TASK 1 P1: Describe The Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Database Types

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6. Standardized for Database Table and Column Name.

TASK 1 P1: Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Different

Database Types

Database Type
What is Database?

Database types available for developing your applications.

1. Flat File Database
3. Hierarchical Database
4. Network Datbase

Flat File Database

What is Flat File Database?
Example of Flat File Database , Print Screen

What is RDBMS?
Example of RDBMS , Print Screen

Hierarchical Database
What is Hierarchical Database?
Example of Hierarchical Database, Print Screen

Network Database
What is Network Database?
Example of Network Database, Print Screen
Task 2 P2: Describe Different Modelling Methodologies
Modelling Methodology
What is Modelling Methodology
Types of Modelling Methodology

Conceptual data model

What is Conceptual model
Explain about Conceptual data model for ABC Electronics System

Logical Data model

What is Logical data model
Logical data model for ABC Electronic System – ERD Diagram

Physical data model

What is Physical data model

Print Screen ERD From Database for ABC Electronic System

Task 3: P3 Explain Logical Data Modelling Concepts

Logical Data Modelling & Plan

What is Entity?

What is Attributes

Explain about Type of Attributes

What is Relationships

Explain about Type of Relationship

Steps to conduct the logical data modelling for my system

1. Identify entities and relationships
List down entities
2. Specifying all attributes for each entity

Entities Attributes
Customer CustomerID

3. Specifying primary key for each entity

Entities Primary Key
Customer CustomerID

4. Specifying foreign key

Entites Foreign Key

5. Relationships between different entities

Master_Entities Child Entities Relationship Description

Category Sub-Category One-to-many One Category has
more than one
sub category.
One sub-category
can have only
one category

6. Resolve many-to-many relationships

Master Entities Child Entities Relationship Solution

7. Create Composite primary keys where necessary

Entities Composite Key

8. Normalization – Definition , 1NF,2NF and 3NF

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