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Spin Sate

The 2 allowed spin states of a proton

Absorption of Energy

EAbsorbed = (E-1/2state - E+1/2state) = hv

Precisioin frequency= Larmer frequency= angular frequency
Precisioin frequency= Larmer frequency= Angular frequency

Magnetic field of radio waves

Magnetic field of external magnet

The Chemical Shift and Shielding

The Chemical Shift and Shielding Diamagnetic shielding or Diamagnetic Anisotropy

 The protons are shielded by the electrons that surrounds them.

 NMR has great utility because not all protons in a molecule have resonance at exactly
the same frequency because valence shell electron density varies from one proton to another.
 Greater the electron density around nucleus, the greater induced counter field that oppose
the field.

Induced magnetic field

(Diamagnetic shielding)
 Each proton in a molecule is in slightly different chemical environment and consequently
has a slightly different amount of electronic shielding, which results in slightly
different resonance frequency.

H C Cl H C F

The differences in resonance frequencies is only 72 Hz when applied field is 1.41 Tesla
When applied Radio wave frequency is 60MHz.

Shield and deshield
H3C Si CH3


Different Resonance
when applied field is 1.41 Tesla-------The resonance of proton is 60 MHz.
when applied field is 2.35 Tesla-------The resonance of proton is 100 MHz.

Chemical shift

Different Resonance

when applied field is 1.41 Tesla-------The resonance of proton is 60 MHz.

when applied field is 2.35 Tesla-------The resonance of proton is 100 MHz.

Unshield shield

Downfield Upfield

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