a crude dialect of Low Draxan (the outsider may learn of the lair and live. However, he bends
slave tongue of the City of Doom), with a few words and his own rules for strong and non-evil visitors who help
structures of the outer world's Common thrown in. Their the clan. He may provide especially helpful visitors with
speech is only about 5% intelligible to outsiders, about information about the Gate of Doom and the Dragon
60% intelligible to speakers of Low Draxan. Warriors.
Humans, dwarves, elves, half-elves, and muls are all Aristes is short, muscular, and lean, with a scarred body
present among most tribes. Half-giants, halflings, and thri- and gray hair. He is a fierce enemy, a strong friend, and
kreen are only distant rumors. Outlanders may be fighters, a good chieftain for the clan.
rangers, clerics, psionicists, or preservers. The resources of
the Valley are so depleted that defilers are not tolerated.
A. Sentries: At all times four sentries watch from good
vantage points in the surrounding wasteland.
Clan of the Roc
The Clan of the Roc, a strong band of raiders and B. Guards: Four sentries guard the cavern entrance.
hunters, fortunately possesses a small cavern system for its
home. Spring-fed underground lakes supply a wealth of C. Common cavern: The largest chamber of the lair
water. The clan site, marked on the large map, is a rocky features a deep, cold lake and natural light from small
tor in the foothills of the mountains. Clansmen guard entrances around the room. By day, the rest of the tribe
their lair well, posting sentries for miles around. prepares food, makes weapons, or teaches children. By
The Clan of the Roc consists of 30 human, night, this area is usually empty-most of the Roc clansmen
4 dwarven, and 7 elven adults and 8 children of the sleep in private chambers.



D. Clan quarters: Each chamber is home

to a family or a couple of single warriors.
There are five human families, one dwarven,
and two elven. In addition, eight humans,
one dwarf, and one elf are single warriors.
The children sleep with their parents. Aristes
sleeps in the largest of the private chambers
with his three children.

E. Escape routes: These winding passages

lead to secret exits from the cavern complex

Beyond the
Tyr Region

The Jagged the Tyr Region
Cliffs Methods of Travel
There are only a few ways to descend the Jagged Cliffs
in the northern region. These include climbing, flying,
The known portions of Athas fall into two categories: or via supernatural means. No matter what method is
all the land that exists atop a high plateau alongside the chosen, the result is the same: The trip is dangerous, long,
Sea of Silt, and lowlands that stretch to the northwest. and frequently fatal.
Separating these two areas are the massive Jagged Cliffs. Climbing is the one method of travel available to the
From the top of the Jagged Cliffs, sheer rock walls majority of people. Is it the easiest way to get from the
drop two miles to the lowlands. These vertical monoliths top of the Cliffs to the bottom? No, for those who have
descend in straight lines. No gradual slopes slide to the access to spells or psionics, for example, can make the
bottom, no layered steppes ease the descent. Instead, each trip with greater ease. Those who have no other means at
portion of the rock wall is as steep as the walls of any their disposal and have a dire need to descend the Cliffs
city-state, though definitely on a more massive scale. The must resort to climbing. This method requires appropriate
name of the Cliffs comes from the irregular, jagged nature equipment, such as ropes, spikes, and hammers. Though
of the horizontal plane, which from above appears as a the rock walls look totally sheer from a distance, there are
rip across the earth. ledges, handholds, stray scrubs, cracks, and cave openings
Powerful currents of air rush over the top of the Cliffs scattered about the face of the Cliffs. These are separated
to spill across the highlands. These air currents race by vast expanses of sheer, flat rock. Climbers need to
at high altitudes and affect the weather patterns farther bring food and water with them. Except for the vertical
inland, but the climate around the Cliffs themselves is forests and the occasional waterfall spilling from a break
relatively stable. What is the climate? It can be summed in the wall, the rock face is as desolate as any salt flat or
up in three words: hot and humid. sandy waste.
A wall of fog that those who live near the Cliffs call The cliff-dwelling halflings are excellent climbers, but
the Misty Border rises from the base of the rock wall their society has given birth to a specialized group of
to just above its pinnacle, where it dissipates into the Climbers who travel the Cliffs like others walk across
sky as long, thinning tendrils of vapor. Produced by a a paved road. These Climbers are greatly respected
combination of water, magma pools, and ancient magic, and extremely necessary to the cliff dwellers' way of life.
the Misty Border clings to the face of the Cliffs. It's dense They maintain the climbing paths between the vertical
enough to hide the lowlands from those on or atop the villages, act as guides and scouts who range far from
Cliffs. Occasionally a patch of the mist breaks open to a village's familiar territory, and provide a fast means
reveal the lowlands, but such breaks seal themselves after for getting messages or other important things from one
a few moments. place to another. It should be noted that the markings
The temperature of the mist ranges from tropical near used to identify climbing paths and point the way are
the top of the Cliffs to hot and steamy at the bottom. unrecognizable and incomprehensible to anyone not
Clouds of scalding steam float within the Misty Border, raised in the cliff dwellers' society-including halflings from
welling up from hidden sources to pose a hazard to those other parts of Athas.
who dwell along the Cliffs. These clouds of steam normally Flying as discussed here refers to those with natural
cool to tolerable levels before reaching the interior of the powers of flight (like aarakocra), those with flying mounts
vertical forests that grow on the rock face, but they can (like pterran pterrax-riders), or those with access to the
be deadly to climbers on the barren walls or travelers in airships of the fabled Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs.
one of the living airships of the halfling cliff dwellers. In Strong winds aren't a problem along the cliff face, for the
short, the higher up the rock wall, the more tolerable the hot currents that rise from the base direct the stream of
hot, humid climate is. air blowing from the west up and away from the Cliffs.
In fact, these rising currents provide cushions of air on

Beyond the Tyr Region

the Jagged Cliffs: the farther a traveler descends, the more

prevalent the dangers become. The mist grows thicker,
the temperature rises, and terrible beasts unlike anything
known in the highlands appear in greater and greater
numbers. This has to do with what lies at the bottom of
the Cliffs, as described below.
Finally, the usual problem of finding fresh food is just as
prevalent along the Cliffs as it is in other parts of Athas.
While there are a fair number of forests, there are even
more stretches of barren rock. Water, conversely, isn't a
problem-at least not the lack of it. Any cloth can be laid
out to absorb moisture from the mist, and waterfalls and
pools of standing water are spaced out with abundant
regularity. However, those used to the drier climate of the
highlands soon grow tired of wringing out clothing and
wiping beads of condensation from their faces. The high
which flying creatures can rest, making flight easier in
humidity makes it harder for those from the arid regions
many respects. However, there are dangers that fliers have
to breathe, and they find themselves developing chronic
to watch out for as well.
respiratory ailments after extended stays in the mist.
The clouds of hot steam discussed earlier are one of
The best advice travelers should heed is to fly straight
the greatest hazards. If a flier accidentally enters a steam
through the mist, going west or northwest as fast as
cloud or has one catch him by surprise, he can be
possible. To linger in the Misty Border is to invite one of
scalded to death before he's able to find his way out of
the disasters listed above to befall you.
it. Warm, benign mist can hide deadly steam clouds from
Supernatural means of travel include preserver or defiler
view until the very last moment, making it impossible to
spells, priest spells, or psionic powers. As with using these
avoid contact. Additionally, those not familiar with the
methods to travel across the Silt Sea, those employing
nature of a steam cloud might fail to recognize the danger
them must remember to find safe places to rest before the
before it's too late.
duration of the spell or power expires. An added problem
Fliers must also contend with poor visibility. The mist
involves the cliff dwellers. The halflings of the Cliffs
clouds everything in vapor, making it difficult to see
don't use wizardly magic and have no understanding
for any distance. In some places the mist is thinner,
of its properties. To the halflings, magic used by either
with frequent breaks and areas of open air. More often,
preservers or defilers bears an uncomfortable similarity
however, the mist is dense and dark, shrouding the region
to the forces unleashed in the swamp below. For this
in dreary gray. In these conditions, visibility drops to
reason, the halflings believe that wizards are spawned in
only a few feet, and hidden dangers can appear without
the swamp, and those who openly use wizardly magic are
warning. Poor visibility also makes it easier to get lost,
cast out of the vertical forests to fall into the swamp from
resulting in travelers running out of supplies or getting so
which the halflings believe they were spawned.
turned around that they crash into the cliff face hidden
behind an otherwise non-threatening cloud.
Predators of all descriptions live along the Cliffs, and Features of the Jagged Cliffs
fliers make excellent meals. Some of these predators use The Jagged Cliffs have a variety of terrain types. Some
psionics or highly specialized senses to hunt within the are similar to those described elsewhere, others are unique
clouds, so fliers should remember this adage-just because to the area, but all have special twists that reflect the
you can't detect a predator doesn't mean that the predator nature of the Cliffs themselves. Travelers will encounter
can't detect you. In general, another rule applies along vertical forests, caves, scrub patches, oases, waterfalls,

Beyond the Tyr Region

Plants, bushes, and flowers of all descriptions cling to the

roots and branches of the twisting trees, filling the space
between the canopy and the undergrowth with thriving
vegetation. There is always a source of water running
through a vertical forest, usually an underground spring
emptying through a crack in the rock wall. Some of this
water catches in hollow trunks or in beds of moss to
form ponds and lakes. In addition, the moisture carried
in the mist helps the plants survive and keeps everything
wet. Sometimes enough condensation develops to produce
actual rain, though the wet mist is more common.

Caves of all sizes and shapes run through the face of
the rock wall, Some are no more than narrow, shallow
depressions, others open into elaborate natural mazes that
twist and turn for miles toward the Silt Sea. Most caves
barren rock, and swamp. Beyond all of these terrains, the are dry, providing some relief from the hot, wet mist,
most significant feature of the area is the abundance of but others contain varying amounts of standing water.
water. It forms clouds of mist that shroud the Cliffs. It Depending on the orientation of the cave and the position
spills from underground sources and runs down the rock of its opening, mist might fill the interior and fall as rain
face with amazing exuberance. It coats trees and stones within the rock chamber. Others have ponds or lakes.
with sparkling droplets that grow as large as vel fruit as The water in these might be cool and safe to drink, or it
they slide toward the ground. Water trapped beneath the could be stagnant and foul. In some instances, running
arid highlands finds freedom at the Jagged Cliffs. water rumbles through a cave and spills as a waterfall
from its mouth. These represent the end of the water's trip
Vertical Forests beneath the earth, for underground rivers and streams still
Vertical forests are much the same as the terrain found exist in this otherwise arid world.
in the Forest Ridge, except that they cling to the side The caves serve as lairs for flying and climbing creatures,
of the Cliffs or rest atop and spill over jutting ledges of as havens for travelers, or as homes for those cast out of
rock. These tropical forests range in size from a few dozen the cliff-dwelling halflings' society. For this reason, those
square feet to several miles across. All kinds of creatures who decide to explore a cave should first look for signs
live within the vertical forests, including the cliff dwelling that it's already occupied. Few things are more dangerous
halflings native to the region. The forests controlled by than a creature encountered in its lair.
the halflings are more or less tame, as the halflings go to A few caves appear almost organic in nature, as though
great lengths to keep the area around their villages free shaped consciously by some intelligent being instead of
of dangerous predators. The forests not under the care of by natural erosion. The cliff dwellers avoid these locations,
the halflings usually house a number of vicious creatures, reluctant to disturb places they believe belong to another
depending on their size and location. age. It's hard to tell if this attitude is the result of fear
In a vertical forest, small, sturdy shrubs and vines sprout or reverence, just that it runs through all of the villages
from cracks in the cliff face, forming a dense undergrowth and seems to be deeply ingrained in halfling psyche.
in which other plants can blossom. From this foundation, Interestingly, halflings from other parts of Athas recognize
tall, twisting trees grow out and up, reaching for the sun these caves on an instinctual level, as though they belong
and creating a thick canopy to cover the forest below. to some deeply buried racial memory. Like the cliff

Beyond the Tyr Region

dwellers, these visiting halflings also tend to avoid these

types of caves.

Scrub Patches
Scrub patches resemble the scrub plains of the highlands,
though on a much smaller scale. Clumps of grass, thorny
bushes, and spindly trees take root in a crevice or furrow,
or on a narrow ledge, and cling there for dear life. Rarely
more than a dozen large plants, and usually only one or
two, make up an individual scrub patch. They provide
handholds for climbers and resting places for fliers, and
some of the vegetation is even good to eat.

Oases found along the Cliffs basically combine scrub
patches with sources of fresh water. They're found in
depressions or natural basins in the rock wall – anywhere every direction before another type of terrain intrudes.
that water can collect and vegetation can take root. These This stone can be sheer and smooth, jagged, cracked,
include areas alongside or beneath waterfalls, or basins or covered by narrow, ledge like protrusions. The only
in regions where rain falls on a regular basis. Powerful constant is the wet, slick coating that paints the stone
creatures often take control of individual oases, setting up with shiny droplets – a result of the high concentration of
a lair within the comfortable confines. Travelers should water vapor. This condensation makes even the roughest
consider this, as food and water might be as close as a portions of the Cliffs slippery and harder to climb.
few feet away but as distant as the other side of an angry
aviarag. Swamps
At the bottom of the Jagged Cliffs, two miles below
Waterfalls the level of the Tablelands, a fetid swamp stretches along
Waterfalls create impressive visual spectacles along the the base of the rock wall. At its narrowest, the swamp is
rock wall, but also present many dangers. Like any vital a couple of yards wide; at its widest point, it extends a
resource on Athas, the fresh water cascading down the mile and a half from the base of the Cliffs. This swamp
rock face is coveted by everything in the area. It attracts was once a great forest with a mighty river rumbling At
predators and docile creatures alike as kank honey draws the bottom of the Jagged Cliffs, two miles below the level
sting-wings. The falling water can also cause parts of of the Tablelands, a fetid swamp stretches along the base
the wall to crumble and slide, create flash floods in the of the rock wall. At its narrowest, the swamp is a couple
vertical forests, and even burst unexpectedly from the rock of yards wide; at its widest point, it extends a mile and
to catch climbers by surprise and wash them away. Some a half from the base of the Cliffs. This swamp was once
travelers have attempted to ride the falls to the bottom a great forest with a mighty river rumbling between its
of the Cliffs. Unfortunately, this usually leads to crushing trees. That changed long ago, when Rajaat came here to
death somewhere deep within the mist. develop defiling magic. Since that time, natural forces and
magical reverberations have combined to keep the swamp
Barren Rock alive and maintain the ecosystem of the Jagged Cliffs.
The base of the Cliffs acts as a natural drain, collecting
Barren rock is the most prevalent terrain type along water running off from the highlands as well as water
the Cliffs. Desolate tracts of bare stone run for miles in emptying from the western lowlands. Hot springs, open

Beyond the Tyr Region

starts north of the Tyr Region and continues to the vicinity

of the Scorched Plateau. Travelers could encounter halfling
climbers or the airships of the Windriders, though they
might not receive a friendly welcome. The cliff dwellers
have never met any intelligent races with a few exceptions:
the kreen from the grasslands and the occasional pyreen
who comes to visit. Otherwise, these halflings have never
seen humans, elves, dwarves, muls, or the other races of
the highlands, and probably won't know what to make of
them when they do finally meet them.
Anything that flies or climbs or lives in caves or forests
can be encountered along the Cliffs. Near the top,
creatures familiar to the people of the highlands might be
encountered, though there are many varieties unique to
the environs of the Cliffs. As a traveler descends toward
the swamp, however, the creatures become nastier and less
recognizable due to the effects of uncontrolled defiling
lava tubes, and magma pools heat this water, producing magic. The only creatures that seem even remotely similar
clouds of steam and mist that rise toward the top of the to these monsters are nightmare beasts, so-uts, and the
rock wall to create the Misty Border. There are other like – all remnants of the Cleansing Wars. There is no
forces at work in the swamp, though, producing twisted harsher, more lethal region than the swamp at the base
creatures and monsters stained by the evil of defiling of the Cliffs.
magic. For this reason, the cliff dwellers hesitate to travel
deeper than the one-mile mark, and most refuse to get
within one half-mile of the swamp. Not only do the Thamasku
twisted and defiled monsters hunt up to these altitudes, Thamasku is the single exception to many rhul-thaun
but the halflings believe that anything that gets close to rules. While most halfling communities are villages on the
the swamp runs the risk of being altered by the residual ledges and in the crevices along the cliff side, Thamasku
magic. is a bustling city of 12,000 inhabitants, on a lake in the
In any case, the swamp is a dangerous place. The heat middle of a forest.
is more intense and deadly, the mist thicker, and the The city was built in the center of a large ledge, carved
effects of uncontrolled magic greater than anywhere else out of the side of the cliffs by tidal waters when the world
on Athas-including the Pristine Tower. Fresh water can was young. This shelf stretches back 80 miles from the
be found in this region, as can food and plants safe to edge of the cliff, and most of it is covered with large,
eat, but there are also things that sane men and women hardwood trees and thick foliage.
would rather not meet. Unfortunately, those climbing Runoff from the tablelands to the east collects in
down the Cliffs must then find a way through the swamp Ghavin Lake, a body of clear, fresh water almost 20 miles
before they can reach the grasslands beyond. across. A wide river runs from the lake to the cliff's edge,
then crashes over the side, creating what the largest and
Encounters in the Jagged Cliffs most dramatic waterfall on Athas.
The waterfall empties into the swamp at the bottom of
The cliff-dwelling halflings live within villages and one
the cliffs, contributing to the rising wall of mist.
city built inside the vertical forests. As the only form of
Thamasku is extremely ancient, built before the rhul-
civilization in the area, these are the people travelers are
thaun existed as a separate group – when the rhulisti
likely to meet. They inhabit that portion of the Cliffs that
ruled the world. The name Thamasku is an ancient

Beyond the Tyr Region

rhulisti word. Indeed, so archaic is that name

that its actual meaning is lost. Scholars are
fairly sure it has something to do with great
altitude. Since those long-lost days, halflings
who have taken advantage both of the lake
and the surrounding forest have occupied the
Thamasku actually has a few buildings
made of stone and wood, in addition to the
organically grown towers that fill most of its
streets. The halflings ply the waters of Ghavin
Lake with boats made of wood, since the
ability to create life-shaped water craft is now
a lost art. They catch fish in organic trap-nets,
providing a delicacy virtually unknown to the
rest of the halflings of the Jagged Cliffs.
The city is also unusual in its horizontal
nature. The effects of living on cliff ledges
that influence other rhul-thaun are not in
evidence here. Climbers are few, though there
are many of them in Sol-fehn at the top
of the falls. There are a few in Thamasku,
however, who scale the cliffs up to the edge
of the Tablelands.
The city's life-shapers use their skills to
make running creatures called dhev-sahr and
the halflings use them as mounts to travel
through the forest and the green. Dhev-sahr
are of little use anywhere else in the Jagged
Thamasku is more spread out and more
horizontal in its orientation than any of the
other halfling communities. The towers and
spires common to all settlements are there, but
so are single-story buildings, long and wide,
primarily used as store houses on the edge
of the city. Given the proportions of normal
halfling communities, Thamasku should cover
only half of the land it does and stand over
twice as high. Given the limitations of even
the amazing life-shaped building materials,
this would be a physical impossibility – one
that will always prevent the villages of the
ledges from getting substantially larger than
they are at present.

Beyond the Tyr Region

less than 300 people, all of whom make their living in

Leadership and Political Organization the transport of cargo, people, or information to and from
The position of city administrator of Thamasku is one Thamasku. Sol-fehn serves as a connection to the rest of
of the most politically powerful appointments anyone can the rhul-thaunian society. Its administrator, Rath-omak,
possibly hope to hold. Currently, Vher-asach, the young answers directly to Vher-asach. He does whatever the
but capable daughter of the former administrator holds administrator of Thamasku tells him to do. Moreover, the
the office. The haretuil actually nominated her to the village is primarily populated by members of two clans
position only as a tribute to her dead mother, who served that chiefly reside in the larger city, so this village does
the city well. They expected that she would remain only not even have its own har-etuil.
a short while, and then a more experienced person would
be chosen to replace her. However, Vher-asach is more Economics
than competent in the job, and it appears that she will Because wealth is more important than anything else
continue as administrator for the foreseeable future. in this city of commerce, everyone is deeply involved
Nowhere in the Jagged Cliffs is clan affiliation as in economics and trade. Because of the city's unique
significant as it is in this city. There are 28 different clans location, products such as fish and woodcrafted articles
in Thamasku, and 37 har-etuil who serve and govern are among some of the items available here that cannot
them. This is far more than in any other rhul-thaun be purchased in other communities. At the same time,
community, but overall, the numbers do not present however, there is little call for these items elsewhere, so
problems. Occasionally there are periods of clan strife, there are virtually no exports to the other communities
when one clan is offended or somehow challenged by of the cliffs.
another, but these are usually settled peacefully. The exception to this is the village Sol-fehn, to which
The life-shapers, who are called life-masters here, wield a Thamasku sends food, lifeshaped creations, and various
great deal of political power and influence in Thamasku. goods that the smaller community does not produce.
Despite the fact that woodsmen bring in timber to use as Sol-fehn is almost solely involved in transportation and
an alternate building material, and hunters and gatherers related occupations, making it the hub of travel and
use the nearby forests to provide more food and herbs transport between Thamasku and other locales.
than in other rhul-thaun communities, the life-shapers are Within Thamasku itself, there are three marketplaces
kept busy meeting the needs of the city's huge population. where various merchants sell their wares. Although created
Vher-asach learned from her mother long ago of the as a convenience, so that everyone in the city would be
importance of the shapers, and almost always bows to close to a market, each of the three has taken on a
their wishes. In return, however, her shrewd dealings with distinctive flavor and style. The southern market, also
the wealthy life-masters have garnered enough money and known as the fish market, primarily sells fresh fish and
life-shaped creations to provide the city with conveniences other foodstuffs. Though the other two marketplaces do sell
and necessities the government otherwise might not have provisions, the freshest, best quality items are found here.
been able to grant. The western market is controlled almost completely by
A secret guild of thieves and assassins, known as the life-masters. The merchants here sell life-shaped creations
ban-ghesh (dark wisdom), also has some political clout of every description to all who need them. The eastern
in Thamasku. Their wealth allows them to pay off the market is a craft faire. Artwork, woodcrafts, stonework,
authorities, giving them virtually total control over some pottery, and other crafted items and supplies are found in
of the lower parts of the city. In Thamasku, wealth speaks great numbers. No finer merchandise of this kind can be
with power and influence. found anywhere on the cliffs.
Sol-fehn, at the top of the waterfall created by the river The whole eastern district of Sol-fehn is called the Art
flowing from Ghavin Lake, is virtually an outlying quarter Quarter, and it is filled with galleries, studios, theaters,
of Thamasku. It is a small village, with a population of and related businesses. There are few centers of culture in

Beyond the Tyr Region

other performance arts are all practiced here. Young

and old, rich and poor, life-master and city laborers find
entertainments and amusements to suit their tastes. Poets,
songwriters, composers, artists, and performers can make
their livelihood creating art and diversions for the people
of the city. In Thamasku, the arts are not idle pastimes,
but rather big businesses.
Many of the halflings who travel to the city eventually
end up deciding to live here, prompting the saying that
you can take the villager out of the heart of Thamasku,
but you can't take Thamasku out of the heart of the
Most of those who come to the city seek recreation,
dining, and living opportunities that exist nowhere else.
Others, however, have a very different reaction. They
believe that “stout and hearty” folk live only on the
all of Athas that can rival the talents found here. ledges. The lives of “true rhul-thaun” should be spent
in the cloying mists and blustering winds of the ledges,
The People clinging to the cliff faces that they call home, carving out
their lives with bare hands. They view their city cousins
Thamasku is the center of rhul-thaun society. The
with great disdain, sometimes calling them “shaped rhul-
wealthiest rhul-thaun live in this city, although there are
plenty of common and poor folk within its confines as
And some who come to Thamasku from the villages
find the city too exposed, too spacious. The villagers are
The people of Thamasku find themselves spending less
used to the secluded, protected ledges of the cliffs. The
time struggling to survive than most other rhul-thaun, less
fact that the city is in the center of a green, flat expanse
in fact than most of Athas' inhabitants. The city's size
of land is disorienting and frightening to them.
reduces the risk of monster attacks, provides a vast range
of conveniences and services, and generally means that
Places of Note
citizens have better access to health care and finer food.
Life-shaped engines pump water from the lake into the The Air Temple: The largest of the rare temples of the
city, bringing it indoors to every home and building. The rhul-thaun, the air temple is in the lofty reaches of the
life-masters have also set up an incredible waste disposal city's sprawling towers. This temple is the home and base
system with underground conduits, regulated by organic of operations of over a dozen priests. Thim-obec leads
water-pumping engines, and life-shaped disposal units the temple. The few devout followers in the city come
that consume trash and all manner of wastes. The city's here to pay their respects, but this priest's real duty is to
systems of water delivery and garbage elimination makes the windriders. The air temple serves as a place where
Thamasku a clean and comfortable place in which to live. windriders can find berths for their mounts to roost and
Because the people of Thamasku have a great deal be cared for as well as free food and lodging for their flyers
of leisure time, theater and the arts are more prevalent and themselves. The priests feel that windriding is the
here than in other communities. Music and the artistic best technique of truly communing with the great power
expression are important to all rhul-thaun, but here of elemental air, and therefore windriders are holy men to
in Thamasku they are taken to new heights. Fantastic be respected. Ironically, none of the priests are windriders
galleries, theaters, and music halls line the Art Quarter. themselves – they see their own role as caretakers.
Dancing, music, visual arts, theater, tale-telling, and Air priests have little interaction with the rest of the

Beyond the Tyr Region

community. The temple takes no official interest in

politics, community action, or any of the events that
develop within the city.

The Aviary: This tall tower is home to the hundreds of

birds that fly about the city, and of the strange individual
known only as the Birdmaster. The tower is designed so
that there is room for even large flying creatures to land
and roost. For this reason, it is occasionally used by
windriders who come to the city. The Birdmaster favors
windriders, charging them no fees to use his roosts.
The Birdmaster is a druid of great power who, unlike
others of his profession, concerns himself with the
activities of a city. He watches over events in Thamasku,
communicating with his birds psionically. They are his
eyes and ears, and no one in all of Thamasku knows
more about the comings and goings of the city's populace
or of the things they do in secret. elegant meal. Mirrors, which are uncommon among these
halflings, cover many of the interior walls, giving this place
Cal-adek's Safehome: This tavern is well-known its name. The cost of a night's stay is 25 ghav-egoths,
throughout the city as the meeting place for warriors, meals are 5 ge.
mercenaries, and adventurers. It is also a place where
spies, thieves, and even killers can be hired to perform Nuhl-ameth Storehouse: This is one of many
less-than-legal assignments. Cal-adek asks no questions of storehouses on the outskirts of the city. It is also the secret
her customers, she simply demands that everyone “keep headquarters of the Chahn, the terrorist organization that
a peaceful head about them while they stay here.” Wise wants to overthrow and transform rhul-thaun society.
customers heed this simple request, for Cal-adek has a fair A secret entrance in the main storage area leads to
amount of hired muscle herself. an underground labyrinthine, the lair of these desperate
Whispers say that Cal-adek is involved in the criminal terrorists. From here they launch attacks upon the vher-
underworld of Thamasku. Others claim that she harbors elus, the Conclave, and even life-shapers traveling in
members of the Chahn. Neither of these rumors is true, the city. Their strikes are swift and of limited effect –
although at times she can be convinced to finance they want to make a statement rather than inflict actual
potentially profitable operations – the legal status of these damage. The Chahn are careful not to allow themselves
endeavors is irrelevant to her. to be followed back to their base, and have successfully
used it as their headquarters for more than a year.
The Conclave: This grand structure is the meeting place At least 50 members use this secret stronghold, including
of the har-etuil when they gather to make laws and pass the Chahn's leader, Col-olin. Col-olin is a small, angry
judgement on matters concerning all rhul-thaun. Although halfling crossed too many times by the authorities. He
vacant more often than it is used, a small contingent of seeks destruction on a large scale, though he possesses
professional warriors are permanently stationed here to a conscience that sometimes gets in the way of his
guard the structure, preserve its appearance, and maintain passionate, devastating plots.
Poets' Rest: This safehome, located in the Art Quarter,
The Mirrored Host: This tavern is an upscale is frequented by artists and performers of all kinds. The
safehome for those wishing a luxurious night's stay or an

Beyond the Tyr Region

place is inexpensive and the food is of poor quality, but

its patrons keep coming back for the atmosphere of the

Sanctuary of Thamasku: Besides its status as the

largest life-shaper sanctuary, this structure's unique feature
is its location. It is underwater, submerged in Ghaven
Lake, with secret entrances and exits throughout the city,
connected by tunnels under the earth.
The sanctuary lies at a depth of about 300 feet. Shaped
like a mushroom, the sanctuary's domed main structure
narrows beneath it to form a base that is set into the
lake's floor. The structure is alive, of course, and its
gill system exchanges and filters oxygen and hydrogen
out of the water, converting the elements to a gas that
provides a livable atmosphere for those who live and work
inside. Over 150 life-masters work here, producing organic
masters of the world and its passionate servants. Let that
creations at a feverish pace to try to keep up with the
forever be our creed and our vow.”
city's needs.
Loi Far-oneth, the master of all life-shapers, lives and
Vher-elus Garrison: This small fortress has a garrison
works here. He is a man consumed with the past, its
of more than 150 lawkeepers. From here, they patrol the
preservation, and its effects on the present and future. His
city and respond to reports of trouble. In times of great
chief adjutant is a Gil-ogres, who is subtly manipulating
need, they can call upon an organized, voluntary militia
events to gain personal power. When the har-etuil
of over 200 additional able-bodied men and women.
convenes in Conclave, it is not Loi whose name is spoken
in fearful whispers – it is Gil-ogres. Loi seems unaware
Vin-ered Woodworks: Unique in rhul-thaun society,
of his lieutenant's secret control of the organization, so
this huge emporium exclusively displays and sells items
preoccupied is he in scholarly pursuits.
fashioned of wood. The cost of their goods is moderately
In Thamasku, Gil-ogres's plans are simple. The life-
high, but Vin-ered quality is exceptional.
shapers' dominion over the buildings, tools and other
shaped articles gives them nearly complete economic
The Water Temple: The second largest halfling
control of the city. The only area where they do not
temple, the Water Temple is found on the lake's edge.
have actual mastery is the city's entertainment business.
The buildings of this complex are designed to appear like
To this end, Gil-ogres is sending agents into the Ban-
long, snaky fish, swimming through the winding course of
ghesh Guild. He wants to infiltrate the organization and
the temple grounds.
take it over from the inside, thus adding their resources
Under the guidance of high priestess Hiv-anad the
to his own. The guild has the strongest hold upon the
priests of this temple maintain close relations with the
entertainment district.
life-masters of Thamasku. In fact, the water priests operate
The sanctuary is also the keeping place of the Dal-arat,
in the city as spies for the shapers, and are well paid for
the oldest rhulisti artifact in existence. This life-shaped
their services.
device is actually a recorder (now impossible to recreate)
that replays an ancient account of the beliefs and creeds
The Dark Side
of the rhulisti.
“The fundamental forces of life, being what they are, The Ban-ghesh Guild, consisting of thieves, assassins,
have left us with no other option… We are both the and muscles-for-hire, is the driving force of the less-

Beyond the Tyr Region

reputable, darker side of Thamasku, which is usually deceive the vher-elus.

considered to be the lower sector of the central part of She keeps her brown hair short (as is the fashion), and
the city. The slimy hands of this criminal organization often wears a painted blue stripe down the right side of
are involved in many aspects of life in the city, including her face. Her charm truly comes from her gentle behavior,
the extortion of merchants, entertainers, and tenders. not from her average appearance.
They own merchants willing to sell illegal goods, crooked
lawkeepers on-the-take, and administrative officials devoid
of ethics. The guild operates and invests in theaters,
casinos, safehomes, storage facilities, and virtually every The second largest community of halflings is much
money making business opportunity or venture they can smaller than Thamasku, and nearly as old. In the
acquire. In fact, when businessmen first start ventures they rhulisti tongue, its name means “hidden,” which is a fine
often approach the guild, offering them a percentage of descriptor for the secluded village. It is recessed back from
their profits in exchange for a guild investment. The guild a ledge that lies between two large, vertical outcroppings
is also available for loans (at exorbitant interest rates). of rock and built even further to the rear, into a wide but
One could argue that the Ban-ghesh could make a shallow cave.
decent profit in purely legal activities (investments, loans, The community is huge by rhul-thaun standards,
legitimate enterprises). Nevertheless, a great deal of its with a population of 3,500, but still called a village. Its
substantial treasury comes from extortion, murder, and administrator, Bal-olech, is a retired windrider yearning
theft. for the old days. He wants to be young and spry so
In the lower northern quarter of Thamasku lies a secret, that he can ride the winds again. Since this cannot
forbidden Fire Temple, offering its evil followers a place to be, he lives vicariously through other windriders. Because
revere the element of death and destruction. This temple of his feelings, Pareth has become particularly attractive
maintains a contingent of Ban-ghesh armed guards for to windriders. Bal-olech's administrations have given
defense, in case of discovery. Rumors abound that the merchants, safehome keepers, and others, encouragement
high priest, who many very well be insane, plans a massive to offer special incentives and services to windriders. Since
showing of the power of elemental fire that will inflict this attracts new commerce, the har-etuil of the local clans
tremendous damage upon the city and the people who does not oppose his mandates.
have turned their backs on the proscribed element.
Places of Note
Personalities Ger-orif's: This is the safehome favored by windriders
Vahv-ostes: Vahv-ostes is the commander of the vher- throughout the Jagged Cliffs. Although it is quite expensive,
elus in Thamasku. He also hires himself out as a mercenary the riders receive discounts based on how much time they
occasionally, along with a few of his compatriots who can have been in the profession.
be spared from their official duties for a week or two. The five-story tavern offers food, drink and entertainment
Like most males, Vahv-ostes keeps his black hair long, of high quality. There is a huge fountain and even a pool
but prefers it pulled straight back and tied, to keep it out where guests can swim – a rare opportunity on Athas.
of his eyes. His face and body show a number of scars, The 35 opulent rooms above and around the pool offer
and when he seeks to impress others he uses body paint relaxation and comfort unknown in most other places on
to highlight and draw attention to them. Athas. Wate

Jhen-athin: Jhen-athin is a member of the Ban-ghesh, Prices

and is considered to be one of the best infiltrators in the Entry Fee (paid at the door): 3 ghav-egoths
business. Her specialties are her charm, wit, and pleasant Room (per night): 10 ghav-egoths
demeanor. She uses these as tools to slip past guards and Meal (light): 1 ghav-egoth

Beyond the Tyr Region

Meal (sumptuous): 3 ghav-egoths Personalities

Drink: 2 ghav-egoths Las-aren: Las-aren is a professional climber who
Discount: 30% discount for windriders, plus 1% per lives in Pareth. She is completely evil and thoroughly
year of experience, to a maximum of 50%. untrustworthy, but still manages to get enough work to
make ends meet. Occasionally, she lures prospective
Sahr-enor Plaza: This large plaza is located near the employers into secluded areas in order to kill them and
center of the village. Windriders use the open area to strip the valuables from their pockets.
ground their mounts. The flyers are then turned over to Las-aren has long black hair – unusual for a rhul-
tenders in the employ of the city who care for them. For a thaun fmale. Her features are deceptively delicate, for she
fee of 1 ghav-egoth, a tender will oversee the needs of any is strong and capable. She prefers drab clothing and tries
size windrider flyer for one night. The plaza is also used to project a plain, homely appearance.
for public gatherings, large entertainments (sponsored by
the city to attract windriders), and other affairs. Flar-onib: Flar-onib is a wandering priest. He has no
temple to support him, but instead travels about helping
Sanctuary of Pareth: This sanctuary is another major the downtrodden and poor in the name of elemental
shaper stronghold, a complex built into the side of the earth. He frequents the village of Pareth more than most,
cliff. Using long-forgotten organic digging methods, the having a special affection for its people. Fen-adan, the
ancient life-shapers created a series of rooms and corridors priestess of air in the city, dislikes him and it is rumored
within the cliff. Rumor has it that the shapers only use that they were once lovers.
a small portion of this underground domain. The vast This holy man has long, unkempt brown hair and a
majority of its rooms and galleries are unused – and scraggly appearance overall. He chooses to use a simple,
for the most part, unexplored. Other rumors assert that life-shaped mace rather than more sophisticated weapons..
ancient tunnels honeycomb the entire cliff, and may be
filled with knowledge and artifacts from the distant past.
Regardless, the sanctuary of Pareth is the only existing Glerran
rhul-thaun subterranean structure. The village of Glerran was one of the oldest established
The leader of the sanctuary is Mag-aven, a twisted communities of rhul-thaun still in existence today.
soul in a twisted body. An accident during a life-shaping Glerran is even older than Pareth, but it is not as large
experiment disfigured her long ago and drove her partially a community. Its name, in the language of the ancient
mad. Though she has supposedly recovered from the rhulisti, simply means “green.” In the village's heyday, the
insanity, she has since developed a penchant for pain name had meaning – it was literally surrounded by a
and the macabre. vertical forest. The forest is long gone, but the community
still thrives as a climber's haven.
The Wind's Song: This small shrine dedicated to Numerous pathways, trails, and branches of the
elemental air is built high atop a tall tower. The builders climbers lead to Glerran. One leads to the spot where a
designed this organic structure as a unique wind organ. vertical bridge once provided a walkway around the great
When the wind blows through the various holes and waterfall issuing from Ghavin Lake above. The organic
tubes carved into its walls and floors, it creates an ever bridge has long since collapsed and no attempt has been
changing melody of varying pitches. made to repair it. Only the most talented of climbers
There is a single cleric caring for this temple. Her name can cross the barrier of the falls, and it is this fact that
is Fen-adan, and she mostly keeps to herself and to her caused the windriders to petition a number of har-etuil to
temple. Fen-adan's self-imposed duties are to maintain the argue against rebuilding the bridge in the Conclave. The
temple and to keep the tubes and orifices of the wind windriders do not want increased competition.
organ clear and clean. Glerran is a village of 2,500 inhabitants. Most of

Beyond the Tyr Region

The Festival of Great Earth creates a tremendous amount

of thunderous clamor, which is annoying and frightening
to many villagers, most of whom do not associate with the
temple or its religion.
There are five priests who manage this temple.
Concealed from virtually everyone outside the priesthood,
the high priest of Bid-unos is in possession of a magic
item. Untold generations ago, at the dawn of the Age of
Magic, a group of outsiders came to the Jagged Cliffs.
A lowly cleric whom the temple of elemental air had
punished met them. He rejected the faith of air and
began to worship the power of earth. And so they exiled
him for heresy.
The tribe of outlanders was an evil band out to exploit
unexplored territory. They captured the halfling cleric
and were beginning to torture him with hot coals on
his tongue, seeking information. A pyreen who witnessed
the population makes its livelihood as merchants and these events attacked the group and killed them all, saving
tenders, but Glerran has a greater than average number the life of the cleric.
of climbers who are employed to maintain communication The halfling cleric was terrified, but when he regained
with Sol-fehn. his composure, he seized the odd equipment that had
The village administration is actually performed by two belonged to the strangers. There were certainly other
people, Kal-odot and Fren-anan. These twins, brother magical devices found that day. (Artifices that were lost,
and sister, are psionicists with mysterious and hidden inadvertently destroyed, or stolen – these may yet be
talents. The twins can switch personalities, exchanging encountered somewhere among the rhul-thaun.) The
minds with each other so that each may occupy the cleric's attention was drawn to a single enchanted article:
other's body by an agreement of wills, across virtually any a device called an earth wand. This wand had the power
distance. They can also communicate telepathically at all to cause stone to move and act as commanded by the
times without barriers. These special abilities have allowed wielder. Believing he had been given a sign and a gift
them to coordinate their actions and rise to a position of from the greater element of earth, the cleric made his way
power. It is actually only Kal-odot who holds the position to Glerran, founded the temple, and began a tradition of
of administrator. His sister is seen merely as a popular animating stone every 10 years to display the power of his
socialite who often opposes her brother's decisions. (Fren- personal element. In the years since, the wand has always
anan does this to play the gadfly, infiltrating organizations of been in the possession of the high priest, and in recent
opposition, deluding enemies, and confusing competitors.) times the traditional celebration of the wand's power has
The twins are the only functional psionicists in rhul-thaun been changed to an annual festival. The clerics of the
society. They are self-taught, and use their abilities to temple, however, are unaware that the wand only has two
further their ends. charges left.
Because of that ancient cleric's encounter with the
Places of Note pyreen, the temple preaches a doctrine of the reality of
Bid-unos: This is the largest temple of elemental earth amazingly powerful beings of nature at the top of the
in rhul-thaun society. Its name means “earthdance,” and cliffs, who guard the rhul-thaun and all earth worshipers
in an annual display of clerical power, the priests of the from harm.
temple animate a great mass of rock outside the temple.
Sanctuary of Glerran: This large structure houses over

Beyond the Tyr Region

100 life-shapers who live and work here, growing and

nurturing their creations. The life-shapers of Glerran are a
freewilled and independent group which resents the sinister
edicts that come from the leadership in Thamasku. Under
their local superior, Dehm-acov, the Glerran shapers are
about to make their independence known to Thamasku.
They expect the inevitability of actual conflict, but they
also believe they can overcome any force Gilogres sends
to force the sanctuary into submission.

Teblish: This place is not actually as old as its name,

which means “thorny” in the tongue of the rhulisti. This
large, organic safehome was grown within the confines of
its predecessor's decaying and rotting walls. For reasons
lost to time, the previous structure on this spot was grown
so that the walls sprouted long, dangerous thorns. The
old, shriveled thorns are still visible on the outside walls
of the building, along with the remnants of the former which case he wears long, bulky clothing to make himself
establishment. Inside, however, Teblish is a new and appear heavier.
obviously thriving enterprise.
The safehome also doubles as a theater and drama, Sahn-abish: Sahn-abish is virtually unique in rhul-
music, and tale-telling are all performed here. Meals and thaun society – she is a rogue life-shaper. She left the
drinks are served to everyone in the theater. The second sanctuary of Thamasku nine years ago, and has been on
and third floors hold rooms for paying guests to spend the the run from the shapers and their assassins ever since.
night. The entertainment is free, and draws a large crowd She was (and is) a talented crafter, but she disapproved
each night. Rooms cost only 3 ghav-egoths and meals run of the shapers' methods and plans. She came to Glerran
about 1 ge. because she heard that the sanctuary in this village
was discontented with the way of things coming from
Personalities Thamasku. She has made secret contacts with Dem-acov,
Seth-opal: Seth-opal is a cruel and heartless killer who voicing her support for a schism within the shapers. At
secretly operates out of the Teblish safehome, posing as a this point, however, she chooses to keep her presence
merchant named Ren-odar. While he won't do anything concealed.
to jeopardize his cover at the Teblish, he can be hired to Sahn-abish has long red hair that she keeps
work as an assassin or thief. Most of the time, however, tucked up inside a leather cap when she is traveling
he works on his own, for himself, killing wealthy merchants incognito. Her clothing too is simple, in order to avoid
for their money and goods, breaking into homes, and attracting attention.
committing other nefarious deeds. This evil character will
always be an opponent of the player characters, who may
encounter him as he attempts to rob one of them.
Completely average in appearance, Seth-opal is a master Known as the city of storms, bitter winds and inclement
of disguise. He keeps his thick, black hair close-cropped weather often besiege this village. The reason for the
to enable him to wear wigs and other disguises. His eyes savagery of the storms here is simply that this is the most
are brown, and he rarely wears the same style of clothing exposed ledge settlement of the rhul-thaun. Nevertheless,
or makeup paint twice unless he is posing as Ren-odar, in storms are more frequent in this part of the cliffs, and

Beyond the Tyr Region

Sahr-tosh was built in an unfortunate location. The

population remains steadfast despite the danger, however,
and approximately 2,000 halflings make their homes in
Because of an odd effect of Rajaat's Curse from the
swamp below, the mist near Sahrtosh often takes on a
rainbow cast. Colors cascade, pulsing and scintillating
for hours at a time, day or night, in patternless, random
Rel-anir is the city's administrator and chief life-shaper.
In Sahr-tosh more than anywhere else, the shapers are in
complete control. With Rel-anir as their superior, they
wield absolute economic and political power.
Sahr-tosh is a rough and rugged community, with
few places of luxury or comfort. Most of the people are
common folk, working hard to make a life for themselves
on this ledge. Many of the inhabitants are tenders, caring for the excesses of their actions.
for the creations of the many lifeshapers who work in this Furthermore, since they are practically immune
village. from prosecution, they use their sanctuary to carry out
Pterrans dwell dangerously close to Sahr-tosh, and extremely dangerous experiments and to hide their
villagers require protection as do windriders, climbers, and failures and deepest secrets. It is here, too, that they
travelers. Therefore, many of its citizens follow the warrior keep their prohibited servants, the ghav-nosh, the takers
trade. Mercenaries are easy to find here, as well as other, of life. The ghav-nosh are the shapers' personal assassins.
less savory freelancers – many of them seeking less than They use unique, and particularly deadly shaped weapons
reputable employment. to eliminate their masters' enemies. They are, ironically,
The pterrans have never assaulted the village itself, and killers in the employ of the masters of life.
most likely will not. They occasionally attempt to isolate
climbers and attack them or swoop down on windriders, Stormtower: This is the highest tower in the village,
striking from the backs of their pterrax mounts. In similar and functions as a prison of sorts. Long ago, 14 different,
fashion, patrols of climbing and windriding rhul-thaun powerfully shaped creations of the rhulisti were sealed into
warriors – vher-elus under the command of the life-shapers cocoon-like pods. No one remembers how they can be
– hunt pterrax that stray near the village. safely opened, nor exactly what lies within the pods. Semi-
The life-shapers, as a group, harbor a particular hatred transparent nodules on the pods reveal cloudy, uncertain
for other intelligent races. While this is an inherent shapes, and certainly some of them are intelligent creatures.
contradiction of the philosophy that “all life is sacred,” Rather than destroy them, the life-shapers have chosen to
raising this question in Sahr-tosh is unwise. Expressing keep them here, locked away and well guarded, until such
anti-shaper sentiments is not a crime, as such, but those time as someone can determine what they are and what
who do are usually punished nonetheless. they can do. All that the people of the village know about
Stormtower is that something dangerous and forbidden is
Places of Note kept under guard in the top of the tower.
Sanctuary of Sahr-tosh: This sanctuary is
disproportionately large for the community in which it Personalities
finds itself. Because they are in total political control of Wem-osun: Wem-osun is the life-shaper's main enemy
the village, the Sahrtosh shapers are rarely taken to task in Sahr-tosh. He leads a small underground movement

Beyond the Tyr Region

to strike at them and the ghav-nosh. He is an ally of the

shapers in Glerran, who secretly send him supplies and
assistance when they can. He makes full use of his psionic
abilities to aid him in his fight.
A handsome rebel, despite the fact that he is getting
on in years (even for a halfling), he is a robust man and
a formidable foe. Though he won't tell, some say that he
is over 100 years old. His medium-length black hair is

The village of Yihn-tol gained the name Climber's
Home in times past when it was the center for the climbing
profession. While that role has diminished, Yihn-tol is
still a successful village of 1,800 inhabitants. It is also
situated further down the cliff side than any other halfling
settlement on the Jagged Cliffs. This presents two unusual
challenges for the community. directed outside the settlement rather than within it.
The first problem is Rajaat's Curse. Being the village There is no life-shaper sanctuary in Yihn-tol. The shapers
closest to the swamp means that terrifying effects emanating refuse to risk either themselves or their growth chambers
from it present a greater risk to those who live here. to the tender mercies of Rajaat's Curse and swamp-born
The mysterious incidents caused by the swamp's energies monsters. All of the shaped constructs required by the
sometimes result in disaster. Fire, sickness, blight, and community must be shipped in from other villages. Life-
mysterious disappearances are all traced to Rajaat's Curse. shapers are flown in when a new building is to be created,
The curse alters people, warping the bodies and even the and leave immediately upon completion. Because of this,
minds of the inhabitants, particularly the newborn. The people of Yihn-tol have taken steps to reduce their
The second trial is yet another threat from the swamp, needs for organic tools, products, and even structures.
this time from the monsters down below that seek a
purchase a little higher on the cliffs. All manner of Places of Note
horrors breed within the swamp and some of them leave Brewefam: Housing producers of wonderful leather
to ascend the bluffs. Most are clumsy climbers, illused to goods, this place is named for its odd appearance.
the bright and open ridges, and the city's defenders easily Apparently, a flaw during its growth caused the building
ward them off. to “sweat.” The walls of Bren-efam draw moisture from
Yet far worse are the reggelids, who live at the base of the air and the earth and secrete it out of the tiny pores
the cliffs and wield strange powers. Thankfully, they rarely in its surface. The seepage is a thick, syrupy ooze that is
seek to come as high as Yihn-tol. Finally, and worst of strangely sweet to the taste and quite harmless.
all, are the rare but dangerous assaults of the thri-kreen.
When the mantis warriors seek to find a way up the cliffs, Ter-ogon's: This safehome caters to adventurers. Daring
they often choose to attack Yihn-tol first. halflings occasionally decide to brave the dangers of the
Because of these threats, Yihn-tol is the only truly swamp or the kreen-infested savanna to learn what secrets
fortified halfling community. Walls of stone and other and treasures they hold. When they do, they come to
defenses protect the village. A large, well-armed garrison Yihn-tol first, and always end up at Ter-ogon's.
of vher-elus stands vigilant and ready to repel any attack. Ter-ogon's is also a hideout for Chahn terrorists and
Unique among the vher-elus, however, their attention is other, even more disreputable, types. The comforts it offers

Beyond the Tyr Region

are few, but pickings in Yihn-tol are slim. A night's stay vandalism and terrorism to the violence that sometime
costs 2 ghav-egoths, and a meal costs 1 ge. erupts throughout the village.

Personalities Places of Note

Pev-ovas: Pev-ovas is chief of the Chahn in Yihn-tol. Bein Clanhouse: Unlike other clanhouses of the rhul-
He is a homicidal, megalomaniacal lunatic. He cares little thaun (many of which are no longer in use), the Bein
for the feelings of others or for the cause he “supports.” Clanhouse is a virtual fortress. The Bein believe that
He uses the Chahn as a vehicle for personal power and as the only way to eliminate their enemies is through open
an outlet for his destructive aggression. He has a number warfare, to force the Flahd to submit. Therefore, war in
of subordinates, some of whom delude themselves into the streets is inevitable. In order to prepare themselves,
thinking that Pev-ovas is fighting for the cause of right. they are stockpiling weapons of all sorts, food, and other
The rest are as dangerously evil as he. supplies. Though the clan is obviously far too large to
ever be able to bring everyone inside and protect them,
it is fortified against attack and can keep up to 100
Ter-omak clansmen safe and supplied for a limited time. Their self-
The Ter-omak was named for a great warrior, whose name appointed military leader, Finaheon, constantly upgrades
meant day hunter. When an earthquake weakened the their defenses and military plans.
ledges where two halfling villages were located, threatening
to destroy them both, Ter-omak led the people to a site he Flahd Clanhouse: The Flahd clanhouse is as fortified
had found while hunting – a place for a new village. He and well-stocked as that of the Bein. Reth-olus is a har-
coordinated the mass exodus while the har-etuils of the etuil for the Flahd clan who also serves as its commander
concerned clans were still debating what should be done. in time of conflict.
So great was the gratitude of the people that they named
the new consolidated community after him. His popularity The safehomes: Six establishments purvey food, drink,
convinced the har-etuil to appoint him the community's and lodging to the large amount traffic that passes through
administrator, a position the hunter was ill-prepared for, the village. Unfortunately, casualties of the feud between
but one he held until his death decades later. the clans are not just local clan members. Simply staying
Today Ter-omak is a community of 1,500 residents. the night at a safehome run by one clan automatically
Nicely placed at the center of the settled portion of makes one an enemy of the other. Each controls three
the Jagged Cliffs, this village is a hub of climber and safehomes, and prices are low in all of them. A night's
windrider traffic. Several safehomes indulge the needs of stay is 2 ghav-egoths, and a meal is only 1 ge.
The current administrator of Ter-omak is Vit-obaer, a Personalities
man with his hands full of problems. There are essentially
Tkaun-osir: Thaun-osir is also known as the Peacemaker.
only two clans in Ter-omak (each formerly belonged to
He is doing whatever he can to stop the conflict between
one of the two tiny villages that were united by Ter-
the two feuding clans. He has a large heart, but very little
omak), the Flahd and the Bein. The clans are currently
idea what he is doing. When news of a battle or potential
in a state of feud, and occasionally the fuss turns violent.
confrontation between the clans reaches him, he races
The reasons for the conflict are diverse and number in
off to try to stop it. Usually, his unwise and ineffective
the hundreds, including property rights, lovers' quarrels,
endeavors only exacerbate the situation.
lies, counter lies, false dealings, and a myriad of personal
Though short, even for a halfling, Thaun-osir's strength
and battle prowess is great – unfortunately, he loathes
The two factions keep the lawkeepers constantly
violence. His long brown hair is often falling into his face,
employed, dealing with everything from small acts of
getting in his eyes.

Beyond the Tyr Region

Places of Note
The Crook of Her Arm: This safehome is the favored
establishment of painters because of its wide, open views
of the surrounding community. Prices are inexpensive – a
night's stay costs 1 ghav-egoth, and a meal is usually less
than 1 ge.

Pinnacle: This is another safehome, but it is located

at the top level of the village and is the highest point of
the settlement. It is an expensive place to stay and eat,
although the prices seem quite arbitrary, based on the
whim of the owner. Res-ohin, is a fat halfling whom most
of his patrons believe is insane. A room for one night
here can range from 2 to 20 ghav-egoths, and a meal can
cost from 1 to 10 ge.


Vir-rath Zohr-otosh: The city administrator appointed Zohr-

otosh water master. His duties are to watch over water
This village is named for the odd shape of the ledge supplies and make sure the city's reserves are maintained
on which it is built. In fact, it really isn't built upon a and safe. This makes him a powerful individual, since the
ledge at all, but rather at the top of a pinnacle of rock price of water is so high in this village. The cleric takes his
that thrusts upward from a cliff slope. The pinnacle top job very seriously, and has hired a number of trustworthy
consists of three separate levels and the village is built guards to help him watch over the city's reservoir.
on these. In appearance, Zohr-otosh is unremarkable. His brown
One of the greatest demands on the villagers of Vir- hair matches his brown eyes that match the brown
rath face is the inaccessibility of water. Windriders and clothing he wears under shell armor. He keeps his armor
climbers are needed to haul water up from nearby pools and weapons ready at all times – just to be safe.
and waterfalls. Thousands of years ago, life-shaped engines
pumped water up to the top of the peak in huge, organic
pipes. Now, however, the pool has long since dried-up and Sunnil
the engines have fallen into disrepair. No living shaper As one might gather from the construction of its name,
remembers how to repair them and new ones are just too Sunnil's roots are ancient. The city has declined since
expensive. its founding, and now finds itself one of the least of the
The population of this village is around 1,300. Most ledge communities. Sunnil is a village of 1,000 residents,
of the people are employed as tenders, though there are known for its breweries.
many fine craftsmen here as well, working in stone, leather, Sunnil's administrator, Mak-amoar, is extremely ill – a
cloth, and other materials. Finally, Vir-rath is known for victim of the debilitating effects of Rajaat's Curse. The
its painters and sculptors. har-etuil are loath to have to find a replacement for this
Nowhere else in rhul-thaun society are class distinctions popular official, but there may be little choice. She is
as apparent as in Vir-rath. The three levels of the village bedridden and barely able to keep up her duties even
are inhabited by the poor, the middle class, and the through assistants.
wealthy in ascending order.
Places of Note

Beyond the Tyr Region

The small village of Reg-tol, known as Lordshome,

was once a community of the wealthy – a retreat where
the rich and powerful could escape the rigors of life in
Thamasku. Before that, it was the traditional dwelling
place of the rhul-thaun high lord – a position not held
for thousands of years. Since its founding, however, it has
grown into a lively but respectable village. Eight hundred
people live in Reg-tol, making it the smallest inhabited
community of the cliffs, but it is still larger than the tiny
camps that dot the cliff face.

Dhar-ahan: Dhar-ahan is a professional pickpocket,
cutpurse, and burglar. If that were all, she would be just
one of the many who tread on the dark side, and nothing
more would need to be said. Dhar-ahan is different,
however, for not long ago she uncovered a thrikreen plot
Clon-sin Bridge: This stone bridge connects the two to use psionics to infiltrate and destroy the rhul-thaun.
ledges on which Sunnil is built. It is the longest bridge Worse, she agreed to help them in exchange for her life.
ever erected by the rhul-thaun that is still in existence, Dhar-ahan has medium-length black hair, and
stretching nearly 500 yards. The bridge is wide enough for dark, bloodshot eyes. She wears wildly flamboyant body
20 halflings to walk abreast. Organic buildings grow along paint, particularly on her face.
the sides of the bridge to utilize precious space. Most of
these buildings house lower-class homes.
Hast-ulon Temple: This temple of elemental water is Bav-rem is now an empty ruin of abandoned basement
maintained by two clerics, Thavadern and Lus-okuhv, a pits and discarded articles. Once this was a small but
married couple who have a great deal of political influence thriving community in the north, near the falls of the
in this small village. They are consulted by the local har- same name. (The village was named for the waterfall,
etuil on matters of importance, and even those who pay whose name means “death drop.“) Just a few months ago,
no heed to the faith of water respect these two. a group of climbers carrying messages and provisions to
Bav-rem found – nothing. All of the inhabitants and even
Personalities the village's buildings, had vanished.
Ther-adar: This windrider makes her home in Sunnil. Subsequent expeditions determined that something large
She is the daughter of the current administrator, but she and amorphous strayed hrough the village. Disturbingly,
has no desire to take her place. Her home is in the skies, according to the tracks it left, it seemed to grow larger
and no one can make her believe otherwise. Nevertheless, as it slithered through the community. Everything organic
she feels guilty about letting her mother – halflings, buildings, lifeshaped creations, and even the
down. wild plants growing nearby – were no more. One of the
Ther-adar is rugged and tough. Her black hair explorers noticed that there were no insects in the area.
is cut very short, and she is rarely seen in anything but Only inorganic materials and objects remained.
sturdy work clothes.
The Truth
The cause of the disappearance of Bav-rem has not

Beyond the Tyr Region

yet been discovered, but it has alarmed a great many

people. Many felt that other villages would be attacked in
a similar way, but as of yet, nothing has happened. Most
believe that a horror from the swamp destroyed the village.
Others fear that the kreen were again on the move and
this time made it all the way up to Bav-rem.
The actual origin of the calamity was a furtive life-
shaping experiment gone awry. Three life-shapers in
the local sanctuary had discovered an ancient formula
for producing a new life-shaped construct. Although it
contained principles they did not understand, they chose
to use the formula anyway, thinking that if they were
successful, their fame would be assured. As it was, the
fateful consequences of their actions were so pervasive and
complete that they did not even achieve infamy.
The accidental formulation created a semi-sentient
creature with the ability to absorb other organic substances halflings or thri-kreen that venture too close.
into its body, convert the material, and add the substance
to its own mass. It began first as a tiny blob of protoplasm, The Lost Clans
then it started to grow at an alarming rate. It consumed the
life-shaped creations in the laboratory where it was born. Halfling fables tell of a number of clans to the far, far
Next it absorbed its creators and the other life-shapers north who long ago lost contact with the rest of society.
in the sanctuary, consuming their constructs as well. Different versions of these tales each cite a distinct reason
Spreading out from the shapers' sanctuary, it groped its for the isolation. Some claim that the lost halflings left to
way through the village, drawing every living thing into its find a better land in which to make their homes. Others
ever expanding bulk. Nothing escaped. The creature then contend that they were outcasts and nonconformists who
wandered to a nearby cave to rest. The giant protoplasmic disliked the way rhul-thaun society worked. Still others
creature has lost much of its mass, and eventually it must tell tales of a great disaster, an earthquake, plague, or
feed again. To make matters worse, the beast may go into invasion that drove the clans away. Even the pterrans,
mitosis and produce a duplicate of itself. during a period of rare communication, have alluded
to other halfling communities on the cliffs beyond those
known to the rhul-thaun.
The Forbidden City In any event, the surmised existence of the lost clans has
Within the jungles south of Thamasku, an ancient never been confirmed. Sometimes climbers and windriders
city half overgrown by withered vines and stunted claim to have seen the villages of the lost clans – or even
trees crumbles into ruin. The nomadic halflings of the claim membership in the clans of lost names. No real
surrounding tribes whisper fearful tales of Tham Nusul – evidence exists to prove their reality. If halfling clans do
the Forbidden City. They tell of serpentfolk that come in lie to the north, several unanswered questions are still to
the night, silent as shadows, and steal children from their be raised. How has their society deviated from the rhul-
cribs. They tell of plants that seek the blood of the living, thaun during the thousands of years of separation? What
and of a devil in the cisterns below the city that ensnares life-shaping skills might they have retained that are lost to
its victims with illusions and turns them into mindless the rhul-thaun? What else lies to the mysterious north?
servants. The yuan-ti that dwell in the Forbidden City
raid the local tribes for food and slaves, and sometimes Bvanen Cave City
they grow bold enough to waylay large war parties of

Beyond the Tyr Region

When the rhul-thaun first encountered the bvanen,

they thought that these amphibians were simply monsters.
Long ago they waged great battles against them, for
the rhulthaun believed the carnivorous bvanen were a
threat to the villages near the cliff bottoms where the
amphibians apparently lived. It was not until two halflings
escaped from the bvanen cave-city, after capture by one
of their hunting parties, that the truth was discovered.
The escapees reported a surprising level of sophistication,
intelligence, and benevolence.
The city, they reported, was found in a subterranean
cavern accessed by a narrow entrance well hidden in a
crevice near the base of the cliffs. An entrance evidently
lay below and 30 miles north of the village of Vir-rath.
Half submerged in an underground lake, the city consists
of individual nest-homes fashioned of mud, sticks, and
other plants, coated overall with a shell of hardened ooze
secreted by the bvanen. then, many halflings have wondered why the two prisoners
The amphibians showed a great deal of organization were allowed to escape with their knowledge. Perhaps
within their community. Every member had a position in the bvanen hoped this would end the hostilities between
a hierarchy – a sort of pecking order. The position of each the races. Certainly the amphibians have not initiated
was symbolized by scars carved into the bvanens' flesh, as any conflict with the halflings. The rhul-thaun, in turn,
were important nonverbal messages of status, current duty, have simply avoided the bvanen whenever possible. The
and personal designs. Conclave of Har-etuil has never made an official ruling
The individuals in the city were divided into two regarding the bvanen, or how they should be treated when
groups – warrior/hunters and caretakers. The warrior/ encountered. Many cynics claimed that if the bvanen
hunters protected the city and obtained food. The produced anything that could be sold or traded, the har-
caretakers looked after the young and the needs of the etuil, in a fit of mercantile zeal, would have successfully
community and domesticated beasts. The Bvanen keep communicated and established relations with them long
an amphibious form of inix, some large fish, and a variety ago.
of other relatively harmless animals. These are used as
pets, food, and in the case of the inix, transport.
The halfling prisoners were well-treated. The bvanen,
Pterran Tribes
once they had learned that their captives were also Several tribes of reptilian pterrans roost in heights of
intelligent creatures, refused to eat them, but apparently the cliffs, in the northern reaches of the region. Although
held them as curiosities. Attempts at communication were neither evil nor particularly expansionist, these territorial
unsuccessful until a bvanen with the psionic mindlink creatures have endured many misunderstandings with the
power came to them. He probed their minds, presumably halflings that have resulted in bloodshed. Their alien
learning a great deal about rhul-thaun culture. outlook and suspicious nature make true peace and
Overall, the halflings found their captors to be gentle understanding between the races virtually impossible.
and kind to them and their animals. They used almost Like their cousins in the Hinterland, these pterrans
no tools or weapons, relying solely on their own psionic use pterrax as mounts as they hunt along the cliff face.
abilities and natural strength. Nevertheless, they were a This often brings confrontations with windriding rhul-
successful and thriving race, content to keep to themselves. thaun hunters. Aerial battles are common, although both
This, of course, happened hundreds of years ago. Since sides usually avoid them whenever possible, since they are

Beyond the Tyr Region

difficult to fight and harder to survive. A wounded flying at the swamp's narrowest location. A few strange monsters
mount may take itself and its rider to their deaths, either from the swamp have moved into the Rift, and gaping
dashing into the cliff face or plummeting all the way to holes in the Rift's walls allow some subterranean horrors
the swampy bottom. to emerge. As such, the Rift isn't a safe place to travel.
Unlike the reggelids or the bvanen, some pterrans Tohr-kreen loyal to the Kreen Empire are using the
have learned to use the life-shaped creations of the Rift as a means for reaching the highlands. So far, only
halflings. They do not have the knowledge, the skills, exploratory teams have made it into the highlands, but
or the facilities to maintain and tend the creatures in the kreen are definitely investigating the possibility of
most cases. Nevertheless, they enjoy stealing them and launching a full-scale invasion in preparation for expanding
using them until they die. This, more than anything else, their empire.
infuriates the rhul-thaun, for the pterrans have no respect
for life-shaped creations or even for life in general. Many
halflings – even some har-etuil – believe that steps should
be taken to drive off the pterrans or to eradicate them A few miles into the Rift but still near the bottom
altogether. Such a war would be bloody, with great losses of the incline, the kreen have built a fortified wall and
of life on both sides. Those halflings who believe most stronghold they call the Si'jidzak. Literally translated as
strongly in the sanctity of life are obviously set against any “the Battle Wall,” the Si'jidzak is made of sand and the
attempts at genocide. exuded resins of slave insects. The wall is nearly 500 feet
The pterrans are nomadic, but keep to the upper regions tall. The sand has been piled and shaped, then coated
of the cliffs and avoid settling close to halfling villages. with a hard, smooth, crystalline material. A rounded
building constructed in the same fashion stands against
the wall. It's about 40 feet tall, serving as a silent sentry
The Great Rift beside a pair of massive gates.
The Great Rift is an irregular crevice that's wide at the The Si'jidzak serves two functions. First, it allows the
Jagged Cliffs and narrows to a point just south of the kreen to monitor what gets to enter the Rift, thereby
Dragon Crown Mountains. The rough walls drop straight keeping the creatures of the swamp from migrating into
down to a gently declining floor that reaches almost the the highlands. Second, it serves as a base for exploration
level of the Hinterlands, then slowly dips the two miles teams sent into the highlands to discover the lay of the
necessary to reach the level of the Crimson Savanna as it land. Additionally, the warriors assigned to protect the
runs toward the west. At its widest point, the Rift opens Battle Wall are also on hand to keep highlanders from
for 25 miles. invading the Crimson Savanna. The kreen don't recognize
The gentle incline makes for an easy climb from the non-kreen societies as threats (or even as civilizations), but
highlands to the lowlands. At the bottom of the Rift, the they do know that wild beasts can cause a degree of harm
foul swamp that stretches along the base of the Cliffs if allowed to run free.
waits, though as luck would have it the Rift's mouth opens

Beyond the Tyr Region

The Crimson Savanna

the jungle of grass sways and ripples, making it difficult
to hear predators moving nearby. The wind also coughs
The lowlands beyond the Jagged Cliffs are made up up clouds of red dust, making it even harder to see for
almost exclusively of a vast, seemingly endless grassland any distance. Those walking through the tall grass must
called the Crimson Savanna. Tall grass bursts from fertile also watch out for rainstorms. They can appear without
red soil, reaching nearly 8 feet into the sky. The heat of warning, scorching the ground with lightning and possibly
the day turns a fine layer of the topsoil into dust, which producing a flood of water that could wash travelers away
the wind carries everywhere. This dust clings to the blades in a slide of mud. In these situations, drowning is a very
of grass and hangs in the sky, painting the area red and real possibility.
giving the savanna its name. The grass itself poses a danger to those who don't have
Temperatures across the savanna aren't as sweltering a tough carapace or armor protecting their frail flesh. The
as those in the highlands. It rarely gets hotter than 110 individual blades have sharp, dagger-like edges that easily
degrees, and never rises above 130 degrees. Besides the slice flesh that brushes against the grass.
abundance of thick, lush grass, water is more readily The greatest danger, by far, comes from the creatures
available. It's not as wet as the Jagged Cliffs, but the that stalk the savanna for prey. Humans and humanoids
savanna experiences more rainfall than the highlands, has are unknown in the grasslands, but that doesn't mean
a few wetlands, and even has some rivers coursing through a few won't serve as hearty meals for hundredclaws or
its jungle of grass. tangle bugs. The imperial kreen also count as a major
It rains an average of twice a month across the savanna. hazard. They believe that the savanna belongs to their
Some storms on the savanna produce flash floods, or empire, and that everything living in it is theirs. The kreen
turn the soil into thick, sucking mud, or carry a frenzy of don't recognize non-kreen as intelligent creatures, and
lightning that dances from sky to ground with destructive even the thri-kreen from the Tablelands are looked upon
force and often sets the grass aflame. as backward cousins at best. Humans and humanoids
The savanna sustains many types of grazing creatures can expect to be treated as slaves at best-or, at worst, as
and the usual variety of predators they attract. While potential meals.
there are mammals, birds, and reptiles, the majority of
creatures living in the grasslands are insectoids. From the Features of the Crimson Savanna
highly civilized kreen to giant k'cin crawlers to tiny clear- The savanna is made up of the following types of
wing fliers, thousands of insect species fill the sky, the tall terrain-grasslands, swamp, rocky badlands, stony barrens,
grass, and the red soil below. and mountains. These terrain types are described below.

Methods of Travel Grasslands

Because most of the grasslands are flat, travel isn't all Grasslands make up the majority of the savanna. Each
that difficult. The tall grass and patches of soft dirt and blade of grass grows to about 6 feet tall and as much as
mud can make it tough for wheeled vehicles, but walking a foot wide. The grass is a deep green in color, though
isn't too much of a problem. Travelers can also find it may appear red due to the clinging dust. The edges of
paths stamped through the grass by the large grazers that each blade are as sharp as knives, and the slightest touch
inhabit the area, and roads maintained by the kreen that can cut and draw blood from those without protective
connect their cities and villages together. coverings of some sort. A less prevalent variety, identified
There are hazards that could end a trip very quickly if by a purple vein running vertically through the blade,
a traveler isn't careful. The grass limits visibility, growing carries a deadly poison which it delivers when it cuts.
in thick clumps that rise to heights of 6 feet or more. It Plants, flowers, and weeds grow among the tall blades
hides unfriendly creatures, mud sinks, and other dangers of grass, providing different sources of nourishment to
behind its curtain of red and green. When the wind blows, the creatures who come here to graze. Few creatures can

Beyond the Tyr Region

insectoid terrors of the grasslands by plunging into Kano

Swamp. However, the predators in its dark interior are as
deadly – or deadlier – than most of the predators stalking
through the tall grass outside.

Rocky Badlands
Rocky badlands of the Crimson Savanna resemble
the badlands already discussed in the Jagged Cliffs and
Tyr Regions. Like those found elsewhere, these badlands
usually surround mountain ranges or other rises of land,
like Kazin's Bluff in the extreme north. The greatest
differences revolve around the types of creatures inhabiting
the twisting canyons. As the badlands aren't the important
sources for food and water or the refuge for slave tribes
and hermits that they are in the highlands, they instead
become lairs for predators who hunt the grasslands.
readily eat the tall grass, but the younger blades have not Stony Barrens
yet developed the razor edge that makes them so deadly.
The tall grass hides pools of standing water, small Stony barrens and mountains also have much the same
streams, and patches of mud from casual observance. characteristics as those found in other parts of Athas. Stony
Travelers should be on guard for the mud patches, for barrens, however, are extremely rare. The only known tract
many of these are actually mud sinks. A mud sink is a of this type of terrain in the Crimson Savanna surrounds
deep puddle of mud that sucks whatever wanders into it the mountains northwest of Kano Swamp. Mountains
below the surface. Like quicksand, a mud sink pulls its aren't plentiful, but a few ranges burst up from the sea
victims beneath the mud, trapping them and killing them of grass to scrape the sky. The tallest of those near the
by suffocation. Jagged Cliffs are the peaks of the Koschak Mountains.
The river that runs through Kano Swamp starts in the
Swamps heights of these barren thrusts of rock. The name comes
from the kreen language and means “holder of knowledge
At least two swamps exist in the savanna closest to the in the sky.” The other ranges are little more than piles of
Jagged Cliffs. One has already been discussed. That's the jagged stone rising from the badlands.
one that occupies the base of the cliff face. The second
divides the known portion of the savanna. It's called Kano,
a kreen word meaning cold that also has connotations Encounters in the Crimson Savanna
relating to the kreen's cold hell. A mighty river cascades Insects of all types and sizes inhabit the savanna, and
out of a western mountain range toward the Jagged Cliffs. if travelers don't find them, they'll find the travelers. The
On its way, it pools in a depression that has become the majority of these insects have the cunning of predators or
Kano Swamp. The kreen of the area avoid this swamp, for the fear-induced survival instinct of grazers, but only the
its excessive wetness can cause a variety of illnesses in the kreen and a few slave-race insectoids have true intelligence.
insectoids, not the least of which is chitin rot. To'ksa, a subspecies of kreen who resemble the thri-
Swamps contain mud, water, plants of all descriptions, kreen of the Tyr Region, will probably be the first of
and a multitude of creatures. Kano Swamp, for example, the imperial kreen that travelers will encounter. These
houses a vast collection of reptiles not found anywhere barbaric nomads live outside the cities and villages of
else in the savanna. Travelers can escape some of the the empire, constantly hunting for food and sport. If they

Beyond the Tyr Region

encounter non-kreen travelers, they won't recognize them

as anything but strange mammals. They'll be curious, of
course, but in the end they'll hunt them down and kill
them. If the travelers taste particularly good, the to'ksa
might take the leftovers to one of the imperial settlements
to share with the i'haaz (imperial leader).
The tohr-kreen of the city of Thaythilor actively seek
to explore the land at the top of the Great Rift (the
Hinterlands west of the Ringing Mountains). Not officially
a part of any kreen nation, Thaythilor is an imperial city
far from the heart of the empire. Tohr-kreen and modified
zik-trin warriors and scouts from this city are most often
encountered- near the Cliffs, especially in the area nearest
the mouth of the Rift.
Members of the j'ez and j'hol nations can be encountered
near the cities and villages of their nations, while any kind
of kreen can be met on the Imperial Road. Except for the emperor. The cities closest to the Haazi'sa, the emperor's
kreen of Thaythilor (who have seen “talking mammals” home, contain a mixture of different kreen types. The
up close), the kreen of the other nearby communities cities farthest from the Haazi'sa, on the other hand, are
have heard only the vaguest rumors concerning intelligent usually devoted to a single kreen nation and therefore
mammals to the east. For this reason, no encounter with feature a majority of one specific type of kreen.
the kreen will be easy – and most will end in slavery or There are six types of true kreen: j'ez, identified by
death. black chitin and four-fingered hands; j'hol, who have red
chitin and an almost humanoid form; jeral, sandy-yellow
The Kreen Empire in color (one of two subspecies common to the Tyr
Region); to'ksa, marked by sandy-yellow chitin and four-
Beyond the Jagged Cliffs, past the veil of the Misty fingered hands (the other subspecies found in the Tyr
Border, a vast empire of kreen nations dominates the Region); t'keech, who are dark green; and tondi, who have
Crimson Savanna. Unlike the thri-kreen of the Tablelands, an unusual mottled purple- pink chitin.
the imperial kreen have a civilization that, in many ways,
outclasses the city-states of the sorcerer-kings. Much of the Kreen Cities
details concerning the Kreen Empire remain a mystery,
but glimpses into the workings of this alien society have The kreen cities and villages closest to the Jagged Cliffs
been revealed. lie on the frontier of the empire. The j'ez city of J'eztere
Kreen, in the language of the mantis-men, means and its satellite villages (Ko'teg and Z'aythar) control a
people – specifically, sapient insect-people with mantis region of the savanna south of Kano Swamp. North of
like qualities. Thri-kreen, more specifically, means nomad the swamp, the j'hol nation controls the city of L'rax and
people. So, the thri-kreen of the Tablelands are wanderers, a few connected villages (namely Dezig and Awthuuk). In
while the Kreen Empire of the northwest encompasses the same area, one city and two villages are considered to
all types of mantis-people. Note that all of the kreen of be imperial holdings, with mixed kreen populations. These
the north are tohr-kreen, which simply means the settled are Thaythilor, Nirik, and Kakikix.
The Kreen Empire is called G'lathuk, the family of G'lathuk Society
nations. It's a loose confederation of kreen nations which
The Kreen Empire has a firmly established caste system
pay tribute of one sort or another to the Haazi, the kreen

Beyond the Tyr Region

general, they don't hold a firm position in imperial society.

The place they do have is considered to be the bottom
rung on the societal ladder. They are wanderers in a
settled society, barbarians among the civilized kreen. They
are nomads and hunters who fill the wilderness between
imperial holdings. When the empire prepares to go to war,
it gathers clans of to'ksa to use as the first line of attack.
If the to'ksa are at the bottom rung of the imperial caste
system, then the tondi don't even make it onto the ladder.
These kreen are neutral in nature, though they can have
either a lawful or chaotic bend. They are loners who have
a great love of nature and usually follow the druidic path.
This subspecies is extremely rare, and they almost never
enter the imperial cities or villages.
Another type of kreen needs to be discussed, as its
members play an important role in G'lathuk society.
While not of the same evolutionary track as the tohrkreen,
in which everyone has a specific function. At the top is zik-chil are members of a distantly related offshoot race.
the Haazi. The current kreen emperor is a male j'hol who Their name literally means the priests of change, and their
rarely leaves the sanctuary of the Haazi'sa (the imperial function is to change kreen into biologically engineered
capital). Beneath the emperor, the individual kreen super creatures. Pale in color and cold and manipulative
subspecies fall into the following hierarchy: j'ez, j'hol, jeral, in nature, zikchil are lawful evil scientists. Through
t'keech, to'ksa, and tondi. There are ranks and positions biological processes that alter the exterior of a kreen,
of status within each subspecies, as well, though no to'ksa zik-chil create the zik-trin (altered near-persons who are
will ever earn the positions or privileges available to a j'ez. engineered monsters modified for specific tasks: scouting,
Members of the j'ez subspecies are lawful in nature and retrieving information, combat, climbing, etc.).
tend to fill roles as leaders and bureaucrats. They command The zik-chil serve the emperor. They are revered and
legions, oversee work details, rule imperial holdings, and feared by other kreen, and their work and position gives
perform the administrative functions necessary to keep the them religious overtones that can't be ignored. In specific,
empire running smoothly. they oversee an inquisition that roots out anyone who
J'hol, in general, have an evil bend. They make up the interferes with the business of the emperor and empire.
majority of the empire's military base, though they also
make good builders and crafters. Current Endeavors
Those of the jeral subspecies tend to be of good
alignment. In the empire, they serve as teachers, though The cities and villages of the Kreen Empire appear
a few also own ranches and farms. The haazik, priests alien to people from the Tyr Region. Built with excreted
dedicated to the service of the Haazi, are culled from this material from enslaved insectoids, the design of each
kreen type. structure has an organic and definite insect like quality
T'keech generally fall into either the neutral good or that disturbs most humans and humanoids. Each looks
neutral evil camp. In imperial society, these kreen are as if it was grown instead of constructed, made up of a
the laborers, performing tasks that the other subspecies macabre, almost disturbing series of spires, domes, and
consider beneath them but that are too complicated for membranous walkways, and filled with kreen of many
any of the enslaved insectoid races to be trusted with. different shapes and colors.
Members of the to'ksa subspecies are chaotic in nature. The various nations get along through the common
They're the shock troops and gladiators of the empire. In tribute they all pay to the Haazi. However, the G'lathuk

Beyond the Tyr Region

has grown too large to support itself. The time is coming disappear into the temple-laboratories of the priests of
for the family of nations to add new nations to itself. One change. Others believe that the current cycle is nearing
of the most promising directions for this expansion is east- an end, and a new Haazi will need to be selected to lead
up the Great Rift and into the highlands. the G'lathuk.
To facilitate this expansion, the zik-chil have been One particular group of malcontents gather at the
creating elite combat specialists called zik-trin'ak and sacred site called Kazin's Chak'sas (Kazin's Heads).
sending them into the Tablelands to explore and gather Located on a northern rise, this site features a series of
intelligence. As the tohr-kreen of the empire don't consider stone edifices shaped like giant kreen heads. The zik-chil
anything other than kreen to be intelligent, they have have ordered this location off limits to the general public
no problem contemplating moving into territory currently and has created an elite guard force from to'ksa gladiators
controlled by humans and humanoids. If the G'lathuk to protect it. This hasn't stopped the dissidents, who
does decide to colonize the areas east of the Jagged Cliffs, call themselves Kazin'tek (Kazin's pack). The Kazin'tek
it will mean a terrible war between insectand mammal- believe that the way of the empire has corrupted the
based life forms. kreen. It's time to return to a simpler way of life, like the
Not everyone in the empire desires a violent solution one embraced by the nomadic thri-kreen.
to the overcrowding in the savanna. Many factions within
each kreen nation seek to break ties with the empire, or
at least to change the direction that things have been
Thaythilor, City of the Tohr-Kreen
heading. For example, the zik-chil have such close ties to Thaythilor is a city where zik-trin are created; it is the
the Haazi that some say they are controlling him. When city closest to the Jagged Cliffs on the northern side. The
such talk reaches the ears of the inquisition, the offenders city is fairly small, with a population of perhaps 10,000

Beyond the Tyr Region

tohr-kreen and a few hundred zik-chil. more correctly called a kalukhaaz, and is similar in status
Like other tohr-kreen cities, Thaythilor was built using to a humanoid regional governor.
the amber-like secretions of z'ock'n, larger versions of the Each northern nation, or lathuk is a collection of kaluk.
snail-like ock'n found in the Tablelands. Most buildings The kaluk-haaz of a nation form a clutch of their own,
are constructed by gathering a mound of sand, then and the leader of that clutch is the leader of the nation,
allowing the z'ock'n to secrete their amber over the mound. the lathuk-haaz. The lathuk-haaz never takes an oath of
Some buildings are a hundred feet tall or more, and the office; there is no need. Tokchak ensures the lathuk-haaz's
translucent amber reflects the sun in patterns on the dedication to lead and help the nation, and the packs
sand. Domes and towers reach to the sky, while walkways and clutches that compose it. Any oath of office are
and ramps stretch around and between the structures. redundant to the compulsions of tokchak.
True to its nature, Thaythilor looks as if it was grown The other kaluk-haaz in the lathuk-haaz's clutch also
instead of built. Most non-kreen find the appearance of hold positions of importance, and several responsibilities
the city rather macabre, almost disturbing, with its spires, are delegated to them. To maintain the stability of the
walkways, and domes, the membranes stretching between nation, challenges for clutch dominance are restricted, at
some structures, and the presence of overwhelming least in regards to the lathuk-haaz and the kaluk-haaz. A
numbers of kreen in a variety of colors. The sight of lathuk-haaz can be challenged only once each year, at the
such a city triggers racial memories in thri-kreen, however, beginning of the year, and then can be challenged only by
causing them to recognize it as a safe haven, a "home." a kaluk-haaz. A kaluk-haaz can be challenged only once
Thaythilor is a free city that belongs to no particular every six months, at the beginning of the year and halfway
nation. The population of Thaythilor is mostly Jeral and through the year. A kaluk-haaz can be challenged only by
To'ksa, but has elements of each of the other kreen a clutchleader (g'tok-haaz) of the same kaluk.
subspecies. Zik-chil are more common in Thaythilor than Challenges for leadership positions are never made to
elsewhere in the three nations of the North. the death. In fact, some challenges for leadership positions
are not even made through combat; either the challenger
or the challenged may initiate a "social" challenge, one that
The Tohr-Kreen Nations is made in terms of social and political accomplishments.
Beyond the Jaged Cliffs and Thaythilor are three If a social challenge is made for a g'tok-haaz position, the
nations of tohr-kreen: Jeral, J'hol, and J'ez. The primary kaluk-haaz and the other g'tokhaaz decide the results. If
species of kreen in each of these nations is named for a social challenge is made for kalukhaaz, the lathuk-haaz
the nation; the species are physically distinct from one and the other kaluk-haaz decide the results.
another. Besides these three subspecies of kreen, there are Though each nation of kreen is predominantly composed
three others (Tondi, T'keech, and To'ksa) that no longer of a single species, members of other species are found
have nations of their own. in each nation. Following are descriptions of each of the
Each of the three existing nations has a form of three nations. Each nation has its own government and
leadership similar to that of a pack, but expanded. As entertainments, including a ritualized system of challenges
mentioned previously, a thri-kreen pack is led by a clutch that is much like the gladiatorial arena system of the
made up of all the clutchleaders in the pack; the leader human cities of the Tyr Region; the profession of gladiator
of the clutch of clutchleaders is the packleader. The thri- is a respected one in the thri-kreen nations.
kreen word for "pack" is tek or kek, while the word for The "J" that begins three of the subspecies names has
"leader" is hoz. connotations of "nation," while the "T" that begins the
The tohr-kreen word for "pack" is kaluk, and the word other names has connotations of "former nation." It is
for "leader" is haaz. Kaluk has connotations of "state" probable that the three former nations were once "Jondi,"
rather than "tribe," as implied by tek or kek Likewise, haaz "J'keech," and "Jo'ksa;" if the three current nations were to
is closer to "governor " in meaning, unlike hoz, which is fall, those subspecies would become known as the "Teral,"
more like "chief." Thus, among tohr-kreen, a packleader is "Thol," and "T'ez."

Beyond the Tyr Region

The Southern Wastes

plundering hordes to strike at Balic, Kalidnay, or Tyr,
but no great leader has appeared among them in many
generations. The Tamwar tell stories of ancient kingdoms
“Beware the city dwellers, for they have the tongues of buried under the vast dune sea – the homelands of
serpents, and their daggers are made of silver coins.” their sacred ancestors. The nomads turn on outsiders who
venture into their holy places.
- A Tamwar saying Herumar, The Sand Scourge: A terrible monster
slumbers deep in the Endless Sand Dunes – the beast
The Tyr Region is rimmed by the Ringing Mountains known as Herumar, the Sand Scourge. The creature
to the west and the Sea of Silt to the east, but to the resembles a seven-headed hydra of immense size, whose
south is nothing but desert – a vast desert that never breath gives rise to scouring sandstorms. A cult of vicious
ends, as far as anyone knows. As one travels south from elementalists worships Herumar, believing that blood
the shores of the Estuary of the Forked Tongue, villages spilled in the dunes slakes the elemental creature's thirst
and outposts peter out to wild lands where only a few and earns the cultists its favor.
lonely nomads roam. Beyond that, the traveler comes to
silent, empty lands where no one lives at all, and even the Arkhold
vicious predators that haunt the deserts of the Tablelands
A ruined seaport buried in the sands by the shores of
and the Ivory Triangle grow few and far between. These
the Sea of Silt, Arkhold is so remote that few treasure-
are the Southern Wastes, a desolate expanse that in all
hunters have picked it over. The timeworn fortress of a
likelihood girdles the rest of the world.
forgotten order of knights sits atop the highest point of
The wastes have no verdant areas or oases large enough
the settlement, overlooking the dry harbor. Drifting sand
to support a city. In fact, the desert takes on a capricious,
covers much of Arkhold and shifts from place to place
elemental character as one ventures farther south. Just as
over time, exposing long-buried portions of the area while
the Sea of Silt is an incursion of elemental power into
hiding others beneath new dunes.
the world, the Southern Wastes are home to other sorts
of incursions: mazes of windcarved canyons, plains of
smoking ash, forests of stone columns that drift with the The Blue Shrine
gusts, rivers of fire, seas of salt, and more. Perhaps other For most residents of Athas, it's a commonly accepted
populated lands like the Tyr Region exist somewhere fact that if gods ever existed in the world, they are long
beyond these terrible wastes... or perhaps not. since dead or driven off. The Blue Shrine, however, suggests
Much like the deserts of the Tyr Region, the Southern otherwise. This ancient structure remains untouched by
Wastes are the graveyard of ancient realms. Ruins dot the hands of time, its white marble gleaming in the
this awesome expanse and seem to grow older the farther crimson sun. Within the shrine, an endlessly smoking
south one travels. Some sages claim that the peoples of throne rests before the altar. Those who sit in the throne
the Tyr Region once lived in these lands and were driven and breathe the smoke experience a dizzying rush of
northward century by century, as the decay of Athas visions: enormous, shining warriors battling beasts of living
slowly enveloped the south. rock and wind, armies of priests kneeling in obeisance, the
smell of incense, and the sound of ancient hymns rising
Endless Sand Dunes to the sky.
South of Balic lie the Endless Sand Dunes, a waste land
that stretches for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of miles. Celik
It is the domain of the nomadic people known as the Celik is an ancient city that was one of the jewels in
Tamwar, herders who struggle to survive at the outskirts the crown of Green Age domains. Now mostly a jumble
of the dunes. In centuries past, the Tamwar gathered in

Beyond the Tyr Region

of ruins, it nevertheless continues to function as a city

thanks to those who live there. The citizens of Celik
are a mixture of retired adventurers, outcasts from other
societies, ex-slaves, and humanoids from the wastes who
have gathered in the city for the protection, resources, and
wealth the location promises.
Korsun, the patriarch of the merchant house of Mareneth,
controls the city along with all of its assets and citizens.
Mareneth was the primary merchant house of the city-
state of Kalidnay. When the city was destroyed, members
of the house who were away decided to set up their own
community in order to survive. After a bit of searching,
the house's agents found the ruins of Celik. The call went
out for brave warriors to help clear out all vermin and
dangerous creatures, and within a year a small portion of
the ruins were made habitable. Today, almost 60 percent
of the city is occupied by the merchant house and its
retainers. The rest remains wild and dangerous, sealed
behind walls and fences thrown up to keep whatever
resides there from emerging into the living city.
In Celik, the merchant house holds the same position
as the sorcerer-kings of the cities to the north. Patriarch
Korsun rules like a king, with his family, agents, and
caravan troops serving as the city's nobility. Everyone else
in the city is considered to be free citizens, though they're
actually indentured servants who must earn their freedom
by laboring for the house. Any intelligent, healthy being
is welcome in Celik, provided he or she agrees to the
terms of servitude. As long as the terms are being met,
the citizens receive food, water, a place to live, and small
amounts of spending money to use in the taverns and
gaming halls run by the elf tribes who occupy a district
within the living city.
The city is divided into two portions: the living city and
the ruins. The living city is where all of the merchants
and citizens live. Like other cities, this portion has markets
and other amenities. The ruins remain untamed. Foul
humanoids and even undead creatures roam within the
ruins, though every year Korsun's troops absorb more of
the ruins into the living city. Adventurers can make good
money taking on hunting contracts for the merchant house,
provided they can survive what waits within the ruins. Of
course, they have to be careful about the terms of their
employment. Many adventurers wind up as indentured
servants of House Mareneth.

Beyond the Tyr Region

House Mareneth's traders deal with the communities refuse to let anyone else near the oasis.
living in the southern reaches of the Tyr Region, as well There are about a dozen adult giants in the clan, with
as with a few of the smaller elf tribes. Caravans flying the a similar number of children. The clan's chief, Ogflo, led
house's colors make regular trips to the seven cities of the his people to this spot two years ago. After a short battle,
north, though they mainly trade with Balic and North the giants killed or drove off the dwarves who used to
and South Ledopolus. In general, the traders try to keep a maintain the village. Ogflo and his clan have no desire
low profile, as Korsun prefers that his city remain mostly for ceramic pieces or silver, so travelers shouldn't hope to
a mystery to the people of the north. purchase food and water. In fact, they should prepare for
combat, as the giants tend to attack anyone who comes
close to the village.
Durg's Puddle However, the clan will trade food and water for goods
Located in the western portion of the Endless Sand and supplies. Travelers must survive the combat before
Dunes, to the southwest of Celik, Durg's Puddle is a tiny such negotiations can be opened, but afterward Ogflo will
oasis with a small but clean pond at its center. The place entertain all reasonable offers. Weapons, materials that
wouldn't deserve mention if not for the fact that the trade aren't available in the wastes, and finished goods from the
caravans from Celik use it as a resting point on the route cities and villages of the north all appeal to Ogflo and
that House Mareneth maintains to the southwest. Though his people. How much water a cord of mekillot bones is
Durg's Puddle is an independent facility, the merchant worth depends on the current needs of the giants, though
house and other travelers provide the tribe that runs it Ogflo tends to be fair once actual trading commences.
with plenty of supplies and enough wealth to pay for the
troops that defend it.
The half-giant Durg leads the small band that runs the The Crimson Monolith
oasis. Though he never talks about where he comes from, The blood-red needle called the Crimson Monolith
Durg is otherwise very friendly and outgoing. Like all half- rises from the eastern dunes, piercing the blazing sky like
giants, he tends to emulate the attitudes and customs of a stone sword blade. The needle is made of an unknown
those that stop at the oasis for a visit. Durg, as a water red stone. It's smooth and warm to the touch, and some
cleric, has chosen this site as his temple and home. claim it even pulses like a living thing. The base is about
Though friendly, he can become savage when called upon 15 feet around, and it tapers to a point about 40 feet
to defend the oasis. above the ground. It has no seams, no obvious doors or
Durg's followers never number more than 20, and windows, and no apparent function. No one knows who
they're mostly ex-gladiators who escaped from the arenas built it or how long ago it was constructed. It simply
to the north. The half-giant also keeps an additional 20 stands alone amid the rises and falls of the sand dunes
hired warriors on hand to help protect the oasis. Even like a lonely trail marker.
though the Puddle's defenders aren't numerous, most of Travelers claim that on nights when the twin moons
the raiders and predatory tribes in the area know that are high in the sky, strange creatures emerge from the
troops loyal to House Mareneth also watch over the oasis. monolith to explore the nearby dunes. These creatures
simply step out of the solid stone, for no doors appear
to open the way. When the moons begin to disappear,
Last Drink giving way to the crimson dawn, the beings step back into
The oasis village of Last Drink lies in the eastern portion the monolith as silently and mysteriously as they arrived.
of the Endless Sand Dunes. The bubbling spring and Accounts of these beings vary wildly. Some tales say
small patch of fertile land around it appear incongruous they are either tanar'ri or baatezu from another plane of
in the middle of the sandy waste, but the sight can also existence. Others claim that the beings are the ghosts of
be very welcome to thirsty travelers. Unfortunately, the some ancient age, returning to haunt the place where they
location has been claimed by a clan of desert giants who once lived. The most likely stories describe the beings as

Beyond the Tyr Region

unknown denizens of another part of Athas who use either appear to be flat and smooth, but are actually covered
magic or psionics to travel to the site of the monolith. with sharp grooves and rivulets that can slice even the
Whatever the case, the tales concerning these beings grow toughest boots to shreds.
each time another group of travelers return from a trip No living creatures inhabit this desolate area. There's
across the Endless Sand Dunes. nothing to eat on the obsidian plain, little to drink, and
few places to find shelter from the wind and sun. There
are no breaks in the glass where vegetation can thrive.
The Great Salt Flat No fresh sources of water bubble up among the cracks
Between the eastern borders of the Endless Sand Dunes and fissures. Some water does collect in depressions when
and the Sea of Silt lies a salt flat even larger than the a rare rainstorm explodes over the plain, but the water
Great Ivory Plain. This region, known as the Great Salt quickly stagnates and turns bad before the heat of the day
Flat, is a waterless expanse hundreds of miles across that causes it to evaporate completely. A few clumps of bushes
offers no shelter of any kind. In many places, chest-high and groves of trees rise out of breaks in the obsidian, but
ridges of salty encrustation form natural mazes, blocking whatever foul magic formed the plain has also turned
all but the most nimble pack beasts and forcing travelers these once-living plants into black stone.
to scramble across the tops of the ridges. The flat is a An ancient, terrible battle of the Cleansing Wars was
nearly impassable obstacle between the islets of the Silt fought at this site. In the battle, the land was slain and
Archipelago and the more settled regions near the Estuary hundreds of thousands of beings were killed. Now undead
of the Forked Tongue. creatures of all descriptions roam the plains and canyons
of ebon glass. Most of these undead creatures are the
The Mud Palace remains of the slaughtered races, beings that no longer
exist on Athas – at least not as living creatures. Strange
In a deserted corner of the Tyr Region, the Mud beings with stranger names haunt the plains, wailing over
Palace stands in the middle of a vast mudflat. It is a the injustices they suffered and calling for revenge against
mysterious citadel of white marble that appears to have Rajaat and his infernal Champions. In life they were
no windows or doors in its lower floors. From its towers called kobolds and ogres, orcs, lizard men, and trolls.
pour continuous torrents of cold, fresh water that have They had names like gnomes and pixies and goblins.
irrigated the mudflat for years, perhaps centuries. Nomads Now they're spirits, skeletons, and other forms of corporeal
who pass nearby say that the palace was the home of a and incorporeal undead. The hatred they hold for all
powerful sorcerer who commanded genies or demons to living things sustains them, keeping them tied to the
build it for him. As the story goes, he reneged on his physical world long after their bodies have died.
payment, and his otherworldly allies entombed him in the In some places, mindless undead continue to reenact
structure. It seems likely that a gate or a portal provides the desperate battles they fought in life against the armies
the Mud Palace with its bottomless fountains, but few of the Champions. If living travelers come across one of
people try to collect water here – the surrounding mudflat these battle sites, the undead will attack them as though
teems with horrid monsters. they were their ancient foes. In other places, solitary spirits
moan for a world that has long since faded from view.
The Dead Land There are intelligent undead on the plains as well, usually
The Endless Sand Dunes eventually give way to a steep acting as leaders for the hordes of mindless zombies and
drop in the land. At the bottom of sheer, jagged cliffs, a skeletons that have lost their way. In all cases, when a
vast plain of blackest obsidian stretches beyond the limits being with the spark of life is detected, the undead flock to
of the known territory. Most of the plain is smooth, flat, that spark for the warmth and sustenance it can provide.
black glass, though in places the plain is shattered and Such life sparks are as water is to a living man, and the
great jagged chunks of glass jut into the sky. Other areas undead of the haunted plains are very, very thirsty.

Beyond the Tyr Region

Obsidian Citadel
Somewhere in the center of this haunted plain, an
Obsidian Citadel rises over the fields of glass. From this
bleak fortress, a powerful undead creature gathers the lost
spirits and troubled souls into a massive army. The thing
plans to eventually lead its army out of the Dead Land
and into the realms where the living creatures of Athas
still hold sway. On that day, this undead lord hopes to
gain revenge against Rajaat and all others who still draw
breath beneath the crimson sun.

Small Home
The ruins known as Small Home sit on the western
edge of the obsidian plain. In the Green Age, this place
of small buildings with ornate decorations was the home
of beings called gnomes. Now the place has been covered
by the same layer of black glass that coats everything
in the Dead Land, and hordes of short undead 120
creatures roam the area. If any living beings approach the
ruins, the sparks of life within them draw the undead like
caravans draw raiders. The undead are as unique as all
the undead of Athas, though there are large hordes of
zombies and skeletons. All of the undead in Small Home
were once either gnomes or pixies, though few of Athas's
current inhabitants know what gnomes or pixies are. As few living beings have explored this city since it fell
to the Champions, many secrets and treasures remain
hidden within the glass-coated buildings. Unfortunately,
The City of a Thousand Dead most of the treasures have been tainted by the obsidian
A massive city of obsidian stretches for more than coating, and none of the undead creatures will allow
a mile in every direction from its center in the eastern living beings to enter the city anyway. In the rare instances
portion of the Dead Land. Hordes of mindless or near- when treasures have been liberated from the city, tales of
mindless undead follow the commands of troll kaishargas, horrible curses have been associated with them.
gnome raaigs, and new forms of undead unique to the One legend claims that a huge undead creature resides
haunted plains. While miles of the glass plains seem beneath the obsidian city. According to the tale, the
deserted and devoid of both living and undead creatures, beast was created by the inhabitants of the city to defend
the area around this ruined city is literally crawling with it against the Champions' troops. This happened late in
undead beings of all descriptions. They appear at night, the battle, so it was never released to fight like it was
emerging from the shadows to resume their dances of designed to. Instead, it has become as undead as those
misery and songs of revenge. it was created to defend. The legend goes on to say that
This city was once a massive demihuman and humanoid the creature doesn't follow the commands of any of the
metropolis, where all races lived in peace. It was, however, undead lords. It has its own agenda that could even mean
an abomination in Rajaat's eyes, so it was one of the first the destruction of the undead of the city-if it were to get
places targeted by the crusades of the Cleansing Wars. loose from whatever binds it to its subterranean lair.

Beyond the Tyr Region

The Barrier Wastes

warmth in the wastes. As soon as the sun drops below the
horizon, the temperatures begin to fall. By the time the
The Barrier Wastes is a term given to a desolate area twin moons have reached the highest point in the night
that cuts across a massive portion of the Jagged Cliffs sky, extreme cold grips the land. Travelers prepared for
Region. Starting in the west just miles from the cliffs, the the high temperatures that accompany the daylight hours
Barrier Wastes stretches east to the White Mountains, sometimes freeze to death at night, forgetting to carry
north to the Lava Gorge, and south toward the Tyr garments to protect them from the cold.
Region. Two distinct terrain types make up this area, If the extreme temperatures or the lack of food and water
and each has its own name. The larger of the two is an don't kill travelers, then the wind is sure to drive them
expanse of sandy wastes known as the Glowing Desert. mad. It blows out of the west at a regular, steady pace,
The smaller is a wide belt of salt flats called the Scorpion but occasionally powerful gusts roar across the wastes.
Plains. The noise never ends, for in the Barrier Wastes the wind
Generally dry and bleak, the Barrier Wastes are marked is an ever-present, unwelcome companion. Sometimes it
by constant wind and extreme temperatures. During the screams like a thousand dwarf banshees or rumbles with
day, the sun turns the land into a skillet, making the sand the thunder of a hundred rampaging mekillots. On days
so hot that it burns unprotected skin. At night, the heat like that, no one can yell above the relentless sound, and
of the day quickly dissipates and the temperature drops some say that even the internal voice of a thinker's mind
below the freezing point. can't be heard through the din. The steady wind produces
A near-constant wind howls out of the west, sweeping a whistle that surrounds travelers. It becomes background
the land relatively flat. This makes the salt flats as sleek as noise, a persistent song from which there's no escape.
glass, while the desert's sand dunes are brushed smooth. In addition to the noise, the wind has other aspects
The dunes have gradual inclines and less severe dips than that make life intolerable. It carries hot, stinging sand on
the sand heaps in the southern wastes. its currents that can blind, burn, or even cut unprotected
Life exists in the Barrier Wastes, but not in very great travelers. The constant pressure that the wind induces
quantities. The largest concentration can be found in on whatever is in its way can be as maddening as the
Troll Grave Chasm, a crater whose scrub-plains floor noise, and sometimes more dangerous. It rips and tears at
surrounds a huge mud flat. In the wastes themselves, clothing and equipment, seeking to whisk such items into
the villages of the Bandit States possess most of the the air stream that blows ever to the east. When the gusts
permanent oases, though a tribe of feral halflings controls become roars, they can lift humans and medium-sized
the northernmost stretch of desert. animals off the ground and send them tumbling down
The worst aspects of the Barrier Wastes are the lack dunes or into a hidden sinkhole. These are called Angry
of water, the terrible heat, the bitter cold, and the near- Winds, for it's believed that the elementals send them out
constant wind. Oases appear from time to time, but of the west when something displeases them.
travelers shouldn't count on them being in the same It's a rare moment when no wind breaks the stillness
location from one trip to the next. The few relatively of the area. In some respects, this is more frightening
permanent springs that exist are under the control of than the Angry Winds because the sudden silence is so
either a Bandit State or some other hostile and territorial jarring. After days or weeks of driving sound, the absence
creature. of noise can be just as maddening to travelers who aren't
While the sun blazes overhead, the land burns. expecting it. The locals call these periods of quiet Still
Shimmering waves of heat rise off the sand and salt Winds, and they believe that they are omens of bad
flats, making it hot enough to roast travelers who don't things to come.
take precautions like finding shelter from the sizzling
open spaces. At night, the heat of the day quickly gives Methods of Travel
way to bone-numbing cold, for there's nothing to retain As with most other terrain types, the common ways to

Beyond the Tyr Region

get around in the Barrier Wastes boil down to walking Moving from south to north, the first portion of the
and riding. See the notes in the Tyr Region for general Barrier Wastes travelers encounter is the sandy wastes of
comments. Below are some specific things to watch for in the Glowing Desert. This huge, open desert covers the
the Barrier Wastes. largest portion of the Barrier Wastes. Except for its size
The same advice about walking in the Tablelands and the low dunes shaped by the constant wind, this
applies here, with some added considerations. Water and region of sandy wastes is much the same as the areas to
food are even more scarce in the Barrier Wastes, and the the south. Surprisingly, sand storms aren't as prevalent
distances that might be covered are considerably greater. here because of the strong wind from the west. Near the
It's imperative that travelers carry more than enough of southeastern edge of the desert, where the west wind meets
both or they'll never finish their trip. They must also carry breezes blowing in from the south, the cross-current forms
two types of clothing: one to protect them from the heat, billowing walls of sand as thick as those produced by
sun, and stinging wind of the day; and another to keep the Silt Sea. The Glowing Desert gets its name from a
them warm when the cold of night blankets the land. strange property of the yellow sand found here. At night,
Travelers must be on guard against wind madness, for the the sand glows with a ghostly luminescence as bright as
noise and intrusive brush of air can drive even peaceful starlight and as cold as the night air.
beings into a killing rage. More than one group has fallen
to bloody fights inspired by the wind's song. Salt Flats
Riding is definitely the way to cross the Barrier Salt flats make up the northern portion of the Barrier
Wastes, but not all mounts handle the wind as well Wastes. This area, called the Scorpion Plains, is baked to
as others. Crodlus seem immune to the relentless noise, ceramic hardness. Travel here is easy, though great cracks
though care must be taken to protect their eyes from occasional block the way. While mostly identical to the
blowing sand. Kanks react badly to Angry Winds, but salt flats of the southern region, the Scorpion Plains have
otherwise are dependable. Mekillots, however, become two significant differences. First, the area isn't lifeless.
nervous the moment they enter the Barrier Wastes and Insects and small animals are plentiful, living in the
feel the western wind blow across their armored hides. many cracks that open above mud flats. Here, travelers
Such beasts may make the trip without incident, but can find a variety of plants that can provide nourishment
usually the wind drives them into a deadly rampage that in a pinch. They can also find the creatures that give the
often results in their deaths and the deaths of those area its name. A variety of scorpions live here, including
traveling with them. Travelers must remember to carry barbed, gold, and purple scorpions. Second, an occasional
enough supplies for themselves and their mounts. oasis springs from a crack in the salt plains. Often under
The people of the Bandit States employ unique riding the control of a Bandit State or a terrible monster, these
vehicles for crossing the wastes. Called sail carts, these rare pools of fresh water bubbling up from the ground can
small, wheeled vehicles are made of light materials like mean the difference between life and death for a thirsty
bone and animal carapaces and carry two human-sized traveler.
passengers. Sails rise above the carts to capture the wind
and propel the vehicles across the smooth terrain. Scrub Plains
Scrub plains can only be found in one place in the
Features of the Barrier Wastes Barrier Wastes. A great depression has been gouged from
Four distinct terrain types make up the Barrier Wastes: the center of the Wastes, its sheer cliffs dropping 500 feet
sandy wastes, salt flats, scrub plains, and mud flats. Each to a lush bed of scrub plains thriving with a concentration
is separate and widespread, not intruding on each other's of life unlike anywhere else in the area. Called Troll
territory as in the Tablelands. Grave Chasm, the depression features beasts both benign
and malignant, a relative abundance of water, and a
Glowing Desert reputation that gives even the toughest Bandit Lords

Beyond the Tyr Region

pause. Otherwise, these scrub plains are identical to those Nexus is an academy of the Way located high within a
that dot the Tyr Region. small range of mountains northeast of Kurn. The hidden
site is hard to reach and well-protected by a group of
Mud Flat powerful psionicists and their students. A dwarf, Gulem
Finally, an extensive mud flat fills the very center of the Gray, runs the academy. It's said that he constantly
Troll Grave Chasm. This swamp is even more mysterious scans the reaches of Athas for psionicists worthy to study
and legendary than the scrub plains around them. Tales at Nexus, and that these hopefuls receive mental summons
proclaim that not all of the terrible creatures called trolls to come to the hidden facility.
were killed during the Cleansing Wars, and some of them Built within the mountain peaks themselves, Nexus
still live within its dark, moist confines. appears as a gray monolith beneath the crimson sun. Due
to the safeguards put in place by the psionicists who serve
the academy, no one can find the actual location if they
Encounters in the Barrier Wastes aren't permitted to. In fact, making it up the mountain to
Any creatures native to the terrain types that make Nexus itself is one of the first tests used to determine the
up the Barrier Wastes can be encountered within its worth of a particular perspective student.
expansive territory. For the most part, though, encounters The most powerful users of the Way can circumvent
with living things are few and far between. In the southeast the safeguards if they really want to reach the academy,
portion of the Wastes, travelers must contend with raiders but doing so alerts Gulem and his teachers. In this way,
from the Bandit States. In the northeast, feral desert Gulem may not be able to prevent a member of the
halflings are the worst threat. In the west, the environment Order from visiting, but at least he'll be aware of that
itself poses the greatest danger, for food, water, and shelter visitor's approach.
become exceedingly scarce the closer one travels to the Everyone who comes to Nexus is sworn to absolute
Jagged Cliffs. secrecy concerning its location and true function. While
studying with Gulem and the other psionic masters, the
City-state of Eldaarich neophytes must immerse themselves in the principles of
the Will and the Way. Body, mind, and spirit must
An ancient city far to the north of the tablelands, be forged into a single unit at Nexus, and the only
Eldaarich has been forgotten by much of the world after neophytes to finish the grueling training are those destined
Daskinor, the mad king, sealed his city away from the for great things. Many are returned to apply their talents
outside. For hundreds of years, it has existed in utter for the good of their communities. Others are sent into
isolation, with its citizens the subject of Daskinor's plots the wilderness to accomplish specific tasks. A select few
and paranoias. More details can be found in the city- are charged with teaching others in the use of the Will
states book. and the Way.
There are rumors that Nexus has binding ties to the
City-state of Kurn mysterious Order. In fact, Gulem is an entrant of the
Order, but his agenda is his own. He had no part in the
Another city lost to the distant north, Kurn is ruled
recent plot involving the psionatrix, and he has cautioned
by Oronis, formerly known as Keltis, a sorcerer-king with
his colleagues to keep a low profile in the wake of those
a surprisingly soft heart. His city and his people reflect
events. It appears that Gulem remains an influential
his thoughtful demeanor. Rumor has it that Kurn's king
member of the Order despite his low status thanks to his
foresees a brighter future for Athas than others dare to
words of wisdom and his prudent actions.
dream of. More details can be found in the city-states
Pyreen Grove
Nexus A particularly lush oasis in the scrub plains east of

Beyond the Tyr Region

the Thamasku Ledge goes by the name of Pyreen Grove. The ruins of Godshold lie near the Somber Woods, on
Here, amid a sparkling blue lake and clumps of long- the western side of the Lava Gorge. The ancient temple
leafed crying trees, legends claim that the pyreen gather to and its surrounding buildings date back to the middle
discuss the plight of the world. If these mysterious beings Green Age. Forgotten gods were gathered into a pantheon
can truly call a single location in all of Athas “home,” by the domains of the lawmakers, and one northern
then this oasis is that place. domain was dedicated to preserving this pantheon. All
Animals of all types live within the grove, though no that remains of this domain is the jumbled ruins of
intelligent or malignant beings shelter here for long. Some Godshold.
unseen force drives them out, keeping the oasis pure and The main temple is mostly intact, with gold-covered
pristine. Visitors who do make a brief stop at the grove walls and ornately carved icons that almost glow with the
are encouraged to treat every living thing there with the beliefs of a long-dead society. A powerful raaig guards the
utmost respect. After all, it's said that pyreen can take temple, keeping its secrets from all but the most stubborn
any form. and able adventurers. It's said that the mysteries of the
The pyreen, or the peace-bringers, are an ancient race Green Age and the ancient gods lie in the temple's depths,
with ties to the Age of Rebirth that preceded the Green waiting to be discovered. To retrieve them, adventurers
Age. These psionicist/druids travel the world in an effort must get past the spirit who guards the site – and past
to restore the vitality of Athas. In their natural form, whatever other traps and defense wait within.
they have physical characteristics of all the demihuman The surrounding buildings aren't in wonderful condition.
races, though they almost never appear that way. Instead, These have been looted and explored mercilessly over the
they wander in the form of animals or as humans or centuries, and natural disasters have added to the damage
demihumans. They are solitary, noble beings with a high and decay. Little of worth remains in these structures, but
purpose: to protect and restore the land. who knows what small treasure might be hidden beneath
While no visitors are likely to meet (or realize they're a pile of rubble or on the other side of a secret door?
meeting) pyreen in the grove, their presence can be felt
just the same. Just the fact that the oasis exists at all
should be enough to convince even the most skeptical
Winter Nest
mul that something powerful watches over it. If a visitor The White Mountains, near the shores of the Silt Sea,
attempts to harm the oasis, the grove itself is said to rise are named for the pearly white snow that covers their
up and attack. The other amazing thing about the grove uppermost peaks. This snow cover lasts the year round,
is that no defiler is ever permitted to step within its for it's always cold and wet at the mountain's highest
bounds. The land twists, heaves, and even cracks open to elevations. It's among these frozen peaks that the village
prevent a defiler from getting closer. If that fails, powerful of Winter Nest can be found.
creatures emerge from the grove to drive the offending A large tribe of civilized aarakocra settled Winter Nest
wizard off. Travelers' tales claim that everything from a lirr long ago. They call themselves “silvaarak,” the people
to a jhakar has been seen defending the grove. of the silver wing. These bird-people believe themselves
At least one pyreen regularly visits the grove. From this to be superior to all other creatures due to their ability
vantage point, the peace-bringer can travel to the nearby to fly above the world. This perspective naturally gives
city of the cliff-dwellers to check on the progress of the them great confidence and pride in themselves, and they
halflings who live there. The pyreen have definite ties to possess a certain amount of sympathy for all land-bound
the ancient halflings, and as the halflings of the Jagged creatures.
Cliffs are the closest to those of the Blue Age, it makes Winter Nest is formed from a mixture of ice, stone,
sense that the pyreen would watch over them. and shaped bricks. The combination creates an amazing
spectacle that is unlike any other place in Athas. The
use of ice alone makes it a strange and fascinating place.
Godshold Like the structures of the halflings of the Jagged Cliffs,

Beyond the Tyr Region

Bandit States and Eldaarich make such a policy seem

reasonable. Many young bird-people, however, want to
explore the world beyond the mountains and interact
with other civilized cultures. If the vocal and persistent
segment of the population is successful, Winter Nest may
completely abandon its isolationist ways.
Traaka leads the village. She prefers to keep Winter
Nest separate from the lower lands in order to maintain
its safety. However, she also understands the call of the
sky that makes the young aarakocra want to soar beyond
the summits and explore the world. She's desperately
trying to define a policy that allows such exploration
without endangering the whole community.

The Bandit States

A particularly rugged type of raider has developed in
the harsh environment of the Barrier Wastes, though some
attribute this ruggedness to the fact that the constant wind
that blows across the region drives them insane. Seven
separate raiding tribes control five permanent oases in the
Glowing Desert and two in the Scorpion Plains. A village
has grown up around each oasis, and these have become
the basis for the seven Bandit States.
Each of these seven communities is an independent
entity, though they've come to be known collectively as
the Bandit States. The large villages are populated by
outlaws, ex-slaves, and other outcasts who've found a place
with the charismatic and powerful men and women who
lead each tribe. These tribes exist in a near-constant state
of war, fighting each other for territory, to gain prestige, or
just for the thrill of battle.
When not fighting each other, the Bandit States engage
in raids against caravans plying the nearby trade routes
or the settlements scattered throughout the region. Using
everything in Winter Nest has a vertical orientation. As fast riding beasts and unique sail carts, the tribes sweep
home to flying creatures, it doesn't matter where doors down out of the wastes to strike quickly, plunder what
are placed, and walkways and ladders aren't necessary. they can, and escape back the way they came. It doesn't
Instead, buildings are surrounded by a series of landing matter which tribe travelers encounter, as each has a
platforms and resting perches that only vaguely resemble similar approach to the business of raiding – strike like
the streets and market places of human cities. the wind, take what you want by force and fear, intimidate
For the most part, the aarakocra of Winter Nest stay every victim so that the next time will be easier, commit
in the peaks of the White Mountains. Traders from the as much violence as it takes to accomplish the raid, and
village travel to Kurn a few times each year, but otherwise satisfy the blood lust that courses through every raider's
the community tends to keep to itself. Problems with the veins.

Beyond the Tyr Region

There are seven villages that each serve as the capital comes across for spoils and sport, the Ghosts especially
of a different Bandit State. These villages are Pillage, enjoy striking at the elf tribes of the Scorched Plateau.
Plunder, Ravish, Ravage, Kel's Lot, Wrath, and Spoil. When they go on a raid, the Ghosts wear the trappings
of the elven death myths – tattered clothing, burial paint,
Pillage and weapons decorated with blood. This adds to their
frightful image and often unnerves even the strongest elf
The village of Pillage surrounds an oasis located north warriors.
of the Troll Grave Chasm, in the portion of the Barrier When targets are particularly scarce, the raiders from
Wastes known as the Scorpion Plains. While most raiding Plunder don't hesitate to attack the dwarf fortress at
tribes contain members from a variety of races, the people the nearby oasis of Foul Puddle. While the mud-brick
of Pillage are mostly humanoids, with only a few humans fortress is formidable, the dwarves usually “pay tribute” to
and demihumans thrown in the mix. Chilod leads this the Evartu's raiders after a short, bloody battle. However,
Bandit State, commanding a community of tareks, ssurran, Evartu never sends all of his warriors away from Plunder
thri-kreen, nikaal, silt runners, some humans and dwarves, at the same time, as he must guard against attacks by the
a couple of braxat, and a few b'rohgs. All classes except raiders of the village of Pillage.
wizards are welcome among Chilod's ranks, as the tarek
has no tolerance for defilers or preservers.
Only Chilod's intimidating presence holds Pillage Ravish
together. The mixture of races makes a volatile brew, Ravish is one of five oasis village located south of Troll
but Chilod turns his followers' angry flames outward Grave Chasm, in the section of the Barrier Wastes called
instead of allowing them to explode within the village. the Glowing Desert. The community based in the village
To accomplish this, the leader has declared war on the is a typical tribe of raiders-all ex-slaves from Draj. The
nearby village of Plunder, making it a target for his tribe's tribe is ruled by Akive, a powerful mul with no leadership
natural aggressive tendencies. skills beyond great strength, excellent combat prowess,
The raiders from Pillage make periodic excursions into and the ability to intimidate and bully her subordinates.
the Scorched Plateau. There, they seek out ssurran trade This village is the poorest, least organized of the Bandit
caravans to attack. The ssurran traders have gone so far States, and its raiders blunder their attacks as often as
as to make a practice of leaving a small caravan behind they successfully gain plunder. The targets they strike at
for the raiders while their primary caravan continues on with most frequency are the halfling villages of the White
its appointed route. Mountain forests and Kurn's client villages.

Plunder Ravage
Plunder is the second of two village oases in the Ravage is the wealthiest of the Bandit States. It
Scorpion Plains. Its raiding tribe consists mainly of elves resembles a large trade village more than a struggling ex-
who have been cast out of their tribes for a variety of slave community. Its leader, Talid the bandit lord, has a
transgressions, though there are also the assorted collection vision that keeps Ravage on a path of growth and could
of muls, humans, and a few humanoids. The tribe calls mean big things for all of the Bandit States. However, few
itself Evartu's Ghosts, because according to elven tradition of his fellow bandit lords are willing to cooperate at the
those who are cast out from the elf community are dead. level necessary for Talid's plans to succeed.
If their one-time families have set them adrift in the land Talid wants to unite the Bandit States into one nation
of the dead, then the outcasts feel justified taking on the that stretches across the entire Barrier Wastes. Of course,
roles of ghostly avengers. the ex-gladiator from Raam sees himself as the head of
Evartu leads the Ghosts of Plunder in terrifying, often this nation of outlaws, a vision that causes the other
violent, fashion. While the tribe attacks any travelers it bandit lords lots of trouble. They don't trust Talid or

Beyond the Tyr Region

his grand promises of wealth and power. When the mul Kel's Lot
calls for a conclave of bandit lords (which he does on
a regular basis), most of the tribal leaders answer. These Kel's Lot is the westernmost oasis village in the Glowing
meetings routinely break down as each leader tries to get Desert. This Bandit State is unique as it's the only
the best deal for his or her own tribe. Talid is never able one that isn't simply a glorified slave tribe. In fact, with
to get them to understand the value of cooperation or the the exception of a few individuals, the members of this
strength a united front will give all of the tribes. community have never known the bonds of slavery. Kel's
Though they all distrust Ravage in the extreme and Lot's members are all dwarves who settled this village
are jealous of its wealth, none of the competing tribes are decades ago. The village was already in place when the
willing to attack the village directly. As it's extremely well slave tribes started to move in, and it has a long history
fortified, direct attacks against the village often end in of using raiding as a means to survive.
victory for the defenders and lose of life for the attackers. The ancient dwarf named Kel serves as the leader of
The other tribes have no qualms about occasionally this Bandit State. Of all the bandit lords, he most clearly
striking at returning raiding parties, however. Such a understands Talid of Ravage's vision. Unfortunately, his
strike isn't easy either, but it stands a better chance of prejudice against the mul (and all muls in general) causes
succeeding than a suicide raid against the main village. him to dismiss it as beneath the notice of his tribe. To
Kel and his followers, dwarves are the greatest of all races,
worthy of ruling the entire world. Muls, however, have

Beyond the Tyr Region

been rendered impure by their mixed heritages and are Spoil

considered less than dwarves. The fact that Talid's tribe
prospers above Kel's makes the dwarf bandit lord even Spoil, the oasis village located in the southernmost
more spiteful toward the mul. corner of the Glowing Desert, is another community of
ex-slaves who use the village as a base from which to
launch raids on nearby trade routes. A powerful defiler
Wrath named Densis leads the tribe. He's protected by the
The village of Wrath, led by Lady Cesti, features a mix Gorzu and Urtke, halfgiants devoted to the defiler.
of humans and demihumans living in a fantasy of their Densis hates Talid of Ravage with a passion. If anyone
leader's construction. Cesti, an ex-gladiator from Urik, is going to rule a united bandit nation, the defiler believes,
grew up enamored of the nobles who owned her. Even in it should be him and not some muscle-bound half-breed.
the slave pens of Urik, she withdrew into dreams of being Densis doesn't dare send his smaller and weaker tribe
a noble to escape the tribulations of the arena. When she against Talid's, but someday he plans to destroy the mul
gained her freedom and established Wrath, she did so and take command of wealthy Ravage.
with the illusion that she was of noble birth. While his tribe conducts raids or ambushes
The village is set up along the lines of a noble house- membes of the other Bandit States, Densis travels north
or at least Cesti's version of one. All of her advisers and to the ruins of the Buried City. He has been exploring
raiding captains have noble titles, and the parties that the site for almost three years, and each time he returns
follow a successful raid look more like a noble festival than to Spoil he has a bit more power at his command.
a slave tribe celebration. Most of Cesti's followers enjoy Few of his followers will accompany him to the ruins,
the illusion that the ex-gladiator has created, though a few for they believe that the place is haunted by terrible
sometimes wonder about her sanity. Lady Cesti (as she spirits and undead creatures. The fact that Densis
prefers to be addressed) can often be heard talking about regularly communes with these beings makes him more
returning to Urik to participate in one noble function or important in their eyes-and that much more frightening.
another, and she appears to believe that Hamanu himself
will grant her an audience if she so desires.

Beyond the Tyr Region

The Scorched Plateau

The largest of these tribes is the Moon Runners. Led
by Jesiv Moonsong, the Moon Runners engage in two
Where the Barrier Wastes end, the Scorched Plateau major activities: They hunt and they raise kanks. All of
begins. This relatively flat plateau extends to the Thunder the inhabitants of the area know the Moon Runners, and
Mountains and Burning Plains in the north, to the most respect them as neighbors who never try to take
Jagged Cliffs in the west, and to the Sea of Silt in the advantage of a situation. Some might consider this to
east. No cities or other seats of civilization can be found be peculiarly non-elflike behavior, but it fits with Jesiv's
in this desolate region, though scattered nomadic tribes philosophy. He only cares that his hunters have prey to
and primitive communities do struggle to survive here. stalk and his herders have grazing land and water. Beyond
Like most of the highlands, the Scorched Plateau is that, his tribe is more interested in festivals and fun than
a hot, dry region made up of the same terrain types in raiding or stealing.
prevalent along the rest of the Silt Sea's coast. Rocky The tribe does have one possession it considers sacred.
badlands make up the majority of the terrain. The hills An oasis near the coast of the Silt Sea called Moon
and twisting canyons of the badlands give rise to a small Runner's Rest is held as a holy place by the tribe. The
number of mountain ranges, though none of these can elves make regular pilgrimages to the site to stock up on
compare to the Ringing Mountains in the south, the water and relax. As long as the oasis isn't harmed or
White Mountains in the east, or the Thunder Mountains abused, anyone may use it while the Moon Runners are
in the north. Therefore, the methods of travel used in away. When they return, anyone found at the lush site is
places like the Tablelands work just as well here. attacked and driven off or killed. This custom relates to
Nestled amongst with Thunder Mountains lies the the legend of the tribe's founder. When Moon Runner
valley of the Last Sea and the variety of communities finished his race across the desert, this oasis was waiting
around it, under the control of the Mind Lords. for him. It was a gift of the water elementals, promised to
The Scorched Plateau has two other features that him when his thirst became so great he almost gave up
need to be discussed. These are the Somber Woods running.
and Lava Gorge. The forest, located near the mysterious When he arrived, a herder and his animals were
ruins of Godshold, is the only one on the plateau. The watering at the site. Furious that his gift had been used
gorge, meanwhile, is a huge, molten filled inferno slashing before he had a chance to slake his thirst, Moon Dancer
through the middle of this blazing land. killed them all. To this day, the Moon Dancers continue
this tradition, though most of those familiar with the area
know enough to leave the oasis before the tribe returns.
Encounters in the Scorched Plateau Ssurran traders operate in the region, dealing with
Creatures that exist in regions with similar terrain types everyone from the largest nomadic tribes wandering the
can be found in this area, so they won't be repeated scrub plains to the smallest clans hiding in the rocky
here. Instead, this section details creatures unique to the badlands. These northern ssurrans aren't as wild and
Scorched Plateau. savage as their southern counterparts. For example,
Among the many small tribes of nomads and primitive the desert-dwelling lizard men of the southern regions
settlers living throughout the Scorched Plateau are a are raiders who enjoy the flesh of halflings and other
number of elf tribes. Like the elf tribes to the south, humanoid creatures. The ssurrans of the Scorched Plateau,
these elves are wanderers who disdain walls, houses, and however, don't eat intelligent creatures and rarely resort to
other permanent structures. Some of these tribes operate raiding. Instead, the individual tribes have formed a loose
as raiders, some as herders, and at least one engages in confederation of trading houses, though on a less formal
limited mercantile endeavors. Travelers should approach and more primitive scale than the dynastic houses of the
the northern elf tribes with the same caution they use with Tyr Region.
the tribes in the south-keeping one hand on their purse As adapted to the heat of Athas as other ssurrans,
strings and one on their swords. those of the Scorched Plateau are friendly pack rats

Beyond the Tyr Region

who love making deals. They collect anything, behaving developed around the hunt and the forest. Because
more like glorified junk men than dignified agents of a the creatures of the woods only come out at night, the
merchant house. Still, they provide a key component to people of the woods (mostly humans, with an assortment
survival on the Scorched Plateau by bringing news and of adopted individuals from other races) have become
much-needed goods and supplies from one settlement to nocturnal as well. Because of their wilderness skills, their
the next. Because the heat doesn't bother ssurrans, their strange activity cycle, and their savage, mystical customs,
caravans travel near the Lava Gorge. They take advantage many weird legends concerning the Somber Woods' tribes
of the protection the gorge affords, as the intense heat have developed. Others inhabiting the Scorched Plateau
it gives off keeps most predators away. A typical ssurran believe that the forest is haunted and that the members of
caravan consists of everything the individual lizard men the forest tribes are the ghosts of the ancients. The tribes
can carry, a few carts (either pulled or drawn by kwilits, do nothing to discourage these beliefs, as such legends
large insects as adapted to the heat as their masters), and work to their benefit in most situations.
sometimes even a massive fortress beetle. Fortress beetles
grow to a length of 25 feet, carrying sturdy, 15-foot-tall
protective shells atop their backs. Much of the upper
Lava Gorge
portion of these shells is hollow, with intricate and To the east of the Somber Woods, Lava Gorge is a deep
beautiful chambers formed during the growing process. depression with sheer cliffs that drop almost 1,500 feet
Ssurran use these docile insects as beasts of burden, to a lake of molten lava. The heat rising from the gorge
filling their hollow shells with their most precious trade keeps most creatures away from its jagged edges, but those
goods. who stray too close often find themselves riding crumbling
stone into the boiling rock below. Travelers need to avoid
getting too close to the gorge. Temperatures within a half
Somber Woods mile of the lava lake are as much as 30 degrees to 100
The Somber Woods clings to the eastern side of a degrees higher than the normal temperature of the day.
small mountain range and serves as home to related tribes This increase in temperature isn't always gradual, and
of hunter-gatherers. This forest is a dark, brooding place an errant breeze can feel like a blast furnace if it blows
shrouded in an ancient cloak of antiquity. There are, it across the burning lake of rock. The intense heat can
seems, as many dead or dying trees as there are vibrant, blister exposed flesh, burn the lungs, and cause even the
living ones. Old beyond imagining and twisted with the strongest half-giant to be knocked unconscious.
weight of their years, these trees press in upon themselves, Luckily, the red glow of the bubbling lava can be seen
creating a claustrophobic maze. from a great distance as one travels the stony barrens
Adding to the feeling of desolation, most of the creatures surrounding it. During the day, the air over the gorge
and insects living in the forest are nocturnal. During the shimmers with rising heat and the sky above takes on a
day, the woods appear to be deserted and eerily silent. slight reddish glow. At night, the lava lights up the sky
Travelers can wander for hours without seeing or hearing and sets fire to the horizon for miles around, making it
another living thing. At night, the opposite is true. As the impossible to miss. When travelers spot the gorge, they
twin moons rise overhead, the woods become a shadowy, should turn toward the east or west to go around it. To
bustling terrain painted with the pallid luminescence of continue toward it is to risk an extremely painful death.
moonlight. Pale creatures with large, glowing eyes emerge
to hunt, prowling the forest with vigor. This is also when
the tribes inhabiting the woods become active, moving like
The Burning Plains
spirits through this ancient wilderness. The Burning Plains The Burning Plains are one of the
The tribes have customs in common with the Gulgs, most mysterious phenomena on Athas. The region's soil
though their culture and lifestyle is much more primitive is some of the richest remaining on the planet, fertilized
than that of Lalali-Puy's subjects. Their society has by centuries of dead grasses mixed into the black earth.

Beyond the Tyr Region

at least two days to complete.

The grass on the Burning Plains grows extremely
quickly, at the rate of more than a foot a day, starting at
the surface of the ash. The roots of the firegrass (as the
Last Sea residents call it) aren't very strong, though, and
they don't provide enough of a network to actually provide
a foundation across which travelers can walk. Anyone
stepping onto the false floor formed by the bottom of
the firegrass is in for a surprise, as they will instantly fall
through the ash to the actual floor of the plains if they
weigh more than about thirty pounds.
The same happens to any hapless creatures that wander
through the area. The Burning Plains are populated,
however, by mice, prairie dogs, and even meerkats which
can walk along the false floor formed by the firegrass roots.
They nest in tunnels clawed out of the ash, and when a
fire comes, they burrow deep into the ash and even into
the sandy ground beneath.
Most likely, when a traveler first comes to the Burning
Plains, he will see vast stretches of chest height grasses Flashfires
waving in the dry wind. Many newcomers take this as a Although the winds off of Marnita occasionally bless
sign that they have finally reached the Last Sea. After the Burning Plains with a gentle rain, this water is not
all, how could such bounty survive without vast sources enough to keep the grasses from drying to straw beneath
of water nearby? the terrible rays of the dark sun. Inevitably, whether
After walking a ways into the grassy fields, though, from lightning or from overheated straw spontaneously
the traveler notices that the ground below the seemingly combusting, fire breaks out on the Burning Plains. The
serene blanket of burnished white grass is covered in desiccated grass goes up in flame like flash paper, and the
blackest ash. These ashes are the result of the countless entire plain is swept by a raging inferno.
wildfires that have ravaged the Burning Plains. More than one group of travelers has met a flaming
If there is any sort of a breeze, the air above the plains doom after being caught in the middle of the Burning
becomes hazy with a fine gray ash that sticks to skin Plains when a wildfire broke out. Since these fires occur
and clothing, coating just about everything it comes into irregularly and unpredictably, most people wisely give wide
contact with. berth to these deceptively peaceful fields. All too often,
While the ash can be extremely annoying, gumming the alternative is to become just another cinder sifted into
nostrils and eyes and clogging throats, it is only a harbinger the fine ash that coats the ground of the Burning Plains.
of disaster to come. The ash is, of course, the remnants Adventurers may be tempted to try the same thing,
of thousands of years of wildfires that have plagued the but they should consider that, unlike most humanoids,
Burning Plains since the Mind Lords closed the borders the local rodents can live on very little air. When the
of the Last Sea nine millennia ago. fire comes, it can literally suck the oxygen out of the
In some places, the ashes have heaped up like massive fauna's tiny tunnels if they are not sealed against such
dunes rising dozens of feet into the air. In most places, an occurrence. Unless travelers can accomplish something
though, the ash is only knee deep. Still, this has the similar, they are doomed to suffocate, buried in the ash all
effect of slowing ground traffic across the plains. All around them and trapped beneath the raging fire above.
overland movement rates across the plains are reduced The best time to travel on the Burning Plains is the
rate, meaning any trip across the plains is going to require

Beyond the Tyr Region

day immediately after a fire (fires last 1-2 days), when the of the mountains by the Mind Lords. They were made
grasses are bare shoots above the ash, and there is little an offer: stay where you are and be eventually defeated
left to burn. Of course, the journey will generally take at and exterminated, or concede to our might and move
least two days, and on the second day the chance of a to the Lonely Butte, where you will be left alone for all
flashfire is higher. time. A few of the nobler giants resisted, but they were
For this reason, most travelers do not bother with trying quickly destroyed by the powerful psionicists. Soon after,
to cross the Burning Plains, at least not on foot. Even the remaining giants accepted the Mind Lords' offer and
the Thunder Mountains are more hospitable than this took up residence on the Lonely Butte. A small clan of
blistering land. them remains there to this day.

The Thunder Mountains Small Water

For the traveler who decides not to try braving the Travelers moving through the rocky badlands that wind
Burning Plains, the only other way to reach the valley around the northeastern portion of the Glowing Desert
of the Last Sea is by somehow traversing the Thunder must contend with feral halflings from the Small Water
Mountains. These tall, craggy peaks are so named for the Oasis. These rare, desert-dwelling halflings leave the sandy
fact that they are one of the few places on Athas that wastes to hunt in the labyrinthine canyons of the badlands
regularly sees thunderstorms. Due to the dryness of the where game is more plentiful. They're as deadly and
atmosphere of Athas, water from Marnita evaporates into dangerous as the halflings of the Forest Ridge, actively
the air above at an astonishing rate. When this warm, stalking even intelligent creatures for food and plunder.
damp air tries to escape over the western mountains the These raiders deserve the same levels of fear and respect
terrible cold of the heights leeches its moisture as snow that travelers in the south give the Black Sand Raiders
and rain. The resultant storms ring out for miles around, and the Silt Stalkers, for they revel in mayhem and
and the thunder booming from their hearts echoes from bloodshed. It doesn't pay to try to reason with the Small
the rocky peaks, to be heard by people clear across the Water halflings. They would have the same reaction as a
sea in the city of Saragar. merchant lord would if his erdlu egg breakfast suddenly
The Thunder Mountains are steep and, in most places, begged for mercy – they'd eat you anyway.
nearly impassable. There are very few passes that cut
clear through the high rocks, and in the few places that
the walls are pierced in such a way, the Mind Lords'
Trade Nest
security measures ensure that none shall pass unhindered. The ssurrans maintain a common village called Trade
Outside of the valley, legend has it that the mysterious Nest, that's governed by the ancient OverChief of all
and ancient devices which seal the passes have fallen into ssurran tribes. The OverChief Ssuss'ess is as proud of
decay, and in some spots, a wayfarer can even walk right his traders as any merchant house patriarch, though
into the valley of the Last Sea. But none of the legends he takes great offense to anyone who calls his people
identify clearly where these unguarded passes are to be "primitive". If travelers don't mind being bombarded
found. by hagglers and deal-makers, then Trade Nest can be
Of course, the Thunder Mountains were so labeled a welcome respite from the harshness of the Scorch
long before the Mind Lords determined to cut the valley Plateau. For a price, supplies, information, and even
off from the rest of the world. This had a great deal to guides can be acquired in this ramshackle village.
do with the large population of “crag” giants who lived in Ssurran guides make excellent companions for travelers
the western end of the mountains. In ancient days, during crossing the Scorched Plateau, and ssurran caravans can
thunderstorms, these creatures crawled out of their caves be life-savers when all other options have been exhausted.
high in the hills and celebrated until the rain was over. They can appear at any time, emerging from a canyon or
This same tribe of giants was subsequently chased out walking out of sandstorm with a load of wares. The quality

Beyond the Tyr Region

might not be what those from the Tyr

Region are used to, but the water and food
they carry can sustain thirsty and hungry
travelers until they reach their destination.

The Valley of the Last Sea

The valley of the Last Sea is ringed on
three sides by the Thunder Mountains.
Only the eastern edge lies open to the
Burning Plains instead. Together, these
nearly impassable barriers make a formidable
natural fence around the entire valley.
The Thunder Mountains are nearly
impenetrable, but for three passes. The
North Pass is rarely used, as few civilized
peoples live to the north of Marnita's valley.
The West Pass is a bit more traveled, but
since it cascades out of the mountains and
into the Crimson Savanna, there are also
few visitors coming from that direction. The
South Pass, on the other hand, is the main
gate into the valley of the Last Sea.

The South Pass

It's through the South Pass that merchants
from Saragar make their twice-annual
pilgrimage to the outlands to meet with
caravans from distant Tradenest. It's also
the means by which most outsiders make
it into the valley, especially if they are not
willing to brave the Burning Plains.
Because of this, the pass is, of course, the
most well-guarded of the valley's entrances.
The North and West Passes have almost
no security measures outside of the Border
of the Guardians. The South Pass, on the
other hand, is guarded by a high watchtower.
This small fortress is built on the inside of
the Border of Guardians, so it is mostly
a secondary line of defense, one that has
rarely been used.
The watchtower is staffed at all times by
a full patrol of 10 proctors and a single

Beyond the Tyr Region

lawkeeper to watch over them. The patrols keep watch in creatures. Only the most horrid crimes are prosecuted
split shifts of four hours each (four hours on, four hours during the festivals, mostly because the lawkeepers are
off, four hours on, four hours off, eight hours of sleep). having far too much fun and can't be troubled to go after
This way, they are always relatively fresh and alert. someone for something like jaywalking.
Thus, the watchtower holds 30 proctors and three Many of the people who have escaped from or sneaked
lawkeeper at all times. Fresh troops are brought in from into the valley of the Last Sea have done so during one
Saragar fortnightly. of these festivals. The security at even the South Pass is
At night, the pass is lit by dozens of torches, making notoriously lax at these times of year; only five proctors
it difficult to sneak through unnoticed. Nevertheless, are on watch at any given time and they are often caught
sneaky adventurers sometimes find some way to get past up in participating in their own miniature version of the
unnoticed. festivals.
Under no circumstances, however, are the merchants
The Great Trade Days ever willing to bring someone back across the border with
Every year just before midsummer's and midwinter's eve, them. They might do so unwittingly, but to knowingly
the ssurran traders from Tradenest make their biannual invite the terrible repercussions of the lawmakers for such
journey to a sheltered clearing nestled in between the a transgression is something that not even the greediest
Thunder Mountains and the Scorched Plateau. To these merchant would do-if he valued his life in the slightest.
meetings, they bring all sorts of exotic foods and trinkets,
anything that might possibly catch the eyes of the Last The Burning Plains
Sea merchants who are permitted to travel outside of the The other way to get into the valley of the Last Sea is
valley's boundaries for this express purpose. to cross the Burning Plains. While this may seem easy to
In exchange, the homelanders (as the denizens of the the untrained eye, the knowledgeable or wise traveler will
Last Sea are fond of referring to themselves) bring all go many miles out of his way to avoid having to traverse
sorts of unique things to trade: metal weapons, sails such a dangerous stretch of land. After all, getting caught
made from puddingfish hide (in high demand for the in the middle of the Burning Plains is a sure way to be
extremely different ships that sail the Silt Sea), and – transformed into a heap of smoking ash.
most importantly – fresh water (directly from Saragar's
desalination plant, making it some of the purest water to
be found on the entire planet).
The Last Sea
The Great Trade has become a famous tradition in The Last Sea is the final surviving remnant of the
the valley. At the height of the festivals – far and away Green Age, a time long since past. The lands around it
the two most important holidays in the entire valley – recall happier days, before the coming of the monstrous
the caravans of merchant wagons return from beyond evil of Rajaat and his genocidal Champions. It is a place
the mountains, overloaded with a veritable cornucopia of unspoiled by magic, and its caretakers – Mind Lords and
exotic foods and other items. mortal residents alike-take great pains to ensure that it
People from all across the valley arrive in Saragar for remains that way.
the festivals, and these are the only times of the year To most denizens of Athas, the Last Sea is the most
that the unity these people all feel, regardless of any amazing sight that they will ever behold. Nowhere else on
arguing they might do the rest or me year, is blatantly the planet is there a body of water to be found anywhere
obvious. Even the Lizard Men normally reclusive in their near as large. In fact, on a world in which an entire town
undersea kingdom, surface and join the festivities of the can be founded upon the existence of a single murky well,
air breathers for a few short hours. it seems that something as huge as the Last Sea would
The festivals are also the only times of the year that support a metropolis of staggering size, or even an entire
all of the lawkeepers can be seen to act like civilized nation composed of such cities.

Beyond the Tyr Region

Nothing could be further from the truth. Marnita is

surrounded mostly by small fishing villages inhabited by
people who manage to eke out a living from the sea.
(Of course, the very idea of having enough water to put
a boat on is astonishing to most Athasians. Sure, such
craft work on the Silt Sea, but that's dirt – tiny pieces
of solid stuff. How could something like water hold up
something as heavy as a boat? Upon first hearing the
idea, most Athasians think that such a contraption would
sink like a pebble dropped into a glass of foamy ale.)
There are three reasons why the Last Sea isn't the site
of the densest population center on the face of Athas.
First, the Last Sea is salt water. Most Athasians have
run across a pool of foul water before, something so
brackish as to be undrinkable. To a newcomer, the Last (due almost entirely to the efforts of the Mind Lords and
Sea must seem like the cruelest joke ever: to have enough the lawkeepers of Saragar) and unwanted advances are
water to actually swim in, but not to be able to drink nearly unheard of. This means that the parents of such a
a drop of it. The waters of the Last Sea are clear and child would have conceived the baby willingly, and since
a deep blue-green. They are full of interesting creatures the races of the region tend to stick with their own kind,
that most Athasians outside of the valley have never few children of mixed blood are ever born.
seen-things such as fish, seaweed, and even sharks and Those mixed-breeds who do exist are assimilated into
dolphins. Sailing ships crisscross the Last Sea's surface the society without any problems. Unlike in the rest of
like elves skating across the dunes that cover the rest of Athas, where the races each have their own separate and
the planet. distinct culture, in the city of Saragar, the peoples have
Second, it's not easy for outsiders to get to the Last banded together into a homogenous society tolerant of all.
Sea. It is a long way from Tyr, a place from which so Muls and half-elves can truly be accepted here for who
few people have been to the Last Sea that they nearly instead of what they are.
all consider Saragar to be something out of legend. As Of course, outsiders are outsiders. A mul coming to
explained earlier, there are many physical barriers in the Saragar looking for acceptance will encounter just as
intervening distance, any one of which can be deadly many problems as a human, elf, or dwarf of pure blood –
Third, the Mind Lords like things the way they are no more, but no less either.
within their valley. They have set up elaborate security In general, most people of the Last Sea region are
measures (known as the Border of Guardians) to keep suspicious of outsiders and many actually fear them. After
outsiders out and insiders in. For this reason, not even the all, outsiders are rare, and the people of the Last Sea have
ssurran traders that make occasional trips to rendezvous heard many legends of the descendants of those peoples
with envoys from Saragar have managed to settle on the not lucky enough to be protected by the Mind Lords
shores of Marnita. They simply aren't allowed. from the ravages that ended the Green Age. The nearer
The people of the Last Sea live relatively easy lives to Saragar one goes, the more reactionary people become
when compared with those of most of the other people on to the presence of outsiders. Within Saragar itself, if the
Athas. One thing that visitors might note about the Last city's lawkeepers get wind of the fact that someone has
Sea is that the only races represented here are humans, entered the city without authorization, there will likely be
elves, and dwarves. There are no others to be found. trouble for everyone involved.
Occasionally a mul or half-elf might be born to a Among themselves, however, the people of Marnita tend
couple within the region, but this is extremely uncommon. to be relaxed and friendly. Most of the villages around
There is very little crime in the valley of the Last Sea

Beyond the Tyr Region

the sea have basically a beach culture in which there is of the druids is burnished a deep bronze from long hours
little that can't be put off until tomorrow. “Tomorrow,” of exposure to the sun. Long-time druids are wrinkled
the saying goes, “is the busiest day of the week, because beyond their years, but they don't care.
that's when everything gets done.” Very little can get a druid inside any kind of shelter
for longer than a few hours. The people like to sleep
with the sand on their backs, sometimes even with their
Cuarsen feet in the water. More than one druid has had a rude
This sleepy little fishing village is located in the middle awakening when the rising tide has washed him out to
of Marnita's southeastern shore, far from the influences of sea, but they generally just see it as the sea calling out to
Saragar. Altogether, Cuarsen consists of approximately 50 them, promising a chance at some excellent body surfing.
people, but this number fluctuates to a great deal higher It is rare to see a beach druid far from his board.
from time to time as the many druids that live on the Each makes his own board by hand, lovingly crafting and
shores of Marnita favor this tiny place with most of their polishing it until it's ready to glide across the waves. It can
attention. take up to two weeks for a druid to make another board,
For the most part, the druids of the valley of the Last and although druids do make boards for sale, they refuse
Sea are genuinely different from those found in other parts to part with their personal boards except under the direst
of Athas. They live together in tiny beach communities of circumstances.
10 people or less, spending their days surfing on the waves The people of Cuarsen are mostly friendly, and the
of the Last Sea, constantly searching for the perfect ride. merchants there are happy to get business of any kind.
The hunt for the ultimate wave is a never-ending one, The same cannot be said for the druids, though. They
and it is the focus of these druids' days. Since a wave is are a closed group. Even amongst themselves, their bands
an ephemeral thing by its very nature, these people are are extremely insular.
destined to never find permanent contentment. This is While in the Sea Wax, Cuarsen's only tavern, druids
fine by them, though, as they enjoy the searching almost are often friendly, open, and even talkative with people
as much as they love the ride itself. that they know. It will take them at least several days to
To these nature priests, surfing is a means of communing feel comfortable enough to speak their mind in front of
with the water that they have come to love so much. To an outlander, though, if indeed they ever do. Bee, the
learn to surf and then to practice the lessons of surfing Sea Wax's shaggy haired elven proprietor and bartender,
is to come to know the sea and to show not only your makes sure to sit newcomers as far from the druids as
undying respect for it as a force of nature, but also the joy possible, but it rarely works. Once the druids are not in
you can feel when you are totally in tune with that force. complete control of the bar, they most times get up and
This is represented by riding smoothly, almost poetically leave as soon as they can finish their drinks.
atop a wave, knowing that it will end at any second and
enjoying it all the same for as long as is possible.
Most of the time, these druids live off of seafood they Cubarto
catch and fruits that they forage for along the shore. Cubarto is the second largest mixed-race settlement on
Eventually, though, this diet palls, even to such ascetics, the shores of Marnita, following distantly behind Saragar
and they come to Cuarsen for a drink and a meal. In with just over 1,500 people. Cubarto is located on the
exchange for these things, they trade ropes, mats, and hats side of Marnita directly opposite Saragar. This position
they have woven from the grasses that grow just beyond gives its citizens trading access to both Kharzden and
the beaches. Sylvandretta, an advantage the barge drivers of Cubarto
On any given day in Cuarsen, there are usually one exploit ruthlessly.
or two bands of druids in town for some good grub. The people of Cubarto are loud and lusty. None of
They are typically dressed only in shorts, the women them would last 15 minutes in Saragar before being
wearing sleeveless half-shirts as well. Each and every one hauled before a harmonizer to be brought into tune with

Beyond the Tyr Region

the Mind Lords' song. Just about everyone in Cubarto

supports the Underground, although there are few who do
so openly. Marnita is only so large, and the reach of the
lawkeepers more than sufficiently covers it.
This is a port town and a fishing village. Boats of all
shapes, sizes and descriptions pour through the port every
day. Those citizens who don't support themselves in the
shipping business make their living harvesting the fruit of
the sea, hooking and netting the many delicious varieties
of fish that call Marnita home.
Just as with elsewhere on the Last Sea, however, the
fishers of Cubarto are careful not to overly fish any
particular region of the sea. To do so is to invite a
mass harmonization of nearly every fisher in town, and
that's something that nobody in Cubarto wants. It has
been over a thousand years since the entire village of
Waishiki was harmonized in one fell swoop for their
repeated violations of the fishing guidelines set forth for
them by the Mind Lords. No one in Cubarto personally Year's Eve celebration.
remembers it happening, but a visit to Waishiki will The people of Cubarto are open and warm. They like
convince any skeptic of the veracity of this claim. to drink and swim (not necessarily at the same time).
Cubarto is governed by a mayor elected by the people. They are suspicious of strangers, but openly so. Visitors
He has very little real power, and the post is mostly an may find this refreshing after having to deal with the
honorary one. The only thing he can do that no other implicit distrust found in many of the other villages on
citizen can is call in the lawkeepers when he feels that the shore. This mistrusting is only natural, of course. After
they are needed. If his judgment proves flawed, however, it all, anyone new in the village could be a spy for the Mind
can end up being he that is harmonized instead. Lords, so until the newcomers are proven to be who they
The current mayor is a well-tanned young man named say they are, they can expect to encounter stubbornness
Sentigo, with dark brown eyes and straight black hair bordering on open hostility from the Cubartan people.
he wears shaved close to his head. Sentigo believes in The easiest way to earn a Cubartan's trust is to publicly
running a tight ship, and in his case, that means collecting curse the Mind Lords. No one from Saragar could do
taxes from each ship that uses Cubarto's port. He usually such a thing because of their real fear that they could be
charges a measly two percent of any cargo carried, but he struck down for such a thing. (Of course, who's to say the
can go as high as 10 if his takes a disliking to the people outlanders won't be?) Not even a native Cubartan would
he's dealing with. In any case, Sentigo is a popular man, be so bold.
and any attempts to get out of paying him his taxes will
be met with stiff resistance from just about everybody Huddleston
else in town. At the end of the year, Cubarto always
Huddleston is a small farming community nestled into
has a surplus of taxes, and instead of hoarding the cash,
the nook north of Marnita, right between the last of the
Sentigo uses it to throw a great festival. People from all
Thunder Mountains and the edge of the Burning Plains.
around the Last Sea show up for the party, especially for
This extremely fertile land sees a great deal of rain, and
the fantastic spread of food and drink that the village
this, combined with the valley's long growing season, make
provides for free. Even an occasional lizard man, as well
the fields around Huddleston the most productive on the
as a ghost elf or two from Sylvandretta (see below) has
been known to show up for Cubarto's infamous New

Beyond the Tyr Region

Visitors from afar will be astonished at the size of falling to the person best suited to taking care of that
these farms, the row after row of luscious plants and trees particular task.
bearing vegetables and fruits of all kinds. Perhaps the At the end of every weekend, the people meet
most famous farm in the area is the old Jenkins Vineyard, (traditionally at the Jenkins Vineyard, although other
a place which has been producing the sweetest grapes and places have been used) to discuss the issues of the week.
making the finest wines on Athas for millennia. Votes are brought up after everyone who wants to has had
The vineyard is run these days by a man named Clay a chance to say his piece. A simple majority rules, and
and his young wife Sherril. They happily care for the any resolutions are acted upon instantly.
vineyard and watch over all of their workers, and each No Huddlestonians ever willingly shirk a duty placed
year they supply the drink for the New Year's Eve festival upon them by their fellows. It's rare that assignment of
in Cubarto. There is always plenty of good, inexpensive a duty even has to happen, though, as most people will
wine to go around, and the Jenkins consider the yearend simply volunteer their services to lend a hand in solving
party to be the best advertising for their product they any problem that might arise. Consequently, Huddleston
could ever find. is an extremely competent community, and no one is
Never in the entire history of Huddleston has anyone ever left dangling in the delightfully cool sea breezes that
ever had to be harmonized. They're simply all too sweep over these fields of plenty
well adjusted to ever even consider causing someone
unhappiness. True, occasionally even a Huddlestonian
gets down, but whenever that happens, another one is
right there to help pick him right back up again. The The dwarven colony of Kharzden is far and away the
villagers are determined that no one is going to spoil their largest settlement in the valley, outside of mighty Saragar
perfect record. itself. It holds almost 2,000 dwarves scattered throughout
The Huddlestonians (basically anyone who lives within the ancient mining shafts riddling the northern part
10 miles of the village) generally live solitary lives, each of the Thunder Mountains. These dwarves live mostly
family working hard on its farm all week long. Come underground like their ancient counterparts once did,
the weekend, though, the villagers head into their tiny although they have long since lost any special abilities to
burg for a couple days of song and celebration. These mine and forge metals.
communal moments are what bring these people together Most of the veins of ore in the Thunder Mountains
and give them a sense of unity with one another. They were mined out long ago. A few new ones have been
cherish their friendships above all else. Once you've got discovered recently by hobbyist miners, and some new
a Huddlestonian for a friend, you've got a friend for life. metals have been extracted and made into new items like
The Huddlestonians are extremely friendly to outlanders mining tools and even axes. Most of the metal things that
and will extend such travelers every courtesy. Long ago, the dwarves have, though, are as ancient and worn as the
they simply called the lawkeepers every time someone bits that circulate throughout the rest of the valley.
made it through the Border of Guardians, but when the The miners wear bandanas tied around their faces to
lawkeepers seemed to stop caring so much about it, the keep them from inhaling too much of the subterranean
Huddlestonians did too. Today they call the outlanders dust. The people of Saragar have taken to jokingly
into their homes and treat them like royalty, eager to calling them the only bearded dwarves on all of Athas.
learn everything they can about the world outside their Traditionally these bandannas used to always be brown,
little valley but today they come in all sorts of different colors and
Huddleston is governed by a direct democracy. As patterns.
there are less than 250 people in the entire community, The dwarves' government is a matriarchal monarchy,
they see no reason to elect any single person to carry and the current queen is an aged woman by the name
out all of their wishes. The honor of dealing with any of Elakta. In the dwarves' home under the mountains,
particular matter changes from matter to matter, generally Queen Elakta's word is law, and it is obeyed by all.

Beyond the Tyr Region

Elakta is as proud and stubborn as her people, and she

refuses to have much to do with the lawkeepers of Saragar.
She suffers their presence when they require it, but not Rivertown is a tiny town that sits on the banks of the
willingly, and she has yet to break the long tradition the Big River, which flows out of the northwestern Thunder
dwarves have had of refusing to call upon the lawkeepers Mountains and into the sea. The town rests high in the
for help. If she has her way (and she usually does), her foothills of this range, at a point at which the river runs
people never will. wide and fast.
The dwarves live off of subterranean crops grown in The Big River can actually be crossed by foot at this
massive chambers buried deep beneath the mountains, point, but it is 50 yards wide, and each round of time
far from the burning rays of the sun. Their ancestors were spent working across it requires a Dexterity check at -3.
as distrusting of the efficacy of the Mind Lords' ability to Those who fail their checks lose their footing, take 1d6
defend them from the sorcerer-kings as these dwarves are points of damage and are swept down the river at a
today. The ancient dwarves built an underground world movement rate of 30. They must then make a Dexterity
for themselves that was almost entirely self-sufficient. In check at -6 to regain their footing or grab onto a solid
this way, they hoped to hide from the wizards and their rock or branch as they pass by it. Each turn that the
power for as long as possible. victims fail to save themselves, they take an additional
Since those days, the dwarves have become somewhat 1d6 points of damage. If they are still being swept along
lax in their vigilance. The doors to Kharzden stand wide, after the tenth turn, they are swept over the edge of the
their hinges long since rusted open. The colony has Big Falls, a 100-foot waterfall that crashes down into a
expanded since those old times, and the village now spills wide pool of water before continuing on toward the sea.
out onto the clearing on the edge of the mountainside. Victims must save versus death to avoid being fatally
The dwarves of Kharzden are stolidly against magic of crushed on the rocks below. Those who succeed manage
any kind, or even the use of psionics. They have a few to avoid the rocks, but they had better know how to swim,
wild talents in their group, but none of them has any as they are in 20 feet of water.
training in the Way. The use of any kind of unusual Less adventurous souls can do what most of the villagers
ability within the halls of Kharzden is frowned upon and do: walk across the suspension bridge that wavers a mere
is grounds for immediate ejection for a time. If the offense six feet above the river's frothing surface. Still, some of the
is repeated, the offender is beaten unconscious before young men in the village like to challenge outlanders to
being cast out. The penalty for the third time is execution. a crossing of the river the old-fashioned way, and about
Other than this, the dwarves are extremely friendly to once a year someone is swept down the falls.
outlanders. They see them as a potential source of revenue The people of Rivertown support themselves by hunting
and information. The dwarves' metals are extremely and fishing. A large variety of woodland critters that are
valuable outside of the valley, and they are more than good eating make their homes in the mountains and these
willing to trade small amounts for important information hills, and a lot of them come down to the river to bathe
from distant lands. Queen Elakta strongly believes that and drink. Also, a substantial population of fresh-water
the day will come when the Mind Lords' efforts will fish swim up and down the river, including a number of
finally fail, and she will do everything she can to make different types of trout
sure that her people are prepared for that eventuality When the salmon swim up the river to spawn (even
The dwarves also trade for all sorts of different things. managing to climb the falls), the Rivertown fishers haul in
They are especially fond of gourmet foods and intricate a load of these tasty fish. They then smoke them and store
toys. They delight in these things above all else, although them so that they can eat them all year round. Smoked
the queen makes sure that these “vices” do not overshadow salmon is considered a fine delicacy around the entire
the dwarves' more important work. valley, and it is Rivertown's number one export.
Rivertown is governed by a mayor elected from its
populace of just over 600 people (including those who

Beyond the Tyr Region

live in the outlying areas surrounding the small town). No

one runs for the office. Votes are simply tallied every four
years, and the winner becomes mayor. The only restriction
is that once you've been mayor, you can never hold that
office again.
This suits the people of Rivertown just fine, since no
one really wants the job anyway. The mayor has to oversee
matters in the town and act as arbitrator to settle any
disputes. While this is all well and good, it gets in the
way of more important things like being in the woods.
The current mayor is a young woman named Karpinnen.
Tall, blond, and beautiful, with startling blue eyes, she
is inexperienced with the vagaries of politics, having only
held the office for a few weeks. Before this, her only claim
to fame was that she had been horsing around on the
bridge and fell into the river. She was eventually swept
over the falls but miraculously survived. People around
these parts apparently figured that anyone so darn lucky
should take a turn at running things in Rivertown. Also,
her parents actually campaigned privately for her, hoping
that a little responsibility would help her mature quickly
before she got killed in another one of her foolish stunts.
The Rivertownies are generally stand-offish with strangers.
They don't trust anyone they don't know, fearing that
strangers might be spies from the lawkeepers. Still, they
enjoy playing pranks on outlanders just come through
the mountains (like telling them that rubbing rash ivy on
their skin will help keep away the mosquitoes found up in
the forest). This is easy, as they know that the valley seems
like another world to those from the desert lands. The
pranks are generally harmless in the long run, though.
The Rivertownies don't want to permanently hurt anyone;
they just like a good laugh at outsiders' expense.

The city of Saragar on the edge of the Last Sea is the fishermen, but a number of farms range from Shallat's
largest settlement in the area and the home of the Mind borders to the edge of the Thunder Mountains, ensuring
Lords. More details are found in the City-states book. that the less than 300 people who live here have plenty of
food without having to trade much with the other towns.
Shallat Shallat's main attraction is its healing facilities. The
town is governed by a hereditary monarchy, each member
Shallat is a small town on the northern side of Marnita, of which is a physician of incredible skill. Most members
sheltered from even a view of Saragar by the intervening of the ruling family are water clerics as well, people who
Lonely Butte. The people of this village are mostly have dedicated their lives to using the fertility of Marnita

Beyond the Tyr Region

to aid in their healing ways. concern in the community, and it's up to the lawkeepers
The head of the ruling family is titled duke or duchess. to keep the happiness.
The current Duke Jaan Shallat rules side-by-side with his
lovely bride, the Duchess Shelistone. Both are impressively
skilled physicians and 10th-level water clerics. They are
admired and well-liked by their people. No one resents Whereas the dwarves of Kharzden are friendly and
the pair their titles, as they are in fact mostly honorary. open with strangers, the over 500 elves of Sylvandretta
Additionally, the responsibility of being in charge of the are cold and aloof. They believe that the purity of their
village is something that no one really wants to volunteer bloodline needs to be preserved, and they hold this above
for. Most people are happy to let someone else take care all other concerns. Unlike most other elves on Athas,
of the political stuff so that they can get on with their these creatures are fair skinned with light blond hair and
daily lives. Jaan and Shelistone, however, shoulder this pale blue eyes. Down the millennia, their line has grown
burden gladly, happy to be able to help their fellows in even fairer than ever before, and they are now called
any way that they can. “ghost elves” by the people of Saragar – even the elves
The Shallatians are a peace-loving people, and they are of that fair city.
generally treated well by everyone living in and around Sylvandretta is governed by a high council of seven
Marnita, even by the brigands and pirates who live on elders elected from the ghost elves' general population.
the Lonely Butte. After all, potentially anyone might These wise people rule over their people for 21-year terms.
eventually find themselves in need of the village's services, An election is held every three years, and a new elf is
and when they do, they want to make sure that the elected to the open position. No one is permitted to hold
Shallatian healers will attend them with all due haste and office for two consecutive terms, so they must take off at
without a single reservation. least three years between terms.
Of course, the Shallatian healers would help anyone in Sylvandretta is located in the Spirit Forest, a massive
need no matter how horrible a person he was. They have stand of ancient trees nestled between the two arms of the
sworn a sacred oath to aid anyone in need, no matter Thunder Mountains, in the southwest section of the valley
what the circumstances may be. In all cases, they try of the Last Sea. Here, as far from Saragar as one can get
traditional means of healing first, but if that fails, they will and still be under the Mind Lords' purview, the ghost
not hesitate to fall back on their priestly abilities. elves live in harmony with their natural surroundings,
The Shallatians charge reasonable rates for their services, sheltered as they are from the horrors the defilers and
and they are extremely understanding in cases of financial their ilk have visited upon the rest of the planet.
hardship. They will happily accept goods and services in Sylvandretta is based upon a circle of twelve tremendous
barter for their assistance. Otherwise, they gladly extend trees of life. These towering trees, each standing nearly
generous terms of credit. two hundred feet tall, support a network of handworked
The Shallatians are so well-respected, though, that if tree houses in which live the twelve great families of the
it is discovered that someone owes them something, the ghost elves. The network of rope bridges that crisscross
people of the Last Sea will treat that person harshly between the trees, high above the ground, is nearly as
until he makes good on the debt. Innkeepers will only complicated as the web of relationships that connect these
put him in their worst rooms and sell him their cheapest twelve families.
fare, hoping to force him to save enough to be able to Millennia of inbreeding among these creatures has
compensate the healers. Merchants around the sea will caused their life spans to be cut to half of the traditional
do the same. elven length. This has spawned a great debate among
If a person simply refuses to pay up a debt, someone the twelve families and the members of the council. One
(not a Shallatian, but a friend of theirs) will turn the side believes that the time has come to invite new blood
delinquent over to the lawkeepers for harmonization. After into their breeding stock. The other staunchly holds that
all, this person's actions are causing no small amount of any such action would be tantamount to forever tainting

Beyond the Tyr Region

their vaunted bloodlines in a manner that could never

be repaired.
As such, while most ghost elves will steadfastly refuse
to talk to or even allow themselves to be seen by a
stranger (anyone from outside of Sylvandretta), a sizable
minority are at least willing to converse with outsiders,
even those from beyond the Border of Guardians. In
either case, both factions group the lawkeepers in along
with any other outsiders, except for a small force of ghost
elf lawkeepers specially commissioned by the Mind Lords
over five millennia ago as a concession to the elves'
extreme xenophobia.
These lawkeeper ghost elves are legendary even among
their counterparts from Saragar. They are rarely seen
outside of Sylvandretta, but when they are, they usually to differ with them in their opinions. It was only by
are out looking to capture a breaker of their laws. They her efforts that Thesik's hand was stayed from dealing
don't believe in harmonization – the best that such a punishment upon the village.
hapless fugitive can hope for is a quick death. Then, as inevitably happened, Barani slipped into a
state of depression. This spelled immediate disaster for the
Waishiki dissidents of Waishiki. Without even consulting Thesik
or Kosveret, Barani contacted the chief lawmaker and
Waishiki is a small fishing community situated at the ordered him to take every last one of his lawkeepers
rearmost point of the southern bay below the Saragan into Waishiki and harmonize the entire town in one
peninsula. The people there are extremely friendly and fell swoop. It would take too long to root out the real
happy all the time. Strangely, this is because of the town's troublemakers, she said, and in the meantime, it was best
tragic past. to make the entire village obey the Mind Lords' wishes
Just over a millennia ago, the people of Waishiki were right away instead of waiting until a “better” time. The
having a problem. Actually, they were causing it. The goddess's orders were carried out to the letter, and every
mayor of the town and the rest of the village elders had man, woman, and child in the entire city was remade into
come out condemning the Mind Lords and their horrific the Mind Lords' image. In one fell swoop, the town was
practice of harmonization, a process (the elders claimed) entirely loyal to the Mind Lords again.
that robbed people of their right to free will. By living Since then, things in Waishiki have pretty much
under such a totalitarian regime, the people were being remained the same. The faces have changed, but the
forced to give up that exact same right, and it was up to attitude has not. They are each and every one model
someone to finally stand up and speak the truth. citizens. The lawkeepers are welcomed freely here, as the
The Waishikans were supported morally by many people have nothing to hide. Outlanders are not treated
homelanders, but few of these people behind the scenes well by the Waishikans for the same reason. Although
were actually nervy enough to speak out loudly in these new people don't have direct, immediate contact
unconditional support. In the end, they turned out to with the Mind Lords, they are devout worshippers of the
have been wise. Mind Lords, and if the lawkeeper who preaches to them
The protests were allowed to continue for as long as had something against people from beyond the Border of
Barani was in one of her manic moods. She was the Guardians, then so too do they.
protector of the meek then, seriously considering any issue One other thing that makes Waishiki stand out from
that her subjects cared to bring to her attention. To her the other towns is the monastery of water clerics that
fellow Mind Lords, she defended the right of the people

Beyond the Tyr Region

stands in the center of town, just as it has been for the

past five thousand years. These water clerics (or at least
their ancestors) were caught in the great cleansing of
the town, their minds wiped clear of the very thoughts
that they were passing on and the instigation rumors of
rebellion that they had started.
The water clerics may live in Waishiki, but their sacred
place is Marnita itself. These priests can often be seen
riding sailboards around the coast and even across the
sea, preaching their faith to each community in turn, their
tiny crafts' puddingfish sails flapping in the wind. They
are welcomed with open arms into each community that
they travel to, but never as close friends. The people of
the Last Sea know that these priests are really puppets of
the Mind Lords, and they regard them as spies, so they
are always careful to keep their wits about them whenever
a water cleric is around.
These water clerics occasionally make pilgrimages into
the forests or even the mountains searching for a clear
a spider or fly, is through Blufftown.
spring of running water fresh from the highest peaks. For
Far behind Ordean's and Sitko's, (see below) there
this reason, these priests may often be the first people that
is another infernal contraption of a basket and pulleys
an outlander runs into on his way into the valley.
designed to haul people occupants up a tall, narrow
Water clerics do not inherently despise outlanders, and
chimney to the top of the Lonely Butte. The elevator
they will actually instruct them in the proper ways of
shares the binding space with a raging waterfall which
handling both the water and themselves in the Mind
occasionally wanders uncomfortably close to the swinging
Lords' vision of how a city should be. In this, they see
basket. This water rushes through an iron grating at the
themselves acting as a kind of harmonizer, although they
top and lands in a crystal pool far below, the source
work verbally and with reason instead of with brute-force
of all of Blufftown's water. A small gate in the grate
opens automatically as the basket nears its journey's end,
As spell casters, though, the water priests are not
powered like the elevator itself by an unseen obsidian orb.
permitted in Saragar without an escort of at least
The plateau of the Lonely Butte is like a land that
one lawkeeper. Most people don't bother to make the
time forgot. Creatures and plants living here date back to
distinction between the different types of spell casters. To
even the Blue Age itself. Lizards of all shapes and sizes
them, all cut from the same cloth – unless, of course, the
slither through the undergrowth, far below this tropical
Mind Lords say differently in a particular case.
rainforest's canopy. Playful monkeys swing from tree to
tree, and shy gorillas fade away from intruders, into the
The Lonely Butte mist.
The Lonely Butte is a geographic wonder, a savage The main attraction of the Lonely Butte is that the
land that thrusts directly out of the water, surrounded on lawkeepers generally refuse to go there unless specifically
all sides by sheer bluffs falling over 200 feet to the sea ordered to by the Mind Lords themselves. This is a
below. The plateau atop the continuous cliff is covered land full of danger, a fact particularly true for those who
with a lush jungle which all sorts of dangerous creatures support the Mind Lords. But there are many creatures
call home. Fortunately for the rest of the Last Sea, the on this island that care not for politics and will kill
only way on or off of the butte, unless you can climb like indiscriminately to fill their bellies.

Beyond the Tyr Region

Blufftown Ordean's eyes. Ordean treats everyone equally. The dusty-

haired little man with the weedy mustache will rip you
This is a small settlement in the side of a bluff on the off no matter who you are – if you give him the chance.
east edge of the Lonely Butte. It's a rough and tumble Things have changed recently for Ordean, though. He
town where even the lawkeepers fear to tread, and for had an arrangement with the previous owner of Sitko's.
this reason, it's a haven for members of the valley's The two proprietors fixed prices in Blufftown ensuring a
Underground (a clandestine group of people who actively hefty profit for them both. Sitko, on the other hand, has
– though secretly – oppose the Mind Lords' perpetual balked at making the same kind of agreement. He's a
rule) and other fugitives from the Mind Lords' justice. revolutionary, not a capitalist. He refuses to lower himself
Blufftown is little more than a couple of inns sitting in to profiteering at the expense of his fellow Undergrounders.
a good-sized cave the winds and waters have carved out Competition between the two inns has heated up a
of the east side of the Lonely Butte. These inns sit inside great deal since Sitko acquired his inn. Ordean's ire at
this cave some fifty feet above the waves that crash against the newcomer has been ameliorated a bit by the fact that
the base of butte, and the only way in or out of the most of his old patrons have stuck with him just because
area is by being hauled up in a precarious contraption he's lowered his prices on ale to match Sitko's. Besides
consisting of a larger wicker basket and a series of ropes which, the rough and tumble sorts who like to hang out
and pulleys. at Ordean's don't much care for the more intellectual
The engine for this device is an obsidian orb stolen Underground crowd that Sitko's draws in.
from the Mind Lords long ago by Ordean, the greatest
pirate the Last Sea has ever seen. Over the years, it has
gotten a bit finicky about who it hauls up into Blufftown, The Lonely Giants
and there is only a 75% chance that it is working any By far the most notable occupants of the Lonely Butte
given hour of the day. are the small family of humanoid “crag” giants who live
The operators of the two competing inns are Ordean (a on the southwestern edge of the butte in an abandoned
weasely man who claims to be descended from the dread city dating back to the Blue Age. Portions of the city
pirate of legend) and Sitko, a relative newcomer to the seem to have almost grown directly from the rocks on
business of catering to criminals. A prominent member which the buildings sit, but much of it has crumbled, and
of the Underground, Sitko won the inn from its previous many walls and ceilings have been torn out by the giants
owner in a poker match a little less than a year ago. to make room for themselves in buildings meant for a
Ordean's is, simply put, a dive. The walls of this people just over a tenth of their size.
ancient place are rotting from long exposure to the sea The city, the name of which has long since been lost,
air without even a passing nod at general maintenance. hosts about 30 giants (25 adults and 5 children). The
Wind whistles through the slats, and even through the inbreeding problems which have plagued the ghost elves
floorboards (which are raised about three feet above the are even more prominent here, and the crag giants are at
uneven rock). Rain, when it can manage to be blown their wits' end trying to determine what it is they should
under the cave's sheltering roof, leaks through dozens of do to keep their clan alive.
holes in the roof. The floors are nearly as dirty as the Their fate has made the crag giants exceedingly crabby,
sheets on the beds, and the ale is watery and pale. and they tend to kill first and inspect the corpse later.
Still, if your money's good, Ordean is only too happy to Outlanders who manage to survive the initial onslaught
serve you. The prices are outrageous – nearly double what long enough for the giants to calm down will find them
they are in Saragar – but Ordean figures he's got a captive friendly enough. They are interested to glean information
customer base, so he'll get out of them whatever he can. about what is happening outside their butte.
Ordean is a bit of a bigot when it comes to races other The crag giants wait impatiently for the day that the
than his own (he claims to be human), but no matter who Mind Lords become weak enough for them to finally
the customer is, as long as he's got money, he's fine in wreak their revenge. To this end, they have made friends

Beyond the Tyr Region

with certain members of the Underground, including

Sitko. Sometimes they even offer shelter to such people.
Anything that could cause the Mind Lords harm seems
like a good idea to these sad creatures as it becomes more
and more apparent that they are headed for extinction.

Criker's Pirates
The Last Sea has known several semi-successful bands
of pirates over the years. They sail the waves on the hunt
for booty to loot from cargo-laden craft scudding along
the shipping lanes. Eventually, most make a fatal mistake
and are brought down by the lawkeepers and hauled in
for harmonization, but sooner or later another band of
freebooters always crops up.
The latest and greatest group of thieves on the open
sea is probably the most successful one ever. This is
likely due to the fact that these pirates rob for principle
instead of profit, most of the crew being members of the from intrusion by the lawkeepers, if not from the jungle's
Underground. They sail under the command of a robust other denizens.
mul named Criker in a blazingly fast corsair called the
As the son of a mostly forgotten sailor on another ship
of bandits, Criker has been a pirate his entire life. But Undertown is the name that the people of Saragar have
only in the last few years has he found a cause he feels for the lizard man settlement deep beneath the surface of
really worth fighting for: bringing the Mind Lords down the Last Sea, though the amphibious people have a name
once and for all. The lawkeepers finally caught Criker's for it that translates as Nesthaven. Few surface dwellers
father five years back and took him in for harmonization. have ever been to this watery village, but an occasional
The man hung himself rather than have his mind violated. water cleric has been there and back, and the tales told
Criker fights the good fight for his father and all people of the briny society are amazing.
like him-those too proud to ever allow their will to be bent The town itself contains three separate tribes of lizard
to another's mind. men, each with its own loyalties and agendas. Any lizard
A few other pirate bands sail the Last Sea, but man can instantly tell the tribe of another lizard man,
they ar mostly part-timers, opportunistic robbers in it only but the differences are far too subtle for an air-breathing
for the profit. Due to centuries of careful socialization in humanoid to discern without spending many long hours
the valley, however, even pirate raids on the Last Sea are studying the creatures.
comparatively orderly things. People are not killed for the The three tribes occasionally have their differences, but
sheer sport of it, and property is not destroyed without a they all are entirely loyal (at least on the surface) to their
reason. king, a hale and hearty reptilian named Nelyrox. The
Criker's people have had a long and successful run for lizard king's position is inherited by the oldest living
one reason: they're part of the Underground. As such, male in the family's line, and this family stands outside
they have the support of many people. Perhaps most of the tribal structure, thus implying that there will be no
importantly, they have earned the friendship of the crag favoritism shown to any one tribe
giants on the Lonely Butte, and it is in the shadows of the In fact, the king is a person like any other, able to be
giant village that Criker's pirates make their home, safe influenced by those he calls friends. His wife Malani is of

Beyond the Tyr Region

the tribe of Kittos, and so she is able to curry favors for massive destruction on the hapless city, despite the
her people. Nelyrox's high advisor is a psionicist named many fortifications the lizard men have built up over the
Mobji. As the co-leader of his own tribe (along with a centuries.
creature called Jhoban), the mindbender obviously favors Many expeditions have been formed to hunt the squark
his own people, and his advice to his king unabashedly over the years. Few of them have had any luck with
displays much of that. finding the behemoth, and those which have certainly
The people of Xhenrid, the last tribal leader, are didn't survive the experience. Still, the lizard men hold
actually more loyal to her than to the king. If she were out hope that they will someday be able to rid themselves
to call for a revolt against Nelyrox, it is certain that her of this seemingly immortal menace.
tribe would rally to her side against all odds. Xhenrid
has actually considered committing such an atrocious act,
knowing full well that it would split her people and cause
The Seaways
untold deaths. Still, the only thing keeping her ambition Long ago, the psionic masters who ruled the Green
for the throne in check is that fact that her people are Age built a series of underground corridors of stone that
outnumbered almost two to one. stretched for miles into the water-filled ocean that is now
Despite her warriors' skill, it is certain that Xhenrid the Sea of Silt. Standing upon ivory platforms, these
would be on the losing side of a civil war amongst the people were able to travel nearly instantaneously from one
lizard men. Until such time as she can convince one or end of the passageway to the other.
both of the other tribes to join her – or she manages to After the Mind Lords took control of Saragar, they
find help from some other quarter – she holds herself in began to build just such a series of tunnels for their
check. She is only willing to begin a blood bath if she is own use. It was a massive project, but one that they felt
sure the spilling of the red fluid into the frothing sea will was necessary for the continued defense of the valley of
be to her ultimate benefit. Marnita. After all, if it took their lawkeepers hours or
To this end, Xhenrid has struck up an alliance with even days to get from one end of the valley to another,
the Underground. The leadership of the Underground is they would find it impossible to respond to any threat
wary about working with such an obviously bloodthirsty that managed to breach the Border of Guardians.
ally, but it is hard enough to choose your enemies in war, The corridors, which became known as the seaways,
much less your friends. King Nelyrox is staunchly on the linked up all of the places shown on the map on this
side of the Mind Lords, just as every lizard king has been page, providing the lawkeepers with easy access to each
since the trio saved the amphibians from Keltis. And so of the passes through the Thunder Mountains, as well
the Underground is in bed with Xhenrid, like it or not. as with each large settlement in the valley. The very
Undertown is an ancient and beautiful city, long existence of the corridors was kept secret, as the Mind
untouched by the ravages of war. The lizard men have Lords were afraid that, if a powerful psionicist were to
become a peaceful people over the millennia, even going discover the transit system, it could be used against them.
so far as to set up their own Psionics Academy aimed A special underwater access point even allowed the
at exploring the boundaries of their reptilian minds. The travelers to reach Undertown. In fact, it was inside the
lizard men live off of kreel (cattle like creatures that dwell corridor from Saragar to Undertown that the lizard men's
in the depths with them) and kelp farmed from great beds time-frozen bodies were hidden when Keltis came through
of it which dot the sea. They supplement their diet with the area on his final hunt to exterminate the creatures.
an occasional fish or even a wild mammal that wanders The tunnels were operated by obsidian orbs that moved
too close to the shores of the Last Sea. the ivory platforms along at unheard-of speeds. Today,
The greatest threat to the lizard men's way of life is most of these orbs have malfunctioned, and only a few of
the squark, a giant half-squid, half-shark creature which the routes are entirely operational. These marked with a
roams Marnita's murky depths. Every so many years, solid line on the map (as opposed to the disabled routes,
the creature attacks Undertown unprovoked, wreaking which are marked with a dotted line).

Beyond the Tyr Region

The only line used today with any regularity is the one seaways were long kept clean by gelatinous cubes, and
that runs from Saragar to the South Pass. This way, the if these creatures haven't all starved to death for lack of
large purchases made from the outside twice every year something to eat, they could still be down there. Perhaps
can be brought from the gate to the city without fear they have managed to survive on the rats that they were
of attacks by bandits. Other than that, the passages are summoned to get rid of.
considered unsafe Unbeknownst to the Mind Lords, Xhenrid of the lizard
Travelers can try to walk down the passages if they folk has reestablished the line between Undertown and
like, but they are unlit and can sometimes house strange Saragar. She hopes to use it to somehow give aid to her
creatures unseen elsewhere in Athas. It's rumored that the new friends in the Underground.

Celestial Bodies

The Dark Sun Celestial Bodies The phases of Guthay cycle over a 125 day period.

As the crimson sun rises in the morning sky is burns

like a fiery puddle of blood and gives the sky an alive
Legends of the Moons
tinge. As the sun raises higher it appears as a deep red Arkhold.s Devastation
inferno and the sky brightens, becoming a gradiant of The dwarves of Balic say the ruins of Arkhold were
blue down to olive green at the horizon. Later it brightens once a farming village. Its troubles started in a Year of
to become a bold orange and yellow before becoming Priest.s Vengeance, when Thorlin, a ruler of uncommon
nearly bright white during the middle of the day. power and cruelty, claimed to hear “the high voices from
Over the cycle of a 375 day long year, the sun varies the moons”. He said the two moons, Rul and Guthay,
it’s path across the day sky though there is no noticable commanded him to visit them and receive their wisdom.
difference in termperature or weather patterns resulting Thorlin flew into the sky with a magical device of some
from this. kind.variously, a jozhal-drawn chariot, a net carried by
air elementals, or (one of the most bizarre touches in
The Moons of Athas Athasian mythology) a spoon. He returned a year later
with .a wild and burning eye..
Athas as has two moons, Ral and Guthay. Depending Thorlin urged the villagers to burn their crops in great
on the time of day, relative position o fht sun and other bonfires, then sacrifice all livestock. This, he said, would
atmospheric effects, the moons appear as different colors. bring prosperity to the village. So it was done.
This apparent change in colour also slightly affects the After the devastating famine that followed, survivors left
color of light cast down during the nights. for all parts of Athas. Nothing remains of the village of
The Calendar of Kings commonly used in the Tyr Arkhold except ruins. So say the dwarves.
region completes it’s 11 year endlean cycle when the two
moons meet in the heavens, resulting in a major eclipse. Uncle Tontor: A Wyrm’s Tale
Stories tell of ancient moon gates on Athas that lead
to both Ral and Guthay, but they function only at Elf merchants around the Lost Oasis believe (or claim
unpredictable intervals. to believe) that no one has ever seen young or small silk
wyrms. No one, they say, has ever seen them breed or
reproduce, despite repeated (usually fatal) attempts. The
Ral mystery has prompted many tales. One concerns Old
Ral is the closer of the two moons. Much of the time Uncle Tontor, a mythical old human known for nosiness
Ral appears as a flaxen yellow color though it maya vary about other people.s affairs. As the elves tell it, Tontor
to a silvery hue or pale orange during some months. grew curious to learn how silk wyrms reproduce. None too
During dawn and dusk the moon takes on a mottled bright, he tried to disguise himself as one, dyeing his skin
green color against the olive tinged skies. green and wearing limp cloth wings. Then he crept out to
Sages have speculated that that it is covered in great “a fearsome deep cavern” where wyrms roosted.
seas and mountain-islands of dizzying heights. Uncle Tontor entered the cavern, trying as far as
Ral has a 33 day cycle of it’s phases. possible to look and sound like a wyrm. His bumbling
attempts attracted the attention of “King Snakewing” (in
Guthay village folklore, monarch of the wyrms). Ordinarily the
wyrms would have killed the old man on the spot. But
Guthay, the smaller and more distant moon. This moon
King Snakewing had recently fed well on a hundred
always appears as some variety of yellow though it van
humans and was feeling tolerant. He ordered his minions
vary from a pale flaxen to an almost glittering golden orb.
to carry the old man away into the sky.
Guthay has been suggested to be mantled in steaming
Despite the human.s whining protests, “a hundred
mists beneath which lie scarlet jungles and marshy seas.

Celestial Bodies

silken snakes” lifted Uncle Tontor and carried him to the Tasker the Scorpion.
moon Guthay. There Uncle Tontor saw that the moon These constellations, and the order that they are
was really a colossal egg, from which all the silk wyrms progressed through are:
hatched, fully-grown. Balimarash the Caravan, Fiddle the Beetle, Hesper
Then the wyrms deposited Uncle Tontor unceremoniously the Kenku, Saurus the Lizard, Hortle the Spider, Sylk
on the underside of Athas. (Elven folklore once held that the Wurm, Tasker the Scorpion, Pyrus the Wheel, The
Athas is flat.) He had to swing hand-over-hand to the Dragon, Tyrospur the Lion, Scratch the Basilisk, Krawler
edge of the world, crawl up over the side, and walk all the Kank
the way home; this journey lasted a whole king.s age, 77 Besides these constellations used during the marking of
years. When Tontor arrived back in the village, even time, there are many other constellations that have been
older and more irascible than before, his descendants identified and named by the people of Athas. One of
did not recognize him. Always nosy, Uncle Tontor asked these is Coraanu, named by the Elves after the character
them, “What happened to your renowned ancestor, the of their legends as he races across the sky.
great Tontor?”
They replied, “What, that old coot? Our grandparents
said he went mad and thought he.d turned into a snake.
He slithered into the hills, and nobody ever saw him

The Messenger
An even stronger invoker of superstition and fear
occurs every 45 years, when a brilliant comet called “the
Messenger” visits Athas. By night one can read by the
comet’s light, and it can be seen clearly in the full
light of day. Folklore holds that the Messenger visits the
Dragon every 45 years to deliver important information.
The comet was supposed to appear four years before,
however, it never arrived. Priests and scholars have been
anxiously watching the sky, awaiting the comet’s return,
yet dreading what its tardiness might portend.

All Athasians know the night sky and its familiar
constellations, and many peoples assign different meanings
to the motions of the stars and planets.
The main 12 constellations are the ones that make
up the mechant calendar. Through the year the crimson
sun proceeds through each of these, signifying the 12
months of the year. The sun reaches it’s highest between
the months of Krawler the Kank and Balimarash the
Caravan, and it’s lowest between Sylk the Wurm and

Celestial Bodies


Ahpotex....................................................... 176
Altaruk........................................................... 73
Darna........................................................... 183
Dasaraches..................................................... 54
Arkhold........................................................ 221 Dead Forest.............................................19, 72
Avegdaar........................................................ 60 Dead Land................................................... 224
Balic................................................................ 73 Dej................................................................ 179
Bandit States................................................ 230 Dhuurghaz..................................................... 60
Bare Stone...................................................... 15 Dragon Horns............................................... 21
Barrier Wastes............................................. 226 Dragon’s Bowl............................................... 51
Basalt Plain.................................................... 72 Dragon’s Causeway....................................... 66
Bav-rem....................................................... 211 Dragon’s Crown Mountains........................ 53
Beastbarrens.................................................. 28 Dragon’s Plate................................................ 49
Bitter Well...................................................... 50 Draj............................................................... 171
Black Isle........................................................ 64 Dry Marsh..................................................... 52
Black Sand Raiders....................................... 88 Durg’s Puddle.............................................. 223
Blackspine Mountains.................................. 46 Dust Sinks........................................................ 9
Blackwash...................................................... 17 Echoing Mine................................................ 46
Blue Shrine.................................................. 221 Echoless Caverns.......................................... 26
Blufftown..................................................... 249 Eldaarich...................................................... 228
Bodach........................................................... 44 Endless Sand Dunes................................... 221
Boulder Fields................................................. 9 Estuaries......................................................... 14
Broken Butte................................................. 28 Estuary of the Forked Tongue.............48, 170
Broken Lands................................................ 52 Euripis.......................................................... 183
Burning Plains............................................ 235 Flake Drifts.................................................... 18
Bvanen Cave City....................................... 212 Flashfires...................................................... 236
Cache............................................................ 147 Foothills......................................................... 10
Canyons......................................................... 10 Forbidden City............................................ 212
Celik............................................................. 221 Forest Colossi................................................ 55
Chaksa............................................................ 53 Forest Ridge...........................................55, 180
City of a Thousand Dead........................... 225 Fort Fyra...................................................... 119
City of the Fire King..................................... 52 Fort Harbeth............................................... 130
Clan of the Roc........................................... 190 Fort Inix....................................................... 140
Constellations............................................. 254 Free................................................................. 82
Crescent Forest............................................. 31 Freedom......................................................... 73
Criker’s Pirates............................................ 250 Fume............................................................ 167
Crimson Monolith..................................... 223 Gate of Doom................................................ 71
Crimson Savanna....................................... 215 Gauntlets........................................................ 51
Cromlin........................................................ 105 Giant Holds................................................... 49
Crystal Forest................................................ 55 Giustenal...................................................... 182
Cuarsen........................................................ 241 Glerran......................................................... 204
Cubarto........................................................ 241 God in the Dust............................................ 63
Dark Sun...................................................... 253 Godshold..................................................... 229


Grace............................................................ 178 Lonely Giants.............................................. 249

Great Alluvial Sand Wastes......................... 21 Lost Clans.................................................... 212
Great Ash Storm........................................... 68 Lost Oasis...................................................... 24
Great Ivory Plain.......................................... 41 Lost Samarthia.............................................. 51
Great Rift..................................................... 214 Lost Scale..................................................... 179
Great Salt Flat.............................................. 224 Maelstrom...................................................... 66
Groomsh...................................................... 185 Magma Forests.............................................. 18
Grotto............................................................. 18 Makia........................................................... 171
Gulg.............................................................. 105 Mausoleum of Shiivarm.............................. 26
Gunginwald................................................... 76 Mekillot Mountains...................................... 44
Guthay.......................................................... 253 Moons.......................................................... 253
Herumar...................................................... 221 Morghaz......................................................... 60
Hinterlands............................................53, 179 Mountains of the Sun................................... 59
Huddleston.................................................. 242 Mountains of the Teeth................................ 49
Iron Citadel................................................. 187 Mount Narran............................................... 27
Iron Mines of Tyr.......................................... 74 Mount Solace.............................................. 169
Isle of Ash...................................................... 63 Mudflats...................................................11, 16
Isle of Bones.................................................. 63 Mud Palace.................................................. 224
Ivory Triangle........................................28, 105 Muln............................................................. 183
Jagged Cliffs...........................................54, 193 Narrows......................................................... 50
Jagged Plains................................................. 18 Nexus........................................................... 228
Kalidnay......................................................... 73 Nibenay........................................................ 105
Kel’s Lot........................................................ 232 Obsidian Citadel......................................... 225
Ket................................................................ 171 Ogo............................................................... 180
Kharzden..................................................... 243 Outlander Villages...................................... 190
Kled................................................................ 77 Outpost 19................................................... 136
Kol-tukulg...................................................... 56 Pareth........................................................... 203
Kra-Hnur....................................................... 77 Pillage........................................................... 231
Kreen Empire.............................................. 217 Plain of Singing Skulls................................. 52
Krikik’s Pack................................................ 172 Plunder........................................................ 231
Kurn............................................................. 228 Poisoner’s Pit............................................... 165
Lake Island.................................................... 59 Poortool’s Horde......................................... 158
Lake of Golden Dreams............................... 52 Pristine Tower............................................... 28
Lake Pit.......................................................... 51 Pterran Tribes............................................. 213
Last Drink.................................................... 223 Pterran Vale................................................. 179
Last Sea........................................................ 239 Pyreen Grove............................................... 228
Lava Gorge.................................................. 235 Raam............................................................ 171
Lava Plains..................................................... 20 Rain Tree...................................................... 180
Lava Sea......................................................... 17 Ral................................................................. 253
Ledopolus.................................................... 170 Ravage.......................................................... 231
Lonely Butte................................................ 248 Ravish........................................................... 231


Reg-tol.......................................................... 211 Stony Barrens.................................................. 5

Ringing Mountains....................................... 25 Sylvandretta................................................. 246
Ring of Fire............................................65, 187 Tablelands................................................21, 73
Rivertown.................................................... 244 Tarelon...................................................64, 183
Road of Fire................................................... 60 Tar Pits........................................................... 18
Road of Kings........................................50, 171 Temple of the Sky Serpent........................... 55
Rocky Badlands.............................................. 6 Tenpug’s Band............................................. 125
Rocky Islands................................................ 15 Ter-omak..................................................... 209
Rowom........................................................... 61 Thamasku.................................................... 197
Sahr-tosh...................................................... 206 Thaythilor.................................................... 219
Salt Flats........................................................... 7 Thunder Mountains................................... 237
Salt Marshes.................................................... 8 Tohr-Kreen Nations................................... 220
Salt View...................................................... 108 Tortured Hills................................................ 70
Sandy Wastes................................................... 5 Trade Nest................................................... 237
Saragar......................................................... 245 Tyr.................................................................. 73
Scorched Plateau......................................... 234 Undertown.................................................. 250
Screaming Ravine......................................... 27 Ur Draxa...................................................... 190
Scrub Plains..................................................... 8 Urik.............................................................. 171
Sea of Silt.........................................11, 57, 182 Vaas.............................................................. 183
Seaways........................................................ 251 Valley of Dust and Fire........................68, 190
Shallat........................................................... 245 Valley of the Last Sea.................................. 238
Shard Flats..................................................... 70 Vanishing Lake.............................................. 62
Shault.............................................................. 61 Vault of House Madar.................................. 24
Shillisa.......................................................... 184 Verdant Belt................................................... 35
Si’jidzak........................................................ 214 Verdant Isle.................................................... 63
Silt................................................................... 11 Vertical Forests........................................... 195
Silt Archipelago........................................... 182 Vir-rath........................................................ 210
Silt Shoals....................................................... 15 Waishiki....................................................... 247
Silver Spring Oasis........................................ 79 Walis............................................................... 77
Siren’s Song.................................................... 49 Waverly.......................................................... 49
Sith.................................................................. 66 Windbreak Mountains................................. 29
Slither, the Crawling Citadel....................... 21 Winter Nest................................................. 229
Small Home................................................. 225 Wrath........................................................... 233
Small Water................................................. 237 Yaramuke..................................................... 171
Smoking Crown............................................ 52 Yihn-tol........................................................ 208
Smoking Land............................................... 20
Somber Woods............................................ 235
Sortar’s Army................................................ 97
Southern Wastes......................................... 221
Spoil.............................................................. 233
Stark Crags.................................................... 16


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