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Après moi, le déluge!

The nihilistic expression of indifference of Louis XV, this is what

sustainability is battling: Anthropocentrism. Are we that selfish that only small percentage of the

earth’s population is thinking about the future of their successors? Will they have water to drink?

Will they water at all? How are they going to survive in such an environment low on oxygen?

Low on resources? Isn't sustainability true meaning "meeting our own needs without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"?

After viewing the movie, though it presents very controversial and sometimes misleading ideas

regarding green energies and how they do not diminish the stress on fossilized resources, it has

some viewpoints where he is pinpoint the thoughts such as population growth, It says politicians

are reluctant to talk about limits to population growth “because that would be bad for business”.

Same for Biomass energy that does more harm than good the film asserts, destroying forests for

biomass energy does more harm than good – due to loss of habitat, damage to water systems, and

the time taken for some forests to recover from the removal of wood.

I would like to express my kudos to the title though, where the director has used a font similar to

the “Planet of the Apes” movie bulletin, which I believe is intentional and inferring to humans

treating nature as a slave.

The pressure to keep up with a growing, changing world increases the urgency of the

sustainability revolution, as demographic pressures continue to increase demand for food, water,

energy and the products or services that improve our quality of life. Drivers of this change

include future growth in population, shifts in the main geographic centers of population,

urbanization and the shifting composition of age and income groups.

Resource efficiency, it’s the concept of doing more with less. As much of the consumed material

is actually lost during production processes. As natural resources become more scarce, leaner

forms of production offer a competitive advantage. Some of the specific growth opportunities are

smart, computer-enabled production techniques and the use of advanced materials

Other challenges of sustainability is climate change, we cannot overlook climate change. Rising

sea levels, storm surges and rampant wildfires, highlight that climate risks are already acute.

Unfortunately, to this day, we have no option but to adapt and be resilient toward this physical


Finally, I would like to add ones awareness toward sustainability as another challenge, think

about your grandchildren, their quality of life. To overgrow the mentality, later to be kept for

later, is not simple and should be progressive, starting by oneself and progress to reach a whole

country. Actions should be done, words are not enough,

Things in Lebanon towards sustainability do not look optimistic, though many try and raise the

issue, but their voices are overlooked and disregarded. Politics play a huge part in not letting any

project progress if it doesn’t add zeroes to their bank account. There are so many sustainable

project and researches that are kept in the drawer.

This why we see so many international private agencies, taking things in their own hand, to

deliver only the basic quality of life to the people overlooked by the government. Of course, this

comes with a fair price.

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