Mettl Personality Test

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The Mettl Personality Profiler measures an individual’s strengths and growth

opportunities based on underlying personality traits and workstyle preferences, and aid in
understanding what behaviors a candidate is likely to engage in as a result of their preferences and
predispositions. It can be used in combination with other tools to provide a more holistic
understanding of the individual’s pre-dispositions, as well as behavioral manifestations at the

Usage of this test for:

While it can be used as a filtration tool, it can also be used as key input into critical HR decisions
such as:

1. Learning and Development - understand the current proficiency level of employee; train
and develop employees effectively
2. Identification of High Potential - have a healthy pipeline of future leaders
3. Succession Planning - fast-track high potential to retain them

Test Details

Number of items 86

Test duration 25 minutes

Test language English

Test Description

The Mettl Personality Profiler Test was developed in the context of the Five Factor Model.
The FFM (Five Factor Model) specifies that people can be described based on their standing on
the five broad personality traits. Mettl scientists went beyond the well-established model of the
broad “Big Five” personality factors and developed 26 ‘scales’ or narrower facet-like constructs,
which form the building blocks of our assessment. These scales span a wide domain of personality
and will be mapped to companies’ or job roles’ specific performance models or behavioral
competencies in order to obtain the optimal prediction of job success.

The “Big Five” personality traits have shown to predict important job-related outcomes such as
job performance, a person’s potential for burnout, their trainability and subsequent job satisfaction.
These five factors are:

1. Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved),

2. Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious),
3. Emotional stability (secure/confident vs. sensitive/nervous),
4. Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. cold/unkind), and
5. Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless)

Rigour of the Tool:

Reliability 0.63 to 0.88

(Cronbach alpha)

Validity 0.4 to 0.75


Norming and Normed on a sample of 6000+ respondents across different geographies - India, US,
Standardization Europe, South Africa and Southeast Asia (representative sample with different age,
gender, job level, occupations)

Adverse Impact The tool has also been tested for adverse impact in terms age, gender and
ethnicity, for which mean group differences for the MPP is examined. The mean
group difference is majorly not significant among ethnic, age and gender groups.

Team Members Part of SIOP (Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology)

Tool In accordance with,

Development APA (American Psychological Association);
EEOC (The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

Test Design By ATP (Association of Test Publishers).

Common Companies which use METTL Test are as follows:

 Apollo Munich
 Zydus
 Modern food
 Indus valley partner
 TNE Washington Center
 EBZ Business School
 Pip Unpad
 Jordan hospital
 Miami Dade College

Advantages of using Mettl personality test is:

 Understand Candidates Better

 Faster Recruitment Process
 Eliminates Bias
 Gain Deep Insight into a Candidates Potential
 Spot the Dark Personality Traits
 Cost-Effective

Disadvantages of using Mettl personality test are:

 Unreliable Personality Tools in the Market

 Job-Specific Results
 Bad Quality Content
 Misleading Responses
 Nervous Candidates
The Mercer | Mettl Way
While many organizations use different methods to conduct personality assessments,
Mercer | Mettl evaluates human personality in four aspects, including positive traits, dark
personality traits, cognitive ability, and preferences, motivation and values. Mercer | Mettl offers
valid and reliable assessment tools for personality assessments, individually designed to evaluate
a candidate’s personality traits. Each personality tool is explained below:

Mettl Personality Profiler/Mettl Personality Inventory is based on the ‘Big Five’ personality
traits. These tools are innovative and data-backed personality assessments that evaluate critical
work-relevant personality traits.

Mettl Dark Personality Inventory is based on six dark traits and aims to measure negative
personality constructs in potential hires and existing employees.

Mettl Motivation Inventory is a comprehensive test of motivation that offers insights into a
person’s drive and motivation to perform and excel at work effectively.

common queries:

 What if a person takes a test in a socially desirable manner or manipulates or fakes the

Utmost care has been taken to reduce the probability of individuals trying to present themselves
in a socially desirable manner at every stage of the tool development. The following are some of
the steps taken:

1. The item format of the assessment – the ‘semantic differential’ format – was deliberately
selected for the purpose of making it hard for candidates to guess the appropriate response
and ‘fake’ in order to increase their scores. The items are presented in a format that requires
the individual to consciously think about their preferences and then make a choice between
two equally ‘desirable’ statements.

2. Before beginning the assessment, the candidates are provided with information on the
format of the assessment and are told to respond to the items according to their first
reactions and not to overthink their responses. Guided by research showing the efficacy of
‘instructional warnings’ they are warned against faking and impression management and
told that their assessment reports may be considered invalid if they distort their responses
in dishonest ways.

3. The tool identifies certain patterns of responding and indicates in the report, if the candidate
has attempted to respond to the assessment in an appropriate or a socially desirable

 Can we determine the appropriate levels of behaviors required for a specific job role in
an organization?

Yes, it is possible to do so for different job roles in your organization. We follow a scientifically
valid method of determining the norms appropriate for each job role. Please write to us and we
would be glad to assist.

 Candidates who apply for jobs in my organization are very unique. Will your assessment
still score them appropriately?

We have undertaken every effort to include a diverse and representative sample during
assessment development. Despite this, every context might attract a specific kind of applicant.
Mettl does have options to optimize the assessment content and scoring for your context. Ask us
about local validation and local norms and we would be glad to assist you with those steps.

 Is it possible to map an organization's competency framework to your assessments?

Yes, it is possible. We can build a customized assessment for your organization, taking into
account your organization’s unique needs and accordingly determine the combination of behaviors
that determine success in your organization’s context. Please write to us for such a request and
we would be glad to work out a solution for you.
 How do we determine the thresholds for the proficiency levels for a norm group?

The thresholds for the proficiency levels are based on the normal probability distribution of
scores for a particular norm group.

 How have norms been decided for MPP?

The data obtained from the sample used during tool development have been used to determine
the norms for various behaviors. Additionally, the norms are being re-calculated periodically basis
new data that is collected to ensure that they stay relevant and provide the most accurate
information about a candidate. However, we can further determine the norms relevant for your
organization through a validation exercise. Please write to us for further details.

 What if the reports generated for the psychometric assessments differ from the actual
behavior, attitude or aptitude of the person?

Human behavior is a projection of multiple psychological and environmental factors. So, any
psychometric report should not be interpreted as a definitive predictor of a particular type of
behavior. These reports should be integrated with all other sources of information in reaching
professional decisions about the person. If you find any discrepancy in the reports from actual
behavior of the person, always refer to the other environmental, physical and psychological factors
driving that behavior. For the best combination of selection tools for your needs (i.e. psychometric
assessment, job/functional tests, behavioral interviews, etc.) please reach out to us and our
consultants would be happy to assist you.

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