A Lawyer - My Future Career: Need Help With The Assignment?

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A Lawyer – My Future Career

My passion of being a lawyer in the future is something that I think is most important to my
growth as a person. I want to be more knowledgeable about what is our laws and I think it is
something that is taught in school. How can we be law abiding citizens when we are not taught
the laws for us to follow. My want to be a lawyer I think comes from the years of watching law
and order svu and criminal minds. Since I can remember these shows has been on in my house
and I have my mother to thank for that because it made my more knowledgeable about things
that happen in our society.

I want to become a lawyer because I believe that it is a good way to help people in my society. I
also believe that it will help me develop skills I can also use in life. Since I was young people
have told me I should become a lawyer because of me being a talkative and inquisitive
personality. I believe that the law profession has an important role in the community. It helps to

analyze and solve legal theories. The law profession gives justice to each individual.

In this political climate where justice is not served to people’s families who has had a loved

one killed because of their race I want to give everyone justice and make a change. I would also

want professional growth so that I can be the best lawyer possible. Characteristics that I think
that a lawyer should have and I wish to possess are boldness and courageousness. A lawyer

should have confidence in their abilities and integrity while doing their job. When a lawyer has
these characteristics this creates a type of professionalism around them.

A lawyer must be in control of their emotions at all times especially during intense moments in
court. But also speak with compassion during these times. As a lawyer I think it is important to

be able work under pressure. This is something that can also be used in life as well. I would like
to use the same kind of confidence and calmness that is used in the courts room as well in parts
of my life.

I also believe that at this time I possess all of these traits and this is why I believe that the law
profession is for me. The law profession allows you to be involved in many different forms of
service. For example if I entered the law profession I could choose to become a corporate
lawyer, tax lawyer, and a judge. Being in the law profession it would allow me to have a deeper
understanding of the law.I also want to become a lawyer so that I can have the analytical and
critical skills that the law profession requires. I want to have the job of giving justice to those in
our community.

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