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Pakistan International School Jeddah - English Section

Y8-Computing Session 2021-22

Unit 9.3 HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Web-Pro Games
Student-id: Date: PC # Grade: Y8 .

Candidate Name: ____________________ Practical 5 Marks: 15

1. Refer to your practical 4 and open all web pages in front page.
2. Now go to file tab and select open site, locate your seasons folder and click on open. You
will observe your folder changes into website folder.
3. Make your heading Season as heading 1 on index page.
4. Copy all the images from practical 5 source folder in Z drive into your Seasons website
5. Go to your index page and create a table with 2 column and 2 rows under bullets, now insert
all the images (summer icon, winter icon, autumn icon and spring icon) inside the table, resize
your table.
6. Now create hyperlink of all the webpages with homepage by following the instructions below.
7. Select your first bullet spring on index page now click on insert hyperlink icon, a new
window will pop up, select spring.html page and click on ok. You will observe the bullet will
underline and in blue color which means you created the hyperlink.
8. Repeat this step for all the webpages.
9. Now go to each web page and select the heading and make it heading 2 from style tab and
create hyperlink in the same way with index page.
10. You are provided with a CSS style sheet in Z drive, open the file in website folder, drag and
drop on index page, you will observe your background color change.
11. Save and close all web pages and visit your website in browser, check if all the hyperlinks are
12. Make an evidence file In MS Word with the name Evidence Practical 5.

13. Take the following screenshots of your work.

Evidence 1:
Screenshot of Index page in browser

Evidence 2:
Screenshot of Index page in Code tab.

Y8-Computing 2021-22 Practical Task 5

Evidence 3:
Screenshot of Winter page in browser.

Evidence 4:
Screenshot of Winter page in Code tab.

14. Insert all screenshots carefully under the appropriate heading then print your evidence
document. Make sure your evidence document must contain your name, pc no, class, and
student id on every page.

Y8-Computing 2021-22 Practical Task 5

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