Representative PSOs - EE-ECE-R1

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Representative PSOs (for EE and ECE)

Category A: Generic Type (taking example of Electrical Engineering)

– can be used for multiple Department with change of

 To acquire technical skill in domain subjects of Electrical Engineering and apply the same to
develop innovative, reliable, economically competitive and eco-friendly solutions.

 Integrate emerging areas in the domain of Electrical Engineering to the existing concepts to
provide solutions for societal development.

 Apply modern hardware and software tools in Electrical Engineering to formulate,

design and investigate complex problems in Electrical Engineering.

 Conceptualize Electrical Engineering solutions for technologies with interdisciplinary


 Provide specialized skill in one of the advance areas to each student from the branch of
Electrical Engineering.

Category B: Mapped to Individual Department

 Apply the knowledge of power system, power electronics, machine & control to explore
the scientific theories, ideas, methodologies and the new cutting-edge technologies in
renewable energy engineering

 Explore the scientific theories, ideas, methodologies and the new cutting edge Technologies
in renewable energy engineering, and gain sufficient competence to solve the current and
future energy problems universally.

 Understand technologies like PLC, PMC, process controllers, transducers and HMI in order
to analyze and conceptualize electrical principles to install, test, maintain power system
and applications.

Electronics and Communication Engineering

 To formulate real life problem and develop solutions in emerging areas of semi-conductor
technology, signal processing, communication and networking systems

 To acquire skill in mathematical modeling, nurture analytical and computational skill to

provide engineering solutions in the field of semiconductor technology, signal processing,
communication, networking and control systems.

 To develop aptitude to analyze, design and simulate communication and networking systems
through data processing techniques and validate their performance for real life applications.

 Provide optimal solution to complex problems in the field of Electronics and

Communication Engineering, using modern hardware and software tools.

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