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Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: Guide for

the Performance of On-Site and Vendor Shop

Inspections of Electric Motors


Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: Guide for the
Performance of On-Site and Vendor Shop Inspections of
Electric Motors


Technical Update, December 2008

EPRI Project Manager

W. Johnson


3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 • USA
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Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of
continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report.

For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or

are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

Copyright © 2008 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document was prepared by
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center (NMAC)
1300 W.T. Harris Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28262
Principal Investigator
W. Johnson
This report describes research sponsored by EPRI.
The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:
Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center: Guide for the Performance of On-Site and Vendor
Shop Inspections of Electric Motors. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2008. 1016680.

9842703 iii
The power industry is experiencing a loss of expertise as its workforce ages. Compounding the
problem is that many plants find that there is limited time to train new workers. Periodically,
station and corporate motor specialists are asked to perform inspections of on-site motors to
maintain a level of equipment reliability or to perform inspections for customers at vendor motor
shops. This report should prove valuable during visual inspections of electric motors.

Results and Findings

This report provides a handy reference source to professionals who are confronted with an
inspection of an electric motor. When making a condition assessment of an electric motor or a
motor component, it is important to have a frame of reference to support qualitative assessments.
This report provides support for visual inspection activities.

Challenges and Objectives

This report should be useful to component engineers, electricians, planners, mechanics,
procurement personnel, and system engineers. When electric motor problems occur, repairs must
be made or replacements obtained. Before the proper repairs can be performed and/or the right
replacement parts can be procured, a thorough visual inspection of the motor and/or component
must be conducted. This report provides guidance that will assist in a visual inspection, and it
defines common terminology used in relation to various electric motor components.

Applications, Value, and Use

Electric motors are important to the operation of power plants and other industrial facilities.
When electric motors require repair, it is imperative that the failure be identified and repaired
promptly. Having a picture to correspond to the many words that will be exchanged during the
investigation process will help ensure that a thorough inspection is conducted and that the proper
components are repaired.

EPRI Perspective
The resources that were brought together by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Large
Electric Motor Users Group (LEMUG) made the development of this report possible. The
LEMUG forum and the Maintenance Working Group sessions provided an opportunity for the
proper resources to come together in a non-competitive environment to develop a document that
should be useful for visual inspection of electric motors and components in various conditions.
This report provides photographic support for the many words written to describe a visually
observed situation.

Plant personnel have been challenged to provide insight into the increasing volume of failures
that have occurred in stator windings and other motor components. Adding to the challenge is the
fact that many of the people responsible for building and installing electric motors in power
plants no longer work in the industry. To address this loss of industry intelligence, EPRI
developed this report so that EPRI-member utilities might be better able to assess the conditions
of their motors and to investigate motor failures.

9842703 v
Electric motor
Failure investigation
Stator windings
Visual inspection

9842703 vi
This report was developed by the Maintenance Working Group, which is part of the Electric
Power Research Institute’s (EPRI’s) Large Electric Motor Users Group.
The guidance provided in this report will assist electric motor owners who need to inspect the
condition of a motor or motor component. Often, common components have different
designations, depending on the manufacturer, system application, and equipment design. This
report names components or, in some cases, provides pictures of unnamed components. The
report will give the user insight into how to visually determine whether a condition is acceptable
or unacceptable for a motor under inspection and/or repair.
EPRI recommends that motor owners review and use this report in their motor activities. As with
any piece of work, there is room for improvement, and errors and omissions are possible. We
encourage readers to bring any concerns to the EPRI project manager’s attention so that this
report can be corrected and improved. Any suggestions for corrections or improvements should
be submitted in writing; these proposed changes will be presented to the Maintenance Working
Group for its review.

9842703 vii
EPRI acknowledges the contribution of the Large Electric Motor Users Group (LEMUG) in
general and the Maintenance Working Group in particular for their contributions to the
development of this report.
Many thanks are extended to Harry Smith of Exelon and Clifford Both of Public Service Electric
and Gas for their contribution as key scribes of this report and to all those who contributed
pictures of motors and motor components.
EPRI LEMUG is co-chaired by Jerry Honeycutt (Tennessee Valley Authority) and Darrell
Howell (Duke Energy). The EPRI LEMUG Maintenance Working Group is chaired by Harry

9842703 ix
1 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................1-1

2 PHILOSOPHY FOR THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................2-1

2.1 Figures .....................................................................................................................2-1

3 DEFINITIONS .........................................................................................................................3-1

4 MOTOR CONSTRUCTION.....................................................................................................4-1
4.1 General Motor Views................................................................................................4-1
4.2 General Rotor Configurations...................................................................................4-5
4.3 Stator and Coil Construction ....................................................................................4-7

5 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................5-1

A CHECKS AND INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................. A-1

9842703 xi
This guideline will assist station personnel with the development of in-plant inspection points
and criteria to assess the condition of motors being repaired or rewound. This document is
designed to provide guidance to the station motor specialist with the development of the
inspection plan and to the maintenance department personnel with a consistent field checklist
associated with the inspection plan.
This report can be used in an assessment effort related to electric motors. Often assessments
begin with the visual inspections. But in order for the inspection to be of value, the proper
conditions must be captured and compared with known deviations. The pictures in the report
present many common deviations that reflect defects or damage that can be documented during a
refurbishment, repair, or rewind.
Many times when motors are taken out of service for refurbishments, repairs, or rewinds, there
are communication difficulties between site maintenance personnel who might work on various
types of electric motors and a service center or original equipment manufacturer that is most
familiar with their particular motors. This report attempts to provide a common frame of
reference for motor users and suppliers when addressing motor issues. Examples of common
failure locations have been captured for this report; however, not all failure locations or types
have been captured. But this report provides a significant starting point.
This report should help with familiarizing inexperienced personnel and as a refresher for
experienced personnel when inspecting electric motors.

9842703 1-1
The general objective behind this guideline is to give motor personnel of various experience
levels the ability to develop acceptable in-plant inspections using the following formats:
• Inspection area of component
• Specific inspection points or attributes
• Positive inspection findings
• Method of inspection for the finding and possible tooling required
• Outcome of a finding or degradation condition
• Photographs of the positive and/or negative (degraded) conditions
There is also an area with each of the attributes wherein personnel can indicate if the point is
satisfactory or unsatisfactory and can add comments.
This same approach can be utilized in a repair facility environment to perform the identical types
of witness points invoked by the station in their procurement and refurbishment document or
purchase order.

2.1 Figures
Table 2-1 summarizes the figures that appear in this report.

Table 2-1
The figures contained in this report

Figure Number Description

4-1 Cut-away view of a NEMA frame 480-Vac motor
4-2 Exploded view of a totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motor
4-3 Exploded view of a medium-voltage horizontal motor
4-4 Cut-away view of a medium-voltage vertical motor
4-5 Squirrel-cage induction motor rotor
4-6 Random-wound motor rotor
4-7 Synchronous motor rotor
4-8 Amortisseur portion of rotor
4-9 Axial view of stator’s core and coil
4-10 Axial view of end-ring area construction

9842703 2-1
The following are definitions of terms used in this document. Additional descriptions of the
terms and phrases used in this document can be found in the reference documents listed later in
this guideline.
Corona: Corona discharge can be considered a partial discharge that occurs at or around sharp
metallic or insulated protrusions. This condition can often be recognized by the presence of a
light dusting of a white powdery substance on the surface of insulation. (See Partial Discharge)
Dusting: Dusting in a motor appears as a gray or yellowish, powdery substance. This condition
is most likely due to relative movement of insulation material. If the powdery substance appears
to be white or pink in color, the condition is more likely to be due to breakdown of the insulation
due to electrical arcing and/or discharge (partial discharge and/or surface tracking).
Electrical Testing: For the purpose of this document, any specified electrical testing (insulation
resistance, winding resistance, high potential testing, etc.) shall be completed per the appropriate
procedures and industry guidance documents. These documents include IEEE, EASA, and
NEMA standards and other related EPRI/NMAC documents. The user shall determine with the
assistance of these documents the applicable voltage levels and test conditions for the motor in
Foreign Material: Foreign material (FM) and the requirements for a foreign material exclusion
(FME) program are defined and discussed in EPRI document 1009707, Foreign Material
Exclusion Guidelines. Material that is not normally included in a system or component needs to
be excluded. Failures may occur due to the incorporation of this material, as will be shown in
this inspection guideline. Each inspection table will have a category or inspection point to
perform visual examinations for the foreign material.
Fretting: When two pieces of material pressed together by an external static load (for example,
bolted flanges, riveted lap joints, or press-fits, such as a gear or bearing on a shaft) are subjected
to a transverse cyclic loading so that one contacting face is relatively displaced cyclically parallel
to the other face in the presence of high contact stress, wear on the mating surfaces occurs. If the
magnitude of the displacement is less than about 0.003 inches, the wear is termed fretting.
Knuckle: A term used to describe the part of the stator coil in the end-turn area. This is the area
outside of the stator core. The knuckle is the portion of the coil where it changes direction from
the exit of the core to enter the core through another slot. The knuckle section is the area that is
braced in order to prevent excessive vibration during motor starts (see Figure 4-9).

9842703 3-1
Magnetic Center: If a rotor is free to move in an axial direction, as with sleeve bearings without
limited end float, the rotor will be automatically positioned in the theoretical magnetic center—
this means that the active iron core of the rotor is exactly in line with the active iron core of the
stator. Any external force that tries to move the rotor out of this equilibrium will call for a
magnetic axial force (magnetic pull) that opposes this external force. The mechanical center is
the midpoint of axial float without electrical forces, that is, the total end float of the rotor divided
by two.
Ozone (O3): Is highly chemically reactive and is generated by arcing or discharging. The
occurrences of ozone take place when partial discharges are occurring internally in a motor. The
smell is generated from a rapid production of ions due to the rapid chemical changes occurring
due to the high-voltage discharge. Ozone is not an easy smell to describe. It does have a
distinctive odor, but it is not easily likened to a known/common smell in life outside of the
electrical industry. Again, the smell is generated when electrical arcing occurs, such as with a
relay, motor, or even the brushes on an old slot car or toy train.
Partial Discharge: Partial discharges (PDs) are spark discharges that can occur in high-voltage
insulation voids, on the surface of stator coils located next to the stator iron, or in the end
winding regions of the core. Partial refers to the fact that some insulation remains intact,
preventing complete and constant discharge to ground or from turn to turn. Stator windings of 4
kV and above are usually referenced with regard to partial discharge occurrences, although
discharges have been documented in random-wound stators operating as low as 480 V from
inverter-fed drives.
Polarization Index (PI): The purpose of an insulation resistance (IR) reading is to evaluate the
condition of the insulation between conductors and ground. This is done by applying a direct
voltage between the conductors (windings) and the casing of the electric motor (machine) and
measuring current leakage across the insulation system. The readings are applied to Ohm’s law
(R=V ÷ I), which provides a resistance. A PI test is the ratio of the 10-minute IR value to the
1-minute IR value. Interpretations of ratio results are explained in the EPRI report Evaluation
Tools for Electric Motor Testing: Logic Diagrams (1004003).
Tap Testing: A tap test is a type of mechanical looseness test in which the subject being tested
(e.g., a stator/core through-bolt or coil wedge) is tapped with a tool in order to determine pitch or
sound. Usually, all of the specimens are tapped to determine which sounds are different from the
others tested. For example, the sound difference may be that one or two of the through-bolts have
a dull ring sound compared to the ring tone of the remaining bolts. This type of test does not
normally determine satisfactory versus unsatisfactory, but rather which sounds are different, if
Termination Stress Cones: Stress cones are a means of preventing insulation failure at the
termination of a shielded cable caused by the high concentration of flux and the high potential
gradient that would otherwise exist between the shield termination and the cable conductor.

TIR: TIR stands for total indicated runout, which provides control variations of circularity,
straightness, coaxiality, and taper of a feature. Total runouts can be measured with a dial
indicator or other methods. The indicator is located (fixed) relative to the selected datum, and the
indicator is zeroed relative to the surface in question. The component is then rotated, and the

9842703 3-2
total dial indicator reading is observed while the component is rotated. The indicator reading
should not exceed the tolerance given by the specification. Thus, the total runout specification
measures surface deviations relative to the reference axis.
Versa-Pac: A Versa-Pac is a design of end-winding bracing that is formed by placing an epoxy
mixed with an aggregate into a mold. The mold has been specially constructed and fitted to the
motor coil end-winding area. Once cured in place, the Versa-Pac forms a hard ring that has a
dual purpose: 1) to reduce surge stresses on the coil knuckles during motor start and 2) to create
an air baffle to direct air flow through the motor.
Visual Inspection: For the purpose of this document, a visual inspection is a nondestructive
assessment that utilizes inspection mirrors, borescopes, bright lights, and even black lights.

9842703 3-3
This section contains figures that show various constructions and exploded views of motors.
These figures are included from other reference documents to illustrate the sections of the motor
discussed in the inspection point tables later in this document.

4.1 General Motor Views

Figures 4-1 through 4-4 are general views of electric motors.

Figure 4-1
Cut-away view of a NEMA frame 480-Vac motor

9842703 4-1
Figure 4-2
Exploded view of a totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motor

In Figure 4-2, the term FE describes the front end of the motor. In other
documents, the terms PE (pulley end) and DE (drive end) are utilized
interchangeably to mean the same thing. In contrast, the terms BE (back end),
OPE (opposite pulley end), and ODE (opposite drive end) are utilized to describe
the end of the motor farthest from the driven piece of equipment.

9842703 4-2
Figure 4-3
Exploded view of a medium-voltage horizontal motor
Courtesy of EASA

9842703 4-3
Figure 4-4
Cut-away view of a medium-voltage vertical motor
Courtesy of EASA

9842703 4-4
4.2 General Rotor Configurations
Figures 4-5 through 4-8 show general motor rotor configurations.

Figure 4-5
Squirrel-cage induction motor rotor

Figure 4-6
Random-wound motor rotor

9842703 4-5
Figure 4-7
Synchronous motor rotor

Figure 4-8
Amortisseur portion of rotor

9842703 4-6
4.3 Stator and Coil Construction
Figures 4-9 and 4-10 show the construction of the stator and coil.

Figure 4-9
Axial view of a stator’s core and coil

Figure 4-10
Axial view of end-ring area construction

9842703 4-7
The following documents are utilized as references internal to this document or should be used
as references when implementing the inspection described in this document. The industry
standards that are normally referenced are included and incorporated in the following documents
and will not be referenced separately.
EPRI 1000666 Guide for Rotating Electrical Machine Hipot Testing: Draft Report
EPRI 1000897 Repair and Reconditioning Specification for AC Squirrel-Cage Motors with
Voltage Ratings of 2.3 kV to 13.2 kV
EPRI 1000968 Troubleshooting of Electric Motors
EPRI 1001266 Partial Discharge Testing of Rotating Machine Stator Windings
EPRI 1003095 Electric Motor Tiered Maintenance Program
EPRI 1004003 Evaluation Tools for Electric Motor Testing: Logic Diagrams
EPRI 1008964 Repair and Reconditioning Specification for AC Squirrel-Cage Motors with
Voltage Ratings of up to 600 kV
EPRI 1009676 Model Repair and Reconditioning Specification for DC Motors
EPRI 1009698 Shipping and Storage of Electric Motors
EPRI 1011871 Continuous On-Line Partial Discharge Monitor for Medium-Voltage
Cable Feasibility Study
EPRI 1011894 Guide for Determining Motor Repair versus Motor Replacement
EPRI 1009707 Foreign Material Exclusion Guidelines
EPRI EL-5036-V6 Power Plant Electrical Reference Series, Volume 6: Motors

9842703 5-1
This appendix is divided into tables for specific inspection. These tables show the various
inspection points for that particular area of the motor. The use of this document may be limited
to one table or may encompass all of the inspection tables. This will be determined by the scope
of the inspection, the time available to perform the inspection(s), and accessibility to the sections
of the motor. For example, on-line operating conditions of a vertical motor indicate a problem
with the upper motor bearing. During the scheduled maintenance outage, the work scope is to
remove the upper bearing reservoir lid and inspect the bearing. The appendix table for bearing
and oil reservoir may be the only section warranted for use. Another example follows: during a
routine preventive maintenance inspection, the end bell inspection covers of a large horizontal
motor may be removed to allow access to the end windings and end of the rotor, in which case
the applicable tables of the appendix will be utilized. Finally, the user may be sent to a motor
shop to perform a final inspection of a motor prior to reassembly, and all of the appendix
sections may be applicable.
In each of the inspection tables in Tables A-1 through A-7 and after each inspected attribute,
there is a column to document whether the inspected condition is satisfactory (S), unsatisfactory
(U), or not applicable (N/A). There is also space provided for the inspector’s initials or signature,
which might be required for documentation completeness and traceability. At the end of each
table is space to allow documentation of the condition and for the inspector to document any
additional findings and/or recommendations. The expectation for use will need to be determined
by the user, the group performing the inspection, or individual station policies and procedures.
The station corrective action procedure/process needs to be utilized to document the deficiencies
in accordance with the applicable procedures.

9842703 A-1
Table A-1
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.1 Air deflection No evidence of cracks, dents, Visual, hands-on. If holes or abrasions are
baffles missing or loose pieces or hardware, identified, inspect stator
distortion, abrasion, or other physical insulation knuckle and baffle
damage. There should be no loose for arc damage and
or missing pieces of the baffle or its clearances (e.g., end
mounting hardware. There should be knuckle touching or in close
an adequate gap between the air proximity with air baffle).
baffle and stator knuckle to prevent Repair or replace
rubbing. components as required.

1.2 Brazed Uniform in color and appearance of Visual, hands-on, Based on severity of
connections insulation system at the braze joint. operational electrical conditions found during
No signs of localized heating (dark or testing, winding inspections: increased
black in appearance). No evidence of resistance observation interval,
electrical resistance imbalance comparison. scheduled repair/
between the winding groups. No replacement at next
burrs protruding through the convenient time, short-term
insulation at the brazed joints. or immediate repair
1.3 Brush Brushes should be of nearly identical Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
condition length, type, and condition. Brushes visual inspection next scheduled
should move freely in the brush during operation for maintenance to increased
holder, with no binding or evidence of arcing and sparking observation interval to
grooving or unusual wear patterns at brush scheduled repair/
from movement in the holder. ring/commutator replacement at next
Contact area should be free of any interface. convenient time to short-
unusual wear patterns or evidence of term or immediate repair/
uneven heating. Pigtails make good replacement.
connection and show no evidence of
fraying. No evidence of contaminants
(e.g., oil or coolant). Verify that brush
orientation is correct, especially
compared to other brushes in ring

9842703 A-2
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.4 Brush rigging Rigging is attached correctly, and Visual, hands-on, Observation at next
condition mounting hardware is intact and spring tension, brush scheduled maintenance,
properly secured. Spacing, spring alignment. increased observation
tension, and alignment will be within interval, scheduled repair/
OEM guidelines. Insulating material replacement at next
properly installed, intact, and free of convenient time, short-term
defects. Interior of brush holders free or immediate repair/
of buildup, damage, corrosion, and replacement.

1.5 Condition of Uniform in color and appearance. No Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
motor leads if evidence of splitting, cracks, cuts, or insulation resistance next scheduled
wrapped abrasion. Adequate clearance with test, polarization maintenance to increased
around/tied to other internal components (e.g., index, and hipot observation interval to
end turns baffles, frame, filters, and testing. scheduled repair/
instrumentation). Electrical testing: replacement at next
insulation resistance test and PI convenient time to short-
satisfactory. term or immediate repair/
1.6 Cracking in Good condition should be relatively Visual and hands-on. Range from observation at
the ties and uniform in color, with no indications next scheduled
blocking of cracking, porosity, relative maintenance, increased
movement, thermal damage, observation interval,
looseness, or deformation. scheduled repair/
replacement at next
convenient time, short-term
or immediate repair/

9842703 A-3
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.7 Cracking or Good condition should be relatively Visual and hands-on. Range from continued
discoloration uniform in color, with no indications operation and observation
of the varnish of cracking, porosity, relative at next scheduled
or insulation movement, thermal damage, maintenance to repair to
looseness, or deformation. overcoat or removal for

1.8 Deformed Good condition should be relatively Visual and hands-on, Schedule repair/
coils or those uniform in spacing and rigid, with no dusting from replacement at earliest
showing signs signs of dusting. movement of coils. available time.
of movement Dusting may appear
yellowish or gray in

1.9 Dusting from Little or no indication of residue on Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
brush carbon windings, rotor, or frame. Electrical insulation resistance next scheduled
testing: insulation resistance test, PI, test, PI, and brush maintenance to increased
brush resistance satisfactory. resistance. Visual observation interval to
inspection during scheduled repair/
operation for arcing replacement at next
and sparking at convenient time to short-
brush ring/ term or immediate repair/
commutator replacement.
interface. Severe
conditions may have
smell of ozone.

9842703 A-4
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.10 Foreign No materials foreign to the Visual, hands-on. Remove foreign material,
material (FM) construction of the motor will be determine the source and
present in any form—loose, correct or eliminate the
embedded, or fixed. source as practicable, verify
no adverse effects on the
operability of the motor or
repair as necessary.

1.11 Missing coil Good condition should be all spacers Visual and hands-on, Schedule repair/
spacers in place and firmly attached. if missing spacers replacement at earliest
are suspected, available time.
inspect balance of
motor for evidence of
missing spacer.

1.12 Oil and No indication of oil or grease Visual, electrical Cleaning with approved
grease contamination; includes no oily feel. testing and hands- station solvents or
contamination In addition, contamination will trap on. degreasers. In-place
issues dirt and other foreign material. cleaning with CO2 if
Expect satisfactory results from possible. Schedule removal
electrical testing (e.g., no surface of motor/stator during next
tracking). work window for
refurbishment and cleaning
in a shop.

9842703 A-5
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.13 PD/corona Relatively uniform in color, with no Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
indications of definitive dusting insulation resistance next scheduled
(Normally pattern or tracking. (Dusting test, PI, ultraviolet maintenance to increased
applies to accumulation area may not be the and/or ultrasonic in observation interval to
motors 6 kV area of problem.) Electrical testing, conjunction with scheduled repair/
and above) insulation resistance test, PI test, electrical potential replacement at next
satisfactory. applied, PD convenient time to short-
monitoring term or immediate repair
equipment. Partial replacement.
discharge appears
white in color.
1.14 Phase/coil Relatively uniform in color, with no Visual and hands-on. Range from observation at
crossover (PD indications of cracking, porosity, next scheduled
source) relative movement, thermal damage, maintenance to increased
looseness, or deformation. observation interval to
scheduled repair/
replacement at next
convenient time to short-
term or immediate repair/
1.15 Surge ring Metallic – Insulation system intact Visual, hands-on. Range from observation at
conditions and uniform in color and next scheduled
appearance. No evidence of broken maintenance to increased
ties or attachments. No evidence of observation interval to
movement. scheduled repair/
replacement at next
Non-metallic – Attachment to all convenient time to short-
coils. No evidence of broken ties or term or immediate repair/
attachments. No evidence of replacement.

9842703 A-6
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.16 Swelling/puffy Uniform in color, with a glossy Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
insulation. appearance and complete resin insulation resistance next scheduled
coverage. No evidence of bubbles, test, PI. This maintenance to increased
(Common swelling, bulging, or softening. condition can be felt observation interval to
problem with Insulation should be firm and dry to with a slight squeeze scheduled repair/
EPDM cable) the touch. Electrical testing: of the area. replacement at next
insulation resistance test, PI, convenient time to short-
satisfactory. term or immediate repair/
1.17 Uniform Uniform spacing is a subjective term Visual, hands-on, Range from observation at
knuckle and varies greatly between vibration analysis. next scheduled
spacing manufacturers and vendors. A good maintenance to increased
winding will appear to be as observation interval to
originally installed and show no scheduled repair/
evidence of movement or distortion. replacement at next
There will be no vibration analysis convenient time to short-
indicators for loose stator term or immediate repair
components (120 Hz and the replacement.
number of stator slots times running
speed in Hz).

9842703 A-7
Table A-1 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature end-winding area and coil knuckle area

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Attributes Inspection
1.18 Versa-Pac No separation between coils and Visual, hands-on, tap Range from observation at
condition. Versa-Pac, no separation between test of fiberglass next scheduled
fiberglass shell and potting shell. maintenance to increased
(Typically compound, rubberized coating has observation interval to
applies to not pulled back or cracked, seal scheduled repair/
Siemens/Allis between Versa-Pac and the end bell replacement at next
Chalmers is in good condition. convenient time to short-
motors only) term or immediate repair/


9842703 A-8
Table A-2
Inspection of the stator/armature coil extension area (between knuckle and stator slot exit)

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
2.1 Air gap Specified in EPRI report 1000897 Feeler gauges (skill Evaluate need for corrective
uniformity (Repair and Reconditioning of the craft) if not in action. Check twice the line
Specification for AC Squirrel-Cage operation. There are frequency vibration history.
Motors with Voltage Ratings of 2.3 also many predictive Check bearing clearances.
kV to 13.2 kV). maintenance on-line
and off-line tests that
can detect air gap
issues, such as
2.2 Discoloration Absence of any discoloration at the Visual. Evaluate the extent of
of core fingers ends of the lamination packs. impact for the discoloration.
Determine the cause, and
correct if possible. Schedule
for possible removal and

2.3 Discoloration No discoloration and no sign of Visual. Consider core test with
of lamination heating. infrared check for hotspots.
ends Testing of this type is
normally completed in a
vendor shop.

9842703 A-9
Table A-2 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature coil extension area (between knuckle and stator slot exit)

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
2.4 Dusting or Absence of dusting, no signs of wear Visual, tap test on coil If movement is suspected,
cracked varnish at coil slot exit, uniform coil extension extension. consider dip/bake or VPI
from movement distance (absence of axial and/or rewedge or rewind.
of coils/ movement). Other short-term solutions
lamination ends may be available, depending
on configuration of the
equipment. Trending of
electrical tests may help to
assess any insulation
2.5 Elevated/slid/ All wedges in place, absence of Visual. If any of the listed conditions
out-of-place fretting, absence of axial movement are noted, consider rotor
wedges (all wedges uniform extension removal for further wedge
distance), uniform color, wedges’ evaluation.
captures properly within groove,
absence of gap between wedge and

2.6 Foreign Absence of damage caused by Inspection mirror, Remove any abnormal
material- (FM-) foreign material beyond normal magnet, borescope. material and investigate
induced dirt/dust. source. Metal shavings
damage cause a higher level of
concern with the operation
of the motor. If FM is found,
consider removal of rotor to
expand inspection to include
FM damage.

9842703 A-10
Table A-2 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature coil extension area (between knuckle and stator slot exit)

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
2.7 Movement or Absence of bent fingers, no missing Visual. Bent core fingers can
bent core fingers. abrade the stator coil.
fingers Broken core fingers can
become projectiles or can
cause stator damage.
(Pieces of core finger or
other metal trapped between
stator coils can cause
heating.) Evaluate.
2.8 Movement/bent No bent laminations, uniform Visual. Possible tap Inspect for other signs of
laminations appearance. test for looseness. looseness. Check core
through-bolts for tightness.
Evaluate on a case basis.

2.9 PD, especially No white powder, no signs of burning. Visual inspection, Very long-term degradation
1 in. outside of focus on line-end coils. mechanism (surface). In-
slot at interface place repair may be
between possible. Consult with
semiconductive vendor. Consider increased
and grading partial discharge monitoring
treatments and/or visual inspection until
permanent repair (rewind).

9842703 A-11
Table A-2 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature coil extension area (between knuckle and stator slot exit)

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
2.10 Rotor Magnetic center (by scribe mark or Rotor movement and If out-of-spec, check thrust
movement— comparison of rotor/stator iron) is visual. Visual faces for signs of abnormal
axial for near mechanical center of movement. inspection to identify if wear. Adjust mechanical
horizontal End play per EPRI Repair and the rotor cage has center using bearing
sleeve bearing Reconditioning Specification for AC shifted on the shaft; adjustments or magnetic
machines Squirrel-Cage Motors with Voltage inspect especially for center using stator core
Ratings of 2.3 kV to 13.2 kV loss of design gaps position adjustment.
(1000897). Investigate the movement between components
of the rotor cage on the shaft, which (e.g., rotor and fan).
would also indicate that the magnetic
center has shifted.


9842703 A-12
Table A-3
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
3.1 Lamination Inspect for evidence of arcing. Visual inspection. Correct condition and restore
condition Inspect area for general conditions, to original condition. In some
such as excessive corrosion, Nondestructive cases, there may be need to
(Inside lamination movement/distortion, and examination schedule removal of the rotor
diameter/spider poor or failed welds. techniques, as for repairs, such as welding.
of induction required.

3.2 Balance There should be no evidence of Visual inspection. Tighten or resecure any
weights loose, displaced, or missing weights. loose weights. Ensure that
condition Missing weights will cause a these weights are positively
vibration imbalance condition (1X secured. If balance weights
vibration spectrum). Missing weights are missing, further
may be evident by the missing paint inspection for damage in
coating. Check tightness of bolting of other areas of the machine is
balance weights. Ensure that justified. May require pulling
balance weights are positively the rotor and re-balancing.
secured. Weights that come loose Configuration of a larger
can cause rotor and/or stator motor could have the rotor
damage or failure. balanced in the machine,
with no-load run balancing
(trim balancing).

9842703 A-13
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
3.3 Rotor- Cracked welds. There should be no cracked or Visual Repair welds. Replace
mounted distorted fan blades. The fan blades should be inspection and any cracked or distorted
fans clean. There should not be heavy buildup of nondestructive fan/blades. Remove any
dirt or oil on the fans. There should be no examination. corrosion, dirt, or
corrosion on the fan blades or other environmental
environmental contamination (e.g., salt water contamination. Paint for
mist sucked into the motor). Fan orientation protection. An incorrect
should be correct with the direction of rotation fan orientation should be
to ensure proper cooling. There should be no corrected if identified.
distortion or discoloration. If damage is found,
check for possible sources and increase scope
of inspection and disassembly, as appropriate.
3.4 Rotor- There should be no looseness or missing Visual Replace missing
mounted hardware. Looseness could indicate more inspection. hardware. Tighten any
fan extensive rotor damage. loose bolts. Ensure
hardware positive locking
arrangement. Damaged
fan may indicate a need
to pull rotor for further

9842703 A-14
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.5 End-ring There should be no evidence of Visual inspection and If there is evidence of
abnormalities excessive heating or arcing. nondestructive significant heating or arcing in
There should be no evidence of examination. the end ring area, the rotor
cracking at the end ring. There may have to be pulled for
is no evidence of voids in the further examination and
end ring. testing. The site would want
to ensure that it has good
vibration or current signature
analysis data to help in any
future analysis of degraded
rotor condition.
3.6 Internal cooling No broken, bent, damaged, or Visual inspection. Replace any missing
fans missing blades. Fit to shaft hardware. Fix or replace bent,
should be secure. There should damaged, broken, or missing
be no loose or missing fan blades.

3.7 Foreign No FM damage or material Visual inspection. Determine source of FM

material found in the rotor. FM may have (internal/external). Clean up
broken up, and you may find FM. Evaluate impact of the
only the effect. FM discovered on the motor’s
operation. Correct processes
or material damage/
degradation that led to the
FM getting into the rotor. If
the source of the FM is
determined to be sound-
deadening, fiber-type
insulation that has come
loose, evaluate removal to
eliminate future FM and
potential motor damage.

9842703 A-15
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.8 Grease There should be no grease on Visual inspection. Identify source of grease
contamination the rotor. leakage. Verify greasing
amounts and frequency and
No missing parts, metering correct as necessary. Check
plates, seals, retainers, etc. bearing cap seal condition.
Over-tolerance condition on
the bearing seal could allow
extra grease migration onto
the rotor/rotor shaft. Clean up
contamination if accessible.
Correct bearing cap seal
tolerance and replace missing
parts at next planned
refurbishment of the motor.
3.9 Back of There should be no evidence of Visual inspection; Replace labyrinth seal if it is
bearing water or babbitt material on the clearance checks. significantly worn or
housing labyrinth seal. Labyrinth seal damaged.
labyrinth seal clearances should be checked
with feeler gauge to ensure that
they are correct per OEM

3.10 Oil There should be no oil Visual inspection. Check oil standpipe for
contamination contamination on rotor shaft. No leakage. Colored additives
on shaft seals/felts missing. approved for oils can be used
to aid in locating oil leaks.
Ensure that the oil reservoir is
properly vented. Check oil fill
practice to ensure that the
reservoir is not being
overfilled, causing oil to go
over the standpipe. Check for
proper installation and
condition of oil baffle. Add
sealant/replace missing felt.

9842703 A-16
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.11 Oil There should be minimal oil in Visual inspection. Depending on the severity of
contamination this area, as long as the oil the oil contamination and oil
of rotor ID/ reservoir is being properly leakage, the plant personnel
back of vented and is not leaking. may clean up accessible
lamination areas and correct oil leaks at
a later date during a planned
full disassembly/
refurbishment. Engineering
evaluation of the source of
the oil contamination and its
impact on rotor, stator, and
bearings should be
performed. Good records
should be kept to aid in any
repair during that full
disassembly/ refurbishment.
Obvious things—like
reviewing oil fill practices,
venting, oil baffle condition,
and standpipe condition—
should be checked to identify
the oil leakage source.
Complete cleanup and
correction of the oil leak will
likely require further motor
disassembly and pulling the

9842703 A-17
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.12 Rotor bar-to- There should be no evidence of Visual inspection. Bad If there is evidence of
end ring arcing or heating. There should visual inspection results significant heating, arcing or
connection be no evidence of end ring will likely warrant further evidence of broken/cracked
abnormalities movement. There should be no examination and testing bars, the rotor should be
corrosion on these connections. of the rotor that will pulled for further examination
involve pulling the rotor. and testing (loop test,
growler, or other). The site
would want to ensure that it
has good vibration or current
signature analysis data to
help in any future analysis for
degraded rotor condition.
3.13 Rotor through- Small hammer should be used Tap test with small If through-bolts are found
bolt looseness to perform tap test. Looseness hammer. loose and can be tightened,
(tap testing) or a broken bolt will be indicated tighten to proper torque and
with a flat tone coming from the repeat rap test. If problem still
rotor in that area. Good exists, have an expert
condition would be an even, evaluate the condition to
resonating ring sound coming determine corrective action.
from the affected area through This will likely involve pulling
the rotor after the tap. the rotor to determine the
extent of the problem.

3.14 Shaft There should be a smooth and Visual inspection. If Polish shaft, perform visual
condition: shiny finish on the shaft journal practical, clearances inspection after shaft cleanup
scoring, areas. There should be no large need to be measured/ and shaft runouts if practical.
discoloration, gauges in the shaft journal verified as-found and Evaluate any significant
mechanically areas. There should be no before motor gouges, scoring, or areas
straight discoloration of the shaft. There reassembly. where fretting may have
should be no evidence of occurred. Dye penetrant
fretting on the shaft. Rotor shaft testing of fretted areas may
should be sitting level in be performed to ensure that
horizontal motor. Rotor shaft no stress corrosion cracking
should be sitting plumb in is present.
vertical motor.

9842703 A-18
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.15 Spider There should be no looseness Visual inspection. A 1/4- Clean up any corrosion and
condition between laminations and the in. flat screwdriver can dirt. Identify source of cooling
spider. There should be no be used to check for water leak and correct as
cracks in any spider welds. lamination looseness. necessary. Identify source of
There should be no evidence of You should not be able oil leak and correct as
corrosion, water leaks, oil leaks, to push the screwdriver necessary. Long-term, oil and
significant dirt accumulation, or by hand (do not use water leaks can cause
environmental chemicals, such hammer) between the significant damage to
as salt. laminations. bearings, the rotor, and even
the stator. Significant
contamination inside the
spider area would need to be
cleaned and evaluated. This
may involve pulling the rotor
to better clean the affected
contaminated areas. Cracks
and looseness would need
evaluation and may require
rotor removal for repairs.
3.16 Spider-to-shaft There should be no evidence of Visual inspection. Contact motor vendor for help
fit stress cracking or looseness/ in evaluation and resolution if
abnormalities movement around the cracking, looseness, or
circumference of the shaft-to- movement around this fit area
spider fit. This fit should be an is found.
interference fit.

9842703 A-19
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
3.17 Water leakage There should be no evidence of Visual inspection. Clean accessible areas on
(coolant water leakage on the rotor. rotor. Correct the source of
additive) the water leak. The water
leakage will likely be from
cooling coil connections
inside the motor but outside
the oil reservoir. If water
leakage source is not from
the bearing cooler piping,
check for source of water
entering from outside the
motor (i.e., high-pressure
water spray leak, rain leakage
through terminal boxes or air
vents). Correct source of
water spray, or correct
external source of water leak
path into the motor (i.e., seal
T/Cs, correct or modify as
necessary vents to ensure
tortuous path for high-
velocity rain falling at greater
than 45° angle). Check the
integrity of the waterproof
enclosure (frame inspection
section). Perform stator
insulation to ground test and
evaluate. Drying out winding
could be required.

9842703 A-20
Table A-3 (continued)
Inspection of the induction rotor/synchronous field while installed

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection


9842703 A-21
Table A-4
Inspection of the stator/armature surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
4.1 Air vent No evidence of bent/moved/broken Visual inspection, Restack, replace if
spacers stator air vent spacers. consider use of significant number of broken
bright light, or bent air spacers is found.
borescope, and
inspection mirrors.
Manual mechanical

4.2 Burning No discoloration, no burnt odor, no Visual and smell Validate electrical integrity of
evidence of soot. inspection. windings and other electrical
circuits (e.g., space heaters,
RTDs, thermocouples),
refurbish, rewind. Restack or
replace iron if test indicates
core is shorted.

4.3 Carbon dust Acceptable resistance to ground Resistance to Clean using OEM-
(machines (insulation resistance test) readings ground (insulation recommended or other
with brushes) for the machine, no evidence of resistance test), approved methods, which
carbon buildup that is readily visual inspection. may include detergent or
detectable by the naked eye. solvent cleaning or CO2
blasting. Retest for electrical
integrity of the stator
systems. Check the carbon
source (brushes, etc.) for
proper operation and

9842703 A-22
Table A-4 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
4.4 Cooling air vents Clean uniform clear air Visual inspection: Clean vents using
blockage passages; no evidence of dirt, consider use of progressively more
foreign materials, or excessive bright light, aggressive means (e.g.,
resin buildup from dipping or borescope, and swabs, wipes, soft brushes,
VPI treatment. inspection mirrors. firmer brushes, air, pressure
washing, CO2 blasting,
mechanical abrasion, and
approved station solvents).
Removal of vent duct resin
from epoxy/varnish
treatment may require
4.5 Contamination – Clean, dry, with no evidence of Visual inspection. Eliminate cause or source of
oil/dirt/grease oil or grease. contamination if possible.
Clean using progressively
more aggressive means
(e.g., swabs, wipes, soft
brushes, firmer brushes,
approved solvent or
detergent, air, pressure
washing, or CO2 blasting),
refurbish, rewind, replace.
4.6 Discoloration No signs of unusual or Visual inspection. Validate the integrity of the
unexpected discoloration. affected portion, refurbish,
rewind, or replace as

9842703 A-23
Table A-4 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
4.7 Dusting from PD No signs of dusting from PD Visual inspection. Monitor, refurbish, rewind.
(light-colored, powdery

4.8 Foreign material No evidence of material foreign Visual inspection. Remove any foreign
(FM) to the motor. material. Verify integrity of
any affected portions of the
motor. Locate and eliminate
the source of the foreign

4.9 Lamination fingers No evidence of bent/moved/ Visual and manual Repair (welding,
bent/moved/broken broken stator lamination fingers. mechanical mechanically reform),
manipulation. restack, replace.

9842703 A-24
Table A-4 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
4.10 Loose laminations No evidence of loose stator Visual, mechanical Repair by mechanical
lamination (e.g., mechanical manipulation, core compression, restack,
dusting, evidence of movement, loss test (including replace.
or uneven spacing between hot spot verification),
laminate layers), with an and feeler gauges or
acceptable core loss test with a knife can be
no hot spots. utilized to check for

4.11 Rubs (rotor to No indications of rotor-to-stator Visual inspection. Repair and test for core loss
stator) contact (abrasion, distortion or and hot spots, relaminate,
damage of laminates, rotational replace.

4.12 Scratches Any scratches noted should be Visual inspection. Validate the integrity of the
minor in nature so that the affected portion, refurbish,
integrity of the windings or rewind, replace.
laminations is not in question.

9842703 A-25
Table A-4 (continued)
Inspection of the stator/armature surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Method(s) of
Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Condition Inspection
4.13 Wedge condition Intact, absence of dusting or Visual inspection. Adhesive repair, rewedge, or
cracking, correct and uniform rewind. Indications of
position, no evidence of dusting, cracking,
movement, no unexpected movement, or unexpected
discoloration. discoloration should result in
further examination for loose
or damaged coils or overall
winding integrity.

4.14 Wedge looseness Consistent uniform tightness of Tap test and visual Investigate cause of loose
wedges. inspection. wedge(s). Verify that correct
wedge and filler are present,
if necessary, and verify
integrity of the filler.
Adhesive repair, rewedge, or
rewind as applicable for the


9842703 A-26
Table A-5
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Photo(s) Unsat/
5.1 Balancing Refer to station vibration data. When at service Refer to required balance
shop, check requirements.

5.2 Cabling No signs of cracking, discoloration, Visual. Replace or repair hardware.

between slip signs of movement. No missing, Damaged or deficient cables
rings and rotor loose, or broken hardware. must be replaced.

9842703 A-27
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.3 Commutator Discoloration due to heat and/or Visual, Attach/refer to commutator/
contamination, out-of-round, overall dimensional. collector ring inspection
diameter, deformation, grooving, documents (to be added
channeling, or threading, Bar color pattern, later).
obvious high or low bars, mica fins (high
mica between commutator bars), riser Bar color pattern on the
condition. Verify that the V- ring is tight (if commutator can be an
applicable). Verify that there are no foreign indication of severe
materials between the commutator bars. electrical problems. If
patterning is evident, a
motor specialist familiar with
commutators should be
If brush contact area of the
commutator has thread-like
groove lines, the cause of
the threading grooves must
be identified and corrected,
and the commutator must be
resurfaced prior to placing it
back in operation.
5.4 Connections Check for signs of looseness, cracks in the Visual, direct Braze crimped connections,
insulation, movement, and missing or measurement. adjust spacing as
broken retaining hardware. Connections necessary. Replace or repair
must be brazed or soldered and not simply missing or broken hardware.
crimped. Check spacing between Replace and reinsulate
uninsulated connections. Check condition of damaged conductors.
conductor adjacent to the connections for
signs of cracking or deterioration due to
heating and/or mechanical fatigue.

9842703 A-28
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.5 Cooling vents No evidence of vent movement or blockage. Visual. Clean vents as required.

5.6 Damping No signs of movement, cracking (particularly Visual and tap Evaluate effects, repair as
winding in the connections), discoloration due to test. required.
(amortisseur) heat.

5.7 Diode/rectifier No evidence of looseness, cracking, Visual, electrical Repair or replace as

wheel electrical discharges, missing, or loose verification of necessary.
components. In addition, the polarity, testing diode.
of the installed (replaced) diodes needs to
be verified per OEM specifications/design

9842703 A-29
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.8 End plates No evidence of looseness. Visual/tap test. Evaluate effects, repair as
required. Tighten as
necessary. May require
complete rotor rebuild.

5.9 Exciter Perform the applicable inspections that Visual, electrical Clean, machine, and
would be performed on a wound rotor or testing. undercut commutator.
armature. Banding is in good condition,
commutator is smooth, no signs of arcing.

5.10 Foreign No foreign material (other than typical dirt Visual (use of Remove foreign material.
material (FM) buildup). Inspect areas internal to the rotor mirrors may be
as well as within ducts and vents for foreign required).
material or related damage.

9842703 A-30
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.11 Glass bands No evidence of looseness, cracking, or Visual Correct and repair by
(end-winding shredding. No distortion of coils caused by inspection. banding over old
banding) overtensioning of banding. band/replace as necessary
according to condition
Note: Removal of old
banding may damage

5.12 Insulating No cracking, discoloration, signs of Visual. Repair, replace the deficient
material movement. component.
checks (stud
pole piece
collars, etc.)

5.13 Journal/shaft No evidence of fretting or frosting (electrical Visual Some conditions can be
general discharge). Verification of dimensions to inspection. cleaned/removed easily with
inspection OEM specifications. Verification and Mechanical Scotch-Brite® (nothing
dimensional check of oil breaks on shaft. verification of abrasive). Failure of
dimensions. dimensional checks would
need to be corrected at a

5.14 Keyway and No evidence of relative movement between Visual and Replace key if worn.
key the key and the shaft (rounded, wallowed mechanical
out). Key should be a snug fit in the keyway. check with good
Corners should be square and not rounded. key.

9842703 A-31
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.15 Laminations/ Check the tightness of the core laminations: Visual and Excessive looseness of rotor
spacers/ look for tracks due to contact or friction, mechanical. laminations will typically
fingers coloring due to localized heating, protrusion Use of feeler require repair at a service
beyond the teeth on the external diameter, gauges or shop.
evidence of buckling or broken teeth, vent equivalent to
duct blockage, loose or dislodged vent determine
spacers (inside or outside), detachment of location and
fingers. Observe the condition of any depth of any
previous repairs. looseness.
5.16 Pole pieces No evidence of loose insulators. Inspect for Visual Excessive conditions may
changes in geometry of the coils. No inspection, tap require an evaluation and
evidence of looseness in the pole piece test. Resistance determination as to whether
wedges and keepers. No indication of check for the condition requires repair.
cracking or discoloration. Check bolting, if connections. Replace pole or field coils as
applicable, for tightness. Inspection Pole drop test. required. Tighten any bolted
condition of jumpers between pole pieces. joints and ensure positive
No poor pole-to-pole connections. No locking.
changes in coil geometry. No movement in
pole laminations attachment method. No
movement on pole bolts.
5.17 Rotor surface No indication of movement or looseness, Visual With the rotor out of the
general cracking, discoloration, or major inspection. machine, shipping to a shop
condition deformation. for refurbishment is
recommended. Excessive
movement or deformation
dictates significant

9842703 A-32
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.18 Rubbing No indications of rotor-to-stator contact Visual Scope of the inspection
(abrasion, distortion or damage of inspection. needs to be expanded to
laminates, rotational scratches). include the stator inspection.
Evaluate operation
parameters for source (e.g.,
startup of machine or loss of
cooling that causes rotor
bowing). Significant
refurbishment may be
required, depending upon
magnitude of rub. If
identified, the reason for the
rub needs to be identified
(e.g., foreign material
inclusion, bearing failure,
coil or wedge movement, or
excessive heating) and
5.19 Scratches on There should be no abnormal radial or axial Visual Evaluation of the impact
surface scratches. The surface will not be smooth inspection and needs to be completed.
due to the configuration and stacking of the possible use of Corrective actions could be
rotor lamination packs, but the surface depth gauges to removal of the scratches in a
should be void of deep gouges and assess lathe. Extreme care must be
grooving. condition of exercised so as not to
scratches. adversely impact the
lamination or interlamination
5.20 Shaft/journals/ TIR and roundness (refer to When at service Review findings.
laminations/ engineering/history documents). shop, check in
runouts lathe.

9842703 A-33
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.21 Shaft No evidence of rubbing, scoring. No Visual Machining in a lathe may be
shoulder discoloration of the surface. Surface should inspection. required. This would require
be smooth. Excessive a verification of changes in
condition may the axial float/movement
require changes induced by the
dimensional machining.
checks and TIR

5.22 Slip rings No discoloration, out-of-round, deformation, Visual, Replace or repair as

(collector grooving, channeling, or threading. No dimensional, tap necessary.
rings) movement on shaft, evidence of stud test.
movement, and insulation deterioration. Dimensional discrepancies
Connector thread engagement. Overall may require machining (can
diameters should be similar. be done in place for some
machines). Attach/refer to
commutator/ collector ring
inspection documents (to be
added later).
5.23 Hardware No signs of movement or broken, loose, or Visual. Tighten, replace, or repair as
tightness missing hardware. necessary.

9842703 A-34
Table A-5 (continued)
Inspection of the rotor surface with the rotor removed from the motor

Step Inspection Method(s) of Sat/

Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s)
# Criteria Inspection Unsat
5.24 Wound rotor No signs of cracking, ripping, looseness, or Visual. Correct and repair by
banding overheating of the banding. No distortion of banding over old band or
coils caused by overtensioning of banding. replace as necessary,
depending on condition
Note: Removal of old
banding may damage


9842703 A-35
Table A-6
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.1 Air vent Vents and screens need to be clear Visual inspection. Clean and remove any
and with no evidence of oil, dirt, or obstructions. Evaluate
foreign material (FM). source of FM. Cleaning of
the intake screens should be
completed with the machine
secured in order to prevent
intake of FM into the motor.

6.2 Aux wiring Motor heater, thermocouple, and Visual inspections, Evaluate and repair or
connections RTD; on-line monitoring wiring is electrical testing replace wiring or connections
intact and not damaged. No evidence (including resistance as necessary.
of insulation cracking or checks as a
deterioration. minimum).

6.3 Back iron No cracks or broken welds. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
support welds corrosion. replace as necessary.
Evaluate and eliminate the
source of corrosion.

9842703 A-36
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.4 Conduit Flex or rigid conduit is intact, with no Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
evidence of corrosion, discoloration, replace as necessary.
impact damage, or abnormal wear. Evaluate the source of
corrosion or discoloration. If
conduit is damaged, verify
that wire in conduit has not
been damaged.

6.5 Evidence of Cooling line connections tight and Visual inspection. Rework the leaking
water leaks exhibit no leakage or discoloration connection. Sample oil if
indicative of a leak. evidence of leakage internal
to oil reservoir. Correct as

6.6 Evidence of No oil evident from air vents, Visual inspection. Rework the leaking
oil leaks thermocouple connections, top hat connection. Evaluate seal
area, inspection hatches, drain plugs, leakage and repair as
site gauges. No substantial necessary.
accumulations around seals.

9842703 A-37
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.7 Condition of No corrosion, missing, or loose Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
stator shims or bolts. No frame/feet or replace as necessary.
mounting feet weld/casting cracks. Evaluate the source of
corrosion. Check for
vibration and soft foot as

6.8 Filter Filter covers intake passages are Visual inspection. Clean or replace filter.
condition clean and no evidence of oil, dirt, or Remove any obstructions.
foreign material. Evaluate source of foreign
material. Evaluate filter size
or intake openings.

6.9 Foreign No evidence of material foreign to Visual inspection. Remove and confirm no
material (FM) the motor. damage from foreign object.
Evaluate the source of FM.

9842703 A-38
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.10 Frame No cracks or corrosion. No missing Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
or painted-over nameplates or replace as necessary. NDE
required placards. No missing or may be needed to evaluate
damaged miscellaneous hardware. the extent of frame or weld

6.11 Ground strap Intact, not loose, no missing Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair, or
hardware, no broken strands or replace as necessary.
corrosion. Evaluate the source of

6.12 Hold-down No missing or loose bolts/nuts. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
bolts and corrosion or damage. replace as necessary.
holes Evaluate the source and
impact of corrosion.

9842703 A-39
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.13 Main motor No tracking, abrasion, cracking, Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
leads discoloration on conductors. Phase Insulation resistance replace as necessary.
separators are intact and not test and phase
damaged. Labeling is intact and resistance
legible. Verify that the cable is the measurements.
correct design. Cable should not be
severely bent or routed against sharp
6.14 Misc. gaskets No leaks or evidence of deterioration. Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
and seals Seals and gaskets in good condition replace as necessary.
and remain pliable.

6.15 Motor lead No damage or cracking. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
and junction discoloration in surge capacitors, replace as necessary.
box partial discharge capacitors, busbars, Evaluate the source of partial
connections CTs, motor leads, stress cones, field discharges, corrosion, or
leads, motor lead separator, auxiliary discoloration.
connections, ground straps,
insulators. No loose or missing
hardware. No FM. No overly tight
cable bends.

9842703 A-40
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.16 Mounting/ No grout damage, deterioration, Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
grouting pad broken pieces. No missing hardware. replace as necessary. Check
No frame weld cracks or damage. for vibration and soft foot as
necessary. Verify level as

6.17 Shim pack No signs of shim movement. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
inspection loose or missing shims. replace as necessary. Check
for vibration and soft foot as

6.18 Sound Insulation is intact and not Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair, replace,
insulation deteriorating. No evidence of or remove insulation. If
detached insulation becoming FM. missing pieces, search for
FM and evaluate impact.

9842703 A-41
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.19 Space Wiring is intact and not damaged. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
heaters and evidence of insulation cracking or Measure current. replace as necessary.
wiring deterioration. Heaters are Infrared.

6.20 Stator Tight, no missing nuts or bolts. Visual inspection. Check looseness on core
through-bolts Locking device (if used, e.g., a tack laminations. Tighten or
weld) intact. replace missing parts.

9842703 A-42
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.21 Structural Weld integrity, corrosion. Visual inspection. Weld repair. Clean and
beams/ repair.

6.22 Surge No evidence of tracking. No Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or

capacitor significant change in capacitance. No Capacitance test. replace components as
corrosion on connections. Good necessary. Evaluate the
ground connections. No bulging or source PD corrosion or
leaks of capacitor. tracking.

6.23 Terminations No tracking, damage, discoloration, Visual inspection. Evaluate and repair or
corrosion, shrink insulation, stress replace as necessary.
cones/tape. No loose connections or Evaluate the source of
missing hardware. Conductor corrosion or discoloration.
markings present/legible. No signs of Additional low-resistance
overheating. testing may be required to
find source.

9842703 A-43
Table A-6 (continued)
Inspection of the outside of the stator frame

Step Inspection Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Method(s) of Outcome Actions Photo(s) Sat/

# Criteria Inspection Unsat/
6.24 Water No corrosion to frame. No water Visual inspection. Evaluate the source of the
damage entering motor. water. Correct as necessary.
Confirm that no water is
entering the motor internals.


9842703 A-44
Table A-7
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.1 Anti-rotation Pin is present and not distorted, Visual. Repair as necessary.
pin cracked, or loose, and it is insulated
if required.

7.2 Anti-rotation No evidence of cracking or missing/ Visual. Repair as necessary or

device broken components. replace.

7.3 Bearings – No abnormal wear patterns, no Roll bearing for Evaluate findings,
horizontal evidence of unbonding. No visual inspection. considering historical
sleeve evidence of movement in housing. vibration, temperature, and
bearing Anti-rotation pin is present and oil condition. Repair or
motors insulated if required. No evidence of replace as necessary.
bearing currents (frosting). Shaft
journal is smooth.

9842703 A-45
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.4 Bearings – No abnormal wear patterns, no Pull bearing for Evaluate findings and
vertical sleeve evidence of unbonding. No evidence visual and repair/replace as necessary.
and guide of frosting. Shaft journal is smooth. mechanical
bearings inspections.

7.5 Bearing Inspection of the end bells should Visual inspection. Range from minor repair
housing/end show no cracks, grooving, Verification of with light abrasive material
bells scratching, or discoloration. mechanical condition to undercutting and
Mechanical inspections should show with micrometers resleeving the end bells to
that the bearing clearance-to- and/or dial indicators. replacement.
bearing housing is round and within
manufacturer’s tolerances.

7.6 Cover gasket No cracking. No leaks. No Visual. Replace gasket if necessary.

permanent deformation/
compression set of gasket when
removed for inspection.

9842703 A-46
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.7 Cooling coils Coils electrically insulated if Visual. Repair as required. Consider
and mounting required. Properly installed. No pressure test for further
brackets brackets missing, hardware tight. No investigation.
evidence of coil damage at coil
support locations.

7.8 Cooling coil Check for signs of movement Visual; may include If the fretting is bad enough,
spacers – between the cooling coils and the nondestructive the cooling coils will need to
fretting spacers and/or hold-down examination be replaced.
mechanisms for the coils. May techniques. May also
include a verification of wall require pressure
thickness deterioration on the testing with air or
cooling coil tubes themselves. No water.
signs of leakage.

7.9 Coolant No external or internal leaks. No Visual. Repair as required. Consider

penetrations pipe strain. Proper insulation if pressure test for further
required. investigation.

9842703 A-47
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.10 Drain line Continuous downward slope toward Visual, and Repair as necessary.
slope on exit in accordance with verification with
force-fed oil manufacturer’s specification. Verify machinist’s level.
bearing this attribute if drain line is disturbed
during inspection.

7.11 Foreign No babbitt particles. No debris. No Visual. Determine and correct

material in oil abnormal dirt. source. Especially if babbitt
reservoir material is present, inspect

7.12 Insulation Per specification in EPRI Repair and Support shaft at Determine and isolate
check Reconditioning Specification for AC uninsulated end, source of low resistance.
Squirrel-Cage Motors with Voltage remove bearing, Replace insulation material.
Ratings of 2.3 kV to 13.2 kV perform electrical
(1000897). test.

9842703 A-48
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.13 Insulation All hardware present. Insulating Visual. Repair or replace as
material and sleeves and washers not cracked, necessary.
associated worn, or compressed.

7.14 Labyrinth seal: Ensure that the lab seal shows no Visual and Replace as required. The
dimension, signs of wear, impacting, or other measurement. seal is normally made of
condition damage. Ensure that the surface aluminum and should be
has no excessive gaps. Check that repaired.
dimensional clearance to shaft is
appropriate per OEM or EPRI
specification 1000897.

7.15 Oil breathers No clogging. Removable elements Visual. Clean or replace as

clean. Pop-up indicators not applicable.

9842703 A-49
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.16 Oil distribution No evidence of leaks. No abnormal Visual. Replace or repair as
system, bending or distortion of the piping necessary.
including system. Verify that the orifices are
orifices, pipes, installed properly per design. Verify
etc. that strainers and/or filters are
installed and operating properly.
Inspect lift pump, hoses, and piping,
and verify that they are in
satisfactory condition.

7.17 Oil reservoir No oil leaks. Visual inspection. Identify and correct source.

7.18 Oil slinger ring Clear, no cracks, no leaks in oil Visual. Repair or replace as
and sight sights, slinger rings visible (if not required.
glass visible, bearing may have rotated).

7.19 Bearing In accordance with manufacturer’s Pinch clearance Evaluate based on past
clearance specifications. Also see EPRI check with soft performance.
1000897. plastic strip Left intentionally blank.
(Plastigauge®) or
dimensional checks.

9842703 A-50
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.20 Reservoir No rust, no loose or flaking paint. Visual. Make note of identified
coating conditions for future or
condition immediate repair.

7.21 Sight Level/vertical, correct height, no Visual. If possible, Repair or replace as

glass/piping leaks, clarity. No cracks in glass. No verify that the level in required.
damage to the sight glass. The sight the sight glass
glass is properly vented. agrees with the oil
level in bearing.

7.22 Thermocouple No cracks in the insulation. Verify Visual, continuity or Replace if found defective.
condition and that the thermocouple is operating resistance check,
wiring properly. Verify that the and verification of
thermocouple is measuring ambient response when
temperature when machine is shut heated.

7.23 Tilt pad No evidence of excessive wear. No Visual. Replace or rebabbitt surface,
inspection indication of fretting on the surfaces. maintaining correct profile as
No excessive spidering patterns in per original design.
the babbitt material. Tilting button
surface is not worn.

9842703 A-51
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.24 Tilt pad rocker No evidence of flattening of the Visual, depth If excessive flattening has
assembly rocker portions. No evidence of measurement. occurred, replacement/
condition damage/flattening of the pad button refurbishment of the tilt pad
mating surface. assembly is recommended.

7.25 Oil reservoir No evidence of corrosion, rust, Visual. Identify and correct source
water, or milky oil. of water leak.

9842703 A-52
Table A-7 (continued)
Inspection of the motor bearing and oil reservoir

Step Inspection Method(s) of
Satisfactory/Desirable Condition Outcome Actions Photo(s) Unsat/
# Criteria Inspection
7.26 Weir (part of Inspect weir and associated Visual. Clean and/or replace as
sling ring level metering holes. Verify that metering necessary.
control) holes are not blocked or clogged.


9842703 A-53
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