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Seminar paper

Strokovna terminologija v tujem jeziku



Author: Nevzet Hušidić

Mentor: Alenka Luštrek, prof.

Kranj, may 2021

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction
Robots are defined as man made mechanical devise whose motion must be modeled, planed,
sensed, actuated and controled. Some types of robots which are used in practice are: industrial
robots, domestics or houshold robots, medical robots, service robots, military robots,
entertainment robots and many others. In the seminar paper I will focus on industrial robots.
An industrial robot is an automatically controlle, reprogammable, multipurpose manipulator
programmable in three or more axes. At my workplace we use a Fanuc R30iB robots with 6
axes. His role is to place the raw pieces in the lathe. After the lathe processes the piece, the robot
takes the processed piece and carries it to the tape were other procedures continue.
Industrial robots have transformed the manufacturing industry for a reason. They came with
many bottom-line benefits. Their first and most important benefits is their efficiency. They
complete tasks more quickly than manual labors, and their uptime is significantly higher. The
combination of speed and uptime leads to higher trough put at lower operating costs.

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