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Pakistan International School Jeddah - English Section

Y8-Computing Session 2021-22

Unit 9.3 HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Web-Pro Games
Student-id: Date: PC # Grade: Y8 .

Candidate Name: ____________________ Practical 4 Marks: 20

1. Create a website folder by the name Seasons in your Z drive, copy all the source files (spring,
autumn, summer, winter, P4 source file) from your drive and paste them inside Seasons
2. You will create five web pages by the name index.html, Spring.html, Autumn.html,
Summer.html, Winter.html.
3. Now open front page, open a new page, you will observe four tabs in the bottom left corner.
You will start your work in design tab.
4. For your home page type the heading ‘Seasons’ change the font to Algerian, font size to
36pt and center align the text.
5. Copy the first paragraph from P4 source file and paste it under the heading.
6. Apply bullets on all the four seasons.
7. Save your file by the name index.html, check your file in code tab and preview tab.
8. Open a new page and save it by the name Spring.html.
9. Copy the paragraph about spring from source file and paste it in spring.html file.
10. Insert image of spring in next line, change the height of the image to 200 and width to 300.
11. Save and close your file.
12. Make all the web pages for each season in the same way.
13. Make sure to save all the files with the .html extension.
14. Make an evidence file In MS Word with the name Evidence Practical 4.

15. Take the following screenshots of your work.

Evidence 1:
Screenshot of Index page in browser

Evidence 2:
Screenshot of Index page in Code tab.

Y8-Computing 2021-22 Practical Task 4

Evidence 3:
Screenshot of Spring page in browser.

Evidence 4:
Screenshot of Spring page in Code tab.

16. Insert all screenshots carefully under the appropriate heading then print your evidence
document. Make sure your evidence document must contain your name, pc no, class, and
student id on every page.

Y8-Computing 2021-22 Practical Task 4

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