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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Dr. Steve G. Jones

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................... 3
Chapter 2: Hypnotic Influence ................................................................... 7
The Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula ........................................ 10
Step One: The Switch ........................................................................ 10
Step Two: Hyper-Awareness............................................................... 12
Step Three: Circuit Shock ................................................................. 15
Step Four: The Hypnotic Stake ........................................................ 17
Step Five: Stoking the Fires of Desire ............................................. 19
Step Six: Sealing the Gates ................................................................ 22

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Chapter 1:

Dr. Steve G. Jones 3

The Hypnotic Language Formula

Welcome to the fantastic world of hypnotic language!

Within these pages you will discover essential hypnotic language

patterns that you can use right away to become more influential and
persuasive when you are around other people.

Unbeknownst to many, hypnosis is useful not only in psychotherapy

but also in regular, day-to-day interactions. The principles of
hypnosis can be effectively used in situations where you have to
persuade and influence others – not just in clinical hypnosis sessions!

There are ultimately 4 stages of Hypnotic Language Mastery.

Stage One: Hypnotic Language Fundamentals - In this stage you

learn how hypnotic language works and get an overview of how to
use hypnosis to communicate with others. (That’s where you are
right now).

Stage Two: Hypnotic Language Patterns - Once you understand the

fundamental aspects of hypnosis and how it can be applied to
persuasive communication you then learn the techniques involved in
hypnotic language patterns. Hypnotic language patterns are “copy &
paste” templates you can use when speaking to others to make them
more receptive to your message.

Stage Three: Street Hypnosis - This is where you learn to put what
you’ve learned to the test by using the techniques in live
communication with others.

Stage Four: Conversational Hypnosis - This is where all of your

knowledge becomes magnified. Here you learn the art of using
hypnosis in everyday conversational settings to gain compliance
from others. Skills learned include: Mind reading, trance induction,
trance recognition, NLP, advanced rapport building, stealth
magnetism, agreement chains and overcoming resistance among
many others. At this stage you learn to to make hypnotic
communication like second nature.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

IMPORTANT NOTE: To attain mastery level at hypnotic

communication most people stop at the fourth stage. And that’s
perfectly fine because the knowledge that you will have at that point
will last you a life time. Should you want to utilize your skills in a
career setting you could also pursue further education by getting
certified as a Conversational Hypnosis Practitioner.

So let’s get started.

Hypnosis Recap

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a heightened state of focus and mental awareness. The

human brain is like a camera and it can shift its focus continually,
depending on the situation.

When a person becomes truly engaged in an activity, he enters a

natural state of self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis can occur countless times
throughout the day and people willingly enter this mental state.

This brings us to three important points:

1. No one can force you into a state of self-hypnosis.

2. No one can hypnotize you to do things that are against your

values and moral codes.

3. Hypnosis is safe for the mind and does not require the use of any
drugs or mind-altering substances.

Hypnosis is often portrayed in the media and popular culture as a

“magical” way of getting people to do things for you.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

What many people don’t understand is that it is simply an effective

way to directly communicate with the human mind.

It works because it helps increase the mind’s awareness to the point

that the mind is using most of its available resources to focus on a
singular event or point in time.

If you think about it, that does sound magical, doesn’t it?

This small volume will give you the introduction you need to tackle
advanced hypnotic language patterns. Some essential patterns can be
found here as well. All you need to start is the willingness to try
something new and practice – lots of it!


This eBook assumes the following:

1. That you are interested in learning about hypnotic language

patterns and how to use them to persuade others.

2. That you will be approaching this new material with an open mind
and the willingness to learn.

3. That you are willing to practice your new skills as often as you can
to improve your overall mastery.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Chapter 2:
Hypnotic Influence

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

How can you use hypnotic language patterns effectively?

Hypnotic language patterns are extremely powerful tools but they

must still be used systematically in order to produce good results.
Like the tools that you use when you fix your car, there is a formula
or method for applying hypnotic language patterns for the purpose
of persuading or influencing another person or a group of people.

It is unfortunate that most of the time, people use hypnotic language

patterns carelessly and without any structure or method involved.
What usually happens is that would-be influencers randomly use one
pattern after the other, hoping that at least one of them “would do the

How does the mind resist persuasion?

The brain’s secret weapon against weak persuasion tactics is its

waking filters. These filters protect the subconscious mind from
becoming easily influenced by potentially harmful ideas from the
environment. In order to persuade someone, you need to get past
these waking filters and the subconscious mind’s separate line of
defenses (e.g. values, beliefs, ethics, etc.)

While it’s true that the mind is potent, it does have its weaknesses
(which we will be discussing shortly!)

If your main goal is to use hypnotic language patterns to persuade/

influence people more easily (or without their knowledge), you must
have a blueprint or formula… Otherwise, you just might end up
wasting your time.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

My Story
After many, many years of in-depth study, it has come to my
attention that the language of persuasion and influence is not much
different from the formal process used in clinical hypnotherapy.

One of my biggest dreams is to combine these two languages in a

unique and powerful blueprint that can be studied and applied
immediately by practitioners of hypnosis and influence alike. It took a
while to meld the two worlds in a single, simple blueprint that could
be applied to any situation that you may find yourself in.

After several years of critical refinement, it is finally here: my very

own Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula.

What is the Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula?

The Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula is a method of applying

hypnotic language patterns. It ensures optimum use of patterns so
that you can create the best outcomes in every interaction. It
effectively combines the domain of clinical hypnosis and the world of
influence in a meaningful and powerful way because you don’t have
to attend expensive seminars and drive across the city (or state) to
benefit from it.


Because I’m revealing the blueprint right here, right now!

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

The Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula

Step One: The Switch

Every person on this planet is equipped with a basic set of defenses

against influence and persuasion. Imagine these defenses as being
composed of several layers, all leading to the core of the mind – the
subconscious. The subconscious is the most vulnerable part of the
human mind. It is impressionable and can easily be fooled into
thinking that one thing is actually another!

At the surface of these many layers are the mental lenses.

Like the spectacles that a person uses to see better, mental lenses are
used by the mind to view physical reality and understand what’s
presently happening to it. Each person has a special set of frequently
used lenses.

For example, a policeman who specializes in gang-related crime

would have a mental lens that focuses on the common signs of gang
activity. This policeman would not only be in-trance but his mental
filter would be hardened and resistant because of his experiences in
the field.

I know what you’re thinking right now… Perhaps we can just break
down a subject’s mental lenses so that they would see things our

My answer would be no. First, it would take a lot of effort and energy
to break down a mental lens that has been in use for years. Second,
mental lenses can be cracked momentarily but they can never be truly
broken down.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

What’s the solution?

Instead of trying to break down a subject’s mental lens, why not

switch it with another lens?

By switching the subject’s mental lens with a more favorable mental

lens, you would be able to change the subject’s perception of the
situation without raising any alarms.

And the best thing about “the Switch” is that you can carry it out
progressively, in a series of small steps and still get powerful results!

How can you switch a person’s mental lens?

You can switch a person’s mental lens progressively by:

1. Convincing him that you are his natural leader.

2. Showing him that you have many similarities with each other.

3. Making him feel safe and comfortable in your presence.

4. Establishing rapport and building trust even if it’s the first time
you’ve met.

The main objective of “the Switch” is to establish a genuine

connection with the subject so that he would let you lead the
conversation and its final outcome. This genuine connection would
also provide you with the opportunity to build trust and eliminate
any glaring differences you may have with the subject.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Remember: it is safer to assume that your subject does not trust you
enough to listen to your message. The only way that you can
persuade someone who doesn’t trust you enough is by building a
tower of trust in his mind. This tower of trust would overlook the
entire dialogue and every word that you say will be granted
legitimacy by this mental monolith.

Step Two: Hyper-Awareness

e d

Trance Awarenes

How can you induce hypnosis in any social interaction?

After the intake interview and completing the necessary paperwork,

a hypnotherapist will begin the formal session with a hypnotic
induction technique.

Essentially, the hypnotic induction conditions and refocuses the

client’s mind so that he will be able to pay close attention to what
hypnotherapist is saying.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Why is induction necessary?

As I’ve mentioned before, self-hypnosis tends to happen

instantaneously. If you’re reading a good book, you were probably
hypnotized when it was revealed that the hero’s girlfriend was
kidnapped by a group of winged monsters.

Now, when a person is in a hypnotic trance, he focuses on just one

thing alone and he is able to filter out all distractions from the
external environment (unless of course there was a fire or a
monstrous thunderstorm outside, in which case his conscious mind
wakes up).

Our natural hypnotic trances are the main reason why you need to
induce hypnosis before attempting to persuade or influence someone.

When you talk to someone with the intent to influence or persuade,

you must assume that his mind is already hyper-aware of something
else. The big question is what exactly is his mind focused on? Is he
focused on you and your message or is he hyper-aware of the fact
that there are bills to pay at the end of the month?

How about you? What hypnotizes you most of the time?

In Step One of this blueprint, I showed you how you can establish
rapport and build a tower of trust in your subject’s mind. This tower
of trust must be created before you attempt to induce hypnosis.

Why? Because hypnosis always depends on the subject’s willingness

to go under a trance. If the subject does not trust you, he will resist
any attempts at pulling him into a controlled trance state.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

How is hypnotic induction performed?

There are 3 main groups of hypnotic language patterns that are

considered the most effective in inducing controlled trance states in
regular day-to-day conversations: visualization patterns, sensory-
stimulation patterns and storytelling patterns. Let’s talk about each
pattern and why they’re ideal for inducing hypnosis.

1. Visualization Patterns – Visualizations patterns are the easiest to

learn and apply because all you need is your imagination and the
willingness to convey those mental simulations to your subject.

Visualization induces hypnotic trances easily because people

generally require significant mental resources to carry out
visualizations. When you ask a subject to imagine something for you,
his present trance state is disrupted and his mind’s eye shifts to your

2. Sensory-Stimulation Patterns – Sensory stimulation patterns can

be used on their own or they can be used to complement a longer
visualization pattern. Essentially, this group of patterns capture the
subject’s attention by taking advantage of how our senses respond to
verbal language.

Here’s an example: Imagine that your left hand is becoming lighter and
lighter while your right hand is becoming heavier and heavier. Your left
hand is floating upward because there’s a big balloon tied to it and the
balloon is floating upward. Your right hand is becoming heavier and heavier
because you’re holding a big brick. Left hand is becoming lighter and
lighter… Right hand is becoming heavier… Heavier… Heavier…

This is a sample sensory-stimulation script used in clinical hypnosis.

It plays with a person’s senses and a person willingly experiences
these strange sensations by simply listening to the hypnotist.

3. Storytelling Patterns – This is one of my favorite group of patterns

because they can be used in different phases of the Six-Part Hypnotic

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

4. Language Formula. That’s how powerful storytelling is.

Storytelling is an appropriate vessel for hypnotic induction because it

captures not only the subject’s imagination but also his senses and
how he perceives reality after the story is told. A story can be also be
expanded to secretly contain other hypnotic language patterns!

Step Three: Circuit Shock

How can you deal with a subject’s natural resistance to persuasion?

After establishing rapport and building trust, you will be able to

successfully induce hyper-awareness in your subject.

However, this doesn’t mean that your subject will begin to agree to
everything that you have to say. The human brain has its own natural
defenses against influence and persuasion, even if it has allowed
itself to enter a controlled trance state.

The mind’s primary layer of defense are its waking filters. Waking
filters are like heavily-guarded gates that protect both the conscious
and subconscious halves of the mind.

The conscious mind was designed to accept only a very small

percentage of new ideas and to reject all other ideas and beliefs
immediately, without any further consideration.

A person’s waking filters are governed by his own brand of logic and
rational thinking. Each person subscribes to a particular way of
thinking: my logic may be slightly or radically different from yours.

These logical dissimilarities are considered the major causes of

resistance in social interactions. If Person A’s message does not align
with Person B’s logic, then Person B can easily reject it on the basis
that it is “irrational” even if it appears rational to Person A.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Your subject can choose to reject your message repeatedly, simply

because his waking filters won’t allow your message to pass through.
Instead of trying argue with your subject (which would only make
his waking filters more active), your best possible option would be to
shock his waking filters.

“Shocking” or short-circuiting someone’s conscious mind is

commonly practiced by expert influencers who have mastered the
complex process of breaking down all forms of resistance.

In clinical hypnosis, resistance is ironed out by continuously applying

hypnotic patterns that make the conscious mind sleep temporarily.
Resistance is also reduced to a minimum because clients of
hypnotherapists know that they are being hypnotized and want to be
hypnotized. A hypnotherapist’s client is already 50% in-trance by the
time that he walks into a hypnotherapist’s clinic or office.

Obviously, we don’t have this luxury when we’re talking to a

friend, family member, colleague, customer or even your boss.

When you set out to persuade or influence someone, the opposite

scenario takes place: the subject of your persuasive words may be
naturally resistant or in some cases, combative. There’s really no
comparison between the mindsets of hypnotherapy patients and
individuals that we try to persuade on a daily basis.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

How can you shock someone’s logical circuits?

There are some specific hypnotic language patterns that will allow you
to successfully short-circuit someone’s conscious defenses. Here are
some of them:

1. Use the subject’s logic and modify it to support your own message.

2. Overload the subject’s conscious mind with several pieces of

information; the bits of information may or may not even be inter-

3. Trigger agreement by diverting the subject’s attention so that he

commits to your message bit by bit until he commits to the entire

4. Gain the subject’s support by presenting a common problem or

enemy and by providing a viable solution or beneficial counter-move
against the common enemy.

These are just some of the basic patterns that you can use to get past
the heavily guarded gates of your subject’s conscious mind. Once
you’re “inside”, it would be easier to start transplanting hypnotic
suggestions that will further boost your position as a persuader/

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Step Four: The Hypnotic Stake

What is the “hypnotic stake”?

The hypnotic stake is actually the hypnotic suggestions that you will
be hammering into the subject’s subconscious mind. Completing Step
Four requires a firm mastery of Step Three because you will not be
able to access your subject’s subconscious mind without shocking his
waking filters first.

What’s the difference between a hypnotic suggestion and a regular, direct


The main difference between a regular suggestion and a hypnotic

suggestion is that the latter often involves a series of interrelated
messages. A hypnotic suggestion is rarely expressed in just one or two
sentences. It is often structured in a way that the subject gradually
accepts separate pieces of information which leads to a progressive

An effective hypnotic suggestion has the following characteristics:

1. Direction-Giving – It leads the subject to the direction that you

want to go.

2. Ethical – It provides mutual benefit to the influencer and subject.

3. Angle-Changing – It allows the influencer to reframe the situation

so that the subject is able to see the message in a better light or from a
different angle.

4. Conditioning – It will allow the influencer to gradually shift the

subject’s belief about the issue so that in the end, the subject and
influencer are on the same side.

Hypnotic language patterns are ideal for driving home vital messages
of persuasion because they can easily be presented in a way that

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

makes them sound like regular conversational language. Unlike

direct suggestions, hypnotic messages tend to avoid scrutiny because
the message in its entirety is often covertly transmitted through
cleverly structured fragments.

Here’s an example:

Target Message: You should upgrade your laptop computer because

it’s outdated.

Actual Dialogue:
I – Influencer
S – Subject

I: How would you like to upgrade your home office with a new laptop?
S: It’s too expensive!
I: Do you want to experience less stress when handling big files?
S: Of course, who wouldn’t?
I: How many times were you frustrated with your old laptop this week?
S: Well, a couple of times. A few times I really felt like throwing it against
the wall. It keeps freezing!
I: And what happens when it freezes?
S: I stop what I’m doing obviously and I try to reboot it, which isn’t always
possible. When I can’t reboot it I remove the battery. I know, it’s bad!
I: And did you know that new laptops actually do more computations to
avoid freeze-ups?
S: Really?!
I: And that’s just a very minor benefit of a new laptop.

The flow of conversation in this sample dialogue can easily lead to a

sale… If the influencer continues observing and adapting to his
subject. That’s another important characteristic of a good hypnotic
suggestion. It should be molded to suit your subject’s needs and
desires. We will be talking about needs, desires and even fantasy very
soon, because they’re also part of the Six-Step Hypnotic Language

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

Step Five: Stoking the Fires of Desire

What does desire have to do with persuasion and influence?

Step Five of the Six-Step Hypnotic Language Formula tackles the most
intimate part of the subconscious mind: the region that deals with
desire. If you want to be truly successful in persuading your subject,
you need to take the following elements into consideration: needs,
desires & fantasies.

Let’s talk about each one of these elements so that their purpose
becomes clearer:

1. Needs – There are different kinds of needs – physical, emotional,

spiritual, financial, etc. Humans are naturally preoccupied with
fulfilling their needs – all of their needs, if time and resources permit.

Being able to fulfill one’s needs has a direct impact on a person’s

happiness, contentment and feeling of comfort and safety.

Some needs are immediately apparent and known to people (e.g. you
have to eat at least 3 times a day, the children need to attend school,
etc.) while others aren’t immediately obvious unless it is pointed out
specifically (e.g. you need to go out to meet new friends, you need to
take vitamin supplements to fill the gap in your nutrition, etc.)

2. Desires – “Desire” is defined as longing or hoping for something.

Desire isn’t just about wanting something for yourself, it also
involves hope that somehow, the object of the desire will be attained.
In short, there is a lot of emotion involved when a person desires for

Desire is rooted in the subconscious and is rationalized by the

conscious mind. The conscious mind’s main job is to reflect what lies
beneath, like the surface of a clear pond. If a person desires for
something, that can be immediately reflected by the surface level of
the mind – our waking consciousness.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

3. Fantasy – Fantasy is the twin brother of desire. Objects of desire

would be completely meaningless if the imagination cannot fathom
their usefulness or desirability in different contexts. A person’s
fantasies often involve an object of desire. Sometimes, the object of
desire is well-defined; other times, a person would only have a vague
idea of what he truly desires.

These 3 vital components should be tapped whenever you want to

persuade or influence a subject.

Again, this can be accomplished by using specific hypnotic language

patterns that will make it easier for you to enter that part of the
subconscious mind that deals with desire, fantasy and needs.

Your “best friend” when it comes to Step Five is the capacity of the
mind to create unlimited fantasies.

When you’re talking to a subject, you can induce him into a guided
fantasy, with you at the helm. There are many ways to induce fantasy
in a person: anchoring, subconscious cues, wordplay, etc.

Is it sufficient to simply invoke someone’s desire?

After inducing a guided fantasy, the next step is to use hypnotic

language patterns that will make the subject commit to your idea or to
the action that needs to be performed. Commitment needs to be
associated firmly with a benefit or advantage. Of course, you must
ensure that the subject desires the reward and also deems it a
legitimate need.
Commitment and involvement can also be achieved by the using
hypnotic techniques that integrate the situation within a social
context. For example, if you’re trying to convince someone to
participate in an upcoming charity fundraiser, you would want to go
about the invitation slowly so that you are not rejected outright.

By asking a person to perform small, insignificant actions such as

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

signing a paper or reading a flyer, you are driving home a hypnotic

suggestion to become committed to the event. Eventually, the
subject’s own sense of responsibility will begin to kick in and he will
naturally want to continue helping with the event because he has
already committed to it in some way.

Step Six: Sealing the Gates

In clinical hypnosis, hypnotherapists generally instruct their clients to

forget everything that was told throughout the session. Triggering
hypnotic amnesia is performed to make sure that the subject does not
recall the hypnotic process and over-analyze it.

Over-analysis can mean death for hypnotic suggestions that have

barely taken root in the subconscious mind.

Like fragile saplings, hypnotic suggestions can be uprooted by the

newly awakened conscious mind because that’s its job – to protect the
subconscious from new ideas which might pose a risk to the person.
It will take some time before hypnotic suggestions take root; they
must be consciously forgotten so that they can grow and influence a
person’s conscious thinking.

The sixth and final step is aptly called “sealing the gates” because
once you’ve implanted your hypnotic suggestions, you have to close
the subconscious channels that you accessed to drive home those
hypnotic suggestions.

The obvious conundrum here would be the scenario itself: you

can’t just tell your subject to forget everything you said. You can’t use
a hypnotherapist’s patter when you’re in a conference or if you’re
talking to a colleague at work.

How can you encourage hypnotic amnesia as you make your exit?

One of the simplest ways to shift the subject’s attention away from
you and away from your message is by appealing to the subject’s

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

ethics, values and personal beliefs.

By appealing to these core elements of his personality and behavior,

you will be able to establish a direct link between your message and
his personal ideals. You will learn about your subject’s ideals as you
interact with him; so it’s very important that you listen as much as
you try to apply the appropriate hypnotic language patterns to
enhance your ability to persuade.

Hypnotic language patterns are simply tools – you would only be

able to use them properly if you observe, listen and adapt to how
your subject is responding throughout the dialogue. They don’t work
“automatically” (i.e. work regardless of what you’ve been doing or
saying throughout the dialogue)!

When you use hypnotic language patterns to shift your subject’s idea
away from you, you are effectively transferring responsibility for the
idea to your subject. So when you’re about to end the conversation,
you must make it a point to make your subject believe that your
message is actually reflective of what he believes, values or desires.

You must never be at the center of the subject’s mind before you part.
Your subject must be the superstar that determines his own fate and
plan of action. Through this final step, you can be sure that your
message will continue to influence your subject even after you’ve
parted ways.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Stage One.

You now understand how you can combine the power of hypnosis to
your communication skills to become more persuasive.

Now that you understand exactly how hypnotic language works, it’s
time to move on to Stage Two.

The next step is to learn the actual Hypnotic Language Patterns so

you can start influencing others.

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The Hypnotic Language Formula

I want to give you premier access to my exclusive training on

Hypnotic Language Patterns.

Click Here To Learn More

Talk soon,

Dr. Steve G. Jones

Dr. Steve G. Jones 24

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