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CHAPTER NATURE, STRUCTURE, GOALS AND CONTENT OF MAKABAYAN = DALISAY V. RIGOR, Ph.D.- Introduction asic Education Curriculum (BEC) School Curriculum (NESC) and BEC aims to raise the quality of lifelong learning which requires BEC Primer.) of Mtaheyar is a leaning area of the 2002 Bi is a restructuring of the New Elementary the New Secondary School Curriculum (NSEC). The Filipino leamers and graduates and empower them for the attainment of functional literacy. (Department of Education, At the end of this Chapter, the learner should be able to: ntent of Makabayan. 1. analyze the nature, goals and co is applicable. 2. present scenarios where Makabayan 3. appreciate Makabayan as a learning area. Lessoy Nature and Structure of Makabayan What is said of Makabayan as a learning area? * — Makabayan is said to be a “laboratory of life” or a practice eno, ment. © Iisa Jeaming area that is experiential, interactive, interdisciplinary value-laden, © Its the learning area that provides the Filipino leamer the quality to demonstrate practical knowledge and skills of empathy, vocati efficiency and problem solving in daily life. = * Love of country serves as the unifying principle for the diverse in this learning area, thus it is called pagkakabayan or ma for short, i As a practice environment, Makabayan will cultivate in the healthy, personal and national self-concept which includes an understanding of Philippine history and a genuine appreci Jocal culture, crafts, arts, music and games. Makabayan will promote a constructive or healthy patri neither hostile nor isolationist toward other nations but, slobal interdependence. ‘ * The core competencies in the elementary level come plines such as Social Studies, Home Economics, P Health, Music and Arts, * In the secondary level competencies come from Aral Technology and Livelihood Education, Music Arts, and Health, Citizenship Training, and Edukasyon sa These conipetencies will be developed through in ing task whenever such integrated units are po ©) Each of the five! learning areas addresses cial needs of the learners. t * Edukasyong Pagpapahalaga was offered v first year, 2006-2007 and will be offered in the 2007, and 2007-2008 in the third year, and be the fourth year. (Dep-Ed Order No. 35, $.2006) Goals, Ex Lesson Pectati of M ions al i akabayan Bo Ancram The goals, expectati integrated in Makabayean ag, 2'd,

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